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Dead Island 2 překročil hranici 7 milionů hráčů, plánují se nové aktualizace

Dambuster Studios minulý měsíc vydalo druhé příběhové rozšíření pro Dead Island 2 s názvem SoLA, a to právě v době prvního výročí akčního RPG. V novém příspěvku na blogu vývojáři poděkovali fanouškům za jejich podporu a potvrdili, že titul hraje více než sedm milionů hráčů, kteří zabili 24 miliard zombíků.

Zajímavé je, že Dambuster prozradil, že se zavázal k „trvalé podpoře“ titulu na všech platformách. „V následujících měsících se s vámi podělíme o několik vzrušujících a dlouho očekávaných nových herních aktualizací, takže zůstaňte naladěni na další obsah pro Dead Island 2!“

„Dlouho očekávané“ by mohlo znamenat přidání služby New Game Plus, která hráčům umožní začít novou hru a přenést si přitom svá vylepšení a zbraně (případně objevit nové recepty a bojovat s těžšími nepřáteli). Mohlo by však také jít o příchod údajného vlnového survival režimu „Neighborhood Watch“.

Druhá z nich údajně zahrnovala obranu bezpečného domu až třemi hráči, kteří plnili úkoly, aby získali zbraně a pasti na pomoc. Hra trvá až pět herních dní, přičemž s přibývajícím časem a náročnějšími úkoly se zážitek stává „velmi hektickým“. Zda režim dorazí jako bezplatná aktualizace, nebo jako součást placeného DLC, není známo, takže zůstaňte naladěni na další aktualizace.

Dead Island 2 je k dispozici pro konzole Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5 a PC.

Článek Dead Island 2 překročil hranici 7 milionů hráčů, plánují se nové aktualizace se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Díky úspěchu dostane Dead Island 2 další obsah - INDIAN

Dead Island 2 se vyplatil. Vraždění zombíků v Los Angeles mělo těžký vývoj, ale v Dambuster Studios dokázali dát hru dohromady a zaujmout hráče po celém světě. Výsledkem je, že se do zombie apokalypsy ponořilo 7 milionů hráčů. Ti dohromady zabili 24 miliard infikovaných.

Dead Island 2 vyšlo před rokem s českými titulky a obdrželo několik aktualizací a dva příběhové přídavky: Haus a SoLA. Díky úspěchu se autoři pochlubili dobrou zprávou pro všechny, kterým se survival líbí. Vývoj totiž nekončí. V Dambusteru chystají další obsah.

„Rok 2024 skvěle odstartoval vydáním druhého rozšíření SoLA a příchodem Dead Island 2 na Steam. Vaše nadšená zpětná vazba pro nás hodně znamená a my jsme odhodláni poskytovat Dead Island 2 i nadále podporu na všech platformách,“ uvedlo studio.

„Všem našim zabijákům: čteme a vážíme si všech vašich komentářů a přání do budoucna! V následujících měsících se s vámi podělíme o několik vzrušujících a dlouho očekávaných nových aktualizací hry, takže zůstaňte naladěni na další obsah pro Dead Island 2, který se brzy objeví!“ dodává.

Na co se můžeme těšit? Dlouho očekávané by mohlo znamenat přidání režimu New Game Plus, jenž hráčům umožní začít novou hru a přenést si vylepšení a zbraně z té předchozí. Dříve se spekulovalo o survival módu Neighborhood Watch, v němž bychom bojovali proti vlnám zombíků. Podle zdrojů serveru Insider Gaming je to de facto tower defence. Tři hráči budou čelit výzvě ubránit úkryt po dobu pěti dnů. Během nich na ně budou útočit masivní hordy zombíků. Přeživší je musejí odrážet a současně hledat zbraně, nastražovat pasti a plnit různé úkoly, aby se dostali k lepšímu vybavení a nástrojům. S přibývajícím časem budou nepřátelé stále silnější. Očekávat máme rychlou a hektickou hratelnost.

Dead Island 2 si můžete zahrát na PC (přes Epic Games Store a Steam), Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5 a PS4.

GeForce Now vítá Manor Lords, Dead Island 2, Diablo a další hry - INDIAN

Závěr minulého týdne byl pro uživatele GeForce Now velice zajímavý. Společnost Nvidia mezi podporované hry zařadila hned 16 kousků, včetně nové středověké strategie Manor Lords, Dead Island 2 nebo starších dílů Diabla a StarCraftu.

Díky streamovací službě GeForce Now si můžete zahrát nové i starší hry na slabších počítačích a dalších zařízeních. Stačí, abyste titul vlastnili v podporovaném obchodě. Streamovací je zdarma v základní konfiguraci s omezením na jednu hodinu sezení s reklamami. V nabídce je předplatné Priority za 299 Kč měsíčně s RTX ON a přednostním přístupem na prémiové servery, zatímco členství Ultimate za 599 Kč otevírá hraní v konfiguraci na grafické kartě GeForce RTX 4080, rozlišení až 4K a až 120 snímků za sekundu.

Teď už nové hry, co byly do cloudu přidány:

  • Dead Island 2 (Steam)
  • Bellwright (Steam)
  • Phantom Fury (Steam)
  • Oddsparks: An Automation Adventure (Steam)
  • Age of Water (Steam)
  • Manor Lords (Steam a Xbox, včetně PC Game Passu)
  • 9-Bit Armies: A Bit Too Far (Steam)
  • Diablo II: Resurrected (
  • Diablo III (
  • Dragon's Dogma 2 Character Creator & Storage (Steam)
  • Islands of Insight (Steam)
  • Metaball (Steam)
  • StarCraft Remastered (
  • StarCraft II (
  • Stargate: Timekeepers (Steam)
  • Tortuga - A Pirate's Tale (Steam)

After 12 months, one of the best zombie games ever is finally on Steam

Od: Ed Smith
After 12 months, one of the best zombie games ever is finally on Steam

Ever wondered why we like killing zombies so much? It’s because they exist in the center of a sweet spot, between recognizably human and monstrous and different enough that there are no moral ramifications. Shooting robots and demons is fine, but they’re perhaps a little too abstract for us to understand the impact, the damage, of every hit. Games where you’re killing people, it might be enjoyable, but a little voice remains at the back of your head, telling you to feel guilty. Zombies solve this problem. One of the best undead-slaying games of the last decade, alongside hits like Resident Evil, a true genre classic has finally shambled onto Steam, and it takes the thrill of the kill to stratospheric new levels.

MORE FROM PCGAMESN: Best Dead Island 2 characters guide, Dead Island 2 review, Dead Island 2 map

Vyšlo příběhové rozšíření SoLA pro Dead Island 2 - INDIAN

Hráči Dead Island 2 jsou zváni na hudební festival ve druhém příběhovém rozšíření. V SoLA se dostanete do srdce Los Angeles, kde psychedelický rytmus způsobí chaos a promění tohle místo v kráter plný rozkladu a krve. Připravit se musíte na velmi děsivá stvoření s vykuchanými střev a na zombíky, kteří se dokážou rozložit na odpornou hromadu krve, v tomto stavu jsou imunní vůči poškození, a pak se zformují jinde, aby pokračovali v boji.

K dispozici máte nové legendární zbraně, jako je Ripper. Jde o smrtící kombinaci baseballové pálky a kotoučové pily, což vytvoří skvělý stroj na rozčtvrcení. Naopak Sawblade Launcher je těžká zbraň, jež střílí rotační pilové kotouče. Jde prý o dokonalou zbraň pro stínání hlav a rozčtvrcení na dálku.

SoLA je součástí Expansion Passu a prodává se za 273,19 Kč na Epic Games Store, 359 Kč na PS Store (s PS Plus je za 323,10 Kč) a Xbox Store za 404,10 Kč. Na Steamu bude hra Dead Island 2 se všemi aktualizacemi a DLC dostupná od 22. dubna/apríla tohoto roku.

Dead Island 2 adds new zombies variants in SoLA expansion available today

Dead Island 2’s new SoLA expansion introduces players – sorry, Slayers – to a whole new side of Hell-A: an all-American festival where the stage is set for some of the game’s most gruesome zombie slaughter yet. The crowds of rotting, shambling festivalgoers will provide endless zombie-slaying hits, but where would any festival be without its headline acts?

Dead Island 2 adds new zombies variants in SoLA expansion available today

Enter the Whipper and the Clotter, two brand new, powerful Apex Variants designed to give even the most experienced Slayers some serious frights and fights.

On the one hand, you have the Whipper, an undead bohemian that’s swapped festival glam for guts.  In fact, she’ll flail you with her intestines or try to blind you with a handful of thrown entrails.

On the other you have the Clotter, a brutal zombie that can decompose and recompose at will. This big guy can effectively teleport in and out of the player’s space, making it hard to maintain visibility and control.  

“The starting point was always the mechanics of the two new archetypes,” says Dambuster Studio’s Associate Character Art Director, Richard Smith. “They both offer completely new behaviors never seen before in the Dead Island enemy roster.”

Whippers are fast-moving, mid-ranged enemies with powerful attacks and special abilities that can stop Slayers using their own Fury powers. Clotters hound the Slayer, keeping them under constant pressure and unable to dominate one position.

Putting flesh on the bones

To create the new enemies for the expansion, the team started out with a range of zombie concepts, then whittled them down to the final two. The basic concepts were fleshed out into concept art, always making sure that the new zombies would fit into the Dead Island universe and feel plausible within its blood-splattered, body horror aesthetic.

“In the case of the Whipper,” says Smith, “we had the call out that they would be self-mutilating intestine wielders. Filled with frustration at the zombie infection within, they’ve attempted to remove it, gouging out their own innards and becoming entangled in their own intestines, which are used to extend their attacking reach like an organic web.”

To tie the Whipper in with the expansion’s festival style, the team looked to the social media imagery associated with big American festivals, and the boho chic fashion styles you’d find on the festival ground. “We’re focusing on the visual storytelling and signposting the enemy,” Smith explains, “and we want to ground the player in the location and make sure it fits in with the vibe.”

As the art development progressed, new ideas emerged, which also fed back into the design. “For example, we wanted the Whipper to thrash around violently and indiscriminately,” Smith adds. “To add to the torment, we gave the character hands that are frozen in a rigor mortis, so they’re almost forced to thresh around.”

Slayers get a new nightmare

Meanwhile, the Clotter let the studio push what could be done with Dead Island 2’s F.L.E.S.H. system – the super-gory technology that allows Slayers to break zombies down into bloody chunks of flesh and bone. The team knew they wanted a teleporting zombie, but wanted to avoid any sci-fi stuff that wouldn’t fit in with the game’s more grounded style.

F.L.E.S.H. provided the answer. “We really wanted to find a way to use these features, to make the Clotter completely disintegrate in front of the player’s eyes and then reassemble from a puddle of meaty goo,” Smith explains.

As this enemy needed to move fast, the team steered clear of over-elaborate effects. “We were able to squeeze in a glimpse of the skeleton falling to pieces and the gloopy flesh turning into liquid around the bones, but it takes a lot of work back and forth to balance it – to make sure it all happens at the right place for the gameplay.”

The Clotterleans into the storyline at the heart of the new expansion. “And the festival background is an ideal location for it,” adds Smith, “in terms of the quantities of gore and body parts that are lying around, waiting to be reanimated.”

There are always some ideas that don’t fit in with Dead Island 2’s zombie-first focus, or with the personality of its slapstick splatter. “It’s tough, but we love the challenge,” says Smith. “We like creating things for the game that you won’t have ever seen before.”

Dead Island 2 adds new zombies variants in SoLA expansion available today

Dead Island 2’s new SoLA expansion introduces players – sorry, Slayers – to a whole new side of Hell-A: an all-American festival where the stage is set for some of the game’s most gruesome zombie slaughter yet. The crowds of rotting, shambling festivalgoers will provide endless zombie-slaying hits, but where would any festival be without its headline acts?

Dead Island 2 adds new zombies variants in SoLA expansion available today

Enter the Whipper and the Clotter, two brand new, powerful Apex Variants designed to give even the most experienced Slayers some serious frights and fights.

On the one hand, you have the Whipper, an undead bohemian that’s swapped festival glam for guts.  In fact, she’ll flail you with her intestines or try to blind you with a handful of thrown entrails.

On the other you have the Clotter, a brutal zombie that can decompose and recompose at will. This big guy can effectively teleport in and out of the player’s space, making it hard to maintain visibility and control.  

“The starting point was always the mechanics of the two new archetypes,” says Dambuster Studio’s Associate Character Art Director, Richard Smith. “They both offer completely new behaviors never seen before in the Dead Island enemy roster.”

Whippers are fast-moving, mid-ranged enemies with powerful attacks and special abilities that can stop Slayers using their own Fury powers. Clotters hound the Slayer, keeping them under constant pressure and unable to dominate one position.

Putting flesh on the bones

To create the new enemies for the expansion, the team started out with a range of zombie concepts, then whittled them down to the final two. The basic concepts were fleshed out into concept art, always making sure that the new zombies would fit into the Dead Island universe and feel plausible within its blood-splattered, body horror aesthetic.

“In the case of the Whipper,” says Smith, “we had the call out that they would be self-mutilating intestine wielders. Filled with frustration at the zombie infection within, they’ve attempted to remove it, gouging out their own innards and becoming entangled in their own intestines, which are used to extend their attacking reach like an organic web.”

To tie the Whipper in with the expansion’s festival style, the team looked to the social media imagery associated with big American festivals, and the boho chic fashion styles you’d find on the festival ground. “We’re focusing on the visual storytelling and signposting the enemy,” Smith explains, “and we want to ground the player in the location and make sure it fits in with the vibe.”

As the art development progressed, new ideas emerged, which also fed back into the design. “For example, we wanted the Whipper to thrash around violently and indiscriminately,” Smith adds. “To add to the torment, we gave the character hands that are frozen in a rigor mortis, so they’re almost forced to thresh around.”

Slayers get a new nightmare

Meanwhile, the Clotter let the studio push what could be done with Dead Island 2’s F.L.E.S.H. system – the super-gory technology that allows Slayers to break zombies down into bloody chunks of flesh and bone. The team knew they wanted a teleporting zombie, but wanted to avoid any sci-fi stuff that wouldn’t fit in with the game’s more grounded style.

F.L.E.S.H. provided the answer. “We really wanted to find a way to use these features, to make the Clotter completely disintegrate in front of the player’s eyes and then reassemble from a puddle of meaty goo,” Smith explains.

As this enemy needed to move fast, the team steered clear of over-elaborate effects. “We were able to squeeze in a glimpse of the skeleton falling to pieces and the gloopy flesh turning into liquid around the bones, but it takes a lot of work back and forth to balance it – to make sure it all happens at the right place for the gameplay.”

The Clotterleans into the storyline at the heart of the new expansion. “And the festival background is an ideal location for it,” adds Smith, “in terms of the quantities of gore and body parts that are lying around, waiting to be reanimated.”

There are always some ideas that don’t fit in with Dead Island 2’s zombie-first focus, or with the personality of its slapstick splatter. “It’s tough, but we love the challenge,” says Smith. “We like creating things for the game that you won’t have ever seen before.”

What we've been playing

Hello! Welcome back to our regular feature where we write a little bit about some of the games we've been playing over the past few days. This week: first impressions, mazes, and zombie apocalypses.

If you fancy catching up on some of the older editions of What We've Been Playing, here's our archive.

I've been playing a lot of Nightingale in the last couple of weeks, and I think there are good ideas there but also a lot of frustration. The game is too eager to have you grind, and it suffocates all of the more interesting things it's trying to do. I wrote about this in much more detail in my Nightingale Early Access impressions piece published yesterday.

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Dead Island 2 surprise launches on Xbox Game Pass

Surprise! Dead Island 2 has popped up as part of the Xbox Game Pass subscription, despite not being listed by Microsoft when it revealed a list of late February Xbox Game Pass titles earlier this week.

Dead Island 2 publisher Plaion has now confirmed the news, though in a blog post noted the game was "for Ultimate members". [UPDATE: Plaion has now confirmed to Eurogamer this was an error, and is available on console for Ultimate and standard Console subscribers.] Users have noted that the game's PC version was not added to Game Pass for PC.

The unexpected addition to Game Pass follows a free weekend of access to Dead Island 2 via Xbox's "Free Play Days" promotion last week.

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Dead Island 2 launches on Steam in April

Od: Liv Ngan

After one year of exclusivity on the Epic Games Store, Dead Island 2 will release on Steam in April.

Publisher Deep Silver announced the release yesterday, as well as discounts on other games in the series on Steam.

This includes 85 percent off Dead Island Definitive Edition and 75 percent off Dead Island Retro Revenge. However, the publisher is also giving away Dead Island: Riptide - Definitive Edition for free.

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