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Předevčíremposts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Weatherdisplay /Smartdisplay/u/tomtommac
    Hi, this my project. I use a raspberry pi zero with a waveshare 7.5 3Color eink Display with hat. Information are all collected from my iobroker instance, because I’m lazy. Alls Symbols are fonts. Took round about 10 h to complete the code, because I’m not familiar with python. submitted by /u/tomtommac to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS [link] [comments]

Weatherdisplay /Smartdisplay

Weatherdisplay /Smartdisplay

Hi, this my project. I use a raspberry pi zero with a waveshare 7.5 3Color eink Display with hat. Information are all collected from my iobroker instance, because I’m lazy.
Alls Symbols are fonts.
Took round about 10 h to complete the code, because I’m not familiar with python.

submitted by /u/tomtommac to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Stream to YouTube Live from Raspberry Pi Camera in Python/u/QuietRing5299 Discover how to seamlessly set up a live video stream from your Raspberry Pi Camera to YouTube using Python and FFmpeg. This tutorial simplifies the process into just a few easy steps, making it an invaluable resource for anyone looking to broadcast live events or create continuous live feeds. Watch the video to master live streaming technology quickly and don't forget to subscribe for more helpful guides and updates! Appreciate you Reddit submitted

Stream to YouTube Live from Raspberry Pi Camera in Python

Discover how to seamlessly set up a live video stream from your Raspberry Pi Camera to YouTube using Python and FFmpeg. This tutorial simplifies the process into just a few easy steps, making it an invaluable resource for anyone looking to broadcast live events or create continuous live feeds. Watch the video to master live streaming technology quickly and don't forget to subscribe for more helpful guides and updates!

Appreciate you Reddit

submitted by /u/QuietRing5299 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Cannot use Google Play Store with Android TV./u/_dark__mode_
    I just got Android TV on my Raspberry Pi using Konstakang and I am having trouble opening Google Play Store. I followed this tutorial to install it, and used MindTheGapps 14.0.0. For some reason whenever I open the Google Play Store app, it gives me the error "The version of the app isn't compatible with your device". Please help, I have spent days trying to do this. submitted by /u/_dark__mode_ to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS [link] [comments]

Cannot use Google Play Store with Android TV.

I just got Android TV on my Raspberry Pi using Konstakang and I am having trouble opening Google Play Store.

I followed this tutorial to install it, and used MindTheGapps 14.0.0.

For some reason whenever I open the Google Play Store app, it gives me the error "The version of the app isn't compatible with your device".

Please help, I have spent days trying to do this.

submitted by /u/_dark__mode_ to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Cannot use Google Play Store with Android TV./u/_dark__mode_
    I just got Android TV on my Raspberry Pi using Konstakang and I am having trouble opening Google Play Store. I followed this tutorial to install it, and used MindTheGapps 14.0.0. For some reason whenever I open the Google Play Store app, it gives me the error "The version of the app isn't compatible with your device". Please help, I have spent days trying to do this. submitted by /u/_dark__mode_ to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS [link] [comments]

Cannot use Google Play Store with Android TV.

I just got Android TV on my Raspberry Pi using Konstakang and I am having trouble opening Google Play Store.

I followed this tutorial to install it, and used MindTheGapps 14.0.0.

For some reason whenever I open the Google Play Store app, it gives me the error "The version of the app isn't compatible with your device".

Please help, I have spent days trying to do this.

submitted by /u/_dark__mode_ to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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is it easy to Create a diy photo and video frame( sound optional) if it it's my first?

My dog died on Thursday so I want to create a digital frame of the pictures and videos i took on my Iphone 15 just for her. I want the diy frame to pictures and videos randomly if possible. So far this is all the parts i am looking to buy. 7 Inch IPS LCD Touch Screen Raspberry Pi Monitor Display 1024×600 Capacitive Screen HDMI Monitor Compatible with Raspberry Pi 5/4B/3B+, BB Black, Windows 10 8 7 Raspberry Pi 5 Starter Kit PRO - Turbine Black (128GB Edition) (4GB RAM)

I am planning to put the diy digital frame in a two way frame. That has her paw prints on one side and the frame on the other side. Is there anything else I need or need to know?

submitted by /u/TheDarkClaw to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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PI zero 2w 4g LTE rc car. Need a little help with some python and html coding!

PI zero 2w 4g LTE rc car. Need a little help with some python and html coding!

Hi there! I spent the past 3 days trying to make a 4g controlled fpv car. I used chat gpt to help write most of the code, but it seems quite difficult to get it to write a functioning program and not a "template".

My concept was to first make an rc car that is controlled over a wifi network and then use tailscale to make it work over internet. So far I have got mjpg-streamer up and running on startup with low latency over the internet and it works amazingly well! I had chatgpt write a python program that will set up a websocket server that will receive commands from an html page to control a servo motor and a brushless esc with a gaming controller. The html page works great and shows the video, and it's set up to also have a connection indicator for the websocket, which also shows "connected" when I connect to the pi. This is where I got stuck. When everything is up and running, and a servo is connected, the gaming controller does nothing. There is no sign of the commands even getting to the pi. I don't know much about python and html, so I don't know what chatgpt did wrong. I'll put both the html and python code in here if anyone knows how to get this working. Thanks!

Here's the Python

import asyncio import websockets import RPi.GPIO as GPIO # Set up GPIO mode and pins GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) SERVO_PIN = 13 # GPIO pin for servo control MOTOR_PIN = 11 # GPIO pin for motor control # Define the maximum and minimum duty cycles for servo and motor SERVO_MAX_DUTY_CYCLE = 12 # Example value, adjust as needed SERVO_MIN_DUTY_CYCLE = 2 # Example value, adjust as needed MOTOR_MAX_DUTY_CYCLE = 100 # Example value, adjust as needed MOTOR_MIN_DUTY_CYCLE = 0 # Example value, adjust as needed # Initialize GPIO pins GPIO.setup(SERVO_PIN, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(MOTOR_PIN, GPIO.OUT) servo_pwm = GPIO.PWM(SERVO_PIN, 50) # PWM frequency for servo motor_pwm = GPIO.PWM(MOTOR_PIN, 50) # PWM frequency for motor servo_pwm.start(50) # Start PWM for servo motor_pwm.start(50) # Start PWM for motor async def control_rc_car(websocket, path): async for message in websocket: data = message.split(',') if len(data) == 2: steering_angle = int(data[0]) motor_speed = int(data[1]) # Map steering angle to duty cycle for servo servo_duty_cycle = map_servo_angle_to_duty_cycle(steering_angle) # Map motor speed to duty cycle for motor motor_duty_cycle = map_motor_speed_to_duty_cycle(motor_speed) # Set servo duty cycle servo_pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(servo_duty_cycle) # Set motor duty cycle motor_pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(motor_duty_cycle) # Output servo and motor controls print(f"Servo Duty Cycle: {servo_duty_cycle}, Motor Duty Cycle: {motor_duty_cycle}") else: print("Invalid message format") def map_servo_angle_to_duty_cycle(angle): # Map the servo angle to a duty cycle within the specified range duty_cycle = SERVO_MIN_DUTY_CYCLE + (angle / 180) * (SERVO_MAX_DUTY_CYCLE - SERVO_MIN_DUTY_CYCLE) return duty_cycle def map_motor_speed_to_duty_cycle(speed): # Map the motor speed to a duty cycle within the specified range duty_cycle = MOTOR_MIN_DUTY_CYCLE + (speed / 100) * (MOTOR_MAX_DUTY_CYCLE - MOTOR_MIN_DUTY_CYCLE) return duty_cycle async def main(): server = await websockets.serve(control_rc_car, "localhost", 8765) await server.wait_closed() 

Here's the HTML

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>RC Car Client</title> <style> /* Reset default margin and padding */ * { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; background-color: #F5F5F5; color: #333; } .top-bar { background-color: #E21E24; padding: 10px 20px; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } h1 { color: #FFF; } .container { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; background-color: #FFF; padding: 20px; border-radius: 10px; box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); margin-top: 20px; } label { font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 10px; } input[type="text"], input[type="number"] { padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: none; } button { background-color: #FFF; color: #E21E24; border: 1px solid #E21E24; padding: 10px 20px; border-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; transition: background-color 0.3s ease; } button:hover { background-color: #E21E24; color: #FFF; } video { width: 100%; max-width: 100%; height: auto; border-radius: 5px; margin-bottom: 20px; box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); border: 2px solid #333; } /* Side menu styles */ .side-menu { height: 100%; width: 0; position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; background-color: #E21E24; overflow-x: hidden; transition: 0.5s; padding-top: 60px; z-index: 1000; } .side-menu a { padding: 10px 15px; text-decoration: none; font-size: 20px; color: #FFF; display: block; transition: 0.3s; } .side-menu a:hover { background-color: #B10E13; } .side-menu .close-btn { position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 10px; font-size: 36px; margin-left: 50px; } /* Hamburger menu icon */ .menu-icon { cursor: pointer; font-size: 24px; margin-right: 10px; } .menu-icon:hover { color: #FFF; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="top-bar"> <h1>RC Car Client</h1> <span id="status" class="status-indicator">Disconnected</span> <span id="fps" class="fps-meter">FPS: 0</span> <input type="text" id="pi_ip" placeholder="Raspberry Pi IP" style="width: auto;"> <button onclick="connect()">Connect</button> <div class="menu-icon" onclick="openSideMenu()">&#9776;</div> </div> <div id="side-menu" class="side-menu"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="close-btn" onclick="closeSideMenu()">&times;</a> <label for="servo_trim_pos">Servo Trim Positive:</label> <input type="number" id="servo_trim_pos" min="0" max="100" value="0"> <label for="servo_trim_neg">Servo Trim Negative:</label> <input type="number" id="servo_trim_neg" min="0" max="100" value="0"> <label for="max_speed">Max Speed:</label> <input type="number" id="max_speed" min="0" max="100" value="100"> <div class="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" id="controller_checkbox"> <label for="controller_checkbox">Use Gaming Controller</label> </div> <button onclick="sendSettings()">Apply Settings</button> <button onclick="toggleFullScreen()">Fullscreen</button> </div> <div class="container"> <!-- Video element will be dynamically initialized after connection --> </div> <script> var ws; var lastIpAddress = localStorage.getItem("lastIpAddress"); if (lastIpAddress) { document.getElementById("pi_ip").value = lastIpAddress; } function openWebSocket(ip) { if (ws && ws.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { return; } ws = new WebSocket('ws://' + ip + ':8765'); ws.onopen = function() { updateStatus(true); initializeVideo(); startFPSCounter(); }; ws.onclose = function() { updateStatus(false); }; } function closeWebSocket() { if (ws) { ws.close(); } } function openSideMenu() { document.getElementById("side-menu").style.width = "250px"; } function closeSideMenu() { document.getElementById("side-menu").style.width = "0"; } function toggleFullScreen() { var video = document.getElementById("video"); if (video.requestFullscreen) { video.requestFullscreen(); } else if (video.mozRequestFullScreen) { video.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if (video.webkitRequestFullscreen) { video.webkitRequestFullscreen(); } else if (video.msRequestFullscreen) { video.msRequestFullscreen(); } } function connect() { var ip = document.getElementById("pi_ip").value; localStorage.setItem("lastIpAddress", ip); openWebSocket(ip); } function initializeVideo() { var container = document.querySelector(".container"); var existingVideo = document.getElementById("video"); if (existingVideo) { container.removeChild(existingVideo); } var video = document.createElement("img"); // Use <img> element for MJPG Streamer = "video"; video.src = "http://" + document.getElementById("pi_ip").value + ":8080/?action=stream"; // MJPG Streamer URL = "100%"; container.appendChild(video); } function startFPSCounter() { var video = document.getElementById("video"); var fpsElement = document.getElementById("fps"); var fps = 0; var start =; function countFPS() { fps++; var elapsed = - start; if (elapsed >= 1000) { fpsElement.textContent = "FPS: " + fps; fps = 0; start =; } requestAnimationFrame(countFPS); } countFPS(); } function updateStatus(connected) { var statusElement = document.getElementById("status"); if (connected) { statusElement.textContent = "Connected"; = "green"; } else { statusElement.textContent = "Disconnected"; = "red"; } } // Function to send settings to WebSocket server function sendSettings() { var servoTrimPos = document.getElementById("servo_trim_pos").value; var servoTrimNeg = document.getElementById("servo_trim_neg").value; var maxSpeed = document.getElementById("max_speed").value; var useController = document.getElementById("controller_checkbox").checked; var settings = { servoTrimPos: servoTrimPos, servoTrimNeg: servoTrimNeg, maxSpeed: maxSpeed, useController: useController }; ws.send(JSON.stringify(settings)); } </script> </body> </html> 
submitted by /u/RX_LOST to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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Pi + Flask Do I Need to Use Threading to Run my Script and Use the Web Server Just For Data Info, or is There Another Way?

Some Context:

I have a small greenhouse where I am growing some tomatoes. I have a DHT22 and a relay that controls the lights. My script runs on start up and at the moment I just write temp + humidity data and the status of the light to a txt file.

I want to have upgrade my project a bit and basically have a website that which displays the current status of the light, the current temp and the current humidity. I also will be adding sqlite3 and writing the data to the database, I then want to use this data in the website to track temp+humidity over time for instance.

I was doing some research about how I implement this. I chose flask as I have messed around with it before for this basic sort of thing. But where I am coming a bit stuck is currently my script "as most" runs with a while true loop, and flask has something similar.

Is it possible to run my app and the server within the same loop, or is it possible to do this without anything extra? I have also researched this a bit and found that I could implement this with threads, is this something that anyone would recommend?

I am looking for the simplest solution but happy to look into threading if it works, from what I have seen it looks like this would be the best option as I can run both scripts at the same time (at least I think thats how it works).

Any advise would be appreciate, thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/ChrisBez87 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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How to make Pi display output on boot

I programmed some stuff in python, how do I make it so it displays the output of that script instead of the usual desktop when turned on? I looked for like an hour on youtube but every time I thought I found a good tutorial it turned out it was for something else, can anyone help?

submitted by /u/Careless-Map5005 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Out of ideas for my Pi Zero 2 W/u/ShittyPhoneSupport
    So i got a pi zero 2 w a couple years ago to run octoprint on an ender 3. Fell to the "mod to hell" on it, and never got around to using it extensively before i had to sell the ender 3. The new printer i'm saving up for has wireless print server stuff integrated, so i have this pi zero 2 w just hanging out. Been through the list and tried: pi-hole: setup went swimmingly until i realized that Xfinity dont let you modify dns settings on their routers and i dont feel like manual configuring every

Out of ideas for my Pi Zero 2 W

So i got a pi zero 2 w a couple years ago to run octoprint on an ender 3. Fell to the "mod to hell" on it, and never got around to using it extensively before i had to sell the ender 3. The new printer i'm saving up for has wireless print server stuff integrated, so i have this pi zero 2 w just hanging out. Been through the list and tried:

  1. pi-hole: setup went swimmingly until i realized that Xfinity dont let you modify dns settings on their routers and i dont feel like manual configuring every single device.

  2. Pivpn: didnt really work as planned. Idk how else to explain but i dont think its happening either.

  3. Briefly entertained a media server (dabbled with plex in the past) before coming to the conclusion that the lists that say that are probably liars considering the performance.

All the other responses i can find require additional components and i'm kinda looking for minimal, and possible with headless setup to keep things simple.

What projects if any would be possible with this Pi device beyond what i can find on google?

submitted by /u/ShittyPhoneSupport to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Raspberry pi project with multiple uses./u/sunchallenger
    I would like to build a raspberry pi based project that incorporates some coding, some AI , machine learning and maybe a neural network. It doesn’t have to create world peace or solve the climate crisis but it must be useful in some simple ways. Something that a teams of kids who help build as a project. May for a computer club but must be simple enough for noobs like me. Any ideas please. submitted by /u/sunchallenger to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS [link] [comments]

Raspberry pi project with multiple uses.

I would like to build a raspberry pi based project that incorporates some coding, some AI , machine learning and maybe a neural network. It doesn’t have to create world peace or solve the climate crisis but it must be useful in some simple ways. Something that a teams of kids who help build as a project. May for a computer club but must be simple enough for noobs like me. Any ideas please.

submitted by /u/sunchallenger to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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Built a Raspberry Pi Sensor Panel for My PC - But can't get it to start with data pulled from the PC

Long winded title - sorry for that.

In short I built a Raspberry Pi Sensor Panel which displayed the Aida64 sensor data info for my PC on my desk.

This was working until I had some PC issues. the resulting reinstall of Windows killed my install of Aida64.

I have now reinstalled Aida64, and recreated the panel layout in the LCD Display and set the Pi back up, but the Pi refused to start Chronium and display the details from my PC

It also refuses to run unclutter (removing the mouse pointer)

Pi is current (last update / upgrade) was run today.

I have edited the autostart via

sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart 

and included the following:

@xset s off @xset -dpms @xset s noblank @chromium-browser --kiosk --disable-restore-session-state --ignore-certificate-errors http// PC IP ADDRESS 

yet when I restart the Pi it goes straight to the desktop.

I am not a programmer, though I can and do follow instructions (yolo is not for me when it comes to programing) so any directions on where I am going wrong here would be helpful

submitted by /u/rjtyler1869 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Rescue me from my idiocy -- I made USB gadget. Now what???/u/billydent
    I always liked the idea of turning a Pi into a USB gadget. It just sounded cool to me. So when I got my hands on a Pi Zero (no W!) and a Zero Stem kit, I broke out the soldering iron and made a nice little USB gadget for myself. Well, like the dog that caught the car, I am now confused. What the heck should I do with this thing??? submitted by /u/billydent

Rescue me from my idiocy -- I made USB gadget. Now what???

Rescue me from my idiocy -- I made USB gadget. Now what???

I always liked the idea of turning a Pi into a USB gadget. It just sounded cool to me. So when I got my hands on a Pi Zero (no W!) and a Zero Stem kit, I broke out the soldering iron and made a nice little USB gadget for myself.

Well, like the dog that caught the car, I am now confused. What the heck should I do with this thing???

submitted by /u/billydent to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • What RPI board should I use?/u/bingboonk
    Forgive me, I am new to raspberry pi since our professor won't allow us to use arduino anymore for the reason that we are not in high school anymore. Anyways, what specific RPI board should I use having these sensors, AD8232 ECG sensor, MAX30102 PPG, and DSB1809 Temperature sensor. The data will be displayed to the OLED Display. Please recommend a cheaper board that can accommodate these sensors. I would be very glad to hear your inputs in my project :). submitted by /u/bingboonk to

What RPI board should I use?

Forgive me, I am new to raspberry pi since our professor won't allow us to use arduino anymore for the reason that we are not in high school anymore. Anyways, what specific RPI board should I use having these sensors, AD8232 ECG sensor, MAX30102 PPG, and DSB1809 Temperature sensor. The data will be displayed to the OLED Display. Please recommend a cheaper board that can accommodate these sensors. I would be very glad to hear your inputs in my project :).

submitted by /u/bingboonk to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Raspberry tablet idea/u/BroccOliWRLD
    Hey all, I am new to Raspberry pi and recently got a Raspberry pi 4b. I've bought myself this: I wanted to make myself a 'home made' ipad/tablet. I was thinking of getting a touchscreen, some speakers and a battery/powerbank for it to be portable. I understand that this in no way will be better than actual ipads/tablets. But it seems like a fun project to me. Now I was wondering if any of you have ever d

Raspberry tablet idea

Hey all,

I am new to Raspberry pi and recently got a Raspberry pi 4b. I've bought myself this:
I wanted to make myself a 'home made' ipad/tablet. I was thinking of getting a touchscreen, some speakers and a battery/powerbank for it to be portable. I understand that this in no way will be better than actual ipads/tablets. But it seems like a fun project to me. Now I was wondering if any of you have ever done this before and have any suggestions and/or tips. I am still looking at which hardware to get. I was thinking of getting this screen: . The thing what kind of scares me a little bit is the openness of the raspberry pi. I will mostly be watching netflix/youtube on it in bed. But I find it hard to believe that without proper casing this is good idea. Would any of you have any suggestions of other screens that have good casing (and no bezels, saw the 7inch but those bezels terrify me). As seen on the first link there is some decent casing around my pi, do y'all think this would be sufficient or should I explore alternatives? Also how big of a battery/powerbank would be sufficient for my case?

(Just for clarification, I want it to be portable. But I will never bring this out of my house. It will just be for me to watch movies/series in bed or on the couch)

Any tips or ideas are appreciated.

Thanks in advance <3

submitted by /u/BroccOliWRLD to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Pi Dashboard/u/David2010941
    Hi all! I am new to Pi projects but enjoy them, and I am looking to make a dashboard( with DakBoard) to use on the wall. Question is, will the Pi Zero W 2 be enough to use this and be fairly responsive? Should I use the Pi 4 or 5 instead? Also for this I need a capacitive overlay, if you’ve used any would love to hear some suggestions. Cheers! submitted by /u/David2010941 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS [link] [comments]

Pi Dashboard

Hi all! I am new to Pi projects but enjoy them, and I am looking to make a dashboard( with DakBoard) to use on the wall. Question is, will the Pi Zero W 2 be enough to use this and be fairly responsive? Should I use the Pi 4 or 5 instead? Also for this I need a capacitive overlay, if you’ve used any would love to hear some suggestions. Cheers!

submitted by /u/David2010941 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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Send/recieve data through bluetooth with rpi4 and android phone


I want to connect my raspberry pi 4 to my android phone with bluetooth. I have connected the rpi to the phone but have no idea how to send or recieve data in a script.

My ultimate goal is to have the rpi appear as a hid device (joystick) so that i can play my godot game i have made. But right now this is the problem i am tackling.

Any suggestions are appreciated :D

submitted by /u/Dapper-Equipment5142 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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Trying to show Dakboard Home Screen on Inky Frame (5.7") by Pimoroni. Am I on the right track or way off?

A disclaimer: I am fairly new to coding and Raspberry Pi projects,so pardon my ignorance.

Okay, so I’ve done some research, and I have a tentative attempt at accomplishing what I’m trying to do. I took the “Grab a random image from PlaceKitten and display it on Inky Pack.” example Pimoroni provides in their repositories, micropython/examples/pico_inky/ and modified it to instead grab a Dakboard screen and show it. I also put a 12 hour deep sleep at the end of the script so it refreshes twice a day.

So again, coming at this from a starting point of very little coding knowledge, would this likely work on the Inky Frame 5.7", or am I in the wrong ballpark?

submitted by /u/Fodgy_Div to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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Best Offline Text-to-Speech (TTS) for Raspberry Pi in 2024: Is Piper the Top Choice?

Hey everyone! 🚀 I've scoured the entire internet searching for offline TTS options for Raspberry Pi. After many tests, it seems to me that Piper is the best solution for 2024. It's fast, optimized for Raspberry Pi, and offers great voices in almost every language that you can test here:

👉 You can see Piper in action and test it yourself here: Piper Samples

You can create a project in just a few lines of code: Easy Offline TTS on Raspberry Pi on

I’m curious to hear from the community—have you found any other TTS solutions that rival or even surpass Piper?

submitted by /u/ArturMajtczak to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Need advice for tamogatchi project/u/kreamy_cheesy
    Hello everyone I am someone who is very new to the world of single board computers. I recently purchased a raspberry pi 5 I plan on using to grow my coding language knowledge and knowledge of single board computers to hopefully develop many projects in the future. Recently though, me and my girlfriend came up with the idea of making custom tamogatchi’s we could carry around that would not only behave like a normal tamogatchi but also have features that link ours to do cute things like say hi to

Need advice for tamogatchi project

Hello everyone I am someone who is very new to the world of single board computers. I recently purchased a raspberry pi 5 I plan on using to grow my coding language knowledge and knowledge of single board computers to hopefully develop many projects in the future. Recently though, me and my girlfriend came up with the idea of making custom tamogatchi’s we could carry around that would not only behave like a normal tamogatchi but also have features that link ours to do cute things like say hi to each other or send each other little like hug messages since we are kinda long distance. My question is what would be the best mini single board computer to use for this (if there is one small enough) and would anyone on here be willing to help guide or assist me along this journey. I am really looking forward to making this happen but as someone who barely even knows how to use any coding language it’s definitely gonna be a learning adventure for me and I would appreciate any help and suggestions!

submitted by /u/kreamy_cheesy to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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Mapping Adafruit 1.14" 240x135 Color TFT Breakout LCD Display to Pico


As you can probably tell by the contents of this post, I'm pretty fresh to wiring Pi components. I was attempting to connect an Adafruit 1.14" 240x135 Color TFT Breakout LCD Display to a Pico H, but I'm getting a little lost in the mapping.

I was using co pilot to help guide me through the process. However, I'm not sure if the AI is wrong, or I'm just misinterpreting the terminology. I've listed what I believe to be the mappings for each pin on the display. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

Display Pin Map
Pico H Pinout


  1. 3-5V / Vin - this is the power pin, connect to 3-5VDC - it has reverse polarity protection but try to wire it right!

VBUS (Voltage Bus), pin #40?

  1. 3V - this is the 3.3V output from the onboard regulator

VBUS (Voltage Bus), pin #40 as well? Are these the same? Do I need both?

3. GND - this is the power and signal ground pin

This one seems pretty straight #38.

  1. SCK - this is the SPI clock input pin. Use 3-5V logic level

GPIO18 (SCK); is this GP18 aka pin #24?

  1. MISO - this is the SPI Microcontroller In Serial Out pin, it's used for the SD card. It isn't used for the TFT display which is write-only. It is 3.3V logic out (but can be read by 5V logic)

GPIO18 (MISO); is this GP18 aka pin #24?

  1. MOSI - this is the SPI Microcontroller Out Serial In pin, it is used to send data from the microcontroller to the SD card and/or TFT. Use 3-5V logic level

GPIO3 (MOSI); is this GP03 aka pin #5?

  1. TFTCS - this is the TFT SPI chip select pin. Use 3-5V logic level

GPIO0 (CS); is this GP0 aka pin #1?

  1. RST - this is the TFT reset pin. Connect to ground to reset the TFT! It's best to have this pin controlled by the library so the display is reset cleanly, but you can also connect it to the Arduino Reset pin, which works for most cases. There is an automatic-reset chip connected so it will reset on power-up. Use 3-5V logic level

GPIO12 (RST); is this GP12 aka pin #16?

  1. DC - this is the TFT SPI data or command selector pin. Use 3-5V logic level

GPIO15 (DC); is this GP15 aka pin #20?

  1. SD Card CS / SDCS - this is the SD card chip select, used if you want to read from the SD card. Use 3-5V logic level

GPIO13 (CS); is this GP13 aka pin #17?

  1. LIT - this is the PWM input for the backlight control. It is by default pulled high (backlight on) you can PWM at any frequency or pull down to turn the backlight off. Use 3-5V logic level

GPIO25 (LIT); I don't see a GP25....

submitted by /u/TimUsedToLikeMovies to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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