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I hate it when bosses have an invincibility mode for way too long

I despise it when you have a good feel of the moveset but it gets completely destroyed when the boss gets into invincibility mode for a good amount of time where you can barely dodge it and by the time the mode is done almost all of your heals are gone. Fights where it is necessary to dodge without being able to counter attack are boring.

submitted by /u/awesomehuder
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Landscaping Mountains and Building Villages in Minecraft

Landscaping Mountains and Building Villages in Minecraft

This is a village I have made in Minecraft, it's called Tulsequah Village. Nestled in my North Coastal Mountains, a chain of mountains in the northwest corner of my 10 year developing Minecraft world called Sky Pixel. Which I have released now on Planet Minecraft.

My mountain builds that I have been posting recently are all based off of my home within the Pacific Northwest, a regional area of North America compromising the US states of Oregon, Washington and Southern Alaska, as well as the western Canadian province of British Columbia.

submitted by /u/octavian_world
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Recommended games for playing with a partner?

Hi all! First time posting here.

My girlfriend and I just bought an Xbox Series X and are looking to get some games that we can both play together. This could include "party games" or campaign-style games like Fallout, RDR, Halo, etc.

My girlfriend isn't a huge gamer (and neither am I, honestly, compared to my teenage years playing MW2 and Halo 3 on Xbox 360) but I am personally more inclined to enjoy video games in general so I want to get us playing something that is just a good, all-around fun time.

We're pretty impartial when it comes to genres. Mostly just hoping to crowdsource opinions on the most fun games y'all have played. The only thing I don't think she'd be totally down for is something really scary (thinking like Dead Space); although, she LOVES the 'Alien' franchise so scary isn't completely off the table.

Anyways, I'd appreciate any input! Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Syncopian
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What gaming music makes you nostalgic?

So what gaming music make you nostalgic? Or is there a piece of gaming music that makes you want to play THAT game again?

Without making the list to long what's your top 3?

Here's mine:

  1. Legend of Zelda: OoT - Kakariko Village

  2. World of Warcraft - Elwynn Forest

  3. Goldeneye - Dam

submitted by /u/FuckANecrodancer
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What are the most overdone tropes and mechanics in horror games?

Just curious what people think has been done too much. I personally think finding notes left behind for no obvious reason is a big one. Nobody would do that and there's so many games that have that as a storytelling device. Another one that I can think of is PT's loop mechanic. While it was cool the first time, it just feels overused now.

Not trying to be rude to anyone that uses these in their game btw. They can be done well and they can be fun.

So what are y'all's opinions on what's been overdone?

submitted by /u/PMMePicsOfDogs141
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What are some games that were supposed to be the Next Big Thing that ended up fading into obscurity?

What are some games that were supposed to be the Next Big Thing that ended up fading into obscurity?

I remember how much I heard about Advent Rising before it was released. In fact, it might be the first game I ever saw the trailer of in a movie theater. Then the game released and from what I remember it was only received as "average". Then there was the whole fiasco with the $1 Million contest that ended up canceled; supposedly because there was no way for the developer, Majesco, to make it fair.

submitted by /u/ludachris32
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What games have a good "loot" system? What mechanics seem to make or break a loot system for you?

I've been thinking about this a lot as I play games like Elden Ring, Tears of the Kingdom, Minecraft, and now Enshrouded. Generally just thinking about how games reward you for achieving a milestone, and also how they reward you for finding hidden locations. So often I find secret chest or something, and then the stuff inside it is just.... barely helpful verging on useless

Judging from the in game messages, Elden Rings item rewards are a little bit of a joke with how often I see "Dung!" Right in front of another random mushroom. I've been feeling similarly with Enshrouded, so many of the items I get are useless or just way worse than what I already have. Chests almost never give me something worthwhile.

So help me kinda formulate my thoughts here, what do you think makes a loot system good or bad and do you have any examples of games that you feel reward you well and consistently throughout the course of the game?

submitted by /u/Lanzifer
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Is there a game that has enjoyable dragon-riding mechanics?

Tldr; What games would you recommend that has some form of dragon riding?

I really really really want to find a videogame for my wife that has dragon riding as a part of it. She absolutely loves dragons, and GoT/HoD has amplified it 10x. She keeps saying how cool it would be to have a game to plat like that and I would love to hear recommendations for her.

I'm willing to do just about anything (I'll only go as far as backalley hand-jibbers) to find her this game. I've modded numerous types of games before and she's an experienced gamer so there really aren't any barriers for us. We have a XboxSX, a switch,and a decent computer (thank you favorite brother-in-law for the sick graphics card!) Any suggestions would be great so thank you in advance!

Edit 1: sadly she's not a WoW gamer. It just doesn't vibe with her, and to each their own. But I appreciate everyone that took time to suggest it. Thank you!

Edit 2: she's not a huge PVP fan so I'd prefer to avoid it, but it's not like we have unlimited options here so I won't be picky.

Edit 3: thank you all so much. This means a lot to me that random strangers are willing to me find the best game for her. I truly appreciate it!!!!!!

submitted by /u/Tight-Mouse-5862
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Which video game planet would you like to live in if it was possible?

The worlds/planets in some videogames are just absolutely insane, grand and breathtaking. While most have risks and dangers in them like evil godlike beings or monstrous dragons, the worlds are just too beautiful to not want to live there.

My personal fav game worlds are Azeroth (Wow) Nirn (Elder scrolls), some Warframe planets, Hydaelyn (FFXIV) Endor (star wars games) Novus(RF online) Tyria(GUILD WARS2)

Hopefully the provided answers have lesser known games too so I can find new worlds to explore!

submitted by /u/zadedazed
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Opinions on Armored Core 6? I have conflicting feelings about it

This game has a great world and atmosphere and cool Mech building. I also like the 'Handler' and 'Hound' dynamic and the way they set up the missions on the ship. These are the things that pulled me into the game.

At the same time, I experience a lot of frustration when playing the game. Sadly, more than I would like.

My biggest issues:

  • Enemy balancing is weird: regular enemies are made of cardboard and die in 2 seconds, while bosses are near godlike. Zones with enemies feel like pure filler this way (even though they look gorgeous).
  • The missions are often too short, too repetitive and they reuse a lof of the zones as well.
  • The camera is super close on the mech and there are no options to zoom out. This often blocks the view in combat.
  • Bosses constantly fly at high velocity out of your field of view. I have a feeling I'm fighting the camera more than the bosses.
  • There are no skill checks in the game, only gear checks. Every boss can be melted with the right gear or seem impossible with the wrong gear.

I've played through it twice now, to get both endings. I found the story interesting enough to do so, but beating annoying bosses only felt like a relief, it never felt good or fulfilling. I did not feel like I had overcome a challenge but just tried often enough with the right weapons. (Unlike a Souls game, where I do get that feeling)

Overall I'm still positive, though there are some small adjustments that would make a world of difference (the camera especially)

What are your thoughts on this game?

submitted by /u/Cubelock
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Replaying games?

I feel like I want to replay and relive all the good experiences I had in classics like, idk, Titanquest or Grim Dawn, but ...

... there is a problem. I have a very good memory, especially when there is an emotional resonance. As thus, I often feel ... empty while trying to replay what I have already experienced. It's like there is an emotional resource that gets spent.

Note: I would rather play something I know and have mastery over than to go with new stuff, this problem is horrible tbh.

Does any of that make sense? I really want to discuss this with someone.

submitted by /u/rdtusrname
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Whose departure/death had a noticeable effect on a video game series and the series hasn’t been the same since?

A character who died or left the series and the series hasn’t been the same since they departed.

It could be that they were so pivotal to the series that no one could’ve replaced them.

It could be that their replacements weren’t adequate and couldn’t give the same aura or feel that the departed character did.

Could be for a number of reasons.

submitted by /u/Johnnyboyeh
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Last photo of my friend

Last photo of my friend

Yesterday, my friend passed away, he had an traffic accident that sent him to hospital 5 days until he died. Somehow, 2 days before the accident, we were playing Elden Ring and my other friend told me to take a picture (something that I often do but do not when I’m playing with friends). and so I did, this is the last picture of my beloved friend Mirage

submitted by /u/fantasylord2205
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Saving video games

So, i'm sure that i'm not the first to bring this up, but i feel it's very important to us as gamers to finally bring some kind of change to how the industry is now. Have you ever bought a game that required an internet connection to play? Like The Crew, for example? It was shut down early this year, making it unplayable, even though it was found that an offline mode exists, but is hidden away. There is a movement happening that is trying to get a law passed in Europe, preventing any live service game from being killed off when the servers go offline for good. It is for EU citizens only, unless you use a VPN maybe. We are essentially being robbed when we spend $70 or more on a game that can be killed off at any moment. We can stop this. So please, anyone in the EU, sign the petition. Tell your friends, family, significant others, everyone in your life. Together we can put an end to planned obsolescence at

submitted by /u/RazzburiedAlive
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So.. how many of you REALLY read everything?

Not sure exactly how to word the question in title but I’ll elaborate.. I’m currently playing Elder Scrolls Online for the first time, and there’s quite a bit to find between books, journals, ect. With a ton of it being related to what you’re doing. I try to get the gist n move on with most transcripts, but is there anyone that really engage with even the smallest of written parts? And I mean this for ANY game.

Tons of games have lore scattered throughout, and I try to be loyal but sometimes it can really be a lot depending on the game.

submitted by /u/Select-Credit-7281
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How do I de-completionist myself?

So there was a shift in my thinking when assassins creed started, and everything became a collectathon, not just ac, but you know what I mean. Everything became “reveal the whole map by walking back and forth to remove the shadow of war”

“Collect all 30 feathers” “find all the treasures” and now I can’t start a game because my first thought is “man but I don’t wanna deal with all those collectibles”

any tips on how to go back on this habit so I can just enjoy the game without sinking 100 hours into it?

Edit; obligatory didn’t expect this to get the attention it got, also to everyone who sees this later, I really appreciate the advice. I’m currently playing no mans sky and just focusing on what I want to focus on, which is traveling and learning the languages right now

submitted by /u/mdahms95
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Talos Principle 2's "morality system" is probably the best I've seen.

Just finished Talos Principle 2 and beyond the puzzles (which amazing) I don't think I've played a game with such a good approach to a morality system for lack of a better word. This might sound strange because it doesn't have a traditional morality system. But throughout the game you are asked questions with answers that have a moral component. There are no systems ticking and showing you you are 3 ticks of that or 4 of that or whatever (there is one thing thah I think is influenced by your choices, but you're not aware of it on a first playthrough and I only know that from looking at achievements I didn't get) and the game does not veer off on any separate routes. Instead you simply have to consider these questions and answer in a way that fits your perspective and it was for me incredibly hard-hitting. This is supplemented with regular conversations between the characters as well. Fantastic game.

Haven't gotten the DLC yet, need a break, but definitely will.

submitted by /u/dondashall
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what are games you know with thought-provoking stories?

I mostly mean games that deal with severe issues or ask hard questions or something like that.

one game with a very thought provoking story is the fall 2: unbound.

on the surface the game is about a military ai that got hacked, had a virus uploaded to her system and needs to find her creator in order to get it out and in her 3 other robots that she manipulates into helping her.

but there is much more depth to this story.

the story is a psychological alegory that deals with many issues like fear, the fearmorgening used by politicians, manipulation, the struggle of maintaining your individuality under peer pressure, finding a purpose in life, depression, the importance of stepping your foot down and possibly more.

(by the way, if you play it, play it on easy, trust me the normal difficulty is not worth it no matter how skilled you are. also note that you may own the first one on epic games store, but you can still skip it since the sequel gives you the option to summarize the events of the first one.).

some other thought provoking games I can think is the soma, the observer and maaaaayyyybeee the bioshock series (I wouldn't call them thaaaat thought provoking but whatever).

submitted by /u/roboticgracecyborg
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Share some gaming cognito hazards you know about

A cognito hazard is something that just knowing about may cause a negative impact.

For example, how some games will create the illusion of ammo scarcity by keeping your ammo count low at all times, but artificially bumping up drop rates when you're close to running out. When you don't know, it really feels tense, but when you do, the whole charade becomes pretty much obselete.

submitted by /u/Spare-Shine3574
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What game has the best progression system you've ever experienced?

What game do you feel got its progression system "just right"?

A system, for example, where your character strength and skills grew powerful in a meaningful way, but one where the environment and challenges also grew with it in a seamless, natural way.

Or perhaps there was a different reason why you really liked the progression system. Let's hear it!

submitted by /u/ShimmersDev
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Online Multiplayer game FOMO has basically caused me to have a huge backlog

So, ever since 2020 I have only ever played online multiplayer games except for Marvel's Spiderman, Spiderman: Miles Morales, and Spiderman 2 (which were all very fun to play). I've caught myself in the FOMO trap that online multiplayer games have become. But as I game more, the more I realize that cosmetics in a game are cool, but gameplay has to be fun for me to play the game. Not because "it looks cool." But, because of sunk cost fallacy I don't want to quit Fortnite or Apex.

So, how should I escape the trap of FOMO? I want to play more singleplayer games to experience the great stories they can tell. I got into Fortnite, Apex Legends, Valorant, and Call of Duty because of the stories they told. But Fortnite's lore went to be nonexistent, Apex's is just high school young adult novel lore (a massive downgrade from TF2) and Call of Duty wants you pay $70 and download 200 gigs to play a 3-hour campaign. Any advice here?

submitted by /u/Plairinum_YT
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Nier: Automata - Worth it?

I’m a huge cyberpunk/dystopian fiction fan - movies, TV, books, and am trying to find some games to immerse myself in that kind of world right now too. I battled through the bugs of 2077 and really came to enjoy it by the end.

I see Nier: Automata come up a lot but I’m not familiar at all with the previous titles in the series or the series it spun off from. Is this a dealbreaker? Would love to hear some impressions from you guys and of course above all else if it rips.

Also open to other things in this genre if you’re over the moon about it!

submitted by /u/_NorthSouth
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Hades - Can’t Seem To “Get Gud”

Hey all,

I’m on the record as being complete dog shit at games generally speaking, but usually once I’ve invested the time and energy I can get in a groove and finish ‘em. The thing is I beat Big Daddy H in Hades once and now he just punts me into the stratosphere every time I get back.

I put the game down because it was so frustrating but if you have any tips on getting over the hump I’d appreciate it! Or you can just tell me to get gud but I promise you I won’t be doing that.

Looking forward to the sequel but want to square away the OG first - I love all the art, performances, and narrative design in the series - it’s worth the pain.

submitted by /u/_NorthSouth
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Any game that visually represents the in-game level up


Inspired by another poster's thread about progressions, something came to my mind: are there any games who visually represent our character/s levelling up?

Ex. Getting more muscular, older, more battle damaged, gaining scars etc.?

Any genre is ok

First that comes to my mind is the very recent PoP : Lost Crown

And i'm pretty sure even a relatively old Warhammer Rts did this back in early 2000s? Where you could promote a soldier to a superior rank and he changed its appearance based on this?

submitted by /u/Lonely-Tumbleweed-56
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