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Apple Watch SE 3 could appeal to kids with a core material change

apple watch series 9 snoopy pointing
Credit: Kaitlyn Cimino / Android Authority
  • The Apple Watch SE 3 will reportedly feature a rigid plastic exterior, which could potentially lower its price.
  • The shift away from aluminum could also enable Apple to offer more vibrant colors, making it more appealing for kids.

Apple has been offering SE variants of its iconic smartwatch for years, catering to those with limited budgets and needs. Despite technically being the budget option, though, the current SE model starts at $249. That’s significantly more expensive than some of the affordable Wear OS rivals. To potentially cut its price, the Apple Watch SE 3 may retire the more costly aluminum build and opt for a cheaper plastic one.

According to Bloomberg Power On’s subscriber edition, the upcoming Apple Watch SE could replace the aluminum chassis with a rigid plastic one. This could help Apple drop its price and offer more distinct finishes. The newsletter reads:

Hodinky Apple Watch jako zázrakem přežily více než rok v oceánu a byly nalezeny pomocí funkce Find My Feature

hodinky-apple-watch-jako-zazrakem-prezily-vice-nez-rok-v oceanu-a-byly-nalezeny-pomoci-funkce-find-my-feature

Apple Watch Survives

Společnost Apple každoročně aktualizuje hodinky Apple Watch a nabízí vylepšení nejen z hlediska funkcí, ale také změn designu. Za posledních deset let se ukázalo, že nositelné zařízení je pro uživatele docela užitečné.

Hodinky Apple Watch jsou velmi schopným zařízením a nelze popřít, že funkčností a zřejmě i odolností jsou daleko před konkurencí. Nedávno se stalo, že uživatel našel své hodinky Apple Watch v oceánu více než rok poté, co je ztratil, a to vše díky funkci Find My od společnosti Apple, která funguje napříč zařízeními. Pokud jde o trvanlivost, hodinky se osvědčily.

O tom, jak hodinky Apple Watch přežily drsné podmínky, jsme psali už mnohokrát a nejnovější příběh Jareda Bricka vyniká. Jared před více než rokem ztratil své hodinky Apple Watch v Karibiku a podařilo se mu je získat zpět, a to díky funkci Find My. Překvapivé na celé situaci bylo, že hodinky Apple Watch byly stále v perfektním funkčním stavu a přežily i riziko poškození vodou.

Ve videu zveřejněném na YouTube Brick uvedl, že se v červnu 2022 vydal na výlet do Karibiku na oslavu narozenin svého syna, kde mu daroval hodinky Apple Watch a jedny si pořídil i pro sebe. Majitel uvedl, že se dvakrát denně potápěl a hodinky Apple Watch během svých seancí nikdy nesundával. To, co majitel dělal, dává smysl, protože nositelné zařízení je certifikováno jako vodotěsné až do 50 metrů. Jednoho dne si však po potápění uvědomil, že mu Apple Watch na zápěstí chybí.

„Mám ho na sobě a najednou je pryč, sklouzne mi ze zápěstí a spadne do vody. V tu chvíli jsem si to neuvědomil, tak jsem byl rozptýlený skutečnou krásou toho místa.“

Po více než roce Brick použil funkci Najít moje od společnosti Apple a označil hodinky Apple Watch jako ztracené. V prosinci obdržel hlasovou zprávu od neznámé osoby z Karibiku, která tvrdila, že má Brickovy hodinky Apple Watch. Překvapivě byly hodinky Apple Watch stále funkční a na displeji aplikace Find My se zobrazilo číslo majitele. Hodinky Apple Watch poslal Brickovi, který potvrdil, že se skutečně jedná o jeho hodinky a že jsou v perfektním stavu. Brick oslavil návrat svého nositelného zařízení a prohlásil:

„Tak úžasné, tak velké díky Jonathanovi v Karibiku, že ho našel, kontaktoval mě, poslal mi ho zpátky, a společnosti Apple za to, že vytvořila tak úžasnou technologii, která funguje.“

Je úžasné, že hodinky Apple Watch přežily více než rok pod hladinou oceánu a vynořily se se všemi zvonky a píšťalkami. Hodinky Apple Watch také pomohly stovkám uživatelů při diagnostice jejich zdravotního stavu a příběhy se stále hromadí.

Článek Hodinky Apple Watch jako zázrakem přežily více než rok v oceánu a byly nalezeny pomocí funkce Find My Feature se nejdříve objevil na MOBILE PRESS.

Článek Hodinky Apple Watch jako zázrakem přežily více než rok v oceánu a byly nalezeny pomocí funkce Find My Feature se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Wear OS should take a page out of Apple’s book

Google’s Wear OS took a gulp of fresh air with the help of Samsung in 2021. The new version launched with an improved UI, smoother performance, reliable features, and the promise of consistent development. We’ve since seen the arrival of Wear OS 4 in 2023, with the next iteration possibly landing later this year. But even though the revamped OS is miles beyond its earlier versions, it’s still not the smartwatch OS of my dreams. It fails to accomplish one important task: display contextually relevant information when it’s most needed.

So, how can Google remedy this? I think Apple may have a solution.

Wear OS and its info dilemma

google wear os tiles demo on fossil sport

For context, I use a Samsung Galaxy Watch as a daily driver. I’ve been through several Fitbit and Garmin watches, but I’ve always returned to Wear OS for that comfortable fit. It feels familiar, and forms the basis of my digital life when my hands are tied. My phone usually stays nestled in my bag when I’m not at home, and when I do need it, I prefer to continue any task I’ve initiated on my watch. However, this isn’t always possible. Information on Wear OS is always a button press or a swipe too far, or simply isn’t available on the wrist.

Information on Wear OS is always a button press or a swipe too far, or simply isn't available on the wrist.

Google has tried to remedy this with the release of newer complications and the addition of tiles. While I’ve always felt complications are essential for viewing bite-sized information, tiles leave a lot to be desired. The feature allows apps and features to display dedicated screens beyond the home screen, but it’s never been a true solution to my problem. The implementation is clunky, relies on multiple swipes and button presses, and often neglects to update in a timely fashion. As it stands, tiles just aren’t useful.

How watchOS tackles the problem

WatchOS 10 on Apple Watch 3

Ironically, the previously widget-shy Apple does a much better job with this on the Apple Watch. With Smart Stack — a home screen widget carousel that displays relevant information from apps running in the background — app information is readily available and easily cycled through using the digital crown. There’s never a need to leave the home screen to access this information. This has other benefits too. There’s no need for complications, so users can run their favorite watch faces unabated.

Ironically, the previously widget-shy Apple does a much better job with on the Apple Watch.

At WWDC 2024, Apple added even more functionality to this system by introducing Live Activity support to watchOS 11, allowing it to display contextually-relevant info cards in the stack when appropriate. These are essentially mirrored toasts taken from the iPhone’s Dynamic Island, but functions as a natural extension of your phone on your wrist. That degree of seamlessness is dearly missing with Wear OS and Android.

Smart Stack isn’t perfect, but it could be for Wear OS

google pixel watch wear os watch face prime os 2

Credit: Rita El Khoury / Android Authority

There’s no denying that Smart Stack has its issues, but this is due to execution rather than concept. I’ve read multiple complaints from users who feel there just aren’t enough useful widgets available. There are others who feel that data-heavy watch faces are all they need. Perhaps I’m in the minority, as I see Smart Stack as a potentially great addition to Wear OS. But now that Apple was the first to launch the feature, a Wear OS equivalent can iron out these problems.

It would put essential information relayed from your phone front and center without user intervention. Do you want to use a complication-free watch face but still demand info snippets? A Smart Stack clone would allow this. As more Wear OS watches are adopting a dial, a swipe-free implementation would also be more than doable.

Despite its numerous improvements over the years, Wear OS still has plenty of room to grow.

Google has done wonders with Android’s notification system, and there’s room to improve it on Wear OS. In an ideal world, contextual clues, be it time of day, location, specific days of the week or month, and even ambient light could all prompt specific widget cards. Google wouldn’t necessarily require Gemini smarts to accomplish this, but it would add some welcome smarts to the experience. Of course, such a feature would live and die by the apps it supports. It’ll still need third-party developers to enrich the widget offering. This is an opportunity, not a potential issue. If the feature adds value, developers will build for it.

Despite its numerous improvements over the years, Wear OS still has plenty of room to grow. Addressing the way it displays information could hugely improve its interoperability with Android and make it a true extension of the smartphone. If Google needs ideas on how to address this, its competitor has a few.

These are all the new AI features coming to Apple Watch with watchOS 11

Apple Watch Series 9 portraits
Credit: Kaitlyn Cimino / Android Authority
  • watchOS 11 introduces a Translate app that can recognize when you’re traveling and become more accessible.
  • The Photos watch face can analyze your images and make recommendations.
  • watchOS 11 launches in fall, 2024.

Artificial intelligence was a very important topic at WWDC 2024, as it has been in most recent tech announcements and events lately. Of course, macOS, iOS, and iPadOS got most of the AI love here, but watchOS wasn’t totally left out. If you’re specifically looking for AI and machine learning capabilities, Apple announced a couple of watchOS 11 features for Apple Watch users to look forward to.

For starters, watchOS 11 introduces a new Translate app. It allows you to translate languages straight from your wrist, without taking out your iPhone at all. Additionally, the app can recognize when you’re traveling to a different country, as well as which language is spoken there. It will automatically show a widget in the Smart Stack, when it deems helpful. It will support 20 languages.

watchOS 11: Everything that's new

Apple's WWDC 2024 keynote is over, and we finally have an official list of features to expect in watchOS 11. Unsurprisingly, this update is focused on health and fitness, and it'll debut publicly in the fall. Apple Watch Series 6 and newer will be supported, meaning that if you have an Apple Watch SE, Series 4, or Series 5, you've received your last feature update.

Apple unveils “Apple Intelligence” AI features for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS

Apple unveils “Apple Intelligence” AI features for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS

Enlarge (credit: Apple)

On Monday, Apple debuted "Apple Intelligence," a new suite of free AI-powered features for iOS 18, iPadOS 18, macOS Sequoia that includes creating email summaries, generating images and emoji, and allowing Siri to take actions on your behalf. These features are achieved through a combination of on-device and cloud processing, with a strong emphasis on privacy. Apple says that Apple Intelligence features will be widely available later this year and will be available as a beta test for developers this summer.

The announcements came during a livestream WWDC keynote and a simultaneous event attended by the press on Apple's campus in Cupertino, California. In an introduction, Apple CEO Tim Cook said the company has been using machine learning for years, but the introduction of large language models (LLMs) presents new opportunities to elevate the capabilities of Apple products. He emphasized the need for both personalization and privacy in Apple's approach.

At last year's WWDC, Apple avoided using the term "AI" completely, instead preferring terms like "machine learning" as Apple's way of avoiding buzzy hype while integrating applications of AI into apps in useful ways. This year, Apple figured out a new way to largely avoid the abbreviation "AI" by coining "Apple Intelligence," a catchall branding term that refers to a broad group of machine learning, LLM, and image generation technologies. By our count, the term "AI" was used sparingly in the keynote—most notably near the end of the presentation when Apple executive Craig Federighi said, "It's AI for the rest of us."

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Apple Watch Series 9 tips and tricks: Make the most of your device

Apple Watch Series 9 watch face complicatinos
Credit: Kaitlyn Cimino / Android Authority

The Apple Watch Series 9 represents the latest model of one of the market’s leading smartwatch lineups. It’s packed with sensors, tools, and features, including updated user interactions and a redesigned interface. We rounded up our top Apple Watch Series 9 tips and tricks to make the most of your device.

Apple Watch Series 9 tips and tricks

Access and customize your Smart Stack

A user customizes their Apple Watch Series 9 Smart Stay

Apple Watch Series 9 tips and tricks: Make the most of your device

Apple Watch Series 9 watch face complicatinos
Credit: Kaitlyn Cimino / Android Authority

The Apple Watch Series 9 represents the latest model of one of the market’s leading smartwatch lineups. It’s packed with sensors, tools, and features, including updated user interactions and a redesigned interface. We rounded up our top Apple Watch Series 9 tips and tricks to make the most of your device.

Apple Watch Series 9 tips and tricks

Access and customize your Smart Stack

A user customizes their Apple Watch Series 9 Smart Stay

Apple Watch Series 9 tips and tricks: Make the most of your device

Apple Watch Series 9 watch face complicatinos
Credit: Kaitlyn Cimino / Android Authority

The Apple Watch Series 9 represents the latest model of one of the market’s leading smartwatch lineups. It’s packed with sensors, tools, and features, including updated user interactions and a redesigned interface. We rounded up our top Apple Watch Series 9 tips and tricks to make the most of your device.

Apple Watch Series 9 tips and tricks

Access and customize your Smart Stack

A user customizes their Apple Watch Series 9 Smart Stay

The next Apple Watch Ultra may have ‘almost no’ hardware upgrades

An Apple Watch Ultra user controls music playback in the Spotify app.
Credit: Kaitlyn Cimino / Android Authority
  • Apple supply chain analyst Ming-Chi Kuo says there will be an Apple Watch Ultra update this year.
  • However, the new smartwatch will have almost no hardware upgrades.

When the Apple Watch Ultra 2 launched last year, it was more of an evolution than a revolution with a few hardware improvements here and there. And it sounds as if the next iteration of Apple’s Ultra smartwatch could be even less of an advancement.

There were suspicions that Apple would forego releasing a new Apple Watch Ultra in 2024. However, Apple supply chain analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has told MacRumors that the tech giant does plan to update the series this year. But if you were hoping for big improvements, you’re probably going to be let down. Kuo adds that the new smartwatch will have “almost no” hardware upgrades compared to the previous generation.

The Apple Watch’s microLED future gets even more dicey

An Apple Watch Series 9 displays the Modular watch face.

Series 9
Credit: Kaitlyn Cimino / Android Authority

  • Apple has canceled its microLED project with one of its suppliers, leaving the project in limbo.
  • Apple was expected to equip the 10th-anniversary edition of the Apple Watch, dubbed the Apple Watch X, with microLED as a key hardware upgrade, with a launch due in 2025.
  • Past reports have suggested that microLED Apple Watches could be as far away as 2027.

Apple has high ambitions for the Apple Watch, and they are warranted. The Apple Watch Series 9 is one of the best smartwatches you can buy, and that’s despite a heavy iPhone lock-in. It’s in Apple’s economic interests to maintain its experience lead with the Apple Watch, and the company was long rumored to make the jump to a microLED display as one of the possible ways it could do so. But it seems that microLED hardware upgrade may remain a wishlist item for some more time.

As display analyst Guillaume Chansin from DSCC notes, Apple has canceled its microLED project with one of its suppliers, AMS OSRAM. The microLED displays were intended for the Apple Watch and planned for the 10th-anniversary edition of the watch, nicknamed the Apple Watch X, which was scheduled for launch in 2025 (though one can argue that 2024 is the 10th year since the original Apple Watch was released in 2014).

However, progress on the microLED project is being described as slow, and Apple would seemingly have had to delay the launch date for the anniversary edition. Consequently, Apple reviewed its microLED strategy and canceled the project with its supplier.

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A recent report from The Elec carried forewarnings of such an eventuality. The report mentioned that a microLED Apple Watch is not coming until 2026; even 2027 remains unclear. Apple had not completed the component supply chain to make microLED displays for the Apple Watch as of earlier this month.

With the report of OSRAM’s exit from this project, the rest of the initiative appears to be in limbo. Even if Apple finds a replacement supplier, what is certain by now is that you will have to wait quite some time for a microLED Apple Watch, possibly till 2027 and beyond.

Record $300 savings on the top-spec Apple Watch 8

Apple smartwatches are among the best on the market, but you usually have to pay trough the nose for them, especially when you start looking at the top-spec variants. For example, the 45mm Apple Watch Series 8 model with LTE connectivity and stainless steel case retails for $749, but a massive 40% price drop on Amazon today is your first chance to pick it up for just $449.

Apple Watch Series 8 (GPS & Cellular, 45mm, Stainless Steel) for $449 ($300 off)
