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Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0: Release Time, Exciting New Features, and More
Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0
Yo, chooms!
— Amelia "Lilayah" (@Lilayaah) September 14, 2023
Update 2.0 for #Cyberpunk2077 is coming on September 21! 😎
Also, another episode of #REDStreams 🦾
We will cover some extra cool things that are coming in 2.0! Stay tuned for more deets!
NOVA OUT pic.twitter.com/q90k9d5AdP
Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 Launch Developer Stream Reaction!
When Will Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 Be Released?
This just feels so surreal 😍
— Amelia "Lilayah" (@Lilayaah) September 21, 2023
Thank you, all of you, for believing in us and in Cyberpunk 2077! ❤️ https://t.co/CTzo1WdvVj
No Man’s Sky in 2024: Great but Flawed
This is partially a review of No Man’s Sky/partially an editorial. No Man’s Sky just had its 5.0 update, Worlds Part 1. And I went back to it on my Xbox. And I marveled at how good it has become. But it still isn’t perfect, as it has a fatal flaw, one that sunk Starfield. It is that because No Man’s Sky is nothing but procedural-generated content, its wide as ocean, but puddle-deep. I have 160 hours on my save, and the only worlds I remember are the ones I have bases on. The rest have faded from memory because they weren’t distinct. Sure there are awesome vistas, because there isn’t much to do on any particular world. Land, catalog minerals, flora and fauna and move on. Each world is larger than some open world games, but there’s nothing to do on them. But let’s back up.
No Man’s Sky’s Rocky Start

Eight Years ago, No Man’s Sky was released, and it was hated. Sean Murray of Hello games made lofty promises about what the game would be, and it was all a lie. No multiplayer, no base building and planets didn’t rotate. But a funny thing happened, Hello Games didn’t make many excuses, they went silent and got to work. And over the last eight years, made No Man’s Sky into a juggernaut. with a team the fraction of the size of most AAA games. There is multiplayer, deep base building and the star systems acts like star systems(though you do have to warp between them). There’s also settlements, pirate battles, pirate systems, pet breeding, a new secret robot race, sentinels, ship building, expeditions and the list goes on. Because its so free-form, Hello Games can cram random stuff in, and it works. And none of updates cost extra.

Its easy to label No Man’s Sky the greatest game comeback in history, even eclipsing Cyberpunk 2077 IMO. Cyberpunk’s comeback is certainly impressive, especially with the Phantom Liberty expansion, but CD Project Red stopped development after four years as its vision for the game was completed. Hello Games has been at it for eight year and sees no signs of slowing.down. But even if they continue for another eight, there’s one problem they can’t fix.
The Fatal Flaw

As I said in the opening paragraph, No Man’s Sky has an infinite universe, but not that much to do on any particular world. There are missions you can do, and there are navigation points on each world. But each giant planet ultimately fells hollow and generic. The Worlds update certainly helps, and I can’t wait for part 2, but does the universe need to be nearly infinite? Once you leave the starting Euclid Galaxy, good luck finding a star-system that has already been discovered. I haven’t seen a single other player outside of the Anomaly. Maybe that is the point, a feeling of solitude on an alien planet. And on certain worlds, there is that feeling. But after 100 star-systems everything feels the same.

What is the solution? I’m not sure there is one. Procedural-generation just can’t match hand-crafted content, Just ask Bethesda how well relying on it went with Starfield(hint: it didn’t go very well). But Starfield is an RPG, No Man’s Sky is an exploration sandbox. Flying into the unknown is the point, even if what is there doesn’t exactly wow most of the time. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying No Man’s is a terrible game eight-years on, just the opposite. It is just that there’s a limit to how far things can be refined in a game like this. And that’s alright. Now if you excuse me, I have to find this underground rare creature…
The post No Man’s Sky in 2024: Great but Flawed appeared first on The Game Slush Pile.
Jak se liší kyberpunk a postkyberpunk? - NerdFix
Kyberpunk předkládá temnou a špinavou představu blízké budoucnosti, kterou nejvíce definuje kontrast špičkové technologie a extrémně nízké životní úrovně. Svět ovládají nadnárodní korporáty, supermoderní technologie je v rukách spodiny, ve většině světa panuje chudoba, deprese a vysoká kriminalita, lidské tělo je více z kovu a elektroniky a mysl lidí uniká z kruté reality do virtuálního prostoru.
Postkyberpunk je naopak optimističtější. Technologie je vcelku pod kontrolou. A zároveň lidem spíše pomáhá, než aby jim škodila. A pod kontrolou je i chudoba.
Cyberpunk 2077 development has finally wound down after three and a half years

Three-and-a-half years after its disastrous December 2020 debut, after dozens of patches and the launch of last year's Phantom Liberty expansion, CD Projekt Red no longer has anyone working on Cyberpunk 2077.
Just 17 people had been working on the game still as of 29th February this year, CD Projekt previously shared as part of their last financial update. Now, as of 30th April, that number is zero.
It's a small but significant moment for CD Projekt as it finally leaves Cyberpunk 2077 behind - with the vast bulk of its development might now focused on its next game in The Witcher series, currently still codenamed Polaris.
Cyberpunk 2077’s development has officially ended as The Witcher 4 Polaris moves into production

A new earnings report from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt makers CD Projekt Red has revealed that the follow-up to the sorceress-courting, Nekker-thwacking, horse-reassuring RPG is currently being worked on by around 400 people, and plans to move into the production phase by the “second half of the year.” Elsewhere, the report shows that the studio’s previous RPG, Cyberpunk 2077 officially ended all development at the end of April, at which time the remaining 17 staff still tweaking that game’s ray-traced chewing gum foil moved on to the Witcher 4 , or ‘Polaris’, as they keep insisting it's called.
Vývoj Cyberpunku 2077 skončil, na Zaklínači 4 pracuje přes 400 lidí
CD Projekt RED na začátku roku uvedl, že drtivá většina podpory Cyberpunk 2077 po uvedení na trh skončila a že pokud by hra měla v budoucnu získat nějaké další aktualizace, byly by pouze menší. Nyní se zdá, že se vývojář od hry skutečně posunul dál.
V rámci svého nedávného čtvrtletního fiskálního brífinku sdílel CD Projekt graf ukazující, kolik lidí pracuje na mnoha projektech, které má v současné době v různých fázích vývoje. Podle grafu je k 30. dubnu v CD Projektu momentálně nula lidí, kteří pracují na Cyberpunk 2077 . To je méně než 17 lidí, kteří na hře stále pracují k 29. únoru.
Na druhou stranu velikost týmu pracujícího na projektu Orion , který je pokračováním Cyberpunk 2077, se o něco rozrostla, ze 47 lidí k 29. únoru na 56 lidí k 30. dubnu. Hra, která byla potvrzena být ve fázi koncepčního návrhu od října loňského roku, je vyvíjen především nově zřízeným severoamerickým křídlem CD Projekt RED.
Mezitím je tu i Project Polaris, což je další hlavní řada hry The Witcher, zdaleka největším projektem, na kterém CD Projekt momentálně pracuje, přičemž k 30. dubnu na něm pracovalo 407 lidí (nárůst ze 403 lidí k 29. únoru). Společnost již dříve uvedla, že RPG vstoupí do plné výroby někdy v roce 2024.
Článek Vývoj Cyberpunku 2077 skončil, na Zaklínači 4 pracuje přes 400 lidí se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.
Na novém Zaklínači pracuje obrovský tým. CD Projekt chce vydávat hry častěji - INDIAN
Během finanční zprávy CD Projekt RED aktualizoval počet členů v týmech věnující se jednotlivým projektům. Díky tomu jsme se dozvěděli, že vývoj Cyberpunku 2077 oficiálně skončil a tým se nyní soustředí na Orion, pokračování sci-fi akčního RPG. I když díky Cyberpunku 2077 se polské společnosti v posledním čtvrtletí (od 1. 1. do 31. 3. 2024) dařilo a zaznamenala meziroční nárůst zisku o 30 % a příjmy přes 226 785 000 zlotých (přes 53 milionů eur).
Za tyto výsledky vděčí také rozšíření Phantom Liberty pro Cyberpunk 2077 a nesmrtelnému Zaklínači 3. Pro CD Projekt RED je teď ale důležitý nový díl Zaklínače. Na prvním díle z nové trilogie pracuje obrovský tým. Koncem dubna tohoto roku ho tvořilo 407 zaměstnanců z celkových 630 lidí (to je více než 64 procent). Jen pro představu, pouze 56 lidí se nyní věnuje pokračování Cyberpunku v novém studiu v americkém Bostonu, 39 projektu Sirius, 20 projektu Hadar a 13 ostatním projektům.
Počet lidí pracujících na novém Cyberpunku bude postupně růst. Projekt je totiž ve velmi rané fázi a v té je velký tým spíše komplikací. Ve fázi konceptu a předprodukce se mu věnují zejména Gabe Amatangelo (režisér Cyberpunku 2077), Igor Sarzynski (režisér příběhu) a Sarah Gruemmer (expertka na úkoly).
Sirius je spin-off Zaklínače, který má do fantasy světa přilákat další hráče. Titul měl ale problémy ve vývoji a studio The Molasses Flood muselo dokonce restartovat práci. Hadar je tajemná nová značka. Potom je tedy ještě remake prvního Zaklínače od polského studia Fool’s Theory, které nedávno vytvořilo příběhový RPG titul The Thaumaturge.
V případě nového Zaklínače jde vše podle plánu. Ve druhé polovině má začít plná produkce, abychom si hru mohli nejdříve za dva roky zahrát. Tvůrci nechtějí jen převlečený třetí díl. Nový Zaklínač má posunout hranice a prozkoumat zcela nové oblasti. Očekávat máme nové herní prvky a nové mechaniky, stejně jako u Cyberpunku 2077. Z pracovních inzerátů to vypadá, že CD Projekt RED chce posunout hranice vyprávění. Do podrobností ale pochopitelně nikdo zacházet nechce.
Kromě toho CD Projekt RED investorům potvrdil svůj záměr vydávat hry častěji. Ve firmě chtějí vydávat hry pravidelněji. Tomu pomůže přechod na Unreal Engine 5 od Epic Games (na něm už vzniká nový Zaklínač, remake i pokračování Cyberpunku) a rozšíření jednotlivých týmů. Už nyní jsou schopni pracovat na více projektech současně. Vyzkoušeli si to v případě Phantom Libery. Časové rozmezí mezi jednotlivými projekty ale nechtěl generální ředitel Michał Nowakowski komentovat.
Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam

Cyberpunk 2077 associate game director Paweł Sasko has thanked the game's community for the thousands of positive Steam reviews it has received in the last 30 days.
The open-world action-adventure game had a release so disastrous, CD Projekt investors considered suing the studio for "materially misleading information", and Sony refunded Cyberpunk 2077 players unhappy with the game's performance on PS4 even beyond the typical two-hour playtime limit before pulling the game from sale completely shortly after it launched.
Now, in the wake of its acclaimed Phantom Liberty DLC, 95 per cent of the 7000+ reviews left in the last month are positive, something Sasko said they "always believed" but "never thought [he] would actually see it".
Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam

Cyberpunk 2077 associate game director Paweł Sasko has thanked the game's community for the thousands of positive Steam reviews it has received in the last 30 days.
The open-world action-adventure game had a release so disastrous, CD Projekt investors considered suing the studio for "materially misleading information", and Sony refunded Cyberpunk 2077 players unhappy with the game's performance on PS4 even beyond the typical two-hour playtime limit before pulling the game from sale completely shortly after it launched.
Now, in the wake of its acclaimed Phantom Liberty DLC, 95 per cent of the 7000+ reviews left in the last month are positive, something Sasko said they "always believed" but "never thought [he] would actually see it".
Steam Deck has quietly become a reasonably capable ray tracing handheld

Valve's Steam Deck is a highly capable piece of kit, often reaching parity with last-gen consoles at ~720p, while more demanding current-gen efforts can prove quite playable as well - even including some of the top-end Unreal Engine 5 titles. The RDNA2 graphics hardware inside the Deck is even capable of ray tracing, though this support has largely been dormant in SteamOS. That's started to change over the last year, with first Vulkan and then DXR-enabled titles running under Proton with RT enabled - and RT performance has seen big boosts as well.
Today we're taking a look at the state of play when it comes to RT on Steam Deck, looking at some of the best-looking PC titles to see whether they can be playable with RT engaged. Can we get good frame-rates even with demanding ray tracing settings? And how does the Valve's handheld compare in performance terms against the more powerful ROG Ally?
The most obvious place to start is with the Steam Deck is some of the easier ray tracing workloads available - and I think Doom Eternal is a good first choice. The game runs well with minimal settings tweakery: 720p resolution, medium settings and RT toggled on. Relative to the non-RT version of the game, we get solid (if somewhat low-res and slightly ghostly) reflections on glossy surfaces, with very different material properties when RT is enabled. This makes for a transformative difference in scenes with glossy materials, though an aggressive roughness cutoff means that semi-gloss materials are largely bereft of RT treatment.
Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3 Leaked Source Code's Password Has Been Discovered

CD Projekt Red’s two of the most acclaimed titles, The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, have had their source codes leaked. While the source code was leaked back in 2021, it was not possible to unpack it since the code was password-protected. It has now been discovered that the passwords …
Here’s Cyberpunk 2077 in 8K with Ultra+ Path Tracing Mod
Thanks to its modding community and the efforts of CDPR, Cyberpunk 2077 is still considered one of the best-looking PC games. And earlier today, YouTube’s ‘Digital Dreams’ shared a video, showcasing the game in 8K with a new Ultra+ Path Tracing Mod. The Ultra+ Path Tracing Mod makes CP2077 look better and run smoother. The … Continue reading Here’s Cyberpunk 2077 in 8K with Ultra+ Path Tracing Mod →
The post Here’s Cyberpunk 2077 in 8K with Ultra+ Path Tracing Mod appeared first on DSOGaming.
Cyberpunk 2077 Devs Want to Preserve the 'Whole DNA' of the Game for the Sequel

Cyberpunk 2077 has now become one of the biggest games out there, which is all thanks to the care and attention it received from CD Projekt Red after its admittedly failed launch. The Phantom Liberty expansion and Update 2.0 were big contributors towards the popularity of the game too. Now, …
Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0: Release Time, Exciting New Features, and More
Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0
Yo, chooms!
— Amelia "Lilayah" (@Lilayaah) September 14, 2023
Update 2.0 for #Cyberpunk2077 is coming on September 21! 😎
Also, another episode of #REDStreams 🦾
We will cover some extra cool things that are coming in 2.0! Stay tuned for more deets!
NOVA OUT pic.twitter.com/q90k9d5AdP
Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 Launch Developer Stream Reaction!
When Will Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 Be Released?
This just feels so surreal 😍
— Amelia "Lilayah" (@Lilayaah) September 21, 2023
Thank you, all of you, for believing in us and in Cyberpunk 2077! ❤️ https://t.co/CTzo1WdvVj
Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 2.12 notes
CD Projekt Red just dropped the latest update for Cyberpunk 2077, and it makes a handful of visual updates to the game while also addressing some glitches that range from harmless to game-breaking.
Officially, Cyberpunk 2077 is finished, and CDPR planned for patch 2.0 to be the last big update to the game, but things didn’t shake out that way. Ahead of the game’s Ultimate Edition release, patch 2.1 added a ton of new content, including a functional metro system and new companion side activities. After that CDPR shifted its focus to the Cyberpunk sequel, but the developer is still ironing out some details in 2077.
The latest update is patch 2.12, and while it brings a number of welcome changes, it isn’t adding any new content to the game. Instead, 2.12 is aimed at making small adjustments to quests, fixing bugs, and improving the game's performance on some devices. You can read all the details below:

- It will now be possible to properly rebind the Radioport and dropping bodies to a different key on AZERTY keyboards. Switching quest objectives will now be assigned to the T key on all keyboards.
- Fixed an issue where trying to bind the T key to actions in Exploration & Combat resulted in a "Binding Failed" error.
- Together with Intel we fixed the stuttering issue that occurred while the "Prioritize P-Cores" option was enabled.
- Together with Razer we fixed a crash that occurred when using Razer Chroma enabled devices.
- Fixed an issue where NPC hair could appear extremely bright inside vehicles when Ray Tracing is enabled.
- Fixed a crash that occurred on Steam Deck when playing with Ray Tracing enabled.
- Addressed an issue where the game could enter an infinite loading state, hang up or crash on Xbox when using some saves.
All Platforms
- Fixed an issue causing the inability to access the menu, inventory, stash, holocalls and fast travel.
- Updated the description of the Sonic Shock quickhack so that it properly reflects the changes made to its behavior in 2.1.
- Improved visibility of the controller cursor in menus and when using computers or keypads. This change will primarily help Steam Deck users, but will also benefit consoles and PC when using a controller.
- New Dawn Fades - Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to open the phone to read the notification from the Automated Delivery System.
- I Can See Clearly Now - Lowered the Body attribute check required to move the dumpster.
- I Walk the Line - Sasquatch's jump attack will now properly register as a hit and deal damage.
- Riders on the Storm - Enemy cars in the chase sequence will now shoot at Panam's van.
- Nocturne Op55N1- Fixed an issue where, after choosing to call Reed, the conversation sometimes wouldn't trigger, blocking progression.
- Sonic Shock will now be properly categorized as a Covert quickhack.
- Fixed instances where groups of immortal enemies could appear across Night City.
- Fixed an issue where some elements on the perk screen wouldn't change after switching to Colorblind Mode.
- BioDyne Berserk will now properly have increased Crit Chance from its Reflexes Attunement.
The post Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 2.12 notes appeared first on Destructoid.
'I Stopped Believing in Myself': Game Developers Share the Human Impact of Over a Year of Mass Layoffs

Earlier this week, 900 individuals were laid off from Sony PlayStation. The affected studios included well-known developers Insomniac Games, Naughty Dog, and Guerrilla Games, with PlayStation London shutting down entirely.
These layoffs come just weeks after the DICE Awards, which saw Insomniac and Guerrilla both win prestigious awards for …
Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 2.12 Includes Myriad Bug Fixes

Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 2.12 is now being rolled out on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and S, and PC and includes myriad bug fixes, CD Projekt Red has announced.
In a post on its website, CD Projekt said the patch "focuses on main issues experienced …
Phantom Liberty Game Director Says Cyberpunk 2077 Successor Is in the ‘Fun Phase’ of Development

“Most companies die with a bad launch, this one actually came out stronger.”
That’s a line from New York University’s Stern School of Business professor Joost van Dreunen, quoted in The Wall Street Journal earlier this year. He was describing the transformation undergone by developer CD Projekt Red …
Cyberpunk 2077: This 'Artistic' Mod Makes You an Art Connoisseur

We already know Cyberpunk 2077 has a sequel in development which goes by the name Project Orion, for the moment. With all the work we saw CD Projekt Red put into this title, to turn a disaster into a spectacular gameplay experience, the anticipations for the sequel are even higher …
New Cyberpunk 2077 Mod Fixes the AMD FSR 3.0 Frame Generation Ghosting Issues
Modder ‘gramern’ has released a new mod that aims to fix the annoying ghosting issues that PC gamers were getting when using the AMD FSR 3.0 Frame Generation Mod. Going into more details, the mod eliminates the most irritating frame-gen ghosting behind cars and motorcycles while driving in a 3rd person view. It also manages … Continue reading New Cyberpunk 2077 Mod Fixes the AMD FSR 3.0 Frame Generation Ghosting Issues →
The post New Cyberpunk 2077 Mod Fixes the AMD FSR 3.0 Frame Generation Ghosting Issues appeared first on DSOGaming.