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Game History – Tomb Raider On The GameBoy

Od: NekoJonez

When I was younger, I was always convinced that the first Tomb Raider game got a sort of remake on the Game Boy Color. It makes a lot of sense in my mind, since the title of the game was Tomb Raider. And in the same time period, Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine also got a port to the Game Boy Color. That game was an interesting remake in 2D. Now, we are not here to discuss an Indiana Jones game, so let us focus on the Tomb Raider games.

I do not always do research before I start playing a game. This game is one perfect example. I just started the game up, expecting the story starting with a rendition of the Ice Caves. But, to my surprise, the game started up different. 

The actual subtitle of the game is The Nightmare Stone. On the box-art, we just got Tomb Raider as a title. On the box-art, we see that Lara is running away from an erupting volcano and behind her, you see several skeleton enemies. The bottom section is reserved for company logo’s like Eidos, Core Dynamics, the licensor Nintendo, and the publisher THQ. We also got the “Only on Game Boy Color” triangle in the left corner.

The game was released in June 2000. On June 7th, North America, Europe got it on June 28th and the UK two days later. Only Australia got the game a little bit later. Their version got released on July 18th. Nowhere on the box-art, the game got the subtitle The Nightmare Stone. The game just released as “Tomb Raider” in North America and released as “Tomb Raider: starring Lara Croft” in all other regions. This is a practice also done with the other Tomb Raider games. It would have been easier if they just added the subtitle, to make conversation easier.

The critics gave Lara Croft is first entry on the Game Boy Color very high praise. Various gaming magazines and websites gave this title 8 or 9 out of ten. The average score of this title is 79% on the aggregator GameRankings. One of the lowest scores I could find was by a German magazine named 64 Power in their June issue, giving it a three out of 5 or 60%.

Since Core Design developed this game, it will not be a surprise that you find a lot of developers on this game also worked on the main Tomb Raider games. This game was developed by people who knew how a Tomb Raider game should play. In this title, Lara is hunting after the Nightmare Stone. This stone is in possession of a treasure hunting group who wants to use it to release the evil god Quaxet, a factious god in the Mayan mythology.

Playing through this game, you really want to play through a Tomb Raider game. Of course, there are some big differences since the game got released on a handheld. The most obvious difference is that the game is in 2D. There were only a handful of 3D Game Boy games, and most of them did not involve jumping. 

Another significant difference with the main line Tomb Raider games is that this game plays a lot slower. The controls are more limited on the Game Boy Color, and more action-packed gameplay could not really be implemented, per se without it becoming really clunky. 

Speaking about the controls, it takes some time to get used to. I mostly played platformers or adventure games on the Game Boy, and I was so used to push the A button to make my character jump. But Lara jumps with the up arrow in this game. Not only that, if you want to climb up ledges, you need to hold B. Which is the button you use to run. If you are moving left or right and press B, Lara starts running. When Lara is running, and you press the jump button, Lara jumps in the direction she is running. This gives you a hint how to jump a gap when standing still. You have to press B first before the jump button to jump over a gap.

This control scheme is quite ambitious since there is no real tutorial in game explaining the controls. You do not have a training or testing level in Lara’s home. The manual explains these things quite well, but if you bought your copy today from a garage sale without the manual, I would advise you to look for it online. The control scheme is something that you will not really expect from a Game Boy game. 

Earlier, I mentioned that this game has a slower pace compared to the main line Tomb Raider games. That was intentional. If you start running everywhere, you will find that this game will be quite harsh and brutal. There are several pits and gaps that either eat a good chunk of your health or kills you right away. Enemies are also hidden everywhere, and their damage can be unforgiving. 

You cannot save where you want in this game, since the save crystals from early Tomb Raider console games return in this game. Learning where the save crystals are important. It is the only way you can save, and it is you respawn spot when Lara losses all her health. The save crystals are not close to each other, either, so I was always happy to find one. 

If you do not really know the controls, it can feel a bit like trial and error. For example, I did not know that when you are running and jump, Lara will land further than from a standing jump. I did not expect this mechanic to be in the Game Boy Color games as well. Other things like dynamite being able to use to explode walls, which is something I’d have loved to get explained to me.

Overall, visually, this game is extremely impressive. Once everything starts clicking together, and you get used to the controls, this game is a hidden gem on the Game Boy Color. When you know what you are doing, this game takes around 4 hours to play through. For a first playthrough, I would say that you can finish this game in roughly 15 hours. 

The game must have been quite successful since a year later we got a new adventure in the same engine and style. Eidos tried to get this game released around the time the first Tomb Raider movie released. Tomb Raider – Curse of the Sword, released in late June in North America and in August in Europe. 

This time, the game was not released by THQ, but by Activision. Most of the team who worked on the first Game Boy game also worked on this title. Because this game got a shorter development time, this game is shorter compared to the first Game Boy Color game. If you know what you are doing, this game can be beaten in two and a half hours. For a first playthrough, I estimate that it will take 8 to 10 hours. 

The sequel got the same reception from critics when it released. This game still shows off impressive visuals for the Game Boy Color. Remember that the Game Boy Color is an 8-bit system, and these two Tomb Raider games had such fluid animations that it looked next-generation. Did you know that there are over two thousand animation frames per game to make the animation work? Lara’s model is also forty-eight pixels, making her one of the most detailed characters on the Game Boy Color. 

Personally, I feel like both games are amazing entries into the Tomb Raider series. While they play quite different from their console and PC counterparts, both are an amazing adventure through various locations. You still must solve various puzzles and platform your way around. In Curse of the Sword, you even have a chase sequence on the rooftops. 

When I look with a critical eye at these two games in 2024, I would say that the lack of a tutorial for the controls really hurts the game. Also, some people might be put off from the difficulty level of this game. These games have some really difficult sections. Use the save crystals well! Otherwise, you might lose a lot of progress. And if I am really nitpicky, I could say that some areas would benefit from a map screen. But the levels are a bit too complex for those and with the small Game Boy Color screen, the map might not be even readable. Thankfully, there are various sources online, like Stella’s Tomb Raider site ( that have amazingly drawn maps. 

When you read this, you might think that beating these games without a walkthrough is almost impossible. But do not worry. These games are quite linear and straight forward. I rarely got stuck in these games by not knowing what to do next. Most of the time, I did not know I was able to perform a certain action or how to solve a certain puzzle. 

The streak of releasing a new game every year continues in November 2002. The Game Boy Color was on its way out, and the next title was released on the Nintendo Game Boy Advance. For this title, Ubisoft Milan was tasked with creating a new game. That is because the main team was working on the sixth main title, Angel of Darkness. Tomb Raider – The Prophecy was released to mixed reviews. It released in early December in Japan.

This game played quite different compared to the Game Boy Color titles and played more as a top-down isometric puzzle platformer. If I am very honest, this is the gameplay style I expected more of the Tomb Raider series on the Game Boy. It is mainly because I associate Tomb Raider more as a top-down game on handhelds than it being a 2D side view game. The Game Boy Color version of Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine showed me it was possible to have a game like that on Game Boy Color. 

The story of this title is about the Tome of Ezekiel. In this tome, a story is told about three magical stones that bring great power. She faces a big cult by the name of Teg-du-Bhorez. The game takes about 6 hours to complete on a first playthrough. If you really know what you are doing, this game can be beaten in 2 hours and a half. 

Honestly, for a portable Tomb Raider adventure, I really enjoyed this one. It is a rather underrated gem in my opinion and really can be quite exciting to play. Especially since the formula really works this way on the Game Boy Advance. The big issue is that reviewers compared it too much to the mainline series, which is quite unfair to do. What I can agree with, is that this game can feel a bit repetitive at times in terms of puzzles and level mechanics. But it is way less repetitive compared to the Game Boy Color titles, since a lot more puzzle solving like statue placing is used. 

The final Tomb Raider title on the Game Boy line of platforms came in 2006. After the very mixed reception to Angel of Darkness, the IP was given to Crystal Dynamics and Tomb Raider Legend was born. Talking about that, can be an entire article in itself. But, to close off this article, I want to quickly focus on Tomb Raider Legend on the Game Boy Advance. I know there is a port to the Nintendo DS, but I do not have any nostalgic memories for that one. I do have nostalgic memories for the Game Boy Advance port.

Now, let me tell you, the Game Boy Advance port was rough. The game went back to the style in like the Game Boy Color games. Yet, it also tried to do intractable doors. I can totally understand why reviewers back in the day were extremely negative about this game. Especially, since the console and PC versions of this game were such a blast of fresh air in the series. 

Still, why did I beat this title 100% three times? Because, it had a certain charm. You could find various secrets in the game to unlock secrets like concept art or even cheat codes. But you were not able to see if you got all treasures in a level. The jumping and swinging controls were a bit awkward, yet you had very forgiving checkpoints. 

There are a few things that stick with me to this day, the fact that the final boss is rendered a joke in this version. Just mash the attack button and you easily win. No matter the difficulty. Also, the mini-games and exploring Lara’s home were fun distractions as well. Moreover, I want to thank all the pizza boys who delivered me pizza during the writing of this article, like in the credits of this game.

And with that, I want to wrap up this brief nostalgic look into the 4 Tomb Raider titles on the Game Boy Color and Advance. My name is NekoJonez and if you enjoyed my writing and want to read more of my work, you can find me over at: I want to thank you all for reading my article, and I hope you enjoy the work of the other writers in this magazine. But for now, I am out! I hope to welcome you in another article but until then, have a great rest of your day and take care!

Editorial note: This article has been written for a gaming magazine. Did you find this article interesting? Then you should read the other articles right here. Thank you so much Dominus for letting me publish an article. There are various articles about Ultimate Underworld Retrospective – Sin God – The Making of the Wipeout logo design – …

Star Wars Outlaws: Women Taking the Lead in A Galaxy Far, Far Away

Star Wars Outlaws: How Women Are Taking The Lead

Star Wars Outlaws is the latest game that takes place in the Star Wars universe right in between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. The story follows a scoundrel named Kay Vess as she makes a name for herself as an outlaw—and her loveable pet, Nix. For the first time, players will be diving into an open-world Star Wars game with Star Wars Outlaws, and they’ll be doing it as a woman.

CGM got to sit down with two women taking the lead with Star Wars Outlaws, Humberly González and Nikky Foy. González, known for her roles in Ginny & Georgia on Netflix and more recently, Tarot, is the voice of Kay and handles all the motion capture for the role. Foy is the Lead Scriptwriter for Star Wars Outlaws at Ubisoft Toronto, which means not only do we have a woman as the face of the game, but we have one narrating it, too.

We talked with Foy and González about what it means to work on such a beloved property, how being women and having women take the lead has influenced Star Wars Outlaws, and what that means to them. Seeing women as the faces and storytellers behind these epic tales is something every girl needs growing up, and that knowledge was not lost on the pair while working on Star Wars Outlaws for the last several years.

Star Wars Outlaws: How Women Are Taking The Lead

I read you both worked on Far Cry 6. Did your paths cross while working on it, or did you recently meet on Star Wars Outlaws?  

Nikki Foy: Well, recently is…

Humberly González: The last couple of years, yes!

Nikki Foy: For Far Cry 6, we didn’t really work together. I was mostly doing the villain DLC stuff. 

Humberly González: Right. And I played Jonrón, which wasn’t a part of that. We don’t often get to interact with everybody. Sometimes, you’re a part of a project, and there are so many humans attached. 

And non-humans in the case of Star Wars Outlaws [Nix].

Humberly González: And then non-humans! It’s kind of cool that we both come from the same projects and now we actually get to interact so often. 

Nikki Foy: Yeah, I think, too, as a writer, you see more of the actors than they see of you, right? So, on Far Cry 6, I definitely knew who Humberly was and all her work and stuff. When we were casting this, that was all in there for sure.

So our nerdy fandoms, especially things like Star Wars, present very male-dominated, whether that’s the creative team or the fans. What’s it like to lead the charge on this both as the creative team and as the voice and the body of Star Wars Outlaws? To lead this male-dominated universe and have it be women first right now.

Nikki Foy: It’s a really great opportunity, I think, for not just individuals but for the brand as a whole. I was just talking about how I was at Galaxy’s Edge for the first time in my life and just cried the whole time because I couldn’t believe it. And I was building a lightsaber in that experience, which was so cool. But next to me, there were two sisters, and they were probably six and eight, building one next to me. And I just felt so…

Star Wars Outlaws: How Women Are Taking The Lead

And now I’m crying. I have kids that age.

Nikki Foy: I just cried very hard the whole time because it was just like this brand meant so much to me, and I didn’t have someone like Kay to really see myself in. I loved Princess Leia, but I wanted to be Han, right? And I think getting to bring that to life is so special. And our whole team, really, that’s been the goal from the beginning. It’s been really special.

Humberly González: Yes, to be a leading woman not just in a Star Wars story but in the video game industry, which also tends to have a lot of limitations and misogyny and kind of in-and-out politics of who can be a part of it and who you want to play as. I am incredibly proud of the team having chosen someone like me, but also only me, that there isn’t a male counterpart to the story of Star Wars Outlaws that we are focusing on a female point of view of a scoundrel story because we’ve only really ever seen males in a scoundrel position.

So the representation is incredible for me as an immigrant Latina in Canada to bring, to even get to speak about my country, about Venezuela, about what it means to me as an artist that I followed this dream not having any of my family here, not having a lot of mentors in my family or anyone to look up to or content to look up to. Even in Star Wars, you know, there aren’t a lot of Latinas in this space. And so, for me, I knew that this was going to mean a lot, not just to me and my community and my family, but to everybody else who’s watching it too and playing it. 

“Seeing women as the faces and storytellers behind these epic tales is something every girl needs growing up, and that knowledge was not lost on the pair while working on Star Wars Outlaws for the last several years.”

When they go, “Oh, this is a cool character, I wonder where they’re from?” and then they do the research, I just want people to feel seen and if I can be in any of those categories as a woman, a woman of colour, as an immigrant, as a Latina, any of those are so meaningful for someone who enters a franchise as big as Star Wars. 

So for the next generation, for those little girls in Galaxy’s Edge, for the little girls watching, for anyone back home, for me, if they just simply get to see someone like them on screen, it means something to them. Feel inspired, feel strong, feel seen, feel represented. That, to me, is the goal. It’s incredible because it really is beyond just me. 

Nikki Foy: Yeah, and  I think, too, there’s an empathy element to it that I really love to think about. When I was a kid, I think there’s been a lot of research about this, and people who are talking about it talk about it. But I think, too, it’s easy for young girls to empathize with male characters. It’s something that we’ve always been taught. And I think having this female character who everyone can love and see parts of themselves in is so exciting and fun, too.

Star Wars Outlaws: How Women Are Taking The Lead

It’s made me emotional. I have a five-year-old daughter and then a nine-year-old son, so seeing him see her, see that it is possible in Star Wars Outlaws.

Nikki Foy: Yeah, that’s incredible.

Leaning into that, a lot of the time, people will say being a woman is a weakness. We’re emotional. We’re not tough. We’re not as strong as the male heroes. So, did you need to find a balance with Kay in Star Wars Outlaws, both in writing and acting, in terms of her femininity and her strength? Or do you think that her femininity is her strength?

Nikki Foy: Yeah, I don’t know if we’ve thought about it in terms of that. I remember early on writing this huge document about the way in which female protagonists are different from male protagonists. And not in the way of worse or better, but to me, that point of view really infuses the how of things. Often, the why is the same for characters. 

Like survival, for example, right? Female characters often are shown surviving in a different way. Maybe a cool, charming female character, she’s going to use her feminine wiles to get something done, or she can pretend to be weak, and whatever. And I made this list of things that I was like, “I don’t want Kay to ever do any of these. I don’t want her to ever pretend to be weak. I don’t want her to ever pretend to be weak. I don’t want her to ever use her femaleness to get something.” 

So that was always on our mind. But in terms of, “Oh, how does she treat this?” Or “How does she approach the situation as a female character?” Once we got who Kay was, it was very much like, “How does Kay approach this?” And once we created this character and cast Humberly and got this great vulnerability and real humanity to it, it became so easy to just make choices based on that.

Star Wars Outlaws: How Women Are Taking The Lead

Humberly González: I mean, to step into a character that was made, and then I had to literally give her a soul, and a heart, and a conscience. So knowing that I’m like, “Oh, okay, here’s the character, now bring her to life, quite literally breathe life into her.” I can’t help but bring my heart. I can’t help but bring my vulnerability. 

So, if I think of Kay as a mirror to me, and what femininity means to me, and what my strengths are, I do believe that my vulnerability is a strength. I think that women are resilient. We are troubleshooters and protectors, and there’s this nurturing, and I think you get to see some of those traits with Kay and Nix, you know, Nix is her family, and you see her go above and beyond for him and for a partnership, what loyalty means, what it means. 

There are a lot of themes in there. I think she’s a scoundrel with a bit of a chip because she is vulnerable and she is flawed. In the end, that’s also what brings her ahead. You always say this line, it’s like failing forward. She isn’t afraid to make mistakes and learn from them. There’s no relying on this ego or overly confident like I got it all figured out.

I wasn’t afraid to bring those aspects to her that may seem weak, but really, in a way, it’s her just navigating her growth. It’s her navigating right from wrong, and what she wants to do, and being autonomous in her own choices in this vast galaxy full of danger. She is naive and a rookie, but those could be her strengths too because, at the end of the day, sometimes not knowing takes you further because she’s not relying on fear and not thinking that she can’t do something. She really believes in herself. 

That’s something I have a lot as a person, as Humberley. I believe in my dreams, and I believe in myself. I know my worth. I infused Kay with that. So, you know, if that is something that makes me female or whatever, then great. I want to be that person anyway. 

Star Wars Outlaws: How Women Are Taking The Lead

Absolutely. You’re talking about breathing life into this character in Star Wars Outlaws, and doing that in a video game is one thing. Doing that through MoCap is another, but you’ve also been on stage, live-action, and just regular voice acting. Do you feel like you’re breathing life into characters the same way or in those other mediums, you are the character?

Humberly González: I have to say, ever since doing motion capture—and I’ve worked with Ubisoft for years and years since, like 2016—I believe my first video game was Starlink, which was a video game from the ground up with Ubisoft. I feel like I have a lot more room and depth to bring into the other mediums of the industry that aren’t motion capture because there’s so much detail that comes with only being a voiceover actor. I think it is actually quite vulnerable to be a voice actor. You are not relying on your face or your mannerisms. 

Even right now, I’m talking with my hands but it’s just my voice. How do I convey the real meaning of what I mean if I can’t use everything else? These are all tools that I possess in my being. Motion capture has allowed me to have more awareness of my body. Therefore it infuses my other work. I’m really grateful for this this part of my job. I really love it.

Now, obviously, Star Wars, wow!

Humberly González: That’s it. Wow.

Star Wars Outlaws: How Women Are Taking The Lead

What kind of preparation went into Star Wars Outlaws, and what level of excitement, fear, and nervousness goes into prepping from the ground up and stepping into this role? Especially knowing that there are so many sections of Star Wars and that you are creating your own little pocket.

Nikki Foy: Yeah, I think it’s so weird to have a job where the thing that you should do is consume Star Wars media.

Humberly González: Gotta do it for the job!

Nikki Foy: I remember when I got hired or when I got told, “Yeah, you’re gonna work on this [Star Wars Outlaws].” I didn’t know what to do. So I just, because I was so overwhelmed, I just opened the Clone Wars show on my iPad and had it next to me while I was cooking dinner in a haze and I was like, “I’m working right now. This is part of my job now. I just get to be inspired by all this media that I already love.” So that was what, really, I spent a lot of time-consuming media that I’d already seen, but just with this lens of like, “Oh, okay, Outlaws, scoundrel, underworld.”

 Does that change the way you look at it, though? Once it goes from “This is my love” to “This is my job.”

Nikki Foy: Absolutely! It does, but not in a way that turns it into work. It was more like I was paying attention to things that I wasn’t paying attention to before. I remember even in that example when I was cooking dinner, there was a scene where Ahsoka was in a nightclub in Clone Wars, And I was like, “Oh cool, Kay could be in a nightclub!” I was watching it a lot more actively, I think.

From then, with that going on, I really tried to just catch myself thinking. If I’m walking somewhere and my brain is just off, I’ll try to focus on thinking about Kay. Thinking about her relationships. Thinking about the people in her life. I’m listening to a song. It’s like, “Oh, think about how Kay would feel if this and this and this happen,” you know? So I think that combination is really how I approached starting to write this stuff.

Star Wars Outlaws: How Women Are Taking The Lead

Humberly González: Yeah, I mean, honouring what someone has created, and not just this team, but the franchise itself, knowing that it was between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. I think one of the first things I did was that I’m going to watch the movies and imagine myself in this world and the tone of it, you know? What people are scared of, what’s out there? 

And at the end of the day, it’s also a new story. We have not seen a story where this character isn’t a part of the big rebellion and a Sith or any of this. She is from Canto Bight. She is a young girl who is a thief who’s resilient. She’s surviving. So, there weren’t a lot of examples for me to draw from.

I had to really rely on instinct, asking the writers, asking the directors, like, “Hey is this somewhere where she would be? Is this a thought she would have?” And I think, for me, the work started when I actually got to know more of the story. I think that before, it was just exciting. Anytime I saw anything Star Wars or listened to the theme song or anything, I would just get goosebumps and be like, “Oh, I’m in this! I’m in this!” It just has a different meaning now that I’m forever immortalized in this franchise. 

But growing with Kay, it’s like knowing her backstory and why she says the things she does and why she acts the way that she does, that has been the most joyous part of my job because I love backstory. I mean, for an actor, it’s like, “What’s my motivation here? What am I doing?” And knowing that it has been created specifically for her and therefore me, it was just such a special thing that I’m like, “No one has ever said these words. No one has stepped into…” I am literally walking in her shoes! And so it’s really special to really step into something that’s never been done.

Star Wars Outlaws: How Women Are Taking The Lead

I want to know, in one word, your favourite thing about Kay Vess in Star Wars Outlaws. What is her trait that we should pay attention to? Sorry, I was wondering if

Humberly González: What is a word for not quitting? 


Nikki Foy: Yeah, resilient is really good. 

Humberly González: She does not give up, man. That girl will try and try and try and try in every single way, and she’ll get it. She gets it!

Nikki Foy: Kay’s quality that I love the most is—it is resilient adjacent—but it’s like this whatever effect of “That’s fine.” 

Humberly González: Surrender. 

Nikki Foy: It’s more active than that. If anything happens, it’s like water off a duck’s back. No matter what’s going on, the worst situation that could happen. 

Humberly González: She doesn’t sweat it. 

Nikki Foy: She’s just like, “Okay.” And when she is upset, it’s for such a fair reason. And it usually comes from a place of hurt and history and stuff. But otherwise, she’s just rolling with the punches, and I love that. I want to be more like that.

Star Wars Outlaws will be released on August 30, 2024, for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Stay up to date with everything Star Wars Outlaws here.

Ubisoft shares Star Wars Outlaws' full PC requirements

Ubisoft has updated the PC requirements for its upcoming Star Wars adventure, Star Wars Outlaws, and released a new teaser showing off what kind of performance PC players can expect when the game releases on 30th August.

Taking up a modest 65GB, the settings shouldn't be too punishing for those looking only to meet the minimum standards – although you will need to have DLSS or FSR – but those pushing for the "ultra" experience will need a decent rig.

Check out the details below:

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I Am Alive Spiritual Successor Could Be in Development at Ubisoft, Leak Suggests

I Am Alive (Ubisoft)

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Ubisoft’s leaked project ‘Iridium’ has I Am Alive vibes

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Iridium apparently takes place after a “terrible” war between humans and some kind of an outside force, severely damaging civilization. Highpoint City is now occupied by said force, and has been turned into a prison of sorts where humans are more of a science experiment.

“Intense radiation prevents organic humans from operating inside the war zone, so human minds are copied into mechanical Shells, allowing them to explore this hostile landscape,” the synopsis reads. And of course, there’s a struggle between various factions for resources, complete with a daring protagonist.

The above sounds like a standard post-apocalyptic game, but there’s certainly an appetite for those. Whether Iridium is still in development or not is anybody’s guess.

The post I Am Alive Spiritual Successor Could Be in Development at Ubisoft, Leak Suggests appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.

Skull and Bones outlines keyboard and mouse control updates ahead of its August 22 Steam release

With Skull and Bones headed to Steam on August 22nd alongside the game’s new season, Ubisoft Singapore is taking the opportunity to to improve the keyboard and mouse user experience since Steam is a PC storefront. The in-house “interview” talks up efforts to make the game “feel more ‘PC'” with its adjustments, discusses the feedback […]

Upoutávka na Season Pass Star Wars Outlaws upozorňuje na Jabba’s Gambit a budoucí příběhové DLC

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Massive Entertainment nastiňuje nové příběhy a postavy, se kterými se hráči setkají v nadcházejícím DLC k této hře s otevřeným světem.

Po odhalení plánu Season Passu pro hru Star Wars Outlaws přichází společnost Massive Entertainment s novým trailerem představujícím obsah. Ten začíná při spuštění exkluzivní misí Jabba’s Gambit, která se zpřístupní po prvním střetu s Huttským kartelem.

Mise zahrnuje vyrovnání „starého dluhu“, který ND-5, Kayův droidí spojenec, „zanedbal“. Při spuštění je k dispozici také balíček postavy Kessel Runner, který poskytuje novou kosmetiku pro Kaye a Nyx. Další je Wild Card, první příběhové DLC, které se objeví na podzim.

Ačkoli nevidíme žádný gameplay, animovaný koncept ukazuje hru Sabacc s vysokými sázkami, do které se hráči infiltrují na příkaz Impéria. Kay se následně spojí s Landem, aby odhalili větší spiknutí v „nejtajnější a nejbezpečnější části“ Mirogany. Na trh budou uvedeny také dva další balíčky postav, Hunter’s Legacy a Cartel Ronin, které však nebyly prozrazeny.

Na jaře se objeví druhé a poslední příběhové rozšíření A Pirate’s Fortune. O příběhu je toho známo ještě méně, kromě toho, že se posádka spojí s pirátem Hondem Ohnakou, aby hledali poklad a obrátili své štěstí.

Hra Star Wars Outlaws vychází 30. srpna pro PS5, Xbox Series X/S a PC. Edice Gold a Ultimate zahrnují Season Pass a třídenní předčasný přístup.

Článek Upoutávka na Season Pass Star Wars Outlaws upozorňuje na Jabba’s Gambit a budoucí příběhové DLC se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Video z Assassin’s Creed Shadows popisuje herní rozdíly mezi Naoe a Yasuke

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Každá postava má jinou rychlost a HP a vývojáři nastiňují, jak mohou konkrétní situace vyhovovat jednomu hernímu stylu více než druhému.

Ubisoft má k dispozici nové video ke hře Assassin’s Creed Shadows, které opět vrhá světlo na dvojici hlavních hrdinů, Naoe a Yasukeho. Jak již bylo několikrát uvedeno, první z nich se specializuje na stealth, zatímco druhý je o boji zblízka.

Naoe je ladná a neuvěřitelně mrštná, dokáže se otočit na hromadu sena jako nic. Oproti tomu Yasuke spadne jako kámen a přistane na zádech. Liší se nejen rychlostí a zásobou zdraví, ale také tím, jak přistupují k některým situacím. Naoe může chtít zaútočit na cíl, zatímco Yasuke se rozhodne pro milosrdenství.

Určité situace také vyžadují specifický charakter. Pokud chcete zaujmout vysokou pozici a získat výhodu proti útočníkům na dálku, je nejlepší volbou Naoe. Při soubojích s těžšími nepřáteli vyniknou Yasukeho schopnosti a síla v boji na blízko. Stále se však můžete pustit do jakékoliv mise s oběma postavami.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows vychází 15. listopadu pro Xbox Series X/S, PS5 a PC.

Článek Video z Assassin’s Creed Shadows popisuje herní rozdíly mezi Naoe a Yasuke se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Star Wars Outlaws ukazuje PC funkce v novém traileru

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Do vydání hry Star Wars Outlaws zbývá už jen pár týdnů a Ubisoft se podělil o nový oficiální gameplay trailer pro PC, který ukazuje hlavní prvky této verze.

Většina z nich byla implementována s pomocí společnosti NVIDIA, počínaje technologií RTX Direct Illumination. V níže uvedeném srovnání můžeme vidět, že při zapnuté funkci RTXDI jsou detaily země mnohem znatelnější.

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Zdroj: Ubisoft

Hra také podporuje ray traced globální osvětlení a ray traced odrazy. Na grafických procesorech GeForce RTX je kvalita všech ray traced efektů zvýšena pomocí technologie NVIDIA DLSS 3.5, známé také jako Ray Reconstruction. Jak jsme viděli již při prvním představení této technologie ve hře Cyberpunk 2077: Zejména odrazy jsou mnohem ostřejší, když je zapnutá rekonstrukce paprsků, a Star Wars Outlaws se řídí stejným pravidlem.

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Zdroj: Ubisoft

Pro dosažení maximálního výkonu hra Star Wars Outlaws samozřejmě podporuje technologie NVIDIA DLSS Super Resolution a Frame Generation. V traileru se krátce podíváme na snímkovou frekvenci, když jsou obě funkce aktivovány. Vypadá to jako prostor kantýny s poměrně velkým počtem NPC kolem a snímková frekvence se pohybuje kolem 110 FPS. Vzhledem k tomu, že se jedná o hru s otevřeným světem, může být samozřejmě snímková frekvence v jiných oblastech nižší. Navíc byl tento snímek pravděpodobně pořízen na nejvýkonnějším grafickém procesoru, který je v současnosti na trhu, GeForce RTX 4090. V neposlední řadě je podporována také technologie NVIDIA Reflex.

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Zdroj: Ubisoft

Co se týče procesoru, hra byla optimalizována pro procesory Intel 14. generace a nabízí „optimalizace škálování výkonu procesoru“. Od dubna do 31. července byl k dispozici balíček s hrou; ti, kdo využili nabídky a zakoupili nový procesor u vhodných prodejců, získají před uvedením hry na trh kód zdarma.

O systémové požadavky na PC se Ubisoft podělil již před několika týdny, ale vy si je můžete rychle ověřit v infografice níže. V případě, že systémové požadavky nesplňujete, je tu vždy možnost cloudového streamování přes GeForce NOW.

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Zdroj: Ubisoft

Star Wars Outlaws vychází 30. srpna pro PC, PlayStation 5 a Xbox Series S|X. Ubisoft se nedávno podělil o plán po vydání, který zahrnuje dvě příběhová rozšíření: Wild Card (na podzim 2024) a A Pirate’s Fortune (na jaře 2025). Kompletní přehled dostupných informací o hře najdete v našem souhrnném článku.

Článek Star Wars Outlaws ukazuje PC funkce v novém traileru se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Trailer ke hře Star Wars Outlaws ukazuje rozmanitost planet

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Až bude hra Star Wars Outlaws koncem tohoto měsíce uvedena na trh, budou se hráči moci ponořit do vůbec první plně otevřené hry Star Wars, jejíž mezihvězdná mapa bude obsahovat celou řadu různých planet, měsíců a dalších míst, která budou moci hráči prozkoumávat.

Před vydáním hry Ubisoft a vývojářské studio Massive Entertainment nabídli další pohled na některé z planet, které budou hráči ve hře prozkoumávat (prostřednictvím IGN).

Jak si asi dokážete představit, řada planet ve hře Star Wars Outlaws bude fanouškům IP známá, od pouštní planety Tatooine až po ledovou Kijimi, která byla poprvé představena ve hře The Rise of Skywalker. Je tu také planeta Vnějšího okraje Akiva, zatímco větrem ošlehaný savanový měsíc Toshara bude zcela novou lokací zavedenou do kánonu Star Wars. Ve hře se objeví také fanoušky oblíbená lokace Canto Bight, která však v traileru není uvedena. Trailer si můžete prohlédnout níže.

Hra Star Wars Outlaws vychází 30. srpna pro PS5, Xbox Series X/S a PC. 

Článek Trailer ke hře Star Wars Outlaws ukazuje rozmanitost planet se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Gameplay z Assassin’s Creed Shadows ukazuje parkur Naoe a využití háku

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Ve hře Assassin’s Creed Shadows se hráči vžijí do role dvou spoluhráčů, z nichž každý přináší svůj jedinečný herní styl a mechanismy. Je tu samuraj Yasuke, který bude více zaměřen na boj a umožní hráčům čelit nepřátelům tváří v tvář, zatímco shinobi Naoe bude mnohem mrštnější a zaměří se více na stealth.

S tou je samozřejmě série Assassin’s Creed spojována nejsilněji a Ubisoft nyní odhalil nový gameplay klip, který nabízí pohled na to, co můžeme od Assassin’s Creed Shadows v tomto směru očekávat. Kromě hbitých a mrštných parkourových pohybů bude mít Naoe k dispozici také na fyzice založený hák, který je v gameplay klipu také plně k vidění. Podívejte se na něj níže.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows vyjde 15. listopadu pro PS5, Xbox Series X/S a PC.

Grappling hook, flips… Move swiftly across rooftops with Naoe’s new parkour moves. #AssassinsCreedShadows

— Assassin's Creed (@assassinscreed) August 12, 2024

Článek Gameplay z Assassin’s Creed Shadows ukazuje parkur Naoe a využití háku se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Vývojářský tým hry Assassin’s Creed Shadows „mohl díky aktualizovanému enginu skutečně naplnit naši vizi“

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Na hru Assassin’s Creed zasazenou do feudálního Japonska se čekalo dlouho, ale letos Ubisoft konečně dá lidem to, co chtějí, a to hru Assassin’s Creed Shadows. Zajímavé však je, že podle vývojářů by omezení předchozího hardwaru nedokázala spravedlivě ztvárnit toto prostředí, a právě díky pokroku, který je nyní k dispozici, Assassin’s Creed konečně zavítá do Japonska.

V rozhovoru pro GamesIndustry hlavní producent Karl Onnée vysvětlil, že Ubisoft hledal „správný čas“ na japonské prostředí ve hře Assassin’s Creed, a dodal, že možnosti současné generace hardwaru a aktualizovaná verze enginu Anvil, na kterém byla hra vyvíjena, umožnily vývojovému týmu „skutečně naplnit naši vizi“.

„Je to něco, co jsme vždycky chtěli udělat, ale chtěli jsme najít ten správný čas. A jsem si jistý, že ostatní týmy by to také rády udělaly,“ řekl Onnée. „Měli jsme tu možnost, protože jsme dělali Assassin’s Creed Odyssey [odehrávající se v Řecku], takže jsme měli zkušenosti. Ale také jsme cítili, že nastal ten správný okamžik, protože máme výkon, co se týče hardwaru, ale také naši novou verzi enginu, takže jsme mohli skutečně realizovat naši vizi. Bylo pro nás důležité, abychom měli k dispozici věci jako světlo a stíny, které jsou velmi náročné na výkon. A věci jako dynamické počasí.“

Dynamické roční období a systém osvětlení, o nichž se Onnée zmínil, byly v popředí zájmu v mnoha ukázkách Assassin’s Creed Shadows, které Ubisoft zatím představil, a bylo potvrzeno, že jejich změny dynamicky ovlivňují svět významným způsobem. Co se týče velikosti, hra bude podobná Assassin’s Creed Origins – což znamená, že ve srovnání s Odyssey a Valhalou se dočkáme relativně menšího světa – ale co se týče komplexnosti a hustoty, vypadá to, že Ubisoft vše posílil – alespoň podle toho, co říká Onnée.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows vyjde 15. listopadu pro PS5, Xbox Series X/S a PC.

Článek Vývojářský tým hry Assassin’s Creed Shadows „mohl díky aktualizovanému enginu skutečně naplnit naši vizi“ se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Everything You Need To Know About Star Wars Outlaws

Quite possibly the most promising Star Wars title in years, Star Wars Outlaws reimagines the Lucasfilm space opus as a huge open-world extravaganza, tasking players to strap on the boots of a rugged smuggler who must traverse, shoot, sneak and steal their way across the galaxy in an epic odyssey that takes place between Star […]

Star Wars Outlaws Season Pass Roadmap Announced

Publisher Ubisoft and developer Massive Entertainment have announced the post-launch Season Pass roadmap for the upcoming Star Wars Outlaws. The roadmap includes a Character Pack, an exclusive mission on launch day, a story expansion called “Wild Card”, in Fall, along with two cosmetic bundles. Lastly, the story expansion, Star Wars Outlaws: A Pirate’s Fortune, will launch in Spring 2025. Star Wars Outlaws will launch on August 30 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC via Ubisoft Store. The game recently went gold.


The game’s details:

Launch Day

Exclusive Mission

Character Pack

Fall 2024

Star Wars Outlaws: Wild Card – Kay is hired to infiltrate a high-stakes Sabacc tournament, but as she crosses paths with the notorious gambler Lando Calrissian, she soon learns that another game is being played.

Two Cosmetic Bundles – Season Pass owners will also get the “Hunter’s Legacy Bundle” and the “Cartel Ronin Bundle” with additional outfits for Kay and Nix plus cosmetics for Kay’s speeder and her ship, the Trailblazer.

Spring 2025

Star Wars Outlaws: A Pirate’s Fortune – The Trailblazer’s reputation precedes Kay as she runs into veteran pirate Hondo Ohnaka, who is looking to settle old scores with a ruthless gang of pirates.


Star Wars Outlaws details via Ubisoft:

Experience the first-ever open-world Star Wars game, set between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Explore distinct planets across the galaxy, both iconic and new. Risk it all as Kay Vess, a scoundrel seeking freedom and the means to start a new life, along with her companion Nix. Fight, steal, and outwit your way through the galaxy’s crime syndicates as you join the galaxy’s most wanted.

If you’re willing to take the risk, the galaxy is full of opportunity.

Key Features

Discover a Galaxy of Opportunity – Explore distinct planets with bustling cities and cantinas before racing across sprawling outdoor landscapes on your speeder. Each planet brings new adventures, unique challenges, and enticing rewards if you’re willing to take the risk.

Experience an Original Scoundrel Story – Live the high-stakes lifestyle of an outlaw. With Nix by your side, turn any situation to your advantage: fight with your blaster, overcome with stealth and gadgets, or find the right moments to distract foes and gain the upper hand.

Embark on High-Stakes Missions – Take on high-risk, high-reward missions from the galaxy’s crime syndicates. Steal valuable goods, infiltrate secret locations, and outwit enemies as one of the galaxy’s most wanted.

Stay tuned at Gaming Instincts via TwitterYouTubeInstagramTikTok, and Facebook for more gaming news.

The post Star Wars Outlaws Season Pass Roadmap Announced appeared first on Gaming Instincts - Next-Generation of Video Game Journalism.

XDefiant Season 01 Is Here!

Ubisoft just released season 1 of XDefiant and it comes with a ton of content. If you are not aware, XDefiant is a free-to-play shooter that ties in characters and abilities from various Ubisoft games. XDefiant Preseason was originally released in May of 2024 and it garnered a lot of attention. Some even went as …

XDefiant Season 01 Is Here! Read More »

The post appeared first on The Game Fanatics,.

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Impressions

Videogames based on movies have been around as far back as the release of E.T. on the Atari back in 1982. Movie-based video games have not always been the best experiences but they sold because gamers were familiar with the characters and franchises. In recent years, the gaming community has been blessed with games like …

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Impressions Read More »

The post appeared first on The Game Fanatics,.

Star Wars Outlaws Season Pass Roadmap Revealed, First Story DLC Out in Fall 2024

Massive Entertainment’s Star Wars Outlaws has received a roadmap for its Season Pass, which includes information on its cosmetic bundles, story DLC packs, and more. At launch, Season Pass owners can access an exclusive mission, “Jabba’s Gambit,” and obtain the Kessel Runner Pack and cosmetics to make protagonist Kay Vess donning Han Solo’s iconic outfit.

The first story DLC, Wild Card, launches in Fall 2024 and focuses on infiltrating a Sabacc tournament. There’s more going on than meets the eye, especially when Lando Calrissian gets involved. Two cosmetic bundles – Hunter’s Legacy and Cartel’s Ronin – will also be available, providing more outfits for Kay and Nix alongside Speeder and Trailblazer cosmetics.

A Pirate’s Fortune is the second story DLC pack, launching in Spring 2025. Kay encounters space pirate Hondo Ohnaka, who seemingly wants her help to deal with a rival crew. Judging by the title, it may involve riches.

Star Wars Outlaws launches on August 30th for Xbox Series X/S, PS5, and PC. Check out ten new things we learned about it based on new gameplay. You can also head here for the PC requirements or discover its various accessibility options.

Star Wars Outlaws - Season Pass Roadmap

Star Wars Outlaws Season Pass roadmap announced

Publisher Ubisoft and developer Massive Entertainment have announced the Season Pass roadmap for Star Wars Outlaws, their ambitious open world Star Wars game. Here’s a rundown on the Season Pass Roadmap: Star Wars Outlaws Launch Day Exclusive Mission Character Pack Star Wars Outlaws: Wild Card – Coming Fall 2024 Kay is hired to infiltrate a high-stakes Sabacc tournament, […]


Davide Soliani leaves Ubisoft

Davide Soliani has left Ubisoft after being with the developer for over two decades.

Ubisoft Milan's creative director shared the news on social media, in which he said it was time "to embark on a new adventure."

"After 25 years, 11 of which [were] beautifully spent working with Nintendo on Mario + Rabbids along [with] the company of our incredible community of players, I have decided to leave Ubisoft to embark on a new adventure," he wrote. "I can't say more now. Thanks a lot for everything, truly."

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Ubisoft apologises for Assassin's Creed Shadows promotional materials that "have caused concern"

Ubisoft has issued a statement regarding Assassin's Creed Shadows, acknowledging that some "promotional materials have caused concern within the Japanese community."

"For this, we sincerely apologise," the statement read. "All game footage presented so far is in development and the game will keep evolving until launch."

It is unclear what materials Ubisoft is referring to exactly, but PCGamesN mentioned in its reporting that a petition started in Japan calling for Assassin's Creed Shadows' cancellation has garnered over 94,000 signatures.

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Final Fantasy 14 mobile game is approved in China

China has approved a number of new mobile games for release, most notably Marvel Rivals, Rainbow Six, Dynasty Warriors, and Final Fantasy 14 Mobile.

According to Niko Partners, a total of 15 games were approved yesterday (2nd August), including the still-as-yet-unconfirmed Final Fantasy 14 mobile port.

The news adds credence to a recent rumour that Final Fantasy developer Square Enix had linked up with Tencent to develop a mobile version of its fan-favourite MMO, Final Fantasy 14.

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Xbox's Gamescom plans include daily livestreams and over 50 playable games

It barely feels like five minutes since the last one, but, somehow, Gamescom is almost upon us again. Which means publishers are starting to detail their plans for the show - and in Microsoft's case, we now know that'll include daily livestreams for those at home, plus over 50 playable games for anyone wandering the Koelnmesse's halls.

Attendees visiting Microsoft's Hall 7 Gamescom booth in person will find 50 games from Xbox Game Studios, Blizzard, Bethesda, and third-party partners, playable across 240 gaming stations. These include Age of Mythology: Retold, Ara: History Untold, Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred, Fallout 76: Milepost Zero, The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road, and Towerborne.

Playable third-party games, meanwhile, include Star Wars Outlaws, Space Marine 2, and the long-awaited Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl. A full list of games at the booth can be found here.

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"Bad faith" discourse "not worth engaging with", Ubisoft's Star Wars Outlaws creative director says

Last week, Ubisoft raised eyebrows when it issued a vaguely-worded apology for "some elements" in Assassin's Creed Shadows' promotional materials that had "caused concern" among some fans.

Fans widely attributed the statement as referring to the ongoing backlash towards the game's inclusion of historical figure Yasuke as a Black samurai and its dual protagonist. Moderators of the main Assassin's Creed reddit this week described the topic as a "tedious discussion" that Ubisoft's statement had only "exacerbated".

In contrast, Ubisoft creative director Julian Gerighty has now acknowledged online criticism of Star Wars Outlaws - specifically, the aesthetic appearance of main character Kay Vess - by stating that "bad-faith" debates are "not worth engaging with".

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Star Wars Outlaws has a special mode to address that perennial 'yellow paint' debate

The Star Wars Outlaws team has devised a solution to that 'yellow paint' debate.

Many video game developers have introduced yellow paint into their games, as a way of signposting players where to go next. Not sure where to climb? Look for the yellow scuffs on the cliff side. If it's a building, maybe look out for a yellow drainpipe or window ledge. Resident Evil even features yellow locks for players to pick.

Needless to say, yellow paint - or indeed any brightly coloured marker - is a pretty common occurrence across the video game landscape. It is a useful accessibility tool for many players. And, this same paint-based path finder also features in Star Wars Outlaws. That is, unless you don't want it to.

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Despite being a blatant mix of all things Ubisoft, Star Wars Outlaws feels like a proper Star Wars adventure

Aside from a blue paint job and some migraine inducing Na'vi Senses, last year's movie tie-in, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora was a Far Cry game in all but name. It's a typical Ubisoft move to repurpose portions of an existing product that has already proven popular with their audience, but in the case of Avatar, the final result failed to set the metaphorical Home Tree on fire (sorry, too soon?).

I think part of why Avatar's players burnt out so quickly (sorry again), was that it was basically just Far Cry but made worse with the addition of a bunch of Avatar gubbins. In the case of Star Wars Outlaws however, Ubisoft hasn't just picked one singular game to rework. Here, its plucked all the best bits from across its biggest franchises and created this melting pot of familiar gameplay elements. These elements are instantly recognisable when you see them one-by-one, sure, but they all come together as a whole to create a proper Star Wars-y feeling adventure.

When our dashing Deputy Editor, Chris Tapsell went hands-on with Star Wars Outlaws in June, he came away underwhelmed by the dated gameplay he'd experienced during the trio of linear missions he'd been given to play. As if countering that preview with a big, 'well check this out then', Ubisoft invited me along to a four-hour preview session that featured a big chunk of open-world action instead, where player were let off the leash to explore as they saw fit.

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Assassin's Creed reddit takes firm stance on Yasuke "debate", says Ubisoft "exacerbated" issue with statement

The main Assassin's Creed reddit, subscribed to by more than 717,000 users, has taken a firm stance on the continuing backlash to Black samurai Yasuke protagonist in Assassin's Creed Shadows.

A post from the popular reddit's moderation team has drawn a line under the ongoing "'debate'" over whether the real-life figure of Yasuke was a samurai or not, and to what extent his depiction in Assassin's Creed Shadows will be historically accurate.

It's a matter Ubisoft appeared to wade into last week via a vaguely-worded statement that raised eyebrows after it apologised for "some elements" in the game's promotional materials it said had "caused concern" among some Japanese fans. Now, in a lengthy statement, the moderation team says Ubisoft's statement had "exacerbated" the matter further.

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Yes, Assassin's Creed really did inspire the 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony

For those watching the Olympics opening ceremony last night, no, that was not your imagination – a familiar hooded Assassin did indeed appear to invade the rooftops of Paris last night.

Whilst it's hard to find footage given a trigger-happy copyright gremlin is striking down videos all over the place, there are still a number of images and video of a figure not unlike Assassin's Creed Unity's Arno carrying the Olympic torch for anyone who missed it:

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Star Wars Outlaws odhaluje plán Season Passu, první příběhové DLC vyjde na podzim 2024

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Hra Star Wars Outlaws od společnosti Massive Entertainment obdržela roadmapu pro svůj Season Pass, která obsahuje informace o kosmetických balíčcích, příběhových DLC balíčcích a další informace.

Při spuštění budou mít majitelé Season Passu přístup k exkluzivní misi „Jabba’s Gambit“ a získají balíček Kessel Runner a kosmetiku, díky níž si hlavní hrdinka Kay Vess oblékne ikonický obleček Hana Sola.

První příběhové DLC, Wild Card, vychází na podzim 2024 a zaměřuje se na infiltraci turnaje Sabacc. Děje se toho víc, než se na první pohled zdá, zvlášť když se do toho zaplete Lando Calrissian. K dispozici budou také dva kosmetické balíčky – Hunter’s Legacy a Cartel’s Ronin, které vedle kosmetiky Speeder a Trailblazer poskytnou další kosmetiku pro Kay a Nix.

A Pirate’s Fortune je druhý příběhový balíček DLC, který vyjde na jaře 2025. Kay se setkává s vesmírným pirátem Hondem Ohnakou, který zdánlivě chce její pomoc, aby se vypořádal s konkurenční posádkou.

Hra Star Wars Outlaws vychází 30. srpna pro konzole Xbox Series X/S, PS5 a PC.

Star Wars Outlaws Season Pass Roadmap
Zdroj: Ubisoft

Článek Star Wars Outlaws odhaluje plán Season Passu, první příběhové DLC vyjde na podzim 2024 se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

RECENZE: Beyond Good & Evil – 20th Anniversary Edition



Pokračování hry Beyond Good & Evil se chystá už od roku 2008, kdy se o tomto projektu poprvé zmínil Ubisoft. Poté se ale po hře slehla zem. Tak to bylo až do roku 2017, kdy se hra ukázala v Los Angeles na E3 i o rok později. Tehdy jsme ale ještě netušili to, jak dlouhé čekání to bude, a že se ještě před vydáním dočkáme remasteru původní hry. Oťukává si tak francouzské studio herní komunitu, aby zjistilo, zda má pokračování vůbec smysl?

Recenzovaná verze: PlayStation 5

Beyond Good & Evil se odehrává v roce 2435 na moderní planetě Hillys. Náš příběh začíná právě v momentě, kdy je planetka pod těžkým útokem mimozemšťanů DomZ, kteří se snaží místní obyvatele zotročit či přeměnit na energii. Zde také přichází na scénu hlavní postava hry. Jade je mladá sympatická novinářka, která se společně se svým strýčkem Pey’jem stará o sirotčinec.

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Oběma si v den útoku obrátí život vzhůru nohama, stejně jako mně, když jsem se ke mě tehdejší novinka od Ubisoftu dostala. Ne, to už trochu přeháním, ale pravdou je, že jsem byl jeden z těch hráčů, kteří si hru na PlayStation 2 užívali plnými doušky. Tehdy mě ještě nezajímala čísla prodejů a neměl jsem tak ani ponětí, jak moc velký průšvih to pro francouzského velikána byl.

Je to už 15 let od chvíle, kdy bylo oznámeno pokračování příběhu Jade a jejího strýčka a upřímně, i mě to čekání už unavuje. Vydání remasteru prvního dílu jsem tak přivítal s nadšením, jako bych zapomněl na řadu frustrujících prvků, kterými původní hra oplývala. Od remasterů, remaků a dalších předělávek ovšem čekáte, že dobové nedodělky zmizí a vše poběží bez sebemenších chybiček. Ne?

Již ve své době působil svět Beyond Good & Evil, tedy planeta Hillys a další prostředí, příjemným a originálním dojmem. To byl dost možná jeden z hlavních faktorů, který mě ke hře přikoval. I z dnešního pohledu si myslím, že hra nikoho neurazí jak po designové stránce, tak ani po té grafické. Nějaký zub času samozřejmě vidět jde, ale vše působí tak nějak nevinně, až roztomile. Co tak milého ale není je systém ovládání. Ten nebyl příliš komfortní ani v roce 2013 a ani v letošním remasteru, který oslavuje 20. narozeniny originálu se s tím vývojáři příliš nepopasovali. Systém je trochu svižnější, některé funkce jsou přemapované, ale jádro ovládání působí stále příliš komplikovaně a neintuitivně.

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Kromě ovládání se pozornosti vývojářů dočkaly i další faktory, které mohou zpříjemnit hru novým hráčům. Kromě klasiky v podobě vylepšených textur jsme se dočkali dalších a podstatně důležitějších novinek. Zmínit musím automatické ukládání hry či možnost přeskakovat videa. Spíše bych ale ocenil zrychlení celého systému hry. Například takové vytahování foťáku a práce s ním je velmi zdlouhavá. A když si představíte, že jedním z vašich hlavních úkolů je vyfotit všechny živočišné druhy…

Pokud jste hru ještě nehráli, ale přemýšlíte nad tím, měli byste také vědět, že co do obtížnosti se jedná o vskutku oldschool záležitost. Tady vás nikdo nepovede za ručičku, nečekejte ani žádné ukazatele na mapě či dokonce masivní šipku uprostřed obrazovky ukazující správný směr. Budete bloudit, budete nadávat a vztekat se nad obtížnými hádankami. I to je ale součástí kouzla Beyond Good & Evil.

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Ačkoliv měla tehdy hra nepříliš slavné prodeje, tak v očích některých věkem zkušenějších hráčů má status nedotknutelnosti. Nejen pro ně si vývojáři připravili bonusovou nabídku, která je přístupná hned po stažení hry, a to v kompletní podobě. Pokud si tak chcete dát svou denní dávku nostalgie, není potřeba hru dohrávat. Všechna videa, screenshoty, artworky a další umělecko-vývojářské poklady tu jsou všechny pohromadě. Bonusy se navíc netýkají jen původní hry, ale o svou lásku k IP se podělili i vývojáři letošního remasteru.

Beyond Good & Evil je bezesporu nedoceněným titulem, který letos dostává další šanci prorazit do hráčských srdcí. Jádro hry v podobě skvěle napsaných postav, nápaditého světa a originálním příběhem se trochu trápí s ovládáním a několika přežitými mechanikami. Obecně mi remastery moc po chuti nejsou a často raději sáhnu po originální verzi, ale Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition je jiný případ a moc mu fandím, aby se mu dařilo lépe, než jeho předchůdci. 

Vývojáři: Ubisoft

Vydavatelství: Ubisoft

Datum vydání: 25.6. 2024

Platformy: PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch

Článek RECENZE: Beyond Good & Evil – 20th Anniversary Edition se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Start Wars Outlaws Post-Launch Roadmap includes two Story Packs

Star Wars Content Roadmap

We're just a few weeks away from the launch of developer Massive Entertainment and publisher Ubisoft's open-world action-adventure game Star Wars Outlaws. In a post on the official Ubisoft blog, the publisher outlined the post-release content roadmap for Outlaws, detailing what is to come in the Season Pass which includes two Story Packs, two Cosmetic Bundles, and a launch day exclusive mission and character pack.

Star Wars Outlaws Post Season Roadmap
Image by Ubisoft

Not so Far Far Away

Players who purchase the Gold Edition or Ultimate Edition of Star Wars Outlaws will automatically get the Season Pass, which includes the Kessel Runner character pack featuring outfits for Kay Vess and her companion Nix, as well as an exclusive mission called Jabba's Gambit. The mission gives access to an additional quest from the notorious Jabba Hutt and his Hutt Cartel. Both of these are available when Star Wars Outlaws is released.

The first Story Pack, Wild Card, is set to release in Fall 2024. Players will infiltrate a high-stakes Sabacc tournament as Kay before encountering notorious gambler Lando Calrissian, before evolving into a bigger game at play. The Hunter's Legacy and Cartel Ronin cosmetic bundles will launch alongside this story pack, including additional outfits for Kay and Nix as well as cosmetics for Kay's speeder and ship.

In Spring 2025 the second Story Pack, A Pirate's Fortune, will follow Kay as he runs into veteran pirate Hondo Ohnaka, who is attempting to settle old scores with a ruthless gang of pirates.

Both of the Story Packs sound promising in terms of story, so hopefully the core gameplay of Star Wars Outlaws is enough to make the DLC feel worth exploring. We'll know for sure soon as Star Wars Outlaws is set to release on all platforms later this month on August 30.

The post Start Wars Outlaws Post-Launch Roadmap includes two Story Packs appeared first on Destructoid.

Xbox's Gamescom plans include daily livestreams and over 50 playable games

It barely feels like five minutes since the last one, but, somehow, Gamescom is almost upon us again. Which means publishers are starting to detail their plans for the show - and in Microsoft's case, we now know that'll include daily livestreams for those at home, plus over 50 playable games for anyone wandering the Koelnmesse's halls.

Attendees visiting Microsoft's Hall 7 Gamescom booth in person will find 50 games from Xbox Game Studios, Blizzard, Bethesda, and third-party partners, playable across 240 gaming stations. These include Age of Mythology: Retold, Ara: History Untold, Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred, Fallout 76: Milepost Zero, The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road, and Towerborne.

Playable third-party games, meanwhile, include Star Wars Outlaws, Space Marine 2, and the long-awaited Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl. A full list of games at the booth can be found here.

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"Bad faith" discourse "not worth engaging with", Ubisoft's Star Wars Outlaws creative director says

Last week, Ubisoft raised eyebrows when it issued a vaguely-worded apology for "some elements" in Assassin's Creed Shadows' promotional materials that had "caused concern" among some fans.

Fans widely attributed the statement as referring to the ongoing backlash towards the game's inclusion of historical figure Yasuke as a Black samurai and its dual protagonist. Moderators of the main Assassin's Creed reddit this week described the topic as a "tedious discussion" that Ubisoft's statement had only "exacerbated".

In contrast, Ubisoft creative director Julian Gerighty has now acknowledged online criticism of Star Wars Outlaws - specifically, the aesthetic appearance of main character Kay Vess - by stating that "bad-faith" debates are "not worth engaging with".

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Star Wars Outlaws has a special mode to address that perennial 'yellow paint' debate

The Star Wars Outlaws team has devised a solution to that 'yellow paint' debate.

Many video game developers have introduced yellow paint into their games, as a way of signposting players where to go next. Not sure where to climb? Look for the yellow scuffs on the cliff side. If it's a building, maybe look out for a yellow drainpipe or window ledge. Resident Evil even features yellow locks for players to pick.

Needless to say, yellow paint - or indeed any brightly coloured marker - is a pretty common occurrence across the video game landscape. It is a useful accessibility tool for many players. And, this same paint-based path finder also features in Star Wars Outlaws. That is, unless you don't want it to.

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Despite being a blatant mix of all things Ubisoft, Star Wars Outlaws feels like a proper Star Wars adventure

Aside from a blue paint job and some migraine inducing Na'vi Senses, last year's movie tie-in, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora was a Far Cry game in all but name. It's a typical Ubisoft move to repurpose portions of an existing product that has already proven popular with their audience, but in the case of Avatar, the final result failed to set the metaphorical Home Tree on fire (sorry, too soon?).

I think part of why Avatar's players burnt out so quickly (sorry again), was that it was basically just Far Cry but made worse with the addition of a bunch of Avatar gubbins. In the case of Star Wars Outlaws however, Ubisoft hasn't just picked one singular game to rework. Here, its plucked all the best bits from across its biggest franchises and created this melting pot of familiar gameplay elements. These elements are instantly recognisable when you see them one-by-one, sure, but they all come together as a whole to create a proper Star Wars-y feeling adventure.

When our dashing Deputy Editor, Chris Tapsell went hands-on with Star Wars Outlaws in June, he came away underwhelmed by the dated gameplay he'd experienced during the trio of linear missions he'd been given to play. As if countering that preview with a big, 'well check this out then', Ubisoft invited me along to a four-hour preview session that featured a big chunk of open-world action instead, where player were let off the leash to explore as they saw fit.

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Assassin's Creed reddit takes firm stance on Yasuke "debate", says Ubisoft "exacerbated" issue with statement

The main Assassin's Creed reddit, subscribed to by more than 717,000 users, has taken a firm stance on the continuing backlash to Black samurai Yasuke protagonist in Assassin's Creed Shadows.

A post from the popular reddit's moderation team has drawn a line under the ongoing "'debate'" over whether the real-life figure of Yasuke was a samurai or not, and to what extent his depiction in Assassin's Creed Shadows will be historically accurate.

It's a matter Ubisoft appeared to wade into last week via a vaguely-worded statement that raised eyebrows after it apologised for "some elements" in the game's promotional materials it said had "caused concern" among some Japanese fans. Now, in a lengthy statement, the moderation team says Ubisoft's statement had "exacerbated" the matter further.

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Yes, Assassin's Creed really did inspire the 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony

For those watching the Olympics opening ceremony last night, no, that was not your imagination – a familiar hooded Assassin did indeed appear to invade the rooftops of Paris last night.

Whilst it's hard to find footage given a trigger-happy copyright gremlin is striking down videos all over the place, there are still a number of images and video of a figure not unlike Assassin's Creed Unity's Arno carrying the Olympic torch for anyone who missed it:

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The Crew 2 Multi-Discipline Motorsport Across The United States

Title: The Crew 2
Type of Game: Arcade Racing
Developer: Ivory Tower
Publisher: Ubisoft
Released: June 29, 2018
Platforms Available: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC Game
Platform Reviewed: PlayStation 4
Level of Maturity: T (Teen)
Reading Time: 8 minutes

While the first installment in the 2015 racing series The Crew aimed to be a racing MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game), the second installment, three years later, expands the possibilities of the huge world to include boats, planes, and a variety of disciplines. Once again, we’re driving around a smaller version of the United States, but all the big cities and most famous landmarks are on display, such as the Statue of Liberty and the Mount Rushmore monument with presidents carved into the rock. Although the developers haven’t admitted it, The Crew 2 is essentially a reboot of the original game.

And while everything didn’t turn out perfectly, it’s better in every way. While I wasn’t able to get into the first game, I played roughly forty hours in the second game for the platinum trophy, and I didn’t even use half of the game’s content. The game struck me from the start as somewhat related to the top-tier Forza Horizon series. Both games share an open game world and freedom, but here it’s a cheaper and lighter version. Forza Horizon can be described as a simcade, and as a result, strikes me as more of a “celebration of motoring” than the proclaimed tagline of The Crew 2.

Arcade Bliss: Playfulness at its Core

The Crew 2, on the other hand, is an arcade to the core, with not only a number of disciplines but also plenty of challenges such as slalom, escape, and traversing a speed trap at top speed, as well as my very favorite drifts, which I simply fell in love with. You can then instantly see how you are doing compared to players from all over the world. The Crew 2 is more playful in this regard, whether it’s just for fun randomly around the map or in the various ranked activities. Another strong point is the powerful photo mode, where you can view and edit the last few minutes. There are really a lot of options, from changing weather, time, and filters to exposure, transport, and more.

Diverse Disciplines and Endless Customization

All the activities in the game are hidden into four main Hubs: Street Racing, Offroad, Freestyle, and Pro Racing. There’s classic street racing, motocross, rallying, aerobatics, boat racing, formula racing, and monster trucks. Of course, not everything is accessible at the start; you unlock new disciplines and additional challenges as you play. The game’s storyline is quite modest and it’s all about you as a driver who gradually becomes a star, this aspect of the game is spiced up by gaining followers on social media. Not to worry though, it’s a completely traditional experience points, just named differently.

Followers are gained not only after completing a race, but also when performing various tricks, jumps, and other stunts while moving freely in the game world. Once you reach the Icon level, the entire game opens up before you, including advanced car customization options such as traction, ABS, brake balancing… if anyone was looking for something like that here. As far as car brands go, there really are a lot of options to choose from, and along with a decent engine and car sound system overall, there’s not too much to complain about.

A Jack of All Trades: The Game’s Strength and Weakness

Ironically, the broad scope of the game can also be seen as a barrier. While there are motorbikes and aerobatics in planes, if you’re only interested in street racing, for example, The Crew 2 isn’t for you. There’s a bit of everything in the game, but the discipline in question doesn’t logically stand in for a full game in that category. Of course, not all of the disciplines suited me 100% either, but I enjoyed most of them, so the progression through the game was smooth. So nothing will happen if you ignore two or three disciplines completely. I mostly enjoy the aforementioned drifting discipline or the regular bike races and off-road in the vast countryside, which includes adrenaline rushes through checkpoints, racing on and off the motocross track, and, relatively speaking, rallying.

Immersive Exploration: A Seamless Open World

Omitting the opening long loading (played on PS4), in free mode you can drive across the entire United States without a loading screen. Meanwhile, you can zoom in and out of the entire map smoothly, Google Maps style, which looks incredibly cool. The smaller villages and countryside look great, the cities feel a bit sterile and bland at times, but it’s enough for adrenaline rushes. The map also comes in handy when completing photo challenges. If you’re in the location of a landmark, near an animal or other points of interest, the game will offer you the chance to complete a challenge. Simply switch to photo mode, meet the conditions (for example, jump on a motorbike with a view of the moon), and press the camera shutter.

Smart Navigation and Customization

However, you can complete challenges in a targeted manner, which is what the great map is for. By the way, you don’t just have to find activities on the map. You can easily view all of them together through bookmarks directly from the menu and launch them right away. Or rather, the game will take you from the menu to the start of the event. You can then admire and, more importantly, modify your car fleet from your headquarters in Miami. Completing activities earns you random pieces of equipment, which you use to gradually upgrade your car fleet. For cars, this includes top speed, engine power, braking distance, etc. The new parts are triple quality. The moment you have sufficiently upgraded your car, you can start performing activities at a higher difficulty.

Growing Prestige: From Beginner to Icon

When you reach the Icon level, you also gain points to invest in various areas, such as replenishing your nitro faster or increasing your chances of getting better gear. The in-game economy is set up quite reasonably. While there is dual currency, it’s optional as with Forza Horizon 3, the game certainly didn’t push me into anything. I would also have welcomed more types of AI opponent behavior, which is currently set up in such a way that in normal races your opponents are constantly on your back and it’s relatively difficult to outrun them in the lower car classes. This wasn’t a problem in the supersport though. My last small complaint concerns inconsistent collisions: for some objects, the game is benevolent, for others, it stops you almost immediately. This mainly concerns cities, in the countryside I find the physics set up well.

Verdict: An Entertaining Mixed Bag

The Crew 2 is an arcade game to the very depths of the soul, allowing you to have pure fun in the open world in a lot of disciplines. While it presents itself as an online game, I enjoyed it solo with the occasional live player I met in the open world. There was certainly no compulsion for me to play co-op. It’s not a perfect game, but it has its charms. And despite my general distaste for Ubisoft titles, I had a lot of fun, and the game especially with its variety of content and freedom on a large and nicely crafted map won me over.

Where to Buy The Crew 2

Steam (PC): The standard edition is available for $49.99, as well as the special edition, priced at $59.99.
STEAM SPECIAL PROMOTION!: Buy The Crew 2 Special Edition 80% off for 11,99€ offer ends 4 August
Xbox Store (Xbox One): The standard edition is available for $49.99, as well as the special edition, priced at $59.99.
PlayStation Store (PS4): The standard edition is available for $49.99, as well as the special edition, priced at $59.99.
Epic Games Store (PC): Special edition available for $59.99. Purchase it from the Epic Games Store.

Official Page: Visit the official The Crew 2 page for more information.
Subreddit: Join the discussion on the The Crew 2 Subreddit.

The post The Crew 2 Multi-Discipline Motorsport Across The United States appeared first on Home for Top Gamers.

Režisér říká, že „největším odkazem“ pro otevřený svět Star Wars Outlaws byla hra Ghost of Tsushima

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Vzhledem k tomu, že se jedná o hru s otevřeným světem od Ubisoftu, dalo by se očekávat, že Star Wars Outlaws bude následovat velmi specifickou šablonu, která se pro tuto společnost stala v průběhu let synonymem (alespoň co se týče her s otevřeným světem), ale chystané vesmírné dobrodružství si chce vytvořit vlastní identitu.

Jeho tvůrci z Massive Entertainment již několikrát hovořili o tom, že se otevřený svět bude v některých klíčových ohledech lišit od typického zážitku Ubisoftu – ale co je tedy bližším referenčním bodem pro Star Wars Outlaws?

V rozhovoru pro GamesRadar se toho dotkl i kreativní ředitel Julian Gerighty, který na otázku o podobnosti Star Wars Outlaws s Red Dead Redemption 2 a jeho strukturou a mechanikami otevřeného světa prozradil, že „největší referencí“ pro hru byl ve skutečnosti Ghost of Tsushima od Sucker Punch, přičemž cílem Massive Entertainment bylo důkladně se ponořit do herního světa a jeho fantazie.

Je to velmi zajímavé, protože mým největším vzorem byl film Duch Cušimy, který je spíše inspirací pro Kurosawu než pro western Johna Forda, který inspiroval George Lucase,“ řekl Gerighty. „Red Dead Redemption je fenomenální, [protože přistupuje] ke světu jako ke světu – ne jako k seznamu činností, které se často opakují. Ale myslím, že Ghost of Tsushima, to, co se mi na něm líbilo, byla ta čistota hráčské fantazie a skutečné opření se do ní. Je to příběh, svět, postava, všechno do sebe zapadá a hratelnost vše řídí. To je fantazie „jsi samurajský ninja v Japonsku“. To bylo jedním z vodítek pro tento projekt.“

Massive a Ubisoft samozřejmě označují Star Wars Outlaws za ultimátní fantasy o padouších z Hvězdných válek, takže není úplně překvapivé, že klíčovou filozofií designu otevřeného světa hry bylo hráče do této fantazie zcela vtáhnout. Zda se to podaří stejně dobře jako v případě Ghost of Tsushima, se teprve uvidí.

Hra Star Wars Outlaws vychází 30. srpna pro PS5, Xbox Series X/S a PC. Zde si můžete prohlédnout požadavky na PC.

Článek Režisér říká, že „největším odkazem“ pro otevřený svět Star Wars Outlaws byla hra Ghost of Tsushima se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Star Wars Outlaws PC požadavky odhaleny, vyžadováno SSD a 65 GB volného místa

Star Wars Outlaws 01

Do vydání hry Star Wars Outlaws zbývá už jen necelý měsíc a podrobnosti o ní přicházejí stále rychleji a Ubisoft nyní také prozradil, jaké specifikace bude PC verze tohoto titulu s otevřeným světem vyžadovat.

S laskavým svolením aktualizované stránky obchodu Ubisoftu byly odhaleny úplné požadavky hry na PC, přičemž budete potřebovat minimálně SSD disk (a 65 GB volného místa na SSD disku) bez ohledu na to, v jakém nastavení budete hrát. Všude je také potřeba 16 GB RAM.

Při minimálním nastavení, kdy hra poběží v rozlišení 1080p a 30 FPS, budete potřebovat buď Ryzen 5 3600, nebo i7-8700K, spolu s GeForce 1660 nebo RX 5600XT. Na druhou stranu, pro ultra nastavení, při kterém hru spustíte ve 4K a 60 FPS, budete potřebovat buď Ryzen 7 5800X3D, nebo i7-12700K spolu s GeForce RX 4800 nebo Radeon RX 7900 XTX.

Úplné systémové požadavky si můžete prohlédnout níže.

Hra Star Wars Outlaws vychází 30. srpna pro PC, PS5 a Xbox Series X/S. 

(1080p/30 FPS)
(1080p/60 FPS)
(1440p/60 FPS)
(4K/60 FPS)
OS: Windows 10, Windows 11 (64-bit versions), DirectX 12 Windows 10, Windows 11 (64-bit versions), DirectX 12 Windows 10, Windows 11 (64-bit versions), DirectX 12 Windows 10, Windows 11 (64-bit versions), DirectX 12
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 @ 3.6 GHz, Intel Core i7-8700K @ 3.70 GHz, nebo lepší AMD Ryzen 5 5600X @ 3.7 GHz, Intel Core i5-10400 @ 2.9 GHz, nebo lepší AMD Ryzen 7 5800X @ 3.8 GHz or Intel Core i5-11600K @ 3.9 GHz AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D @ 3.4 GHz or Intel Core i7-12700K @ 3.8 GHz
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 (6 GB), AMD RX 5600XT (6 GB), Intel Arc A750 (8 GB, with ReBAR on) nebo lepší NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti (8 GB), AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT (12 GB) nebo lepší NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (10 GB)/NVidia GeForce RTX 4070 (12GB), AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT (16 GB) nebo lepší NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 (16 GB), AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX (24 GB) nebo lepší
Memory: 16 GB (dual-channel mode) 16 GB (dual-channel mode) 16 GB (dual-channel mode) 16 GB (dual-channel mode)
Storage: 65 GB SSD 65 GB SSD 65 GB SSD 65 GB SSD

Článek Star Wars Outlaws PC požadavky odhaleny, vyžadováno SSD a 65 GB volného místa se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Star Wars Outlaws obsahuje speciální filmový režim, který kopíruje vzhled původní trilogie

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Massive Entertainment si dává záležet na tom, aby hra Star Wars Outlaws byla věrná značce, od zvukových efektů až po minihry jako Sabacc. Obsahuje však také speciální režim, který má kopírovat filmové zpracování klasiky.

Jak bylo odhaleno na blogu PlayStation Blog, ve hře Outlaws je k dispozici filmový režim 21:9, který nejenže poskytuje „širokoúhlý efekt“, ale také se podobá objektivům použitým při natáčení původní trilogie. Vzhledem k tomu, že se titul odehrává mezi filmy Impérium vrací úder a Návrat Jediho, dává replikace tohoto vzhledu smysl. Přesto se jedná o příjemný doplněk pro dlouholeté fanoušky série.

K dalším unikátním přídavkům patří režim průzkumníka, který vynechává všechny žluté barvy navádějící k žebříkům, římsám a podobně, a umožňuje tak organičtější plošinovku.

Hra Star Wars Outlaws vychází 30. srpna pro PS5, Xbox Series X/S a PC.

Článek Star Wars Outlaws obsahuje speciální filmový režim, který kopíruje vzhled původní trilogie se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Režim průzkumníka ve hře Star Wars Outlaws ti umožní vypnout naváděcí žlutou barvu prostředí

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Ti, kteří chtějí zažít více organického průzkumu, budou mít možnost v nadcházejícím titulu Star Wars s otevřeným světem od Ubisoftu.

Není neobvyklé, že hry používají žlutou barvu na interaktivních objektech a prvcích prostředí jako navigační nástroj pro hráče, a přestože lze najít argumenty pro i proti její nezbytnosti, zdá se, že chystaná hra Star Wars Outlaws se pokusí poskytnout alespoň nějaké řešení pro ty, kteří ho hledají.

Jak informoval server PC Gamer, společnost Ubisoft potvrdila, že v režimu průzkumníka nadcházejícího titulu s otevřeným světem bude možné vypnout „naváděcí barvy na základních navigačních prvcích“ v prostředí. Režimy Explorer jsou v titulech s otevřeným světem od Ubisoftu nabízeny již několik let, přičemž hráči mají možnost zmírnit navádění poskytované hrami ve prospěch organičtějšího průzkumu, ačkoli možnosti Explorer v minulých hrách přepínač naváděcí žluté barvy neobsahovaly.

Hra Star Wars Outlaws vychází 30. srpna pro PS5, Xbox Series X/S a PC.

Článek Režim průzkumníka ve hře Star Wars Outlaws ti umožní vypnout naváděcí žlutou barvu prostředí se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Video ze zákulisí Star Wars Outlaws přináší podrobnosti o postavách, zločineckých syndikátech a dalších věcech

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Vydání hry Star Wars Outlaws se blíží za něco málo přes měsíc a společnosti Ubisoft a Massive Entertainment pokračují ve zveřejňování nových informací o tomto titulu s otevřeným světem.

Aby nám Ubisoft nabídl další rozsáhlý pohled na hru a její mnohé pohyblivé části, odstartoval sérii videí ze zákulisí a první video z této série bylo sdíleno a odhaluje nové informace.

Video osvětluje hlavní hrdinku Kay Vess a hovoří o tom, kde ji najdeme na začátku hry a jak ji okolnosti zavedou k větším dobrodružstvím. V těchto dobrodružstvích se samozřejmě setká s řadou různých postav, včetně bojového droida ND-5, hlavního antagonisty Slira a dalších.

Objeví se také spousta známých padouchů z kánonu Star Wars, protože Kay se vypořádá s několika různými zločineckými syndikáty napříč galaxií, od Jabby Hutta po vůdkyni Karmínového úsvitu, Lady Qi’ra, která se poprvé představila ve filmu Solo: Star Wars Story, kde ji hrála Emilia Clarke. Jak již bylo dříve potvrzeno, ačkoli si postava ve hře zachová podobu Clarkeové, nebude ji hrát přímo ona.

Kromě známých skupin, jako je Huttský kartel, Pykeův syndikát a Karmínový úsvit, se ve hře Star Wars Outlaws objeví také zcela nová frakce v podobě klanu Ashiga. Klan Ashiga, jehož členové patří výhradně k druhu Melitto a který se podobá úlu, najdete na planetě Kijimi.

Video se také věnuje systému reputace ve hře Star Wars Outlaws, který bude hrát klíčovou roli a bude určovat Kayino postavení u mnoha různých frakcí podsvětí, s nimiž se bude v průběhu hry potýkat. Podrobnosti o tom všem a další informace najdete ve videu níže.

Hra Star Wars Outlaws vychází 30. srpna pro PS5, Xbox Series X/S a PC. Nedávno Ubisoft také odhalil podrobnosti o vesmírné hře a kompletní sadě možností zpřístupnění.

Článek Video ze zákulisí Star Wars Outlaws přináší podrobnosti o postavách, zločineckých syndikátech a dalších věcech se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.
