With All the Sequels and Reboots, Can We Get New AAA IP?

I love a good franchise as much as the next player, but in 2024, enough might be enough. This goes for all forms of media, be it films or TV shows, but regardless the feeling remains the same. Content feels like it’s been slowly stagnating and growing stale as sequels and reboots overshadow new AAA IP.
How Many Sequels Is Too Many?
When I say “IP,” I’m referring to Intellectual Property. Any given franchise is considered IP, from Peggle to Mario to Wuthering Waves. While there is certainly no shortage of new IP hitting the market, more often than not, AAA game studios aren’t funding them like they fund their tried-and-true IP. Understandably for business, many studios would rather fund what’s made money in the past than take risks on something new.