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Children in Norland can now learn pig farming from their elders, the little idiots

One of the neat things about Norland's fantasy medievalism is that specialist knowledge is tied to characters. So if there's only one person in your village who knows how to brew tastier beer, and they die after being freakishly savaged by a passing wolf (it happens), suddenly your village will have no artisanal lager master. The results may be devastating. Luckily, you can share knowledge in a number of ways - by copying books, or having "wise conversations". The exception to this is child characters, whose pea-sized brains can't learn specialist knowledge, only soaking up basic attributes like "manners" from the teachers you assign to them. Well, until now. The developers for the Rimworld-meets-Crusader Kings catastrophe simulator have made kids a little smarter. They'll now learn more important things from their adult teachers.
Children in Norland can now learn pig farming from their elders, the little idiots

One of the neat things about Norland's fantasy medievalism is that specialist knowledge is tied to characters. So if there's only one person in your village who knows how to brew tastier beer, and they die after being freakishly savaged by a passing wolf (it happens), suddenly your village will have no artisanal lager master. The results may be devastating. Luckily, you can share knowledge in a number of ways - by copying books, or having "wise conversations". The exception to this is child characters, whose pea-sized brains can't learn specialist knowledge, only soaking up basic attributes like "manners" from the teachers you assign to them. Well, until now. The developers for the Rimworld-meets-Crusader Kings catastrophe simulator have made kids a little smarter. They'll now learn more important things from their adult teachers.