Valve have made no secret of their plans to make SteamOS – the Linux-based operating system that powers the Steam Deck – available to other games-playing devices, including rival handhelds. After a recent beta update mentioned adding support for the Asus ROG Ally’s inputs, The Verge confirmed with Valve that SteamOS support for non-Steam Deck portables is still very much in the works. The Deck’s long-promised dual booting capability, on the other hand, sounds further down the to-do list.
Valve have made no secret of their plans to make SteamOS – the Linux-based operating system that powers the Steam Deck – available to other games-playing devices, including rival handhelds. After a recent beta update mentioned adding support for the Asus ROG Ally’s inputs, The Verge confirmed with Valve that SteamOS support for non-Steam Deck portables is still very much in the works. The Deck’s long-promised dual booting capability, on the other hand, sounds further down the to-do list.
ASUS ROG Ally a další kapesní počítače budou konečně moci běžet na SteamOS, jak bylo odhaleno v nové aktualizaci operačního systému zveřejněné společností Valve.
Je oficiální, že Valve nyní rozšiřuje svou podporu SteamOS na další kapesní zařízení kromě vlastních handheldů Steam Deck, zejména ASUS ROG Ally, který je v současnosti jedním z nejprodávanějších handheldů na trhu. Zpráva pochází z TheVerge a uvádí, že designér Valve, Lawrence Yang, potvrdil, že SteamOS bude brzy dostupný pro handheld ROG Ally.
Podpora byla naznačena v poznámkách k vydání SteamOS 3.6.9 Bega: Megafixer , které uváděly: „Přidána podpora pro extra klíče ROG Ally“, což nebylo dříve známo. Na dotaz Valve odpověděl: „Poznámka o klíčích ROG Ally souvisí s podporou zařízení třetích stran pro SteamOS.
Zdá se však, že ROG Ally není jediným handheldem, který dostane SteamOS, protože Valve také výslovně uvedlo „další handheldy“. Protože však Valve stále probíhá, může chvíli trvat, než ostatní handheldy budou moci běžet na SteamOS. Zpráva také neuvádí, že ROG Ally bude standardně dodáván se SteamOS. Mezi další prominentní handheldy na trhu patří Legion Go od Lenova a Claw od MSI.
Zdroj: Asus
Další velká aktualizace souvisí se závazkem společnosti Valve převést konzoli Steam Deck na kapesní počítač s Windows s dvojitým spouštěním, který uživatelům umožní přepínat operační systém podle jejich potřeb. Yang uvedl, že připravují zbývající ovladače Windows pro edici Steam Deck OLED, ale nyní není jasné, kdy bude operační systém Windows plně připraven ke spuštění na Steam Deck. Nicméně je to na jejich seznamu priorit a pracují na tom.
V současné době je ASUS ROG Ally jedním z nejuniverzálnějších herních handheldů díky operačnímu systému Windows, protože umožňuje výrobcům PC upgradovat jejich stroje, aniž by si museli dělat velké starosti s kompatibilitou. Vzhledem k tomu, že společnost Microsoft má pro tyto úkoly ověřovací týmy, usnadňuje ASUS bezproblémové vytváření kapesních počítačů. ROG Ally se dodává ve standardní i novější variantě X.
Steam Deck, i když je výkonově nižší než ROG, je Ally hráči milován, protože SteamOS založený na Linuxu je přímočarý a umožňuje vám dostat se do her, aniž byste museli řešit problémy související s Windows. Vybavení ASUS ROG Ally systémem SteamOS bude velkým krokem vpřed do ručního hraní, kde uživatelé mohou přepínat mezi dvěma různými OS a provádět různé úkoly podle libosti.
"Again, but better" has become the maxim of post-Steam Deck portable PCs. Or, to be more specific, post-Steam Deck OLED ones. Now that Valve have shown it’s possible to quickly turn around an upgraded handheld without enraging owners of the original, Lenovo have hinted at a new Legion Go, MSI have revealed an improved Claw, and Asus have released this here ROG Ally X. A ROG Ally, again – but better? Yes, it is, in almost every way except the speed at which it’ll plunge you into financial destitution.
"Again, but better" has become the maxim of post-Steam Deck portable PCs. Or, to be more specific, post-Steam Deck OLED ones. Now that Valve have shown it’s possible to quickly turn around an upgraded handheld without enraging owners of the original, Lenovo have hinted at a new Legion Go, MSI have revealed an improved Claw, and Asus have released this here ROG Ally X. A ROG Ally, again – but better? Yes, it is, in almost every way except the speed at which it’ll plunge you into financial destitution.
One of my absolute most favouritest Steam Deck cases, besides the one you get for free with the Steam Deck OLED, is the Dbrand Project Killswitch. It’s not so much a carrying vessel as a hardened second skin, providing protection without all the bag-hogging bulk of a traditional case – while throwing in handy bonuses like a clip-on kickstand and grippy thumbstick covers. For owners of the Asus ROG Ally, the recent launch of a Project Killswitch for their own handheld PC should therefore represent glad tidings with extra gladness, even if it won’t also fit the upcoming ROG Ally X.
Thank the new device’s bigger battery, wider SSD and reworked connection layout for that particular lack of forwards compatibility, as the ROG Ally X’s thicker dimensions will make it just slightly too beefy to slip into the Killswitch’s skintight silicone. A shame, but at least it makes a quality addition to the original Ally right this second. I’ve been manhandling one for a week now, and it’s just as practical and protective as the Steam Deck version.
The Asus ROG Ally X, a sort of semi-sequel to last year’s ROG Ally handheld PC, has had its specs spilled over at Videocardz. I’m usually a lot more suspicious of hardware leaks, which are often just out-of-date or otherwise inaccurate info, but I’ve also sat through enough mic-muted prebriefings to know an official slideshow when I see one, and that appears to be exactly what Videocardz got its hands on. Besides, these specs include a gigantic 80Whr battery upgrade (doubling the ROG Ally’s 40Whr capacity), so we can at least file this under "News James wants to be true."
Portable gaming machines are more popular than ever, like with Valve's Steam Deck and all the best Steam Deck alternatives. Then, of course, you've got the best gaming laptops that are excellent portable gaming machines, while even the best cheap gaming laptops can handle more than a few games on the go. However, if you're looking for something that fits in your hands and excels at retro gaming, which machine is the best buy for your purposes?
Valve's Steam Deck is a highly capable piece of kit, often reaching parity with last-gen consoles at ~720p, while more demanding current-gen efforts can prove quite playable as well - even including some of the top-end Unreal Engine 5 titles. The RDNA2 graphics hardware inside the Deck is even capable of ray tracing, though this support has largely been dormant in SteamOS. That's started to change over the last year, with first Vulkan and then DXR-enabled titles running under Proton with RT enabled - and RT performance has seen big boosts as well.
Today we're taking a look at the state of play when it comes to RT on Steam Deck, looking at some of the best-looking PC titles to see whether they can be playable with RT engaged. Can we get good frame-rates even with demanding ray tracing settings? And how does the Valve's handheld compare in performance terms against the more powerful ROG Ally?
The most obvious place to start is with the Steam Deck is some of the easier ray tracing workloads available - and I think Doom Eternal is a good first choice. The game runs well with minimal settings tweakery: 720p resolution, medium settings and RT toggled on. Relative to the non-RT version of the game, we get solid (if somewhat low-res and slightly ghostly) reflections on glossy surfaces, with very different material properties when RT is enabled. This makes for a transformative difference in scenes with glossy materials, though an aggressive roughness cutoff means that semi-gloss materials are largely bereft of RT treatment.
The Asus ROG Ally is a powerful portable gaming console running Windows 11. It's one of the best Steam Deck alternatives, and has flown off shelves since launch. With how much performance it boasts, you’ll want to play it constantly, but the battery life means you’ll be plugging it in constantly. To keep your console topped up, we’ve compiled a list of the best chargers for the ROG Ally. Some of these will be a backup to the charger it is bundled with, while others add additional ports or even an external GPU for more graphical power.
It seems like just yesterday that we were reporting that the Asus ROG Ally had dropped to £539 in the UK, and now we have a similarly good deal for the US market: the same Z1 Extreme 512GB model for just $599 following a $100 discount at Best Buy.
The Asus ROG Ally has dropped in price in response to the release of the Steam Deck OLED, and now a 10% off code at Very makes this handheld gaming PC even better value. You can now get the top-spec ROG Ally with the Z1 Extreme chipset and 512GB of PCIe 4.0 storage for just £539 with code VTQ8C, a brilliant price that puts it in direct competition with the 512GB Steam Deck OLED.