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WoW: Best Leveling Tips For The War Within

Od: Andrés

The War Within is raising the level cap in World of Warcraft (WoW)to Level 80, so we have our best leveling tips ready to make the process less of a chore.

There are a lot of tried-and-true classics for leveling that still work, such as making sure you get the Rested bonus. However, some neat new mechanics make leveling easier in this expansion, such as the Warband Mentor system.

In this guide, we’ll give you our best leveling tips for WoW: The War Within so that you can get that Level 80 cap in no time flat!

Best Leveling Tips | WoW: The War Within

Make Sure to Have Helpful Items

Useful Items

We’ve covered this before in our guide on how to prepare for the release of The War Within, but it’s worth repeating here. Once you have amassed a decent amount of Gold, you need to get items that’ll make the leveling process less of a pain.

The main items to get are stat-raising Flasks, such as the Phial of Tepid Versatility, for example. This is especially true if you start replacing your gear with new loot from The War Within and get unfavorable stats. Use the boosting Flasks to temporarily increase any stats you need as you keep Leveling, it’ll make the whole process faster.

Make sure you get items that aid mobility, as well. Sure, Skyriding is the main way to travel in The War Within, but it’s not always available. For those instances, you’ll want to have items like the Goblin Glider Kit and Gunshoes. We also highly recommend Light-Step Hoofplates, as they make your mount faster. You know how it is: the faster you can get around, the more efficiently you’ll be completing quests and leveling up.

Get Rested

The War Within - The Story So Far Promo Shot

As a last quick tip before we dive further into this guide, make sure to get the Rested buff if you wish to maximize your XP gains. You just have to hang out with your character at inns or any city to start accumulating Rest, which will multiply your XP gain.

This also works for logged-off characters, so we recommend logging in and out of your alts and leaving them at inns or cities. Start accumulating Rest on them while you play with your main so that leveling is quicker later.

Look For Campaign Quests & Focus on Them

Campaign Quests icon

One noticeable change with the release of The War Within in WoW is that the quest icons on the map have been changed. Most notably, the Campaign quests now have a shield-shaped icon with an exclamation mark as shown above.

Campaign Quests are the main source of XP, as well. You’ll want to focus on doing these first of all while you’re still leveling, so familiarize yourself with the new quest icons so you can track them easily.

Do World Quests & Bonus Objectives

World Quests

Completing the main Campaign for The War Within will also unlock World Quests and Events across the map. You don’t actually need to reach Level 80 to access these! You’ll also unlock Adventure Mode which gives your other characters more freedom and the Earthen Allied Race Quests.

Most importantly for Leveling here is that World Quests can give you a massive boost of XP upon completion. Simply put, you should focus on doing these if you want to level up efficiently.

Bonus Objectives

Similarly, you’ll see various Bonus Objectives pop up across the map, like the example above. These are another type of World Quest and they grant massive amounts of XP when completed. Make sure that you do these whenever they are available.

Plan Out Your Side Quests

Warband Rep

Thanks to the release of The War Within in WoW, Renown and Reputation are now Warband-bound, which makes leveling alts easier. You no longer need to complete all of the Side Quests with all of your characters. Instead, spread them out across your various characters so that they can all gain XP from completing them.

You should complete the entirety of a Covenant’s questline with a single character, however. For example, doing all quests for the Council of Dornogal on your main and all quests for the Hallowfall Arathi on an alt. That’s just to ensure that you get to see the full questline.

Anyway, the main takeaway here is that you can spread out Side Quests across characters to make it easier to level up alts. Doing so won’t punish you by making you miss out on Renown and Reputation rewards this time around!

Dive Into Delves & Dungeons


Delves are one of the first new mechanics you encounter in The War Within. They’re short instanced adventures you can complete either solo or with others, and they are a fantastic source of XP. More Delves become available as you progress through the expansion’s Campaign, and we highly recommend doing them.

Dungeon Finder - Follower Dungeons

Similarly, you should also complete Dungeons as part of leveling. Frankly, it’s unlikely that you’ll reach Level 80 without completing at least a few of them. Worry not, you can easily complete all of the dungeons in The War Within by using the Follower Dungeons and playing with NPCs.

Don’t Ignore Professions

Gathering Profession

Professions are, as always, part of our best leveling tips for WoW and this is still true in The War Within. Using your Profession provides a nice amount of bonus XP to your character, which is especially true for Gathering Professions this time around.

If you want to min-max your leveling, you should pick Herbalism and Mining as your Professions. You’ll encounter many gathering nodes as you play through The War Within’s campaign and explore the new content and each single gathering node will reward you with some XP.

Alternatively, all Crafting Professions can get a lot of bonus XP whenever they craft one of the new items for the first time. However, this bonus XP seems to have a cap and should only be about 2 levels worth of XP, similar to how it worked in Dragonflight. Nothing to scoff at, though!

Alts Have It Easier

Warband System

Another important part of the leveling process in The War Within is the Warband Mentor system. Anytime you get one of your characters to Level 80 they will be marked as a Warband Mentor, which makes all other characters in your Warband earn 5% more XP from all sources. That means it’s a good idea to focus on leveling up your main to 80 before you even start playing with your alts.

Thrall Skip

This catch-up mechanic is aided by things like the Adventure Mode we mentioned previously, which allows alts to do areas in any order. What’s more, your alts can skip the introductory part of the campaign if you’ve already progressed far enough with another character! Just talk to Thrall at Magni’s Encampment and choose to skip until you reach Dornogal.

But well, that’s the last on the list of our best leveling tips for WoW: The War Within. You should now know everything you need to make the leveling process smoother and hit that new Level 80 cap ASAP!

The post WoW: Best Leveling Tips For The War Within appeared first on Games Fuze.

Should You Pull For Zhezhi In Wuthering Waves?

Od: Andrés

Zhezhi is one of the upcoming Resonators for Wuthering Waves 1.2, which has everyone wondering if they should pull for her.

Not much is known about her, but we do know that she’s a master painter. As a Resonator, she’ll use her painting skills to summon allies and damage foes. She’ll serve the role of a Glacio Sub DPS, being capable of providing damage as well as support.

In this article, we’ll look at Zhezhi’s kit and help you decide if she’s worth pulling for!

Should You Pull For Zhezhi? | Wuthering Waves 1.2

Zhezhi in Wuthering Waves

Let’s get one thing out of the way first: you should definitely pull for Zhezhi if you like her. As simple as that! Whether it’s her design, character, or kit. No reason to ignore her if you already like her, right?

It’s also worth noting that Zhezhi’s kit is still not officially revealed. That means that everything we know about her kit comes from leaked information. There’s solid evidence to give credence to the leaks, but it does mean that her kit is subject to change before she’s publicly available.

That aside, let’s go over what Zhezhi brings to the table!

Breakdown of Zhezhi’s Basics

Zhezhi combat in Wuthering Waves

Zhezhi is a Glacio Resonator who uses Rectifiers as her weapon. Her role is Sub DPS, as she can deal solid damage in bursts but mostly relies on buffing the Main DPS. On top of that, she can summon Inklit Spirits which stay in the field even after she switches with another Resonator, which allows her to deal damage from off-field.

The main part of her kit entire kit is her Outro Skill, which provides a substantial buff to the incoming Resonator’s Resonance Skill. This means that Zhezhi excels when supporting DPS Resonators who rely heavily on their Resonance Skills, such as Jinhsi and Changli. Coincidentally, those are two of the strongest characters in the game as well!

Zhezhi in Wuthering Waves

Aside from that, her Resonance Liberation allows her to summon Inklit Spirits whenever the active Resonator deals damage. This stays active even after she switches with another Resonator. These Inklit Spirits count as a Coordinated Attack and deal Glacio DMG, adding some extra power to your main DPS’s offense.

Conclusions | Should You Pull?

Zhezhi combat in Wuthering Waves

Based on what we described, we definitely think that you should pull for Zhezhi if you already have a strong Main DPS in your Wuthering Waves team. But that’s only if you don’t already have a better support Resonator, such as Verina.

Zhezhi will be especially useful to players who have Jinhsi but don’t have Verina to support her. She should also work well as a Sub DPS in teams centered around Lingyang, as they’re both Glacio Resonators.

Verina in Wuthering Waves

However, we think you should skip Zhezhi if you already have the Support role covered in your main team. We don’t think that Zhezhi will outshine Verina as a Support, simply put. She also won’t be as strong as a DPS to make up for the lesser Support potential.

This ultimately means that Zhezhi is somewhat niche. She’s a pretty solid character, but she’s not a must-have because others are better at her role. Pull for her if you like her or don’t have Verina to complement Jinhsi, but you can save your pulls otherwise!

The post Should You Pull For Zhezhi In Wuthering Waves? appeared first on Games Fuze.

What To Prioritise In Early Game In Wuthering Waves

Everybody plays games differently, and Wuthering Waves is no exception. While some might just wing it, others prefer to know exactly what they’re getting into, and plan accordingly. Knowing what to prioritise in the early game is crucial if you don’t want to make any rookie mistakes.

So, if you’re just starting out and don’t know what to do, here’s What to Prioritise in Wuthering Waves’ Early Game!

What to Prioritise in Early Game

The early game in Wuthering Waves, as in most games, is full of tutorials and ways to get you to grips with the gameplay. Although you can let the game guide you some of the way, open-world games require a bit of exploration from players.

Here, we’ll be listing some of the top tips to getting ahead at the beginning.


In these types of games, your Main Quest is going to help you out the most. It not only follows a major plot, but it acts as a tutorial. In addition, completing quests will get you rewards, and who doesn’t love a reward?

Wuthering Waves Gameplay Early Game Main Quest Gorges of Spirits
Just don’t get lost in the tutorial area!

As well as the main storyline, picking up side quests wherever you find them is a fantastic idea too. They’re a great way to earn EXP and resources, and can even introduce you to smaller parts of the game that the Main Quest side-steps.

Data Bank

We’ve mentioned it before on our Echo System and Echo Farming guides, but levelling up your Data Bank early is crucial. Echoes are a big part of Wuthering Waves, and provide lots of stat boosts and enhancements for your team.

By levelling up the Data Bank, you increase the drop rate of Echoes, meaning you can pick more up even faster. The more Echoes you collect, the easier combat will be for you.


In the early game, resources are scarce. So, when it comes to levelling up characters, it’s important to focus on one. Choose a character that you click with, and prioritise building them up. Don’t spread yourself too thin!

Wuthering Waves Gameplay Waveplate Description
Try not to waste any!

Using Waveplates is also a fantastic idea. In the beginning, try to use them more on weapon materials. By doing this, you can unlock better weapons early-on.


If you’ve ever played an open-world game before, you’ll know that exploring is a big part of the fun. Luckily, Wuthering Waves is no different.

Wuthering Waves Gameplay Maqi Exploration Progress
Exploring can get you rewards too!

First, it’s a good idea in the early game to take time for unlocking Resonance Beacons. If you’ve played Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom, then you’ll be familiar with hunting for Towers. The Resonance Beacons are exactly the same: unlocking them is like a miniature quest, and once unlocked, you can use them for teleportation.

In doing this, you can also work to reveal the map. Prioritising this right at the beginning will make things much easier further down the line. It always helps to know where you’re going, after all!

Another element of exploration is gathering. All over the world, you’ll find items available to pick up. It’s a good idea to get into the habit of picking up everything you find. These resources can be useful for both crafting and cooking, so having plenty of ingredients is crucial.

Are you ready to get started on your Wuthering Waves journey? Check out our Ultimate Weapon Investment Guide to get the most out of combat!

The post What To Prioritise In Early Game In Wuthering Waves appeared first on Games Fuze.

Lost Ark: Things to Do to Prepare for Breaker

Od: Andrés

Lost Ark is getting a new Martial Artist class soon, Breaker, and there are some things you can still do to prepare for its expected release on March 20th, 2024.

You only have about two weeks to prep, so there’s not too much to do. Nonetheless, there are some key materials to gather and things to do until the release!

In this guide, we’ll tell you how to prepare yourself for the upcoming Breaker class launch.

Things to Do to Prepare for Breaker | Class Prep Guide

Make a Male Martial Artist

Lost Ark: Things to Do to Prepare for Breaker - New Character

The first thing to do is a simple one: just make a male Martial Artist. Play that character until you reach Trixion during the prologue.

At this point, you’ll get to choose your advanced class. But, since you’re waiting on Breaker to release, just stop playing with this character.

It might sound odd, but there are two good reasons to do this!

The first is that you’ll get the character creation and customization out of the way early. Then once Breaker is released, you just hop in to play!

The second more important reason is that this character will start to accumulate a Rest Bonus. You’ll get extra loot thanks to your accumulated Rest Bonus once you play as Breaker!

Get Items From the Event Shop

Lost Ark: Things to Do to Prepare for Breaker - Event Shop

The next thing you should do is try to buy out all the items you can from the Event Shops. In particular, focus on the Golden Frog Event Shop while it lasts.

Hoard as many of the random chests as possible from the shop and then put them in your Personal Storage.

Once Breaker releases, switch to him and open up all the chests you hoarded. This will give you a lot of materials to help you advance the class quickly!

Don’t Claim Rewards Until Breaker Releases

Lost Ark: Things to Do to Prepare for Breaker - Event Rewards

Another important thing to do is to try to put off claiming rewards until closer to Breaker’s expected release date: March 20th, 2024.

This is most important for things like the rewards from the Birthday Bash Event Quests, as you can only keep the items for 7 days.

On that note, make sure you complete these Event Quests with your other characters while they’re still available.

Anyway, if you were to claim the rewards now, you would have to consume them with your other characters instead.

If you instead wait until around March 19th at least, you will be able to use them on your new Breaker.

This also doubles for any Maintenance Rewards you have yet to claim and the like. Just let them sit until Breaker is almost released!

Get Gathering!

Lost Ark: Things to Do to Prepare for Breaker - Gather Materials

While waiting for Breaker, it’s a good idea to start doing as many Life Skills as possible. Those are things like Hunting, Fishing, and Excavating.

The main reason to use them is to gather resources to craft Oreha Fusion Materials at your Stronghold.

You can either save the Oreha Fusion Materials to Hone your Breaker’s gear later on, or you can sell them on the Market to get Gold.

Selling them is a solid idea if you don’t have enough Gold to buy things in the Golden Frog Event Shop!

Great Honor Leapstone example

Speaking of materials, it’s also a good idea to start hoarding any Honor Leapstones you can. You’ll get them mostly by completing Guardian Raids with your existing characters.

With all that said, we hope we’ve helped you start getting a headstart for when the new Breaker class drops! Though we’re sure there will also be some good new events by then to help us get an extra boost.

ALSO READ: Lost Ark Bracelet Guide

The post Lost Ark: Things to Do to Prepare for Breaker appeared first on Games Fuze.
