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DAC Panel Could Spark Fireworks

Panels can often become love fests. While a title may sound controversial, it turns out that everyone quickly finds that all the panelists agree on the major points. This is sometimes the result of how the panel was put together – the proposal came from one company, and they wanted to get their customers or clients onto the panel. They are unlikely to ask a major competitor to be part of the event.

These panels can become livelier if they have a moderator who opens up a panel to audience questions and they decide to throw the spanner in the works. This tends to happen a lot more in the technical panels, because each researcher, who may have taken a different approach to a problem, wants to introduce the audience to their alternative solution. But the pavilion panels tend to be a little more sedate – in part because nobody wants to burn bridges within such a tight industry.

It is quite common for me to moderate a panel each DAC, and this year is no exception. I will be moderating a technical panel whose title is directly confrontational: “Why Is EDA Playing Catchup to Disruptive Technologies Like AI? What Can We Do to Change This?”

The abstract for the panel talks about EDA having a closed mindset, consistently missing disruptive changes by choosing incremental approaches. I know that when I first read it – when I was invited to be the chair for it – I was immediately up in arms.

Twenty years ago, while working at an EDA company, I attempted to drive such disruptive changes in the verification industry. Several times a year, I would go out and talk to our customers and exchange ideas with them about the problems they were facing. We would present ideas about both incremental and disruptive developments we had underway. The message was always the same. “Can we have the incremental changes yesterday? And we don’t have time to think about the longer-term ideas.” It reminded me of the cartoon where a stone-age person is pulling a cart with square wheels and doesn’t have time to listen to the person offering him round ones.

Even so, we did go ahead and develop some of them, and a few of them did achieve an element of success. But to go from first adopters to more mainstream interests often took 10 years. Even today, many of those are still niche tools, and probably money sinks for the companies that developed them. Examples are high-level synthesis and virtual prototypes, the only two pieces of the whole ESL movement that survived. Still, they believe that long term, the industry will need them. Many other pieces completely fell by the wayside, such as hardware/software co-design. That, however, may start to resurface thanks to RISC-V.

Many of the tools associated with ESL were direct collaborations between EDA companies and researchers. I established a research collaboration program with the University of Washington that looked at multi-abstraction simulation, protocol checking and had elements of system synthesis. The only thing that came out of that was hardware software co-verification. Protocol checking, in the form of VIP, also has become popular, although not directly because of this program. Co-verification had a useful life of about five years before SystemC made the solution obsolete.

Many disruptive innovations actually have come from industry, then were commercialized by EDA companies. SystemC is one example of that. Constrained random verification is another. Portable Stimulus, while still nascent, also was developed within industry. These solutions have an advantage in that they were developed to solve a significant enough problem within the industry that they have broader appeal. There is little that has actually come from academia in recent decades.

The panel title also talks specifically about AI and accuses EDA of being behind already. It is not clear that they are. Thirty years ago, you could go to DAC and see all the new tools and flows that EDA companies were working on. Many of them might be ready within a year or two. But today, EDA companies will make no announcements until at least a few of their customers, that they chose as development partners, have had silicon success.

A typical chip cycle is 18 months. Given that we are beginning to hear about some of these tools today means they may have been in use for a good part of that 18 months. Plus, development of those tools must have started about a year before that. Let’s remember that ChatGPT only came to the fore 18 months ago, and it should be quite obvious why few generative AI products have yet been announced. The fact that there are so many EDA AI announcements would make me think that EDA companies were very quick off the starting blocks.

The panelists are Prith Banerjee – Ansys, who has written a book about disruption; Jan Rabaey – professor in the Graduate School of in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley, who also serves as the CTO of the Systems Technology Co-Optimization division at imec; Samir Mittal, corporate VP for Silicon Systems AI at Micron Technology; James Scapa, founder and CEO of Altair; and Charles Alpert, fellow at Cadence Design Systems.

If you are going to be at DAC and have access to the technical program, this 90-minute panel may be worth your time. Wednesday June 26th at 10:30am. Come ready with your questions because I will certainly be opening this panel up to the audience very quickly. While sparks may fly, please try and keep your cool and be respectful.

The post DAC Panel Could Spark Fireworks appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

RISC-V Heralds New Era Of Cooperation

RISC-V is paving the way for open source to become accepted within the hardware community, creating a level of industry collaboration never seen in the past, while revitalizing the connection between academia and industry.

The big question is whether this arrangement is just a placeholder while the industry re-learns how to develop processors, or whether this processor architecture is something very different. In either case, there is a clear and pressing need for more flexible processor architectures, and at least for now, RISC-V has filled a void.

“RISC-V was born out of academia and has had strong collaboration within universities from day one,” says Loren Hobbs, vice president of product and business development at Bluespec. “This collaboration continues today, with many of the most popular open-source RISC-V processors having come from universities. Organizations such as OpenHW Group and CHIPS Alliance serve a central and critical role in driving the collaboration, which is bi-directional between the academic community and industry.”

Collaboration of this type has not existed with the industrial community in the past. “We are learning from each other,” says Florian Wohlrab, CEO at OpenHW. “We are learning best practices for verification. At the same time, we are learning what things to avoid. It is growing where people say, ‘Yes, I really get benefit from sharing ideas.'”

The need for processor flexibility exists within industry as well as academia. “There is a need within the industry for diversification on the processor front,” says Neil Hand, director of marketing at Siemens EDA. “In the past, this led to a fragmented set of companies that couldn’t work together. They didn’t see the value of working together. But RISC-V has a cohesive central organization where anyone who wants to get into the processor space can collaborate. They don’t have to expose their secret sauce, but they get to benefit from each other. A rising tide lifts all boats, and that’s really the situation we’re at with RISC-V.”

Whether the industry can build upon this success, or whether it fizzles out over time, remains to be seen. But at least for now, RISC-V’s momentum is growing. “We are at the beginning of a revolution in hardware design,” says OpenHW’s Wohlrab. “We saw the same thing for software when Linux came out 20 or so years ago. No one was really thinking about sharing software or collaboratively developing software. There were some small open-source ventures, but working together on a big project took a long time to develop. Now we are all sharing software, all co-working. But for hardware, we’re just at the beginning of this new concept, and a lot of people need to understand that we can do the same for hardware as we did for software.”

Underlying RISC-V’s success is widespread collaboration. “One of the pillars sustaining the success of RISC-V is customization that works with the ecosystem and leverages a well-defined process,” says Sergio Marchese, vice president of application engineering at SmartDV. “RISC-V vendors face the challenge of showing how their processor customization capabilities serve an application and demonstrating the complete process on real hardware. Without strategic partnerships, RISC-V vendors must walk a much more challenging, time-consuming, and resource-intensive road.”

That framework is what makes it unique. “RISC-V has formed this framework for collaboration, and it fixes everything,” says Siemens’ Hand. “Now, when a university has a really cool idea for memory tagging in a processor design, they don’t have to build the compilers, they don’t have to build the reference platform. They already exist. Maybe a compiler optimization startup has this great idea for handling code optimization. They don’t have to build the rest of the ecosystem. When a processor IP company has this great idea, they can become focused within this bigger picture. That’s the unique nature of it. It’s not just a processor specification.”

Historically, one of the problems associated with open-source hardware was quality, because finding bugs in silicon is expensive. OpenHW is an important piece of the puzzle. “Why should everyone reinvent the wheel by themselves?” asks Wohlrab. “Why can’t we get the basic building blocks, some basic chips, take some design from academia, which has reasonably good quality, and build on them, verify them together. We are verifying with different tools, making sure we get a high coverage, and then everyone can go off and use them in their own chips for mass production, for volume shipment.”

This benefits companies both large and small. “There are several processor vendors that have switched to RISC-V,” says Hand. “Synopsys has moved to RISC-V. Andes has moved to RISC-V. MIPS has moved to RISC-V. Why? Because they can leverage the whole ecosystem. The downside of it is commoditization, which as a customer is really beneficial because you can delay choosing a processor till later in the design flow. Your early decision is to use the Arm ecosystem or RISC-V, and then you can work through it. That creates an interesting set of dynamics. You can start to create new opportunities for companies that develop and deliver IP, because you can benchmark them, swap them in and out, and see which one works. On the flip side, it makes it awful from a lock-in perspective once you’re in that socket.”

Of course, there will be some friction in the system. “In the early days of RISC-V there was nearly a 1:1 balance between contributors and consumers of the technology,” says Geir Eide, director, product management for Siemens EDA. “Today there are thousands of RISC-V consumers, but only a small percentage of those will be contributors. There is a risk that there will be a disconnect between them. If, for instance, a particular market or regional segment is growing at a higher pace than others, or other market segments and regions are more conservative, they tend to stick to established solutions longer. That increases the risk that it could lead to fragmentation.”

Is that likely to impact development long term? “We do not believe that RISC-V will become regionally concentrated, although though there may be regional concentrations of focus within the broad set of implementation choices provided by RISC-V,” says Bluespec’s Hobbs. “A prime example of this is the Barcelona Supercomputer Center, creating a regional focus area for high-performance computing using RISC-V. However, while there may be regional focus areas, this does not mean that the RISC-V standard is, or will become, fragmented. In fact, one of the key tenets of the creation and foundation of RISC-V was preventing fragmentation of the ISA, and it continues to be a key function of RISC-V international.”

China may be a different story. “A lot of companies in China are creating RISC-V cores for internal consumption — for political reasons mostly,” says John Min, vice president of customer service at Arteris. “I think China will go 100% RISC-V for embedded, but it’s a one-way street. They will keep leveraging what the Western companies do and enhance it. China will continue sucking all advancements, such as vectorization, or the special domain-specific acceleration enhancements. They will create their own and make it their own internally, but they will give nothing back.”

Such splits have occurred in the past. “Design languages are the most recent example of that,” says Hand. “There was a regional split, and you had Europe focus on VHDL while America went with Verilog. With RISC-V, there will be that regional split where people will go off and do their things regionally. Europe has focused projects, India has theirs, but they’re still doing it within this framework. It’s this realization that everyone benefits. They’re not doing it to benefit the other people. They’re doing it ultimately to save themselves effort, to save themselves cost, but they realize that by doing it in that framework it is a net benefit to everyone.”

An important element is that everyone benefits, and that has to stretch across the academic/commercial boundary. “RISC-V has propelled a new degree of collaboration between academia and commercial organizations,” says Dave Kelf, CEO at Breker. “It’s noticeable that institutions such as Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California, and ETH in Zurich, Switzerland, to name two, have produced advanced processor designs as a teaching aid, and have collaborated with multiple companies on their verification and design. This has been further advanced by OpenHW Group, which has made these designs accessible to the industry. This bi-directional collaboration benefits the tool providers to further enhance their offerings working on advanced, open devices, while also enabling academia to improve their designs to a commercial quality level. The virtuous circle created is essential if we are to see RISC-V established as a mainstream, industry-wide capability.”

Academia has a lot to offer in hardware advancement. “Researchers in universities are developing innovative new software and hardware to push the limits of RISC-V innovation,” says Dave Miller, head of corporate communications at SiFive. “Many of the RISC-V projects in academia are focused on optimizing performance and energy efficiency for AI workloads, and are open source so the entire ecosystem can benefit. Researchers are also actively contributing to RISC-V working groups to share their knowledge and collaborate with industry participants. These working groups are split evenly between representatives from APAC, Europe, and North America, all working together towards common goals.”

In many cases, industry is willing to fund such projects. “It makes it easy to have research topics that don’t need to boil the ocean,” says Hand. “If you’re a PhD student and you have a great idea, you can go do it. It’s easy for an industry partner to say, ‘I’ll sponsor that. That’s an interesting thing, and I am not required to allocate ridiculous amounts of money into an open-ended project. It’s like I can see the connection of how that research will go into a commercial product later.'”

This feeds back into academia. “The academics have been jumping on board with OpenHW,” says Wohlrab. “By taking their cores and productizing them, they get a chip back that could be shipped in high volume. Then they can do their research on a real commercial product and can see if their idea would fly in real life. They get real numbers and can see real figures for the benefits of a new branch predictor.”

It can also have a long-term benefit for tools. “There are areas where they want to collaborate with us, especially around security,” says Kiran Vittal, executive director for alliances marketing management at Synopsys. “They are building RISC-V based sub-systems using open-source RISC-V processors, and then academia wants to look at not only the AI part, but the security part. There are post-doc students or PhD students looking into using our tools to verify or to implement whatever they’re doing on security.”

That provides an incentive for EDA to offer better tools for use in universities. “Although there has always been collaboration between universities and the industry, where industry provides the universities with access to EDA tools, IP cores, etc., there’s often a bit of a lag,” says Siemens’ Eide. “In many situations (especially outside of the core area of a particular project), universities have access to older versions of the commercial solutions. If you for instance look at a new grad’s resume, where you in the past would see references to old tech, now you see a lot of references to relatively sophisticated use of RISC-V.”

Moving Forward
This collaboration needs to keep pushing forward. “We had an initiative to create a standardized interface for accelerators,” says Wohlrab. “RISC-V International standardized how to add custom instructions in the ISA, but there was no standard for the hardware interface. So we built this. It was a cool discussion. There were people from Silicon Labs, people from NXP, people from Thales, plus several startups. They all came together and asked, ‘How can we make it future proof and put the accelerators inside?'”

The application space for RISC-V is changing. “The big inflection point is Linux and Android,” says Arteris’ Min. “Android already has some support, but when both Android and Linux are really supported, it will change the mobile apps processor game. The number of designs will proliferate. The number of high-end designs will explode. It will take the whole industry to enable that because RISC-V companies are not big enough to create this by themselves. All the RISC-V companies are partners, because we enable this high-end design at the processor levels.”

That would deepen the software community’s engagement. “An embedded software developer needs to understand the underlying hardware if they want to run Linux on a RISC-V processor that uses custom instructions/ accelerators,” says Bluespec’s Hobbs. “To develop complex embedded hardware/software systems, both embedded software developers and embedded hardware developments must possess contextual understanding of the interoperability of hardware and software. The developer must understand how the customized processor is leveraging the custom instructions in hardware for Linux to efficiently manage and execute the accelerated workloads.”

This collaboration could reinvigorate research into EDA, as well. “With AI you can build predictive models,” says Hand. “Could that be used to identify the change effects from making an extension? What does that mean? There’s a cloud of influence — not directly gate-wise, because that immediately explodes — but perhaps based on test suites. ‘I know that something that touches that logic touches this downstream, which touches the rest of the design.’ That’s where AI plays a big role, and it is one of the interesting areas because in verification there are so many unknowns. When AI comes along, any guidance or any visibility that you can give is incredibly powerful. Even if it is not right 100% of the time, that’s okay, as long as it generates false negatives and not false positives.”

There is a great opportunity for EDA companies. “We collaborate with many of the open-source providers, with OpenHW group, with ETH in Zurich,” says Synopsys’ Vittal. “We want to promote our solutions when it comes to any processor design and you need standard tools like synthesis, place and route, simulation. But then there are also other kinds of unique solutions because RISC-V is so customizable, you can build your own custom instructions. You need something specific to verify these custom instructions and that’s why the Imperas golden models are important. We also collaborated with Bluespec to develop a verification methodology to take you through functional verification and debug.”

There are still some wrinkles to be worked out for customizations. “RISC-V gives us predictability,” says Hand. “We can create a compliance test suite, give you a processor optimization package if you’re on the implementation side. We can create analytics and testing solutions because we know what it’s going to look like. But for non-standard processors, it is effectively as a service, because everyone’s processor is a little bit different. The reason you see a lot of focus on the verification, from platform architecture exploration all the way through, is because if you change one little thing, such as an addressing mode, it impacts pretty much 100% of your processor verification. You’ve got to retest the whole processor. Most people aren’t set up like an Arm or an Intel with huge processor verification teams and the infrastructure, and so they need automation to do it for them.”

RISC-V has enabled the industry to create a framework for collaboration, which enables everyone to work together for selfish reasons. It is a symbiotic relationship that continues to build, and it is creating a wider sphere of influence over time.

“It’s unique in the modern era of semiconductor,” says Hand. “You have such a wide degree of collaboration, where you have processor manufacturers, the software industry leaders, EDA companies, all working on a common infrastructure.”

Related Reading
RISC-V Micro-Architectural Verification
Verifying a processor is much more than making sure the instructions work, but the industry is building from a limited knowledge base and few dedicated tools.
RISC-V Wants All Your Cores
It is not enough to want to dominate the world of CPUs. RISC-V has every core in its sights, and it’s starting to take steps to get there.

The post RISC-V Heralds New Era Of Cooperation appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

Will Domain-Specific ICs Become Ubiquitous?

Questions are surfacing for all types of design, ranging from small microcontrollers to leading-edge chips, over whether domain-specific design will become ubiquitous, or whether it will fall into the historic pattern of customization first, followed by lower-cost, general-purpose components.

Custom hardware always has been a double-edged sword. It can provide a competitive edge for chipmakers, but often requires more time to design, verify, and manufacture a chip, which can sometimes cost a market window. In addition, it’s often too expensive for all but the most price-resilient applications. This is a well-understood equation at the leading edge of design, particularly where new technologies such as generative AI are involved.

But with planar scaling coming to an end, and with more features tailored to specific domains, the chip industry is struggling to figure out whether the business/technical equation is undergoing a fundamental and more permanent change. This is muddied further by the fact that some 30% to 35% of all design tools today are being sold to large systems companies for chips that will never be sold commercially. In those applications, the collective savings from improved performance per watt may dwarf the cost of designing, verifying, and manufacturing a highly optimized multi-chip/multi-chiplet package across a large data center, leaving the debate about custom vs. general-purpose more uncertain than ever.

“If you go high enough in the engineering organization, you’re going to find that what people really want to do is a software-defined whatever it is,” says Russell Klein, program director for high-level synthesis at Siemens EDA. “What they really want to do is buy off-the-shelf hardware, put some software on it, make that their value-add, and ship that. That paradigm is breaking down in a number of domains. It is breaking down where we need either extremely high performance, or we need extreme efficiency. If we need higher performance than we can get from that off-the-shelf system, or we need greater efficiency, we need the battery to last longer, or we just can’t burn as much power, then we’ve got to start customizing the hardware.”

Even the selection of processing units can make a solution custom. “Domain-specific computing is already ubiquitous,” says Dave Fick, CEO and cofounder of Mythic. “Modern computers, whether in a laptop, phone, security camera, or in farm equipment, consist of a mix of hardware blocks co-optimized with software. For instance, it is common for a computer to have video encode or decode hardware units to allow a system to connect to a camera efficiently. It is common to have accelerators for encryption so that we can safely communicate. Each of these is co-optimized with software algorithms to make commonly used functions highly efficient and flexible.”

Steve Roddy, chief marketing officer at Quadric, agrees. “Heterogeneous processing in SoCs has been de rigueur in the vast majority of consumer applications for the past two decades or more.  SoCs for mobile phones, tablets, televisions, and automotive applications have long been required to meet a grueling combination of high-performance plus low-cost requirements, which has led to the proliferation of function-specific processors found in those systems today.  Even low-cost SoCs for mobile phones today have CPUs for running Android, complex GPUs to paint the display screen, audio DSPs for offloading audio playback in a low-power mode, video DSPs paired with NPUs in the camera subsystem to improve image capture (stabilization, filters, enhancement), baseband DSPs — often with attached NPUs — for high speed communications channel processing in the Wi-Fi and 5G subsystems, sensor hub fusion DSPs, and even power-management processors that maximize battery life.”

It helps to separate what you call general-purpose and what is application-specific. “There is so much benefit to be had from running your software on dedicated hardware, what we call bespoke silicon, because it gives you an advantage over your competitors,” says Marc Swinnen, director of product marketing in Ansys’ Semiconductor Division. “Your software runs faster, lower power, and is designed to run specifically what you want to run. It’s hard for a competitor with off-the-shelf hardware to compete with you. Silicon has become so central to the business value, the business model, of many companies that it has become important to have that optimized.”

There is a balance, however. “If there is any cost justification in terms of return on investment and deployment costs, power costs, thermal costs, cooling costs, then it always makes sense to build a custom ASIC,” says Sharad Chole, chief scientist and co-founder of Expedera. “We saw that for cryptocurrency, we see that right now for AI. We saw that for edge computing, which requires extremely ultra-low power sensors and ultra-low power processes. But there also has been a push for general-purpose computing hardware, because then you can easily make the applications more abstract and scalable.”

Part of the seeming conflict is due to the scope of specificity. “When you look at the architecture, it’s really the scope that determines the application specificity,” says Frank Schirrmeister, vice president of solutions and business development at Arteris. “Domain-specific computing is ubiquitous now. The important part is the constant moving up of the domain specificity to something more complex — from the original IP, to configurable IP, to subsystems that are configurable.”

In the past, it has been driven more by economics. “There’s an ebb and a flow to it,” says Paul Karazuba, vice president of marketing at Expedera. “There’s an ebb and a flow to putting everything into a processor. There’s an ebb and a flow to having co-processors, augmenting functions that are inside of that main processor. It’s a natural evolution of pretty much everything. It may not necessarily be cheaper to design your own silicon, but it may be more expensive in the long run to not design your own silicon.”

An attempt to formalize that ebb and flow was made by Tsugio Makimoto in the 1990s, when he was Sony’s CTO. He observed that electronics cycled between custom solutions and programmable ones approximately every 10 years. What’s changed is that most custom chips from the time of his observation contained highly programmable standard components.

Technology drivers
Today, it would appear that technical issues will decide this. “The industry has managed to work around power issues and push up the thermal envelope beyond points I personally thought were going to be reasonable, or feasible,” says Elad Alon, co-founder and CEO of Blue Cheetah. “We’re hitting that power limit, and when you hit the power limit it drives you toward customization wherever you can do it. But obviously, there is tension between flexibility, scalability, and applicability to the broadest market possible. This is seen in the fast pace of innovation in the AI software world, where tomorrow there could be an entirely different algorithm, and that throws out almost all the customizations one may have done.”

The slowing of Moore’s Law will have a fundamental influence on the balance point. “There have been a number of bespoke silicon companies in the past that were successful for a short period of time, but then failed,” says Ansys’ Swinnen. “They had made some kind of advance, be it architectural or addressing a new market need, but then the general-purpose chips caught up. That is because there’s so much investment in them, and there’s so many people using them, there’s an entire army of people advancing, versus your company, just your team, that’s advancing your bespoke solution. Inevitably, sooner or later, they bypass you and the general-purpose hardware just gets better than the specific one. Right now, the pendulum has swung toward custom solutions being the winner.”

However, general-purpose processors do not automatically advance if companies don’t keep up with adoption of the latest nodes, and that leads to even more opportunities. “When adding accelerators to a general-purpose processor starts to break down, because you want to go faster or become more efficient, you start to create truly customized implementations,” says Siemens’ Klein. “That’s where high-level synthesis starts to become really interesting, because you’ve got that software-defined implementation as your starting point. We can take it through high-level synthesis (HLS) and build an accelerator that’s going to do that one specific thing. We could leave a bunch of registers to define its behavior, or we can just hard code everything. The less general that system is, the more specific it is, usually the higher performance and the greater efficiency that we’re going to take away from it. And it almost always is going to be able to beat a general-purpose accelerator or certainly a general-purpose processor in terms of both performance and efficiency.”

At the same time, IP has become massively configurable. “There used to be IP as the building blocks,” says Arteris’ Schirrmeister. “Since then, the industry has produced much larger and more complex IP that takes on the role of sub-systems, and that’s where scope comes in. We have seen Arm with what they call the compute sub-systems (CSS), which are an integration and then hardened. People care about the chip as a whole, and then the chip and the system context with all that software. Application specificity has become ubiquitous in the IP space. You either build hard cores, you use a configurable core, or you use high-level synthesis. All of them are, by definition, application-specific, and the configurability plays in there.”

Put in perspective, there is more than one way to build a device, and an increasing number of options for getting it done. “There’s a really large market for specialized computing around some algorithm,” says Klein. “IP for that is going to be both in the form of discrete chips, as well as IP that could be built into something. Ultimately, that has to become silicon. It’s got to be hardened to some degree. They can set some parameters and bake it into somebody’s design. Consider an Arm processor. I can configure how many CPUs I want, I can configure how big I want the caches, and then I can go bake that into a specific implementation. That’s going to be the thing that I build, and it’s going to be more targeted. It will have better efficiency and a better cost profile and a better power profile for the thing that I’m doing. Somebody else can take it and configure it a little bit differently. And to the degree that the IP works, that’s a great solution. But there will always be algorithms that don’t have a big enough market for IP to address. And that’s where you go in and do the extreme customization.”

Some have questioned if the emerging chiplet industry will reverse this trend. “We will continue to see systems composed of many hardware accelerator blocks, and advanced silicon integration technologies (i.e., 3D stacking and chiplets) will make that even easier,” says Mythic’s Fick. “There are many companies working on open standards for chiplets, enabling communication bandwidth and energy efficiency that is an order of magnitude greater than what can be built on a PCB. Perhaps soon, the advanced system-in-package will overtake the PCB as the way systems are designed.”

Chiplets are not likely to be highly configurable. “Configuration in the chiplet world might become just a function of switching off things you don’t need,” says Schirrmeister. “Configuration really means that you do not use certain things. You don’t get your money back for those items. It’s all basically applying math and predicting what your volumes are going to be. If it’s an incremental cost that has one more block on it to support another interface, or making the block the Ethernet block with time triggered stuff in it for automotive, that gives you an incremental effort of X. Now, you have to basically estimate whether it also gives you a multiple of that incremental effort as incremental profit. It works out this way because chips just become very configurable. Chiplets are just going in the direction or finding the balance of more generic usage so that you can apply them in more chiplet designs.”

The chiplet market is far from certain today. “The promise of chiplets is that you use only the function that you want from the supplier that you want, in the right node, at the right location,” says Expedera’s Karazuba. “The idea of specialization and chiplets are at arm’s length. They’re actually together, but chiplets have a long way to go. There’s still not that universal agreement of the different things around a chiplet that have to be in order to make the product truly mass market.”

While chiplets have been proven to work, nearly all of the chiplets in use today are proprietary. “To build a viable [commercial] chiplet company, you have to be going after a broad enough market, large enough from a dollar perspective, then you can make all the investment, have success and get everything back accordingly,” says Blue Cheetah’s Alon. “There’s a similar tension where people would like to build a general-purpose chiplet that can be used anywhere, by anyone. That is the plug-and-play discussion, but you could finish up with something that becomes so general-purpose, with so much overhead, that it’s just not attractive in any particular market. In the chiplet case, for technical reasons, it might not actually really work that way at all. You might try to build it for general purpose, and it turns out later that it doesn’t plug into particular sockets that are of interest.”

The economics of chiplet viability have not yet been defined. “The thing about chiplets is they can be small,” says Klein. “Being small means that we don’t need as big a market for them as we would for a very large chip. We can also build them on different technologies. We can have some that are on older technologies, where transistors are cheaper, and we can combine those with other chiplets that might be leading-edge nodes where we could have general-purpose CPUs or NPU accelerators. There’s a mix-and-match, and we can do chiplets smaller than we can general-purpose chips. We can do smaller runs of them. We can take that IP and customize it for a particular market vertical and create some chiplets for that, change the configuration a bit, and do another run for something else. There’s a level of customization that can be deployed and supported by the market that’s a little bit more than we’ve seen in full-size chips, where the entire thing has to be built into one package.

What it means for a design to be general-purpose or custom is changing. All designs will contain some of each. Some companies will develop novel architectures using general-purpose processors, and these will be better than a fully general-purpose solution. Others will create highly customized hardware for some functions that are known to be stable, and general purpose for things that are likely to change. One thing has never changed, however. A company is not likely to add more customization than necessary to satisfy the needs of the market they are targeting.

Further Reading
Challenges With Chiplets And Power Delivery
Benefits and challenges in heterogeneous integration.
Chiplets: 2023 (EBook)
What chiplets are, what they are being used for today, and what they will be used for in the future.

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Design Tool Think Tank Required

When I was in the EDA industry as a technologist, there were three main parts to my role. The first was to tell customers about new technologies being developed and tool extensions that would be appearing in the next release. These were features they might find beneficial both in the projects they were undertaking today, and even more so, would apply to future projects. Second, I would try and find out what new issues they were finding, or where the tools were not delivering the capabilities they required. This would feed into tool development planning. And finally, I would take those features selected by the marketing team for implementation and try to work out how best to implement them if it wasn’t obvious to the development teams.

By far the most difficult task out of the three was getting new requirements from customers. Most engineers have their heads down, concentrating on getting their latest chip out. When you ask them about new features, the only thing they offer are their current pain points. These usually involve incremental features or bugs, where the workaround is disliked, or insufficient performance.

Thirty years ago, when I first started doing that role, there were dedicated methodology groups within the larger companies whose job it was to develop flows and methodologies for future projects. This would appear to be the ideal people to ask, but in many cases they were so disconnected from the development team that what they asked for would never actually be used by the development team. These groups were idealists who wanted to instill revolutionary changes, whereas the development teams wanted evolutionary tools. The furthest many of those developments went was pilot projects that never became mainstream.

It seems as if the industry needs a better path to get requirements into the EDA companies. This used to be defined by the ITRS, which would look forward and project the new capabilities that would be required and the timeframes for them. That no longer exists. Today, standards are being driven by semiconductor companies. This is a change from the past, where we used to see the EDA companies driving the developments done within groups like Accellera. When I look at their recent undertakings, most of them are driven by end users.

Getting a standards group started today happens fairly late in the process. It implies an immediate need, but does not really allow time for solutions to be developed ahead of time. It appears that a think tank is required where the industry can discuss issues and problems for which new tool development is required. That can then be built into the EDA roadmaps so that the technology becomes available when it is needed.

One such area is power analysis. I have been writing stories about how important power and energy is becoming and may indeed soon become the limiter for many of the most complex designs. Some of the questions I always ask are:

  • What tools are being developed for doing power analysis of software?
  • How can you calculate the energy consumed for a given function?
  • How can users optimize a design for power or energy?

I rarely get straight answers to any of these questions. Instead, I’m often given vague ideas about how a user could do this in a manual fashion given the tools currently available.

I was beginning to think I was barking up the wrong tree and perhaps these were not legitimate concerns. My sanity was restored by a comment on one of my recent power related stories. Allan Cantle, OCP HPC Sub-Project Leader at Open Compute Project Foundation, wrote: “While it’s great to see articles like this highlight the need for us all to focus on energy centric computing, the sad news is that our tools don’t report energy in any obvious way to show the stupid architectural mistakes we often make from an energy consumption perspective. We are solving all the problems from a bottoms-up perspective by bringing things closer together. While that does bring tremendous energy efficiency benefits, it also creates massively increasing energy density. There is so much low-hanging fruit from a top-down system architecture approach that the industry is missing because we need to think outside the box and across our silos.”

Cantle went on to say: “A trivial improvement in tools that report energy consumption as a first-class metric will make it far easier for us to understand and rectify the mistakes we make as we build new energy-centric, domain-specific computers for each application. Alternatively, the silicon gods that rule our industry would be wise to take a step backward and think about the problem from a systems level perspective.”

I couldn’t agree more, and I find it frustrating that no EDA company seems to be listening. I am sure part of the problem is that the large customers are working on their own internal solutions, and they feel it will provide them with a competitive advantage. Until it becomes clear that all of their competitors have similar solutions, and that they no longer get an advantage from it, then they will look to transfer those solutions to the EDA companies so they do not have to maintain them. The EDA companies will then start to fight to make the solution they have acquired the standard. It all takes a long time.

In partial defense of the EDA companies, they are facing so many new issues these days that they are spread very thin dealing with new nodes, 2.5D, 3D, shift left, multi-physics, AI algorithms – to name just a few. They already spend more on R&D than most technology companies as a percentage of revenue.

Perhaps Accellera could start to include discussion forums in events like DVCon. This would allow for an open discussion about the problems they need to have solved. Perhaps they could start to produce the EDA equivalent of the old ITRS roadmap. It sure would save a lot of time and energy (pun intended).

The post Design Tool Think Tank Required appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

2.5D Integration: Big Chip Or Small PCB?

Defining whether a 2.5D device is a printed circuit board shrunk down to fit into a package, or is a chip that extends beyond the limits of a single die, may seem like hair-splitting semantics, but it can have significant consequences for the overall success of a design.

Planar chips always have been limited by size of the reticle, which is about 858mm2. Beyond that, yield issues make the silicon uneconomical. For years, that has limited the number of features that could be crammed onto a planar substrate. Any additional features would need to be designed into additional chips and connected with a printed circuit board (PCB).

The advent of 2.5D packaging technology has opened up a whole new axis for expansion, allowing multiple chiplets to be interconnected inside an advanced package. But the starting point for this packaged design can have a big impact on how the various components are assembled, who is involved, and which tools are deployed and when.

There are several reasons why 2.5D is gaining ground today. One is cost. “If you can build smaller chips, or chiplets, and those chiplets have been designed and optimized to be integrated into a package, it can make the whole thing smaller,” says Tony Mastroianni, advanced packaging solutions director at Siemens Digital Industries Software. “And because the yield is much higher, that has a dramatic impact on cost. Rather than having 50% or below yield for die-sized chips, you can get that up into the 90% range.”

Interconnecting chips using a PCB also limits performance. “Historically, we had chips packaged separately, put on the PCB, and connected with some routing,” says Ramin Farjadrad, CEO and co-founder of Eliyan. “The problems people started to face were twofold. One was that the bandwidth between these chips was limited by going through the PCB, and then a limited number of balls on the package limited the connectivity between these chips.”

The key difference with 2.5D compared to a PCB is that 2.5D uses chip dimensions. There are much finer-grain wires, and various components can be packed much closer together on an interposer or in a package than on a board. For those reasons, wires can be shorter, there can be more of them, and bandwidth is increased.

That impacts performance at multiple levels. “Since they are so close, you don’t have the long transport RC or LC delays, so it’s much faster,” says Siemens’ Mastroianni. “You don’t need big drivers on a chip to drive long traces over the board, so you have lower power. You get orders of magnitude better performance — and lower power. A common metric is to talk about pico joules per bit. The amount of energy it takes to move bits makes 2.5D compelling.”

Still, the mindset affects the initial design concept, and that has repercussions throughout the flow. “If you talk to a die designer, they’re probably going to say that it is just a big chip,” says John Park, product management group director in the Custom IC & PCB Group at Cadence. “But if you talk to a package designer, or a board designer, they’re going to say it’s basically a tiny PCB.”

Who is right? “The internal organizational structure within the company often decides how this is approached,” says Marc Swinnen, director of product marketing at Ansys. “Longer term, you want to make sure that your company is structured to match the physics and not try to match the physics to your company.”

What is clear is that nothing is certain. “The digital world was very regular in that every two years we got a new node that was half size,” says Cadence’s Park. “There would be some new requirements, but it was very evolutionary. Packaging is the Wild West. We might get 8 new packaging technologies this year, 3 next year, 12 the next year. Many of these are coming from the foundries, whereas it used to be just from the outsourced semiconductor assembly and test companies (OSATs) and the substrate providers. While the foundries are a new entrant, the OSATs are offering some really interesting packaging technologies at a lower cost.”

Part of the reason for this is that different groups of people have different requirement sets. “The government and the military see the primary benefits as heterogeneous integration capabilities,” says Ansys’ Swinnen. “They are not pushing the edge of processing technology. Instead, they are designing things like monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs), where they need waveguides for very high-speed signals. They approach it from a packaging assembly point of view. Conversely, the high-performance compute (HPC) companies approach it from a pile of 5nm and 3nm chips with high performance high-bandwidth memory (HBM). They see it as a silicon assembly problem. The benefit they see is the flexibility of the architecture, where they can throw in cores and interfaces and create products for specific markets without having to redesign each chiplet. They see flexibility as the benefit. Military sees heterogeneous integration as the benefit.”

There are several materials used as the substrate in 2.5D packaging technology, each of which has different tradeoffs in terms of cost, density, and bandwidth, along with each having a selection of different physical issues that must be overcome. One of the primary points of differentiation is the bump pitch, as shown in figure 1.

Fig 1. Chiplet interconnection for various substrate configurations. Source: Eliyan

Fig 1. Chiplet interconnection for various substrate configurations. Source: Eliyan

When talking about an interposer, it generally is considered to be silicon. “The interposer could be a large piece of silicon (Fig 1 top), or just silicon bridges between the chips (Fig 1 middle) to provide the connectivity,” says Eliyan’s Farjadrad. “Both of these solutions use micro-bumps, which have high density. Interposers and bridges provide a lot of high-density bumps and traces, and that gives you bandwidth. If you utilize 1,000 wires each running at 5Gb, you get 5Tb. If you have 10,000, you get 50Tb. But those signals cannot go more than two or three millimeters. Alternatively, if you avoid the silicon interposer and you stay with an organic package (Fig 1 bottom), such as flip chip package, the density of the traces is 5X to 10X less. However, the thickness of the wires can be 5X to 10X more. That’s a significant advantage, because the resistance of the wires will go down by the square of the thickness of the wires. The cross section of that wire goes up by the square of that wire, so the resistance comes down significantly. If it’s 5X less density, that means you can run signals almost 25X further.”

For some people, it is all about bandwidth per millimeter. “If you have a parallel bus, or a parallel interface that is high speed, and you want bandwidth per millimeter, then you would probably pick a silicon interposer,” says Kent Stahn, senior manager of hardware engineering in Synopsys‘ Solutions Group. “An organic substrate is low-loss, low-cost, but it doesn’t have the density. In between, there are a bunch of solutions that deliver on some of that, but not for the same cost.”

There are other reasons to pick a substrate material, as well. “Silicon interposer comes from a foundry, so availability is a problem,” says Manuel Mota, senior staff product manager in Synopsys’ Solutions Group. “Some companies are facing challenges in sourcing advanced packages because capacity is taken. By going to other technologies that have a little less bandwidth density, but perhaps enough for your application, you can find them elsewhere. That’s becoming a critical aspect.”

All of these technologies are progressing rapidly, however. “The reticle limit is about 858mm square,” says Park. “People are talking about interposers that are perhaps four times that size, but we have laminates that go much bigger. Some of the laminate substrates coming from Japan are approaching that same level of interconnect density that we can get from silicon. I personally see more push towards organic substrates. Chip-on-Wafer-on-Substrate (CoWoS) from TSMC uses a silicon interposer and has been the technology of choice for about 12 years. More recently they introduced CoWoS-R, which uses film polyamide, closer to an organic type of substrate. Now we hear a lot about glass substrates.”

Over time, the total real estate inside the package may grow. “It doesn’t make sense for foundries to continue to build things the size of a 30-inch printed circuit board,” adds Park. “There are materials that are capable of addressing the bigger designs. Where we really need density is die-to-die. We want those chiplets right next to each other, a couple of millimeters of interconnect length. We want things very short. But the rest of it is just fanning out the I/O so that it connects to the PCB.”

This is why bridges are popular. “We do see a progression to bridges for the high-speed part of the interface,” say Synopsys’ Stahn. “The back side of it would be fanout, like RDL fanout. We see RDL packages that are going to be more like traditional packages going forward.”

Interposers offer additional capabilities. “Today, 99% of the interposers are passive,” says Park. “There’s no front end of line, there are no device layers. It’s purely back end of line processing. You are adding three, four, five metal layers to that silicon. That’s what we call a passive interposer. It’s just creating that die-to-die interconnect. But there are people taking that die and making it an active interposer, basically adding logic to that.”

That can happen for different purposes. “You already see some companies doing active interposers, where they add power management or some of the controls logic,” says Mota. “When you start putting active circuits on interposer, is it still a 2.5D integration, or does it become a 3D integration? We don’t see a big trend toward active interposers today.”

There are some new issues, though. “You have to consider coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatches,” says Stahn. “This happens whenever two materials with different CTEs are bonded together. Let’s start with the silicon interposer. You can get higher wattage systems, where the SoCs can be talking to their peers, and that can consume a lot of power. A silicon interposer still has to go in a package. The CTE mismatches are between the silicon to the package material. And with the bridge, you’re using it where you need it, but it’s still silicon die-to-die. You have to do the thermal mechanical analysis to make sure that the power that you’re delivering, and the CTE mismatches that you have, result in a viable system.”

While signal lengths in theory can get longer, this poses some problems. “When you’re making those long connections inside a chip, you typically limit those routes to a couple of millimeters, and then you buffer it,” says Mastroianni. “The problem with a passive silicon interposer is there are no buffers. That can really become a serious issue. If you do need to make those connections, you need to plan those out very carefully. And you do need to make sure you’re running timing analysis. Typically, your package guys are not going to be doing that analysis. That’s more of a problem that’s been solved with static timing analysis by silicon engineers. We do need to introduce an STA flow and deal with all the extractions that include organic and silicon type traces, and it becomes a new problem. When you start getting into some of those very long traces, your simple RC timing delays, which are assumed in normal STA delay calculators, don’t account for some of the inductance and mutual inductance between those traces, so you can get serious accuracy issues for those long traces.”

Active interposers help. “With active interposers, you can overcome some of the long-distance problems by putting in buffers or signal repeaters,” says Swinnen. “Then it starts looking more like a chip again, and you can only do it on silicon. You have the EMIB technology from Intel, where they embedded chiplet into the interposer and that’s an active bridge. The chip talks to the EMIB chip, and they both talk to you through this little active bridge chip, which is not exactly an active interposer, but acts almost like an active interposer.”

But even passive components add value. “The first thing that’s being done is including trench capacitors in the interposer,” says Mastroianni. “That gives you the ability to do some good decoupling, where it counts, close to the die. If you put them out on the board, you lose a lot of the benefits for the high-speed interfaces. If you can get them in the interposer, sitting right under where you have the fast-switching speed signals, you can get some localized decoupling.”

In addition to different materials, there is the question of who designs the interposer. “The industry seems to think of it as a little PCB in the context of who’s doing the design,” says Matt Commens, senior manager for product management at Ansys. “The interposers are typically being designed by packaging engineers, even though they are silicon processes. This is especially true for the high-performance ones. It seems counterintuitive, but they have that signal integrity background, they’ve been designing transmission lines and minimizing mismatch at interconnects. A traditional IC designer works from a component point of view. So certainly, the industry is telling us that the people they’re assigning to do that design work are packaging type of personas.”

There are some considerable differences in routing between PCBs and interposers. “Interposer routing is much easier, as the number of components is drastically reduced compared to the PCB,” says Andy Heinig, head of department for efficient electronics at Fraunhofer IIS/EAS. “On the other hand, the power grid on the interposer is much more complex due to the higher resistance of the metal layers and the fact that the power grid is cut out by signal wires. The routing for the die-to-die interface is more complex due to the routing density.”

Power delivery looks very different. “If you look at a PCB, they put these big metal pour areas embedded in the layers, and they void out areas where things need to go through,” says Park. “You put down a bunch of copper and then you void out the others. We can’t build an interposer that way. We have to deposit the interconnect, so the power and ground structures on a silicon interposer will look more like a digital chip. But the signal will look more like a PCB or laminate package.”

Routing does look more like a PCB than a chip. “You’ll see things like teardrops or fillets where it makes a connection to a pad or via to create better yield,” adds Park. “The routing styles today are more aligned to PCBs than they are to a digital IC, where you just have 90° orthogonal corners and clean routing channels. For interposers, whether it’s silicon or organic, the via is often bigger than the wire, which is a classic PCB problem. The routers, if we’re talking about digital, is again more like a small PCB than a die.”

TSVs can create problems, too. “If you’re going to treat them as square, you’re losing a lot of space at the corners,” says Swinnen. “You really want 45° around those objects. Silicon routers are traditionally Manhattan, although there has been a long tradition of RDL routing, which is the top layer where the bumps are connected. That has traditionally used octagonal bumps or round bumps, and then 45° routing. It’s not as flexible as the PCB routing, but they have redistribution layer routers, and also they have some routers that come from the full custom side which have full river routing.”

Related Reading
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Thermal Integrity Challenges Grow In 2.5D
Work is underway to map heat flows in interposer-based designs, but there’s much more to be done.

The post 2.5D Integration: Big Chip Or Small PCB? appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

Accellera Preps New Standard For Clock-Domain Crossing

Part of the hierarchical development flow is about to get a lot simpler, thanks to a new standard being created by Accellera. What is less clear is how long will it take before users see any benefit.

At the register transfer level (RTL), when a data signal passes between two flip flops, it initially is assumed that clocks are perfect. After clock-tree synthesis and place-and-route are performed, there can be considerable timing skew between the clock edges arriving those adjacent flops. That makes timing sign-off difficult, but at least the clocks are still synchronous.

But if the clocks come from different sources, are at different frequencies, or a design boundary exists between the flip flops — which would happen with the integration of IP blocks — it’s impossible to guarantee that no clock edges will arrive when the data is unstable. That can cause the output to become unknown for a period of time. This phenomenon, known as metastability, cannot be eliminated, and the verification of those boundaries is known as clock-domain crossing (CDC) analysis.

Special care is required on those boundaries. “You have to compensate for metastability by ensuring that the CDC crossings follow a specific set of logic design principles,” says Prakash Narain, president and CEO of Real Intent. “The general process in use today follows a hierarchical approach and requires that the clock-domain crossing internal to an IP is protected and safe. At the interface of the IP, where the system connects with the IP, two different teams share the problem. An IP provider may recommend an integration methodology, which often is captured in an abstraction model. That abstraction model enables the integration boundary to be verified while the internals of it will not be checked for CDC. That has already been verified.”

In the past, those abstract models differentiated the CDC solutions from veracious vendors. That’s no longer the case. Every IP and tool vendor has different formats, making it costly for everyone. “I don’t know that there’s really anything new or differentiating coming down the pipe for hierarchical modeling,” says Kevin Campbell, technical product manager at Siemens Digital Industries Software. “The creation of the standard will basically deliver much faster results with no loss of quality. I don’t know how much more you can differentiate in that space other than just with performance increases.”

While this has been a problem for the whole industry for quite some time, Intel decided it was time for a solution. The company pushed Accellera to take up the issue, and helped facilitate the creation of the standard by chairing the committee. “I’m going to describe three methods of building a product,” says Iredamola “Dammy” Olopade, chair of the Accellera working group, and a principal engineer at Intel. “Method number one is where you build everything in a monolithic fashion. You own every line of code, you know the architecture, you use the tool of your choice. That is a thing of the past. The second method uses some IP. It leverages reuse and enables the quick turnaround of new SoCs. There used to be a time when all IPs came from the same source, and those were integrating into a product. You could agree upon the tools. We are quickly moving to a world where I need to source IPs wherever I can get them. They don’t use the same tools as I do. In that world, common standards are critical to integrating quickly.”

In some cases, there is a hierarchy of IP. “Clock-domain crossings are a central part of our business,” says Frank Schirrmeister, vice president of solutions and business development at Arteris. “A network-on-chip (NoC) can be considered as ‘CDC central’ because most blocks connected to the NoC have different clocks. Also, our SoC integration tools see all of the blocks to be integrated, and those touch various clock domains and therefore need to deal with the CDC code that is inserted.”

This whole thing can become very messy. “While every solution supports hierarchical modeling, every tool has its own model solution and its own model representation,” says Siemens’ Campbell. “Vendors, or users, are stuck with a CDC solution, because the models were created within a certain solution. There’s no real transportability between any of the hierarchical modeling solutions unless they want to go regenerate models for another solution.”

That creates a lot of extra work. “Today, when dealing with customer CDC issues, we have to consider the customer’s specific environment, and for CDC, a potential mix of in-house flows and commercial tools from various vendors,” says Arteris’ Schirrmeister. “The compatibility matrix becomes very complex, very fast. If adopted, the new Accellera CDC standard bears the potential to make it easier for IP vendors, like us, to ensure compatibility and reduce the effort required to validate IP across multiple customer toolsets. The intent, as specified in the requirements is that ‘every IP provider can run its tool of choice to verify and produce collateral and generate the standard format for SoCs that use a different tool.'”

Everyone benefits. “IP providers will not need to provide extra documentation of clock domains for the SoC integrator to use in their CDC analysis,” says Ahmed Nasr, digital design manager at Mixel. “The standard CDC attributes generated by the EDA tool will be self-contained.”

The use model is relatively simple. “An IP developer signs off on CDC and then exports the abstract model,” says Real Intent’s Narain. “It is likely they will write this out in both the Accellera format and the native format to provide backward compatibility. At the next level of hierarchy, you read in the abstract model instead of reading in the full view of the design. They have various views of the IP, including the CDC view of the IP, which today is on the basis of whatever tool they use for CDC sign-off.”

The potential is significant. “If done right and adopted, the industry may arrive at a common language to describe CDC aspects that can streamline the validation process across various tools and environments used by different users,” says Schirrmeister. “As a result, companies will be able to integrate and validate IP more efficiently than before, accelerating development cycles and reducing the complexity associated with SoC integration.”

The standard
Intel’s Olopade describes the approach that was taken during the creation of the standard. “You take the most complex situations you are likely to find, you box them, and you co-design them in order to reduce the risk of bugs,” he said. “The boundaries you create are supposed to be simple boundaries. We took that concept, and we brought it into our definition to say the following: ‘We will look at all kinds of crossings, we will figure out the simple common uses, and we will cover that first.’ That is expected to cover 95% to 98% of the community. We are not trying to handle 700 different exceptions. It is common. It is simple. It is what guarantees production quality, not just from a CDC standpoint, but just from a divide-and-conquer standpoint.”

That was the starting point. “Then we added elements to our design document that says, ‘This is how we will evaluate complexity, and this is how we’ll determine what we cover first,'” he says. “We broke things down into three steps. Step one is clock-domain crossing. Everyone suffers from this problem. Step two is reset-domain crossing (RDC). As low power is getting into more designs, there are a lot more reset domains, and there is risk between these reset domains. Some companies care, but many companies don’t because they are not in a power-aware environment. It became a secondary consideration. Beyond the basic CDC in phase one, and RDC in phase two, all other interesting, small usage complexities will be handled in phase three as extensions to the standard. We are not going to get bogged down supporting everything under the sun.”

Within the standards group there are two sub-groups — a mapping team and a format team. Common standards, such as AMBA, UCIe, and PCIe have been looked at to make sure that these are fully covered by the standard. That means that the concepts should be useful for future markets.

“The concepts contained in the standard are extensible to hardened chiplets,” says Mixel’s Nasr. “By providing an accurate standard CDC view for the chiplet, it will enable integration with other chiplets.”

Some of those issues have yet to be fully explored. “The standard’s current documentation primarily focuses on clock-domain crossing within an SoC itself,” says Schirrmeister. “Its direct applicability to the area of chiplets would depend on further developments. The interfaces between fully hardened IP blocks on chiplets would communicate through standard interfaces like UCIe, BoW, or XSR, so the synchronization issues between chiplets on substrates would appear to be elevated to the protocol levels.”

Reset-domain crossings have yet to appear in the standard. “The genesis of CDC is asynchronous clocks,” says Narain. “But the genesis for reset-domain crossing is asynchronous resets. While the destination is due to the clock, the source of the problem is somewhere else. And as a result, the nature of the problem, the methodology that people use to manage that problem, are very different. The kind of information that you need to retain, and the kind of information that you can throw away, is different for every problem. Hence, abstractions are actually very customized for the application.”

Does the standard cover enough ground? That is part of the purpose of the review period that was used to collect information. “I can see some room for future improvement — for example, making some attributes mandatory like logic, associated_clocks, clock_period for clock ports,” says Nasr. “Another proposed improvement is adding reconvergence information, to be able to detect reconverging outputs of parallel synchronizers.”

The impact of all of this, if realized, is enormous. “If you truly run a collaborative, inclusive, development cycle, two things will happen,” says Olopade. “One, you are going to be able to find multiple ways to solve each problem. You need to understand the pros and cons against the real problems you are trying to solve and agree on the best way we should do it together. For each of those, we record the options, the pros and cons, and the reason one was selected. In a public review, those that couldn’t be part of that discussion get to weigh in. We weigh it against what they are suggesting versus why did we choose it. In the cases where it is part of what we addressed, and we justified it, we just respond, and we do not make a change. If you’re truly inclusive, you do allow that feedback to cause you to change your mind. We received feedback on about three items that we had debated, where the feedback challenged the decisions and got us to rehash things.”

The big challenge
Still, the creation of a standard is just the first step. Unless a standard is fully adopted, its value becomes diminished. “It’s a commendable objective and a worthy endeavor,” says Schirrmeister. “It will make interoperability easier and eventually allow us, and the whole industry, to reduce the compatibility matrix we maintain to deal with vendor tools individually. It all will depend on adoption by the vendors, though.”

It is off to a good start. “As with any standard, good intentions sometimes get severed by reality,” says Campbell. “There has been significant collaboration and agreements on how the standard is being pushed forward. We did not see self-submarining, or some parties playing nice just to see what’s going on but not really supporting it. This does seem like good collaboration and good decision making across the board.”

Implementation is another hurdle. “Will it actually provide the benefit that it is supposed to provide?” asks Narain. “That will depend upon how completely and how quickly EDA tool vendors provide support for the standard. From our perception, the engineering challenge for implementing this is not that large. When this is standardized, we will provide support for it as soon as we can.”

Even then, adoption isn’t a slam dunk. “There are short- and long-term problems,” warns Campbell. “IP vendors already have to support multiple formats, but now you have to add Accellera on top of that. There’s going to be some pain both for the IP vendors and for EDA vendors. We are going to have to be backward-compatible and some programs go on for decades. There’s a chance that some of these models will be around for a very long time. That’s the short-term pain. But the biggest hurdle to overcome for a third-party IP vendor, and EDA vendor, is quality assurance. The whole point of a hierarchical development methodology is faster CDC closure with no loss in quality. The QA load here is going to be big, because no customer is going to want to take the risk if they’ve got a solution that is already working well.”

Some of those issues and fears are expected to be addressed at the upcoming DVCon conference. “We will be providing a tutorial on CDC,” says Olopade. “The first 30 minutes covers the basics of CDC for those who haven’t been doing this for the last 10 years. The next hour will talk about the Accellera solution. It will concentrate on those topics which were hotly debated, and we need to help people understand, or carry people along with what we recommend. Then it may become more acceptable and more adoptive.”

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The post Accellera Preps New Standard For Clock-Domain Crossing appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.
