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Chivalry II | Let’s Get Medieval

One of the reasons why I don’t consider Chivalry II a traditional “hack and slash” is because I think it takes a bit of skill to play the game effectively. Unlike “hack and slashes” like God of war, for instance, mashing buttons can get you just as far as well executed skill moves

New God of War Might Not Be Santa Monica Studio’s Next Release

God of War Studio’s New Game Could Be an RPG

A new God of War game from Santa Monica Studio is almost a given, but it looks like the studio’s next release will be its new IP. Sony Santa Monica has been a single-project studio for almost the entirety of its existence (not counting external projects), but the developer has been working on its mystery new IP for quite some time.

Why fans think Santa Monica Studio will release a new IP before a new God of War game

Santa Monica Studio has been hiring for its new IP for a while, but over the weekend, a ResetEra user spotted evidence of major recruitment activity. Sony veteran Glauco Longhi, who has previously worked for both Naughty Dog and Santa Monica, returned to work for the God of War developer in April.

On his LinkedIn, Longhi confirms that Santa Monica Studio offered him an opportunity to return, and he’s now overseeing the entire character development pipeline of the new IP. From the sound of things, the studio is firing on all cylinders now and its next release is likely to be this project.

Rumor has it that the mystery game’s development is being led by Cory Barlog, and it will be a sci-fi game possibly with RPG elements.

The post New God of War Might Not Be Santa Monica Studio’s Next Release appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.

Five of the Best: Gods

Five of the Best is a weekly series for supporters of Eurogamer. It's a series that highlights some of the features in games that are often overlooked. It's also about having your say, so don't be shy, use the comments below and join in!

Oh and if you want to read more, you can - you can find our entire Five of the Best archive elsewhere on the site.

The more I've tried to pin down the definition of a god in a game, the harder time I'm having with it. I began by thinking 'out-and-out gods only', the kind that represent the dominant powers in the games we play, whether we fight against them or with them. But the more I thought about it, the more that definition broadened, because aren't we always a kind of god when we play a game - don't we always have a kind of godlike power? We are able to die and keep trying until we've - usually - defeated a godlike boss or bosses, depending on what the game is. What does that make us if not a god? I am open to any and all arguments here, so have at it. Which gods in games do you think are the best?

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Five of the Best: Gods

Five of the Best is a weekly series for supporters of Eurogamer. It's a series that highlights some of the features in games that are often overlooked. It's also about having your say, so don't be shy, use the comments below and join in!

Oh and if you want to read more, you can - you can find our entire Five of the Best archive elsewhere on the site.

The more I've tried to pin down the definition of a god in a game, the harder time I'm having with it. I began by thinking 'out-and-out gods only', the kind that represent the dominant powers in the games we play, whether we fight against them or with them. But the more I thought about it, the more that definition broadened, because aren't we always a kind of god when we play a game - don't we always have a kind of godlike power? We are able to die and keep trying until we've - usually - defeated a godlike boss or bosses, depending on what the game is. What does that make us if not a god? I am open to any and all arguments here, so have at it. Which gods in games do you think are the best?

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Five of the Best: Gods

Five of the Best is a weekly series for supporters of Eurogamer. It's a series that highlights some of the features in games that are often overlooked. It's also about having your say, so don't be shy, use the comments below and join in!

Oh and if you want to read more, you can - you can find our entire Five of the Best archive elsewhere on the site.

The more I've tried to pin down the definition of a god in a game, the harder time I'm having with it. I began by thinking 'out-and-out gods only', the kind that represent the dominant powers in the games we play, whether we fight against them or with them. But the more I thought about it, the more that definition broadened, because aren't we always a kind of god when we play a game - don't we always have a kind of godlike power? We are able to die and keep trying until we've - usually - defeated a godlike boss or bosses, depending on what the game is. What does that make us if not a god? I am open to any and all arguments here, so have at it. Which gods in games do you think are the best?

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God of War: The Board Game – Nová éra hrdinských dobrodružství

Od: Zareatul

God of War: The Board Game se představuje na crowdfundové platformě GameFound, kde se snaží získat podporu fanoušků a nových hráčů. Tato desková hra, kterou vyvinulo několik zkušených designérů CMON ve spolupráci se Santa Monica Studio, je inspirována oblíbenou videoherní sérií God of War.

Hra je kooperativní dungeon crawler pro 1-2 hráče, který lze rozšířit až na 4 hráče s přídavnými expanzemi. Hráči převezmou role Kratose a Atreua, aby se vypravili na epickou cestu plnou nástrah, bojů s monstry a řešení hádanek. Postavy se spoléhají na unikátní systém boje a levelování založený na vzájemné vazbě a spolupráci.

Důležitými mechanikami hry jsou „Synergy Track“ a „Menace Track“ ovlivňující průběh hry tím, že podporují postavy ve spolupráci nebo zvyšují obtížnost scénářů. Synergy Track umožňuje hráčům získávat nové karty a zdokonalovat své schopnosti, zatímco Menace Track zvyšuje aktivitu a nebezpečí nepřátel. God of War: The Board Game klade velký důraz na narativní hloubku a hratelnost, což odráží složitý vztah mezi Kratosem a Atreem. Hra je zasazena do období mezi videohrami God of War (2018) a God of War: Ragnarök, během kterého Kratos a Atreus čelí nástrahám Fimbulwinteru.

Tento projekt je nejen pokusem přenést atmosféru a mechaniky z videoher na stůl, ale také příležitostí pro hráče prožít nové příběhy a výzvy v rámci oblíbeného univerza God of War. Hra je momentálně v kampani na GameFound, kde nabízí zájemcům možnost předobjednat si hru a získat exkluzivní odměny. Cenovka základní krabice činí únosných 70 dolarů. Osobně jsem zvědav, zda se projeví vztah CMON a ADC Blackfire a zda se během příštího roku dočkáme této hry i v českém jazyce.

Článek God of War: The Board Game – Nová éra hrdinských dobrodružství se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.
