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Here’s how to turn on Instagram’s dark mode

Like many other popular apps, Instagram includes a dark mode you can enable to make the majority of its interface black. You might want to turn on the option for a couple of reasons. One of the more practical ones is that using dark mode across your apps can help your device save on battery life. It also happens to look very cool! Regardless, we’re here to show you how to turn on Instagram dark mode.

Related: How to turn on dark mode in Google apps

How to delete all your Facebook posts without deleting your account

With Facebook being one of the oldest social media platforms around, we are all bound to find some old posts that embarrass us. Therefore, you might want to turn over a new leaf and remove all your posts, especially when applying for a new job. Here’s how to delete all your Facebook posts without deleting your account, allowing you to start fresh. Additionally, before deleting these posts, you may be interested in downloading them using a third-party app.

How to delete all your Facebook posts on desktop

If you’re using a desktop computer, open your Facebook profile page and click the three-dot button on the right-hand side to open menu options.

  • From there, click on “Activity log.”
  • On the next page, navigate to Your Activity Across Facebook > Posts > Your Posts in the left-hand menu. You can specify the types of posts you want to see, such as photos, videos, or posts from other apps.
  • Select All and then Recycle Bin to delete all your posts. Please note that if you have a long history of using Facebook, you may need to scroll down multiple times for all your posts to load.
  • Alternatively, you can choose Activity You’re Tagged In and then click All followed by Remove Tags to remove any embarrassing posts in which your friends or family have tagged you from your profile.

How to solve the “Technical Error” message when deleting posts on Facebook

If you encounter a technical error doing the Activity Log method, there is another way to delete Facebook posts via the Manage Posts function.

  • From your profile page, click on the Manage Posts button.

  • Click Select All then Next.
  • Tick the Delete Posts option.
  • Click Done.

How to delete all your Facebook posts on mobile

The process is pretty much the same using the mobile app.

  • First, navigate your profile and tap the three-dot icon on the left.
  • From there, select Activity Log from your Profile Settings.

  • On the next page, select Your Activity Across Facebook to sort through the things you’ve already posted such as your own posts on your own timeline, your posts on other people’s timelines, check-ins and other hidden posts.
  • Tap All and then the Recycle Bin button at the bottom right of the screen to delete all posts or tags.




Deleting all your Facebook posts is as simple as that. It’s almost like you are a whole new person.


What is Archive on Facebook?

Archiving a post is a way to hide it from your profile while keeping its likes and comments. In other words, only you will be able to see a post you have archived. You can Archive photos by clicking on the Archive button instead of the Recycle Bin button at the Manage Posts page.

Can I delete a shared album on Facebook?

Yes, photos in an album you created and shared with others can be archived or deleted. However, for albums other people created and was shared with you as a contributor, your only option is to leave it. Any photos you’ve shared in that album will remain there unless you delete it from your account.

Can I delete posts I am tagged in on Facebook?

No, posts can only be archived or deleted by the person who created them. However, you can remove the tag, so the post doesn’t appear on your profile.
