Silent Hill 2 Misses the Point With Maria’s Outfit Redesign

Bloober Team released more footage from Silent Hill 2 Remake at the tail-end of May, revealing Maria’s controversial redesign. The outfit change is now under fire, fueling debates about the sexualization of women in gaming and the development team’s ability to deliver a remake that captures the integrity of its cult classic original.
I’d argue that Maria’s original outfit falls within a realm of realism not often seen in the world of gaming (so much so that I’d totally wear it myself). This is more or less proven by its real-world inspiration, an on-trend turn-of-the-century ensemble worn by Christina Aguilera at the 1999 Teen Choice Awards. You could blame the 20-year trend cycle for this iconic look’s cult following, but I’d venture to say it was just that good, both then and now. That being said, Silent Hill fans aren’t up in arms solely over the loss of a fire ‘fit. So, what’s all the fuss about?
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