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RECENZE: Ghost of Tsushima na PC – port nad ničím nespekuluje a dává nám to nejlepší

Moje poslední setkání se samuraji bylo prostřednictvím filmu Želví ninjové 3 a já uznávám, že díky tomu mám laťku nastavenou zatraceně nízko. Pak přišla hra Ghost of Tsushima a desítky hodin zábavy a skvělých momentů, které budu mít ve vzpomínkách dlouho, možná navždy. Jsou tomu 4 roky, kdy se Jin Sakai vydal na záchranou misi svého strýce pouze na konzoli PlayStation 4. Dnes můžeme naleštit klávesnici a myš a celé toto akční dobrodružství zažít znova (nebo poprvé) i na počítači.

Samurajská akce i tíživé příběhy bez omezení grafiky

Ghost of Tsushima patří mezi špičkové hry, které jsme si na PS4 v jeho poslední éře mohli zahrát. A že to byla nějaká paráda. Nemá smysl se podrobně rozepisovat o příběhu, náplni nebo herních mechanikách. Pojměme tento text jako takové rozsáhlejší resumé s důrazem na odlišnosti a přidanou hodnotu PC verze. Po obsahové stránce Ghost of Tsushima na PC přichází ve verzi Director’s Cut, což znamená, že kromě základní hry obsahuje také pozdější rozšíření, vylepšení, včetně on-line režimu Legend.

Hlavní devizou PC portu jsou v první řadě grafické možnosti, které jsou v porovnání s konzolemi mnohem obsáhlejší a variabilnější, vzhledem k výkonu vašeho desktopu nebo notebooku. Nabídka grafického nastavení je dostatečně bohatá, abyste hru rozjeli v komfortní kvalitě na rozmanitých konfiguracích. Defaultní nastavení mi „spadlo“ na střední úroveň takřka všech zásadních atributů a rozhodně to nebylo špatné pokoukání. Hru jsem hrál na notebooku s konfigurací: procesor Intel Core i7 deváté generace, 16 GB RAM, grafika RTX 2060, což v současnosti rozhodně nepatří mezi špičku. Přesto se s tím hra vypořádala víc než obstojně.

Je pravda, že zpočátku docházelo k sekání zejména ve velkých soubojových scénách s mnoha efekty (speciálně oheň a výbuchy sudů) a 144Hz displej nestíhal, ale po úvodní pasáži již k narušení zážitku nedošlo. Přisuzuji to k nutnosti dotáhnout ještě nějaké malé soubory, shadery apod. Načítání po spuštění by možná mohlo být o nějakou tu vteřinku dvě kratší, ale nejedná se o nic zásadního.

I na střední úroveň detailů hra vypadá nádherně a uvěřitelně. Jediné, co bych po grafické stránce vytknul, je neustále nepřirozeně se „vrtící“ plát zbroje na Jinově rameni. Je to možná hloupost, ale při sledování cut scén mě to poměrně iritovalo.

Ovládání – raději zvolte ovladač

Hra Ghost of Tsushima na PC samozřejmě umožňuje plné ovládání pomocí klávesnice a myši. Na začátku nic, co by se nedalo zvládnout. S přibývající obtížností a četností soubojů jsem však bez výčitek přešel na gamepad. Důvod je prostý. Soubojový systém je poměrně dost propracovaný, respektive klade důraz na přesné načasování úderů, úhybných manévrů, a dokonce i změnu postojů během boje. Některé typy úderů (ty červené) navíc musíte vykrýt jinou klávesou, respektive trochu odlišnou kombinací, než základní útoky. V pozdější fázi to bylo mým malíčkem v podstatě neuklikatelné a frustrující. Samozřejmě lze klávesy a tlačítka namapovat podle vašich požadavků, ale s ovladačem je to mnohem příjemnější. Změna během hry logicky vede k tomu, že například pro úhyb neznáte správnou kombinaci tlačítek. Osobně jsem to vyřešil tak, že jsem si na YouTube našel gameplay s částí, kde se soubojový systém učí. Tím chci říct, abyste se nebáli, a ovládání pomocí klávesnice a myši alespoň vyzkoušeli.

Ždibec PlayStationu

Na začátku hraní vám hra Ghost of Tsushima umožní přihlášení vašeho účtu na PlayStationu. Díky tomu najdete například seznam přátel nebo trofeje, které se synchronizují. Z mého pohledu se nejedná o nic zásadního. Uložené pozice přenášet nelze, takže se jedná spíše jen o takový kosmetický prvek.

Pro ovládání jsem používal klasický gamepad HyperX, který není primárně určen pro PlayStation. Proto je fajn, že Ghost of Tsushima podporuje také DualSense z PlayStationu 5 a musím říct, že s ním je to ještě o fous lepší. DualSense po připojení reprodukuje zvuk z integrovaného reproduktoru, což se mi poměrně líbí. Navíc získáte funkce haptiky, což také zintenzivní herní zážitky. Na závěr zmíním, že i PC verze obsahuje českou lokalizaci.

Článek RECENZE: Ghost of Tsushima na PC – port nad ničím nespekuluje a dává nám to nejlepší se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Ghost of Tsushima: Mastering the Art of Samurai and Stealth

Od: Petko

Title: Ghost of Tsushima
Developer: Sucker Punch Productions
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Released: July 17, 2020
Platforms Available: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC Game (Director’s Cut)
Platform Reviewed: PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5
Article Reading Time: 9 minutes


It was the thirteenth century, and Mongol troops invaded the Japanese island of Tsushima. Samurais were soundly defeated, and almost everyone on the battlefield died. But Jin Sakai survives thanks to the help of the thief Yuna and gradually begins to learn that the honorable ways of the samurai may no longer be enough against the Mongol invasion. The time is coming when it will be necessary to stray from this virtuous path. Not all of Tsushima’s defenders, however, share this attitude.

Choosing Your Path

Right at the beginning of your Ghost of Tsushima journey, you choose how authentically you want to experience the Mongol invasion. Classically with an English dub, Weeb-ish with a Japanese dub, or ultra-old-school-weeb-ish in “Kurosawa mode”. Then, as you prepare the peasants to defend their village from the Mongols, you can almost feel like a hero in Kurosawa’s films. But even if you’re not a fan of playing a game that looks like it was made in the 1950s, you indeed won’t be deprived of the aesthetic experience. In fact, the world of Ghost of Tsushima is absolutely breathtaking. Whether you’re strolling along a cliff, riding through a forest with your horse’s hooves swirling golden leaves, traversing the snowy plains of the north looking for the silhouettes of Mongolians on the horizon, or galloping through a grassy plain under the moonlight with Jin’s palm raking the shimmering flowers.

Visual and Aesthetic Experience

And, of course, such beauty deserves a proper photo mode. With options to control almost everything in the scene… But you don’t have to take the camera, because the developers will show you the most beautiful angles. A great example is the title screens of the quests, which are simply a treat for the eyes.

By now, you may think I’m stretching the aesthetic too far. However, the underlining of the impressive visuals continues with the user interface, which is minimal and nil in terms of navigation. Sure, you have a separate full-size map, but the elements in the world are used for your direct navigation. If you look around from an elevated location, columns of smoke will reveal the location of camps, birds will show you various points of interest, and foxes will lead you to hidden Inari shrines. If you think the basic building block of all games is the ability to pet a dog, you should rethink your values in life because here you can pet foxes. And we’ll get to the dogs later in this review.

Immersive Navigation

We’ve covered those animals by navigating to predetermined places in the world. But your navigation becomes a breeze if you set your destination or go to a waypoint. And the raw immersion goes even further. What a lot of open-world games take from the third Witcher is tracking. Unfortunately, that includes the malaise of highlighting tracks on the mini-map. You then run along the trail with your nose buried in the map, which is quite different from my idea of tracking. Here, you don’t have a mini-map to dig into or an auxiliary highlight, so you’re following tracks in the world. Whether it’s bootprints, hoofprints, or a trail of dead Mongols. And speaking of dead Mongols… when your haiku-writing and landscape exploration is interrupted by a hostile group, you have tremendous freedom in dealing with them.

Combat Mechanics

First of all, you’re a samurai. So you can challenge your enemies fairly and use your skills in an equal contest. Being a samurai means you must react quickly to dodge or parry attacks, move tactically around the battlefield, change stances depending on which enemy you’re attacking, and, last but not least, aim your attacks accurately. Here, you don’t (except for boss fights) have the option of targeting the enemy, so it’s no problem to swing your sword next to him. Bossfights are very impressive. It is so remarkable at times that the basic PS4( not the PS4 Pro version) stops keeping up with the steady framerate, and the responsiveness of the controls goes downhill. And that could be better at the speed of these fights, and at times, I found the framerate to be the real enemy. On PS5, however, the situation is entirely different, and you can’t naturally complain about anything in this regard.

Stealth and Strategy

Slightly unfairly made the fights and the occasional movement issues in a not-entirely flat environment. At this point, I was so pleased with the relatively benevolent health system. This can be topped up using the commitment points above the health bar. These restore some of your health instantly, and you replenish it by killing enemies and, once unlocked, with other abilities such as precisely timed dodges. As I mentioned, however, you’ll find out right from the start that the Mongol invasion should not be fought off in an honorable samurai fashion. Jin must resort to techniques less worthy of being a virtuous warrior.

Expanding Your Arsenal

First, they learn to sneak and quietly destroy unsuspecting enemies. Gradually, your arsenal of sneaky tools grows. Of course, this is increasingly at odds with Jin’s manners. Still, the increasingly numerous and sneaky tactics of the Mongols require this dodging from the samurai path, and more importantly, being a sneaky bastard is just more fun in terms of gameplay. From throwing knives to smoke, sticks and other bombs, explosive arrows to, say, poison darts. You can even deviate from the samurai path enough to use fear in combat and execute your enemies so brutally that onlookers fall to their knees.

Ethical Dilemmas

But where does this brutality come into play when it comes to killing Mongolian dogs, who would sniff you out before their owners while sneaking around? Yes, you’ve gone from samurai to atrocities worthy of The Last of Us Part II.

If your lousy conscience, fueled by flashbacks to childhood lessons you violate like this, weighs heavily on you, you can try to justify helping the islanders. While the main story of repelling the Mongol invasion tells an exciting tale, it’s the less epic side of the war from the general population’s perspective that you’ll really only get to see in the side quests. Wherever you go, you’re likely to meet someone in need. You’ll save someone from a group of bandits or Mongols, somewhere you’ll get the herbs the healer needs, and somewhere things can get conjurer-like. Everything is kind of morally grey, and you don’t even know if you want to help anyone anymore.

Side Quests and Exploration

But you don’t leave a village or a settlement to the Mongols. Especially if the rescue points you to the proper places, whether it’s shrines where you find amulets, places to chop bamboo where you increase your maximum determination, baths where you increase your maximum health, and so on, you may even come across musicians who will tell you the legend of a mythical weapon, armor, or technique you can follow to find its object. And, of course, we must remember the flowers you can use to repaint your armor at the merchants. But if you’re an adventurer, you don’t need the advice of others, and you can find these places on your own thanks to the density of their placement. Even if you wander around, you can improve your stats in a way that makes sense in this beautiful world.

Overall Impressions

With all that said Ghost of Tsushima is a great open-world game with extensive side storylines and minor quests that flesh out the world. But it also adopts other mechanics from other games. You can feel the inspiration from Nioh in the attitude system or the similarity to the more recent Assassin’s Creed in clearing out enemy camps. In theory, it’s not doing anything new or unprecedented. But everything it does, it does really well, and most importantly, it presents it with the dense atmosphere of feudal Japan. There are minor technical problems, but that’s due to the big open world. On the other hand, Ghost of Tsushima emphasizes detail and overall player-friendliness, and these elements make up for the minor flaws.


In short, Ghost of Tsushima is a great open-world game spiced up with elements taken from other games and genres. In theory, it does nothing new and unprecedented. What it does do, however, is that it does really well, and most importantly, it presents itself in the impressive guise of feudal Japan and fantastic and natural gameplay with cool animations.
Soon, we will cover multiplayer combat mode Ghost of Tsushima: Legends and fantastic DLC Itchy Island. Stay with us, and game on!

Where to Buy Ghost of Tsushima

  1. Steam (PC): Available for $59.99. You can purchase the game directly from Steam​ 
  2. Epic Games Store (PC): Also priced at $59.99. You can find it on the  Epic Games
  3. PlayStation Store (PS4, PS5): The Director’s Cut is available for $69.99. Check it out on the PlayStation Store
  4. Direct PlayStation (PC): The digital code for the Director’s Cut is available for $59.99. Purchase it from PlayStation Direct

The post Ghost of Tsushima: Mastering the Art of Samurai and Stealth appeared first on Home for Top Gamers.

Ghost of Tsushima VR is now a REAL thing thanks to this new mod

Master modder Luke Ross has released yet another update to his REAL VR mod and for the first time in ages it's not for a Ubisoft game!

On this week's VR Corner, I take a look a Luke's flat screen to VR mod for Sucker Punch's epicly beautiful Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut on PC. The video itself shows off sections from the first 90 minutes of the game, which features some graphically immense moments like charging a horse through a barrage of burning arrows and a one-on-one dual fought in an arena full of bright red leaves.

As with all of Luke's REAL VR mods, this one is controlled with a gamepad but, just like the flat game, it's played from a third-person viewpoint only. This is something that wound a lot of people up when I featured his flat to VR mod for Watch Dogs but I honestly have no issues with either of those things. I just enjoy having the option to experience these games with added 6DoF visuals, but I must say that this one did appear to have a lot more of the weird artifacting and asset jittering that seems to be an unfortunate side effect of the Alternate Eye Rendering 2.0 technique that his mods use.

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Kolem chystané filmové adaptace Ghost of Tsushima začal kroužit Hiroyuki Sanada - NerdFix

Jedním z nejznámějších a nejcharismatičtějších japonských herců současnosti je bezpochyby Hiroyuki Sanada, který letos zazářil ve skvěle přijatém seriálu Šógun od produkční společnosti FX. A možná i vy jste si už říkali, že by se skvěle hodil do připravované filmové adaptace úspěšného herního titulu Ghost of Tsushima od Sucker Punch Productions, kterou připravuje filmař a kaskadér Chad Stahelski (John Wick).

A nyní se zdá, že bude přání mnohých fanoušků vyslyšeno, protože podle insidera Daniela Richtmana má slavný japonský herec o své účasti ve filmu momentálně skutečně jednat. Samozřejmě se zatím stále jedná jen o drby, navíc Richtman se už v minulosti mýlil například se zvěstmi ohledně obsazení nové Fantastické čtyřky, tudíž si raději ještě počkáme na nějaké oficiální potvrzení. 

Hiroyuki Sanada is reportedly in talks for a role in a live-action ‘GHOST OF TSUSHIMA’ film.

(Via: @DanielRPK)

— The Hollywood Handle (@HollywoodHandle) June 3, 2024

Ghost of Tsushima on PC delivers impressive upgrades over PS5

Four years after its initial PS4 release, Sucker Punch's Ghost of Tsushima arrives on PC, ported by Nixxes Software. Initial impressions of the port were favourable, but having now spent around a week with the game we're able to give you a much more nuanced appraisal of the conversion, suggest some optimised settings and offer up those all-important PS5 comparisons.

This may be a new engine for Nixxes to deal with, but the overall framework of the game has much in common with its prior ports - which is generally a very positive thing. It means you get a settings menu that lets you tweak as you like, your changes reflected in the background in real-time - no restarts required! And as usual for Nixxes, there's support for dynamic resolution scaling and all major upscaling technologies, along with both FSR 3 and DLSS 3 frame generation (though the new FSR 3.1 spatial upscaling upgrades are not included). Nixxes has also liberated FSR 3 frame-gen from requiring FSR 2 spatial upscaling, which is a welcome change.

In terms of the quality of the upscalers, we see the usual hierarchy, though DLSS has some issues in this title with depth of field effects, with some off-putting jitter. This manifests itself with XeSS but to a lesser extent, while it's not a problem at all with FSR. It would be nice to see this remedied in due course.

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Ghost of Tsushima is now the biggest single-player PlayStation release on PC

A few days ago, Sony released Ghost of Tsushima on PC. And, this weekend, this game managed to surpass the peak number of concurrent players of God of War, meaning that it’s now the biggest single-player PlayStation release on PC. Here are all the PlayStation games on PC, filtered by the peak number of concurrent … Continue reading Ghost of Tsushima is now the biggest single-player PlayStation release on PC

The post Ghost of Tsushima is now the biggest single-player PlayStation release on PC appeared first on DSOGaming.

Ghost of Tsushima – AMD FSR 3.0 vs NVIDIA DLSS 3 Benchmarks & Comparisons

Sony has just released Ghost of Tsushima on PC. The game was ported by Nixxes and supports both AMD FSR 3.0 and NVIDIA DLSS 3 at launch. As such, we’ve decided to benchmark and compare them. For these benchmarks, we used an AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D, 32GB of DDR5 at 6000Mhz, and NVIDIA’s GeForce RTX … Continue reading Ghost of Tsushima – AMD FSR 3.0 vs NVIDIA DLSS 3 Benchmarks & Comparisons

The post Ghost of Tsushima – AMD FSR 3.0 vs NVIDIA DLSS 3 Benchmarks & Comparisons appeared first on DSOGaming.

Ghost of Tsushima tops God of War as PlayStation’s biggest PC port yet

Ghost of Tsushima tops God of War as PlayStation’s biggest PC port yet

Probably the best way to describe Ghost of Tsushima is that it's a samurai romance. Rather than dig into the particulars of its historical setting, creator Sucker Punch Productions simultaneously flattens and enhances the semi mythological image of the Japanese warrior to create something that has intoxicated players looking for an open world game that creates a kind of platonic ideal of the samurai game. The success of Ghost of Tsushima, originally launched on PlayStation back in 2022, has continued with its recent PC version, which, just now, has gone on to beat out games like God of War, Horizon Forbidden West, The Last of Us Part 1, and Spider-Man as the most popular single player PlayStation PC game to date.

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Is Ghost of Tsushima Steam Deck compatible?

Is Ghost of Tsushima Steam Deck compatible?

Is Ghost of Tsushima Steam Deck compatible? In a strange turn of events, Ghost of Tsushima is great to play on Steam Deck but holds an Unsupported rating, however, a detailed breakdown has been provided to explain why.

Unsurprisingly, we consider the Steam Deck OLED to be the best handheld gaming PC that money can buy, but seeing the support from first-party PlayStation studios shows how important it is in the wider gaming industry. This open-world game from Sucker Punch is one of the best on the handheld, but can't yet qualify for a Verified or even Playable rating.

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Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut Is Marked 'Unsupported' but Still Playable on Steam Deck

If you were planning on playing Ghost of Tsushima on your handheld, there are some aspects of the title that will remain unplayable.

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is releasing for PC today, May 16, 2024. Ahead of the game's release, there’s some bad news for Steam Deck owners to digest. If you were planning on playing Ghost of Tsushima on your gaming handheld, some aspects of the title will remain unplayable. Here …

Ghost of Tsushima developer wants you to know you can play it on Steam without linking to a PSN account

As Helldivers 2 is pulled from sale in 177 countries following the disastrous rollout of mandatory PSN linking, Ghost of Tsushima developer Sucker Punch wants you to know that PSN is not required if you want to play the Director's Cut's singleplayer campaign on Steam.

As spotted by wccftech, the studio responded to a now-hidden Twitter/X message to the studio, assuring players that a PSN account is "not required to play the singleplayer game" – although you will need to link up if you'd like to play online multiplayer mode, Legends.

"Just so you are aware, a PSN account is required for Legends online multiplayer mode and to use PlayStation overlay," the studio wrote.

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Ghost of Tsushima developer wants you to know you can play it on Steam without linking to a PSN account

As Helldivers 2 is pulled from sale in 177 countries following the disastrous rollout of mandatory PSN linking, Ghost of Tsushima developer Sucker Punch wants you to know that PSN is not required if you want to play the Director's Cut's singleplayer campaign on Steam.

As spotted by wccftech, the studio responded to a now-hidden Twitter/X message to the studio, assuring players that a PSN account is "not required to play the singleplayer game" – although you will need to link up if you'd like to play online multiplayer mode, Legends.

"Just so you are aware, a PSN account is required for Legends online multiplayer mode and to use PlayStation overlay," the studio wrote.

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Ghost of Tsushima developer wants you to know you can play it on Steam without linking to a PSN account

As Helldivers 2 is pulled from sale in 177 countries following the disastrous rollout of mandatory PSN linking, Ghost of Tsushima developer Sucker Punch wants you to know that PSN is not required if you want to play the Director's Cut's singleplayer campaign on Steam.

As spotted by wccftech, the studio responded to a now-hidden Twitter/X message to the studio, assuring players that a PSN account is "not required to play the singleplayer game" – although you will need to link up if you'd like to play online multiplayer mode, Legends.

"Just so you are aware, a PSN account is required for Legends online multiplayer mode and to use PlayStation overlay," the studio wrote.

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Ghost of Tsushima on Steam Is Now Restricted in the Same Countries as Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 restrictions also extend into the Baltics in the wake of the PSN account linking debacle.

After Helldivers 2 was removed from Steam for 177 countries following the recent PlayStation Network account-linking debacle, fans have been eagerly awaiting updates, especially after Sony reversed course on the account-linking decision. A couple updates did come in today — but not ones that fans were hoping for.

Firstly, …

Another PlayStation PC port sees mass Steam delisting

Another PlayStation PC port sees mass Steam delisting

With Helldivers 2 still unavailable in almost 200 territories on Steam, PlayStation’s next PC port has also been delisted on the Valve platform, and it’s not even out yet. Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is coming to Steam in just a few days, and despite only needing PlayStation Network (PSN) for the multiplayer portion of the game, it looks like Sony has removed it from a huge number of territories without any warning.

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Ghost of Tsushima PC has just been delisted in over 100 countries

Ghost of Tsushima has been available for pre-order for a while now, and it will finally come out on PC on May 16th. However, it appears that a lot of PC gamers won’t be able to play it. In a shocking move, Sony has delisted the game in over 100 countries, just days before its … Continue reading Ghost of Tsushima PC has just been delisted in over 100 countries

The post Ghost of Tsushima PC has just been delisted in over 100 countries appeared first on DSOGaming.

Je novou hrou od Warhorse Kingdom: Come Deliverance 2? - INDIAN

Vigor od Bohemia Interactive se konečně podívá na PC, PlayStation rozhraní se dostane na PC, Hades 2 si vybraní hráči budou moci vyzkoušet a Take-Two začalo propouštět. Tohle je nová epizoda 90VTEŘIN.

V této epizodě najdete: Warhorse, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Vigor, PlayStation Plus, Ghost of Tsushima, Hades 2, XDefiant, Vivat Slovakia.

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut PC cross-play and system requirements revealed

Hey everyone, Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is coming to PC on May 16! Today we’re giving you all the details on cross-play support in Legends mode and the inclusion of a new PlayStation overlay, with support for PlayStation Trophies and more.

As we’ve announced previously, Ghost on Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC contains the full game, the Iki Island expansion, and the cooperative online multiplayer Legends mode. Thanks to cross-play support, Legends players on Windows PCs can team up with players on both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 consoles and use in-game voice chat to communicate. You will be required to sign into your PlayStation Network account to access Legends mode.

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is the first PlayStation title on PC that uses a new PlayStation overlay, which includes your Friends list, Trophies, Settings, and your Profile. This feature is available on Windows PCs and will be accessible from the in-game menu or, for keyboard players, by pressing the “SHIFT +F1” shortcut on your keyboard.

While playing the game, you can earn PlayStation Trophies just like on PlayStation consoles. Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC shares the same Trophy set as the game on PlayStation 5 consoles*. In addition, the PC version also has full support for Achievements on Steam and the Epic Games Store.

To make use of features like Trophies, Friends list, and cross-play, you can sign in with your existing account for PlayStation Network or create a new account. The use of PlayStation overlay is optional for both the single player experience and Legends mode. 

When bringing a game over from PlayStation consoles to PC, the team at Nixxes always strives to give a great experience to as many players as possible. In Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC, you’ll find a range of graphics presets aimed at making the game run well on older hardware, as well as making it shine on high-end PCs.** Below you’ll find the details on recommended hardware for various presets that are available in the game.

PresetVery LowMediumHighVery High
Avg performance720P @ 30 FPS1080P @ 60 FPS1440P @ 60 FPS / 4K @ 30 FPS4K @ 60 FPS
ProcessorIntel Core i3-7100

AMD Ryzen 3 1200
Intel Core i5-8600

AMD Ryzen 5 3600
Intel Core i5-11400

AMD Ryzen 5 5600
Intel Core i5-11400

AMD Ryzen 5 5600
GraphicsNVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 4GB

AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060

AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070

AMD Radeon RX 6800
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080

AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT
Memory8 GB16 GB16 GB16 GB
Storage75 GB HDD space (SSD recommended)75 GB SSD space75 GB SSD space75 GB SSD space
OSWindows 10 64-bitWindows 10 64-bitWindows 10 64-bitWindows 10 64-bit

As detailed in our initial announcement, Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC is fully optimized for ultra-wide monitors, with support for 21:9 and 32:9 resolutions. Even 48:9 resolutions and triple monitor set-ups are supported.

You can boost your frame rates with NVIDIA DLSS 3, AMD FSR 3, or Intel XeSS, or further enhance image quality with NVIDIA DLAA or AMD FSR 3 Native AA.*** The game also features extensive controller support, including full support for the PlayStation DualSense controller with haptic feedback and adaptive triggers, while using a wired connection.

At Nixxes and Sucker Punch, we’ve been overwhelmed by the positive response from the PC community to our initial announcement. Many of you are looking forward to experiencing Jin’s story and to engage in the cooperative multiplayer Legends mode and we can’t wait to make that happen when the game launches on May 16.

*Users who connect their existing account for PlayStation Network and unlocked trophies on Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut using the same account on PS5 will have the same Trophies unlocked on the PC version.
**Compatible PC and display device required.
***Compatible PC and graphics card required.

Ghost of Tsushima bude mít na PC premiéru integrace sítě PlayStation Network a trofejí

Vzhledem k tomu, že přítomnost PlayStationu na PC stále roste s rostoucím počtem portů, mnozí si kladli otázku, jak dlouho bude trvat, než společnost Sony na tuto platformu plně integruje věci, jako je PlayStation Network a herní trofeje, což se ještě umocnilo četnými zprávami, které se objevily v posledních několika letech.

Nyní je to oficiální. Společnost Sony odhalila, že nadcházející port hry Ghost of Tsushima pro PC bude první hrou, která bude obsahovat plnou integraci sítě PSN a trofejí. Stane se tak díky novému překryvnému systému PlayStation, ke kterému budou mít hráči na PC přístup i nadále. Překryvná vrstva PlayStation, která bude přístupná přes menu ve hře (nebo pomocí zkratky Shift+F1), umožní přístup k seznamu přátel, trofejím, nastavení a profilu. Podívejte se na obrázky níže, jak bude vypadat.

Vzhledem k tomu, že přítomnost PlayStation na PC stále roste s rostoucím počtem portů, mnozí si kladli otázku, jak dlouho bude trvat, než společnost Sony na tuto platformu plně integruje věci, jako je PlayStation Network a herní trofeje, což se ještě umocnilo četnými zprávami, které se objevily v posledních několika letech.

1 z 4

Nyní je to oficiální. Společnost Sony odhalila, že nadcházející port hry Ghost of Tsushima pro PC bude první hrou, která bude obsahovat plnou integraci sítě PSN a trofejí. Stane se tak díky novému překryvnému systému PlayStation, ke kterému budou mít hráči na PC přístup i nadále. Překryvná vrstva PlayStation, která bude přístupná přes menu ve hře (nebo pomocí zkratky Shift+F1), umožní přístup k seznamu přátel, trofejím, nastavení a profilu. Podívejte se na obrázky níže, jak bude vypadat.

Článek Ghost of Tsushima bude mít na PC premiéru integrace sítě PlayStation Network a trofejí se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut PC cross-play and system requirements revealed

Hey everyone, Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is coming to PC on May 16! Today we’re giving you all the details on cross-play support in Legends mode and the inclusion of a new PlayStation overlay, with support for PlayStation Trophies and more.

As we’ve announced previously, Ghost on Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC contains the full game, the Iki Island expansion, and the cooperative online multiplayer Legends mode. Thanks to cross-play support, Legends players on Windows PCs can team up with players on both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 consoles and use in-game voice chat to communicate. You will be required to sign into your PlayStation Network account to access Legends mode.

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is the first PlayStation title on PC that uses a new PlayStation overlay, which includes your Friends list, Trophies, Settings, and your Profile. This feature is available on Windows PCs and will be accessible from the in-game menu or, for keyboard players, by pressing the “SHIFT +F1” shortcut on your keyboard.

While playing the game, you can earn PlayStation Trophies just like on PlayStation consoles. Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC shares the same Trophy set as the game on PlayStation 5 consoles*. In addition, the PC version also has full support for Achievements on Steam and the Epic Games Store.

To make use of features like Trophies, Friends list, and cross-play, you can sign in with your existing account for PlayStation Network or create a new account. The use of PlayStation overlay is optional for both the single player experience and Legends mode. 

When bringing a game over from PlayStation consoles to PC, the team at Nixxes always strives to give a great experience to as many players as possible. In Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC, you’ll find a range of graphics presets aimed at making the game run well on older hardware, as well as making it shine on high-end PCs.** Below you’ll find the details on recommended hardware for various presets that are available in the game.

PresetVery LowMediumHighVery High
Avg performance720P @ 30 FPS1080P @ 60 FPS1440P @ 60 FPS / 4K @ 30 FPS4K @ 60 FPS
ProcessorIntel Core i3-7100

AMD Ryzen 3 1200
Intel Core i5-8600

AMD Ryzen 5 3600
Intel Core i5-11400

AMD Ryzen 5 5600
Intel Core i5-11400

AMD Ryzen 5 5600
GraphicsNVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 4GB

AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060

AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070

AMD Radeon RX 6800
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080

AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT
Memory8 GB16 GB16 GB16 GB
Storage75 GB HDD space (SSD recommended)75 GB SSD space75 GB SSD space75 GB SSD space
OSWindows 10 64-bitWindows 10 64-bitWindows 10 64-bitWindows 10 64-bit

As detailed in our initial announcement, Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC is fully optimized for ultra-wide monitors, with support for 21:9 and 32:9 resolutions. Even 48:9 resolutions and triple monitor set-ups are supported.

You can boost your frame rates with NVIDIA DLSS 3, AMD FSR 3, or Intel XeSS, or further enhance image quality with NVIDIA DLAA or AMD FSR 3 Native AA.*** The game also features extensive controller support, including full support for the PlayStation DualSense controller with haptic feedback and adaptive triggers, while using a wired connection.

At Nixxes and Sucker Punch, we’ve been overwhelmed by the positive response from the PC community to our initial announcement. Many of you are looking forward to experiencing Jin’s story and to engage in the cooperative multiplayer Legends mode and we can’t wait to make that happen when the game launches on May 16.

*Users who connect their existing account for PlayStation Network and unlocked trophies on Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut using the same account on PS5 will have the same Trophies unlocked on the PC version.
**Compatible PC and display device required.
***Compatible PC and graphics card required.

Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut gets May release date on PC

Following rumblings of an imminent release date for Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut on PC, Sony has made it official. Developer Sucker Punch's open-world samurai hit will launch via Steam and the Epic Games Store on 16th May.

Ghost of Tsushima launched for PlayStation 4 and PS5 back in July 2020, and a Director's Cut - bundling together the acclaimed base game, its Iki Island expansion, and cooperative online multiplayer Legends mode - arrived the following year. It's this version that'll be hitting PC in May, with Sony having now detailed some of the game's PC-specific enhancements.

As revealed in a post on the PlayStation Blog, Ghost of Tsushima for PC will offer unlocked frame rates, various graphics settings and presets, customisable mouse and keyboard controls, plus "extensive" controller support. It is, for instance, possible to use Steam Input to remap and customise the controller of your choice, and those using a DualSense controller can take advantage of its haptic feedback and adaptive triggers.

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Ghost of Tsushima PC port news coming next week, insider suggests

A PC port of Sucker Punch's critically-acclaimed Ghost of Tsushima could be announced as early as next week.

That's according to XboxEra's Nick Baker, who hinted on X/Twitter that news about the long-anticipated port could be coming as soon as next Tuesday, 5th March.

"I’m hearing that we might be getting something about the Ghost of Tsushima PC port pretty soon. Maybe around the 5th?" Baker posted.

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Ghost of Tsushima system requirements

Ghost of Tsushima system requirements

What are the Ghost of Tsushima system requirements? Sucker Punch finally revealed that its samurai stealth open-world game Ghost of Tsushima is making its way to PC. Based on what we've seen from other PS5 ports, we have a good idea of where the system requirements may land.

We're not expecting Ghost of Tsushima to demand the best graphics card, unless you're aiming for 4K gameplay at 60fps. Despite the recent confirmation from Nvidia that the GTX line of GPUs is out of production, we still see these Pascal GPUs featuring as the bare minimum you'll need to start playing.

MORE FROM PCGAMESN: Best graphics card, Best gaming PC, Best SSD for gaming

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is coming to PC on May 16

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is coming to PC! We at Nixxes are thrilled to collaborate with the talented team at Sucker Punch Productions who created this critically acclaimed open-world action adventure. We are excited to bring Jin’s story to a new audience and to bring a Sucker Punch title to PC for the first time.

The PC version of Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut includes the full game, the Iki Island expansion, and the cooperative online multiplayer Legends mode. For the past year, the team at Nixxes has been working hard to bring the Sucker Punch in-house engine technology to PC and implement PC features such as unlocked frame rates, a variety of graphics settings and presets, and customizable mouse and keyboard controls. 

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is coming to PC on May 16

With ultrawide monitor support, you can take in the expansive terrain and ancient landmarks with a cinematic field of view. Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC is fully optimized for 21:9 and 32:9 resolutions and even supports 48:9 resolutions for triple monitor setups.  

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC features the latest performance-enhancing technologies. NVIDIA DLSS 3 and AMD FSR 3 are available with both upscaling and frame generation options. Intel XeSS upscaling is also supported and if your hardware has headroom to spare, you can use NVIDIA DLAA or FSR 3 Native AA to further boost image quality.   

The game on PC also offers extensive controller support. Use Steam Input to remap and customize the peripheral of your choice to your preference. For a more immersive experience, use a PlayStation DualSense controller with haptic feedback and adaptive triggers, so you can feel the tension of drawing a bow and the strikes of your sword.  

You can wishlist and pre-purchase Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut now on Steam and the Epic Games Store. If you pre-purchase the game, you’ll get access to the following early in-game unlocks when the game releases on 16 May: 

  • New Game+ Horse  
  • Traveler’s Attire  
  • Broken Armor dyes from Baku’s shop 

We asked Sucker Punch co-founder Brian Fleming for his thoughts on the upcoming PC version, here is what he had to say: 

“We’re proud to announce that our friends and partners over at Nixxes are bringing Ghost of Tsushima to PC! This is a first for Sucker Punch – all our previous work is console-exclusive, so we are excited about all this and Nixxes was the right team to do this project. With them on board, we knew the results would be nothing short of amazing! Now excuse me as I go order a Super Ultra Wide monitor!”

– Brian Fleming, Co-Founder, Sucker Punch

For PC players who are new to the game, here’s an overview of everything that is included: 

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is an action-adventure game set in feudal Japan. Protagonist Jin Sakai was raised and trained in the ways of the samurai. His world is shattered when a Mongol invasion defeats the samurai army of his home on Tsushima island, and he is faced with a difficult decision: honor the tradition and customs of his upbringing and maintain a fight he cannot win, or deviate from his samurai path to protect the island and its people by any means necessary.  

In his quest to reclaim Tsushima, Jin seeks the guidance and support of old friends and new unlikely allies. He must break away from tradition, become a new kind of warrior, and protect what’s left of his home at all costs. 

Iki Island Expansion In this story expansion, Jin discovers new locations, characters, and enemies on a mysterious island. The island of Iki is a wild, lawless land of raiders and criminals. Jin will have to bring all his skills to defeat the enemy and save Iki. 

Legends – Inspired by Japanese folk tales and mythology, this cooperative multiplayer experience consists of two-player story missions and four-player wave-based survival missions, as well as the competitive two-versus-two Rivals mode. Choose one of four classes: Samurai, Ronin, Hunter or Assassin and play with friends or via online matchmaking. 

Kurosawa Mode – Experience the game in black and white with film grain effects, as well as Japanese dialogue and English subtitles. This mode is inspired by the movies of legendary filmmaker Akira Kurosawa. 

On behalf of everyone at Nixxes Software and Sucker Punch Productions, we can’t wait to bring Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut to PC. We will have more information to share, such as system requirements, as we get closer to launch on May 16. 

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is coming to PC on May 16

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is coming to PC! We at Nixxes are thrilled to collaborate with the talented team at Sucker Punch Productions who created this critically acclaimed open-world action adventure. We are excited to bring Jin’s story to a new audience and to bring a Sucker Punch title to PC for the first time.

The PC version of Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut includes the full game, the Iki Island expansion, and the cooperative online multiplayer Legends mode. For the past year, the team at Nixxes has been working hard to bring the Sucker Punch in-house engine technology to PC and implement PC features such as unlocked frame rates, a variety of graphics settings and presets, and customizable mouse and keyboard controls. 

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is coming to PC on May 16

With ultrawide monitor support, you can take in the expansive terrain and ancient landmarks with a cinematic field of view. Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC is fully optimized for 21:9 and 32:9 resolutions and even supports 48:9 resolutions for triple monitor setups.  

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut on PC features the latest performance-enhancing technologies. NVIDIA DLSS 3 and AMD FSR 3 are available with both upscaling and frame generation options. Intel XeSS upscaling is also supported and if your hardware has headroom to spare, you can use NVIDIA DLAA or FSR 3 Native AA to further boost image quality.   

The game on PC also offers extensive controller support. Use Steam Input to remap and customize the peripheral of your choice to your preference. For a more immersive experience, use a PlayStation DualSense controller with haptic feedback and adaptive triggers, so you can feel the tension of drawing a bow and the strikes of your sword.  

You can wishlist and pre-purchase Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut now on Steam and the Epic Games Store. If you pre-purchase the game, you’ll get access to the following early in-game unlocks when the game releases on 16 May: 

  • New Game+ Horse  
  • Traveler’s Attire  
  • Broken Armor dyes from Baku’s shop 

We asked Sucker Punch co-founder Brian Fleming for his thoughts on the upcoming PC version, here is what he had to say: 

“We’re proud to announce that our friends and partners over at Nixxes are bringing Ghost of Tsushima to PC! This is a first for Sucker Punch – all our previous work is console-exclusive, so we are excited about all this and Nixxes was the right team to do this project. With them on board, we knew the results would be nothing short of amazing! Now excuse me as I go order a Super Ultra Wide monitor!”

– Brian Fleming, Co-Founder, Sucker Punch

For PC players who are new to the game, here’s an overview of everything that is included: 

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is an action-adventure game set in feudal Japan. Protagonist Jin Sakai was raised and trained in the ways of the samurai. His world is shattered when a Mongol invasion defeats the samurai army of his home on Tsushima island, and he is faced with a difficult decision: honor the tradition and customs of his upbringing and maintain a fight he cannot win, or deviate from his samurai path to protect the island and its people by any means necessary.  

In his quest to reclaim Tsushima, Jin seeks the guidance and support of old friends and new unlikely allies. He must break away from tradition, become a new kind of warrior, and protect what’s left of his home at all costs. 

Iki Island Expansion In this story expansion, Jin discovers new locations, characters, and enemies on a mysterious island. The island of Iki is a wild, lawless land of raiders and criminals. Jin will have to bring all his skills to defeat the enemy and save Iki. 

Legends – Inspired by Japanese folk tales and mythology, this cooperative multiplayer experience consists of two-player story missions and four-player wave-based survival missions, as well as the competitive two-versus-two Rivals mode. Choose one of four classes: Samurai, Ronin, Hunter or Assassin and play with friends or via online matchmaking. 

Kurosawa Mode – Experience the game in black and white with film grain effects, as well as Japanese dialogue and English subtitles. This mode is inspired by the movies of legendary filmmaker Akira Kurosawa. 

On behalf of everyone at Nixxes Software and Sucker Punch Productions, we can’t wait to bring Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut to PC. We will have more information to share, such as system requirements, as we get closer to launch on May 16. 
