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Předevčíremposts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Best approach to control 2 120m case fans and a led strip/u/beje_ro
    In some aspects I am kinda n00b so please be patient. I am building for and with my son a case for his 3d printer. We found a nice solution but I would like to add something on top: 2x120mm fans (the case has the mounts for them) and some lights (led strip?) and to control them: * Fans on/off (together) * Lights on/off (separate from the fans) * Bonus fans control (rotary knob?) * Bonus a temperature sensor + extrabonus a display for it What would be the best approach here? Would raspberry pi be

Best approach to control 2 120m case fans and a led strip

In some aspects I am kinda n00b so please be patient.

I am building for and with my son a case for his 3d printer. We found a nice solution but I would like to add something on top: 2x120mm fans (the case has the mounts for them) and some lights (led strip?) and to control them: * Fans on/off (together) * Lights on/off (separate from the fans) * Bonus fans control (rotary knob?) * Bonus a temperature sensor + extrabonus a display for it

What would be the best approach here? Would raspberry pi be a good candidate for the brains of it or is something else more suitable.

The fans would be most probably case fans. Is out there anything that is more appropriate.

Thank you!

Available hw: Raspberry pi 3b (i think I could also spare a 4) Raspberry pi zero / zero 2 Raspberry pi pico Some Esp8266 Arduino Leonardo Temp sensor Some small displays

submitted by /u/beje_ro to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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Introducing GPT Home: A Raspberry Pi 4B-Powered Home Assistant with OpenAI API Integration and Web Interface

ChatGPT at home! Basically a better Google Nest Hub or Amazon Alexa home assistant. Built on the Raspberry Pi using the OpenAI API. Check it out:
My Build

submitted by /u/judahpaul16 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • USB Webcam using Pi Zero 2 W and Camera Module 3 not working/u/Gamarov
    I'm trying to setup my pi zero 2 w with a camera module 3 as a simple usb webcam. For some reason I can't get it to work. I've followed this tutorial: I'm doing everything exactly as they are. When I plug it the pizero (using the correct USB port), nothing ever happens. It doesn't get recognised as a camera. I tried running the script manually, but I get this error: pi@piz2-1:~ $ sudo ~/ Failed to i

USB Webcam using Pi Zero 2 W and Camera Module 3 not working

I'm trying to setup my pi zero 2 w with a camera module 3 as a simple usb webcam. For some reason I can't get it to work.

I've followed this tutorial:

I'm doing everything exactly as they are. When I plug it the pizero (using the correct USB port), nothing ever happens. It doesn't get recognised as a camera.

I tried running the script manually, but I get this error:
pi@piz2-1:~ $ sudo ~/
Failed to identify function configuration

I am clueless... I tried troubleshooting using chat-gpt as I'm not really a coder but have some python basics. Nothing really helped.

submitted by /u/Gamarov to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Update to the Raspberry Pi Vending Machine/u/Composer_Square
    Im out of hiding and I thought I'd share the finished raspberry pi vending machine after a year of use. So the things I added to make life easier was a Nayax VPOS Touch with the extension so that I can keep the 20$ bill reader. As a refresher this whole project was to convert an old Snackshop 500 to a modern machine that can take higher bills besides 1$ and 5$ bills. The next thing I added was the Telegram API to get immediate updates to first make sure the machine was always working well,

Update to the Raspberry Pi Vending Machine

Update to the Raspberry Pi Vending Machine

Im out of hiding and I thought I'd share the finished raspberry pi vending machine after a year of use.

So the things I added to make life easier was a Nayax VPOS Touch with the extension so that I can keep the 20$ bill reader. As a refresher this whole project was to convert an old Snackshop 500 to a modern machine that can take higher bills besides 1$ and 5$ bills.

The next thing I added was the Telegram API to get immediate updates to first make sure the machine was always working well, if a failed vend happened I could investigate it, and a fun part is I can immediately see if a button is clicked anywhere I am. I'll add a photo. Over the API I receive live, each MDB code response/vend status (failed/success)/Inventory/basically anything that is important that I want

As a college student....I have no clue why did all of this but more just to prove that it could be done as many "Older" vending experts would say "hey now that's impossible".....welp it's not. I'm trying to figure out a way to give out the instructions/code/wiring and selfishly with the amount of testing/work/diagnosing everything working correctly and being a broke college student I would need to be compensated. If anyone has any ideas please let me know because I'd love to help others but can't just give it away for free. Hope ya'll understand.

The Machine Finished 9 Months Ago, can't post in location for privacy

Telegram API

submitted by /u/Composer_Square to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Thin Touchscreen for Pi Zero/u/Apprehensive-Sun4430
    Hi everyone, i want to build myself a wall mounted touchscreen which runs Linux. The Problem is i cannot find a good and thin touchscreen. Ive chosen to use a pi zero because of its small and thin formfactor, now i need a touchscreen display which can Connect to it. Most Important to me is the formfactor, ideal it would be like this: -Very thin to be mounted Flush on the wall. -Connectors on the back to avoid having cables wrapping around the edges -Around 10" in size -If possible Power via the

Thin Touchscreen for Pi Zero

Hi everyone, i want to build myself a wall mounted touchscreen which runs Linux.

The Problem is i cannot find a good and thin touchscreen. Ive chosen to use a pi zero because of its small and thin formfactor, now i need a touchscreen display which can Connect to it.

Most Important to me is the formfactor, ideal it would be like this: -Very thin to be mounted Flush on the wall. -Connectors on the back to avoid having cables wrapping around the edges -Around 10" in size -If possible Power via the pi zero to have just one cable for Power.

Any recommendation is welcome, thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Apprehensive-Sun4430 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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Make any voice (including RVC voices) into an offline text-to-speech model using Piper.

This could be a game changer. I've played around with RVC models before, and they work really well, but they only change one voice into another voice and don't do text-to-speech.
This describes a way to morph generic training datasets with RVC models, and then use the morphed training data to create piper text-to-speech models that will run on a raspberry pi.
So. Many. Possibilities.

submitted by /u/BoxDesperate2358 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • SSH to Raspberry Pi from External Network/u/QuietRing5299
    Hello Reddit, I created a tutorial on SSH into Raspberry Pi from external networks! By the end of the video, you will be able to control and program your Raspberry Pi from any WiFi network using SSH protocol! This is a great tutorial for beginners or people who want to develop remote applications with their Pi. I think you can learn something quite useful. I think you can learn something quite useful. If you enjoy Raspberry Pi content please consider s

SSH to Raspberry Pi from External Network

Hello Reddit,

I created a tutorial on SSH into Raspberry Pi from external networks! By the end of the video, you will be able to control and program your Raspberry Pi from any WiFi network using SSH protocol!

This is a great tutorial for beginners or people who want to develop remote applications with their Pi. I think you can learn something quite useful. I think you can learn something quite useful.

If you enjoy Raspberry Pi content please consider subbing to the channel!



submitted by /u/QuietRing5299 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • I need some help please with a project!!!/u/Confident-Past9391
    I am trying to use an old TI-83 Plus with a raspberry pi zero 2. With this is want to implement a Small Language Model. something like Orca math to solve math equations to a grade 12 level. I really need help, I have been researching this project for a while and haven't been able to find much. I think this would be a fun project to attempt. If anyone could provide help, this would be great!! submitted by /u/Confident-Past9391 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS [link] [comments]

I need some help please with a project!!!

I am trying to use an old TI-83 Plus with a raspberry pi zero 2. With this is want to implement a Small Language Model. something like Orca math to solve math equations to a grade 12 level. I really need help, I have been researching this project for a while and haven't been able to find much. I think this would be a fun project to attempt. If anyone could provide help, this would be great!!

submitted by /u/Confident-Past9391 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Minecraft Server Game Backup/u/lokstapimp
    I made a Minecraft server that hosts the game of Minecraft. The project logs into the server, announces to all players in game that a backup will occur, makes a backup of the game, and if you have a remote NAS, it will make a copy of the backup and place it in your remote NAS as well. This script works with a cronjob to be invoked. submitted by /u/lokstapimp to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS [link] [comments]

Minecraft Server Game Backup

I made a Minecraft server that hosts the game of Minecraft. The project logs into the server, announces to all players in game that a backup will occur, makes a backup of the game, and if you have a remote NAS, it will make a copy of the backup and place it in your remote NAS as well. This script works with a cronjob to be invoked.

submitted by /u/lokstapimp to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Night Vision Scope/u/AnikiSkywalker
    Hello All! The other day I saw that someone was complaining about not seeing more Raspberry Projects here in Redit so here I am posting my last one! It is a night vision scope with object detection ☺️ Its basically running the available coral example and with a set of pushbuttons it allows to configure brightness, zoom and turn on and off a IR laser to see in the darkness. So far, my frined and I manage to get good images in the forest about 2km deep into the darkness. For more updates here is

Night Vision Scope

Hello All!

The other day I saw that someone was complaining about not seeing more Raspberry Projects here in Redit so here I am posting my last one!

It is a night vision scope with object detection ☺️

Its basically running the available coral example and with a set of pushbuttons it allows to configure brightness, zoom and turn on and off a IR laser to see in the darkness.

So far, my frined and I manage to get good images in the forest about 2km deep into the darkness.

For more updates here is my instagram where I post other projects:

I am working already on v2 which will have extra ventilations since it gets hot.. Also It has extra laser set at different depths and others ..

submitted by /u/AnikiSkywalker to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Using a Pi as a portable organizer?/u/LosAngelestoNSW
    Has anyone tried using the Raspberry Pi as a portable organizer? I want to do this project that I thought would be quite simply (at least in theory), but I haven't actually found anyone else who has done this and shared. I am not at all technical so I would not be able to create it from scratch, I'd prefer an off-the-shelf solution or at the max, a ready-to-assemble kit (and I cannot solder, so no soldering kits). My thinking for this comes along these lines: a Pi 4 is nowadays quite cheap, its

Using a Pi as a portable organizer?

Has anyone tried using the Raspberry Pi as a portable organizer?

I want to do this project that I thought would be quite simply (at least in theory), but I haven't actually found anyone else who has done this and shared. I am not at all technical so I would not be able to create it from scratch, I'd prefer an off-the-shelf solution or at the max, a ready-to-assemble kit (and I cannot solder, so no soldering kits).

My thinking for this comes along these lines: a Pi 4 is nowadays quite cheap, its very small and light, and so unlike a laptop, it is something you can bring easily with you and use it to keep notes, an address/phone book, a todo list etc... It would need a monitor/screen and some kind of input, maybe a stylus and touchscreen? And the font size would have to be large enough to be legible and still fit in your pocket, but I think this can be done. The question is, has it already been done? There are a few "laptop" kits for the Pi on Amazon but those are all too big for a pocket, and I saw some mini-laptop devices as well (they are like a laptop only smaller, and some of them don't have lids). However, nothing truly portable that you can take on the go. It would be even better if it could translate between languages like the portable translators you see on Amazon, but I suppose that would be asking too much since a portable translator on its own costs several times what a Pi 4 does (esp. if it recognizes handwriting, speech, and camera).

You can see that I hestitate to include games, I find that anytime that comes it, it throws everything out of whack because the requirements just change dramatically.

Just curious (and interested)!

submitted by /u/LosAngelestoNSW to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Key pad help/u/Academic_Hawk4055
    Hello all, I have a keypad from a lighting console I want to use it has 62 keys going to a 14 pin IDC connector, how do I figure out what pins do what and where to connect it on a Pi Pico to make a custom key pad? submitted by /u/Academic_Hawk4055 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS [link] [comments]

Key pad help

Hello all, I have a keypad from a lighting console I want to use it has 62 keys going to a 14 pin IDC connector, how do I figure out what pins do what and where to connect it on a Pi Pico to make a custom key pad?

submitted by /u/Academic_Hawk4055 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Help identifying ribbon type / screen replacement options/u/Jumpy-Hat-3252
    Hello, total noob to pi and small electronic components… I have a obd2 reader/didplay for a car, wired from the obd2 port into the device board. The device has a ~ 3” screen that i would like to replace with something slightly small. The device screen attaches to board with a 20 pin ribbon (pictured) that plugs contacts down into a slide lock (pictured). I see that 20 pin screen connections can be common with Pi diy projects. I am finding it hard to source a replacement screen with 20 pin

Help identifying ribbon type / screen replacement options

Help identifying ribbon type / screen replacement options

Hello, total noob to pi and small electronic components…

I have a obd2 reader/didplay for a car, wired from the obd2 port into the device board. The device has a ~ 3” screen that i would like to replace with something slightly small. The device screen attaches to board with a 20 pin ribbon (pictured) that plugs contacts down into a slide lock (pictured). I see that 20 pin screen connections can be common with Pi diy projects. I am finding it hard to source a replacement screen with 20 pin ribbon attached. I assume not all 20 pins are necessary for the screen to function with the obd2 device. Where can i find replacement screens with 20 pin ribbon already attached? Are there adapters that could convert the 20 pin plug on the board to another connector type that is more readily available, like preassembled universal Pi screens? I am looking for a rectangle/rounded screen that is approximately 2.25”w x 1.4”h. I know the device is not a Pi but it works in a similar fashion. Thank you for any help!

submitted by /u/Jumpy-Hat-3252 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Raspberry Pi Webserver Using Github/u/Cakedozer45
    Hello, I am a beginner in using a Pi and would like to host a webserver on it using Github to store my code so that I gain experience with both. Is there a good recent/relevant tutorial for me to follow for the set up of how to connect the GitHub to the Pi and set up the web server on the Pi? Any help would be appreciated, thank you. submitted by /u/Cakedozer45 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS [link] [comments]

Raspberry Pi Webserver Using Github


I am a beginner in using a Pi and would like to host a webserver on it using Github to store my code so that I gain experience with both.

Is there a good recent/relevant tutorial for me to follow for the set up of how to connect the GitHub to the Pi and set up the web server on the Pi?

Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

submitted by /u/Cakedozer45 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Why doesn't my Feather rp2040 UART work *only* on a breadboard?/u/WolfInABox
    Beginner to electronics, but I have Python experience. I'm working on a project, and I ultimately want to have two RP2040 based boards (feather rp2040 and kb2040 in this case, just what I had) communicate over UART, but I'm having some confusing issues. To simplify, I've connected the feather's TX and RX pins to each other on a breadboard (eliminating the other board for now). (I did also try just using 1 wire to bridge TX and RX instead; same problem). This is the code I'm using in CircuitPytho

Why doesn't my Feather rp2040 UART work *only* on a breadboard?

Beginner to electronics, but I have Python experience. I'm working on a project, and I ultimately want to have two RP2040 based boards (feather rp2040 and kb2040 in this case, just what I had) communicate over UART, but I'm having some confusing issues.

To simplify, I've connected the feather's TX and RX pins to each other on a breadboard (eliminating the other board for now). (I did also try just using 1 wire to bridge TX and RX instead; same problem). This is the code I'm using in CircuitPython:

import board import busio uart = busio.UART(board.TX, board.RX, baudrate=9600,timeout=4) data=bytes('hello world', 'ascii') while True: uart.write(data) print( 

This does not work, and after the 4s timeout None is printed. (Except for the first iteration, which prints b'\\x00').

My first thought was maybe there's a connection issue, but I confirmed with a multimeter that the RX and TX pins have continuity (so it's not like the breadboard is just broken).

The even weirder part is if I eliminate the breadboard, and just hold wires in place connecting TX and RX, it works! So... what am I missing here? Why does it only not work on the breadboard? I feel like an idiot haha, this seems like such a simple setup.

Is the added resistance from the breadboard causing a problem here, or something else? These wires measure around 0.2ohms, and a path between 2 wires going through the breadboard measured around 0.4ohms.

submitted by /u/WolfInABox to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Project help/u/petrolsan
    Hey so I have a project in mind of connecting a esp32 to some lights and a button that can be pressed and id receive a notification to my server that in turn, turns on a light. The idea is that I give the first esp32 to my girlfriend (long distance) and when she wants attention she pushes the button and it lights up am led on my desk(I really check my phone at my desk) If anyone has any resources to do this id be very grateful. submitted by /u/petrolsan to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS

Project help

Hey so I have a project in mind of connecting a esp32 to some lights and a button that can be pressed and id receive a notification to my server that in turn, turns on a light.

The idea is that I give the first esp32 to my girlfriend (long distance) and when she wants attention she pushes the button and it lights up am led on my desk(I really check my phone at my desk)

If anyone has any resources to do this id be very grateful.

submitted by /u/petrolsan to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Auto run script as root?/u/skychi_
    I finally completed my project and I'm extremely happy, one problem is that each time i boot the pi i need to plug in a keyboard to run the program i made. How do I make it run on startup? I use this code to run it "sudo python3 Desktop/" submitted by /u/skychi_ to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS [link] [comments]

Auto run script as root?

I finally completed my project and I'm extremely happy, one problem is that each time i boot the pi i need to plug in a keyboard to run the program i made. How do I make it run on startup? I use this code to run it "sudo python3 Desktop/"

submitted by /u/skychi_ to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Need advise on setup to use pi with LED sign/u/tackleberry_415
    We’re creating a guest check-in system at work using Power Automate, Power Apps, and SharePoint. Thinking of using an LED sign to display the guest’s name/number. I’ve seen some examples on YouTube where people use a version of Python specifically for adding custom text, but can this be used in a way where a text file can be created (dynamically), and then dropped in a file to have the text change on demand? I am not sure if this is possible, or if there are better options out there? Curious, i

Need advise on setup to use pi with LED sign

We’re creating a guest check-in system at work using Power Automate, Power Apps, and SharePoint. Thinking of using an LED sign to display the guest’s name/number.

I’ve seen some examples on YouTube where people use a version of Python specifically for adding custom text, but can this be used in a way where a text file can be created (dynamically), and then dropped in a file to have the text change on demand?

I am not sure if this is possible, or if there are better options out there? Curious, if anyone has something similar working for them?

submitted by /u/tackleberry_415 to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Need help regarding amplifying audio output/u/Bhav_nahar
    Hello I want to amplify audio of 1w 8ohm speaker using Pico ,lm386 resistor and capacitor But I'm not getting desired amplify I'm new to this and prolly my connection on breadboard is wrong can someone help me understand schematic of this I have also added the image of the connection i have made on breadboard Goal of the project I need audio output audible to 1-2 meters away from the speaker so let me know if any other components is required also I need to make it compact that challenge

Need help regarding amplifying audio output

Need help regarding amplifying audio output

Hello I want to amplify audio of 1w 8ohm speaker using Pico ,lm386 resistor and capacitor But I'm not getting desired amplify

I'm new to this and prolly my connection on breadboard is wrong can someone help me understand schematic of this

I have also added the image of the connection i have made on breadboard

Goal of the project I need audio output audible to 1-2 meters away from the speaker so let me know if any other components is required also I need to make it compact that challenge I'm taking to make it interesting

submitted by /u/Bhav_nahar to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • GigE industrial camera making the whole system slow/u/Ooze3d
    Hi all. I’m working on a project to build an independent camera system based on an old CCD 1080p GigE camera module, a Pi5 and a battery. The camera is a Basler Aviator that I’ve been testing on a windows computer and it’s working great, but yesterday I tried connecting it to the Pi and even though the Basler software works and the camera delivers around 26fps (enough for me), the whole system slows down a lot when I’m showing the live feed. The mouse stutters, there’s at least a 0.5 sec delay i

GigE industrial camera making the whole system slow

Hi all.

I’m working on a project to build an independent camera system based on an old CCD 1080p GigE camera module, a Pi5 and a battery. The camera is a Basler Aviator that I’ve been testing on a windows computer and it’s working great, but yesterday I tried connecting it to the Pi and even though the Basler software works and the camera delivers around 26fps (enough for me), the whole system slows down a lot when I’m showing the live feed. The mouse stutters, there’s at least a 0.5 sec delay in the video and the moment I try to do something else, the camera starts skipping frames and showing black areas in the feed.

It’s just a 1080p feed and it’s not even 60fps. The Pi should be able to handle it without much trouble. I tried setting the MTU to 9000 and it’s even worse. What can I do about it?



Ok, turns out I was activating the jumbo frames but the camera was still sending the small packets. Once I set it to 9000 on the camera as well, everything improved. Here's what I've done so far:

sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000

sudo ethtool -G eth0 rx 4096 tx 4096

And I'm supposed to do this as well:

sudo ethtool -C ethX adaptive-rx off adaptive-tx off rx-usecs 62 tx-usecs 62

But the PI gives me an error.

With the two first lines I get consistent 24fps without dropped frames (maybe one or two every few minutes) and the lag showing the video feed on screen is slightly better, but still present. Also, when I move the mouse on top of the video window, framerate goes down to 3-4fps.

Anything else I can do?

Thanks again!


I managed to get consistent 24fps with almost no lag at all. In fact, my iphone camera has more lag than my current setup. I just needed to bypass the part of the code where I converted the grabbed image to an OpenCV format. Using the stream straight from the camera really sped things up. Now I'm struggling again because I can either show the stream at full speed and full screen or save the images to disk, but not both at the same time. If I try to do it, the fps counter goes down hard. I'm currently trying to build a multithread approach. One thread for the visuals and the other for saving, but it's giving me timer/sync issues. It says the timer can't be stopped from another thread. Any ideas?



I managed to find a middle ground by adding all images to a buffer while shooting, then saving each one after I'm done. It's not a very elegant solution and I'd like to find a way to start saving asynchronously before I cut, but at least right now the camera is working as it should.

submitted by /u/Ooze3d to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
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