The release date for Unknown 9: Awakening has been announced.
During Gamescom Opening Night Live, developer Reflector Entertainment along with publisher Bandai Namco revealed Unknown 9: Awakening will release on 18th October. It will be available across PlayStation 5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC (Steam).
You can check out the live action trailer for Unknown 9: Awakening, which stars The Witcher's Anya Chalotra as the game's protagonist Haroona, below.
The upcoming action-adventure game Unknown 9: Awakening from Reflector Entertainment and Bandai Namco was shown at Gamescom Opening Night Live with a new live action trailer and a release date announcement. Following a young woman named Haroona, whose connection to the parallel dimension known as the Fold gives her the power to defend humanity’s secrets, this […]
Předobjednávkový bonus zahrnuje kosmetické oblečení zdarma. Oznámena byla také edice Deluxe a fyzická sběratelská edice.
Po několika odkladech vyjde 18. října hra Unknown 9: Awakening od společnosti Reflector Entertainment. Předobjednávky jsou již k dispozici a poskytují zdarma kosmetické oblečení pro hlavní hrdinku Haroonu.
K dispozici je také nový trailer, který kombinuje živou akci s hrou a ukazuje některé schopnosti, které mohou hráči využívat. Pomocí Steppingu může Haroona posednout nepřátele a používat jejich zbraně proti sobě. Telekineze je k dispozici také k zatlačení nepřátel, ale můžete si je přitáhnout k sobě pro útoky zblízka.
Pokud vám nevyhovuje přístup zblízka, je vhodnou strategií skrytý útok a překvapování cílů. Haroona se na své cestě vypořádá s náročnějšími hrozbami, ale památky jsou dostatečně nádherné na to, aby se s nimi vypořádala.
Hra Unknown 9: Awakening bude k dispozici pro konzole Xbox Series X/S, PS5, PS4, Xbox One a PC.
Kromě standardní edice je k dispozici i edice Deluxe, která obsahuje základní hru a tři balíčky DLC obsahující další unikátní oblečení, které si hráči mohou obléknout. K dispozici je také fyzická sběratelská edice s některými dobrotami, jako je Quaestorův deník, kovový amulet a další.
What came first, the video game or the tie-in novel? Typically it's the former - and only after it's proven to be successful. But this isn't the case with Unknown 9: Awakening, a historical action adventure published by Bandai Namco originally announced back in 2020. Back then, it was due for launch the following year. Now, it will rather belatedly arrive this summer, long after a number of other Unknown 9 things have already debuted: a comic, the beginnings of a novel trilogy, a Spotify podcast. There's no Michael Fassbender movie in sight just yet, but the hope is that Unknown 9: Awakening will supercharge interest in all that, and act as an entry point into this fresh storytelling universe.
If you tuned in to last night's Xbox Partner Preview showcase, you'll have seen a bit of Unknown 9 in action. At first glance, it looks like a cross between Assassin's Creed and modern Tomb Raider, starring a character named Haroona played by Anya Chalotra (Yennefer in Netflix's version of The Witcher). But while last night's trailer was combat heavy, an extended look I was given offered plenty of moments for quieter, stealthier tactics, and smarter gameplay using a suite of special powers.
So, what's it all about? Well, you know how Assassin's Creed has an ancient civilisation and modern day clandestine societies vying to exploit its secret knowledge to promote rival causes centering on the nature of control or free will? It's very much like that.
Since the summer of 2020, Unknown 9: Awakening has only existed as a 90-second cinematic teaser trailer. In it, a young girl called Haroona is chased through the narrow streets of Calcutta by a rabble of boys armed with sticks. It's not clear why she's attracted their ire, but as one moves to strike her, a shockwave pulses out from her small body, the world turns grey, and time slows down. As she deftly moves out of harm's way, she turns back to look at her stunned onlookers, a confident smirk rising on her face.
It was a striking, if utterly ambiguous debut, and with talk of accompanying podcasts, books, comics and a web series also on the way to help build out this new world even further, it felt like developers Reflector Entertainment were really setting out to make a bold and ambitious first impression. But it's now been four years since that trailer. The books, podcasts and comics have all come and gone, seemingly making little impression, and Awakening, the game aiming to pull this big, expanded universe together, has arguably slipped from both time and memory. Perhaps this will change with its newly-dated summer 2024 release window on the horizon, but having seen a small, hands-off slice of an early mission in the game at publisher Bandai Namco's offices a couple of weeks ago, Awakening's certainly got its work cut out for it.
We first - and last - saw Unknown 9: Awakening nearly four years ago, when the original action-adventure game from developers Reflector was revealed with a flashy cinematic trailer at Gamescom 2020. Since then, main character Haroona has aged from a young girl in India to an adult with the power to possess people and make them murder each other, if our first look at gameplay ahead of a release this summer is anything to go by.