RetroArch is now available on the Apple App Store. It is currently available for iPhone, iPad and tvOS. A macOS version on the Apple App Store is planned but no ETA. A new RetroArch version is also coming out soon.
Apple by mohl uspořádat svou akci 10. září, aby oznámil novou řadu iPhone 16 a nové Apple Watch Series 10.
Apple obvykle pořádá svou akci v první polovině září a vzhledem k minulým trendům mohou být zprávy pravdivé. Fáma také sdílela obrázek pozvánky na událost s podtitulem „Připravit. Pozor. Zachytit.“ slogan, který by mohl ukazovat na nové tlačítko Capture.
Podle Majin Bu zdroje obeznámené se záležitostí naznačovaly, že by Apple mohl 10. září uspořádat svou velkou událost iPhone 16. Zdroj zprávy požádal o zachování anonymity a tipér také sdílel, že neexistuje způsob, jak ověřit, zda novinky mají nějakou váhu. Nicméně údajné datum události je pravděpodobné, vzhledem k tomu, jak se shoduje s daty minulých událostí společnosti.
Apple na své akci oznámí nové modely iPhone 16 a iPhone 16 Pro, které budou mít výrazné designové změny a nové funkce. Společnost by také mohla debutovat vyhrazené funkce Apple Intelligence pro tuto řadu, které budou k dispozici později v tomto roce, možná v říjnu. Další podrobnosti si můžete prohlédnout v pozvánce na akci níže, ale berte to s rezervou, protože neexistuje žádné potvrzení ze strany společnosti.
Kromě iPhonu 16 by událost Apple mohla hostit také Apple Watch Series 10 a nové AirPods, o kterých se nedávno říkalo, že dorazí ve dvou variantách. Pozvánka také uvádí čas konání akce, která je naplánována na 10:00 v divadle Steva Jobse v Apple Parku . Jakmile budou k dispozici další informace, podělíme se o další podrobnosti o představení iPhone 16.
Prozatím si nezapomeňte všimnout, že Apple v této fázi nesdílel oficiální pozvánku, ale mohla by brzy dorazit. Apple obvykle rozesílá pozvánky na události týden před akcí, což znamená, že pokud se akce koná 10. září, pozvánky by měly dorazit v prvním týdnu příštího měsíce, případně 3. září. Myslíte si, že Apple uspořádá akci v údajné datum? Dejte nám vědět do komentářů.
Společnost Apple uvede modely iPhone 16 na trh za necelý měsíc a tentokrát se dočkáme docela šikovných vylepšení pro standardní modely a modely „Pro“. Na modely iPhone příštího roku se vyplatí počkat, ale ani nadcházející řada se nestydí za vylepšení a upgrady, které zlepší váš uživatelský zážitek.
Co se týče designu, modely iPhone 16 a iPhone 16 Pro dostanou solidní vylepšení s novými tlačítky Action a Capture Button pro specifické funkce.
Standardní modely iPhone 16 letos dostanou nový design s vertikálním uspořádáním fotoaparátu na zadní straně, což docela připomíná iPhone X, protože Apple běží do kruhů, aby představil nový design. Osvěžení je však vítané, protože se jistě objeví několik rozdílů, přičemž jedním z důležitých je velikost modulu fotoaparátu. Kromě toho jsou zařízení údajně vybavena tlačítkem Action Button podobně jako modely iPhone 15 Pro se všemi připojenými zvonky a píšťalkami.
Pokud jde o modely „Pro“, Apple údajně zvětšil velikost displeje zařízení, což také znamená, že zařízení budou o něco větší než současné verze. Menší iPhone 16 Pro bude vybaven 6,3palcovým displejem, zatímco větší „Pro Max“ bude mít 6,9palcový displej, a my jsme pro, vzhledem k tomu, že se zmenší i rámečky. Již dříve bylo oznámeno, že modely iPhone 16 Pro budou uvedeny na trh s nejtenčími rámečky na smartphonu.
Dalším významným doplňkem je nové tlačítko Capture Button, které bude k dispozici na všech čtyřech modelech iPhonu 16 a bude určeno k ovládání funkcí zařízení pro pořizování videí. Stejné tlačítko by však k sobě mělo mít připojeno více funkcí v oddělení fotoaparátu, díky čemuž by se iPhone 16 mohl mnohem více přiblížit digitální zrcadlovce. Pokud nejste obeznámeni, jedná se o funkce, které by mohlo tlačítko Capture v řadě iPhone 16 vykonávat.
Lehkým stisknutím tlačítka Capture (Snímání) spustíte automatické zaostření při pořizování videa nebo fotografie.
Pevným stisknutím pořídíte fotografii nebo spustíte nahrávání videa.
Přejetím doleva a doprava přiblížíte fotografii nebo video.
Další gesta pro přepínání mezi režimy fotoaparátu.
Jak si můžete všimnout, tlačítko Capture na modelech iPhone 16 bude napodobovat funkci tlačítka spouště na digitálních zrcadlovkách a pravděpodobně bude více podporovat gesta. Abychom byli spravedliví, možnost automatického nastavení zaostření lehkým stisknutím tlačítka je docela zajímavá a mohla by otevřít nové dveře pro příkazy. Navíc vzhledem k tomu, že společnost vede odvětví k novým funkcím, viděli bychom, že konkurence přidá své vlastní variace k lepšímu.
Zdroj: Apple
Domníváme se, že uživatelé nebudou mít možnost přizpůsobovat funkce tlačítka Capture a mapovat je na něco jiného, pokud to nevyhovuje jejich potřebám. Je to proto, že iPhone již má pro tuto úlohu vyhrazené akční tlačítko, které se nachází na stejném místě jako přepínač ztlumení. Co se týče umístění tlačítka Capture, minulé rendery ukázaly, že tlačítko bude umístěno v jedné rovině s rámem iPhonu a pod bočním tlačítkem nebo tlačítkem napájení. Potenciálně se bude jednat o výřez v titanovém a hliníkovém šasi řady.
Vzhledem k tomu, že tlačítko Capture je kapacitní, je zde prostor i pro ovládání gesty a my jsme pro. Mark Gurman již dříve uvedl, že existuje možnost, že nové tlačítko Capture Button bude k dispozici výhradně na vlajkových modelech vyšší třídy, což společnosti Apple umožní zachovat rozdíly mezi standardními a „Pro“ modely.
Již dříve bylo také oznámeno, že tlačítka letošní řady iPhonů budou polovodičová, ale dlouho jsme neslyšeli podrobnosti na toto téma. Potenciálně by společnost mohla letos nabídnout polovodičové řešení pro modely „Pro“. Pokud o tom nevíte, bylo oznámeno, že Apple bude mít ve svém mixu podlouhlá tlačítka hlasitosti, která nebudou mechanická, ale integrovaná se speciálním haptickým enginem pro zpětnou vazbu. Ještě se uvidí, zda společnost s letošní řadou iPhone 16 tlačítka vylepší.
Co očekáváte od letošní řady iPhone 16? Myslíte si, že Apple letos nabídne polovodičové řešení? Dejte nám vědět v komentářích.
Toto řešení vám umožní používat Apple Intelligence v zemích mimo Spojené státy
Apple oznámil a uvolnil Apple Intelligence vývojářům na své akci WWDC a služba celkově zaznamenala docela dobrou odezvu. Platforma se netočí kolem jediného jazykového modelu, ale funguje na několika z nich, velkých i malých, spolupracujících na různých frontách iOS. Například integrace ChatGPT je k dispozici se Siri a ne se zbytkem operačního systému, což ukazuje, že společnost používá multimodální přístup. Zpočátku by Apple Intelligence byla k dispozici pouze ve Spojených státech, ale pokud máte zájem, existuje řešení, které vám umožní používat službu v jiných zemích.
Při uvedení na trh mohou Apple Intelligence používat pouze iPhone 15 Pro a iPhone 15 Pro Max a vedle toho bude moci tuto službu využívat také řada iPhone 16. Máte možnost používat Apple Intelligence v jiných zemích mimo Spojené státy pomocí jednoduchého řešení. Jediné, co musíte udělat, je změnit nastavení polohy nebo oblasti na vašem iPhonu nebo iPadu a můžete začít. Pokud si nejste jisti, jak na to, připravili jsme podrobné pokyny, které vám umožní používat Apple Intelligence v jiných zemích.
Než budete pokračovat, existuje několik předpokladů, které musíte splnit. První věc, kterou musíte udělat, je nainstalovat nejnovější beta verzi iOS 18.1, která nese funkce Apple Intelligence. Upozorňujeme, že pokud používáte beta verzi iOS 18, nebudete moci službu používat. Jakmile spustíte nejnovější beta verzi iOS 18.1, pečlivě dodržujte níže uvedené pokyny.
Krok 1 : Spusťte na svém iPhone aplikaci Nastavení a přejděte na Obecné > Jazyk a oblast.
Krok 2 : Klepněte na Přidat jazyk a vyberte Angličtinu (USA) .
Krok 3 : Nyní klepněte na Region a vyberte Spojené státy . (Změna nebude mít žádný dopad na regiony nebo nákupy v Apple Storu.)
Krok 4 : Vraťte se do Nastavení a přejděte na Apple Intelligence & Siri .
Krok 5 : Klepněte na Jazyk a vyberte Angličtinu (USA) .
Krok 6 : Jakmile to uděláte, klepněte na Připojit se k Applr Intelligence Waitlist .
Krok 7 : Na aktivaci Apple Intelligence budete muset chvíli počkat. Po chvíli se zpráva změní na Turn On Apple Intelligence .
To je vše, co musíte udělat, abyste povolili Apple Intelligence na vašem iPhone, pokud máte bydliště mimo Spojené státy. Tento proces je poměrně jednoduchý a v podstatě říká serverům Apple, že iPhone, který používáte, se nachází v USA. Budete si moci užívat všechny nejnovější funkce Apple Intelligence, které Apple přidal v první beta verzi iOS 18.1. Později, v následujících beta verzích, společnost přidá další funkce pro testování, než bude oficiálně představena široké veřejnosti.
iOS 18 beta 5 introduces Distraction Control, a feature that lets Safari users hide static web elements, like newsletter banners.
As long as the selected web element is static, it’ll remain hidden indefinitely.
Due to ads’ dynamic nature, they’ll automatically reappear whenever the web page reloads.
iOS 18 beta 5 is now available to enrolled developers, featuring a new Distraction Control option in Safari. Through this fresh addition, users can hide static web elements, such as cookie popups, newsletter banners, and more. While you can technically use Distraction Control on iOS to block web ads, there’s a major limitation barring it from becoming a practical solution.
When hitting the new Hide Distracting Items button in Safari, an alert reads: “Hiding distracting items will not permanently remove ads and other content that update frequently.” This highlights that the feature isn’t designed to block ads on websites. Instead, it’s meant for static banners that don’t continuously refresh.
Apple Intelligence is marking phishing emails as a priority in the Mail app on iOS 18.1 developer beta 1.
The AI-powered filter seemingly disregards the sender’s address and only determines an email’s importance by scanning its text.
Apple must address this severe flaw before iOS 18.1’s public release, as it could make average users fall for more scams.
Apple Intelligence is arguably iOS 18’s most significant highlight, baking native AI features into the OS. While the technology likely won’t debut publicly until October, the company has already given iOS 18.1 beta testers an early look. One of its perks is AI summaries in the Mail app. Through this handy Apple Intelligence feature, users can save time, determine emails’ importance at a glance, get locked out of their accounts, and possibly lose considerable sums of money.
Yes, you’ve read that right. Apple Intelligence, indeed, can’t differentiate between phishing and legitimate emails. According to multiple Reddit users, the AI-powered filter in the Mail app is marking scam emails as a priority. This suggests that the technology categorizes emails based only on their texts, disregarding the senders’ addresses and other relevant signals.
Apple Intelligence features won’t be included in iOS 18.0, and interested users will have to wait for iOS 18.1’s debut.
While support for Apple Intelligence could be one of the iPhone 16’s main selling points, its release likely won’t be delayed.
If Apple follows its usual schedule, it could launch the iPhone 16 series on September 10, then roll out the AI features in October.
In recent years, smartphone hardware upgrades have been incremental — for the most part, at least. This has pushed some manufacturers to develop exclusive software features for their latest products, enticing customers to upgrade more frequently. The iPhone’s case is no different. Apple Intelligence is only supported on the iPhone 15 Pro and newer models, which will likely make it an iPhone 16 key selling point. Though, given that the highly anticipated AI features have been delayed till October, will Apple still launch the iPhone 16 in September? Here’s what the rumors indicate.
According to Bloomberg, Apple will stick to its tradition and launch the iPhone 16 in September. Since the company typically introduces its flagship smartphones on a Tuesday towards the middle of the month, the publication suggests that the announcement could take place on September 10. The report states:
At Android Authority, we are huge fans of Android phones. However, since we cover the entire mobile landscape, you might be surprised to learn that some of the people who work here don’t use Android phones as their daily drivers. Yes, we have a few traitors iPhone users in our midst, and they help us get a broader look at the Android versus iOS competition.
You might be surprised, though, to learn that many of our readers also use iPhones. In fact, after Android, iOS is the operating system most used to visit our site, even more so than Windows! Don’t believe me? Check out the chart below, which represents a typical month of Android Authority visits:
Credit: C. Scott Brown / Android Authority
With all this in mind, it would make sense that some of our iOS-based readers used to be Android fans but have since made the switch to the iPhone but are still keeping an eye on Google’s mobile adventures. That got us curious, and in an effort to dig deeper, we ran a poll asking if people had jumped ship from Android to iOS and why.
We ran this poll here at Android Authority but also on our X and YouTube profiles. Below, we’ve compiled some of the most interesting answers. We think this is a really cool and interesting look into what might need some work within Android. After all, if Google and/or Android OEMs addressed some of these complaints, maybe these people would still be Android users.
Let’s dive in!
Why our readers made the switch to the iPhone
Credit: Robert Triggs / Android Authority
Overall, there were a few recurring themes for the answers we saw. We’re going to organize the comments by those themes and give you some examples. Let’s start with one of the most significant differentiators between Android and iOS: privacy.
On X, user Shafty023 summarized their reason for switching very succinctly:
Privacy is a huge one. Done with having Google see and know everything about me via my phone.
It is true that iPhones approach data privacy a bit differently than Android phones. The main difference is money: Although both companies are collecting user data, Apple’s revenue doesn’t rely on that data, while Google’s primary source of income is selling that data. That being said, Android phones have come a long way for privacy, and there are ways to “de-Google” an Android phone, such as by flashing Graphene OS. But it’s still true that if privacy is your main area of concern, you’re probably going to be happier on an iPhone.
Google is primarily an ad agency. They approach all business decisions from that perspective. Apple primarily a hardware company. Different design philosophies
And BaritoneGuy even claims to have read the fine print:
Privacy. Plain and simple. I actually spent the time to read all the squinty print before I switched. I went from Blackberry to Windows phone to Samsung and then Apple. If I could get an Android phone without the Google stuff I would like that, but if you want the phone to be functional then that is not possible.
iMessage and apps in general
Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority
In the United States, one of the most significant aspects of the iPhone keeping users from switching is iMessage. For reasons I won’t get into here, people in the US have not adopted platform-agnostic chat apps (WhatsApp, Telegram, etc.) nearly as much as the rest of the world has. This leaves iPhone users dependent on iMessage. It’s only logical that this allure would tempt Android users to make the switch to an iPhone.
On YouTube, here’s what Nathan1Sixteen had to say on that:
Because I got tired of my friends complaining about my text message bubble color
This references so-called “green bubble hate,” a US phenomenon in which people get angry at Android users for “ruining” group chats within iMessage. Considering we primarily use our phones as communication machines, can you really blame someone for using the operating system that is best for communicating with friends and family?
I love android. But until RCS is widely available on iOS I have had to move back to my iPhone to be more compatible with family and friends. Pathetic, I know.
This user is referencing Rich Communications Services (RCS), which is how many US-based Android users communicate with one another. It’s essentially iMessage, but for Android. Thankfully, Apple is going to incorporate RCS into iOS 18 this year, which will allow iPhone users to better communicate with Android users. However, those green bubbles aren’t going anywhere, and iPhone-to-iPhone communication will still be superior to iPhone-to-Android communication.
On a related note, another X user, ArtoriasAkai, doesn’t mention iMessage but does talk about how apps on iOS tend to be better and more polished:
I switched because of the apps. Standard and downloaded apps are just better on iOS. Both in polish and function. I got tired of hunting for the good apps on Android. Often the better/best apps cost money on Android.
This is because app development for iOS is more streamlined than for Android. For example, developers only need to worry about one hardware company instead of dozens and also only need to work with a fairly limited set of screen sizes and hardware specs, at least when compared to the thousands of Android phones out there.
Broader ecosystem
Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority
Since Apple tightly controls its hardware, it shouldn’t be surprising that its broader ecosystem consists of devices that all work very well with one another. While most of the integrations Apple offers can be replicated with Android phones, Windows laptops, Chromebooks, etc., Apple’s “it just works” ethos is undeniably alluring.
The reason was more towards the ecosystem itself and how it worked well with my workflow. Though I recognize that on a 1:1 comparison, Android is the superior of the platforms.
Apple also dominates certain categories, such as tablets and smartwatches. Simply put, the Android tablet industry is dwarfed by the iPad and very few Android-compatible smartwatches can truly meet the level of the Apple Watch. X user ThatTim5 is keenly aware of that last point:
The Apple Watch. All the other smartwatches wasn’t [sic] that good.
While Google’s Wear OS (which is based on Android) has made big strides in the past few years, the company wasted too much time before taking smartwatches seriously. Because of this, Google is the David in a traditional David vs Goliath story when it comes to the Apple Watch — and if you want an Apple Watch, you must own an iPhone.
Credit: Robert Triggs / Android Authority
The aesthetic appeal of a smartphone is subjective, for sure, but some differences are objectively more useful. One example is ease of use: a phone that is really big is going to be difficult for a person with smaller hands to use. This has been a significant problem in the Android world because buying a compact Android phone has generally forced you to make significant compromises on performance and features. Meanwhile, the sizing of iPhones allows you to get big and small phones without losing out on many features.
Android Authority reader Phil Scadden sums it up like this:
It is possible to buy a quality phone that still fits in your pocket with iOS. Hard to buy an android less than 6.4 inches
Obviously, there are plenty of Android phones out there with sub-6.4-inch displays. But how many of them are just as good as their 6.8-inch counterparts? Not many. Hopefully, the Pixel 9 series will help fix this problem in the Android world since the Pixel 9 Pro is poised to be smaller but still offer all the same features as the Pixel 9 Pro XL.
Outside of sizing, the physical features of a phone can also come into play. Android Authority reader Warden mentioned the Action Button on iPhones, a feature that doesn’t have much representation in the Android world:
Action button has been very convenient.
Granted, there are phones out there with buttons similar to the Action Button, but they are not as widespread, nor are they as easily customizable.
Credit: Robert Triggs / Android Authority
Speaking of the convenience of the Action Button, it turns out that that word — convenience — came up quite a bit in some of these comments. For some people, it wasn’t a question of wanting to leave Android as much as a need to do so.
Because everything is Apple first with our company. Both hardware and software. So I had to. It’s not as bad as I thought but I kinda wanna go back to Android as a daily driver…
Finally, on YouTube, TechnoLawyer is in the same boat:
Because of my kids having iPhones. So mainly for iMessage, FaceTime, Apple Cash, and my oldest daughter’s use of Apple Notes to make lists and the sharing of said notes. If it weren’t for my kids, I think I’d have a Nothing Phone.
Keep this all in mind next time you wonder why someone would ever use an iPhone over Android. It might be that they simply have no choice.
Those are a lot of the reasons why some Android Authority fans have jumped ship to the iPhone. What do you think? What should Android do to address some of these concerns? Let us know in the comments below!
RetroArch is now available on the Apple App Store. It is currently available for iPhone, iPad and tvOS. A macOS version on the Apple App Store is planned but no ETA. A new RetroArch version is also coming out soon.
At Android Authority, we are huge fans of Android phones. However, since we cover the entire mobile landscape, you might be surprised to learn that some of the people who work here don’t use Android phones as their daily drivers. Yes, we have a few traitors iPhone users in our midst, and they help us get a broader look at the Android versus iOS competition.
You might be surprised, though, to learn that many of our readers also use iPhones. In fact, after Android, iOS is the operating system most used to visit our site, even more so than Windows! Don’t believe me? Check out the chart below, which represents a typical month of Android Authority visits:
Credit: C. Scott Brown / Android Authority
With all this in mind, it would make sense that some of our iOS-based readers used to be Android fans but have since made the switch to the iPhone but are still keeping an eye on Google’s mobile adventures. That got us curious, and in an effort to dig deeper, we ran a poll asking if people had jumped ship from Android to iOS and why.
We ran this poll here at Android Authority but also on our X and YouTube profiles. Below, we’ve compiled some of the most interesting answers. We think this is a really cool and interesting look into what might need some work within Android. After all, if Google and/or Android OEMs addressed some of these complaints, maybe these people would still be Android users.
Let’s dive in!
Why our readers made the switch to the iPhone
Credit: Robert Triggs / Android Authority
Overall, there were a few recurring themes for the answers we saw. We’re going to organize the comments by those themes and give you some examples. Let’s start with one of the most significant differentiators between Android and iOS: privacy.
On X, user Shafty023 summarized their reason for switching very succinctly:
Privacy is a huge one. Done with having Google see and know everything about me via my phone.
It is true that iPhones approach data privacy a bit differently than Android phones. The main difference is money: Although both companies are collecting user data, Apple’s revenue doesn’t rely on that data, while Google’s primary source of income is selling that data. That being said, Android phones have come a long way for privacy, and there are ways to “de-Google” an Android phone, such as by flashing Graphene OS. But it’s still true that if privacy is your main area of concern, you’re probably going to be happier on an iPhone.
Google is primarily an ad agency. They approach all business decisions from that perspective. Apple primarily a hardware company. Different design philosophies
And BaritoneGuy even claims to have read the fine print:
Privacy. Plain and simple. I actually spent the time to read all the squinty print before I switched. I went from Blackberry to Windows phone to Samsung and then Apple. If I could get an Android phone without the Google stuff I would like that, but if you want the phone to be functional then that is not possible.
iMessage and apps in general
Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority
In the United States, one of the most significant aspects of the iPhone keeping users from switching is iMessage. For reasons I won’t get into here, people in the US have not adopted platform-agnostic chat apps (WhatsApp, Telegram, etc.) nearly as much as the rest of the world has. This leaves iPhone users dependent on iMessage. It’s only logical that this allure would tempt Android users to make the switch to an iPhone.
On YouTube, here’s what Nathan1Sixteen had to say on that:
Because I got tired of my friends complaining about my text message bubble color
This references so-called “green bubble hate,” a US phenomenon in which people get angry at Android users for “ruining” group chats within iMessage. Considering we primarily use our phones as communication machines, can you really blame someone for using the operating system that is best for communicating with friends and family?
I love android. But until RCS is widely available on iOS I have had to move back to my iPhone to be more compatible with family and friends. Pathetic, I know.
This user is referencing Rich Communications Services (RCS), which is how many US-based Android users communicate with one another. It’s essentially iMessage, but for Android. Thankfully, Apple is going to incorporate RCS into iOS 18 this year, which will allow iPhone users to better communicate with Android users. However, those green bubbles aren’t going anywhere, and iPhone-to-iPhone communication will still be superior to iPhone-to-Android communication.
On a related note, another X user, ArtoriasAkai, doesn’t mention iMessage but does talk about how apps on iOS tend to be better and more polished:
I switched because of the apps. Standard and downloaded apps are just better on iOS. Both in polish and function. I got tired of hunting for the good apps on Android. Often the better/best apps cost money on Android.
This is because app development for iOS is more streamlined than for Android. For example, developers only need to worry about one hardware company instead of dozens and also only need to work with a fairly limited set of screen sizes and hardware specs, at least when compared to the thousands of Android phones out there.
Broader ecosystem
Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority
Since Apple tightly controls its hardware, it shouldn’t be surprising that its broader ecosystem consists of devices that all work very well with one another. While most of the integrations Apple offers can be replicated with Android phones, Windows laptops, Chromebooks, etc., Apple’s “it just works” ethos is undeniably alluring.
The reason was more towards the ecosystem itself and how it worked well with my workflow. Though I recognize that on a 1:1 comparison, Android is the superior of the platforms.
Apple also dominates certain categories, such as tablets and smartwatches. Simply put, the Android tablet industry is dwarfed by the iPad and very few Android-compatible smartwatches can truly meet the level of the Apple Watch. X user ThatTim5 is keenly aware of that last point:
The Apple Watch. All the other smartwatches wasn’t [sic] that good.
While Google’s Wear OS (which is based on Android) has made big strides in the past few years, the company wasted too much time before taking smartwatches seriously. Because of this, Google is the David in a traditional David vs Goliath story when it comes to the Apple Watch — and if you want an Apple Watch, you must own an iPhone.
Credit: Robert Triggs / Android Authority
The aesthetic appeal of a smartphone is subjective, for sure, but some differences are objectively more useful. One example is ease of use: a phone that is really big is going to be difficult for a person with smaller hands to use. This has been a significant problem in the Android world because buying a compact Android phone has generally forced you to make significant compromises on performance and features. Meanwhile, the sizing of iPhones allows you to get big and small phones without losing out on many features.
Android Authority reader Phil Scadden sums it up like this:
It is possible to buy a quality phone that still fits in your pocket with iOS. Hard to buy an android less than 6.4 inches
Obviously, there are plenty of Android phones out there with sub-6.4-inch displays. But how many of them are just as good as their 6.8-inch counterparts? Not many. Hopefully, the Pixel 9 series will help fix this problem in the Android world since the Pixel 9 Pro is poised to be smaller but still offer all the same features as the Pixel 9 Pro XL.
Outside of sizing, the physical features of a phone can also come into play. Android Authority reader Warden mentioned the Action Button on iPhones, a feature that doesn’t have much representation in the Android world:
Action button has been very convenient.
Granted, there are phones out there with buttons similar to the Action Button, but they are not as widespread, nor are they as easily customizable.
Credit: Robert Triggs / Android Authority
Speaking of the convenience of the Action Button, it turns out that that word — convenience — came up quite a bit in some of these comments. For some people, it wasn’t a question of wanting to leave Android as much as a need to do so.
Because everything is Apple first with our company. Both hardware and software. So I had to. It’s not as bad as I thought but I kinda wanna go back to Android as a daily driver…
Finally, on YouTube, TechnoLawyer is in the same boat:
Because of my kids having iPhones. So mainly for iMessage, FaceTime, Apple Cash, and my oldest daughter’s use of Apple Notes to make lists and the sharing of said notes. If it weren’t for my kids, I think I’d have a Nothing Phone.
Keep this all in mind next time you wonder why someone would ever use an iPhone over Android. It might be that they simply have no choice.
Those are a lot of the reasons why some Android Authority fans have jumped ship to the iPhone. What do you think? What should Android do to address some of these concerns? Let us know in the comments below!
Once you’ve set up your new iPhone, it’s time to make the most of it with the best iPhone accessories. It’s exciting to choose a new case or wireless charger, and personalize your smartphone with a cute PopSocket to really show off your style. There are probably a bunch of iPhone accessories you didn’t even know you needed, like a kickstand so you can watch YouTube or TikTok videos while getting ready in the morning, or an AirTag so you can use your new iPhone 15 Pro Max to keep track of all your belongings. With an extensive range of iPhone accessories to choose from, we’ve whittled down the best accessories that are worth investing in. If you’re not quite done accessorizing your Apple devices, you can also check out our recommendations for the best Apple Watch accessories.
Best iPhone accessories
This article originally appeared on Engadget at
iOS 18 přinesl pro iPhone řadu nových vylepšení a vývojáři si s novými funkcemi hrají už od vydání první beta verze. Jeden z klíčových aspektů platformy však v nejnovějších beta sestaveních stále chybí a společnost nám nesdělila přesný časový rámec, kdy by se mohl objevit pro vývojáře a veřejné beta testery. Ano, řeč je o funkcích Apple AI a jejich pozdním vstupu do beta cyklu. No, máme kvalifikovaný odhad, kdy bude Apple Intelligence uvolněna pro vývojáře.
Apple Intelligence je odpovědí společnosti na rostoucí trend umělé inteligence a na to, jak zásadním způsobem formuje průmysl. Na akci WWDC společnosti Apple bylo potvrzeno, že funkce dorazí jako beta verze, ale společnost neoznámila žádné konkrétní termíny, což nás a vývojáře zhruba nechává ve štychu. Společnost nedávno vydala čtvrtou vývojářskou beta verzi iOS 18 a Apple Intelligence je stále v nedohlednu, což některé nechává spekulovat, že by se funkce mohla dále zpozdit.
To však není pravda, protože Apple plánuje vydání na léto, přestože ze stránky Apple Intelligence pro vývojáře odstranil značku „Summer“. To znamená, že vývojáři budou moci testovat nástroje umělé inteligence ještě předtím, než bude iOS 18 vydán pro širokou veřejnost později v tomto roce. Vzhledem k tomu, že společnost zahájila také rozesílání veřejných beta verzí, můžeme s jistotou předpokládat, že Apple Intelligence bude uvolněna pro obě verze beta.
Vzhledem k tomu, že iOS 18 bude vydán někdy v září spolu s očekávanou řadou iPhone 16, můžeme odhadovat, že Apple Intelligence bude pro iPhone a další operační systémy vydána v srpnu. Přesněji řečeno, společnost vydá utility před koncem příštího měsíce. Pro Apple by bylo moudré vydat Apple Intelligence co nejdříve, protože vývojáři tak budou mít více času na otestování platformy a nahlášení chyb pro stabilní uživatelské prostředí.
Zpočátku budou funkce Apple Intelligence dostupné pouze v americké angličtině a postupně bude společnost seznam jazyků rozšiřovat. Pokud jde o kompatibilitu, společnost Apple uvedla, že funkci budou moci využívat pouze modely iPhone 15 Pro a iPhone 15 Pro Max, což znamená, že všechny starší modely budou muset zůstat u základů. V počáteční fázi zavádění Apple Intelligence však budou chybět některé funkce, mezi které patří i nové prostředí Siri. Společnost si vezme čas na zdokonalení technologie a její zavedení dokončí v příštím roce. O tom, kdy bude Apple Intelligence k dispozici pro vývojáře, vás budeme informovat, jakmile bude nová beta verze k dispozici.
Veřejné betaverze iOS 18 jsou nyní k dispozici pro ty, kteří chtějí vyzkoušet nejnovější vychytávky pro iPhone – a kterým nevadí, že se v ní mohou objevit i nějaké ty chyby.
S betaverzemi iOS 18 si zatím užili jen lidé s vývojářskými účty Apple, ale nyní, když vyšly veřejné betaverze, si může nové funkce vyzkoušet každý. Nastavení veřejné beta verze je o něco méně náročné než nastavení vývojářské beta verze, ale stejně tak bezplatné. A pokud hledáte pomoc s beta verzí iPadOS 18, jste na správném místě: postup nastavení je stejný.
Při vyzkoušení beta verze byste však měli pochopit, co dostanete. Jednak nezískáte všechny nové funkce najednou, mnohé z nich přijdou až později. Zábava z brzkého zkoušení funkcí s sebou nese i potenciální problémy se stabilitou a nadměrné vybíjení baterie. V dnešní době se to stává zřídka, ale betaverze společnosti Apple mohou něco rozbít nebo potenciálně zničit váš telefon, takže si před instalací betaverze nezapomeňte telefon zálohovat.
Jaké nové funkce má iOS 18?
Nejvýraznější aktualizací iOS 18 je sada funkcí umělé inteligence Apple Intelligence. Patří mezi ně úprava fotografií s umělou inteligencí a funkce, které poskytují pomoc při psaní. K dispozici je také „sémantický index“ v zařízení, který provádí požadavky s kontextem osobních údajů, například umí prohledat vaše zprávy, e-maily a kalendáře, aby zjistil podrobnosti, když se nejasně zeptáte: „V kolik hodin je večeře s mámou?„.
Tyto funkce však budou k dispozici v beta verzi až na podzim. Mezi další nové funkce patří přepracování aplikace Fotky a mnohem lépe přizpůsobitelné ovládací centrum a domovská obrazovka.
Která zařízení podporují iOS 18?
S výjimkou funkcí Apple Intelligence, které jsou podporovány pouze na iPhonech 15 Pro a Pro Max a iPadech s čipy M1 a vyššími, budou iOS 18 a iPadOS 18 na těchto zařízeních fungovat:
iPhone 15
iPhone 15 Plus
iPhone 15 Pro
iPhone 15 Pro Max
iPhone 14
iPhone 14 Plus
iPhone 14 Pro
iPhone 14 Pro Max
iPhone 13
iPhone 13 Mini
iPhone 13 Pro
iPhone 13 Pro Max
iPhone 12
iPhone 12 Mini
iPhone 12 Pro
iPhone 12 Pro Max
iPhone 11
iPhone 11 Pro
iPhone 11 Pro Max
iPhone XS
iPhone XS Max
iPhone XR
iPhone SE (druhá generace nebo novější)
iPad Pro (M4)
iPad Pro 12,9″ (třetí generace a novější)
11palcový iPad Pro (první generace a novější)
iPad Air (M2)
iPad Air (třetí generace a novější)
iPad (sedmá generace a novější)
iPad Mini (pátá generace a novější)
Jak nainstalovat veřejnou beta verzi iOS 18
Nastavení pro spuštění beta verze je jednoduchý proces. (A jak je uvedeno nahoře, všechny tyto kroky fungují i pro iPadOS 18.)
Nejprve se ujistěte, že používáte alespoň iOS / iPadOS 16.4, a to tak, že přejdete do Nastavení > Obecné > O systému a zkontrolujete verzi iOS.
Musíte se přihlásit do beta programu společnosti Apple. Pokud nejste, navštivte tento odkaz a klikněte na možnost Zaregistrovat se – a nezapomeňte použít stejné Apple ID jako zařízení, na kterém chcete spustit beta verzi. Jakmile se zaregistrujete, můžete kliknout na kartu operačního systému, jehož beta verzi chcete spustit (v tomto případě 18), a zobrazí se vám podrobnosti, jak to udělat.
Zdroj: Apple
Musíte se přihlásit do beta programu společnosti Apple. Pokud nejste, navštivte tento odkaz a klikněte na možnost Zaregistrovat se – a nezapomeňte použít stejné Apple ID jako zařízení, na kterém chcete spustit beta verzi. Jakmile se zaregistrujete, můžete kliknout na kartu operačního systému, jehož beta verzi chcete spustit (v tomto případě 18), a zobrazí se vám podrobnosti, jak to udělat.
Vyhledejte novou možnost Aktualizace beta a klepněte na ni. Zkontrolujte seznam aktualizací pro své Apple ID – pokud nevidíte tu, kterou chcete, klepněte na ID a vyberte možnost Použít jiné Apple ID.
Vyberte iOS 18 Public Beta (nebo iPadOS 18 Public Beta).
Poté se vraťte na předchozí obrazovku a klepněte na možnost Aktualizovat nyní (nebo Aktualizovat dnes, pokud chcete raději počkat).
Few games evoke retro gaming nostalgia quite like Secret of Mana. Released in 1993 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, this Squaresoft action-RPG is likely to have been the first RPG for many Western gamers. s. Secret of Mana begged to be a memorable experience with its vibrant graphics, memorable soundtrack…
Apple is reportedly considering integrating more generative AI services, including Meta AI, Perplexity, and Anthropic, into iOS 18.
The company could also be looking into AI services permitted in China, as OpenAI’s ChatGPT is banned there.
Apple’s new AI features will roll out to compatible iPhones, iPads, and Macs this fall through the upcoming OS updates.
With iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, Apple is integrating ChatGPT into its latest devices. While the company has developed its own Apple Intelligence features, users will get to rely on OpenAI’s smarts when the first-party ones are insufficient. However, Apple won’t stop there; it’s reportedly considering more AI partnerships with companies like Meta, Perplexity, and Anthropic.
According to The Wall Street Journal, Apple has been discussing potential AI partnerships with Meta, Perplexity, and Anthropic. Additionally, the firm is trying to find an OpenAI alternative for its China-based users, as ChatGPT is banned there. If any of these potential partnerships materialize, iOS 18 users could have more AI provider options — beyond ChatGPT and Apple’s own model.
The EU Commission has notified Apple about its preliminary findings, which indicate it has breached the Digital Markets Act (DMA) with its anti-steering rules.
The EU Commission has also opened new investigations to determine whether Apple’s Core Technology Fee (CTF) complies with the DMA.
If the preliminary findings are confirmed, the EU could charge Apple up to 10% of its annual global revenue.
Earlier this year, Apple rolled out an iOS update with EU-exclusive features to comply with the DMA. These include support for third-party app stores and allowing developers to reference in-app digital services that users can buy from external websites. Now that the EU Commission has investigated some of Apple’s changes, its preliminary findings indicate that the iPhone maker has breached the DMA.
The EU Commission announced today that Apple’s new iPhone rules continue to prevent developers from steering users to external websites, which violates its DMA. For reference, Apple now allows app developers to link to digital purchases beyond its own IAP system. However, the company still restricts how developers implement the links in their apps, such as prohibiting them from listing their pricing.
The first betas of iOS and iPadOS 18 include a new option in the Files app that allows users to reformat external drives when erasing them.
Beta testers can currently pick between the APFS, ExFAT, and MS-DOS (FAT) formats, which serve different purposes.
Picking the APFS format allows users to encrypt the external drive using a password of their choice and opt for case sensitivity.
Apple has been gradually boosting its latest iPhones and iPads by introducing fresh power-user features with every annual OS update, and this year is no different. The first betas of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 pack a new functionality that allows testers to reformat external drives when erasing them.
The ability to erase connected external drives using the Files app on iPhones and iPads has existed for a while. As Kaleb Cadle discovered, though, iOS and iPadOS 18 upgrade this feature by allowing users to pick between three formats instead of being limited to a default one.
Apple’s new AI features won’t come to the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus as they lack enough RAM, according to a trusted journalist.
The iPhone maker purportedly decided that 8GB of RAM was the minimum needed for its Apple Intelligence features.
By contrast, the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus only pack 6GB of RAM.
Apple announced a variety of new AI tricks for its iPhones earlier this month, dubbed Apple Intelligence. Unfortunately, most iPhone owners are left in the lurch as only the iPhone 15 Pro series will get these features.
Apple’s AirPods Pro 2 will allow users to customize the Adaptive Audio mode on iOS 18 by choosing how much noise gets suppressed.
Those currently testing iOS 18 must update their AirPods Pro 2 to the respective beta firmware to try the new feature.
We advise you not to install beta firmware on your AirPods, as you won’t be able to roll back to the stable version if you find the experience unreliable.
Apple’s AirPods Pro 2 are arguably the best wireless earbuds for iPhone users, offering a seamless integration with iOS and many neat features. These include an Adaptive Audio option that blends the Transparency and Noise Cancellation modes. So, those using it can hear human voices but not unwanted, loud noises. With iOS 18, Apple is giving the Adaptive Audio mode a welcome upgrade, allowing users to control how much noise it cancels.
As highlighted by MacRumors, the AirPods Pro 2’s Adaptive Audio mode has become more customizable on iOS 18. Those running the latest beta firmware versions on their iPhones and AirPods will find a new option in the Settings app. Through a dedicated slider, users can allow more or less noise to pass through when using the Adaptive Audio mode.
While the upgraded Adaptive Audio mode is certainly handy, we advise you not to install the beta firmware on your AirPods Pro 2. After all, AirPods, unlike iPhones, can’t easily be downgraded to the stable version. So, if you encounter serious bugs or battery drain while running the beta, you may have to deal with it until the final release launches this fall.
It’s worth noting that the new Adaptive Audio mode is also supported on iPadOS 18 and macOS Sequoia. So, if you’re using your AirPods Pro 2 with a different Apple device, you’ll still be able to customize the aforementioned feature.
A user has activated the unreleased iPhone Mirroring feature that is coming soon to macOS Sequoia.
Apple’s iPhone Mirroring execution in the screen recording appears to be much smoother than its Android-Windows counterpart.
There’s currently no easy way to enable Apple’s feature, but those running the iOS and macOS betas can expect an official debut in the near future.
Arguably, macOS Sequoia’s most significant feature is iPhone Mirroring. Through this upcoming Apple ecosystem integration, users will be able to control their iOS devices directly from their Macs. While macOS Sequoia beta 1 doesn’t officially offer this feature, a user has managed to enable it forcibly. Based on the brief screen recording they shared, Apple’s iPhone Mirroring appears to be much more polished than the Phone Link feature tying Android and Windows.
Region lock my ass.
iOS 18 seems to have turned a few of us into full-time reverse engineers
As shown in the video embedded above, Twitter user Xezrunner has managed to enable and use iPhone Mirroring on iOS 18 and macOS Sequoia. The mirroring in the demo seems to be instantaneous, with virtually no lag or glitches. The user swiftly launched, navigated through, and exited a mirrored iOS app — reflecting a natural, intuitive user experience.
User Albacore, who helped enable the feature, states that there’s currently no easy way to activate iPhone Mirroring on macOS Sequoia beta 1. Consequently, users may have to wait until Apple officially enables it in a future beta build. Nevertheless, the fact that an unreleased feature on a first developer beta seems to be working seamlessly only highlights how well-developed it is. The second OS betas, which could potentially enable this feature for all testers, are expected next week.
RetroArch is now available on the Apple App Store. It is currently available for iPhone, iPad and tvOS. A macOS version on the Apple App Store is planned but no ETA. A new RetroArch version is also coming out soon.
iPhone 4 znamenal obrovský designový posun oproti předchozím modelům, Steve Jobs představil velmi zdobený telefon se směsí prémiových materiálů, krásným displejem a výkonnými specifikacemi. Dnes se ohlédneme za historií uvedení telefonu Apple na trh před 14 lety, kdy společnost oficiálně vydala svou vlajkovou loď z roku 2010, a podíváme se, jak se jí dařilo.
iPhone 4 s 3,5palcovým IPS LCD displejem, plochými okraji z nerezové oceli a skleněnými zády představoval vrchol designérského a inženýrského umění společnosti Apple, v jejímž čele stál Jony Ive. Vnější vzhled přístroje se oprostil od zakřivené estetiky iPhonu 3GS a představil futurističtější telefon, který si kupující budou pamatovat dlouhá léta. Přestože se smartphone setkal s velkým ohlasem a během 24 hodin se nashromáždilo 600 000 předobjednávek, uvedení na trh bylo poznamenáno více než jen hardwarovými abnormalitami vlajkové lodi, které ztěžovaly uživatelský zážitek.
Za prvé, konstrukce antény byla provedena tak, že pokud uživatel držel iPhone 4 určitým způsobem, ztratil mobilní signál, a pokusy společnosti Apple o aktualizaci softwaru tento problém příliš nezmírnily. Vzhledem k přepracovanému designu měl iPhone 4 i nadále nejdelší odstup od uvedení na trh ve srovnání se všemi modely iPhone, a to 15 měsíců. Před jeho zhmotněním došlo k samostatné sérii událostí, které iPhone 4 dostaly do centra pozornosti ještě před jeho oficiálním oznámením. Internetová technologická publikace Gizmodo 19. dubna 2010 oznámila, že zakoupila prototyp iPhonu za 5 000 USD a provedla demontáž zařízení.
Prototyp iPhonu 4 byl již dříve nahlášen jako odcizený zaměstnancem společnosti Apple Grayem Powellem. Krátce po zveřejnění této informace se právní tým společnosti Apple spojil se serverem Gizmodo a požádal jej o srdečnou spolupráci. Naštěstí se situace nevyhrotila a iPhone 4 bylo možné oficiálně předobjednat 15. června 2010. Apple bohužel nepředpokládal prudký nárůst návštěvnosti svých webových stránek, protože zákazníci v USA a Velké Británii hlásili výpadky internetových obchodů. Stejný problém se vyskytl u společností AT&T a SoftBank, exkluzivních partnerů společnosti Apple ve Spojených státech a Japonsku.
Krátce poté byl předprodej iPhonu 4 pozastaven, ale ne dříve, než Apple zaznamenal úctyhodných 600 000 předobjednaných kusů. Technologický gigant zkrátka trpěl problémem, který si každá společnost přála řešit. Nicméně jako všechno dobré, co jednou skončí, Apple v září 2013 po vydání iPhonu 5S a iPhonu 5C iPhone 4 zastavil. Design tohoto modelu byl tak nezapomenutelný, že Apple znovu zavedl ploché hrany s řadou iPhone 12 a převzal je v první generaci iPhone SE.
Pokud by to nebylo dostatečně působivé, mějte na paměti, že dva kusy iPhonu 4 vybavené speciální aplikací byly v rámci mise STS-135 dopraveny na palubu Mezinárodní vesmírné stanice. Stručně řečeno, iPhone 4 možná nebyl prvním modelem společnosti Apple, který odstartoval celou revoluci chytrých telefonů, ale jeho uvedení na trh lze rozhodně považovat za katalyzátor růstu.
Post-keynote at WWDC24, key Apple executives confirmed that the company wants Google’s Gemini on iPhones.
In fact, the company wants all manners of AI systems powered by large language models.
For now, only OpenAI is an official partner with Apple, which brings ChatGPT to the Apple Intelligence system.
At WWDC24 today, Apple took the wraps off Apple Intelligence, the company’s new umbrella name for the various generative AI tools that will soon come to iPhones, iPads, and Mac computers. To make at least some of these AI features a reality, Apple is relying on a partnership with OpenAI, creators of ChatGPT.
However, weeks before the WWDC24 keynote, we heard rumors that Apple was also in talks with Google about bringing that company’s Gemini to iPhones. That didn’t appear to pan out, but that doesn’t mean the deal is off the table.
Leica LUX is a new app that emulates the Leica experience on the iPhone.
There are 11 color profiles to choose from to help your photos stand out.
In addition to an automatic mode, there’s also an Aperture mode that emulates the style of real Leica lenses.
Xiaomi might be the only company with official Leica branding, but iPhone users will soon be able to at least somewhat emulate this experience. Leica’s new LUX app is designed to mimic the experience you’d get from Leica lenses.
The app does this through a combination of software trickery and AI. There are 11 different color profiles designed to match current Leica cameras as well as classic cameras from the past. There’s a fully automatic camera mod that works similarly to the Apple camera, but there’s also an Aperture mode that uses AI to mimic the style, bokeh, and aperture you’d get from lenses like the Summilux-M 35mm f/1.4 ASPH.
iOS 18 will bring automatic transcription to Apple’s Voice Memos app.
The transcription feature is part of Apple Intelligence, and will also come to Notes and Phone apps.
Apple Intelligence features are coming to iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS 15.
Apple’s highly-anticipated WWDC keynote delivered on its promise of AI announcements, unveiling a suite of features set to land on iPhones with iOS 18 later this year. One of the prevailing themes among the announcements was the sense of déjà vu, with many of the new features mirroring similar existing functionalities on Android devices.
From the ability to personalize your home screen layout to AI-powered image editing in the Photos app, it seemed like Apple was playing catch-up with many old Android features. One such new ‘old’ feature is coming to Apple’s built-in voice recorder app, Voice Memos.
Apple announced the upcoming macOS Sequoia update at its annual WWDC event.
The update brings a new Continuity feature, iPhone Mirroring, alongside window tiling and other long-awaited features.
You can now use your Mac’s keyboard and trackpad to interact with iPhone apps.
At its WWDC 2024, Apple announced macOS Sequoia and a significant expansion to Continuity, dubbed iPhone Mirroring. As the label suggests, the feature will let you remotely control your smartphone directly from a Mac. To access this feature, Apple is adding a new iPhone Mirroring icon that will permanently live in the Mac dock. Clicking on it will launch a new window with the iPhone’s home screen streamed wirelessly.
You can launch and interact with any iPhone app using the Mac’s trackpad and keyboard and the phone will even pass along audio to the computer. Moreover, since this feature is part of Apple’s broader Continuity suite, it extends beyond screen mirroring. For starters, iPhone notifications will now show up alongside your Mac notifications and you can simply click on one to launch screen mirroring.
Apple has introduced AI-driven notification management in iOS 18.
Apple’s AI will offer notification summarization, summing up key information from conversations.
It will also enable iPhones to extract important insights from notifications, such as upcoming appointments.
As expected, Apple’s WWDC kickoff keynote focused on the Apple Intelligence features coming to all Apple products. Apple announced a slew of exciting updates for iOS 18, and notification management has also improved slightly.
Traditionally, iOS users have grappled with a horrible notification management system that is objectively subpar compared to Android’s more intuitive approach. With iOS 18, Apple is addressing these concerns (or at least trying to) by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence.
Apple has officially announced a partnership with OpenAI, the startup behind ChatGPT.
Later this year, ChatGPT will occasionally chime in to answer creative and complex questions when you invoke Siri.
Siri will ask for your consent before sharing individual prompts with ChatGPT.
After months of anticipation and leaks, Apple has finally announced that it’s teaming up with AI startup OpenAI. The partnership is set to bring ChatGPT-esque smarts to Siri on iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Notably, this ChatGPT integration was only one of several new AI features launched under the banner of Apple Intelligence at the company’s WWDC event today.
When iOS 18 launches later in 2024, you’ll be able to converse with Siri via natural language prompts similar to Google’s Gemini chatbot on Android. This marks a major leap forward for Siri, transforming it from a rigidly structured assistant into a conversational AI chatbot. However, Siri will not rely on OpenAI’s models for most of its responses. Instead, Apple says that it will only pass on select questions to ChatGPT.
The new Apple Intelligence features announced at WWDC will not work on most existing iPhones.
Due to hardware limitations, only the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max will work.
It is likely that all iPhone 16 models will be able to use Apple Intelligence, but they will not be available until at least September this year.
Today, at WWDC 2024, Apple finally took a big step into the world of artificial intelligence, or AI. The company announced a slew of new iPhone, iPad, and Mac features under the umbrella of “Apple Intelligence.” This is similar to how Samsung puts all its AI features under Galaxy AI, and Google does the same under Gemini.
Unfortunately, not every iPhone owner will be able to access Apple Intelligence. Due to hardware limitations, only two existing iPhones will support it: the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max. Thanks to the A17 Pro chipset inside these phones, they are the only ones capable of supporting the on-device AI features launched with Apple Intelligence.
Game Mode improves performance, reduces latency with accessories, and decreases background activity.
At WWDC 2024, Apple announced Game Mode for iPhone, a feature that it says will improve the gaming experience in iOS 18. This follows the introduction of Game Mode for Macs in macOS Sonoma in 2023.
According to Craig Federighi, Apple’s software chief, this Game Mode on iOS 18 will enhance performance by maximizing frame rates and reducing background activity when playing games on iPhone. This should free up some resources so that higher-end games can better utilize them. Game Mode should also improve the response time with AirPods and gaming controllers, reducing lag and giving you those milliseconds you need.
iOS 18 will give users the ability to customize their home screen and app icons.
Users will be able to place their icons wherever they want on the home screen.
The OS update will allow users to customize the color of the icons for their apps.
Apple’s big WWDC event is underway with plenty of software announcements to be made. One announcement of note came near the beginning of the event where the company revealed that users will soon be able to customize their home screens and app icons.
For decades, Apple has restricted what users can do to customize the appearance of their phone’s screens outside of changing the background. The software always had to match the clean lines and simplicity of the hardware. However, the tech giant is giving users a little more freedom to choose how they want their screen to look.
iOS 18 will let users lock and hide individual apps on their phones.
These apps will require authentication to access even if the phone is unlocked.
The hidden apps will not be visible in the app drawer.
Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2024 has kicked off, delivering a slew of exciting announcements, especially regarding the much-anticipated iOS 18. One of the big early announcements was the introduction of a long-requested feature: the ability to lock individual apps on the iPhone.
This new functionality will allow users to lock individual apps, including the built-in Apple apps and third-party apps. A good use case would be when you hand your phone to someone, locked apps will remain secure and locked, even if your phone itself is unlocked.
Apple’s app lock feature differs from Android’s longstanding App Lock mode. Android’s version locks the phone to the current running app, allowing the user to access only that app unless biometrics or a PIN is used to exit. In contrast, Apple’s app lock secures specific apps that you have previously selected.
Last year, Apple confirmed it would bring RCS support to the Messages app for iOS.
However, it didn’t confirm which version of the RCS Universal Profile it would implement.
A Business Development Manager at Google says that Apple will support Universal Profile 2.4, which supports business messaging.
To combat the awful green bubble stigma, Google has been pushing Apple to #GetTheMessage, i.e., add support for RCS messaging in the iOS Messages app. In a surprise announcement late last year, Apple confirmed it planned to add support for RCS in the Messages app. RCS in Apple Messages will roll out sometime this year, and Apple confirmed it’ll be based on the RCS Universal Profile standard published by the GSM Association. However, Apple didn’t confirm which version of the RCS Universal Profile it would implement, but thanks to Google, we now know.
A leak shows us the iOS 18 compatibility list across iPhone models.
It looks like iPhones as old as the iPhone XS will get iOS 18.
However, iOS 18’s star features will be AI-based, and they will not be included with the majority of phones.
Today, Apple will finally take the wraps off iOS 18 at its annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). This latest version of iOS — the software powering iPhones — promises some big changes. You might be wondering, though, which iPhones will actually get it? Well, we have good news and bad news about that.
Let’s start with the good news. The good news is that very old iPhones will almost certainly get iOS 18. According to a trusted source witnessed by MacRumors, iPhones from as far back as six years ago will still get iOS 18. Check out the complete list below:
Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2024 kicks off in just a few days. From June 10 to June 14, the Cupertino firm will make developer-centric announcements and reveal its upcoming operating system versions, like iOS 18 and macOS 15. If you’re wondering what exactly Apple will announce during WWDC 2024 and how to watch the main keynote live, you’ve come to the right place.
Apple’s app review team has rejected a PC emulator because Windows computers technically do not meet the retro game console criteria.
Beyond banning it from its own marketplace, Apple has also refused to notarize the PC emulator for third-party app store compatibility.
This raises concerns over Apple’s control and how iOS app developers can’t necessarily resort to third-party app stores to circumvent the company’s unforgiving guidelines.
Through a recent iOS update, Apple unlocked third-party app stores in the EU to comply with the Digital Markets Act (DMA). This has enabled developers to upload apps that don’t necessarily comply with Apple’s strict App Store guidelines to these third-party digital storefronts. Apple, however, still needs to notarize submitted apps to ensure that they pose no risk to iOS or its users. Shockingly, Apple has blocked harmless PC emulator apps from reaching its storefront and won’t notarize them for third-party app store distribution, either.
A last-minute leak of iOS 18 features suggests we could see an app locking system and dark home screen icons.
Notably, the app locking system appears to only work with first-party apps.
Both of these features already exist on Android.
Tomorrow, Apple will unveil iOS 18, the next major version of the operating system powering the company’s most important product, the iPhone. We’ve already seen a ton of leaks for this, so we know we should expect many AI-powered features, more customization tools, and redesigns of Control Center and Settings, which haven’t seen refreshes in years.
Today, though, we have two last-minute leaks of iOS 18 information. Thanks to MacRumors in bothcases, we hear that a new app locking system and dark home screen icon tool could be announced tomorrow.
A new leak exposes most (if not all) of the new AI-powered Siri features we expect to see at WWDC 2024.
Siri is becoming more powerful and better at performing complex tasks through natural language.
It is unclear if all these features will go live simultaneously or be a staggered rollout.
We’ve heard plenty of rumors about Apple’s alleged plans to super-power its digital assistant Siri at the 2024 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). Today, via Apple Insider, we have the most comprehensive leak yet. Sourced from “people familiar with Apple’s AI initiative,” the leak contains pretty much everything Siri will be able to do across over a dozen first-party iPhone apps.
The full leak is worth a look, especially if you’re an iPhone user. However, we’ll give you the general gist of Apple’s goals with the “new” Siri and share some highlights that we think will most affect iPhone users’ day-to-day lives.
RetroArch is now available on the Apple App Store. It is currently available for iPhone, iPad and tvOS. A macOS version on the Apple App Store is planned but no ETA. A new RetroArch version is also coming out soon.
Apple officially revealed iOS 18, the next operating system that will power all the best iPhones in the fall, on June 10 at the company's annual Worldwide Developers Conference. Billed as the biggest iOS update ever, the showcase of iOS 18 did not disappoint. It includes long-overdue features, such as customizable home screens and app icons, and adds truly new ones as well like Apple Intelligence. If you're eager to learn what's new with iOS 18, which phones support it, and when you can get it, you're in the right place. We've got all the details right here, so read on to learn what's in store for iPhones later this year.
The latest iPhones are some of the best phones available on the market. Not only do they offer a premium fit and finish, but they will also receive OS updates for many years to come. With the new iOS 18, Apple promises to make the iPhone better than ever. However, sitting around waiting for its public release in the fall is no fun. If you're eager to try out some of the new features right now, you can install the latest iOS 18 beta to get a taste.
U zařízení Apple nejsou informace o bezpečnostních záplatách a aktualizacích jasně stanoveny, na rozdíl od přístupu společností Google a Samsung, které se nevyhýbají sdílení podrobností o časovém plánu aktualizací.
Nedávno musel cupertinský technologický gigant v rámci dodržování britských předpisů prozradit konkrétní podrobnosti o aktualizacích, což vedlo k některým překvapivým odhalením.
Nařízení Spojeného království o bezpečnosti produktů a telekomunikační infrastruktury bylo přijato a vstoupilo v platnost 29. dubna 2024. Vyžadovalo, aby zařízení s připojením k internetu předložila prohlášení o shodě s vysvětlením doby jejich podpory. V rámci povinnosti splnit tento požadavek předložila společnost Apple své prohlášení o shodě pro iPhone 15 Pro Max, jak informoval Android Authority, a není to to, co jsme očekávali.
Doba podpory softwaru znamená definované období, po které bude společnost poskytovat bezpečnostní aktualizace. Doba telefonické podpory je uvedena minimálně pět let od data prodeje. Datum dodávky uvedené pro řadu iPhone 15 je 22. září 2023, protože garantované bezpečnostní aktualizace platí do 22. září 2028, což je pro výrobce iPhonů pět let. Mezitím mají společnosti Google a Samsung delší softwarovou podporu.
Google se u řady Pixel 8 zavázal poskytovat podporu pro tuto řadu po dobu sedmi let, což by zřejmě byl standard, který by se měl dodržovat i poté. Společnost však dříve nenabízela bezpečnostní aktualizace po delší dobu; byly to pouhé tři roky, ale pak s Pixelem 6 změnila hru a šla až na pět let.
Na druhou stranu Samsung letos slíbil sedmiletou podporu u variant Galaxy S24, ale neuvedl, zda se to bude týkat i dalších zařízení. Ostatní společnosti se systémem Android se této prodloužené podpoře nevyrovnaly a OnePlus se dokonce dále vyjádřil, že k podpoře na takové úrovni se nemůže zavázat.
Na obranu společnosti Apple je třeba říci, že společnost v průběhu let poskytovala obecně pět let bezpečnostních záplat a aktualizací pro zařízení iPhone. V softwarové podpoře tedy prozatím možná vedou společnosti Google a Samsung, ale pokud se podíváme na zařízení uváděná na trh společností jako celek, některé modely iPhonu dostaly hned po uvedení na trh podporu na šest a více let. Pokud jde o další zařízení, je tedy ještě čas, aby je konkurence dohnala. uživatelé iPhonů stále doufají, že podpora společnosti Apple nebude po uvedené minimální pětileté lhůtě ukončena.
Apple kicked off its annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) today with a keynote where the company laid out some of the new features coming to Macs, iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and the Apple Vision Pro headset. Leading up to the event, there was a lot of buzz about Apple’s first big foray into the AI […]
Apple's new iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 updates are mostly good news for users of older Apple devices—with the exception of 2018's sixth-generation iPad, the new updates will run on all the same hardware that can run iOS 17 and iPadOS 17.
For iPhones, that will cover everything from the iPhone XR/XS and newer, including the second-gen iPhone SE; the seventh-gen iPad and newer; the third-gen iPad Air and newer; the fifth-gen iPad mini and newer; all 11-inch iPad Pros; and the third-gen 12.9-inch iPad Pro and later. Here are the full support lists:
The iOS 18 support list. [credit:
Apple ]
It's a bit odd that the seventh-gen iPad makes the cutoff while the sixth-gen model does not, given that both use the same Apple A10 processor. But the seventh-gen iPad has 3GB of RAM instead of 2GB. This is the same amount as the third-gen iPad Air and fifth-gen iPad mini—apparently that extra gigabyte is crucial for running iPadOS 18's new features.
On Monday, Apple debuted "Apple Intelligence," a new suite of free AI-powered features for iOS 18, iPadOS 18, macOS Sequoia that includes creating email summaries, generating images and emoji, and allowing Siri to take actions on your behalf. These features are achieved through a combination of on-device and cloud processing, with a strong emphasis on privacy. Apple says that Apple Intelligence features will be widely available later this year and will be available as a beta test for developers this summer.
The announcements came during a livestream WWDC keynote and a simultaneous event attended by the press on Apple's campus in Cupertino, California. In an introduction, Apple CEO Tim Cook said the company has been using machine learning for years, but the introduction of large language models (LLMs) presents new opportunities to elevate the capabilities of Apple products. He emphasized the need for both personalization and privacy in Apple's approach.
At last year's WWDC, Apple avoided using the term "AI" completely, instead preferring terms like "machine learning" as Apple's way of avoiding buzzy hype while integrating applications of AI into apps in useful ways. This year, Apple figured out a new way to largely avoid the abbreviation "AI" by coining "Apple Intelligence," a catchall branding term that refers to a broad group of machine learning, LLM, and image generation technologies. By our count, the term "AI" was used sparingly in the keynote—most notably near the end of the presentation when Apple executive Craig Federighi said, "It's AI for the rest of us."
The biggest feature in iOS 18, the one that affects the most people, was a single item in a comma-stuffed sentence by Apple software boss Craig Federighi: "Support for RCS."
As we noted when Apple announced its support for "RCS Universal Profile," a kind of minimum viable cross-device rich messaging, iPhone users getting RCS means SMS chains with Android users "will be slightly less awful." SMS messages will soon have read receipts, higher-quality media sending, and typing indicators, along with better security. And RCS messages can go over Wi-Fi when you don't have a cellular signal. Apple is certainly downplaying a major cross-platform compatibility upgrade, but it's a notable quality-of-life boost.
Prioritized notifications through Apple Intelligence
Apple Intelligence, the new Siri, and the iPhone
iOS 18 is one of the major beneficiaries of Apple's AI rollout, dubbed "Apple Intelligence." Apple Intelligence promises to help iPhone users create and understand language and images, with the proper context from your phone's apps: photos, calendar, email, messages, and more.
Apple has unveiled a new feature called “Image Playground” as part of its Apple Intelligence initiative. This innovative tool allows users to generate images instantly ...
Apple has confirmed that the upcoming iOS 18 system, set to launch this fall, will support the Rich Communication Services (RCS) protocol. This development marks ...
At the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2024, Apple made a significant shift by announcing “Apple Intelligence,” a suite of AI features designed for iPhones, Macs, ...