Is this enough calculation on server-side to be secure?
I'm a beginner about client/server calculations and relationships (never trust the client), and I would like to know if I did or didn't get the concept right.
My weapons are calling this function inside their OnTriggerEnter2D
[Rpc(SendTo.Server, RequireOwnership = false)]
public void TakeDamageServerRpc()
//Calculate damage and stuff
//then send to Rpc client
TakeDamageClientRpc(1, RpcTarget.Single(OwnerClientId, RpcTargetUse.Temp));
This means the damage calculation (here it just sends 1) is done on the servers; afterwards, I call the function on the corresponding client side which looks like this:
private void TakeDamageClientRpc(int damage, RpcParams rpcParams = default)
if (state == STATE.DEAD)
if (damage >= 1)
state = STATE.DEAD;
My questions here are :
- Is the state variable on the player safe here? (I'd say yes.)
- Can the integer damage sent to the client be manipulated? (I'd say no.)
- Should
have an entry variable, can I trust it? (I'd say no.)