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Goodbye Roll7, you deserved so much better

I was stunned this morning to read about the sudden closure of award-winning British studio Roll7 by parent company Take-Two, as I'm sure so many of you were. It hasn't been officially confirmed by either company yet but there are reports out there and people talking in all-but-confirmation tones on social media. It seems beyond doubt.

But it was barely a blink of an eye ago - November 2023 - when I was sitting with studio co-founder John Ribbins, and creative director Andreas Yiannikaris, to talk about 15 years of Roll7 and what was coming next. They were each excited about new games they were directing there, with Ribbins hopeful we'd learn more about his one this year. But those games, I expect, are now cancelled. To me at the time they looked as comfortable and content as anyone in game development could be. Belonging to a big company like Take-Two, via its publishing label Private Division, looked good on them.

It makes me cringe to think we even talked about the layoffs ravaging the games industry, which have evidently continued well into this year. I didn't put this quote in my piece but it's pertinent now: when asked about layoffs and whether they'd affected Roll7, Ribbins said, "I don't think anyone feels safe, but I feel very fortunate that we became part of the Take-Two family when we did, and also very fortunate that they still back what we want to do. Obviously there's stuff we're doing we can't really talk about at the moment, because it's early, but to be in a position where that is happening when lots of places around us are struggling - in a position to keep doing what we're doing with the people that were doing it with: we're really lucky to be in that position."

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OlliOlli, Rollerdrome Studio Roll7 se uzavírá

Studio, které v roce 2021 získala společnost Private Division, je uzavíráno v rámci hromadného propouštění Take-Two Interactive.

Podle zprávy zveřejněné agenturou Bloomberg se soukromé studio Roll7 uzavírá. Studio, známé především díky sériím OlliOlli a Rollerdrome, bude brzy uzavřeno v rámci nedávno oznámeného hromadného propouštění mateřské společnosti Private Division Take-Two Interactive, v jehož rámci společnost zruší přibližně 5 % svých zaměstnanců, což představuje asi 600 pracovních míst. Společnost Roll7 získala Private Division v roce 2021.

Není to jediné studio, které kvůli propouštění v Take-Two zavírá své brány. Nedávno bylo oznámeno, že se zavírá i vývojářské studio Kerbal Space Program 2 Intercept Games, které rovněž patří Private Division, což potvrzuje i agentura Bloomberg. Podle zprávy se navíc propouštění dotklo i řady zaměstnanců samotné Private Division.

Začátkem tohoto měsíce společnost Take-Two Interactive uvedla, že v důsledku snižování nákladů očekává ztrátu ve výši přibližně 200 milionů dolarů, z čehož zhruba 140 milionů dolarů bude způsobeno zrušením projektů.

Článek OlliOlli, Rollerdrome Studio Roll7 se uzavírá se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.
