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Castle Crashers is getting new DLC 16 years after it first released

12 years after it first arrived on Steam, and 16 years after it debuted on Xbox Live Arcade, Castle Crashers is getting new DLC.

Premium DLC Painter Boss Paradise not only includes new player and weapon artwork for all official characters and new character Paint Junior, but it also adds Steam workshop functionality, so players can create and share their own skins "with the world".

Although Castle Crashers debuted on Xbox and is still available on Sony consoles and Nintendo Switch, the DLC is only coming to Steam.

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Castle Crashers is getting new DLC 16 years after it first released

12 years after it first arrived on Steam, and 16 years after it debuted on Xbox Live Arcade, Castle Crashers is getting new DLC.

Premium DLC Painter Boss Paradise not only includes new player and weapon artwork for all official characters and new character Paint Junior, but it also adds Steam workshop functionality, so players can create and share their own skins "with the world".

Although Castle Crashers debuted on Xbox and is still available on Sony consoles and Nintendo Switch, the DLC is only coming to Steam.

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Oblíbená RPG bojovka Castle Crashers se po 16 letech dočká nového DLC - INDIAN

Castle Crashers od The Behemoth, mnohonásobně oceňovaná sidescrolling mlátička plná rytířů, skřetů, všemožných monster a špatných vtipů, se po 16 letech dočká nového DLC Painter Boss Paradise.

Indie studio The Behemoth v oznamovacím videu představilo roadmapu aktualizací své hry. V něm jsme měli možnost se dozvědět právě o novém chystaném dodatečném balíčku pro Castle Crashers. Na co se tedy můžeme těšit?
