May 31: Little Nightmares III has been delayed, and will not be making it out this year as originally planned. Bandai Namco now intends to publish the title in 2025. Little Nightmares III was first unveiled at Gamescom last August. It’s a notable shift for the series as the first two titles were made by Tarsier Studios. This one is...
It’s time for Gamescom, friendos. Geoff Keighley is back to host another big video game showcase, and this time it’s the Opening Night Live presentation before Gamescom. The German event is taking place from August 21 to 25 in Cologne, but before fans, press, and developers explore the showfloor, we get to see a big…
In Little Nightmares III, players follow the journey of Low & Alone, two best friends looking for a way out of the Nowhere.
Trapped within the Spiral, a cluster of distorted areas within the Nowhere, they will have to work together to survive in a dangerous world full of delusions and escape the grasp of an even greater threat lurking in the shadows.
Little Nightmares III returns to Gamescom with a brand-new trailer, highlighting the synergies between the two characters and teasing new environments to explore!
Co-operative features and new puzzle-solving mechanics
Little Nightmares III is the first game in the franchise to feature 2 players online co-operation. The latest trailer shows some of the co-operative gameplay mechanics that will be useful when players play together in co-op, or solo with the other character controlled by AI.
Low and Alone, the two playable characters, are both best friends and very complementary. They each have an iconic item: the bow for Low and the wrench for Alone.
Working together will be key to progress in the game. For example, in the trailer we see that Low can bring down smaller enemies with his bow, while Alone has to finish them off on the ground with her wrench.
You can also see Low put his bow to good use at the end of the trailer, saving Alone from the petrifying glare of Monster Baby.
However, teamwork isn’t only about using items. It is also about clearing the way for your partner so they can help you move forward in turn. You’ll need to be proactive and take initiative for both of you to make it through.
“The relationship between the two characters is very strong, and we were keen to explore that bond in the game. It is even more relevant when we see them working together to escape the many threats that make up the Nowhere”, mentioned Wayne Garland, Little Nightmares III Game Director at Supermassive Games.
New settings, faithful to Little Nightmares’ atmosphere
Teamwork is at the heart of the trailer, but it’s not the only new thing players will experience as they play through the game’s compelling story. By including co-op, we wanted to offer something fresh for the players, unique to Little Nightmares III, while retaining the beautifully disturbing atmosphere of the series.
You’ll feel it in the new environments, which are full of mysteries and revelations. You’ll also find the same tension and suspense as these two charming new characters face even greater risks than before, searching for a glimmer of hope in a world filled with darkness.
Necropolis is a good example of a new type of location in the game. In spite of its abandoned state and warm desert colors, the city feels eerie and unsettling. Don’t be fooled by this windswept, brightly lit environment. Danger is everywhere, and Monster Baby is easily roused when new toys tumble into her crib…
In the trailer, you can also spot a variety of other regions of the Nowhere, each one more unsettling than the last. Some of them might be reminiscent of places you might have explored in previous Little Nightmares games, like dank and gloomy vents and the gears and pistons of pitiless machinery. Some are more unfamiliar, like a rickety Ferris wheel, a shadowy circus tent, or a massive, complex clockwork mechanism.
You’ll have to be patient before we can tell you more about these places and their inhabitants! More news about Little Nightmares III will be revealed in the near future, so stay together, little ones.
Little Nightmares III will be released in 2025 on PS5 and PS4.
Video game release dates are more a suggestion than a promise these days, and understandably so. Making games is hard and audiences have never been busier and more fickle. Still, it’s disappointing when you find out that sci-fi shooter or fantasy adventure you’ve been waiting for won’t be out any time soon, and a lot…
In Little Nightmares III, players follow the journey of Low & Alone, two best friends looking for a way out of the Nowhere.
Trapped within the Spiral, a cluster of distorted areas within the Nowhere, they will have to work together to survive in a dangerous world full of delusions and escape the grasp of an even greater threat lurking in the shadows.
Little Nightmares III returns to Gamescom with a brand-new trailer, highlighting the synergies between the two characters and teasing new environments to explore!
Co-operative features and new puzzle-solving mechanics
Little Nightmares III is the first game in the franchise to feature 2 players online co-operation. The latest trailer shows some of the co-operative gameplay mechanics that will be useful when players play together in co-op, or solo with the other character controlled by AI.
Low and Alone, the two playable characters, are both best friends and very complementary. They each have an iconic item: the bow for Low and the wrench for Alone.
Working together will be key to progress in the game. For example, in the trailer we see that Low can bring down smaller enemies with his bow, while Alone has to finish them off on the ground with her wrench.
You can also see Low put his bow to good use at the end of the trailer, saving Alone from the petrifying glare of Monster Baby.
However, teamwork isn’t only about using items. It is also about clearing the way for your partner so they can help you move forward in turn. You’ll need to be proactive and take initiative for both of you to make it through.
“The relationship between the two characters is very strong, and we were keen to explore that bond in the game. It is even more relevant when we see them working together to escape the many threats that make up the Nowhere”, mentioned Wayne Garland, Little Nightmares III Game Director at Supermassive Games.
New settings, faithful to Little Nightmares’ atmosphere
Teamwork is at the heart of the trailer, but it’s not the only new thing players will experience as they play through the game’s compelling story. By including co-op, we wanted to offer something fresh for the players, unique to Little Nightmares III, while retaining the beautifully disturbing atmosphere of the series.
You’ll feel it in the new environments, which are full of mysteries and revelations. You’ll also find the same tension and suspense as these two charming new characters face even greater risks than before, searching for a glimmer of hope in a world filled with darkness.
Necropolis is a good example of a new type of location in the game. In spite of its abandoned state and warm desert colors, the city feels eerie and unsettling. Don’t be fooled by this windswept, brightly lit environment. Danger is everywhere, and Monster Baby is easily roused when new toys tumble into her crib…
In the trailer, you can also spot a variety of other regions of the Nowhere, each one more unsettling than the last. Some of them might be reminiscent of places you might have explored in previous Little Nightmares games, like dank and gloomy vents and the gears and pistons of pitiless machinery. Some are more unfamiliar, like a rickety Ferris wheel, a shadowy circus tent, or a massive, complex clockwork mechanism.
You’ll have to be patient before we can tell you more about these places and their inhabitants! More news about Little Nightmares III will be revealed in the near future, so stay together, little ones.
Little Nightmares III will be released in 2025 on PS5 and PS4.
Společnosti Supermassive Games a Bandai Namco oznámily, že hra Little Nightmares III byla odložena na rok 2025. Vývojář a vydavatel se o tuto zprávu podělili na Twitteru/X:
Od oznámení hry Little Nightmares III na loňském veletrhu gamescom jsme s nadšením sledovali, jak naše komunita žije vzrušením a očekáváním. Týmy Supermassive Games a Bandai Namco Europe tvrdě pracovaly na tom, aby nám poskytly co nejlepší zážitek z dalšího dílu série. Stejně jako se nemůžeme dočkat, až se do Nowhere vrátíte, chceme se také ujistit, že hře věnujeme péči a lásku, kterou si zaslouží. Kvalita je pro nás nejvyšší prioritou a víme, že vy to cítíte stejně. Z tohoto důvodu jsme se rozhodli posunout vydání hry na rok 2025. Více informací o hře Little Nightmares III se s vámi podělíme ještě letos v létě, takže s námi prosím mějte strpení a těšte se na další novinky.
Hra byla oznámena minulý rok během živého vystoupení Geoffa Keighleyho na Gamescom Opening Night Live. Zde je to málo, co o Little Nightmares III víme:
Ve hře Little Nightmares III budete sledovat cestu dvojice Low & Alone, která hledá cestu, jež by je mohla vyvést z Nikdykde. Uvězněni ve Spirále, shluku znepokojivých míst, budou muset oba přátelé spolupracovat, aby přežili v nebezpečném světě plném přeludů a unikli ze spárů ještě větší hrozby číhající ve stínech.
Poprvé v sérii můžete čelit svým dětským strachům společně s kamarádem v online kooperaci nebo sólo se společníkem s umělou inteligencí.
Little Nightmares III vyjde pro PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X a Nintendo Switch.
Supermassive Games has delayed the release of Little Nightmares 3, saying it needs "a little extra time to prepare".
In a statement posted to X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, the Dark Pictures developer said that "as much as [it] can't wait for you to return to the Nowhere", "quality is a top priority" and that's why it's decided to "shift the release of the game to 2025".
"Ever since the announcement of Little Nightmares 3 at Gamescom last year, we've been thrilled to see our community buzzing with excitement and anticipation," the team said.
Little Nightmares 3 has been delayed from 2024 to 2025, Supermassive Games and Bandai Namco Europe have announced.
In a post on X/Twitter, the development team said it needs more time to reach the level of quality it and its fans expect of the franchise, though didn't …
Supermassive Games and Bandai Namco announced that Little Nightmares 3 is delayed. Instead of appearing in 2024 as planned, it will now launch in 2025.
Supermassive Games released a statement going into why Little Nightmares 3 is delayed alongside the announcement. It essentially noted the goal is to ensure the overall quality of the experience. As such, to ensure it meets expectations, its release window is being pushed out of this year. As a reminder, there was no exact quarter set for the game initially, so we don’t know exactly how long this delay will be.
Here’s the official announcement made on social media:
Little Nightmares 3 first appeared at gamescom Opening Night Live 2023. There are few details about characters and the story just yet. However, it will be a multiplayer experience.
This installment marks the first time Supermassive has been completely responsible for a game in the Little Nightmares series. Tarsier Studios created the first and second installments. Supermassive only became involved when the Enhanced Edition of Little Nightmares 2 was made for the PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC.
Little Nightmares 3 is delayed until 2025. People will be able to find it on the PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC when it does debut.