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Tethering Two GameObjects Together By a Rope Through Code

What I need assistance with:

  • I need to create a rope connecting two GameObjects together at runtime through code.

  • One end will be connected to Transform _pointA and the other will be connected to Transform _pointB.

  • I've divided the rope up into segments of GameObjects that have a Hinge joint 2D & a Rigidbody 2D.

  • Each segment uses it's parent's Rigidbody 2D as the Connected Rigid Body.

  • Then I set positions on the LineRenderer to match the segment positions so that I can later use rope material to make it looks nicer.


  • When the rope is initially created, it immediately falls straight down creating a vertical rope rather than a horizontal rope, even though the final rope segment is positioned at _pointB with the correct parent's Rigidbody connected.
  • After a few moments, the rope falls apart without moving any positions manually.
  • Additionally, if the rope is manually moved, it immediately falls apart.
  • To demonstrate the issue, I added a circle sprite to each segment GameObject in the rope.

enter image description hereenter image description here

  • Which causes the line to look like this:

enter image description here

Here's an example of how I would like it to look when moving the two objects further/closer:

enter image description here

The Code I'm Using:

public class Rope: MonoBehaviour

    [SerializeField] private LineRenderer _line;
    [SerializeField, Range(2, 50)] int _segmentCount = 2;

    [SerializeField] private Transform _pointA;
    [SerializeField] private Transform _pointB;

    [SerializeField] HingeJoint2D _hingeJoint;

    public Transform[] segments;
    private void Start()
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

    private void SetEndOfRopePositions()
        segments[0].position = _pointA.position;
        segments[segments.Length - 1].position = _pointB.position;

    private void SetLinePoints()
        _line.positionCount = segments.Length;

        for (int i = 0; i < segments.Length; i++)
            _line.SetPosition(i, segments[i].position);
    private Vector2 GetSegmentPosition(int segmentIndex)
        Vector2 posA = _pointA.position;
        Vector2 posB = _pointB.position;

        float fraction = 1f / (float)_segmentCount;
        return Vector2.Lerp(posA, posB, fraction * segmentIndex);
    void GenerateRope()
        segments = new Transform[_segmentCount];

        for (int i = 0; i < _segmentCount; i++)

            var currJoint = Instantiate(_hingeJoint, GetSegmentPosition(i), Quaternion.identity, this.transform);
            segments[i] = currJoint.transform;

            if (i > 0) // Not first hinge
                int prevIndex = i - 1;
                currJoint.connectedBody = segments[prevIndex].GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();


Inspector for Rope + Segment GameObjects before running the game: enter image description here
