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Dying Light: The Beast is a new 18-hour standalone game that began life as DLC

Dying Light developer Techland has shown off a new game in its zombie series that began life as a DLC for Dying Light 2 Stay Human.

Announced during Gamescom Opening Night Live, Dying Light: The Beast is a solo or four-player co-op experience pitched as a "tight" 18-hour ride through a fresh area of the franchise's world.

Dying Light protagonist Kyle Crane, once again voiced by Roger Craig Smith, returns here, a decade on. In-game, Crane has been in captivity, and experimented on. The upside? You have zombie DNA powers to unleash that beast on enemies.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate Review

Turtles In Loop

HIGH Fluid combat and solid build diversity.

LOW Paper-thin story.

WTF The Shredder knows who Plato is?!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate is an honest attempt at the roguelike genre featuring the four titular heroes in a half-shell.

The setting and art direction successfully mimic Nickelodeon’s beloved TV series, all the way down to the constant banter between Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello, as well as with the inclusion of the handful of familiar baddies they have to beat (and re-beat, and re-beat again) throughout the campaign.

All of this is to be expected by TMNT fans, and the game rightfully delivers on all fronts when it comes to allowing up to four players to spend an afternoon controlling the ninja rascals while slicing through hordes of cutesy foes. However, aside from that specific draw bolstered by some admittedly infectious dynamism, there isn’t much here to warrant prolonged attention. 

As mentioned, Splintered Fate is structured as a roguelike, meaning players will progress through randomly-generated stages in linear fashion while earning currencies, learning skills, and besting bosses at regular intervals during a full run lasting roughly 30 minutes. It’s played from a top-down perspective that allows players a clear view of the action, instantly making it a fair (yet chaotic) romp given the sheer quantity of enemies that will fill up the screen.

The plot has the turtles dealing with an enigmatic character who’s kidnapped their master and locked him away in another dimension. They urge the boys to complete a series of stages accessible through a portal conveniently placed within their hideout. With (roughly) each new attempt, the turtles accrue clues on how to ultimately rescue Splinter and get him back. Unfortunately, the runs don’t vary much, and players will have to witness the same collection of bland, uneventful-looking biomes and the same bosses in the very same order (with only slight random variations from time to time) over and over again. 

While the plot isn’t anything to write home about, each line of dialogue is dutifully recorded with a cadence that resembles the TV shows, and it goes a long way to selling the experience to fans. Granted, not every videogame needs to propose a philosophical basis for why we, as players, “need” to willingly initiate the next chapter of play while postulating semi-hidden meta-commentary on the nature of life, but Splintered Fate is an example where it’s clear from the get-go that story doesn’t matter — and truth be told, allowing oneself to get entangled in building an all-powerful turtle is incentive enough to keep restarting the same loop for a good while.

Unsurprisingly, up to four people can play together, either locally or online, each controlling one of the turtles while trying to navigate the ever-increasing onslaught of enemies with brightly colored area-of-attack indicators heralding each offensive move. Splintered Fate does a fine job of intuitively teaching newcomers its core mechanics and allowing them to get into a rhythm before long — the action is always zappy, fluid, and entertaining, with various combinations of enemies and bosses aggressively racking up the difficulty to eventually force the player into a more calculated, hit-and-run style. Learning how to spot tiny gaps between enemies’ attack chains to land a crunchy critical strike is as satisfying and rewarding as one would hope.

In addition to this smooth teaching curve, Splintered Fate also features a fair amount of character variety and RPG elements, evident from the very screen when we get to select a character.

While each turtle uses a different weapon with a unique attack speed, reach, and combos, Leo can store up to two special attacks at once, Donatello heals between rounds and more quickly recharges a “Tool” attack, Raphael is all about scoring critical hits and Michelangelo receives multi-hit bonuses — and is generally more likable than the rest!

On top of that, players get to pick between various boosts upon clearing a room, allowing them to apply elemental damage-over-time effects like fire, lighting, and poison (or whatever “ooze” is supposed to be), as well as increasing their chance to score a critical hit or dodge an enemy swing. Defensively, we can use a small dash move to get out of danger, which replenishes after a few seconds to remind us that situation awareness is supremely important in Splintered Fate

While this may sound a bit complex, that’s not the case in practice. Once the action starts and upon clearing a room, a selection of two or three powers appear on screen that players can choose from in true roguelike fashion. For example, playing as Donatello, I might be prompted to choose between prolonging the invincibility period of my Tool attack or increasing the reach of my Special attack, making it easier to strike fools in all directions at once.

Aside from that choice system, we also earn currencies that can be spent to bolster certain aspects of our build — things like getting a revive that automatically respawns the character upon death, or permanently increasing things like health points or faster move speed. Of course, such a scheme coalesces into a satisfying advances, as even failed runs allow one to make critical upgrades across the board, boosting the desire to surmount each of Splintered Fate’s challenges.  

On the flip side, this system proved unable to combat the staleness that started to creep in once I had successfully been through a dozen successful runs. Of course no game is meant to last forever, but replay and variety are hallmarks of the roguelike genre and in this way, Splintered Fate comes up a bit short. It’s a good time while it lasts — especially for Turtles fans — but more content, more variety and perhaps a little more narrative would have boosted the experience to the next level. But still, it’s OK!

Rating: 7 out of 10 

Disclosures: This game was developed and published by Super Evil Mega Corp. It is currently available on Switch, PS5, XBX and PC. This copy of the game was obtained via publisher and reviewed on the Switch Lite. Approximately 10 hours of play were devoted to the game, and it was completed. About 45 minutes were spent in online multiplier with two other players, while the maximum player count is four. 

Parents: This game has received an E rating from the ESRB and contains Fantasy Violence. The game features the titular cartoon characters as they battle through hordes of enemy ninjas and robots in an attempt to track down and save their kidnapped master. The writing, action, and art direction are all faithful to Nickelodeon’s long-running Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series. 

Colorblind Modes: There are no colorblind modes available.

Deaf & Hard of Hearing Gamers: All dialogue in this game is shown via textboxes and fairly well-acted voiceovers, so they’re easy to keep track of even mid-fights. All enemy attacks are clearly telegraphed on-screen with easy-to-note areas of attack. I’d say this game is fully accessible

Remappable Controls: This game doesn’t offer a controller diagram and the controls are not remappable. However, the controls are displayed at all times during gameplay at the screen’s corners for easy reference. On the Switch, the face buttons are for striking, using special attacks, and dashing in and out of danger, while the left stick moves the character.

My Quest to Find a Specific Demo Disc from 1997

My Quest to Find a Specific Demo Disc from 1997

27 years ago, I returned home to Australia after two long years living in the USA. I was twelve years old, and my family was re-establishing roots in our old home. One of the first things we did was buy a new computer, with the help of my cousin. My dad only needed something simple for work, but my cousin had priced up a rig with me in mind too. It was a Pentium II 233 MHz, with 128 MB of RAM, a huge 20 GB hard drive, S3 VGA card and a 3dfx Voodoo 3d accelerator.

This was the era of demo discs - gaming magazines almost always came with one taped to the front, packed with the latest demos of new and upcoming games. Many retailers, keen to capture a slice of the growing games market of the Dotcom Boom, also released their own software compilations, usually available at the cash register in store. One of the largest home and appliance retailers in Australia then (and still to this day) was Harvey Norman, and for a brief period in 1997, Harvey Norman stores carried "Harvey Norman: The CD-ROM".

My Quest to Find a Specific Demo Disc from 1997

I don't recall exactly how I came into possession of this CD - it's possible that it came with our new computer, or that my childhood friend down the road had brought it by. I recall that my cousin had installed Civilization II on the computer, but other than that, my only access to games, for a while, was the demos on this disc - and what a selection of demos it was.

My Quest to Find a Specific Demo Disc from 1997
My Quest to Find a Specific Demo Disc from 1997
My Quest to Find a Specific Demo Disc from 1997

Source: Author.

The thing about demo discs that often gets forgotten is how brilliant they were at exposing gamers to a broad variety of games. In the days before digital distribution, social media, YouTube and Twitch, exposure to games and gaming news was mostly limited to a handful of early gaming websites and monthly gaming magazines. There were no Let's Play videos to watch - the only way you knew if you were going to like a game was if you had read a review, played it on a friend's computer, or tried the demo.

The Harvey Norman CD-ROM was a crash course in gaming tastes. Raptor, Death Rally, Need for Speed II, Wipeout 2097, Quake, Blood, MDK, KKND, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, Diablo, Fallout - this demo disc perfectly captured the zeitgeist of late 90s PC gaming, and was foundational in broadening my gaming palette and exposing me to genres and games that I would not have otherwise played.

My Quest to Find a Specific Demo Disc from 1997
Source: Author.

Like many others, I voraciously consumed demo discs like this every month, trying out every game I could to see which ones I could ask for at Christmas or my birthday. Shortly after settling back into our old home, I was buying monthly issues of PC PowerPlay magazine and methodically working my way through their demos every month.

While those PC PowerPlay demo discs provided many fond memories and exposed me to a vast cross-section of late 90s and early 2000s gaming, I had always placed the Harvey Norman CD-ROM on a pedestal in my memories. This was my first exposure to Fallout, and my first real foray into RPGs outside of Ultima. This was my first experience of Need for Speed, Quake, Diablo and Blood. Hornet 3.0 and F-22 Lightning II were my first combat flight simulators. Two of my favourite games in my youth had been LucasArts' X-Wing and the incredible sequel, TIE Fighter, and X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter was a big leap forward in fidelity and into the world of multiplayer.

So cherished were my memories of this CD, that I had even falsely attributed it as the source of other beloved demos ("Remembering Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II" and "Remembering Rocket Jockey") - where I found those demos, I'm not sure, but my hazy memories of the era told me that of course it was this Harvey Norman CD.

My Quest to Find a Specific Demo Disc from 1997
Source: Author.

The CD was more than just memories of demos, however. As I have discussed previously, my father was not computer literate, and he didn't really "get" games. But I never stopped trying to share my beloved hobby with him. My dad was an avid golfer, and it was an activity I often joined him on. So, when I saw the demo for Jack Nicklaus 4 on the demo disc, I of course introduced him to the game. Dad had this demo installed on his computer for many years, and he probably played the three-hole demo hundreds of times. Years later, he was still playing it, and the image of him sitting at the computer playing the Jack Nicklaus 4 demo is burned into my brain.

At some point in the early 2000s, the Harvey Norman CD-ROM ended up in a box somewhere, or perhaps went in the bin. I'd long since upgraded my computer and moved on to more modern games. The rise of digital distribution via Steam and rapid growth of the Internet had begun to chip away at the dominance of print media like gaming magazines. I was growing up. I had stopped spending my money on games magazines and started spending it on beer, rent and petrol. I could rely on YouTube to gauge whether I wanted to purchase a game. Before long, the era of demo discs was a distant but cherished memory.

It was about ten years ago, during the rise of indie games and the nostalgia boom of remasters, that I started to pay more heed to these memories. I wanted to find those old demo discs, load them up and relive happy, carefree days. But the Harvey Norman CD-ROM was long gone. In 2013, I got in touch with Harvey Norman customer service to ask whether they had an archive of demo CDs, but to no avail. They had thought I was searching for the actual games themselves, but after clarifying that I was looking for the demo disc, they told me they had no archived copies.

My Quest to Find a Specific Demo Disc from 1997
Source: Author.

I tried again a few years later, this time through various Facebook groups, with no success. Then, again, I tried, about five years ago on the r/Australia subreddit, and two years ago in the r/Melbourne subreddit (Melbourne being my home town). That was the closest I came - one of the responses to my post on the r/Melbourne subreddit directed me to a 1995 Harvey Norman demo CD on the Internet Archive, but this was unfortunately the wrong one. I had all but given up hope. Unless the disc showed up in an old storage container somewhere, I simply had to accept the fact that this would remain nothing more than a memory.

A few weeks ago, I was tinkering with 86box, emulating a Windows 98 PC in order to get some old software running for a SUPERJUMP story. As I tend to do when tinkering with old software and hardware, I soon found myself distracted by nostalgic segues, such as installing After Dark screensavers or playing old games like Hover!. In this nostalgic mindset, I thought once again of the Harvey Norman CD-ROM, and decided to have another try at tracking it down. This time, I'd post on the Whirlpool Forums, a well-known Australian computing forum. If I was going to get my answer anywhere, it would be there.

My Quest to Find a Specific Demo Disc from 1997
Source: Author.

I began writing my post, explaining what I could remember of the demo disc, when and where I had obtained it. I linked a video of the Harvey Norman jingle that would play in the intro video. For clarity, I wanted to provide a link to that other 1995 Harvey Norman demo CD that the r/Melbourne subreddit had sent me to, and specify that this was not the CD I was looking for. So, to find the link, I went to the Internet Archive and searched "Harvey Norman".

But wait. My search had yielded two results.

My Quest to Find a Specific Demo Disc from 1997
Source: Author.

Staring back at me from the Internet Archive search results was that familiar rose-gold disc - Harvey Norman: The CD-ROM. Surely this couldn't be real? Is this the right disc? Where did it come from? When was it uploaded?

Hands shaking, I clicked the link, and saw that the disc image had been uploaded on 25 July 2023. I immediately downloaded the file and fired up my 86box Windows 98 virtual machine. I loaded the disc image. I waited. And then it began. That horrendous Harvey Norman jingle imprinted in my mind. The spinning image of the demo disc. The splash screen with the Fallout power armour and the F/A-18 Hornet firing a missile. I smiled in astonishment at the screen, overcome with joy. Tears welled up in my eyes, and the memories came flooding back. Sitting with my best friend, racing around the Pacifica track in Need for Speed II. Laying sticks of dynamite around the town in Outlaws. Watching a gang member get torn to shreds by the minigun in Fallout. Playing Quake Episode 1 over and over again.


Source: Author.

Nostalgia is a strange thing. In my mind, I had attributed so much importance to this simple little disc. Hours of my life had been dedicated to it, replaying each demo dozens of times. It had fostered my interest in more than a few game series. There was never any possibility that revisiting it in 2024 could live up to the memories I had attributed to it. But, for a brief few moments, 27 years later, I was 12 years old again....

Hidden Gems of Game Design Volume 26

Hidden Gems of Game Design Volume 26

Plenty of amazing games go unnoticed and are not played widely for various reasons. Maybe it’s a diamond in the rough, or the marketing wasn’t there, or it could be a game ahead of its time. For this monthly series, I’ve asked my fellow writers on SUPERJUMP to pick a game they think is deserving of a chance in the spotlight. Let us know your favorite hidden gems in the comments.

Josh Bycer

Desert Fox Games

Hidden Gems of Game Design Volume 26
Source: Steam.

A niche series I’ve been following for years now is Bad Dream, by Desert Fox. Over the past decade, they’ve released multiple adventure games under the series “Bad Dream” or recently with “Faded Stories.” Their style is about creating an unsettling atmosphere to tell a story in. In the Bad Dream games, it takes place in an abandoned world that was once set up to be an MMO, but it and its characters have been left to rot. While “Faded Stories” takes place in a city where the dead come back to life every once in a while and the people go about their business no matter what strange events occur.

While there are jump scares and some violent subject matter, it never goes into full-blown horror territory. The point is putting the player into a setting where at first glance things appear to be normal, but the more you look at it, the more “off” things are. You are often left with more questions than answers at the end of each game, and there are common elements between the different games.

Hidden Gems of Game Design Volume 26
Recent entries in both series have now moved into 3D exploration as opposed to just point and clicking. Source: Steam.

What is unusual for the series compared to other adventure games is that there is replay value with multiple endings, and this is tied to the puzzle logic that Desert Fox uses. Many of the puzzles in their games are built on event triggers – the player goes to X or picks up Y, and the next chain in the story shows up. Many puzzles are designed around the player having to find information in the world which acts as its own set of triggers. By replaying the game and knowing the information beforehand, you can break the sequences on purpose to find alternate routes and new lore. There is usually one special ending that requires a perfect run using the right items at the right time.

Unfortunately this kind of puzzle logic and storytelling does hurt the game in a way when it comes to the mainstream. Since each game has different characters, there isn’t anyone in them that would be considered “the protagonist”, so you don’t get the same connection as you would from other adventure games. The focus on sequences and event triggers also hurts when playing the game casually. This is not an adventure game where you can pick up everything in the world – you are only allowed to pick up or interact with items when they are relevant to the story. This means returning to previous areas to try and find a new item that is now required by the latest puzzle.

Hidden Gems of Game Design Volume 26
Darkness Under My Bed is another title that aims for a more claustrophobic feel. Source: Steam.

I still enjoy the series as a kind of throw back to the days of puzzle-heavy adventure games. Each game can be completed relatively fast if you’re not hunting for all secrets, and this makes them a really great pick up and play game when you’re in the mood for creepy puzzles.

Antony Terence

LEGO Batman (2008)

Hidden Gems of Game Design Volume 26
Source: Steam.

The first few LEGO games from the Xbox 360 era have a couple of flaws in common. Puzzles that didn’t make sense, near-impossible jumps, and simple AI were problems that troubled LEGO’s Gotham City rendition as well. But despite that, my brother and I had a great time as Robin and the caped crusader when we hunted Arkham Asylum convicts in a new story. 

Stages consisted of straightforward button mashing to destroy enemies and the environment to collect LEGO studs between puzzles of varying difficulties. Vehicle levels add action-packed shootouts across air, sea, and land that keep the game fresh between the usual platforming segments. My brother and I usually managed to beat the game’s puzzles without consulting a walkthrough. When we got stuck, finding the solution only made us chuckle at how unintuitive it was. Since I had a partner, I didn’t run into the shoddy teammate AI that made puzzles more challenging to clear.

There’s no denying that LEGO’s innocent charm carries the game, even if Batman’s stoic nature and Robin’s mishaps don’t veer too far into the bizarre. This energy doesn’t bleed into Gotham City though, whose drab and realistic look doesn’t connect well with the cast of toy figures. Characters get unique abilities like Robin’s magnetic wall-walking suit and Batman’s batarangs. Levels also have secret paths that require new characters with abilities like super strength or poison immunity to access. LEGO studs collected across levels let you unlock characters like Nightwing and Batgirl. But that’s just one half of the game.

Hidden Gems of Game Design Volume 26
Source: Steam.

The second half lets you control Batman’s opponents right before the first half’s campaign missions play out. Poison Ivy can stun foes with her kiss, Mr. Freeze has his trusty freeze attacks, and the Riddler can straight-up control civilians. Killer Moth is in here too. While the visuals and story won’t win hearts, its LEGO-powered charm makes for a fun co-op romp through Gotham City. It’s no Rocksteady game but it doesn’t have to be.

Thanks for reading! Come back next month for another entry and more great hidden gems to check out. You can find all previous Hidden Gems stories here.

Bruce Timm’s Female Penguin Argument Doesn’t Make a Whole Lot of Sense (And It Doesn’t Matter)

A quick scan of social media confirms that Batman: Caped Crusader‘s female version of the Penguin is still a talking point, weeks after the show’s debut. Showrunner Bruce Timm’s comments probably haven’t helped either.

In an interview for the Emmys website, Timm chalked up Caped Crusader‘s gender-swapped Oswald Cobblepot to a shortage of viable alternatives. “[Executive producer] James [Tucker] and I were talking about the overview of [Caped Crusader],” Timm recalled. “And we said, ‘One of the problems with Batman, as he is, is there’s a lack of good [female] villains. You’ve got Catwoman, you’ve got Poison Ivy, you’ve got Harley Quinn. But it would be really good to have more female villains […] We never really could figure out exactly what to do with the Penguin, what the gimmick for The Penguin would be. What if we gender-flip the Penguin?'”

It’s a well-articulated argument; it also doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Yet ultimately, the rationale behind Batman: Caped Crusader‘s female version of the Penguin doesn’t really matter; the execution does.

The Bat-Canon Has Plenty of Good Female Villains

Catwoman holding a cat in Batman: Caped Crusader Season 1

Admittedly, Timm isn’t entirely wrong. The Dark Knight’s list of enemies definitely skews male-heavy. That said, there are still plenty of good female Bat-baddies. Aside from the three Timm mentions (two of whom, Catwoman and Harley Quinn, appear in Batman: Caped Crusader), there’s also Talia al Ghul, Lady Shiva, Jezebel Jet, and female incarnations of Clayface and Ventriloquist. Oh, and let’s not forget two of Timm’s own co-creations, Phantasm and Roxy Rocket. That’s just off the top of my head, too. There’s probably a few more viable candidates I’m missing, without even getting into less flamboyant characters like gangster Sofia Falcone.

Related: Batman: Caped Crusader: What’s Linton Midnite’s Deal in Season 1?

True, some of the above supervillains are overexposed (particularly Ivy), while the rest aren’t exactly A-listers. However, Timm’s approach to Caped Crusader is rooted in reinvention and revitalization. If the likes of Roxy Rocket and Lady Clayface don’t work as is, that’s the perfect invitation to revamp them. After all, Timm’s done it before with underappreciated male villains. Together with Paul Dini, he gave us the modern Mr. Freeze! So, while I don’t personally have an issue with Penguin being a woman, I find the notion that Timm was essentially forced down that road a tad disingenuous.

Batman: Caped Crusader’s Penguin Is About Reinvention

Harley Quinn's introduction in Batman: Caped Crusader Season 1, with her wearing a jester ensemble, her face covered in shadows

Yet, again, just because Timm’s “female Penguin” motivations don’t stack up doesn’t mean they’re without merit. As noted above, Timm’s goal with Batman: Caped Crusader was to put a fresh spin on the Bat-mythos, the way he did as a co-architect of Batman: The Animated Series (only different). James Tucker said as much in the joint Emmys interview. “That was the mission statement for [Caped Crusader] in general: to do something that harkened back to the original, but flip it.” Recasting Oswald Cobblepot as Oswalda certainly does that.

Related: Is Batman: Caped Crusader Getting a Season 2?

Of course, this approach is bound to rub some fans up the wrong way. Setting aside the gender politics of it all, some folks just don’t like drastic deviations from established comics canon, and that’s totally fine. We all have our own threshold for change. But for a Batman adaptation to stand out from its decades’ worth of predecessors—and, heck, to justify its very existence—it can’t be afraid to mix things up a bit. Otherwise, things get same-samey and stale. Trying to avoid this fate is how you end up with a slimy Harvey Dent, a Joker-free Harley Quinn, and yes, Timm’s female Penguin.

Bruce Timm Is Wrong About Batman’s Rogues (But Right About Caped Crusader’s Penguin)

Batman fighting Oswalda Cobblepot/The Penguin in Batman: Caped Crusader Season 1, as Penguin tries to slam him with her umbrella

And let’s be real: a cabaret-singing female Penguin is an objectively fun take on the character (even if the Oswalda name is a bit lame). It’s surprising, without actually straying all that far from the OG Penguin’s essence. A ruthless, avian-looking crime boss who feigns legitimacy? That certainly tracks with several depictions of Penguin (including in the comics). Voice actor Minnie Driver’s performance is terrific, too. Indeed, it’s not hard to see why Oswalda has her defenders as well as her detractors. So, no, it doesn’t matter that Bruce Timm is wrong about Batman’s lack of good female villains; he was still right about Caped Crusader‘s female Penguin.

Batman: Caped Crusader Season 1 is currently streaming on Prime Video.

Electroman - An MS-DOS platformer from 1992 is coming to the Commodore Amiga AGA (30th August)

For those of you interested in the latest news for the in development Commodore Amiga AGA game of 'Electroman': a game port that was originally released by Messrs, Janusz Pelc and Maciej Miąsik for the MS-DOS platform back in 1992. Then we are here to let you know, that tukinem will be releasing the full version as a digital download and boxed edition 30th August. To coincide with this news,

Once Human celebrates over 10M downloads and Steam top-seller spots with free login goodies

There are evidently a lot of people who are eager to jump into the free-to-play survival shooter Once Human, even in spite of the game’s technical problems. That’s according to NetEase’s latest PR, which counts over 10 million downloads worldwide and some chart-topping success on Steam. In addition to the number of downloads (not active […]

How To Get The Extended Rifle Mag In Once Human

Once Human offers a decent degree of weapon customization by providing players with different attachments to go with their gear mods. If you're rocking an assault rifle and want to pour more bullets down range before reloading, you can combine certain mods with the Extended Rifle Mag to maximize your DPS uptime.

All Brewing Barrel Recipes in Once Human

Crafting weapons and armor isn't enough to maximize your gains in Once Human. If you want to make the most out of all the systems the game has to offer, then making and using Brewing Barrels should be on your list of priorities.

Corporate consolidation is good, actually (in this one weird specific case) ⊟

Corporate consolidation is good, actually (in this one weird specific case) 

Toy company Bandai and video game developer/publisher Namco merged in 2005. Four years later, Koei and Tecmo merged their game-making operations.

Now, the two megacorporations have leveraged Tecmo’s beloved Monster Rancher series and Bandai’s long-standing Ultraman license to create this weird-ass thing, a game where you can use songs or NFC cards to generate monsters from Ultraman shows, then raise, battle, and, why not, merge them.

I don’t think it really makes sense to apply Monster Rancher’s semi-random generation mechanic with an existing set of characters (since, like, people basically would know who they wanted to raise?) and it definitely doesn’t make sense to make an Ultraman game without Ultraman. A lot of dominoes had to fall in just the right way to lead to this ill-advised but also completely awesome outcome.


Great news for your PAC-PASSION ⊟

PAC-MAN MUSEUM + - Release Date Announcement Trailer

Great news for your PAC-PASSION ⊟

No longer will you have to keep your PAC-PASSION repressed. There’s a place for people like us, and it’s the Pac-Man Museum+. I may sound like I’m joking, but anything that includes Pac-Man Battle Royale, one of my all-time favorite games, stokes the flame of my PAC-PASSION.

Though it seems weird to do a furniture collection and room layout minigame while still playing Animal Crossing daily, I also really, really want to design my own arcade in this thing.

I’ll be picking up the Switch version on the May 27 release date, but if I had an Xbox I could get it on Game Pass that same day. What a dang deal!


THQ Nordic announces new platformer The Eternal Life of Goldman

Od: Sickr
THQ Nordic and development studio Weappy have been working together on a new hand-drawn side-scrolling platformer titled The Eternal Life of Goldman and it’s looking great. Visually, the game seems to take cues from the beloved Rayman Legends franchise from Ubisoft with its smooth cartoony art style. The game doesn’t yet have a release date but… Read More »THQ Nordic announces new platformer The Eternal Life of Goldman


The Eternal Life of Goldman is a platformer with a wonderful ligne claire art style

Od: Stefan L

This is the Police developer Weappy has announced their next, rather different game: The Eternal Life of Goldman. In development for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Switch and PC, it’s a platformer with a thoroughly lovely art style.

Set in a fantasy world that is torn asunder by mysterious forces, you play as the titular Goldman in a side-scrolling adventure. This older gentleman looks rather unassuming, but comes with an upgradeable cane that lends new ability after new ability to get around the world. A sturdy hook on the handle lets Goldman latch onto balloons with rings or pull certain objects around, while the bouncy shaft turns the cane into a pogo stick, which can be souped up to ping him higher into the air as well. There’s further abilities like a laser pointer and a globe aura that Goldman can emit.

The island that Goldman fights to save is filled with creatures and elements inspired by ancient fairytales and fables, with Weappy drawing upon Greek, Jewish, Mesopotamian tales. The narrative will have a bit of an existential twist to it, questioning life and death… but there’s also just some great looking boss battles featured in the trailer.

The Eternal Life of Goldman comes with a classic hand-drawn and animated visual style. The intention is to capture some of the lustre of classic 16-bit platformers, but with modern fidelity. Weappy take great pains to state that there’s no generative AI used in the making of this game. Everything is hand drawn – we clarified that it’s mostly by hand and mostly in digital form, but with many pieces starting as physical sketches – inspired by the traditional ligne claire style made famous by Hergé’s Tintin adventures, and the game uses classic frame-by-frame animation techniques.

This is one I’m definitely looking forward to seeing more of, and THQ will be featuring the game at Gamescom later this month.

Ultraman x Spider-Man Crossover Manga Scheduled For August 2024 Release

Viz Media’s SDCC 2024 panel has given anime fans a lot to look forward to in the next year, including the release of a Rooster Fighter anime adaptation on Adult Swim. One of the biggest manga announcements made during the event, though is a collaboration between two iconic heroes.

Officially announced to release in August 2024, Ultraman: Along Came a Spider-Man is set to bring together the two heroes in an epic battle against Doctor Doom and Alien Mefilas.

Everything We Know About Ultraman: Along Came a Spider-Man


The upcoming Ultraman team-up manga will be written by Shigenobu Matsumoto and Shinji Oishi, with illustrations by Tomo Hirokawa (Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris). The series is getting a simultaneous English and Japanese release beginning on August 14, 2024.

The plot of Ultraman: Along Came a Spider-Man has been described as:

On Marvel Earth, Spider-Man joins forces with the Avengers to battle Doctor Doom in New York City, but when several civilians are killed in a building collapse as a result, Spider-Man becomes demoralized and finds himself whisked away in a strange spacecraft called the Interdimensional Train. Doctor Doom stows aboard and both find themselves in the Tokyo of the Ultraman universe! Witnessing Ultraman battle a giant Kaiju, Doom craves the Giant of Light’s power and joins forces with Alien Mefilas and his army of Kaiju from the Monster Graveyard to steal it.

Viz Media

While Ultraman has teamed up with Marvel heroes in the past – like Ultraman x Avengers, which will also be dropping on August 14, this is the first time the kaiju-fighting tokusatsu legend will be teaming up with the world’s favorite neighborhood hero.

Wreckfest 2, Darksiders tease, Gothic 1 Remake gameplay, and everything else from THQ Nordic's showcase

Somehow, it's that time of the year again already! THQ Nordic's annual gaming showcase has returned to offer a look at its upcoming slate of releases, both previously known and newly announced. This time around, the long-awaited Gothic 1 Remake and Titan Quest 2 both got gameplay reveals, and Epic Mickey: Rebrushed popped up to remind us all it's coming out relatively soon. As for the new stuff, Wreckfest is getting a sequel, Little Nightmares studio Tarsier's creepy new game has been teased (as has a new Darksiders), while strikingly animated platforming adventure The Eternal Life of Goldman looks like a real gem.

So if you didn't catch the showcase and are curious to see what you missed, you'll find a full round-up - augmented by a few additional details from an earlier press briefing - below.

We were big fans of 2018 demolition derby racer Wreckfest ("Wreckfest offers primal pleasures," wrote Martin Robinson, "with little by way of pretension), and developer Bugbear Entertainment is ready to do it all over again in the newly announced Wreckfest 2. Details are relatively scant at this early juncture, but it promises "unmatched deformation and physical damage models" as its high-octane single-player and multiplayer racing unfolds.

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Once Human's latest patch is here, but controller support still isn't

Once Human's maintenance is now complete, and the F2P open-world shooter is back online with a plethora of QoL improvements and optimisations, including a desperately-needed revision to vehicle handling.

Whilst players received a bundle of Stardust and health-related items to make up for the downtime, Once Human's long-promised controller and Steam Deck support is still nowhere to be seen (although, confusingly, the "controller" in-game item remains in place).

In terms of Memetics, you can now pick up memetic specialisation memory fragments in the wild and trade them between players. All memetic fragments will be destroyed at the end of the season – which is in a couple of weeks time – and cannot be sent to Eternaland, so be mindful of that.

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9th Circuit: No Immunity For Officers Who Answered Distress Call By Killing Distressed Person

Here’s yet more anecdotal evidence demonstrating why we’re be better off routing mental health calls to mental health professionals, rather than to people who tend to respond to things they can’t immediately control with violence. The good news is more cities are experimenting with multiple options for 911 response. The better news is that those experiments have been successful.

The bad news is everything else. Most cities aren’t willing to do this. And because they’re unwilling to explore their options, more people suffering mental health crises are going to end up dead. That’s what happened to Roy Scott, a Las Vegas resident who was “helped” to death by Las Vegas police officers Kyle Smith and Theodore Huntsman.

Here’s another story that’s all too familiar here in the United States, as recounted at the opening of the Ninth Circuit Appeals Court decision [PDF]:

Early in the morning on March 3, 2019, Roy Scott called the police for help. But he did not get it. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Officers Kyle Smith and Theodore Huntsman came to the scene. Scott was unarmed and in mental distress. Though he complied with the officers’ orders and was not suspected of a crime, Smith and Huntsman initiated physical contact, forced Scott to the ground, and used bodyweight force to restrain him. Shortly after, Scott lost consciousness and he was later pronounced dead.

The one-two punch of “called for help”/”but he did not get it” makes it clear the officers’ response to the situation was objectively terrible, at least in the Appeal Court’s eyes. The phrase “initiated physical contact” gives a hint of what’s to follow in the narrative: an unwarranted deployment of force against an unarmed person who was already experiencing distress long before these officers decided to end his life.

The district court nailed it on the first pass, denying qualified immunity to both officers. The officers appealed, but are greeted with more of the same at the next judiciary level.

The first two paragraphs recounting the violent incident in greater detail contain some pretty chilling facts. First, the evidence shows both officers clearly understood they were dealing with someone in mental distress, rather than some sort of dangerous criminal.

Scott was distressed and hallucinating when Officers Smith and Huntsman arrived at his apartment. After Smith and Huntsman knocked and identified themselves, Scott yelled to the officers to “break the door down” claiming that there were people inside his house. The officers did not break the door in because they did not hear anyone inside the apartment. Instead, they continued to knock and order Scott to come to the door. About two minutes after first knocking on the door, Smith told Huntsman, “this is a 421A for sure,” using the department code to indicate he believed Scott was mentally ill. Huntsman then called through the door: “Sir, have you been diagnosed with any mental diseases?” After Scott did not come to the door, Smith asked dispatch to call Scott back to ask him to come to the door, noting again that Scott appeared to be mentally ill. Smith then said to Huntsman: “I ain’t going in there. That’s too sketchy.” Huntsman agreed, “That dude’s wacky.” Peering into Scott’s window, Huntsman asked Smith if he could see the “crazed look in [Scott’s] eye.” They could not see anyone else in Scott’s apartment.

While it’s obviously possible for someone to both be in mental distress and pose a safety threat to others, the first fact that matters is that both officers affirmed (in their own body cam recordings) that they believed they were dealing with a mental health issues, rather than actual criminal activity.

The next paragraph contains a pretty damning fact — one that is a leading indicator that police violence, misconduct, or rights violations will be the most likely outcome of any encounter.

When Scott did not open the door, Smith called their sergeant, turning off his body worn camera. On Huntsman’s camera, Smith can be heard telling their sergeant that Scott sounds mentally ill. After ending the call, Smith told Huntsman that their sergeant said that “at the end of the day we can’t do anything if we don’t hear any reason to have an exigent circumstance.” Smith also explained that their Sergeant suggested they try again to get Scott to come to the door.

Never a good sign. Fortunately for Scott’s survivors, the other officer continued recording and captured the rest of Roy Scott’s killing. Scott finally answered the door carrying a metal pipe — one that he immediately dropped when the officers asked him to. They asked if he had any other weapons. Scott handed them a knife he had in pocket — handle-first — and said “I am sorry.” The officers pushed him up against a wall, shining a flashlight in his face. Scott asked to be put in the cop car, telling officers he had schizophrenia and that the light was bothering him. This request was ignored. The officers told Scott, “We are out here to help you.”

They didn’t.

At first, the officers held Scott’s arms at his sides while he was lying on his back. In this position, Scott screamed, struggled, and pled with the officers to leave him alone for over two minutes. The officers then eventually rolled Scott onto his stomach, repeatedly ordering Scott to “stop.” With Scott on his stomach and with his hands restrained behind his back, Huntsman put his bodyweight on Scott’s back and neck for about one to two minutes. At the same time Smith put his weight on Scott’s legs, restraining his lower body. Scott’s pleas turned increasingly incoherent and breathless as Huntsman applied his bodyweight. After handcuffing him, the officers attempted to roll Scott on his side, as he continued to incoherently cry out that he wanted to be left alone. When they rolled Scott over, his face was bloody from contact with the ground. Scott stopped yelling and thrashing around after a few minutes. Scott did not respond when Smith and Huntsman tried to wake or revive him. Shortly after, when the paramedics arrived, Scott was still unresponsive. Scott was pronounced dead after paramedics removed him from the scene. Plaintiffs’ expert found that Scott had died from restraint asphyxia.

From there, the fact-finding is simple, especially since it was recorded. While the officers presented their one-sided argument for qualified immunity, the appeals court shuts this attempt down. First of all, the facts are on the side of the non-moving party’s assertions at this point. Second, the body cam footage takes care of most of the questions of fact and what’s left to be decided should be done in front of a jury.

The officers’ attempt to portray Scott as a threat falls flattest, in terms of appellate arguments. The officers claimed Scott was a threat because he was carrying two weapons — a metal pipe and a knife. The court reminds the officers that one had been dropped and the other voluntarily handed to officers well before the officers decided to take Scott to the ground and restrain him to death.

The law was clearly established when the officers ended Scott’s life. And the precedent is almost directly on point.

The similarities between this case and Drummond are striking. Scott was not suspected of a crime. Instead, he was taken into custody because of his mental health. Though they were presented with an individual experiencing a mental health crisis and presenting no obvious danger to others, Smith and Huntsman crushed Scott’s back and neck to subdue him while handcuffing him. Scott also cried out with increasing distress and incoherence as the officers’ force escalated. Reasonable officers would have known that their force was not reasonable and that it created a serious risk of asphyxiating Scott.

When the law is clearly established and any facts that might help the officers push their version of the events still in dispute (not including those caught on camera, which are indisputable), qualified immunity is not an option. This will return to the lower court to be argued in front of a jury, assuming the city of Los Angeles doesn’t decide to settle first. No matter how this ends up being resolved, the city and the PD would be wise to look into alternative response options for mental health calls. It’s pretty clear police officers can’t — or won’t — handle these calls responsibly.

How to fish in Once Human

once human meyers market river

Once Human has a built-in survival guide to clarify many of its varied, and sometimes confusing, mechanics. But even after reading the entry on fishing, new players might still feel unenlightened. It seems simple enough, but once you get your hands on a fishing pole, you might find that the question remains: how do you actually fish in Once Human?

Fishing in Once Human

Get yourself a fishing pole

once human fishing pole
Screenshot by Destructoid

This is the simplest step, as you’ll probably already have the mats required. Go to the Supplies Workbench, where you can craft your own fishing rod almost right away. You just need 20 Logs and 10 Copper Ingots.

Make or buy fishing bait

Hopefully, as you’ve run around Once Human's post-apocalyptic, Stardust-polluted world, you’ve picked every bit of corn you came across. At the Supplies Workbench, you can make 1 Dough Fish Bait using 1 Corn.

once human meyers market margerie
Screenshot by Destructoid

If you’ve made it to Meyer’s Market, the second zone in Once Human, you can also buy bait. There are docks on the south side of the settlement, where a lady named Margerie sells Bait for 50 Energy Links, as well as Formula: Bait so you can learn how to make your own at the Supplies Workbench for 3 Rubber.

During fishing events, Margerie also sells other types of bait, and you’ll find vendors with different stock as you progress further into the world. Upgrading your Cradle will also unlock better bait recipes and fishing poles.

How to catch fish

Drag your newly crafted fishing pole to the hotbar, then find yourself a body of water big enough to house fish. Hit the hotkey to equip your fishing pole and press R to open the bait menu. Every fish you hook, whether it’s successfully caught or escapes, uses one Bait, so make sure you have plenty.

Bait selected, hold down the left mouse button. Just clicking the mouse button will give you an error message that you “cannot fish here.” Some players (not me) will believe the message and run around to different water holes, trying to fish and growing increasingly frustrated. So, hold down LMB.

once human fishing
Screenshot by Destructoid

A green circle indicates where you’ll cast your line; it turns red if you’re over a non-fishable area. Move the circle to an ideal location and release LMB to start fishing.

Once you cast your line, two new indicators appear on the screen. The one in the bottom center represents the fishhook’s location on the water’s surface. Once it bobs downward and the icon turns blue, click and hold LMB to begin reeling in your fish. You only have five seconds to click, or the fish will get away.

The indicator on the right side of the screen shows two gauges: Escaped vs. Hooked and Break vs. Slack. You want the Escaped/Hooked bar to fill up; the Break/Slack bar will ideally remain in the middle. If this second bar empties, the fish escapes.

To successfully reel in a fish, rotate the camera in the direction opposite to the way the fish is swimming. Then hit F to take it off the line.

What to do with caught fish

once human fish tank
Screenshot by Destructoid

Fish decays over time, like other perishable foods in Once Human. At the beginning of the game, you’ll have a basic recipe to grill it up on the Stove, but it will still go bad in 24 hours. To preserve it, you can dry it out with Salt on the Meat Drier or keep it cool in the Refrigerator once you’ve unlocked those facilities.

Other uses for fish include:

  • Put one in a Fish Tank (Cradle > Building > Display Facilities)
  • Use special catches as currency at certain vendors like Margerie
  • Make melee weapons with certain species

Now that you know how to fish, you have a readily available food supply as you combat the Stardust pollution in Once Human and work to heal the land.

The post How to fish in Once Human appeared first on Destructoid.

Wreckfest 2, Darksiders tease, Gothic 1 Remake gameplay, and everything else from THQ Nordic's showcase

Somehow, it's that time of the year again already! THQ Nordic's annual gaming showcase has returned to offer a look at its upcoming slate of releases, both previously known and newly announced. This time around, the long-awaited Gothic 1 Remake and Titan Quest 2 both got gameplay reveals, and Epic Mickey: Rebrushed popped up to remind us all it's coming out relatively soon. As for the new stuff, Wreckfest is getting a sequel, Little Nightmares studio Tarsier's creepy new game has been teased (as has a new Darksiders), while strikingly animated platforming adventure The Eternal Life of Goldman looks like a real gem.

So if you didn't catch the showcase and are curious to see what you missed, you'll find a full round-up - augmented by a few additional details from an earlier press briefing - below.

We were big fans of 2018 demolition derby racer Wreckfest ("Wreckfest offers primal pleasures," wrote Martin Robinson, "with little by way of pretension), and developer Bugbear Entertainment is ready to do it all over again in the newly announced Wreckfest 2. Details are relatively scant at this early juncture, but it promises "unmatched deformation and physical damage models" as its high-octane single-player and multiplayer racing unfolds.

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Once Human's latest patch is here, but controller support still isn't

Once Human's maintenance is now complete, and the F2P open-world shooter is back online with a plethora of QoL improvements and optimisations, including a desperately-needed revision to vehicle handling.

Whilst players received a bundle of Stardust and health-related items to make up for the downtime, Once Human's long-promised controller and Steam Deck support is still nowhere to be seen (although, confusingly, the "controller" in-game item remains in place).

In terms of Memetics, you can now pick up memetic specialisation memory fragments in the wild and trade them between players. All memetic fragments will be destroyed at the end of the season – which is in a couple of weeks time – and cannot be sent to Eternaland, so be mindful of that.

Read more

July 2024 in Review

The Site

I did my complaining about WordPress early this month, so I can move on to something more upbeat for this section.  I got at least a bit of recognition this month from CCP as they included the blog in the Community Beat post published on July 5th. (The title says “July 7” which just says to me an American wrote the title and screwed up the Euro date pattern.  Swift?  I blame all things on CCP Swift now.)

Woo hoo!  I guess I have to set aside my usual “CCP only cares about Twitch streamers and the rare site they let into the community program” gripe for a while.  I mean, it is still true, but I can’t gripe about it for a few weeks now.

Hey, they didn’t just link to this blog, they also took a moment to link out to my other blog, EVE Online Pictures.  So it was a twofer!  That site saw an immediate boost in view!

From zero to 30 in just an hour!

I mean, maybe that wasn’t a huge boost, but when the average is zero, anything is an improvement.  (It looked like one person showed up and used infinite scroll to look at pictures until they got bored and moved on.)

And what prompted them to notice my work?  Was it my ongoing writing about life in New Eden?  Was it my monthly look at destruction from the MER?  Was it my criticism of their economic policy and their plans for null sec?  Was it my years of CSM election coverage?  Was it my posts about the Alliance Tournament?  Was it all the historical posts about wars in null sec?  Was it because I was bitching again about the in-game map?

Nope!  It was due to me repeating the story Asher Elias told at the fireside a while back about Ser Fukalite’s ship spinning medal… a medal which I am pretty sure was handed out by the community team.

So the lesson here is clear enough that I can put it in meme form.

You know what to do

You can close the loop if you just write about what the people who write the community outreach post are up to.  Look for more of that for sure!

One Year Ago

We got the announcement that Blaugust would be returning for its 10th edition.  We had a decent list of signups in advance.

I did a run down of my gaming in the first six months of 2023.

EverQuest and EverQuest II got quiet summer producer’s letters.

Blizzard’s Q2 2023 financials were all about Diablo IV.

In Wrath Classic I was indulging in the Call of the Crusade update.  That is always good for faction rep… and for heirloom gear for alts to come to Northrend.

The group gave heroic Gundrak a try and we didn’t quite have it in us.  That got us doing Wintergrasp for welfare epics… when we were not having desync issues.

I thought about flying in Wrath of the Lich King, probably the last expansion where it wasn’t a controversy.

Blizz was warming up for WoW Classic Hardcore with the proposed rule set.

CCP announced that the EVE Online 20th Anniversary Edition box was ready to order… though the shipping was going to be so expensive they pledged to give is PLEX in compensation.  CCP also gave us the roadmap to the CSM18 election.  I went over the June 2023 destruction from the MER.

In New Eden the drama of the Tranquility Trading Consortium kept on going with Vily changing his mind and declaring it would carry on, just as a PanFam-only business.

Pandemic Horde lost their irreplaceable Pochven Fortizar in Skarkon.

And I reviewed The Fountain War a decade after its end.

The Metaverse was still trying to be a thing, but even after pouring billions into Facebook Horizon Worlds, Zuck’s metaverse vision still lacked legs, both literally and metaphorically.

Twitter, which was still Twitter, was trying to limit the posting rate of non-subscribers.  Many thought for sure that would kill Twitter, yet it lived.  Only Twitter could kill Twitter I opined, and it couldn’t even manage that right.  At that point I had spent a month with Twitter alternatives and Facebook launched Instagram Threads.  I tried to sum up the different pretenders and the communities they were fostering.

And then Elon announced his master plan, to change the name of Twitter to X.  Jesus wept he is so dumb.

I did a brief wrap up of the 2023 Steam Summer Sale.

I was looking at old books on my shelf wondering what to do with them… besides read them again.

And I started off on my Telephony Tales series of posts.  That started with my misspent youth and calling payphones at the mall and yelling past the Popcorn Lady.

Five Years Ago

There was a Steam Summer Sale to write about, with its odd contest.

Daybreak was fiddling around and registering studio names with the USPTO.

Pokemon Go hit its third birthday. StarCraft got cartooned.

And it looked like Blizz was going to give people a mount every six months so long as they subscribed to the six month renewal plan.

CCP, after saying they would change the 1 million skill point starter pack, just kept on selling it so long as there was sufficient demand.  But at least it was limited to one per account.

Out in null sec space, it was all about the Drifters as the month opened up.  They changed up a bit, but the war we had in progress was already ruined.  We tallied up the damage and headed home.  We had chased PanFam out of Tribute and Vale of the Silent.

But the Drifters were just the start of what would be dubbed the Chaos Era.  CCP announced that local would soon be blacked out in null sec.  We got warnings it was coming.  And then it hit and CCP said it would remain in place indefinitely. (Which some people took to mean permanently.)  The idea came from Hilmar, though many people were going on about null sec being risk averse.

The big VNI nerf hit in there as well.  And a tax increase!  Good thing devs don’t need to run for re-election.

Meanwhile, CCP was trying to keep people in the game during the blackout with skill point handoutsSo many skill points.  And they had to clarify what they meant even.  But the online player count suffered all the same.

And I was on CCP about maybe building their own killboard or at least making SKINs for all the things.

Still, I did get some play time in New Eden.  We did a Triglavian roam with DBRB.  I went on a blackout roam. I moved a dreadnought around to a new deployment on my own, then lost it.  It was a suicide dread.

I tried out DOTA Underlords.

I had been fiddling around with tracking my game play time for six months.

And, finally, we were getting ready for Blaugust once again.

Ten Years Ago

There was a site put up by eBay about game return on investment.  Unsurprisingly, it indicated that used games are a deal in that regard, so you should go buy some on eBay.

There was the passing of yet another Steam Summer Sale.

SOE forgot to pay their domain name registration.  Wasn’t that fun!  Meanwhile, Landmark was available for a deep discount after the Steam Summer Sale, leading to speculation about its future.

SuperData Research was listing out the Top Subscription MMOs while not defining what they really meant by the term.

Anarchy Online introduced a PLEX-like currency, GRACE.

The community manager for LOTRO was busy telling raiders and PvMP players that they weren’t getting any new content because they added up to less than 10% of the player population.

finished up Pokemon Y on the 3DS.

In my attempt at the loremaster achievement in WoW I ran through Desolace, Feralas, and Thousand Needles one week, Felwood and Un’goro Crater the next.  Then it was Winterspring, Swamp of Sorrows, and the Blasted Lands, the Cape of Stranglethorn, and the final bit of the Eastern Kingdoms.  I was on a roll.

in EVE Online we were commuting to Delve, where maybe there was going to be a war, and chasing Brave Newbies around (then getting pipe bombed) when there wasn’t anything going on.  That was back when we owned Delve.  Fights went on sporadically for a while and many a Rupture was sacrificed simply try a fresh doctrine.  So many Ruptures.  Apocs did better.

Meanwhile the Crius expansion hit New Eden, making industry better… it did get better, right?

In EverQuest, on the Fippy Darkpaw Time Locked Progression server, the vote to unlock the Underfoot expansion failed, making it the second expansion ever to get voted down, the first being Gates of Discord nearly two years before.

With that I was wondering what other MMOs might go for the retro nostalgia server thing.  Not WoW, I was sure of that at the time.  Since then though…

I was also on about housing in MMOs, what has really worked for me and what has fallen flat and why.  This included some projection as to what garrisons might end up being in WoW.

Our epic game of Civilization V saw expansionism and direct conflict with the Aztec empire.

Fifteen Years Ago

I won a contest.  Granted, all I got was a T-shirt.  But that was probably more than you got.  And it was due to a video game.

Mythic announced a version of Warhammer Online for the Mac.  Not sure that helped anything at all.

I was, as usual, asking silly questions like why does Tetris gets faster.  Okay, it was an analogy, but it was still silly.

Oh, and then there was the horse.  Remember the $10 horse?  I did a poll about it and everything.  Boy, that seems like small potatoes these days.  I mean, that was a cash shop game selling a horse for $10.  Now WoW and EQ2 will sell you mounts that cost much more.

Gary Gannon announced that GAX Online was going to close in August, bringing to an end that experiment in gamer community building.

I asked what people considered cheating in an MMO.  It included another poll.  I was doing polls that July.

I did a parody of Tipa’s Daily Blog Roll feature.  That is some pretty rich stuff in hindsight.

In EVE Online I got another step closer to mining perfection.  I was also fiddling around with a fit for a Dominix.

In World of Warcraft the instance group hit Violet Hold and Gundrak, but couldn’t get the team together for Halls of Stone, so went back and did some Burning Crusade heroics just for kicks.

Then the instance group took a run at Onyxia.  The old school Onyxia.  She’s since been remade.

My daughter somehow got to Dalaran at level 16… without having the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.

And even as we were doing all that, we were starting to mull over what we should do once we were level 80 with no new expansion in sight.  It only took us a year to try another game.  At about that time, my hunter alt hit level 80.

I also dredged up the old Alamo Teechs U 2 Play Druid post from the WoW forums.  Philosophical question:  Would Alamo have posted that if RealID had forced him to use his real name?

And, finally, my daughter was trying to get me to help her make WoW videos to post on YouTube.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

Billy Mitchell got the first perfect score in Pac-Man, though his record has since been expunged due to accusations about cheating.

Forty Five Years Ago

The Sony Walkman was introduced and portable music has not been the same since.  A pair of classmates of mine had a father went to Japan on business regularly and who brought them each one of the brand new devices back from one of his trips.  Those were the first two I ever saw.  Blue and gray cases and headphones with bright orange foam padding for the ears.

Most Viewed Posts in July

  1. Blackrock Caverns for Four
  2. Return from Pokemon Go Fest 2024
  3. I Sold a SKIN on the Paragon Hub!
  4. Level 45 at Last in Pokemon Go
  5. Stars Reach Appears on Steam and all the Default Social Media Outlets
  6. Timing those Lucky Eggs for Friendship Milestones in Pokemon Go
  7. Starting No Man’s Sky – My Ship is on Fire and I am Being Irradiated
  8. June 2024 in Review
  9. In Which We Bowl Over Blackrock Caverns
  10. Averting a Black Ops Disaster
  11. Answering Gaming Questions with AI – Finding a Warm Ocean in Minecraft
  12. Tarisland – I Hate it Already

Search Terms of the Month

starcraft cartooned carbot deviant art
[Why Deviant Art?]

[I have some posts about that!]

gamer blogs
[pretty sure I’ve had my card revoked]

neg vs enad
[gen vs dane?]

zmud on windows 11?
[Haven’t gone there yet… maybe?]

Game Time by ManicTime

On the one hand, I did play a few more titles than usual this past month.

  • EVE Online – 48.14%
  • No Man’s Sky – 24.11%
  • WoW Classic – 14.81%
  • Valheim – 6.04%
  • EverQuest – 4.01%
  • Unnamed Beta – 1.50%
  • Once Human – 1.31%
  • Palia – 0.04%
  • World of Warcraft – 0.04%

On the other, nearly 75% of that time was the first two titles, though No Man’s Sky was a surprise dark horse candidate.  But I cover that below.  It could have been a Once Human month.  I played that for an evening… and then was distracted elsewhere.  Meanwhile, I think I logged into WoW and Palia to claim a gift or a Twitch drop or something.  It was quick.

EVE Online

New Eden was at the top of the chart this month, thanks to several factors.  First, there was a new group formed in the Imperium to go out and pick fights in the middle of PanFam space, so that got me undocked.  Then there was the Keepstar bout in Catch.  That might turn into something next month, but in July it was mostly move ops.  I was recorded on 16 different fleets according to the participation dashboard, but at least 6 of those were just getting in to move ships from point A to point B.

A lot of my time in game was probably attributable to me logging in and doing the AIR daily goals for 12 days across seven characters, 5 Omega and 2 Alpha, to test that out.  Well, if the goal was to get entice me to log in more, op success.


Really, I am still subscribed, but all I am doing in the Overseer thing every day… and I have almost gotten all the achievements for that.  So I might be done here sooner rather than later.  My 25th anniversary spirit is waining.

No Man’s Sky

Kind of a surprise entry this month… or any month.  It came out in 2016, I played it for a short bit in 2017, and then haven’t really thought about it much since then, save for noting updates coming out every so often.  Then there was all the Stars Reach talk this past month, with pillars and being on Steam, and I started thinking about procedurally generated exploratory space games… and hey, here we are!  More to come on this too.

Once Human

I came very close to making Once Human a thing, mostly because I had picked it in our Game Critic Fantasy League, so I had a vested interest, and because I left Twitch tuned into Mind1 and he went and played it so I ended up with some Twitch Drops for it.  So I tried it for a bit.  It has its own interesting flavor.  But then all the Stars Reach stuff made me think about No Man’s Sky and I went there instead.

Pokemon Go

  • Level: 46 (+1, level, 10% of the way to 47, 0 of 4 tasks complete)
  • Pokedex status: 838 (+8) caught, 847 (+7) seen
  • Vivillon Evolutions obtained: 16 of 18
  • Pokemon I want: Two specific Scatterbugs; Sandstorm and Sun
  • Current buddy: Annihilape


I think I finally hit the wall here in the Ashlands.  But that is fine.  We got some good times out of this third run at the game.  It is my most played title on Steam.  I can feel good about moving on.

WoW Classic

I am feeling kind of the way I did with Burning Crusade Classic, that I have started to prove that my negative feelings for Cataclysm back in the day were not wholly unwarranted.  And we have six more months to go on this.  Our group still has a dungeons to run.  But logging in to level up alts and that sort of thing… not really feeling it for that.

Coming Up

Blaugust.  Next month is Blaugust so you can expect a Blaugust kick off post tomorrow to celebrate the first day of the event, with a run down of participants, probably with a bit of history and some reasons to join in.  Or maybe not.  I don’t know.

Then I have to figure out how to fill out the month… which is one of those things that is always daunting on the first day, and then when I get to the last day I realize I have a half a dozen more unfinished drafts in the drafts folder and didn’t even start on some things I felt I should have.

There might be a war of sorts in EVE Online.  We’ll see if the other side shows up I suppose.

Other than that, nothing is going on in August… wait, I am being told that there might actually be a release or two in August.

Yes, we’re getting the Janthir Wilds expansion for Guild Wars 2, which will bring with it player housing.  A very big deal there.

I think we’re getting a big update in EverQuest 2.

Oh, and Visionary Realms is said to be doing a pre-alpha beta test of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen in anticipation of early access in December… I think I have that right.  But you won’t hear about it here as this event is has been reported to require that participants not share, communicate, or deliberately imply information about their pre-alpha experience or involvement.  Public information on their website, however, is fair game and we’ll get to the plan for early access, oh you can just bet.

And I suppose I would be remiss if I did not mention The War Within for WoW.  Big new expansion.  Kind of a thing here in the game’s 20th year.

Court: Your 1st Amendment Rights End Where A Cop’s Horse’s Ears Begin

Say what you will about the roster of Trump apologists being hosted by the Volokh Conspiracy (and I will say plenty if given the chance), but at least Eugene Volokh continues to surface truly interesting cases. (Ilya Somin remains worth reading as well.)

And this one is one for the record books. Possibly the first First Amendment case that involves one human and one horse. And it’s no regular horse, which is why this is a First Amendment lawsuit. The horse in question was ridden by Ocean City (Maryland) police officer Matthew Foreman.

What started as a nuisance call quickly became something else once plaintiff Reniel Meyler realized just how easily Officer Foreman’s mount could be taken off task.

The opinion [PDF] issued by the Maryland federal court recounts the evening’s events that led to this lawsuit. Reniel Meyler finished his shift at work and then headed to a local bar. Having only arrived shortly before the Cork Bar’s closing, Meyler downed a beer and then headed out to the parking lot to socialize with a couple of his friends, Yokimba Bernier and Christoper Clarke. While waiting in the car for Clarke to return from taking a walk with another friend, Meyler and Bernier listened to some music at high volume.

How high? That’s not on the record. It was apparently loud enough to “draw the attention” of two Ocean City PD officers, one of which was riding a horse named “Moose.” As the officers (and their horse) approached, the pair turned down the volume.

Most of the ensuing encounter was captured on Officer Foreman’s body camera. What it captured was something out of the ordinary. But first, the ordinary stuff.

Immediately upon Foreman’s arrival on the scene, the following exchange took place.

Foreman: Where in the world do you guys think this is OK at 2 o’clock in the morning?

Meyler: Jamaica.

Foreman: Well then go back to Jamaica, cause you can’t do it here.

Bernier: [Inaudible]

Foreman: We can hear you [from] three blocks away, and you can go to jail for noise in Ocean City. OK? You guys really want to go to jail for noise?

Bernier: [Inaudible]

Foreman: No, not a ticket. Jail. Like, handcuffs. Jail. Noise.

Having established the baseline and his control of the scene, Foreman hung around to make sure the music didn’t again rise to law-breaking levels. However, it soon became clear that although Foreman had control of the scene, he no longer had control of his horse.

About 1 minute and 50 seconds into the video, Meyler turns towards Moose and makes some clicking sounds. Moose does not immediately react, but about five seconds later he visibly moves his head and appears to take a step or two in response to the clicking.


Officer Foreman reined in Moose to stop the movement. As the ruling notes, the horse appeared to “remain calm for the remainder of the video.” Not so for everyone else. Some more arguing about noise levels occurred with Officer Foreman delivering some noises of his own.

In response to either Bernier or Meyler, Foreman says “no, no, you don’t wave your hands at me, boom boom boom you go to these.” As he says “boom boom boom” Foreman takes out a pair of handcuffs and brandishes them in front of Meyler and Bernier, implying they will be arrested.

Shortly after Officer Foreman’s “boom boom boom,” Meyler went back to his click click click, earning this response from the horse’s boss:

“Stop antagonizing my horse. You’re not allowed to do that. You can’t interrupt my animal.”

Just an amazing set of sentences, each one more amazing than the last. Even in context, there’s nothing quite like a cop telling a civilian not to “interrupt” their “animal.”

Then Meyler’s friend (Bernier) decided to up the ante by declaring it wasn’t illegal to “interrupt” Foreman’s horse, pointing out that people pet police horses and talk to them or whatever without being threatened with an arrest. Au contraire, said Officer Foreman, albeit in different words. And different actions.

TL; DR: Meyler continued to click. Foreman continued to yell stuff about “interfering” with his horse. The end result was Meyler being arrested for antagonizing a cop, even if the cop said it was all about antagonizing an animal that remained pretty much unperturbed for the running time of the body cam video.

The official charges were “failure to obey a lawful order” and “interference with a police animal.” The charges were voluntarily dismissed by the prosecutor a month after the arrest. The lawsuit followed, with Meyler arguing being arrested for clicking at a police horse violated his First Amendment rights.

While Meyler still has the opportunity to pursue this in court (the complaint was dismissed without prejudice), it’s unlikely any of his federal constitutional claims have any chance of being found in his favor. (He still has a state law claim he can pursue, however.) And he certainly won’t be allowed to claim his free speech rights were violated when he was first told, then arrested for talking to a cop horse.

Unsurprisingly, there’s absolutely no precedent establishing this particular form of expression:

Here, Meyler has not pointed to a single case involving an arrest made under Ocean City’s police animal interference ordinance, or, for that matter, any case anywhere involving any claims of wrongful arrest related to alleged interference with police animals. Nor has he pointed to any cases involving the application of First Amendment rights to human-animal interactions.

With probable cause supporting the arrest and the complete lack of precedent in play, qualified immunity protects Officer Foreman from this lawsuit. And the court’s not about to use this case to establish Dr. Doolittle-esque precedent protecting people who say things to or make noises at government animals. Meyler’s moonshot has failed. He’ll just have to live with the less satisfying victory of having the charges dismissed. And, given the circumstances, that’s probably the better of both options.

The Eternal Life Of Goldman is a gorgeous, nightmare throwback to classic 16-bit platformers

THQ Nordic have announced The Eternal Life Of Goldman, a hand-drawn platformer from This Is The Police and Hollywood Animal devs Weappy. I caught a brief presentation earlier in the week and yeah, this seems promising. On the one hand, it reminds me of cheery 16-bit hop 'n' boppers like, say, the Mega Drive adaptation of Disney's Aladdin. On the other, it makes me think of side-scrolling Soulslikes (Scroulslikes?) such as Blasphemous and the frantic worldbuilding of Rick & Morty.

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The Eternal Life Of Goldman is a gorgeous, nightmare throwback to classic 16-bit platformers

THQ Nordic have announced The Eternal Life Of Goldman, a hand-drawn platformer from This Is The Police and Hollywood Animal devs Weappy. I caught a brief presentation earlier in the week and yeah, this seems promising. On the one hand, it reminds me of cheery 16-bit hop 'n' boppers like, say, the Mega Drive adaptation of Disney's Aladdin. On the other, it makes me think of side-scrolling Soulslikes (Scroulslikes?) such as Blasphemous and the frantic worldbuilding of Rick & Morty.

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Sam Altman accused of being shady about OpenAI’s safety efforts

Sam Altman, chief executive officer of OpenAI, during an interview at Bloomberg House on the opening day of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2024.

Enlarge / Sam Altman, chief executive officer of OpenAI, during an interview at Bloomberg House on the opening day of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2024. (credit: Bloomberg / Contributor | Bloomberg)

OpenAI is facing increasing pressure to prove it's not hiding AI risks after whistleblowers alleged to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that the AI company's non-disclosure agreements had illegally silenced employees from disclosing major safety concerns to lawmakers.

In a letter to OpenAI yesterday, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) demanded evidence that OpenAI is no longer requiring agreements that could be "stifling" its "employees from making protected disclosures to government regulators."

Specifically, Grassley asked OpenAI to produce current employment, severance, non-disparagement, and non-disclosure agreements to reassure Congress that contracts don't discourage disclosures. That's critical, Grassley said, so that it will be possible to rely on whistleblowers exposing emerging threats to help shape effective AI policies safeguarding against existential AI risks as technologies advance.

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FLUX: This new AI image generator is eerily good at creating human hands

AI-generated image by FLUX.1 dev:

Enlarge / AI-generated image by FLUX.1 dev: "A beautiful queen of the universe holding up her hands, face in the background." (credit: FLUX.1)

On Thursday, AI-startup Black Forest Labs announced the launch of its company and the release of its first suite of text-to-image AI models, called FLUX.1. The German-based company, founded by researchers who developed the technology behind Stable Diffusion and invented the latent diffusion technique, aims to create advanced generative AI for images and videos.

The launch of FLUX.1 comes about seven weeks after Stability AI's troubled release of Stable Diffusion 3 Medium in mid-June. Stability AI's offering faced widespread criticism among image-synthesis hobbyists for its poor performance in generating human anatomy, with users sharing examples of distorted limbs and bodies across social media. That problematic launch followed the earlier departure of three key engineers from Stability AI—Robin Rombach, Andreas Blattmann, and Dominik Lorenz—who went on to found Black Forest Labs along with latent diffusion co-developer Patrick Esser and others.

Black Forest Labs launched with the release of three FLUX.1 text-to-image models: a high-end commercial "pro" version, a mid-range "dev" version with open weights for non-commercial use, and a faster open-weights "schnell" version ("schnell" means quick or fast in German). Black Forest Labs claims its models outperform existing options like Midjourney and DALL-E in areas such as image quality and adherence to text prompts.

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Jako něco z Evil Dead. Hororový Hellboy: The Crooked Man má další trailer - NerdFix

Ještě letos se vrátí zpátky na filmovou scénu Hellboy, sympatický pekelník od Mikea Mignoly, kterého v nadcházející podívané jménem Hellboy: The Crooked Man ztvární Jack Kesy. A nyní máme na světě i plnohodnotný oficiální trailer, který si můžete pustit výše.

Z něho je zřejmé, že nový filmový Hellboy bude mít z velké části hororový nádech, některé sekvence vlastně i tak trochu připomínají něco z Evil Dead. Předchozí upoutávka měla vcelku rozporuplné přijetí, mnozí měli především problém s tím, že film vypadá strašně „levně“, vlastně i skoro na úrovni amatérské produkce. Nejnovější trailer už ale vypadá zase o něco lépe, tak třeba nás opravdu čeká fajn pokoukání.

Však také stojí za to připomenout, že za scénářem stojí sám výše zmíněný Mike Mignola, autor původního komiksu jménem Paskřivec a jiné příběhy. Sám v minulosti prohlásil, že fanoušci se mohou těšit na velice věrnou adaptací jednoho z jeho příběhů. Teď už jen musíme doufat, aby byla také dobře natočená. 

Jak už nějaký čas víme, ve filmu se stále ještě mladý a nezkušený Hellboy spolu s novým členem BPRD (Úřad paranormálního výzkumu a obrany) vydává v 50. letech do vesnické oblasti Apalačského pohoří. Tu sužuje komunita čarodějnic, kterou vede hrůzostrašná démonická bytost jménem Paskřivec (The Crooked Man). Ten navíc bude mít jistou vazbu na Hellboyovu minulost.

Další dvě zásadní postavy budou Tom Ferrell (Jefferson White), Hellboyův spojenec, jenž Paskřivcovi upsal svou duši, a Bobbie Jo Song (Adeline Rudolph), agentka BPRD, která v původních komiksech nevystupuje.
