Lego Fortnite plays in a persistent world, meaning not only does your avatar get hungry and run out of stamina, but will also get too hot when in places like lava caves or the desert. If left untreated, you will take damage! But cast your worries aside, because we’ve got the ultimate tips for what to craft to keep you…
Vehicles aren’t just in Fortnite’s battle royale. They’re also every minifig’s favorite way to get around in the Lego version of Epic’s hit game, especially if you decide to have a base in each of the biomes so you can grab materials from each different environment. In order to have working vehicles though, you’ll…
Today brings Fortnite's biggest Star Wars crossover yet, with new content from the galaxy far, far away in all of the game's four main modes.
Access to play most of this content is free, including Lego Fortnite's major new Star Wars world, but there's also more than £60 of new cosmetic items to splash your cash on, should you fancy.
In terms of skins, there's a new version of Luke Skywalker available featuring his Return of Jedi swamp clothes - and most notably, featuring Yoda as a backpack. The Dagobah Luke bundle includes the Jedi apprentice and wizened Muppet master for 1800 V-Bucks (around a tenner). I feel like this really could have been a new style for the existing Luke skin, especially as Yoda is available separately (for 1000 V-Bucks). Epic Games may be hoping you cough up for Yoda then choose to grab the new Luke bundle to get his skin for just 800 more.
Today brings Fortnite's biggest Star Wars crossover yet, with new content from the galaxy far, far away in all of the game's four main modes.
Access to play most of this content is free, including Lego Fortnite's major new Star Wars world, but there's also more than £60 of new cosmetic items to splash your cash on, should you fancy.
In terms of skins, there's a new version of Luke Skywalker available featuring his Return of Jedi swamp clothes - and most notably, featuring Yoda as a backpack. The Dagobah Luke bundle includes the Jedi apprentice and wizened Muppet master for 1800 V-Bucks (around a tenner). I feel like this really could have been a new style for the existing Luke skin, especially as Yoda is available separately (for 1000 V-Bucks). Epic Games may be hoping you cough up for Yoda then choose to grab the new Luke bundle to get his skin for just 800 more.
In its continuing quest to become Everything to Everyone, Fortnite has shapeshifted, The Thing-like, into a new Lego Star Wars game. The Lego Fortnite survival mode has been expanded with a new, permanent Star Wars world, with this weekend - which includes May the Fourth, don’tcha know - also kicking off a new battle pass and bringing additions to every other part of Fortnite: whether you’re playing it as a battle royale shooter (remember that?), racing game or music-rhythm successor to Guitar Hero.
LEGO Fortnite's version of the 2024 Star Wars event features a new world for you to explore alongside a growing rebel group fighting against the Galactic Empire. After entering this new world, you'll discover weapons like lightsabers, E-11 Blasters and DL-44 pistols, giving you alternative ways to fight outside standard swords and crossbows.
As you dive into this update, you'll discover that it's now your responsibility to grow the rebels' main base and help them fight groups of Stormtroopers and Imperial Officers. Here's a complete list of every Rebel Outpost upgrade in LEGO Fortnite, including their material and quest requirements.
How to find the Rebel Outpost in LEGO Fortnite
After logging onto your LEGO Fortnite world, you'll find the Rebel Outpost after watching the Imperial Star Destroyer crash land and speaking to Captain Bravara. After speaking to Bravara, she'll give you some macrobinoculars, which you'll use to find a cave leading to the Star Wars event map. From here, you'll use the binoculars to find the outpost, where you'll find Captain Bravara and other rebels.
Screenshot by Destructoid
All Star Wars Rebel Outpost upgrades in LEGO Fortnite
Much like a regular village, the Rebel Outpost has ten levels you can find, each unlocking new buildings and features during the Star Wars event. Here's a list of all 10 Rebel Outpost upgrades and their costs:
Outpost Level
Quest Requirement
Establishes a Rebel Outpost. An unknown, additional villager will be added.
Help the rebels clear a site for shelter by destroying debris within the hologram. Help Captain Bravara complete the Rebel Farm build. Craft beds in the outpost to prepare for the arrival of new rebels!
Village Comfort Level 2 Pumpkin (5)
Barn Rebel Farm An unknown, additional villager will be added.
Place a crafting bench in the Rebel Outpost.
Village Comfort Level 3 Shortsword (3)
Dock House Imperial Outpost
Clear a site for the stable by destroying debris within the hologram. Attract Grrraaalf to the outpost by completing the Rebel Stables build. Craft a bed for Grrraaalf to sleep in when they arrive. Craft barns so Grrraaalf can care for animals.
Village Comfort Level 4
Double Dock House Rebel Stables An additional animal can live at this village. An unknown, additional villager will be added.
Defend the Rebel Outpost by defeating stormtroopers. (10)
Village Comfort Level 5 Plastoid (20)
Galactic Lodge
Clear a site for the stable by destroying debris within the hologram. Create a new workshop for Myrna Rondo by completing the Rebel Workshop build. Craft a place for Myrna to sleep. Craft a Rebel Workbench for Myrna to tinker at.
Village Comfort Level 6
Rebel Workshop An additional animal can live at this village. An unknown, additional villager will be added.
Clear a site for the Rebel Lookout by destroying debris within the hologram. Help Captain Bravara improve defenses by completing the Rebel Lookout build. Craft a bed. Defend the Rebel Outpost by defeating Imperial Officers.
Village Comfort Level 8
Rebel Lookout An additional animal can live at this village. An unknown, additional villager will be added.
Search empire containers for useful loot.
Village Comfort Level 9 Durasteel (5)
Imperial Castle
Clear a site for the Rebel Command Center by destroying debris within the hologram. Complete the Rebel Command Center. Craft a bed. Build the Cantina Stage in the rebel outpost for a certain someone can perform his shows.
Village Comfort Level 10
Rebel Command Center An unknown, additional villager will be added.
Once you reach level 10, you'll fully max out the Rebel Outpost's upgrades and receive all its benefits. You can also turn it into an established base until the Star Wars event ends, giving you another area to explore and collect resources until you return to your main LEGO Fortnite world map.
Today brings Fortnite's biggest Star Wars crossover yet, with new content from the galaxy far, far away in all of the game's four main modes.
Access to play most of this content is free, including Lego Fortnite's major new Star Wars world, but there's also more than £60 of new cosmetic items to splash your cash on, should you fancy.
In terms of skins, there's a new version of Luke Skywalker available featuring his Return of Jedi swamp clothes - and most notably, featuring Yoda as a backpack. The Dagobah Luke bundle includes the Jedi apprentice and wizened Muppet master for 1800 V-Bucks (around a tenner). I feel like this really could have been a new style for the existing Luke skin, especially as Yoda is available separately (for 1000 V-Bucks). Epic Games may be hoping you cough up for Yoda then choose to grab the new Luke bundle to get his skin for just 800 more.
Lego Fortnite, the survival crafting experience found within Fortnite itself, is adding a huge new Star Wars mode this Friday, 3rd May.
The permanent addition comes as part of a Star Wars celebration across all four of Epic Games' main Fortnite modes: battle royale, Lego Fortnite, Rocket Racing and Fortnite Festival. But it's the Lego experience which looks by far the most impressive.
A fresh Star Wars-themed Lego World will become available within the Lego Fortnite mode that offers a Rebel Village for you to build up and grow using Star Wars parts and materials, and which features unique Star Wars characters.
You've survived starvation, wolves, those rolling rock monsters, and so much more to build your perfect village in Lego Fortnite. It sure would be a shame if an evil empire rolled up and started blasting. Luckily for you, a rebel fleet is ready to back you up against the dark side of The Force.
A new Star Wars update is launching for Fortnite on May 3, and with it comes a massive expansion to Lego Fortnite. We'll investigate the crash site of an Empire vessel after it rifts into our Lego Fortnite world. There's a ramshackle rebel village that we'll help build into a Level 10. From there, we can launch assaults on Empire encampments throughout the island. All of this looks to be adding a much more focused narrative hook to the otherwise free-reign of Lego Fortnite.
This event will also include the addition of a Lego Pass. With a free track and paid track, you can unlock various structures and items by completing quests. Purchasing the premium track for 1400 V-Bucks immediately gets you Chewbacca skins for Lego Fortnite and Battle Royale. At the end of each track is a large construction unlock. For the free path, you get the Mos Eisley Marketplace. The paid path gets you the Dusty Durrr Burger Build. It combines the Star Wars aesthetic and a Fortnite classic.
Image by Epic Games
Along with all the Star Wars excitement, this update also comes with a lot more Fortnite skins getting a proper Lego version. 90 skins will have new models, including Darth Vader, Krrsantan, and The Mandalorian.
Forget all the Star Wars; the biggest feature of this update is that you'll finally be able to view Lego Fortnite Quests without having to return to the Lobby. Thank the Force for that one.
LEGO Fortnite continues to expand with each update, giving us new cars to build in the last update. But if you’re a fan of farming sims like I am, their next update may excite you even more. With the addition of new animals, our farming opportunities will grow!
Get Ready for New Animals in Lego Fortnite
There have been plenty of events and updates going on in Battle Royale modes, but we’ve been patiently waiting for another update to LEGO Fortnite. We won’t have to wait too much longer since its next update will roll out on April 23rd, 2024. In this update, we’ll get a brand-new way to farm, with tamable animals.
Fortnite's partnership with Lego continues today with the launch of two family-friendly mini-games: Lego Raft Survival and Lego Obby Fun.
The first of these is a multiplayer mini-game themed around Lego's popular pirates theme, where you must stay afloat on a raft - and repair it on the fly - while it is under attack from cannon fire.
The latter is an obstacle course mini-game similar to those found within Fortnite's user-made Creative mode already - think along the lines of its many parkour levels or popular Only Up maps.
LEGO Raft Survival and LEGO Obby Fun have arrived.
Since Fortnite’s Chapter 5 has arrived, it feels like we have received 4 games in one. One of the new ones that has caught the most attention is LEGO Fortnite, and it seems that Fortnite will be expanding on that a bit more. We have already received the Goin’ Fishing …