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PředevčíremRichard Stallman's Political Notes
  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • 2023-heat alarms, baffles expertsRichard Stallman
    Global heating has been advancing faster than models predicted. Some scientists are concerned that Earth has moved beyond the region of climate space that the models work in. So it looks like global heating will be worse than predicted. Earth's weather is a chaotic system. Some of that mathematical chaos may get into the climate too. There are plenty of positive feedbacks that could be taking over.

2023-heat alarms, baffles experts

Global heating has been advancing faster than models predicted. Some scientists are concerned that Earth has moved beyond the region of climate space that the models work in.

So it looks like global heating will be worse than predicted.

Earth's weather is a chaotic system. Some of that mathematical chaos may get into the climate too. There are plenty of positive feedbacks that could be taking over.

Shell deep in Project 2025 ilk

*Shell oil non-profit donated to anti-climate groups behind Project 2025.

Foundation says it ‘does not endorse any organizations’ while funneling hundreds of thousands to rightwing causes.*

It also donated to the Heatland Institute, which campaigns to protect global heating and keep it going.

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • POWs pile up in Kursk, RUSRichard Stallman
    Ukraine's army in the Kursk region is taking many prisoners; they say Putin's conscripts often don't want to fight. It makes sense that they don't; so when Zelenskiy says that prisoners of war become part of the "exchange fund" to swap for Putin's Ukrainian prisoners, that creates a moral quandary. If a Putin forces soldier surrenders in order to get out of the Putin forces, swapping him back to Putin would spoil the point of his surrender. Does Ukraine give each prisoner the option not to

POWs pile up in Kursk, RUS

Ukraine's army in the Kursk region is taking many prisoners; they say Putin's conscripts often don't want to fight.

It makes sense that they don't; so when Zelenskiy says that prisoners of war become part of the "exchange fund" to swap for Putin's Ukrainian prisoners, that creates a moral quandary. If a Putin forces soldier surrenders in order to get out of the Putin forces, swapping him back to Putin would spoil the point of his surrender.

Does Ukraine give each prisoner the option not to be traded?

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • Unchained billionaires opt to sow chaosRichard Stallman
    *Inciting rioters in Britain was a test run for Elon Musk. Just see what he plans for America.* We should not suffer anything like today's antisocial media platforms to live. But what is the crucial aspect that we must make them change? I suggest that it is that they run recommendation engines and impose them on every user. We can't be sure that changing this would correct the danger, but unless we have a better idea, we should try it.

Unchained billionaires opt to sow chaos

*Inciting rioters in Britain was a test run for Elon Musk. Just see what he plans for America.*

We should not suffer anything like today's antisocial media platforms to live. But what is the crucial aspect that we must make them change? I suggest that it is that they run recommendation engines and impose them on every user.

We can't be sure that changing this would correct the danger, but unless we have a better idea, we should try it.

How RFK is seeking political power

After RFK Jr tried to corrupt the corruptor, he reportedly tried corrupting Kamala Harris the same way — he would endorse her in exchange for a cabinet job.

The reports say she made no reply to him.

How pitiful it is to try to sell out and find that what you're selling is not worth anything.

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • Urgent: deceptive practices on the youngRichard Stallman
    US citizens: call on Congress to ban thugs' use of deception to trick minors into false confessions. I signed the petition but we should go further. Many adults are vulnerable to pressure to make false confessions, and those are unjust no matter who is the victim. We should adopt this measure regardless of who the victim is. If you phone, please spread the word! Main Switchboard: +1-202-224-3121

Urgent: deceptive practices on the young

US citizens: call on Congress to ban thugs' use of deception to trick minors into false confessions.

I signed the petition but we should go further. Many adults are vulnerable to pressure to make false confessions, and those are unjust no matter who is the victim. We should adopt this measure regardless of who the victim is.

If you phone, please spread the word! Main Switchboard: +1-202-224-3121

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • Large family mostly-killed, GazaRichard Stallman
    Israeli bombing killed 18 people in the same family at once. Families tend to stick together when they flee in search of safety. So if you make a habit of bombing places where hundreds of civilians are sheltering, and sometimes killing dozens of them, by chance sometimes the many civilians you kill will include a dozen or two from one family. Whether the victims are related is not morally crucial. The war crime consists of bombing a place where there are many civilians. Related or not, civ

Large family mostly-killed, Gaza

Israeli bombing killed 18 people in the same family at once.

Families tend to stick together when they flee in search of safety. So if you make a habit of bombing places where hundreds of civilians are sheltering, and sometimes killing dozens of them, by chance sometimes the many civilians you kill will include a dozen or two from one family.

Whether the victims are related is not morally crucial. The war crime consists of bombing a place where there are many civilians. Related or not, civilians are not a legitimate target.

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • Jewish-settler pogrom, West BankRichard Stallman
    Fanatical "settlers" carried out another pogrom in the West Bank, but this time the president of Israel called it "a pogrom" and officials have said they will arrest and try the perpetrators. This might be a significant change. We can't take that for granted, and it would be only a first step. But we can hope that it is real, and we can encourage that.

Jewish-settler pogrom, West Bank

Fanatical "settlers" carried out another pogrom in the West Bank, but this time the president of Israel called it "a pogrom" and officials have said they will arrest and try the perpetrators.

This might be a significant change. We can't take that for granted, and it would be only a first step. But we can hope that it is real, and we can encourage that.

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • "From the river to the sea"Richard Stallman
    The German legal system is deliberating on the precise meaning of the slogan, "From the river to the sea, Palestine must be free." Specifically, is it antisemitic? My conclusion about the slogan is that it is not antisemitic, and does not specifically advocate doing any harm to Jews as persons, but it does advocate the abolition of Israel. Said abolition might in certain circumstances be accompanied by a genocide, though in other circumstances it would not. I don't advocate the abolition of

"From the river to the sea"

The German legal system is deliberating on the precise meaning of the slogan, "From the river to the sea, Palestine must be free." Specifically, is it antisemitic?

My conclusion about the slogan is that it is not antisemitic, and does not specifically advocate doing any harm to Jews as persons, but it does advocate the abolition of Israel. Said abolition might in certain circumstances be accompanied by a genocide, though in other circumstances it would not.

I don't advocate the abolition of Israel, and I do not associate with use of that slogan. What I advocate is a free and democratic state of Palestine in the region alongside Israel. I have advocated that for many years. Of course, this is easier said than done.

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • Democracy in the USARichard Stallman
    *Is the US Still a Democracy? 'Yes and No,' Says Bernie Sanders. "I use the term oligarchy... I think we are moving rapidly in that direction."* I have said basically the same thing for many years, except that I prefer the word "plutocracy". The two words have a subtle difference but they are mostly the same. There is no sharp line between a democracy, a degraded democracy such as the US is now, and a plutocracy. Rather, it is a spectrum. But if we take his issue seriously we must campaign

Democracy in the USA

*Is the US Still a Democracy? 'Yes and No,' Says Bernie Sanders. "I use the term oligarchy... I think we are moving rapidly in that direction."*

I have said basically the same thing for many years, except that I prefer the word "plutocracy". The two words have a subtle difference but they are mostly the same.

There is no sharp line between a democracy, a degraded democracy such as the US is now, and a plutocracy. Rather, it is a spectrum. But if we take his issue seriously we must campaign to reduce the extent of plutocracy.

US democracy is also threatened currently by authoritarian extremism (led by the corrupter). That and plutocracy are different currents but they work together.

Is US democracy doomed? I don't know. What I know is that throwing in the towel is foolish because it guarantees defeat.

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • Wildfires reaching Athens, GRCRichard Stallman
    Spreading fires burnt the northwest suburbs of Athens. Many houses were destroyed. There have always been fires in rural areas that took many days to control, but we have come to expect that the modern state can protect cities from such fires. That can no longer be assumed. Global heating produces higher temperatures, and in some places more aridity, and those combine to enable fires to overwhelm defense. Coming sooner or later to a city near you — unless we curb global heating.

Wildfires reaching Athens, GRC

Spreading fires burnt the northwest suburbs of Athens. Many houses were destroyed.

There have always been fires in rural areas that took many days to control, but we have come to expect that the modern state can protect cities from such fires. That can no longer be assumed. Global heating produces higher temperatures, and in some places more aridity, and those combine to enable fires to overwhelm defense.

Coming sooner or later to a city near you — unless we curb global heating.

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • Report on past violent repression, MEXRichard Stallman
    *Inquiry into Mexico's [deadly repression from 1965 to 1990] obstructed by military and other agencies, board says.* This repression included the Tlotelolco massacre in which soldiers secretly posted by the president in a nearby large building shot a crowd of protesting students down below. There were, of course, cops outside that were sent officially to control the protest — but those cops were not the ones that opened fire. ISTR hearing that the hidden soldiers shot at them so that they wo

Report on past violent repression, MEX

*Inquiry into Mexico's [deadly repression from 1965 to 1990] obstructed by military and other agencies, board says.*

This repression included the Tlotelolco massacre in which soldiers secretly posted by the president in a nearby large building shot a crowd of protesting students down below.

There were, of course, cops outside that were sent officially to control the protest — but those cops were not the ones that opened fire. ISTR hearing that the hidden soldiers shot at them so that they would shoot "back" at the only possible visible enemy.

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • Bartov wrote how Israel changedRichard Stallman
    Omer Bartov, Israeli historian living for 25 years in the US, writes about how Israel has changed. *As a former IDF soldier and historian of genocide, I was deeply disturbed by my recent visit to Israel.* He describes an Israeli people that has come to see peace as unthinkable. That was not so before. He cited his previous publication in November: *We know from history that it is crucial to warn of the potential for genocide before it occurs, rather than belatedly condemn it after it has tak

Bartov wrote how Israel changed

Omer Bartov, Israeli historian living for 25 years in the US, writes about how Israel has changed.

*As a former IDF soldier and historian of genocide, I was deeply disturbed by my recent visit to Israel.* He describes an Israeli people that has come to see peace as unthinkable. That was not so before.

He cited his previous publication in November:

*We know from history that it is crucial to warn of the potential for genocide before it occurs, rather than belatedly condemn it after it has taken place. I think we still have that time.*

But then he said,

*I no longer believe that. By the time I travelled to Israel, I had become convinced that at least since the attack by the IDF on Rafah on 6 May 2024, it was no longer possible to deny that Israel was engaged in systematic war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocidal actions.*

Miami teachers union vs. trojan horse

Miami public school teachers have been compelled to vote to choose between their existing union and a trojan horse union set up by right-wing plutocrats.

I call it a "trojan horse" because it is the work of a campaign to abolish unions for teachers and public workers, Whatever it may offer them, it is a trap.

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • Canada debt bondageRichard Stallman
    A UN special rapporteur judges Canada's temporary foreign worker program to promote debt bondage. Also, he found that workers are subject to many of the usual kinds of abuses; some of those abuses are illegal, but there is insufficient effort to prevent them. Side issue: every time I see the term "global south" it strikes me as gratuitous geographical error. Mexico, Guatemala and Jamaica are all far north of the equator. The significant issue that these countries have in country is that they

Canada debt bondage

A UN special rapporteur judges Canada's temporary foreign worker program to promote debt bondage. Also, he found that workers are subject to many of the usual kinds of abuses; some of those abuses are illegal, but there is insufficient effort to prevent them.

Side issue: every time I see the term "global south" it strikes me as gratuitous geographical error. Mexico, Guatemala and Jamaica are all far north of the equator. The significant issue that these countries have in country is that they are poor enough that their people suffer, but developed enough for their workers to be useful in wealthier countries.

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • Suspended student protesters suing UCIRichard Stallman
    *Student Protesters Were Suspended With No Chance to Defend Themselves. Will Courts Return Them to Campus?* To identify oneself "pro-Israel" or "pro-Palestine" presupposes that one cannot be in favor of the well being of both — as I am. I am not anti-Israel or anti-Palestine, I am anti-war-crime. I am pro-peace and pro-coexistence.

Suspended student protesters suing UCI

*Student Protesters Were Suspended With No Chance to Defend Themselves. Will Courts Return Them to Campus?*

To identify oneself "pro-Israel" or "pro-Palestine" presupposes that one cannot be in favor of the well being of both — as I am. I am not anti-Israel or anti-Palestine, I am anti-war-crime. I am pro-peace and pro-coexistence.

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • Judged innocent, denied prison-exit, FLRichard Stallman
    Krishna Maharaj convinced a judge to rule he was innocent of murder, but Florida officials would not let him out of prison. He has died there. A person can become sentimentally attached to anything, but this miscarriage of justice was real, not merely sentiment in other people's minds. It called for redress in reality, not merely in sentiment. And it calls for changing the system so it won't do that again to someone else.

Judged innocent, denied prison-exit, FL

Krishna Maharaj convinced a judge to rule he was innocent of murder, but Florida officials would not let him out of prison. He has died there.

A person can become sentimentally attached to anything, but this miscarriage of justice was real, not merely sentiment in other people's minds. It called for redress in reality, not merely in sentiment. And it calls for changing the system so it won't do that again to someone else.

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • Innocent, spent 25 years in prison, MIRichard Stallman
    *A Simple Safety Net Could Keep People Like Me out of Prison.* It used to be that if you got out of prison, most ways to make a new start were still open to you. Nowadays, in the US, most avenues to having a decent life are explicitly forever barred to you. Thanks to "tough on crime" politicians, more interested in showing they are tough than on avoiding future crime, we have a system designed, in effect, to ensure that former criminals never go straight.

Innocent, spent 25 years in prison, MI

*A Simple Safety Net Could Keep People Like Me out of Prison.*

It used to be that if you got out of prison, most ways to make a new start were still open to you. Nowadays, in the US, most avenues to having a decent life are explicitly forever barred to you. Thanks to "tough on crime" politicians, more interested in showing they are tough than on avoiding future crime, we have a system designed, in effect, to ensure that former criminals never go straight.

Violence, homicides down in US cities

Violent crime in the US in Jan-June 2024 is around 5% less than the previous year. Homicides dropped around 15%. (These estimates do not have accuracy within 1%, so I have rounded each to the nearest multiple of 5%.)

[begin irony] Eventually right-wingers and bigots will have no one to help them out. [end irony]

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • Cop who shot her charged, OHRichard Stallman
    An Ohio thug has been charged with murder for shooting a woman dead. Shoplifting is not a violent or dangerous act, so the suspicion of shoplifting was no grounds for shooting Ms Young. I do wonder how fast her car was moving and whether he could get out of the way. If it was no real danger to him, that too was not grounds for shooting her; he should have got out of the way and followed her. I wonder why there are four charges of murder when only one person was killed. I hope it does not re

Cop who shot her charged, OH

An Ohio thug has been charged with murder for shooting a woman dead.

Shoplifting is not a violent or dangerous act, so the suspicion of shoplifting was no grounds for shooting Ms Young. I do wonder how fast her car was moving and whether he could get out of the way. If it was no real danger to him, that too was not grounds for shooting her; he should have got out of the way and followed her.

I wonder why there are four charges of murder when only one person was killed. I hope it does not reflect the fanatical claim that a fetus is a person. Please do not give any sympathy to that scheme to eliminate abortion rights.

In Iran, the fanatics shoot women in their cars for "crimes" of disobedience to religion.

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • Urgent: Justice in Policing ActRichard Stallman
    US citizens: call on Congress to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act Side issue: I've been convinced that it is a bad practice in general to name laws, either officially or unofficially, after prominent victims of a harmful practice to be prevented in the future. A law is meant to be a better rule for society, not a memorial to a person. If you phone, please spread the word! Main Switchboard: +1-202-224-3121

Urgent: Justice in Policing Act

US citizens: call on Congress to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act

Side issue: I've been convinced that it is a bad practice in general to name laws, either officially or unofficially, after prominent victims of a harmful practice to be prevented in the future. A law is meant to be a better rule for society, not a memorial to a person.

If you phone, please spread the word! Main Switchboard: +1-202-224-3121

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • Workplace heat exposureRichard Stallman
    Workers in many US cities have organized "Heat Week" to demand measures to help them avoid death from dangerously hot weather. Such regulations will help for a time, but if we keep burning too much fossil fuel and making Earth's average surface temperature ever hotter, they will eventually overcome our resistance. The only method that will continue to work is to curb global heating.

Workplace heat exposure

Workers in many US cities have organized "Heat Week" to demand measures to help them avoid death from dangerously hot weather.

Such regulations will help for a time, but if we keep burning too much fossil fuel and making Earth's average surface temperature ever hotter, they will eventually overcome our resistance. The only method that will continue to work is to curb global heating.

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • Maduro sitting in VENRichard Stallman
    We have to wonder: how can Venezuela get rid of Maduro, now that he visibly stole an election and launched readiness for repression of those who object. The same question applies to other countries. How can Nicaragua kick out Ortega? How can Israel Kick out Netanyahu? How can Russia kick out Putin? How can China kick out Xi? (Those last two have such total repression that few there dare admit wishing for freedom. If the corrupter grabs the presidency of the US again, and institutes fasc

Maduro sitting in VEN

We have to wonder: how can Venezuela get rid of Maduro, now that he visibly stole an election and launched readiness for repression of those who object.

The same question applies to other countries.
How can Nicaragua kick out Ortega?
How can Israel Kick out Netanyahu?
How can Russia kick out Putin?
How can China kick out Xi?
(Those last two have such total repression that few there dare admit wishing for freedom.

If the corrupter grabs the presidency of the US again, and institutes fascism, how could the US kick him out?

  • ✇Richard Stallman's Political Notes
  • College students still protesting, UCLARichard Stallman
    *[UCLA] cannot allow pro-Palestinian protesters to block Jewish students from accessing classes and other parts of campus, a federal judge ruled on Tuesday.* This ruling is right. You have a right to hold rallies to protest on political grounds, but you don't have a right to mistreat individuals by discriminating on their religious views. To judge from this description, that kind of protest also commits the wrong of distorting reproach for Israel's practices into antisemitism. Antisemitism,

College students still protesting, UCLA

*[UCLA] cannot allow pro-Palestinian protesters to block Jewish students from accessing classes and other parts of campus, a federal judge ruled on Tuesday.*

This ruling is right. You have a right to hold rallies to protest on political grounds, but you don't have a right to mistreat individuals by discriminating on their religious views.

To judge from this description, that kind of protest also commits the wrong of distorting reproach for Israel's practices into antisemitism. Antisemitism, like other bigotry, is wrong.

Whenever we criticize a country, we must be careful not to let that lead to punishing people for having an ethnicity or religion associated with that country.

UCLA should show ways that students can stand up for their views, ways that are visible to others using the campus, not tucked away uselessly, but without blocking them.
