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The Gamescom Opening Night Live 2024 showcase

Just when Geoff Keighley had started to fade from your memory, he comes rubber-banding back with a vengeance - snap! It's Gamescom week and it kicks off with Opening Night Live this evening from 7pm UK time (other Opening Night Live timings here). A pre-show with additional announcements will begin at 6.30pm UK. We'll be watching and reporting on it live, as always, right here, so you can either keep abreast of announcements while you do something else, or you can join in with your thoughtful and amusing comments. Please keep us company. Please.

What do we expect to see today? Well, probably Geoff Keighley, but also the new Indiana Jones game, Monster Hunter Wilds, and Dune Awakening. We're also expecting Little Nightmares creator Tarsier to unveil its new project, which could be exciting. On top of that: Diablo 4 expansion Vessel of Hatred, Civilization 7, hero shooter Marvel Rivals, Lost Records (the project made by the creators of Life is Strange), Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 (which was recently delayed), and Black Ops 6. Keighley's best pal Hideo Kojima has also been tweeting enigmatic silhouetted pictures of actors who are presumably playing roles in Death Stranding 2.

And before you ask, "Yes, there will be new game announcements," Keighley said on X.

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Dune Awakening will burst out of the early access sands in "early 2025"

Lo, a ripple in the release date sands. Stand still a moment while we study this phenomenon. Yes, yes, it is the unmistakable rumble of a large survival MMO pondering its release date. Dune: Awakening is having a think and has decided "early 2025" is a good non-specific time period to come out in early access. That could mean January or February. Or March, I guess. April? Now don't be silly, that's spring. Not April, surely. This beast seems hungry. It will eat before then. I have foreseen it. Mostly by watching the trailer that dropped at Gamescom.

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Dune: Awakening potvrzeno pro Gamescom Opening Night Live

dune awakening

Survival MMO v otevřeném světě od společnosti Funcom je v současné době ve vývoji pro PC, PlayStation 5 a Xbox Series X/S, ale zatím nemá datum vydání.

Gamescom Opening Night Live je další velkou událostí, na kterou se herní průmysl těší, a s tím, jak se výstava každým dnem blíží, se stále objevují nové podrobnosti o tom, co přinese, a byla potvrzena další hra do rostoucího lineupu.

Producent a moderátor Gamescom Opening Night Live Geoff Keighley prozradil, že hra Dune od společnosti Funcom: Na akci, která je naplánována na 20. srpna v 11 hodin dopoledne v Pacifiku, bude jednou z několika her, které budou představeny živě na pódiu. Keighley říká, že Funcom předvede „rozšířený pohled“ na hraní připravované MMO hry o přežití v otevřeném světě.

Na Gamescom Opening Night Live bylo zatím potvrzeno několik dalších titulů, včetně Monster Hunter Wilds, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, Civilization 7 a další.

Dune: Awakening je ve vývoji pro PC, PS5 a Xbox Series X/S. Datum vydání titulu zatím nebylo oznámeno.

DUNE AWAKENING is coming to @gamescom Opening Night Live on Tuesday, August 20.

Tune in for an extended look at the gameplay.

The show streams at 11a PT / 2p ET / 8p CEST at #DuneAwakening

— Geoff Keighley (@geoffkeighley) August 6, 2024

Článek Dune: Awakening potvrzeno pro Gamescom Opening Night Live se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Dune Awakening publishes the first of its planned monthly newsletters

If there’s one complaint that could be leveraged against Dune: Awakening, it’s that Funcom isn’t exactly generous with information about the survival sandbox MMO, unless you call mobile-aspected Tiktok-length clips of previously discussed features “communication.” That appears to be changing with the first printing of the MMO’s Communinet Signal, aka the game’s monthly newsletter. Each […]

Dune: Awakening developer seeks to reassure fans following religion concerns

Funcom, developer of the upcoming Dune: Awakening, has issued a statement regarding the role of religion in the game after fan concerns erupted on the internet this week.

In Eurogamer's preview of Dune: Awakening, Funcom chief creative officer Joel Bylos mentioned how "for the large part, we sort of sidestep religion" as part of the game's "alternate history approach" - something which, as we wrote at the time, was likely to initially set Dune nerds' alarm bells ringing.

But the decision to "sidestep" Dune's overtly religious aspects in Awakening has been taken out of consideration for the series' lore, our Chris Tapsell wrote, and refers to one "religious aspect" in particular. That said, religion is still a theme in the game - something seemingly evident by its focus on the Butlerian jihad: the war between humans and AI.

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Dune: Awakening won't feature sandworm-riding at launch - and no penis-sliders either

Sandworms play a major part in Dune: Awakening, the big survival MMO coming some time soon from Funcom, the developers behind Conan: Exiles - but the game won't feature the novel's famous sandworm-riding come launch. And, presumably much more importantly for Conan fans, there'll be no penis sliders either.

There will be sand-walking, though, and there's no ruling out of sandworm-riding down the line. We spoke with Dune: Awakening's creative director Joel Bylos at some length in our preview, and he explained the decision like this:

"We actually looked into it. It's just a very strong technical cost, and also a very - it needs a purpose. And we haven't got what the movie has, which is like, 'Go through the southern sandstorms, get to the southern part [of Arrakis]'. So yeah, we don't have that yet."

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Dune: Awakening devs explain "alt history" approach to Conan: Exiles' vast, intricate follow-up

It's hard to think of a science fiction universe as inseparable from its canon as Dune. And yet at the same time, it's a universe where so much can vary from one interpretation to the next (as you'll be swiftly reminded any time you catch a stray set photo of a greased-up Sting.)

With that in mind it probably makes a lot of sense for Dune: Awakening, the survival MMO from Conan: Exiles developer Funcom, to take its "alternate history" approach. Dune: Awakening takes place "a few years" before the events of the books, but those events are entirely different timelines, with Awakening imagining a scenario where a "significant moment" in the books, where someone makes a decision of some kind, is decided differently.

Joel Bylos, Funcom's chief creative officer and creative director on Dune: Awakening, was coy about what decision that was, let alone what the consequences of it might be. "It's not Paul that makes the decision," he would at least say, referring to protagonist Paul Atreides. This was after I'd asked whether it might be his drinking of the Water of Life that decision was referring to - the moment where Atreides effectively chooses the path of war in Frank Herbert's novels, and now Denis Villeneuve's films.

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You don't get to lead a holy war in Dune: Awakening, but you do have to think about religion

The second part of Dune is out at the moment, and it has resulted in that most filthy of perversions, discourse - a pastime in which only the most unsavoury characters indulge. Is Dune appropriative? Is the appropriation the point? Whatever the case, Funcom want you to know that their upcoming survival game Dune: Awakening has nothing to do with any of that, posting a short Xeet from the official Awakening account that's the written equivalent of sticking your arms straight out, waving your hands, and going "Woahwoahwoah, hang on a minute."

"We agree that religion is an integral part of the Dune universe. This is why in Dune: Awakening you will meet and interact with people of different religions along your journey. However, as opposed to the story presented in the books, the player is not a messiah and will not play a major role in any of them. Leading people on a holy war is not why you arrive on Arrakis," reads the post in full. Personally, I approve of this effort to keep games apolitical. Politics? In my Dune. No thank you. I am of course being facetious. There is still religion and politics in Dune: Awakening, as confirmed by the statement, but you yourself aren't doing much of it.

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Dune MMO will let you use The Voice, sell bases and drink blood-water - but not kill or ride sandworms (yet)

Dune: Awakening, the massively-multiplayer take on Frank Herbert’s sandy sci-fi universe from dong-loving devs Funcom, has shown off some more of its online, open-world Arrakis in a lengthy developer direct. We’ve also learnt more about what we will - and won’t - be able to do during our time exploring the planet.

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Dune: Awakening dostává trailer představující planetu Arrakis a video pojednávající o adaptaci prostředí Duny

Společnost Funcom vydala nový trailer k připravovanému MMORPG Dune založenému na přežití. Nejnovější video, nazvané Survive Arrakis, představuje některé herní prvky, které hráči mohou v Dune očekávat, včetně nutnosti sbírat materiály pro stavbu základen a prozkoumávat smrtící pouště.

Spolu s trailerem se Dune: Awakening také další video, ve kterém kreativní ředitel Funcomu Joel Bylos a kameraman Greig Fraser hovoří o převedení prvků prostředí Duny z prvního a druhého dílu Duny do videoherní podoby. Na video s názvem Creating Worlds, from Book to Film to Game se podívejte níže.

Naposledy Funcom hovořil o Duně: 2023, popsala pět základních pilířů hry – přežití, politiku a intriky, nekonečný průzkum, kombinovaný boj a výraz a přizpůsobení. Tyto pilíře dohromady tvoří slovo SPICE.

Podobně jako v jiné survival hře Conan: Exiles od Funcomu budou hráči v Dune: Awakening muset začít od nuly a vybudovat si základnu od základů. Hra Dune: Awakening zatím nemá datum vydání, ale víme, že je připravena beta verze, do které se hráči mohou přihlásit na oficiálních stránkách. Hra vyjde na PC, PS5 a Xbox řady X/S.

Článek Dune: Awakening dostává trailer představující planetu Arrakis a video pojednávající o adaptaci prostředí Duny se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.
