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Genshin Impact 5.0: Natlan a nový pity systém!

Od: PaneeA

gi 5.0 key art

V srpnu 2024 přichází do světa Genshin Impact jedno z největších rozšíření, které hráče zavede do nového, ohnivého regionu Natlan. Tento tajemný a nebezpečný svět plný nových výzev a možností slibuje nejen nové postavy, ale také hlubší herní zážitek díky inovativním mechanikám které jsme zatím neviděli. Vydáte se na dobrodružství, kde se tradiční hranice posouvají a každé rozhodnutí může ovlivnit váš další krok v fantastickém světě Teyvatu. Připravte se na nepoznané!

Ve verzi 5.0 se pro Natlan se objevuje zásadní změna v podobě nového systému „Tribal Chronicles“, který přebírá roli od tradičních příběhových questů. Místo předchozích lineárních questů, které byly založené na pevně stanovených úkolech a příběhových liniích, „Tribal Chronicles“ nabízí hráčům možnost interagovat s různými kmeny, čímž se vytváří živější a více personalizovaný zážitek. Každý kmen má své vlastní unikátní příběhy, cíle a konflikty, a hráči mohou ovlivnit vztahy s těmito kmeny prostřednictvím svých rozhodnutí a činů.

Součástí tohoto systému je také nový reputační systém. Ten umožňuje hráčům sledovat a ovlivňovat svůj vztah s jednotlivými kmeny na základě jejich akcí a interakcí. Zlepšení reputace u některého z kmenů může přinést výhody, jako jsou speciální úkoly, odměny nebo přístup k exkluzivním zdrojům, zatímco zhoršení reputace může mít za následek omezený přístup nebo dokonce nepřátelství.

Další významnou novinkou v aktualizaci je zavedení nových rychlostních a přepravních systémů spojených s „Phlogistonem“. Tento nový prvek umožňuje hráčům rychlejší a efektivnější cestování po rozsáhlém regionu. „Phlogiston“ funguje jako magická nebo technologická energie, což zahrnuje například speciální transportní zařízení, portály nebo jiné formy rychlého přesunu.


Krom toho, že podle pátečního livestreamu vývojaři slibují více primogemů které budeme dostávat za exploration a truhly se mění systém gacha.

První změna je úprava mechaniky 50/50. V této době platí, že pokud točíte na současnou eventovou postavu, máte šanci 50% získat vystavenou postavu. Pokud jste toto „padesát na padesát“ prohráli a vaše 5* postava byla ze stáleho banneru, měli jste při dalším pokusu šanci 100% a postavu jste vždy získali. Nyní se 50/50 mění, pokud nemáte garanci z prohraného rollu, hra při prohrání aplikuje ještě jednu novou záchranou mechaniku *Capturing Radiance* kdy máte dalších 10% na to získat bannerovou postavu. Tato mechanika má i novou vizuální úpravu, kterou ve hře uvidíte. Capturing radiance mění poměr ziskání postavy na 55/45 . Vývojáři doufají, že to zvýší štěstí pro hráče, kteří mají prostě smůlu a své šance pravidleně prohrávají.

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Druhou novinkou v gacha je změna na banneru pro zbraně. Na banneru budou stále dvě zbraně pro dvě bannerové postavy, ale počet Fate Points se sníží na jeden. Takže budete mít šanci 75% na získání jedné ze dvou banner zbraní a 25% na jednu ze stálého banneru. Pokud nedostanete zvolenou zbraň v Epitomized Path, dostanete 1 faite point což se rovná garanci že další 5* zbraň bude ta, kterou chcete. Tahle změna je hodně příjemná, protože získat touženou zbraň ke konkrétní postavě se mohlo vyšplhat na hodnoty přes 200 pulls.

1 14

Hráči mají možnost získat tři nové postavy s různými elementárními schopnostmi a styly boje. Kachina, čtyřhvězdičková Geo bojovnice s kopím, která cestuje na svém vrtáku, je dostupná zdarma po dokončení prvního aktu Archon questu. Kinich, pětihvězdičkový Dendro bojovník, vyniká svými dovednostmi s grapplingovým hákem, a Mualani, pětihvězdičková Hydro postava, je mistrem vodních sportů, schopná rychlého pohybu na vodě a využívání svého prkna i v boji.

1 15

Region Natlan přináší také nový ekosystém, který zahrnuje pestrou řadu zvířat, která obohacují mapu. Budeme moci potkat například veselé kapybary, ohnivé lišáky, hořící želvy nebo celou škálu dinosaurů. V oblastech kolem sopky se v lávě koupou červi, v horkých dunách potkáme brouky pokryté žhavým popelem a v lesích se na nás snesou popelaví jestřábi.

Herní mechanika Saurian Indwelling hráčům umožní na sebe převzít formu některých zvířat a objevovat mapu či plnit úkoly v jejich podobě!

Na závěř nás vývojáři na streamu potěšili ukázkou hudby, se kterou se budeme setkávat. Na nahrávání si totiž pozvali domorodé umělce kteří hrají na tradiční nástroje. Tohle není poprvé, co u Hoyoverse tradiční nástroje doprovázející region inspirovaný danou kulturou vidíme, ale rozhodně to potěší všechny fanoušky videoherní hudby! Byť na jaře opustil hudební tým hlavní skladatel Yu Peng Chen, hudba je stále skvělá! Změna v hudebním týmu totiž také znamená novou krev a nové nápady, takže se velice těšíme na to, co Natlan přinese po naprosto epickém hudebním závěru Fontaine Archon questu!

Na závěř článku si ukázku Natlan hudby můžeme poslechnout.

Článek Genshin Impact 5.0: Natlan a nový pity systém! se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Best March 7th Hunt build in Honkai: Star Rail

March 7th Hunt using her Ultimate in Honkai: Star Rail

With the release of Honkai: Star Rail version 2.4, March 7th's transition into her new path gives players a brand new Hunt character to mess around with. It's an extraordinarily unique kit for the path, and perhaps worth checking out even if she's not your usual cup of tea.

If you're eager to build March 7th in Honkai's 2.4 update, here's everything you need to know to put together the best build for March 7th's Hunt path.

Strongest March 7th Hunt Build in Honkai: Star Rail

March 7th's Hunt path has many typical characteristics of your typical Hunt character, but, thanks to her kit, she can also play similarly to a Harmony character, though admittedly not quite as strong. The strange mesh lands her squarely in the Main DPS Support role, thanks to how her Basic Attack, Skill, Talent, and Ultimate function. Compared to five-star limited characters, March 7th is a little complex, so I need to talk more about her kit in detail for clarity.

The core of March 7th's Hunt gameplay revolves around using her skill, Master, It's Tea Time! This turns one of the members of her team into her 'Shifu' and rewards them with a decent speed buff. More importantly, depending on the typing of the character March makes her Shifu, she gains one of two potential extra effects:

  • If Shifu is Erudition, Destruction, or The Hunt - March deals additional damage that matches the character's element.
  • If Shifu is Harmony, Nihility, Preservation, or Abundance - March deals 100% more Toughness Reduction.

On top of these effects, when March 7th makes a target her Shifu, she gains their Element on top of her own, making March 7th a universal unit. If the Shifu is Topaz, March 7th becomes Imaginary and Fire simultaneously.

March 7th Hunt using her Skill in Honkai: Star Rail
Screenshot by Destructoid

When her Shifu launches an attack, March gains one charge out of seven. At seven charges (her Talent), she immediately takes action regardless of turn order and can launch an Enhanced Basic Attack. March 7th damage budget is entirely in this Enhanced Basic Attack, and it also rewards her Shifu with 60% CRIT DMG, after it is activated.

March 7th Hunt gains all of her Eidolons for free just by playing her event. Her second Eidolon has a considerable effect on her gameplay, allowing her to launch a Follow-up attack after her Shifu launches an attack. This Follow-up does not deal much damage, but it does provide her with an additional charge for her talent. This is extremely important to be aware of when talking about team composition with March 7th. More on that later.

Finally, March 7th's Ultimate deals moderate damage to one target, but greatly improves the effectiveness of her next Enhanced Basic Attack. Generally, you want to ensure she uses her Ultimate before every Enhanced Basic Attack.

Best Relics for March 7th Hunt

March 7th focuses on Basic Attacks for damage, so she only has a few select options in terms of Relics. Her best-in-slot (BiS) is an old favorite, the Musketeer of Wild Wheat set. This set provides additional ATK%, SPD, and, most importantly, Basic ATK damage — the best stats for March 7th in all situations.

Best Relics for March 7th Hunt in Honkai: Star Rail
Screenshot by Destructoid

If you don't have that set ready to go, March 7th cares a lot about ATK% in general due to the nature of her kit, so any two sets that provide ATK% for their two-piece bonus are worth considering. You can also use two-piece Wasterlander of Banditry Desert for the additional Imaginary damage bonus.

For her Sphere and Rope set, I highly recommend you run with Rutilant Arena, as it provides March with additional CRIT RATE and a large 20% damage boost to her Basic Attacks as long as she is above 70% CRIT RATE. If you can't get a 70% CRIT RATE, then the universal Inert Salsotto set is always a competitive choice.

Best Team Comp March 7th Hunt

March 7th's Hunt kit is extremely versatile, and it allows her to be run with practically any team comp and be somewhat successful. However, thanks to her second Eidolon, March 7th gets a considerable amount of leverage out of supporting a DPS that can attack very often. With that in mind, the best targets for her Shifu are Topaz, Clara, Yunli, Robin, and Aventurine, all thanks to the frequency of their attacks. Any combination of these characters will make up the Follow-up team comp, her best team.

Best Team Comp for March 7th Hunt in Honkai: Star Rail
Screenshot by Destructoid

Topaz is likely March 7th's best teammate because of how her Follow-up attack interacts with Numby. Every time Topaz OR Numby attacks, March 7th gains a Talent charge. March also gains a charge every time she launches a Follow-up attack following Topaz's attack. All of this results in many Enhanced Basic Attacks for March, and a massive 60% CRIT DMG buff for Topaz and Numby.

Clara is also an extremely potent teammate for March thanks to the infinite number of attacks Clara can make, limited only by the number of attacks the enemy can land on her. Every single time Clara uses her Follow-up, March gains a charge.

Yunli is in the same boat as Clara for March, providing the same rewards and limitations on attacks.

Robin is a universal support, but buffs Follow-up attack comps more than others thanks to their attack frequencies. With Robin's Ultimate active, all of March 7th's attacks become threatening to the enemy, allowing her (and everyone else on her team) to dish out considerably more damage than normal. Also, 100% Advance Forward is a godsent for March.

Aventurine is highly versatile and can be included in any team composition, thanks to his powerful shielding, which significantly benefits March 7th. In teams that don't focus on Follow-up attacks, Aventurine becomes the optimal target for March's Shifu. Since Aventurine frequently uses Basic and Follow-up attacks, March continues to benefit from her Talent's Follow-up effect, while Aventurine gains a charge from her Follow-up attack. This synergy pairs March and Aventurine in virtually any team without sacrificing their effectiveness

Best Lightcone for March 7th Hunt in Honkai: Star Rail

March 7th has a few strong options in terms of Lightcone choice. Her best Lightcone is In the Night, which is Seele's signature. It provides her with a massive boost to CRIT Rate, and further provides DMG scaling for her Basic Attacks via SPD (Speed).

Best Lightcone for March 7th Hunt in Honkai: Star Rail
Screenshot by Destructoid

Another solid option for March 7th is Worrisome, Blissful, which is Topaz's signature cone. It provides March with an equally large boost to CRIT Rate, while also considerably boosting the DMG of her Follow-up attack. Most importantly, when March uses her Follow-up with this Lightcone equip, she will apply the Tame debuff on targets hit, allowing her allies to deal more CRIT DMG to targets afflicted.

The post Best March 7th Hunt build in Honkai: Star Rail appeared first on Destructoid.

The best Taoqi build in Wuthering Waves – weapons, Echoes, and team compositions

Thanks to her ability to deal high Liberation damage, offer a 38% Resonance Skill DMG Deepen buff, and her title as the game's only shielder, Taoqi can be a great addition to a wide array of teams in Wuthering Waves.

But who can benefit the most from her buff? And more importantly, which weapon and Sonata should you pick to potentialize her strengths? For all looking to awaken her true potential as a defensive support, here's the best Taoqi build in Wuthering Waves.

The best weapons for Taoqi in Wuthering Waves

The best weapon for our Taoki build in Wuthering Waves.
Image by Destructoid

As Taoqi's whole kit scales off Defense, the best weapon for her is the 4-star Dauntless Evernight. The weapon earns the spot given its 61.56% DEF substat (at level 90). When using the broadblade, you will also be able to get another 15% boost in the stat by performing her Intro Skill (R1). Using the 4-star Discord can also work, as its Energy Regen value will increase her Liberation availability.

Dauntless Evernight is also my main F2P pick for Taoqi, as you can find a free copy of it within the Port City of Guixu. The free copy of the weapon will only become available after you complete the We Promise, We Deliver quest. You can check out its exact location in our How to get all free 5 and 4-star weapons in Wuthering Waves guide. For F2P players looking to get an extra boost in ER, the craftable 4-star Broadblade#41 will be my main pick.

Best Sonata and Echoes for Taoqi

The best Sonata for Taoqi is a full Moonlit Clouds set. The set shines through its ability to provide a handy amount of ER and further empower her Outro Skill by adding a 22.5% ATK buff to it. As Taoqi's ability to constantly self-heal will allow you to always proc its buff, a full Rejuvenating Glow set will be my main alternative.

When using Moonlit Clouds, the best main echo for Taoqi is Impermanence Heron. The echo is a must, as it will allow you to offer a 12% all-damage boost to the character taking the field after her. I recommend that you pair our main pick with two Elites and two Common echoes. If using Rejuvenating Glow, go with Bell-Borne Geochelone as your main.

Best stats and substats

As the focus of our build lies in both strengthening her shield and allowing her to deal good damage, I recommend going with Crit Rate as the main stat for your main echo. For the remaining ones, go with pairs of Havoc DMG Bonus and DEF.

When using any weapon but Dauntless Evernight, replace one of your Havoc DMG Bonus echoes with a DEF one to make sure her shield will offer enough protection. Substat-wise, prioritize Crit Rate, DEF, and Energy Regen. Don't overlook ER, as having at least 130% will allow you to perform her Liberation without worry on every rotation.

Are Taoqi's Resonance Sequences a must?

Essence of Tranquilty, Taoqi's shield increase in Wuthering Waves
Image by Destructoid

No, as Taoqi can work extremely well even without them. However, those looking to potentialize her should prioritize getting her first node sequence, Essense of Tranquility. Once active, the node will increase the HP of each shield instance generated by her Timed Counters by 40%. Her second node will also add a lot by increasing the Crit Rate and DMG of her Resonance Liberation by 20%.

Best teams for Taoqi in Wuthering Waves

The best team for Taoqi features her as its defensive support, Danjin as its main DPS, and either Verina or Baizhi as its healer. Overall, Taoqi feels handmade for Danjin, as the latter can both perform her Skill at no cooldown and buff her biggest sources of damage with a 23% Havoc DMG Deepen boost. Even if they won't be able to make use of her buff half as well, Taoqi is also a good fit for teams featuring either Yinlin or Calcharo in the main DPS slot.

How to play Taoqi

Taoqi is most at home when working as a quick swap support focused on performing her Intro Skill, as many Timed Counters as possible, her Liberation, her Echo Skill, and her Outro Skill in quick succession. If using her together with Danjin, don't forget to also fit in Rocksteady Shield for an extra layer of protection.

The post The best Taoqi build in Wuthering Waves – weapons, Echoes, and team compositions appeared first on Destructoid.

The best Havoc Rover build in Wuthering Waves – Weapons, Echoes, and Team Compositions

After gathering all of their strength to protect their companions and the nation of Jinzhou, the Rover finally becomes able to control the abilities of the Crownless. Needless to say, the new form is a sight to behold and pushes our protagonist forward as the current best Havoc DPS in Wuthering Waves.

But how should you build the Havoc Rover? To all looking to show the depths of their newfound power, here's the best Havoc Rover build in Wuthering Waves.

The best weapons for the Havoc Rover

The best weapon for the Havoc Rover is the 5-star Emerald of Genesis. The sword is a dream come true for all DPSs. The reason? It's high amount of Crit Rate (24.3% at level 90) and 12.8% Energy Regen boost. Emerald of Genesis will also allow the Rover to boost their ATK by performing their Skill. Keep in mind that you will only be able to fully stack the ATK buff after unlocking their second Sequence Node.

Image by Destructoid

Best alternatives

If the above is not an option for you, the best weapon for the Havoc Rover will be the BP-exclusive Lumingloss. The 4-star is my main pick thanks to its great overall ATK value and ability to boost their Basic and Heavy Attack DMG by 20%. The latter is by far the best passive among the swords of its class and can be especially deadly if paired with certain Outro Skills and Echo buffs.

Commando of Conviction will be my secondary 4-star alternative for the Rover. Although lacking the DMG buff of our top 4-star, the weapon will offer a heavy sum of ATK (412 base plus a 30.3% increase at level 90). It also allows you to get another 15% boost in the attribute after performing their Intro Skill. If you don't mind the loss of its passive, the craftable Sword#18 will provide the same ATK value as Commando of Conviction.

Image by Destructoid

Best Sonata and Echoes

As you can expect, the best Sonata for the Havoc Rover is a full Sun-sinking Eclipse. The Sonata is my main pick given its permanent 10% Havoc DMG Bonus and how it allows you to further enhance the buff by up to 30% after performing basic and heavy attacks.

The best main echo for the Havoc Rover is Dreamless. The echo possesses one of the fastest and highest damaging skills in the game. Tailor-made for the Havoc Rover, you will also be able to exponentially boost its damage if used following their Resonance Liberation. Using Crownless in the main role can also work when in teams not featuring a Havoc DMG-focused support, as the echo will offer a massive boost in both the attribute and Resonance Skill DMG. For the remaining spots, I recommend that you go with two Elites and two Common echoes.

Image by Destructoid

Best stats and substats

As you can see in the image above, the best main stat for our main echo is Crit Rate. This is a must for any DPS, as no matter how high your maximum DMG is, it won't matter if you cannot inflict it. For the remaining echoes, we will then go with pairs of Havoc DMG Bonus and ATK. For the substats, focus on Crit Rate, Crit DMG, ATK, and Energy Regen.

To deal consistent criticals, you will need to have at least 50 to 60% Crit Rate. After reaching our Rate threshold, I recommend that you shift your main focus to Crit DMG.

Best teams for the Havoc Rover

The best team for the Havoc Rover in Wuthering Waves has him as its main DPS and Danjin as its sub-DPS/support. Danjin is our main support pick thanks to her Outro Skill's ability to provide a 23% Havoc DMG Deepen increase. She is also able to deal massive on-field damage and will guarantee that you will be able to keep up the pace while the Rover is on standby.

We will then have Verina as a healer. Considered the game's best, she will provide both a colossal amount of healing and a universal DMG Deepen buff. She can also revive units while at R0 and fill in as a sub-DPS.

If you don't have Danjin, using Sanhua or Mortefi can also work great. Among the two, Sanhua is my main pick, given her ability to offer a massive Basic Attack Deepen Bonus. Baizhi can also excel in this composition if you don't have Verina or want to save her Energy Points.

The post The best Havoc Rover build in Wuthering Waves – Weapons, Echoes, and Team Compositions appeared first on Destructoid.

10 Best Gacha games to play in 2024

Knowing which are the best gacha games to dive into is a must before choosing what to play, as picking the wrong title can translate to investing your time and hard-earned money on a journey that might either underwhelm or only last a couple of years.

In case you are currently facing that decision and need a guiding light, don't worry. Here are the best gacha games to play in 2024 and what each of them brings to the table.

10. Solo Leveling: ARISE (PC / Mobile)

Image via Netmarble

Solo Leveling: ARISE puts players in the shoes of both Its protagonist Sung Jinwoo, and a wide array of other hunters as they face the threat of the Gates.

Although featuring impressive visuals and a unique progression system, the main star of Arise is its fast-paced combat. The latter revolves around precise inputs and incentivizes the use of creative character builds. Players will also find a comprehensive story mode here, which holds tightly to its source material. The mode is the core of the experience and must be played to unlock key mechanics and features.

9. Honkai Impact 3rd (PC / Mobile)

Image via HoYoverse

Honkai Impact 3rd is HoYoverse's golden child and allows players to take control of more than 70 battlesuits as they fight for all that's beautiful in the world. Even if still dated for some, its combat can also be seen as the branch upon which Genshin Impact grew. In it, you can switch among up to three characters while performing groundbreaking attacks and being light on your feet.

The debut of its Part 2 in February 2024 also made the game more approachable than ever. Part 2 brought to HI3 a visual upgrade and a new storyline featuring both a fully explorable map and a new main cast

8. Reverse: 1999 (PC / Mobile)

Image via Bluepoch.

A sleeping hit for many, Reverse: 1999 puts players in the role of the Timekeeper Vertin in her quest to stop the destruction caused by the Storm. During the story, she will then travel through multiple time periods. Each stop will present you with additions to the main cast and distinct settings.

The game also has in its combat system a huge plus by featuring a mix of card and turn-based mechanics. Its noir feel and intricate character models also help differentiate R1999 from its peers and make it a worthy pick for all.

7. Goddess of Victory: Nikke (PC / Mobile)

Image via Shift Up Corporation

If you accept the game for what it is aesthetic-wise, Goddess of Victory: Nikke is one of the most approachable gacha games in the market. A courtesy of its above-average pull rates and generous rewards in the early/mid-game. Nikke also sets itself apart by being a shooter and allows you to take squads of up to five characters to the field. Although the game features many idle mechanics, you will need to be present for the best results in certain battles.

The title's narrative also manages to score big hits when it counts and excels, given its production value. As an extra, Nikke is known for receiving crossovers with many popular franchises. The latest brought Re:Zero - Starting Life in Another World's Ram, Rem, and Emilia to the game.

6. Arknights (PC / Mobile)

Image via Hypergryph

Arknights is a highly technical tower defense game where character placement and an understanding of the terrain and enemies can make or break you. Thankfully, the game allows players to apply a multitude of different strategies by picking among its hundreds of Operators. Its narrative is another plus, as it feels engaging and succeeds in doing justice by its cast and making you feel like a part of it.

Like Nikke, Arknights can be considered F2P friendly. That can be seen in how select 4-star Operators like Myrtle can perform on par with premium and featured units. You can also clear late-game stages while using only low-star characters.

5. Punishing: Gray Raven ( PC / Mobile)

Image via Kuro Games

Punishing: Gray Raven puts players in the shoes of the Commandant of the Gray Raven squad, as they and the constructs under their command fight in the war against the Corrupted. The game is considered a standard, given its polished visuals and fast-paced combat style. The latter of which is focused on performing perfect dodges and well-timed combos.

Its overall style and the quality of its narrative also cause PGR to be constantly compared to Nier: Automata. So if you are a fan of PlatinumGames' epic and are looking for an engaging narrative, you will feel right at home.

4. AFK Journey ( PC / Mobile)

Image via Lilith Games and Farlight Games

A spin-off of the hugely popular AFK Arena, AFK Journey allows players to assemble squads of up to five heroes to take part in many modes. The latter is also where the game shines, as you can find options for fans of open-world exploration, standard PVP, and even roguelikes. As most modes do not demand many inputs, AFK Journey can also be seen as the ideal pick for all looking for a game to run in the background.

AFK Journey is the most F2P-friendly name in our list by a large margin given its generous rewards and daily mode availability.

3. Fate/Grand Order (Mobile)

Image via Lasengle

Royalty in the genre, Fate/Grand Order continues to be a solid pick almost a decade after its release. As a branch of the Fate series, the game allows players to control more than 450 Servants as they take part in highly tactical turn-based battles. Players can also deepen their connection with each servant and unlock special interactions and quests by completing various activities.

Diving into FGO will demand a lot of catching up. Fortunately, the game's community is known for being extremely receptive and it's sure to offer a home to all, newcomers or seasoned masters alike.

2. Genshin Impact (PS5 / PS4 / PC / Mobile)

Image via HoYoverse

The title responsible for shaking up the market, Genshin Impact sits at the top as the current flagship of the gacha genre.

Genshin offers the full package to fans by providing an experience rivaling that of most current-gen AAA titles in both visuals and performance. Its open-world style and vast but not excessive cast of playable characters also set it apart as one of the most fun gacha games around for newcomers. On the other hand, its exploration-focused approach makes the game one of the most time-consuming picks on our list in the early and mid-game stages.

1. Honkai: Star Rail (PS5 / PC / Mobile)

Image via HoYoverse

A spin-off/sequel of Honkai Impact 3rd but by all means its own game, Honkai: Star Rail takes players on a journey across the universe. The game also mixes the exploration/character mechanics that made Genshin Impact such a success with an unbelievably polished turn-based combat system. Those looking for characters will also be pleased, as Star Rail features a roster of more than 40 unique ones.

HSR's story is also praised for always delivering in the biggest moments and staying consistent. At the end of the day, HSR improves upon the best of its older siblings to deliver what I believe to be the best gacha experience currently available.

The post 10 Best Gacha games to play in 2024 appeared first on Destructoid.

Genshin Impact verze 4.6: Arlecchino, Petrichor a nový boss fight!

Od: PaneeA

„Všechny mé plány potřebují oběti, které je uskuteční.
Mráz znachoví pod rudým měsícem, z temnoty se ozvou tóny symfonie a nenechají odvátá tajemství spát,
dokud nezbyde nic než čekat na příchod osudu.“
Těmito slovy nás uvádí do svých sítí čtvrtý Harbinger The Knave – neboli Arlecchino.

S Knave jsme se setkali již na začátku spletité zápletky Fontaine. Od jejího představení se stala jednou z nejočekávanějších postav, která se stane součástí výběru hratelných charatkerů. Naše očekávání se naplní již 24. Dubna, kdy vychází verze 4.6. pod názvem „Two Worlds Aflame, the Crimson Night Fades“. V tomto updatu se krom Arlecchino dočkáme i zatím poslední části Fontaine oblasti Petrichor, ve které budeme odhalovat tajemství zaniklé říše Remurie. Pro fanoušky lore je toto tedy velmi tučný update! Další novinkou je pokračování příběhu Cyna ze Sumeru, dozvíme se více o původu jeho božských schopností a potkáme uplně nové charaktery.

Herní styl Arlecchino se budou točit okolo mechaniky Bond of Life. S množstvím debuffu se bude této pyro bojovnici zvyšovat síla útoků, po splnění hranice pak z normálních útoků budou očarované na pyro element. Její speciální talent zajistí, že Arlecchino sice nebude moci obdržet léčení od jiných postav – což by snižovalo zesílení z Bond of Life – ale získá léčení ze stacků Blood-Debt Directives. Dalo by se říct, že je tento kit až upírsky laděný. Na banneru bude už v první části verze, spolu s pyro lučistníkem Lyneym z sirotčince vedéno právě Arlecchino. V druhé části se objeví dendro léčitel Baizhu z Liyue a anemo Wanderer ze Sumeru.

Krom hratelné formy se Knave ukáže i jako nový weekly boss. V příběhu se dozvíme více o sirotčinci House of Hearth, jeho členech a minulosti. Během boje se bude opět používat Bond of Life a ukázky slibují opravdu zajímavý a složitý souboj.

V tomto updatu je kladen největší důraz na novou lokaci Petrichor. Bude obsahovat trosky legendární Remurie, ze které vzniklo dnešní Fontaine. Dvě hlavní oblasti Sea of Bygone Eras a Nostoi Region nabídnou nové challenge, truhly k posbírání a samozřejmě tajemství k odhalení. Petrichor ovšem vypadá naprosto fantasticky, a věříme, že Hoyoverse nenechá tuto vizuální nádheru bez nějakého napínavého příběhu.

1 z 4
Zdroj: Hoyoverse
Zdroj: Hoyoverse
Zdroj: Hoyoverse
Zdroj: Hoyoverse

Hlavní hvězdou lokace bude nový world boss, Statue of Marble and Brass. Vývojářům se povedlo přinést do hry další zajímavý design. Bosse bude potřeba farmit pro Arlecchino, nenechte si jej tedy utéct!

Eventy v nové verzi nás vrátí převážně do ostrovní Inazumy, kde oblíbený Arataki Itto pořádá další hudební festival. Odměnou za splnění výzev eventu bude čtyřhvězdičkový geo support Gorou. Vrací se nám prop hunt minihra Windtrace s novými mechanikami, často přirovnávanými k Dying Light 2. Další event se bude točit okolo záhadné komise od Adventurer’s Guild, a klasicky nás nemine event zaměřený na souboje – tentokrát ve verzi Vibrocrystals, kde budeme získávat buffy dle kombinace krystalů.

V poslední řadě nás čeká další várka quality of life updatů. Do hry přibudou nové avatary, které můžete nastavit na profilu, funknce rychlécho spuštění weekly fightů bez nutnosti odehrát příběhový quest, vylepšení kompasu na hledání pokladů a také například zlepšení funkcí v Serenitea teapotu.

Verze 4.6. přichází ve středu 24.04. na všechny platfomy. Pro více informací můžete sledovat oficiální sociální sítě hry. @GenshinImpact


Článek Genshin Impact verze 4.6: Arlecchino, Petrichor a nový boss fight! se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.
