WoW The War Within: Best & Easy-To-Play Healer Classes For New Players
WoW has multiple classes for players to choose from and a lot of them come with the healer specialization. Some of them are easy to use while others are a bit hard.
If you are new to the game and would like to start as a healer then choosing a class that is easy-to-play is essential if you want to perform your role well. Healers have gone through a lot of changes throughout the history of the game and will probably do so in the future as well.
But in this guide, I will show you the best healer classes that are currently the easiest to use.
Best Healer Classes For New Players in The War Within
Out of all the healer classes in the game, there are 4 right now that a new player can easily get into. Although playing as them is easy, fully mastering them on the other hand will definitely take time and effort.
Holy Priest

The Holy Priest is a ranged healer with a reactive style of play which suits new players very well. This class is pretty good in providing single target healing with okay group healing capabilities. Has a good amount of spells so mastering them will take some time but overall this spec is very easy to play.
Restoration Shaman

One of the best healing specs to play in the first season of The War Within is Restoration Shaman. And due to the recent changes and significant reduction of the button bloat, it has become quite beginner friendly.
Restoration Shaman is also a ranged healer with good AOE healing abilities and an exception toolkit which is pretty flexible. The abilities have short cooldowns so you will have to be aware of your mana utilization. If the Holy Priest is not your style then you can not go wrong with the Restoration Shaman.
Holy Paladin

As a Holy Paladin, you build up your Holy Power through Judgment or Crusader Strike. Then spend that Holy Power to use various types of healing abilities which excel at spot and single target healing. Lacks in healing allies that are spread far due to heavy reliance on Light of Dawn ability for AOE healing. However, this spec has good damage reduction abilities.
The Holy Paladin relies on a melee style of gameplay so it is a bit harder to use compared to the two specs mentioned above. If you have no problems using a melee healer then this is a good option as well.
Mistweaver Monk

Out of all the specs I mentioned, Mistweaver Monk is the hardest. It is a little harder to play than Holy Paladin. But it is still relatively easier to play when compared to some other healing specs in the game.
Mistweaver Monk is also a melee based healer with exceptional burst AOE healing capability. Depending on what you need, Mistweaver Monk can excel in both, group and tank healing. The trickiest part for new players with this spec is going to be mana management.

These 4 healing classes are the easiest to use for newcomers and you can choose whichever appeals to you the most without any worry. One more thing that can help you out immensely are addons. Check our list for the top 10 addons for The War Within.
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