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See the freaky and cool way that a black-eyed tree frog's eyes wake up from a nap

Od: Popkin
The Red Eyed Tree Frog is not the same as the Black Eyed Tree Frog. Do you know why? Hint: one has red eyes and one has black eyes. (Dave Denby Photography)

See the freaky and cool way that a black-eyed tree frog's eyes open after it wakes up from a nap.

Instead of opening its eyes in one swift motion, the black-eyed tree frog has eyes that slowly open and bulge out, making it look as if it has been possessed by a demon upon waking. — Read the rest

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Ouch! TikToker tries to pet a snapping turtle — and guess what happens next? (video)

In case its name isn't clear enough, snapping turtles snap. And so, obviously, it's best not to touch them — as one TikToker learned the hard — aka painful — way.

"Whatchya doin' little man?" she asked sweetly, talking to a cute snapping turtle who was trying to mind its own business. — Read the rest

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Frog video has the best captions in the history of captions

You have probably seen this video of an adorable little frog with an oversized squeal, which I assume is terrifying to other tiny frogs. While the original version is one of the best things on the internet, the BBC improves it with the addition of narration, and turning on the captions is perfection. — Read the rest

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Watch a vulture lands on paraglider mid-ride

Od: Popkin

When this paraglider set off to fly around the skies of Brazil, he was visited by an unexpected friend. 

A friendly vulture decided to take a little rest on the paraglider's arm, mid-flight. The paraglider seems totally at ease with this, and even reaches out to pet the bird as it nibbles on his shoes.  — Read the rest

The post Watch a vulture lands on paraglider mid-ride appeared first on Boing Boing.

Clever bird vigorously "stirs" customers coffee with spoon

Od: Popkin

This clever bird doesn't play around when it comes to stirring coffee—or at least try to. Watch him grab a metal spoon in his beak and mix it up with great passion. 

I'm glad this bird knows what a serious matter it is to make sure that cream and sugar is properly mixed into one's coffee. — Read the rest

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Live webcams let you watch and feed China's stray cats

china stray cat cams

In the mood to watch (and listen to) feral cats in China munch from food bowls?'s got you covered. The website has links to live webcams installed in little feeding boxes around China. The boxes are called "Hello Street Cat Intelligent Stray Cat Management House" and each house has three cameras so you can see the cats from the front, top, and back. — Read the rest

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Chihuahua hilariously uses a found tool to get his human butler's attention (video)

While most doggos might whine or sit by their bowl with sad puppy-dog eyes to let you know when they're hungry, one hilarious chihuahua came up with a much sillier way to get his butler's attention.

He noticed a weird springy thingamajig sticking out of the wall just inches from the floor and realized he could use it as his own personal buzzer. — Read the rest

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