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Fallout 4: Children of Atom, Ranked

Bethesda's Fallout franchise of games is much loved for the strong theme of its setting, as well as its fun and often quirky quests, and the truly weird and wonderful cast of characters that populate its games. From fan-favorite factions like the Brotherhood of Steel and the New California Republic to more divisive entries such as the Railroad or the Institute, there's something in Fallout for everyone.

Fallout: London mod developers promise incoming fix for biggest issues

After years of anticipation mixed with a few unexpected delays, Team Folon's Fallout: London mod finally released last week.

The fan-made game-sized mod for Fallout 4 faced a number of challenges on launch, however. As our Ian discovered when he gave it a whirl last week, he couldn't explore very much of it because it kept hard crashing back to his desktop (he did get mauled to death by a fox, though, so still rates the whole experience very highly).

You can see Ian playing through some Fallout: London via the video below.

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Fallout: London mod developers promise incoming fix for biggest issues

After years of anticipation mixed with a few unexpected delays, Team Folon's Fallout: London mod finally released last week.

The fan-made game-sized mod for Fallout 4 faced a number of challenges on launch, however. As our Ian discovered when he gave it a whirl last week, he couldn't explore very much of it because it kept hard crashing back to his desktop (he did get mauled to death by a fox, though, so still rates the whole experience very highly).

You can see Ian playing through some Fallout: London via the video below.

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What we've been playing - oil rigs, court cases, and great adaptations

Hello! Welcome back to our regular feature where we write a little bit about some of the games we've been playing over the past few days. This week we enjoy poking around spooky oil rigs, we object in dramatic court cases, and we discover what we love about a game series through a TV adaptation of it.

What have you been playing?

Catch up with the older editions of this column in our What We've Been Playing archive.

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Fallout: London je nyní k dispozici ke stažení zcela zdarma!

fallout london

Hráči měli pravdu. Záhadný příspěvek na serveru Discord přesně odpovídal tomu, co bylo napsáno, a nyní byl na serveru oficiálně vydán modifikační balíček pro Fallout 4, který si hráči mohou nainstalovat.

Tento mod je zdarma k instalaci a hraní prostřednictvím Falloutu 4; hráči jej musí pouze nainstalovat z mod launcheru GOGu. Hráči se navíc musí ujistit, že jejich verze nemá nainstalovanou aktualizaci next-gen. V opačném případě bude mod nekompatibilní.

Na této obrovské modifikaci o velikosti rozšíření pracoval tým FOLON mnoho let a konečně přišlo datum vydání. Fallout: London je celosvětově k dispozici pro všechny zájemce. Jediní, kdo se nebudou moci zúčastnit, jsou hráči na konzolích a ti, kteří vlastní hru v obchodě Epic Games Store. Pokud však zoufale toužíte ve hře uvíznout, Fallout 4 je s 60% slevou k dispozici na, kde bude mod zcela kompatibilní.

Na tomto fanouškovském projektu se pracovalo dlouhých pět let, přičemž hráči se dočkali například vydání Fallout show a next-gen aktualizace pro Fallout 4. Protože Fallout: se ujal tohoto břemene a dokonce umožnil uživatelům používat vlastní spouštěč.

Pro ty, kteří se chtějí pustit do stahování Falloutu: London, musíte se ujistit, že vlastníte Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition na nebo přes Steam.

Proces instalace hry Fallout: Londýn je také poměrně jednoduchý. Pro ty, kteří si hru stahují přes, stačí ji nainstalovat přes GOG GALAXY a vypnout ukládání do cloudu. Nezapomeňte postupovat podle pokynů uvedených prostřednictvím spouštěče a budete se moci vrhnout do hry. Tým FOLON také uvedl, že je nezbytné vypnout cloudové ukládání, protože Fallout: London provede nevratné změny v herních souborech, které mohou zabránit správnému fungování Falloutu 4.

Fallout: London je nabitý mód s více než 200 novými úkoly a 20 frakcemi, které se snaží získat moc a ovládnout město. Chcete-li si stáhnout Fallout: London, musíte mít k dispozici alespoň 65 GB místa pro modifikaci, a to bez započtení místa potřebného pro Fallout 4: Game of the Year edition.

Již nyní je Fallout: Na serveru je Fallout London vysoce hodnocen, a to celkovým počtem 4,6 hvězdiček z 5. To je neuvěřitelně pozitivní pro tým FOLON, který věnoval spoustu času tvorbě této modifikace a přináší ji fanouškům Falloutu zcela zdarma.

Článek Fallout: London je nyní k dispozici ke stažení zcela zdarma! se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Bethesda feels no need to rush out a new Fallout, despite franchise's current popularity boost

Fallout has seen a renewed spike in popularity following the release of Amazon's TV adaptation. However, despite this, Bethesda doesn't feel under pressure to rush a new game out to placate fans.

Speaking with YouTuber MrMattyPlays, Todd Howard acknowledged that the Fallout series is probably at its most popular, with the franchise boasting some record player numbers over recent months. Howard went on to state the studio gives "a lot of thought to franchise management" when questioned specifically about the future of Fallout as a whole.

"I spend a lot of time thinking about franchises I love... so, for us, it is sort of game planning out - number one, making sure Fallout is relevant in the world, and well, I think, clearly it is," the studio exec said.

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Fallout 4 Mod adds a new worldspace based on the real-life Boon island, featuring a fully voiced lore-friendly quest

Modders ‘Tenhats’ and ‘Shreddah4’ have released a new cool mod for Fallout 4 that brings to it a new worldspace based on the real-life Boon island. This mod also features a fully voiced lore-friendly quest, so be sure to get it if you are still playing this Fallout title. Going into more details, the Boon … Continue reading Fallout 4 Mod adds a new worldspace based on the real-life Boon island, featuring a fully voiced lore-friendly quest

The post Fallout 4 Mod adds a new worldspace based on the real-life Boon island, featuring a fully voiced lore-friendly quest appeared first on DSOGaming.

Fallout 4: Revisiting a Post-Apocalyptic Classic

Od: Petko

Title: Fallout 4
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Released: November 10, 2015
Platforms Available: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC Game
Platform Reviewed: PlayStation 4
Article Reading Time: 10 minutes


War…War never changes. That’s exactly how every episode of the now legendary Fallout series, which has been with us for 30 years, begins.

Story Overview

When we start talking about the story itself, one interesting aspect is that the story plays second, maybe even third or fourth fiddle… In short, it’s not one of the reasons why players would play this game. To set the scene, fans of the series know that you are thrown into the wasteland of a nuclear world after the opening intro, which is always perfectly handled by the animation. This episode went about it a little differently, starting you off in a home that could define the now well-known term American Dream – a gorgeous house in the suburbs, a wife, a son, a car, and a typical everyday morning. This might be true if not for the doorbell ringing at one point from a door-to-door salesman who tells you about a very shortlisted Vault 111 project, to which you subscribe, leading you to the Vault. You are one of the few who will not be directly affected by the nuclear bomb blast or the subsequent radiation exposure. Unfortunately, you’ll be frozen for a mere 200 years immediately afterward. When you wake up, they’ll manage to turn your life completely upside down. Then, as a so-called Vault dweller (an inhabitant of an underground hideout), you embark on a bloody revenge portrayed as nothing more than a rescue. So we have one of the film industry’s biggest clichés that won’t be remembered in a year.

Gameplay Mechanics

When talking about the game itself and the overall gameplay, one of the things I didn’t even notice at first gave me a lot of pause and, more importantly, disappointment. Doing a bunch of different quests is familiar in RPGs. Still, the thing that set Fallout apart was that you could decide how your character was perceived by others, right from the very first episodes. It all worked on a morality mode that filled in on the side of the villain or saint, or you could remain a neutral character. From that, you had a decent line of quests in the game that were only available at a given level of morality. If I’m correct, the third installment offered morality-related perks as well. Forget all that, and if you’ve played the game a few times to try out all the possible solutions and sides, chalk it up to the minus side because you won’t find it here. The authors have dropped this fairly popular system.

Settlement System

On the other hand, one of the absolute novelties is the system of settlements that you can develop and acquire new settlers. Initially, you have only one settlement in Sanctuary Hills, which you can generate by planting plants and creating a water supply system. You can also electrify the whole area and bring various amenities. Each activity requires unique materials depending on what you need to make. You must collect all the components worldwide, which you then disassemble and use for equipment. This way, you can build entire buildings and smaller shelters for your survivors. You’ll find stations in the settlements to prepare food and make chemicals, weapons, armor, and more to help you survive. You’ll use these, especially when upgrading your weapons and armor, as you can fully modify them. So it’s no problem to change the grip of your gun, add a silencer, and have a sight. Plenty of other options spice up the game in their own way. It’s definitely a plus, as you can tailor everything to your play style.
Similarly, you can upgrade the Power Armor, a unique armor used extensively by members of the Brotherhood of Steel as one of the factions of the franchise. This armor protects you from radiation and a large amount of damage. It has been around like many other things since the first game, only this time you don’t get it until the end, but right at the beginning, as the armor sustains lives using the rather expensive Fusion Core batteries. You can also upgrade this armor extensively to make yourself an indestructible machine.

Character Development

Character development and the perk or skill tree are really high in the game, and you have to think about what style of play you want to go for. Here, one could point to the rival Witcher, who needed to be more in the skill tree and offered fewer development options. On the other hand, you can tailor your character to your liking, deciding whether to be accompanied by a companion or instead be a lone wolf and gain specific perk bonuses. There are 6 categories for each trait, such as strength, intelligence, or luck, for example. The latter has a total of 10 additional perks that are directly dependent on the level of the trait. These also work in completely different realms, such as increasing your resistance to radiation. Still, when you upgrade the perk to the max level, the radiation will even heal you. So this system is made precisely for players who want to customize their character and know what they want from the start, which is understandably difficult when you’re just starting to get to grips with the game for the first time. Other perks can, for example, increase your damage with certain weapons, unlock more challenging locks, or hack the defense system. The perk system is one of the main draws I would only partially dismiss the game for and is one of the more considerable pluses. In addition to this tree, the game also includes special perks you unlock by, for example, finding certain magazines scattered around the world.

Fallout 4 - Brotherhood of Steel Knight
Fallout 4 – Brotherhood of Steel Knight

Combat System

The combat system and controls haven’t changed from previous installments, and everything remains unchanged. In fact, this means you can switch between first and third-person views, which can be applied both during quests and during action-packed battles. The main question for those unfamiliar with the series is how the combat system works. This can be used in the standard way as in other FPS games, the inspiration of Destiny for example is very much evident, so there is a much more interesting combat system known as V.A.T.S. To use it, you use action points marked as AP, and depending on the type of weapon, you can hit enemies several times from the full pointer. In this mode, you also choose where to hit the enemy, and can inflict severe damage. For example, suppose you only shoot him in the leg, after destroying all the health for that part, the enemy will start to limp. In that case, his mobility will be reduced and he will not be able to run away. This system uses your field of view and the accuracy of your weapon to calculate the actual accuracy with which you hit a given party. This plays a significant role in how quickly you kill a friend and in what manner. I like this system (as I have since the beginning of the series); however, using it is unnecessary, so you can play a game like Borderlands, for example. I’ll also point out that if you use the V.A.T.S. system, you charge up the critical missile pointer, which you can then use to hit with more significant damage and 100% accuracy, as I’ve never had this missile miss its target.

Technical and Graphical Aspects

The technical and graphical aspects of the game are a big theme in themselves. Although Fallout 4 is out on a newer generation of consoles this time, the gentlemen from Bethesda forgot about it, and the game runs on the updated Creation engine used in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The game looks good, but we wouldn’t have to go far. For example, The Witcher, released in the same year, is entirely different in this respect. Graphically, the game does not offend outright. Still, it has much catching up, which also applies to the characters’ physics and behavior. Very often, a character is lying on the ground in a bizarre position, has a broken limb, and is made of rubber. All this comes from the engine, because there are a lot of bugs like this in the game, whether it’s characters walking through walls, broken quests, or a dog walking in the air. Although gamers are used to bugs in these big RPGs, the bugs here are beyond tolerable, as they are pretty frequent and often very glaring. Players could tolerate and accept it better if they knew the developers had created a new engine. So in this case, if they chose an older engine, they should have avoided the bugs as mentioned earlier like wall-crawling or object-caving, and not repeat the identical bugs that, for example, the Skyrim above suffered from. But the worst part is that this is the PlayStation 5 version I’m reviewing. Yet, it’s still possible to talk about the game as it was on its original release date in 2015… The only new and positive thing this “next-gen” version has brought is a higher frame rate (i.e., an increase from 30 to 60fps) and a slightly faster loading screen.

Music and Atmosphere

Music accompaniment has become essential to the games, adding to the whole experience.
In this respect, I must commend the developers because the game is accompanied by an ambient sound that can be completely turned off in addition to a perfect sound. And instead, choose a radio station broadcasting from the wilderness, which plays “period” classical music. I like this system, as you are not left to the creators’ choice but can at least partially choose what you listen to.


Fallout 4 was no longer God knows what kind of game on the release day, even though it has its undeniable qualities in many ways. However, this was not helped significantly by the “next-gen” version I played and reviewed (PlayStation 5). It offers several good experiences, varied quests, and a well-conceived character development system to play around with. On the other hand, it doesn’t bring anything significantly new to the series. It also has a lot of blind spots, whether it’s the older engine with weaker graphics for its time, which is also full of bugs even today, or the departure from some previously very successful things like moral decisions. Suppose you’re a franchise fan, like the post-apocalyptic atmosphere, or have played The Witcher. In that case, the fourth Fallout is somewhat out of the question to reach for. If you can survive the things above, you might even have fun with the game; just don’t expect something revolutionary that we have yet to have before.

Where to Buy Fallout 4

  1. Steam (PC): Available for $19.99. Purchase it directly from Steam
  2. Epic Games Store (PC): The base game is priced at $19.99, and the Game of the Year Edition, which includes all six add-ons, is available for $39.99. Check it out on the Epic Games Store
  3. GOG (PC): The Game of the Year Edition is available for $15.99 (discounted from $39.99) on
  4. PlayStation Store (PS4, PS5): The standard edition is priced at $19.99, and the Game of the Year Edition is available for $39.99. You can purchase it on the PlayStation Store or get it free if you have Playstation Plus Extra at least
  5. Xbox Store (Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S): The base game is available for $19.99, and the Game of the Year Edition is priced at $39.99. Check it out on the​. Its included in Game Pass and can be played on Cloud

The post Fallout 4: Revisiting a Post-Apocalyptic Classic appeared first on Home for Top Gamers.

Todd Howard says Fallout renaissance is "beyond anything" he's seen in his career

Bethesda's Todd Howard has called Fallout's recent renaissance "beyond anything [he's] ever seen in [his] 30 years of doing this".

This renewed interest in the series all came about thanks to Amazon's Fallout adaptation. The show's success - which saw 65 million viewers tuning in in its first 16 days of release - led to droves of players venturing into one or many of Fallout's wastelands, to find out what delights were in store.

Fallout 4 actually became the best selling game in Europe at one point in April, despite having been out for almost a decade. Meanwhile, earlier today, it was announced that Fallout 76 has now welcomed 20 million total players, several years after its initial release.

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Fallout is coming to Fortnite

In news that should be of no surprise to anyone given Fortnite's all-consuming nature, post-apocalyptic RPG series Fallout will soon be making an appearance in the battle royale game.

Fallout is, of course, currently enjoying a bit of a renaissance thanks to Amazon's recent live-action TV adaptation, making it a prime target for the popularity vampire that is Fortnite.

Fortnite's impending Fallout collaboration was teased on its official X account, where a winky face and thumbs-up emoji (squint a bit and it could be Vault Boy) accompanied an image of someone in T-60 power armour staring pensively out of frame amid clouds of belching smoke.

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Fallout 4's revised next-gen upgrade tested: fixed on Xbox, new options on PS5

Fallout's next-gen upgrade came out of the starting blocks with serious issues on all platforms, but a patch for PlayStation and Xbox systems on May 13th promises to fix the most glaring problems. We've tested the game on PS5, Series X and Series S to see what's changed with the new update, and there is plenty to praise here - though some problems still remain. Crucially, Bethesda has at least provided a working graphics mode selector on Xbox Series X and S - a clearly labelled switch between 'visuals' mode and 'performance' mode that replaces the broken on/off performance toggle we saw before. These modes run with what the developer calls standard settings (on performance mode) or ultra settings (on visuals mode), and each deploys dynamic resolution scale to varying degrees too. That same visuals/performance labeling is applied to the PlayStation 5 version today as well, though these modes at least worked as intended in the previous patch.

There's an extra bonus here. Every current-gen console also gains the ability to independently set their target frame-rate via a new in-game option. We have 30fps and 60fps modes available on standard 60Hz displays - while an additional 40fps display mode becomes available when running with a 120Hz screen connected. Essentially, you can now choose an arbitrary frame-rate target regardless of your graphics mode, and so, we can now even target visuals mode at 60fps. In effect this might make sense when running the game on future PlayStation or Xbox hardware, for example, or to maximise frame-rates in the game's least demanding areas at the expense of frame-rate stability elsewhere. With two graphics modes and three frame-rate options, then, we certainly have a lot more flexibility.

The big question remains though: beyond fixing the obviously broken graphics modes on Xbox, does the May 13th update solve the hitches and performance issues we identified with Fallout 4's current-gen console upgrade? How do all the consoles compare now with the top visuals mode selected? And finally, is it actually possible to run the visuals mode at 60fps, or is there still a need for those lower 40 and 30fps options to get a stable reading?

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Fallout 4 mods are broken again following update

Bethesda is known for its glitchy releases. In fact, in the run up to Amazon's TV adaptation of Fallout, showrunner Graham Wagner even reminisced about a bug he came across while playing The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall, stating that adding 'glitches' into a then-hypothetical second season of the show was "definitely on [his] mind as a concept".

But, even the studio's less recent-releases are still faced with the age-old Bethesda bug problem, and patches haven't been able to sort them. In fact, it seems they have sometimes made them worse

Case in point, we have Fallout 4, which is currently having a resurgence thanks to Amazon's show. A few weeks ago, Bethesda finally released its long-awaited 'next-gen' patch that included the promise of native applications for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, while those on higher-spec PCs would get widescreen and ultra-widescreen support. However, this patch was met with a mixed response, as it broke mods and only one of the game's two graphical options appeared to be working on Xbox Series X and S.

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Fallout 4's latest graphical update is here

Bethesda has released its previously promised update for Fallout 4 across platforms.

This update, Bethesda says, will allow players to "manage your control over the game's graphic fidelity or performance".

It has additionally sorted out a few other issues that had been left in the game following its hefty 'next-gen' upgrade patch a few weeks ago. This includes stability and sorting out crashes that could occur when players on PS5 returned to the Main Menu with queued mods still downloading.

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Fallout 4 gets some further tweaks to its mod-destroying “next gen update”

As promised and/or threatened, depending on your perspective, open world game Fallout 4 has gotten some new graphics tweaks and bug fixes to smooth out the bumps caused by its previous “next gen update”. The update broke a bunch of mods, delayed a few interesting overhaul projects like Fallout London, and generally made everyone shake their fists at the sky and shout “Howaaaard!” Remember folks: auteur theory unduly credits a single creative for a group effort - the dice that Todd rolls every time he decides whether or not to break the game are also clearly to blame here.

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Another Fallout 4 graphics update coming to all platforms next week

Fallout 4 will be getting another update next week, across all platforms.

While Bethesda hasn't been too specific about what this update will include, it has promised new options for graphics and performance settings, something many may still be looking forward to following the game's somewhat botched 'next-gen' patch earlier this year.

In addition, the studio has also promised general fixes and improvements across the board. We will update you when we get the full notes from the Fallout 4 team, so stay tuned for more.

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How many of these forgotten Fallout crossovers do you remember?

Recently, because I hate myself, I was browsing Twitter (I’m not calling it X) and I stumbled across an incredible conceptual video from an artist named DEVINK that shows what they imagine a potential Fortnite X Fallout crossover could look like.

This crossover seems like a bit of a no-brainer to me and I wouldn't be surprised if something like this happened in the future, but what about Fallout crossovers from the past? Well that's what I'm exploring in today's video (above) so please do give it a click and see if you remember any of the seven forgotten Fallout crossovers that feature within.

These crossovers range from an excellent and highly detailed Minecraft mash-up and some fairly fancy, but almost definitely forgotten cosmetics for Brink, through to what can only be described as one of the most haunting pieces of headwear for the Xbox 360 Avatars that I ever did see.

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Another Fallout 4 graphics update coming to all platforms next week

Fallout 4 will be getting another update next week, across all platforms.

While Bethesda hasn't been too specific about what this update will include, it has promised new options for graphics and performance settings, something many may still be looking forward to following the game's somewhat botched 'next-gen' patch earlier this year.

In addition, the studio has also promised general fixes and improvements across the board. We will update you when we get the full notes from the Fallout 4 team, so stay tuned for more.

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How many of these forgotten Fallout crossovers do you remember?

Recently, because I hate myself, I was browsing Twitter (I’m not calling it X) and I stumbled across an incredible conceptual video from an artist named DEVINK that shows what they imagine a potential Fortnite X Fallout crossover could look like.

This crossover seems like a bit of a no-brainer to me and I wouldn't be surprised if something like this happened in the future, but what about Fallout crossovers from the past? Well that's what I'm exploring in today's video (above) so please do give it a click and see if you remember any of the seven forgotten Fallout crossovers that feature within.

These crossovers range from an excellent and highly detailed Minecraft mash-up and some fairly fancy, but almost definitely forgotten cosmetics for Brink, through to what can only be described as one of the most haunting pieces of headwear for the Xbox 360 Avatars that I ever did see.

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Fallout 4's next-gen upgrade: bugged on Series X/S, disappointing on PS5 and PC

In the wake of the massive success of the Fallout TV series, Fallout 4 has received a free next-gen upgrade for PC, PS5 and Series X/S that aims to bring the nine-year-old game up to modern standards. The prospect of native PS5 and Series games is tantalising but unfortunately the update arrives with a number of issues - and even at its best the result is somewhat underwhelming.

The patch notes mention two main graphics modes on console: a dynamic 4K 60fps performance mode running at 'standard' settings and a 4K 30fps quality mode running at PC's ultra preset. The game itself presents this as a performance mode on/off toggle in reality, where the off setting is effectively the quality mode referred to in the notes. Beyond these two basic options, Bethesda also adds additional modes for those outputting the game at 1440p and/or 120Hz from your console system menu. As well as these new options, the patch notes mention bug fixes, new quests, new weapons and, on PC, official 21:9 ultrawide support.

To summarise the PC situation in brief, it's a disappointment on a number of levels. For a start, the new ultrawide display support is seriously lacking polish, with select elements of the UI stretched from 16:9 rather than offering a native 21:9 presentation. Worse still, I've noticed visual bugs in the UI at points, such as while naming your character or setting your SPECIAL stats - it looks wrong and needs a fix.

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Fallout 4 fans aren’t confident in the fixes coming Monday’s update

A Fallout 4 character walking through a dark city

Bethesda has announced that its next update for Fallout 4 will arrive on Monday, May 13, 2024, bringing graphical options, improvements, and bug fixes. But fans don't seem that enthusiastic about it and are actually already dreading the bugs it'll introduce.

Fallout 4's big next-gen update caused more damage to mods fans had been creating for years than anything else. The improvements it made were minimal, and, as expected, it introduced a few new bugs. One of these bugs was a new graphics mode that just didn't work at all. It's made fans even more skeptical of what Bethesda will introduce next, so there's very little excitement for Monday's update and a lot of trepidation.

Some fans are rolling back Fallout 4's updates and waiting for Bethesda to leave the game alone again

Bethesda has promised, or threatened, depending on your point of view, to update Fallout 4 on all platforms on Monday, May 13, 2024. The Twitter post announcing the update thanks players for their continued feedback and support, making it seem very much like a follow-up and collection of fixes for the game's next-gen update.

While the lasting memory I have of the Fallout 4 next-gen update is how it indefinitely delayed the Fallout London mod, some fans experienced genuine crashes and game-breaking bugs. This is almost certainly why fans on Reddit are discussing how they're either rolling back updates or just waiting for Bethesda to finish updating the game so they can play a stable version with their mod again.

User needconfirmation made a great dig about the Xbox Series X/S's Quality Mode, which doesn't work at all, according to Digital Foundry. "By "new options" do they mean they are going to make the existing option actually do anything, because currently, regardless of which mode you use, the settings are the same."

It's user blitz_na who accurately described what's happening, though. "People didn’t understand there’d be a series of updates to this anniversary update instead of just the one. it’s going to be a repeated battle trying to bring everything to compatibility."

Most, if not all, Bethesda games have some level of bugs and glitches that the fan base simply lives with. I've heard of these described as Bethesda's bugs, mainly because it's sometimes difficult to tell if they are intentional parts of a game's design or a bug.

Right now, we're in the midst of a slew of updates Bethesda is rolling out to bring Fallout 4 on all platforms in line with its vision of the game on current-generation hardware. The only issue is that no one really knows what the intended final outcome is. That's why some fans aren't touching the game while others are rolling back the updates, and more are still trying to play because they love the game and see how far they get before they find a bug to report.

The post Fallout 4 fans aren’t confident in the fixes coming Monday’s update appeared first on Destructoid.

Underwhelming Fallout 4 next gen update finally getting fixed

Underwhelming Fallout 4 next gen update finally getting fixed

The Fallout 4 next gen update was a disaster. We knew it was likely to break mods upon release, but a spate of other issues immediately cropped up on all platforms, not just PC. While Fallout 4 enjoyed its best player count in years thanks to the success of the show, we were all met with a mess of a patch that Bethesda has finally promised to fix, and we don’t have to wait long.

MORE FROM PCGAMESN: Fallout 4 console commands, Fallout 4 mods, Fallout 4 System Requirements

Another Fallout 4 graphics update coming to all platforms next week

Fallout 4 will be getting another update next week, across all platforms.

While Bethesda hasn't been too specific about what this update will include, it has promised new options for graphics and performance settings, something many may still be looking forward to following the game's somewhat botched 'next-gen' patch earlier this year.

In addition, the studio has also promised general fixes and improvements across the board. We will update you when we get the full notes from the Fallout 4 team, so stay tuned for more.

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How many of these forgotten Fallout crossovers do you remember?

Recently, because I hate myself, I was browsing Twitter (I’m not calling it X) and I stumbled across an incredible conceptual video from an artist named DEVINK that shows what they imagine a potential Fortnite X Fallout crossover could look like.

This crossover seems like a bit of a no-brainer to me and I wouldn't be surprised if something like this happened in the future, but what about Fallout crossovers from the past? Well that's what I'm exploring in today's video (above) so please do give it a click and see if you remember any of the seven forgotten Fallout crossovers that feature within.

These crossovers range from an excellent and highly detailed Minecraft mash-up and some fairly fancy, but almost definitely forgotten cosmetics for Brink, through to what can only be described as one of the most haunting pieces of headwear for the Xbox 360 Avatars that I ever did see.

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Fallout 4's next-gen upgrade: bugged on Series X/S, disappointing on PS5 and PC

In the wake of the massive success of the Fallout TV series, Fallout 4 has received a free next-gen upgrade for PC, PS5 and Series X/S that aims to bring the nine-year-old game up to modern standards. The prospect of native PS5 and Series games is tantalising but unfortunately the update arrives with a number of issues - and even at its best the result is somewhat underwhelming.

The patch notes mention two main graphics modes on console: a dynamic 4K 60fps performance mode running at 'standard' settings and a 4K 30fps quality mode running at PC's ultra preset. The game itself presents this as a performance mode on/off toggle in reality, where the off setting is effectively the quality mode referred to in the notes. Beyond these two basic options, Bethesda also adds additional modes for those outputting the game at 1440p and/or 120Hz from your console system menu. As well as these new options, the patch notes mention bug fixes, new quests, new weapons and, on PC, official 21:9 ultrawide support.

To summarise the PC situation in brief, it's a disappointment on a number of levels. For a start, the new ultrawide display support is seriously lacking polish, with select elements of the UI stretched from 16:9 rather than offering a native 21:9 presentation. Worse still, I've noticed visual bugs in the UI at points, such as while naming your character or setting your SPECIAL stats - it looks wrong and needs a fix.

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After waiting years for its next-gen update, Fallout 4 is already getting another patch next week

What is it Wendy Cope wrote? “Bloody Fallout 4 patches are like bloody buses. You wait half a decade for one, and as soon as that one breaks everything, Bethesda releases another just days later.” Yeah, pretty sure that’s it. Anyway, Fallout 4 will get another patch for the near decade-old game next week, presumably to help fix a lot of the problems its long-awaited “next-gen update” introduced two weeks ago.

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Atomovky a sličná bojovnice. To byl duben v Xzone - INDIAN

Český obchod Xzone přináší tradiční ohlédnutí za uplynulým měsícem z pohledu prodeje her. V tomto obchodě se v dubnu o první místo utkala sličná bojovnice a atomovky.

PlayStation 5 exkluzivita Stellar Blade nakonec obsadila druhá místo, nestačila na kompletní edici všech Fallout her, stylově zabalena do atomové bomby, která se po čase vrátila na trh. Na třetí místo se dostal survival Pacific Drive.

Tudíž i u tuzemských hráčů seriál Fallout na Amazon Prime vzbudil zájem o hry Bethesdy. Důkazem je Fallout 76 na šestém místě.

  1. Fallout S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Anthology
  2. Stellar Blade
  3. Pacific Drive – Deluxe Edition
  4. NHL 24
  5. EA SPORTS FC 24
  6. Fallout 76
  7. Dragons Dogma 2
  8. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
  9. Alone in the Dark (2024)
  10. Helldivers 2

U žebříčku konzolí se stále pořadí nemění. První místo si suverénně drží PlayStation 5 (Slim) před Nintendo Switch OLED a digitální edicí PS5 (Slim).

Fallout series healthy thanks to "sneaky popular" Fallout 76, says Todd Howard

Considering the huge success of the Fallout TV show, it may be surprising that Bethesda doesn't have a new game to coincide with its release.

Yet Bethesda boss Todd Howard believes the franchise is healthy and turns to the "sneaky popular" MMORPG Fallout 76 as a key indicator.

Howard was interviewed by Kinda Funny Games and was asked whether Bethesda wanted a new game in the series alongside the TV show, beyond the Fallout 4 new-gen patch.

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Amazon's Fallout TV show was watched by 65m people in its first two weeks

Amazon's Fallout TV adaptation is doing alright for itself; not only has it been a hit with the critics, it's been a hit with viewers too - to the tune of 65m people in its first 16 days of release, according to new figures shared by the streaming service.

As reported by Variety, Fallout's big 65m-strong success makes it the second most-watched show on Amazon, only losing out to 2022's The Lord of the Rings: The Ring of Power - but as the publication notes, Amazon hasn't qualified what it considers a viewer in its figures, so it's unclear how much of the series any of those counted have actually watched.

Even so, it's clearly drawn the crowds, with Amazon adding the live-action Fallout adaptation is its most-watched show ever in the 18-34 age group - not bad considering the youngest of those would have been two when Bethesda's Fallout 3 came out.

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DF Weekly: Fallout 4's next-gen upgrade launch could have gone better

You could call this week's DF Direct an assemblage of patch tests as they arrived thick and fast for a range of titles, in varying degrees of scale. The addition of a 40fps 'favour quality' mode in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora strikes an excellent balance between resolution and visual features for Xbox Series X and PS5, while Lords of the Fallen's 1.5 update finally addressed the long-standing '0fps' problem we reported on back in the day. However, by far the highest profile addition is the 'next-gen' update for Fallout 4 - and it's swiftly unfolding into a bit of a saga.

A few weeks back in DF Direct, we outlined some of the existing issues in the PC version that really needed addressing - the ability to scale the game above 60fps and fixing the weapons debris option that crashes literally any RTX graphics card. Neither of those problems are tackled and plenty more issues are coming to light, calling into question what the point is for PC users. Even the much-vaunted ultra-wide support has problems.

In the world of consoles, there has been significantly more effort put into modernising Fallout 4 for today's hardware. Prior to last Thursday, the best you could get was the Xbox One X version running under back-compat for Series X, along with an FPS Boost 60fps variant that did indeed run at a higher frame-rate, but busted visual quality down to Xbox One S level. Not good. Meanwhile, a '720p60' mod that allowed for 4K60 on Series X appeared to have vanished. So, how do things fare with the new patch?

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Everything you need to know about base building in Fallout 4 and Fallout 76

With the success of the Fallout TV show, the recent release of the next-gen update for Fallout 4 and the fact that (in my humble opinion) Fallout 76 is well worth a go nowadays, there's a high chance that you are one of the millions of people who are currently jumping back into Bethesda's post-apocalyptic adventures, or indeed trying them out for the very first time.

Recently, I've noticed a massive uptick in views on Base Building video guides that I produced way back when both Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 released, so in this little post I've pulled all three of my Fallout base building guides together so you can make the most of out what can be a fairly complex and confusing portion of the game.

The headline video above (or the YouTube link at the bottom of this article if you can't see the top one) is a great place to start if you are a newcomer to Fallout 4. This beginner's guide covers everything you need to know in order to make the process of creating a settlement as easy as possible. These include tips and explainers on things like clearing space for your buildings and gathering components through to simple construction methods and adding power sources to your creations. These tips should mean that you won't waste(land) a bunch of hours clipping together a bunch of clumsy structures that need to be torn down once you finally get to grips with the mechanics.

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Bethesda hledá způsob, jak urychlit vývoj The Elder Scrolls 6 a Falloutu 5 - INDIAN

K sériím Fallout a The Elder Scrolls si v Bethesda Game Studios loni pořídili ještě Starfield. Tím se protáhl vývoj chystaného The Elder Scrolls 6 a více se vzdálit nový Fallout, protože jsou schopni pracovat pořádně jen na jednom velkém titulu. Ve studiu si tuhle situaci uvědomují a hledají způsob, jak zkrátit dobu mezi vydáním her.

Fanouškům ani vývojářům se nelíbí dlouhé čekání. V rozhovoru pro Kinda Funny Games se této problematice věnoval Todd Howard. Šéf Bethesda Game Studios nejprve řekl, že vývoj zabere spoustu času. V týmu se zaměřují na nejvyšší kvalitu her a současně hledají způsob, jak zvýšit efektivitu. Musí to být ale uděláno správně.

Jednou z možností pro urychlení vývoje je předání projektů jiným týmům. Této cestě jsou v Bethesdě otevřeni a dle Howarda ji vždy zvažují, stejně jako v případě úspěšného Falloutu: New Vegas.

„Díváme se na to, co se děje s naší značkou, a ptáme se: Jsme stále spokojeni s tím – co teď nemohu jmenovat – jak se vyvíjí Fallout? Kdy vyjde druhá řada seriálu? Co děláme na mobilních zařízeních? Co děláme s [Falloutem] 76? Co děláme s touto věcí? Co děláme s tou další věcí? Kdy to vydáme?“ uvedl Howard.

„Kdybychom mohl lusknout prsty, aby bylo vše připraveno, udělal bych to. Ale nejdůležitější je, abychom hry vydali v nejvyšší možné kvalitě,“ dodal Howard, který chce vytvářet hry, dokud to bude možné.

To jsou zajímavá slova s ohledem na spekulace a domněnky, které se v poslední době šíří internetem. Nedávno jsme vás informovali, že v Microsoftu přemýšlejí o tom, jak vydat nový Fallout rychleji. Jednou z možností je studio Obsidian, jež vytvořilo Fallout: New Vegas. Možná už na pokračování pracuje, protože 80 lidí chystá nějaké nespecifikované AAA RPG. A vzhledem k tomu, že se druhá série seriálu bude odehrávat právě v New Vegas, tak pokračování hry dává smysl. Nebo to může být remaster/remake New Vegas, případně třetího dílu. Ten je také hodně oblíbený.

Bývalý kreativní ředitel Obsidianu Chris Avellone nedávno prozradil, že po New Vegas odmítla Bethesda několik návrhů na vývoj dalších Falloutů i spin-offu The Elder Scrolls. Tak třeba Microsoft bude mít větší porozumění.

„Především bych chtěl říct, že s New Vegas odvedli úžasnou práci,“ odpověděl Howard na otázku týkající se Obsidianu. „Samozřejmě nemůžu mluvit o věcech, které se sérií uděláme v budoucnu, ale New Vegas je pro nás a naše fanoušky velmi, velmi důležitá hra,“ prohlásil Howard.

V Microsoftu mají přemýšlet, jak rychleji vydat nový Fallout - INDIAN

Díky seriálu od Amazon Prime Video je Fallout všude. Mluví se o něm a roste popularita starých dílů napříč platformami i masivně multiplayerového Falloutu 76. I když tenhle vzestup narušily problémy next-gen aktualizace pro Fallout 4, která do hry přinesla chyby.

V Microsoftu si pochopitelně zájmu o Fallout všímají a mají řešit plán, jak nové postapokalyptické dobrodružství vydat dříve než později. Podle Jeze Cordena z Windows Central má probíhat diskuze, ovšem cesty jsou jen dvě: Bethesda Game Studios a Obsidian Entertainment. V prvním týmu řeší dodatečnou podporu pro Starfield a chystají obrovské The Elder Scrolls VI, zatímco v Obsidianu oficiálně kutí Avowed (vyjde letos) a The Outer Worlds 2.

Jak víme z dřívějška, v Bethesdě se nyní soustředí na ranou verzi The Elder Scrolls VI a k Falloutu 5 se dostanou až poté. V takovém případě bychom si ho zahráli nejdříve v roce 2030 (spíše později). Z toho pohledu by tedy šlo svěřit značku Obsidianu. Tvůrci oblíbeného Fallout: New Vegas se přidali do rodiny Xboxu v roce 2018 a od té doby fanoušci sní o dalším Falloutu od těchto borců a borkyň.

GeForce Now has made Steam Deck streaming much easier than it used to be

Fallout 4 running on a Steam Deck through GeForce Now

Enlarge / Streaming Fallout 4 from GeForce Now might seem unnecessary, unless you know how running it natively has been going. (credit: Kevin Purdy)

The Steam Deck is a Linux computer. There is, technically, very little you cannot get running on it, given enough knowledge, time, and patience. That said, it's never a bad thing when someone has done all the work for you, leaving you to focus on what matters: sneaking game time on the couch.

GeForce Now, Nvidia's game-streaming service that uses your own PC gaming libraries, has made it easier for Steam Deck owners to get its service set up on their Deck. On the service's Download page, there is now a section for Gaming Handheld Devices. Most of the device links provide the service's Windows installer, since devices like the ROG Ally and Lenovo Legion Go run Windows. Some note that GeForce Now is already installed on devices like the Razer Edge and Logitech G Cloud.

But Steam Deck types are special. We get a Unix-style executable script, a folder with all the necessary Steam icon image assets, and a file.

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Fallout creator Tim Cain is a big fan of the TV show

Fallout creator Tim Cain has plenty of praise for Amazon's recent TV adaptation.

In a YouTube video posted over the weekend, Cain said how much he liked the show, stating it was surreal to see something he had "worked on really hard" realised in real life.

"They had huge sets with amazing production values on them... Amazing props. The acting was phenomenal. It was just surreal to watch Fallout recreated in real life like that," Cain enthused. However, he said the main reason he liked the show so much was because of the way "everything feels like Fallout".

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Fallout TV show popularity prompts NexusMods to issue traffic warning

The huge popularity of Amazon Prime's Fallout TV series is causing traffic problems for top mod download website NexusMods.

NexusMods first issued a warning it was experiencing heavy network traffic that could cause a "degraded experience" last Friday. The site said it had deployed "extra resources" twice over the weekend in order to cope with the extra demand - but problems continue.

As of 8am UK time this morning, NexusMods is still continuing to investigate the issue. According to an official status page, the Nexus Mods website, API, CDN and forum are all currently suffering from a "degraded performance".

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How to build Lucy, The Ghoul, and Maximus in Fallout 4

In my humble opinion - or not so humble if you know me well enough - the Fallout series on Amazon Prime has struck an admirable balance between satire, absurdity, and ultra violence that epitomises its wasteland. Lucy, The Ghoul, and Maximus are the three archetypes of the characters you'll find in Fallout: the vault dweller, wasteland wanderer, and Brotherhood of Steel follower. So, if you'd rather be those characters rather than just meet them in your adventures, I am here. I've put together a character build for Lucy, the Ghoul, and Maximus so you can recreate the chaos of Amazon's Fallout in Fallout 4.

Please forgive my very poor excuses for these character's lookalikes in the character creator, as it leaves a lot to be desired. However, if you're like me and play Fallout 4 in first-person then you won't see the face that much - so you won't be haunted by these... mimics.

This is specifically for unmodded Fallout 4, we should note, but if you head over to Nexus Mods and have Fallout 4 on the PC I know you'll be able to find Fallout TV show-inspired mods that'll do wonders for these builds... Anyway, let's jingle jangle jingle on together.

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Fallout 4 currently Europe's best-selling game, almost a decade after release

Bethesda really must be feeling very happy right now. Fallout 4 has pip (boyed) its way to the top to became Europe's best-selling game, per sales data from chart numbers company GSD.

As reported by Eurogamer's sister site, sales of the almost decade-old game rose over 7500 percent week-on-week across Europe. Most of these sales were on PC, which accounted for 69 percent (nice).

The remaining 31 percent was made up across PlayStation and Xbox, although it is worth noting that the game is also on these consoles' subscription services.

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Fallout 4 fans are creating TV show inspired mods, from presets to sound effects

There is this little TV show currently making headlines. You may have heard of it. It's called Fallout and it has been met with scores of praise across the board (we awarded it four stars).

Following the show's debut earlier this month, the Fallout games soon saw a boost in player numbers. And, those numbers remain up. At the time of writing, there are 53,650 players making their way around Fallout 4's wasteland. Not bad for a game that came out almost a decade ago.

In addition to boosting player numbers, the show has also inspired a number of new PC mods for Fallout 4. So, I have rounded up some of the best ones to share with you here. Please note, there may be some minor Fallout spoilers included below.

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Fallout TV show doesn't contradict canon, Bethesda's Todd Howard says

Todd Howard has assured Fallout fans that the franchise's recently-released TV show does not contradict the games' pre-established lore.

Please note, there will be Fallout spoilers below. If you are still to finish the show and want to keep as much a surprise as possible, this is your cue to head elsewhere.

Earlier this month, questions were raised about Fallout's Shady Sands and the settlement's demise. The show's sixth episode dates this event to the 2280s, which made fans scratch their heads - as they felt this date contradicted mentions of Shady Sands in the video game series set later on.

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What is the essence of Fallout, and does the TV show live up to it?

Od: Rick Lane

As the dust settles on Fallout's first TV season, which appears to have been as universally beloved as any piece of media can be in today's world, the line that sticks with me most radiates from early in the show. As Ella Purnell's Vault Dweller Lucy sleeps beside her Scout badge-perfect campfire, she awakes to find Michael Emerson's fugitive scientist sitting nearby. All-too familiar with the perils of the Wasteland, Emerson's character urges her to return to the Vault from whence she came. This goes down with Lucy about as well as two litres of irradiated water, so instead the scientist posits a question. "Will you still want the same things, when you become a different animal altogether?"

It's an interesting question to ask in the context of Fallout itself, a series which is at once so recognisable and yet so different from its original form. On the one hand, you can trace Fallout's aesthetic all the way back to the opening cinematic of the first game, which juxtaposes a kitsch 1950s-style commercial with the blasted moonscape of post-nuclear America, all to the lilting vocals of the Ink Spots' "Maybe". It's interesting to return to now. Rare is it that a series' audiovisual identity emerges so fully formed, yet it's there in Fallout from Defcon one.

Yet the games beneath the Vault Boy iconography have changed dramatically in the last quarter-century, to the point where it remains a bone of contention within the Fallout community. There is something, the argument goes, that Interplay's isometric RPGs have which Bethesda's 3D, real-time open world games lack. Certainly, the more recent games have had their flaws. Fallout 3 arguably dialled back the colour of Fallout too much, while Fallout 4 leans heavily toward being a shooter at the cost of broader role-playing options. But these remain distinctly Fallout games in other ways, replete with that familiar visual identity, and in quests like the Gary-filled Vault 108 - as perfectly strange as the wasteland demands.

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Fallout Dev Reveals Why Bethesda Games Take a Longer Time to Develop

Working on more than one game at a time can be difficult.

Bethesda Game Studios is known in the gaming industry for its iconic franchises, including Fallout, The Elder Scrolls, Doom, and more. Despite their prominence, players often question the extended development timelines of their games. For instance, Starfield took eight years to develop, and Elder Scrolls 6 is slated for release …

Best Fallout 4 builds

Best Fallout 4 builds

What are the best Fallout 4 builds? The wasteland is a tough place to exist. It doesn’t matter if you’re a veteran of the RPG or you’re coming fresh from the Fallout TV series, it pays to know the most powerful builds for your character so that you can survive against near-impossible odds, and thrive in the post-apocalypse.

There is no one way to play this RPG game. Each character is a beautiful, horrible snowflake; it’s tough out there, and you’ve got to do whatever it takes to survive. Some people want to be a walking juggernaut, decimating anything in their path, while others (us) opt for a more… devious approach, swindling their way across the wasteland. You can be who you want to be in Fallout 4, but just in case you need a little inspiration, here are our picks for the best builds.

Continue reading Best Fallout 4 builds
MORE FROM PCGAMESN: Fallout 4 console commands, Fallout 4 mods, Fallout 4 System Requirements

Seriálový Fallout nakopl zájem o hry Fallout 4 a Fallout 76

Hry Fallout zaznamenaly v uplynulém týdnu díky úspěchu série Fallout na Amazon Prime značný nárůst prodejů a počtu hráčů, který pokračoval i o tomto víkendu.

Fallout 76 totiž v neděli opět dosáhl nového historického maxima souběžně hrajících hráčů na Steamu, čímž překonal svůj předchozí rekord přes 39 000 hráčů, který stanovil minulý týden, a téměř jej zdvojnásobil a přistál na 73 368 souběžně hrajících hráčích (prostřednictvím SteamDB).

Fallout 4 zaznamenal ještě větší nárůst. V neděli dosáhla hra na Steamu maxima 164 190 souběžných hráčů, což je zhruba dvakrát více souběžných hráčů, než kolik jich měla na svém vrcholu minulý týden, a nejvyšší číslo, které se vyšplhalo za téměř deset let, od konce roku 2015. Minulý týden také vyšlo najevo, že Fallout 4 se dostal na vrchol žebříčku nejprodávanějších her v Evropě, kde prodeje vzrostly o neuvěřitelných 7 500 procent.

Mezitím i další moderní hry ze série Fallout nadále zaznamenávaly rostoucí aktivitu a zapojení hráčů. Například Fallout: New Vegas dosáhl v neděli maxima 43 632 souběžně hrajících hráčů na Steamu, čímž mírně zaostal za svým historickým maximem přesahujícím 51 000 souběžně hrajících hráčů. Fallout 3 naopak dosáhl více než 11 000 souběžně hrajících hráčů, čímž si stanovil nové maximum.

Nedávno Amazon oznámil, že dal oficiálně zelenou druhé sezóně série Fallout, více zde.

Článek Seriálový Fallout nakopl zájem o hry Fallout 4 a Fallout 76 se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Fallout 4’s biggest modding site buckles under the game’s renewed popularity

Fallout 4 (and other franchise entries from Bethesda) are currently enjoying an unexpected surge in popularity thanks to the Fallout TV show. As modding is a key part of the Fallout experience on PC, it should come as no surprise that Nexus Mods, too, is buckling under pressure.

Notably, Nexus Mods is one of the biggest mod-hosting websites on the Internet, and it's been struggling with the sudden influx of Fallout traffic for days now. As per Nexus Mods' own report, the site has been experiencing "much more traffic than usual due to the popularity of the Fallout TV series." The announcement explains that the site has already deployed additional resources and monitoring to keep up with the demand, but the problems are persisting still.

fallout 4 nuka world amusement park

Nexus Mods is having trouble keeping up with Fallout 4's new burst of popularity

The Nexus Mods' status tracker page reports that all of the following site features are currently experiencing problems with degraded performance: the website itself, the Nexus Mods API, the CDN, and the forums. In other words, if you're trying to download some mods for your burgeoning build of Fallout 4, the odds are good that you're having trouble.

The first report of problems was posted on Friday, April 19, and Nexus Mods staff is still dealing with the fallout, if you'd excuse the pun. "We are continuing to investigate this issue," says the update posted earlier today, on April 22.

The Fallout TV series isn't the only one to blame for this, keep in mind. Following the series' launch on Amazon Prime, Bethesda was quick to announce that a "next-gen" update for Fallout 4 would be dropping soon. On PC, specifically, this means support for ultra-wide resolutions (21:9 aspect ratio) and some additional Creation Kit goodies. Arguably, the biggest "feature" of the update is the fact that it's bound to break a bunch of mods. Mods that are now being aggressively downloaded by PC Fallout fans.

It's not all grim, mind. Bethesda claims that it's worked to "minimize impact to the majority community mods." We don't know yet what that means, exactly, but it's better than nothing. Not that it helps the situation with one of the biggest Fallout 4 mods we've seen yet: Fallout: London, the release of which was postponed following Bethesda's next-gen update announcement. It'll be an interesting couple of weeks for the Fallout 4 modding community, that's for sure, as while many modders are sure to update their releases to accommodate for the new game update, others may leave them behind entirely, causing problems with legacy support and beyond.

The post Fallout 4’s biggest modding site buckles under the game’s renewed popularity appeared first on Destructoid.
