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From Baldur's Gate to Rogue Trader, the latest RPG-themed Humble Bundle is a horrifying assault on your time

There you are, rambling through the woods of Interactive Entertainment with an empty pack and a spring in your step. Here I am, lying in wait behind a tree. Wham! Bam! You reel back in consternation as I bounce into the path and clobber you with a sack containing no less than eight venerable RPGs, from Baldur's Gate to Warhammer 40,000: Rogue's Trader - well over a thousand hours worth of dungeons, dragons, dicerolls, dwarven shopkeepers and many other things I refuse to spend time alliterating, all of which will (currently) set you back just £32.07.

Were you planning to spend this weekend playing some cute two-hour artgame sideshow, without any levelling at all? Shut up, you DOLT. You will play what the nice journalist tells you to play! Best lay in extra caffeine tablets, because it's going to take you till Monday just to get through the character creators alone.

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Space Marine 2’s co-op suggests it is in fact jetpacks that make the dream work

In the grim heatwave of the midsummer, everyone you know would love to come hunch over a table and roll dice for six hours, actually, but they’ve got that thing on. You remember that thing, right? Plus, no-one’s got a big enough table. Or the new errata. Also, Trevor’s been banging on about lady Custodes for five months straight and nobody wants to be around him right now. Thank the Omni-trevor, then, for the three-player co-op of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2. “Warhammer with the boys?” said Horace as he stretchily dished out preview keys from an entirely different postcode. James, Edwin and Nic were initially all booked-up for the week, but Horace repeated himself, making it absolutely clear that it wasn’t a question.

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From Baldur's Gate to Rogue Trader, the latest RPG-themed Humble Bundle is a horrifying assault on your time

There you are, rambling through the woods of Interactive Entertainment with an empty pack and a spring in your step. Here I am, lying in wait behind a tree. Wham! Bam! You reel back in consternation as I bounce into the path and clobber you with a sack containing no less than eight venerable RPGs, from Baldur's Gate to Warhammer 40,000: Rogue's Trader - well over a thousand hours worth of dungeons, dragons, dicerolls, dwarven shopkeepers and many other things I refuse to spend time alliterating, all of which will (currently) set you back just £32.07.

Were you planning to spend this weekend playing some cute two-hour artgame sideshow, without any levelling at all? Shut up, you DOLT. You will play what the nice journalist tells you to play! Best lay in extra caffeine tablets, because it's going to take you till Monday just to get through the character creators alone.

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Space Marine 2’s co-op suggests it is in fact jetpacks that make the dream work


In the grim heatwave of the midsummer, everyone you know would love to come hunch over a table and roll dice for six hours, actually, but they’ve got that thing on. You remember that thing, right? Plus, no-one’s got a big enough table. Or the new errata. Also, Trevor’s been banging on about lady Custodes for five months straight and nobody wants to be around him right now. Thank the Omni-trevor, then, for the three-player co-op of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2. “Warhammer with the boys?” said Horace as he stretchily dished out preview keys from an entirely different postcode. James, Edwin and Nic were initially all booked-up for the week, but Horace repeated himself, making it absolutely clear that it wasn’t a question.

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Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 PvP multiplayer certainly has that old timey Gears Of War energy

Yesterday, Nic took James and I on a tour of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2's co-op campaign. A merry old time was had, romping through fortress cities like a small herd of crusader buffalo, using the game's absurd jetpack functionality to pancake invading Tyranids, and getting our screens so slathered in gore we couldn't work out who was killing what.

It looks like the gargantuan action game's PvP multiplayer will be even messier. Saber and Focus Home have released an extended trailer that walks you through two major modes - the PvE boss and wave-slaying frenzy of Operations, and the 12-player PvP carnage of Eternal War, which spans a range of match types. The ecstasy of dying for the Emperor aside, both give me frightful flashbacks to the early days of Gears Of War.

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Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2 PvP multiplayer certainly has that old timey Gears Of War energy

Yesterday, Nic took James and I on a tour of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2's co-op campaign. A merry old time was had, romping through fortress cities like a small herd of crusader buffalo, using the game's absurd jetpack functionality to pancake invading Tyranids, and getting our screens so slathered in gore we couldn't work out who was killing what.

It looks like the gargantuan action game's PvP multiplayer will be even messier. Saber and Focus Home have released an extended trailer that walks you through two major modes - the PvE boss and wave-slaying frenzy of Operations, and the 12-player PvP carnage of Eternal War, which spans a range of match types. The ecstasy of dying for the Emperor aside, both give me frightful flashbacks to the early days of Gears Of War.

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Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 představuje mocné zbraně a krvavý boj - INDIAN

Po menších videích zaměřených na zbraně, planety a nepřátele přichází o něco delší trailer, který představuje arzenál a ukazuje opravdu brutální a krvavý boj. V akční střílečce Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 se stanete legendárním vesmírným mariňákem Titusem a postavíte na houževnatým tyranidským rojům. K dispozici budete mít všestranný arzenál zahrnující řetězový meč, těžký Bolter s velkou kadencí, granátomet i plazmovou pušku.

Vývojáři ze studia Saber Interactive, kde vznikla kooperativní akce World War Z, vás nechají hrát po svém. Můžete zbraně libovolně kombinovat a užívat si kontaktní boj tváří v tvář nepříteli i o něco bezpečnější boj z dálky. Ve všech případech nezapomeňte hledat a otevírat bedny s municí, aby vám nedošla.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 - Official Planet Kadaku Trailer

Od: IGN India
Take a tour of the planet of Kadaku in this latest Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 trailer. The trailer showcases the jungle planet of Kadaku, which is made up of muddy forests and swamps. We also get to see some of the dangerous flora and fauna. Kadaku is home to a number of highly-strategic Imperial facilities. Protect them at all costs. Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 will be available on September 9, on PS5 (PlayStation 5), Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

Still Wakes the Deep, Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun and Deathsprint 66 makers to lay off hundreds of staff

Sumo Group, the British video game collective which owns developers Sumo Digital, publishers Secret Mode and more - including Everybody's Gone to the Rapture devs The Chinese Room - is laying off hundreds of staff, cutting 15% of their workforce “to better navigate the upcoming challenges expected in the coming months”.

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Still Wakes the Deep, Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun and Deathsprint 66 makers to lay off hundreds of staff

Sumo Group, the British video game collective which owns developers Sumo Digital, publishers Secret Mode and more - including Everybody's Gone to the Rapture devs The Chinese Room - is laying off hundreds of staff, cutting 15% of their workforce “to better navigate the upcoming challenges expected in the coming months”.

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V šesti minutách se představuje Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 - INDIAN

Frenetická akce z pohledu třetí osoby nesoucí název Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 obdržela dnes šestiminutový gameplay trailer, který detailně představuje hru. Video ukazuje vše, na co se můžeme po letních prázdninách těšit.

Ve videu si vzal slovo kreativní ředitel Oliver Hollis-Leick, který představuje příběhovou kampaň, kterou je možné hrát v kooperaci s dalšími dvěma hráči, stejně tak režimy pro více hráčů: Operations (PvE pro tři hráče) nebo Eternal Warfare (PvP – 6 na 6). V online hře dostanete možnost hrát za jednu ze šesti tříd (Tactical, Assault, Vanguard, Bulwark, Sniper a Heavy). Vypadá to, že právě na multiplayer kladli v Saber Interactive největší důraz.

V režimu Operations můžete pomocí znalostí o zbroji a zkušeností získaných na bojišti odemknout až 25 perků pro každou třídu, které ovlivňují váš herní styl. S každou novou misí lze také vylepšovat zbraně a odemykat tak silnější varianty a unikátní kosmetický obsah. Kosmetika brnění a zbraní získaná v Operations bude k dispozici i v režimu Eternal War, zatímco perky a vylepšení zbraní budou z důvodů vyváženosti hry vyhrazeny výhradně pro PvE.

Space Marine 2 se bude po vydání pravidelně rozšiřovat. Pro všechny hráče budou zdarma k dispozici nové mise pro Operations, nové mapy pro PvP, nové zbraně a noví nepřátelé. V rámci Season Passu bude k dispozici další kosmetika. Ve hře nebudou žádné mikrotransakce ani prémiový obchod.

„Chopte se role vesmírného mariňáka, brutálního Císařova válečníka s nadlidskými schopnostmi. Postavte se na odpor hrůzám z hlubin galaxie v epických bitvách na vzdálených planetách a natřete jim to svými smrtícími dovednostmi a devastujícími zbraněmi. Odkryjte temná tajemství, zažeňte nekonečnou temnotu na ústup a prokažte neochvějnou věrnost lidstvu,“ láká studio Saber Interactive.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 vyjde 9. září tohoto roku s českými titulky na PC, PlayStation 5 a Xbox Series X/S.

Policistou v akci The Precinct, Deliver Us Home, Space Marine 2 i DLC pro Dredge - INDIAN

Letní verze Future Games Show je za námi. Tradičně šlo o přehlídku méně známých her. Některé z nich ale dokážou zaujmout, ať už svou originalitou, grafikou, hratelností nebo příběhem. Tak se pojďte společně s námi ponořit do souhrnu.

Pokud patříte mezi příznivce ochránců zákona, možná vás zaujme sandboxové policejní RPG The Precinct, v němž se ujmete role začínajícího policisty, s nímž musíte vyčistit ulice města se zajímavou atmosférou. Hra vyjde ve verzi pro PC, Xbox Series X|S a PlayStation 5 už brzy, konkrétně 15. 8. 2024.

Warhammer 40,000 retro shooter Boltgun is getting an expansion in June

If you're a fan of Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun's retro-inspired first-person shooting action - and you might well be given how positively it was received - you've got a fresh chunk of the stuff to look forward to in a few short weeks now that developer Auroch Digital and publisher Focus Entertainment have announced an expansion is coming on 18th June.

Forges of Corruption, as Boltgun's first expansion is officially known, includes a brand-new campaign spanning five new environments. Three of those have been revealed so far - the Graia Battlefields, Manufactorum, and the heretic-infested Daemonic Forge - and there's also promise of new enemies inhabiting these dangerous locales.

Ultramarines stepping forth into Forges of Corruption can expect to encounter the vicious Black Havok Legion, the Helbrute, and the Terminator with its Lighting Claw. Luckily, there's a bit of (literal) extra bang for your expansion bucks in the form of two new weapons: the Multi-Melta and Missile Launcher.

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Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus is getting a sequel and Total War: Warhammer 3 is getting a big red dog

Skulls! You’ve got one. I’ve got one. Everybody has a lovely skull keeping their lovely face right where it should be. Warhammer is big, so it needs must have multiple of them, hence their yearly event Skulls, which collates a bunch of Games Workshop related announcements into a sort of bizzaro world Nintendo Direct if Yoshi was actually a parasitic corpse emperor. There’s usually at least a few game announcements in there, and this year was a bumper. The headline announcement being an upcoming sequel to well-loved space-pope turn-based strategy Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus. Yes, yes. I’m getting to the dog.

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The Sunday Papers

Sundays are for unsubscribing to the deluge of ‘Happy 4/20! Here’s 10% off’ emails I’ve gotten from every place I’ve ever bought CBD from in the past five years. Before I do so much clicking my fingers get sore and I immediately order some soothing CBD - perhaps at a tempting 10% off? - let's read this week’s best writing about games (and game related things!)

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PowerWash Simulator Warhammer 40K DLC release date announced

The clever beings at PowerWash Simulator developer FuturLab know just how to keep us coming back for more. Not content with tasking us all with scrubbing Tomb Raider's Croft Manor or the Seventh Heaven bar from Final Fantasy 7, it is now setting us the challenge of cleaning up the grimdark universe of Warhammer 40K.

The PowerWash Simulator Warhammer 40K Special Pack will launch later this month, on 27th February across PC, Xbox, PlayStation and Switch. You can see a little teaser for it in the video below.

We first heard about this Warhammer 40K DLC last year, with the studio subsequently stating we could expect it to release sometime during Q4. This evidently did not happen, but the good news is that there isn't much longer to wait now.

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Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun stomps on Game Pass next week

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, Microsoft are bringing Maneater back to Game Pass. Yesterday they unveiled the next batches of Game Pass additions and two are returnees, with the delightful fighty platformer Indivisible accompanying brutal shark 'em up Maneater. What's more important is that it's adding the game with the cutest little Nurglings, grimdark retro-styled FPS Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun. The rhetoric of 'purging xenos and heretics' surely doesn't apply to these darling babies. Read on for all the games coming to (and going from) Game Pass over the next few weeks.

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PowerWash Simulator Warhammer 40K DLC release date announced

The clever beings at PowerWash Simulator developer FuturLab know just how to keep us coming back for more. Not content with tasking us all with scrubbing Tomb Raider's Croft Manor or the Seventh Heaven bar from Final Fantasy 7, it is now setting us the challenge of cleaning up the grimdark universe of Warhammer 40K.

The PowerWash Simulator Warhammer 40K Special Pack will launch later this month, on 27th February across PC, Xbox, PlayStation and Switch. You can see a little teaser for it in the video below.

We first heard about this Warhammer 40K DLC last year, with the studio subsequently stating we could expect it to release sometime during Q4. This evidently did not happen, but the good news is that there isn't much longer to wait now.

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WH40K: Rogue Trader's "first major update" is out, and everyone gets a free respec

A colossal new update for Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader launched last night, hitting the grimdark space-aristocrat RPG with so many changes that the patch notes are almost 17,000 words long. Fitting for a game that our Rogue Trader review called "engrossing, obscure and absolutely exhausting". It adds loads of new voiced lines, fixes everything from wonky abilities to broken quests, reworks balance, improves performance, and so much more. Enough is changed that developers Owlcat are giving everyone in your party a free respec to adjust to what the game has become.

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