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Yes, you can run Doom in Balatro

Balatro is the latest thing that can seemingly run the seminal 90s shooter Doom.

"Literally nobody asked for it, but here it is: Doom on Balatro," announced u/UwUDev on reddit, appending a video that proves they've somehow embedded Zoom into the poker game's Joker collection screen.

"Honestly, I didn't think anyone would care. I'd just done it for fun/challenge, but since the community seems to like it, I'm planning something even more impressive and stupid," UwuDev said.

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Out in the shadows: Dark Mod 2.07 released

The hide-and-seek simulator The Dark Mod (TDM) has had a new release as of last week. For those who don't remember, TDM is a Doom 3 mod-gone-standalone that aims to recreate a similar game experience to that of Looking Glass Studio's Thief series. It is known amongst both stealth game aficionados and free software enthusiasts as a project of exceptional quality, with a dedicated community of content creators. The latest release 2.07 focuses on stability and performance.

Since we last reported on this amazing project, the game has progressed leaps and bounds both in content and quality. The extensive loading times and performance irks that plagued the initial standalone releases, from the project's early emancipation from Doom 3 game asset and codebase requirements, are now mostly a thing of the past, and are set to be improved even further, as multi-core support has finally been added to the engine (albeit as an experimental feature). Future updates will bring the game to OpenGL 3.3, transferring processing power from the CPU to the GPU.

On the graphics department, the implementation of advanced shadow maps promise near real-life shadow behavior. Improved antialiasing will generally upgrade looks for those with more powerful machines.

The release has also seen the addition of more Creative Commons licensed assets (under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) and map modules, which are free to use in either TDM fan missions or in any other mod or game project. Many fan missions are available under the same license, with incoming releases almost every month. They can be downloaded through the in-game GUI or by accessing the mission portal.

For further information you can access the full changelog here.

Code License: GPLv3
Assets License:

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Yes, you can run Doom in Balatro

Balatro is the latest thing that can seemingly run the seminal 90s shooter Doom.

"Literally nobody asked for it, but here it is: Doom on Balatro," announced u/UwUDev on reddit, appending a video that proves they've somehow embedded Zoom into the poker game's Joker collection screen.

"Honestly, I didn't think anyone would care. I'd just done it for fun/challenge, but since the community seems to like it, I'm planning something even more impressive and stupid," UwuDev said.

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Out in the shadows: Dark Mod 2.07 released

The hide-and-seek simulator The Dark Mod (TDM) has had a new release as of last week. For those who don't remember, TDM is a Doom 3 mod-gone-standalone that aims to recreate a similar game experience to that of Looking Glass Studio's Thief series. It is known amongst both stealth game aficionados and free software enthusiasts as a project of exceptional quality, with a dedicated community of content creators. The latest release 2.07 focuses on stability and performance.

Since we last reported on this amazing project, the game has progressed leaps and bounds both in content and quality. The extensive loading times and performance irks that plagued the initial standalone releases, from the project's early emancipation from Doom 3 game asset and codebase requirements, are now mostly a thing of the past, and are set to be improved even further, as multi-core support has finally been added to the engine (albeit as an experimental feature). Future updates will bring the game to OpenGL 3.3, transferring processing power from the CPU to the GPU.

On the graphics department, the implementation of advanced shadow maps promise near real-life shadow behavior. Improved antialiasing will generally upgrade looks for those with more powerful machines.

The release has also seen the addition of more Creative Commons licensed assets (under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) and map modules, which are free to use in either TDM fan missions or in any other mod or game project. Many fan missions are available under the same license, with incoming releases almost every month. They can be downloaded through the in-game GUI or by accessing the mission portal.

For further information you can access the full changelog here.

Code License: GPLv3
Assets License:

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Fallout: London je nyní k dispozici ke stažení zcela zdarma!

fallout london

Hráči měli pravdu. Záhadný příspěvek na serveru Discord přesně odpovídal tomu, co bylo napsáno, a nyní byl na serveru oficiálně vydán modifikační balíček pro Fallout 4, který si hráči mohou nainstalovat.

Tento mod je zdarma k instalaci a hraní prostřednictvím Falloutu 4; hráči jej musí pouze nainstalovat z mod launcheru GOGu. Hráči se navíc musí ujistit, že jejich verze nemá nainstalovanou aktualizaci next-gen. V opačném případě bude mod nekompatibilní.

Na této obrovské modifikaci o velikosti rozšíření pracoval tým FOLON mnoho let a konečně přišlo datum vydání. Fallout: London je celosvětově k dispozici pro všechny zájemce. Jediní, kdo se nebudou moci zúčastnit, jsou hráči na konzolích a ti, kteří vlastní hru v obchodě Epic Games Store. Pokud však zoufale toužíte ve hře uvíznout, Fallout 4 je s 60% slevou k dispozici na, kde bude mod zcela kompatibilní.

Na tomto fanouškovském projektu se pracovalo dlouhých pět let, přičemž hráči se dočkali například vydání Fallout show a next-gen aktualizace pro Fallout 4. Protože Fallout: se ujal tohoto břemene a dokonce umožnil uživatelům používat vlastní spouštěč.

Pro ty, kteří se chtějí pustit do stahování Falloutu: London, musíte se ujistit, že vlastníte Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition na nebo přes Steam.

Proces instalace hry Fallout: Londýn je také poměrně jednoduchý. Pro ty, kteří si hru stahují přes, stačí ji nainstalovat přes GOG GALAXY a vypnout ukládání do cloudu. Nezapomeňte postupovat podle pokynů uvedených prostřednictvím spouštěče a budete se moci vrhnout do hry. Tým FOLON také uvedl, že je nezbytné vypnout cloudové ukládání, protože Fallout: London provede nevratné změny v herních souborech, které mohou zabránit správnému fungování Falloutu 4.

Fallout: London je nabitý mód s více než 200 novými úkoly a 20 frakcemi, které se snaží získat moc a ovládnout město. Chcete-li si stáhnout Fallout: London, musíte mít k dispozici alespoň 65 GB místa pro modifikaci, a to bez započtení místa potřebného pro Fallout 4: Game of the Year edition.

Již nyní je Fallout: Na serveru je Fallout London vysoce hodnocen, a to celkovým počtem 4,6 hvězdiček z 5. To je neuvěřitelně pozitivní pro tým FOLON, který věnoval spoustu času tvorbě této modifikace a přináší ji fanouškům Falloutu zcela zdarma.

Článek Fallout: London je nyní k dispozici ke stažení zcela zdarma! se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Michael Bay's Skibidi Toilet movie production company has apparently sent DMCA takedowns to Garry's Mod

Update: Garry Newman has confirmed that the DMCA notice was sent last year, and has since been "all resolved", in an email to IGN.

Original story:

Earlier this month it was reported that Skibidi Toilet, the YouTube phenomenon, may be heading to film and television via director Michael Bay. Now Invisible Narratives, a production company co-owned by Bay, has apparently sent a DMCA takedown notice to Garry Newman, citing the large number of Skibidi Toilet games and assets advertised within Garry's Mod.

Skibidi Toilet uses assets derived from Half-Life 2, however, and owes a lot to the Garry's Mod machinima scene. And the animation's original creator, best known as DaFuqBoom, is claiming innocence over the DMCA.

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Michael Bay's Skibidi Toilet movie production company has apparently sent DMCA takedowns to Garry's Mod

Update: Garry Newman has confirmed that the DMCA notice was sent last year, and has since been "all resolved", in an email to IGN.

Original story:

Earlier this month it was reported that Skibidi Toilet, the YouTube phenomenon, may be heading to film and television via director Michael Bay. Now Invisible Narratives, a production company co-owned by Bay, has apparently sent a DMCA takedown notice to Garry Newman, citing the large number of Skibidi Toilet games and assets advertised within Garry's Mod.

Skibidi Toilet uses assets derived from Half-Life 2, however, and owes a lot to the Garry's Mod machinima scene. And the animation's original creator, best known as DaFuqBoom, is claiming innocence over the DMCA.

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Out in the shadows: Dark Mod 2.07 released

The hide-and-seek simulator The Dark Mod (TDM) has had a new release as of last week. For those who don't remember, TDM is a Doom 3 mod-gone-standalone that aims to recreate a similar game experience to that of Looking Glass Studio's Thief series. It is known amongst both stealth game aficionados and free software enthusiasts as a project of exceptional quality, with a dedicated community of content creators. The latest release 2.07 focuses on stability and performance.

Since we last reported on this amazing project, the game has progressed leaps and bounds both in content and quality. The extensive loading times and performance irks that plagued the initial standalone releases, from the project's early emancipation from Doom 3 game asset and codebase requirements, are now mostly a thing of the past, and are set to be improved even further, as multi-core support has finally been added to the engine (albeit as an experimental feature). Future updates will bring the game to OpenGL 3.3, transferring processing power from the CPU to the GPU.

On the graphics department, the implementation of advanced shadow maps promise near real-life shadow behavior. Improved antialiasing will generally upgrade looks for those with more powerful machines.

The release has also seen the addition of more Creative Commons licensed assets (under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) and map modules, which are free to use in either TDM fan missions or in any other mod or game project. Many fan missions are available under the same license, with incoming releases almost every month. They can be downloaded through the in-game GUI or by accessing the mission portal.

For further information you can access the full changelog here.

Code License: GPLv3
Assets License:

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Out in the shadows: Dark Mod 2.07 released

The hide-and-seek simulator The Dark Mod (TDM) has had a new release as of last week. For those who don't remember, TDM is a Doom 3 mod-gone-standalone that aims to recreate a similar game experience to that of Looking Glass Studio's Thief series. It is known amongst both stealth game aficionados and free software enthusiasts as a project of exceptional quality, with a dedicated community of content creators. The latest release 2.07 focuses on stability and performance.

Since we last reported on this amazing project, the game has progressed leaps and bounds both in content and quality. The extensive loading times and performance irks that plagued the initial standalone releases, from the project's early emancipation from Doom 3 game asset and codebase requirements, are now mostly a thing of the past, and are set to be improved even further, as multi-core support has finally been added to the engine (albeit as an experimental feature). Future updates will bring the game to OpenGL 3.3, transferring processing power from the CPU to the GPU.

On the graphics department, the implementation of advanced shadow maps promise near real-life shadow behavior. Improved antialiasing will generally upgrade looks for those with more powerful machines.

The release has also seen the addition of more Creative Commons licensed assets (under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) and map modules, which are free to use in either TDM fan missions or in any other mod or game project. Many fan missions are available under the same license, with incoming releases almost every month. They can be downloaded through the in-game GUI or by accessing the mission portal.

For further information you can access the full changelog here.

Code License: GPLv3
Assets License:

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Out in the shadows: Dark Mod 2.07 released

The hide-and-seek simulator The Dark Mod (TDM) has had a new release as of last week. For those who don't remember, TDM is a Doom 3 mod-gone-standalone that aims to recreate a similar game experience to that of Looking Glass Studio's Thief series. It is known amongst both stealth game aficionados and free software enthusiasts as a project of exceptional quality, with a dedicated community of content creators. The latest release 2.07 focuses on stability and performance.

Since we last reported on this amazing project, the game has progressed leaps and bounds both in content and quality. The extensive loading times and performance irks that plagued the initial standalone releases, from the project's early emancipation from Doom 3 game asset and codebase requirements, are now mostly a thing of the past, and are set to be improved even further, as multi-core support has finally been added to the engine (albeit as an experimental feature). Future updates will bring the game to OpenGL 3.3, transferring processing power from the CPU to the GPU.

On the graphics department, the implementation of advanced shadow maps promise near real-life shadow behavior. Improved antialiasing will generally upgrade looks for those with more powerful machines.

The release has also seen the addition of more Creative Commons licensed assets (under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) and map modules, which are free to use in either TDM fan missions or in any other mod or game project. Many fan missions are available under the same license, with incoming releases almost every month. They can be downloaded through the in-game GUI or by accessing the mission portal.

For further information you can access the full changelog here.

Code License: GPLv3
Assets License:

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Out in the shadows: Dark Mod 2.07 released

The hide-and-seek simulator The Dark Mod (TDM) has had a new release as of last week. For those who don't remember, TDM is a Doom 3 mod-gone-standalone that aims to recreate a similar game experience to that of Looking Glass Studio's Thief series. It is known amongst both stealth game aficionados and free software enthusiasts as a project of exceptional quality, with a dedicated community of content creators. The latest release 2.07 focuses on stability and performance.

Since we last reported on this amazing project, the game has progressed leaps and bounds both in content and quality. The extensive loading times and performance irks that plagued the initial standalone releases, from the project's early emancipation from Doom 3 game asset and codebase requirements, are now mostly a thing of the past, and are set to be improved even further, as multi-core support has finally been added to the engine (albeit as an experimental feature). Future updates will bring the game to OpenGL 3.3, transferring processing power from the CPU to the GPU.

On the graphics department, the implementation of advanced shadow maps promise near real-life shadow behavior. Improved antialiasing will generally upgrade looks for those with more powerful machines.

The release has also seen the addition of more Creative Commons licensed assets (under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) and map modules, which are free to use in either TDM fan missions or in any other mod or game project. Many fan missions are available under the same license, with incoming releases almost every month. They can be downloaded through the in-game GUI or by accessing the mission portal.

For further information you can access the full changelog here.

Code License: GPLv3
Assets License:

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Here's why you should get a YubiKey

YubiKeys are the de facto standard for hardware authentication devices. They are found everywhere, from big businesses to the keychains of security-savvy professionals. They're one of the biggest upgrades you can make to reduce your risk profile for all sorts of online attacks. While not as affordable as some other alternatives, they're durable and long-lasting, and will easily serve you for many years. Here are some of the reasons why we think you should get a YubiKey.

Out in the shadows: Dark Mod 2.07 released

The hide-and-seek simulator The Dark Mod (TDM) has had a new release as of last week. For those who don't remember, TDM is a Doom 3 mod-gone-standalone that aims to recreate a similar game experience to that of Looking Glass Studio's Thief series. It is known amongst both stealth game aficionados and free software enthusiasts as a project of exceptional quality, with a dedicated community of content creators. The latest release 2.07 focuses on stability and performance.

Since we last reported on this amazing project, the game has progressed leaps and bounds both in content and quality. The extensive loading times and performance irks that plagued the initial standalone releases, from the project's early emancipation from Doom 3 game asset and codebase requirements, are now mostly a thing of the past, and are set to be improved even further, as multi-core support has finally been added to the engine (albeit as an experimental feature). Future updates will bring the game to OpenGL 3.3, transferring processing power from the CPU to the GPU.

On the graphics department, the implementation of advanced shadow maps promise near real-life shadow behavior. Improved antialiasing will generally upgrade looks for those with more powerful machines.

The release has also seen the addition of more Creative Commons licensed assets (under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) and map modules, which are free to use in either TDM fan missions or in any other mod or game project. Many fan missions are available under the same license, with incoming releases almost every month. They can be downloaded through the in-game GUI or by accessing the mission portal.

For further information you can access the full changelog here.

Code License: GPLv3
Assets License:

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Out in the shadows: Dark Mod 2.07 released

The hide-and-seek simulator The Dark Mod (TDM) has had a new release as of last week. For those who don't remember, TDM is a Doom 3 mod-gone-standalone that aims to recreate a similar game experience to that of Looking Glass Studio's Thief series. It is known amongst both stealth game aficionados and free software enthusiasts as a project of exceptional quality, with a dedicated community of content creators. The latest release 2.07 focuses on stability and performance.

Since we last reported on this amazing project, the game has progressed leaps and bounds both in content and quality. The extensive loading times and performance irks that plagued the initial standalone releases, from the project's early emancipation from Doom 3 game asset and codebase requirements, are now mostly a thing of the past, and are set to be improved even further, as multi-core support has finally been added to the engine (albeit as an experimental feature). Future updates will bring the game to OpenGL 3.3, transferring processing power from the CPU to the GPU.

On the graphics department, the implementation of advanced shadow maps promise near real-life shadow behavior. Improved antialiasing will generally upgrade looks for those with more powerful machines.

The release has also seen the addition of more Creative Commons licensed assets (under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) and map modules, which are free to use in either TDM fan missions or in any other mod or game project. Many fan missions are available under the same license, with incoming releases almost every month. They can be downloaded through the in-game GUI or by accessing the mission portal.

For further information you can access the full changelog here.

Code License: GPLv3
Assets License:

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Out in the shadows: Dark Mod 2.07 released

The hide-and-seek simulator The Dark Mod (TDM) has had a new release as of last week. For those who don't remember, TDM is a Doom 3 mod-gone-standalone that aims to recreate a similar game experience to that of Looking Glass Studio's Thief series. It is known amongst both stealth game aficionados and free software enthusiasts as a project of exceptional quality, with a dedicated community of content creators. The latest release 2.07 focuses on stability and performance.

Since we last reported on this amazing project, the game has progressed leaps and bounds both in content and quality. The extensive loading times and performance irks that plagued the initial standalone releases, from the project's early emancipation from Doom 3 game asset and codebase requirements, are now mostly a thing of the past, and are set to be improved even further, as multi-core support has finally been added to the engine (albeit as an experimental feature). Future updates will bring the game to OpenGL 3.3, transferring processing power from the CPU to the GPU.

On the graphics department, the implementation of advanced shadow maps promise near real-life shadow behavior. Improved antialiasing will generally upgrade looks for those with more powerful machines.

The release has also seen the addition of more Creative Commons licensed assets (under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) and map modules, which are free to use in either TDM fan missions or in any other mod or game project. Many fan missions are available under the same license, with incoming releases almost every month. They can be downloaded through the in-game GUI or by accessing the mission portal.

For further information you can access the full changelog here.

Code License: GPLv3
Assets License:

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WWE 2K24 U-turns on modder ban following community backlash

WWE 2K24 has unbanned modder WhatsTheStatus following complaints from its community.

WhatsTheStatus - who was banned last week for "violation of terms" - revealed on Twitter/X that, after speaking with 2K and the WWE team, they had "come to an agreement, and a fair one at that".

Originally, 2K and/or developer Visual Concepts was unhappy with WhatsTheStatus' mods, saying that as they "negatively impact the game experience for other players", the modder was banned in order to ensure there is a "positive WWE 2K24 experience for all players".

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Out in the shadows: Dark Mod 2.07 released

The hide-and-seek simulator The Dark Mod (TDM) has had a new release as of last week. For those who don't remember, TDM is a Doom 3 mod-gone-standalone that aims to recreate a similar game experience to that of Looking Glass Studio's Thief series. It is known amongst both stealth game aficionados and free software enthusiasts as a project of exceptional quality, with a dedicated community of content creators. The latest release 2.07 focuses on stability and performance.

Since we last reported on this amazing project, the game has progressed leaps and bounds both in content and quality. The extensive loading times and performance irks that plagued the initial standalone releases, from the project's early emancipation from Doom 3 game asset and codebase requirements, are now mostly a thing of the past, and are set to be improved even further, as multi-core support has finally been added to the engine (albeit as an experimental feature). Future updates will bring the game to OpenGL 3.3, transferring processing power from the CPU to the GPU.

On the graphics department, the implementation of advanced shadow maps promise near real-life shadow behavior. Improved antialiasing will generally upgrade looks for those with more powerful machines.

The release has also seen the addition of more Creative Commons licensed assets (under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) and map modules, which are free to use in either TDM fan missions or in any other mod or game project. Many fan missions are available under the same license, with incoming releases almost every month. They can be downloaded through the in-game GUI or by accessing the mission portal.

For further information you can access the full changelog here.

Code License: GPLv3
Assets License:

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Mód přináší DLSS 3 i na grafické karty řady Nvidia RTX 20 a 30

Vlastníte starší grafické karty Nvidia GeForce RTX řady 20 a řady 30 a mrzí Vás, že nejnovější technologie generování snímků spojená s DLSS 3 je dostupná pouze na nejnovějších kartách řady 40, které jsou pro vás cenově nedostupné? Máme pro vás tip na řešení, které vám funkci generování snímků přinese i na vaše starší grafické karty.

Ano, s tímto řešením jsou spojena jistá – řekněme drobná omezení, ale věřte, že konečný výsledek vždy stojí za to.

Funkce generování snímků se nedávno stalo open source, protože AMD do své iniciativy GPUOpen přidalo generaci rámců FSR 3, čímž přineslo konkurenci DLSS 3, uzamčené výhradně pro GPU řady RTX 40. Oficiální podporu FSR 3 jsme zatím viděli v malém množství her, ale vydání open source zdrojového kódu nám přineslo DLSSG do FSR3 – mod, který funguje s jakýmkoli titulem podporujícím generování snímků DLSS 3 a vymění řešení Nvidia za FSR 3. Výsledkem je, že majitelé karet Nvidia RTX řady 20 a 30 mají nyní vlastní řešení generování snímků.

Přinejmenším jeden další mod DLSS 3 na FSR 3 se chystá, ten má fungovat i na hardwaru AMD, ale v tuto chvíli je první řešení od ‚Nukema‘ určeno výhradně pro uživatele Nvidie. To je dáno povahou modifikace, která se skládá ze dvou částí. Nejprve jednoduše zkopírujete dva soubory DLL do adresáře hry a poté spustíte položku v registru, která oklame váš počítač tak, aby si myslel, že vaše GPU je kompatibilní s DLSS 3, i když tomu tak není. Zapněte hru a volba generování snímků DLSS 3 již nebude šedá. Zapnutím volby se však aktivuje mod FSR 3, nikoli původní DLSS 3.

Má to zajímavé vedlejší efekty. Oficiálně FSR 3 funguje pouze se vstupy FSR 2. Tento mod vám však umožňuje používat FSR 3 s jakýmkoliv vstupem, který si vyberete – takže pro hru jako Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales můžete přidat generování snímků do FSR 2, XeSS, DLSS, Insomniac’s ITGI nebo snímků s nativním rozlišením. To je vhodné pro majitele karet RTX, kteří mohou těžit z použití prostorového upscalingu DLSS namísto FSR 2.

Mod pro generování snímků jsme testovali u velmi náročných her, jako je například Dragons Dogma 2, kde jsou standardně propady snímků velmi velké, ovšem po aplikaci tohoto řešení se snímková frekvence zvýšila až ke 100 snímkům za vteřinu a to u karty RTX 2070. Totéž platilo i pro hru Remnant 2, jejíž technický stav se s vydáním nejnovějšího DLC The Forgotten Kingdom velmi zhoršil, ovšem díky módu hra opět běžela s trojnásobně vyšším počtěm snímků. Návod, jak na to naleznete v níže přiloženém videu.

Myslím, že většina lidí bude ohromena okamžitým zvýšením fps při zapnutí této injektované verze FSR3, a pokud bude snímková frekvence dostatečně vysoká, jakékoli zvýšení vstupní latence bude zanedbatelnou cenou za tuto přidanou hodnotu.

Zvýšení snímkové frekvence způsobené modem je skutečné. Podíváme-li se na benchmark Cyberpunk 2077 pomocí RT Overdrive při 1440p DLSS výkonovém režimu s aktivní rekonstrukcí paprsku, přináší přibližně 67procentní zvýšení snímkové frekvence, takže se výkon posouvá z nějakých 50-60 na zhruba 100 fps, což je dobré.

Jaká jsou tedy omezení a překážky?

Co se překážek týče, tak zde je několik drobností, které je třeba učinit ručně, jako je nahrání dll souborů přímo do složky s nainstalovanou hrou. Někdy je třeba dohledat starší verzi souborů ve hře, které vývojáři s patchem nahrazují a které nemusí být s módem vždy kompatibilní. s Tímto jsme se setkali u výše zmíněné hry Remnant 2.

Jedním z nejdůležitějším omezení je, že mod nelze použít u multiplayerových her jako Call of Duty atd, protože je mod vyhodnocen jako jistá forma cheatu.

Posledním problémem, kterého si můžete všimnout, je jakýsi efekt tečkovaného šumu, který se někdy objevuje v oblastech s velkým kontrastem, které se rychle pohybují. Důvodem je rozlišení FSR 3, které se zdá být rozptýlené, takže prvky obrazovky mohou vypadat více v šumu v závislosti na tom, jak rychle dochází ke změnám na celé obrazovce. Jsou zde další drobné problémy, ale připomeňme si, že se jedná o zcela neoficiální mod, který se nezaměřuje na špičkovou kvalitu obrazu, ale na maximální zvýšení snímkové frekvence.

Jednoznačný přínos v podobě vyšší snímkové frekvence, který otevírá dveře k plynulejšímu hraní uživatelům se staršími grafickými kartami Nvidia GeForce RTX 20 a 30 je k zcela nezpochybnitelný.

Takže pokud nechcete aktuálně vydat nemalé peníze za novou grafickou kartu řady 40, tak zcela jistě vyzkoušejte tento bezplatný mod, který jistě stojí za to vyzkoušet.

Článek Mód přináší DLSS 3 i na grafické karty řady Nvidia RTX 20 a 30 se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Out in the shadows: Dark Mod 2.07 released

The hide-and-seek simulator The Dark Mod (TDM) has had a new release as of last week. For those who don't remember, TDM is a Doom 3 mod-gone-standalone that aims to recreate a similar game experience to that of Looking Glass Studio's Thief series. It is known amongst both stealth game aficionados and free software enthusiasts as a project of exceptional quality, with a dedicated community of content creators. The latest release 2.07 focuses on stability and performance.

Since we last reported on this amazing project, the game has progressed leaps and bounds both in content and quality. The extensive loading times and performance irks that plagued the initial standalone releases, from the project's early emancipation from Doom 3 game asset and codebase requirements, are now mostly a thing of the past, and are set to be improved even further, as multi-core support has finally been added to the engine (albeit as an experimental feature). Future updates will bring the game to OpenGL 3.3, transferring processing power from the CPU to the GPU.

On the graphics department, the implementation of advanced shadow maps promise near real-life shadow behavior. Improved antialiasing will generally upgrade looks for those with more powerful machines.

The release has also seen the addition of more Creative Commons licensed assets (under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) and map modules, which are free to use in either TDM fan missions or in any other mod or game project. Many fan missions are available under the same license, with incoming releases almost every month. They can be downloaded through the in-game GUI or by accessing the mission portal.

For further information you can access the full changelog here.

Code License: GPLv3
Assets License:

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Out in the shadows: Dark Mod 2.07 released

The hide-and-seek simulator The Dark Mod (TDM) has had a new release as of last week. For those who don't remember, TDM is a Doom 3 mod-gone-standalone that aims to recreate a similar game experience to that of Looking Glass Studio's Thief series. It is known amongst both stealth game aficionados and free software enthusiasts as a project of exceptional quality, with a dedicated community of content creators. The latest release 2.07 focuses on stability and performance.

Since we last reported on this amazing project, the game has progressed leaps and bounds both in content and quality. The extensive loading times and performance irks that plagued the initial standalone releases, from the project's early emancipation from Doom 3 game asset and codebase requirements, are now mostly a thing of the past, and are set to be improved even further, as multi-core support has finally been added to the engine (albeit as an experimental feature). Future updates will bring the game to OpenGL 3.3, transferring processing power from the CPU to the GPU.

On the graphics department, the implementation of advanced shadow maps promise near real-life shadow behavior. Improved antialiasing will generally upgrade looks for those with more powerful machines.

The release has also seen the addition of more Creative Commons licensed assets (under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) and map modules, which are free to use in either TDM fan missions or in any other mod or game project. Many fan missions are available under the same license, with incoming releases almost every month. They can be downloaded through the in-game GUI or by accessing the mission portal.

For further information you can access the full changelog here.

Code License: GPLv3
Assets License:

This post was retrieved from

Out in the shadows: Dark Mod 2.07 released

The hide-and-seek simulator The Dark Mod (TDM) has had a new release as of last week. For those who don't remember, TDM is a Doom 3 mod-gone-standalone that aims to recreate a similar game experience to that of Looking Glass Studio's Thief series. It is known amongst both stealth game aficionados and free software enthusiasts as a project of exceptional quality, with a dedicated community of content creators. The latest release 2.07 focuses on stability and performance.

Since we last reported on this amazing project, the game has progressed leaps and bounds both in content and quality. The extensive loading times and performance irks that plagued the initial standalone releases, from the project's early emancipation from Doom 3 game asset and codebase requirements, are now mostly a thing of the past, and are set to be improved even further, as multi-core support has finally been added to the engine (albeit as an experimental feature). Future updates will bring the game to OpenGL 3.3, transferring processing power from the CPU to the GPU.

On the graphics department, the implementation of advanced shadow maps promise near real-life shadow behavior. Improved antialiasing will generally upgrade looks for those with more powerful machines.

The release has also seen the addition of more Creative Commons licensed assets (under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) and map modules, which are free to use in either TDM fan missions or in any other mod or game project. Many fan missions are available under the same license, with incoming releases almost every month. They can be downloaded through the in-game GUI or by accessing the mission portal.

For further information you can access the full changelog here.

Code License: GPLv3
Assets License:

This post was retrieved from

Out in the shadows: Dark Mod 2.07 released

The hide-and-seek simulator The Dark Mod (TDM) has had a new release as of last week. For those who don't remember, TDM is a Doom 3 mod-gone-standalone that aims to recreate a similar game experience to that of Looking Glass Studio's Thief series. It is known amongst both stealth game aficionados and free software enthusiasts as a project of exceptional quality, with a dedicated community of content creators. The latest release 2.07 focuses on stability and performance.

Since we last reported on this amazing project, the game has progressed leaps and bounds both in content and quality. The extensive loading times and performance irks that plagued the initial standalone releases, from the project's early emancipation from Doom 3 game asset and codebase requirements, are now mostly a thing of the past, and are set to be improved even further, as multi-core support has finally been added to the engine (albeit as an experimental feature). Future updates will bring the game to OpenGL 3.3, transferring processing power from the CPU to the GPU.

On the graphics department, the implementation of advanced shadow maps promise near real-life shadow behavior. Improved antialiasing will generally upgrade looks for those with more powerful machines.

The release has also seen the addition of more Creative Commons licensed assets (under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) and map modules, which are free to use in either TDM fan missions or in any other mod or game project. Many fan missions are available under the same license, with incoming releases almost every month. They can be downloaded through the in-game GUI or by accessing the mission portal.

For further information you can access the full changelog here.

Code License: GPLv3
Assets License:

This post was retrieved from

Out in the shadows: Dark Mod 2.07 released

The hide-and-seek simulator The Dark Mod (TDM) has had a new release as of last week. For those who don't remember, TDM is a Doom 3 mod-gone-standalone that aims to recreate a similar game experience to that of Looking Glass Studio's Thief series. It is known amongst both stealth game aficionados and free software enthusiasts as a project of exceptional quality, with a dedicated community of content creators. The latest release 2.07 focuses on stability and performance.

Since we last reported on this amazing project, the game has progressed leaps and bounds both in content and quality. The extensive loading times and performance irks that plagued the initial standalone releases, from the project's early emancipation from Doom 3 game asset and codebase requirements, are now mostly a thing of the past, and are set to be improved even further, as multi-core support has finally been added to the engine (albeit as an experimental feature). Future updates will bring the game to OpenGL 3.3, transferring processing power from the CPU to the GPU.

On the graphics department, the implementation of advanced shadow maps promise near real-life shadow behavior. Improved antialiasing will generally upgrade looks for those with more powerful machines.

The release has also seen the addition of more Creative Commons licensed assets (under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) and map modules, which are free to use in either TDM fan missions or in any other mod or game project. Many fan missions are available under the same license, with incoming releases almost every month. They can be downloaded through the in-game GUI or by accessing the mission portal.

For further information you can access the full changelog here.

Code License: GPLv3
Assets License:

This post was retrieved from
