Po odkladu hry Frostpunk 2 z července na září společnost 11 bit Studios představila některá vylepšení uživatelského rozhraní a uživatelské příručky.
Na Twitteru odhalilo studio vylepšený panel stromu nápadů, který ukazuje postoj města k nápadu hned pod frakcí.
Ikony frakcí mají více barev a jsou na první pohled lépe označitelné. Velikost textu a písma u nápadu je také větší a ostřejší. A co je nejlepší, panel je méně rozmazaný. Vývojář také zopakoval přidání pěti nových městských center a nové nabídky staveb.
Samozřejmě se jedná pouze o některé změny a vylepšení hry pro stavitele měst pro přežití, které následovaly po její uzavřené betaverzi. Mezi další novinky patří „důkladnější“ a „komplexnější“ způsoby, jak se vypořádat s protestujícími, možnost přetvářet čtvrti a Zoom Stories, díky nimž můžete nahlížet na své občany a na to, jak se jim daří.
Frostpunk 2 vychází 20. září pro PC. Hra vyjde také pro konzole Xbox Series X/S a PS5, datum vydání zatím nebylo oznámeno.
The game is challenging enough already, so it came as no surprise to us that you want the interface to be as user-friendly as possible. That’s why we’re making changes to the UI & UX, including but not limited to:
To kick off with some extremely half-arsed mytho-geometry, the original Frostpunk was a testament to both the design utility and the inexhaustible political symbolism of circles. When people wish to found a community of equals they commonly form a circle, with each participant visible and audible to the rest. A circle is also the best shape for defending against an engulfing ambient threat such as a global ice age, because it has no weak points, and it makes a great centrepiece for a videogame interface, a symmetrical motif that can be tuned and adorned to either suck your attention into the screen or distribute it evenly in all directions.
Created by Polish developers 11 bit, Frostpunk takes place in the middle of a circle, an Arctic crater with a huge coal generator at its heart. Your city rises in rings around that generator, each additional layer of dwellings corresponding intuitively to decreasing temperature, and the result is one of the most focused and thematically consistent specimens of its genre - a building game that feels as intimate and urgent as tending a campfire. Frostpunk 2's new campaign mode breaks the circle open. It starts where you (hopefully) ended, with the crater now fully colonised and evolved into a glaring, blue-orange geode of high-density housing and clustered chimneys. But the view has been pulled back, and construction now unfolds along the plains and canyons beyond the crater, which consist not of circles but of hexagons - another UI designer's favourite - on which you'll plot out upgradeable districts rather than assembling individual buildings.
Pre-order Frostpunk 2 Deluxe Edition to join the sandbox Beta.
Part of the new Utopia Builder mode with unique challenges.
Available now on PC now through April 22.
The Frostpunk 2 development team is excited to offer players a chance to return to the unforgiving Frostlands and experience a glimpse of our ambitious sequel, where in addition to the need to survive, you face the new, deadly threat of human nature and its insatiable thirst for power. The Beta features a part of the sandbox mode called the Utopia Builder Preview.
While the original Frostpunk launched without a sandbox mode, it quickly became one of the community’s top requests. Hence, we introduced the Endless mode, allowing players to expand endlessly. Witnessing players spend over 500 hours or more in the game has been truly inspiring for us.
From the outset, we knew a variation of the sandbox mode was essential for Frostpunk 2. As we believe Frostpunk 2 represents a significant step forward for the franchise, each aspect of the game needed expansion. For the sandbox experience, we aimed to infuse it with a richer narrative and other unique aspects specific to Frostpunk 2.
Thirty years after the Great Storm, which concluded the first game’s storyline, humanity has partially tamed the weather. So making a blizzard in a sequel even bigger than the one in the first Frostpunk wouldn’t feel satisfying, creative, or exciting for you as a player. It is impossible to tell the story of social change of ambitions without changing the scale. Thus, the time flow in the game transitions from hours and days to weeks, months, and years, and players oversee the creation of entire districts, emphasizing societal survival and shaping. Frostpunk 2 continues an approach to be a society survival type of strategy game but also places greater emphasis on how this society is shaped.
With the absence of immediate survival pressure, citizens began to contemplate a different future, leading to varied visions among factions. As the new Steward, you are tasked with building a council representative of these factions. The ideological conflict is also present in the Utopia Builder Preview mode, demanding players reconcile conflicting interests and navigate societal complexities.
Mismanagement could lead to catastrophe while allowing ambitions to grow unchecked can foster social conflicts. Ultimately, human nature can lead to the city’s downfall, where one’s utopia may become another’s dystopia.
PreorderFrostpunk 2: Deluxe Edition today, and unlock the Utopia Builder mode with sandbox Betafor PC. Explore, create, and survive through April 22!
Purchase the Deluxe Edition to receive the base game along with future access to a time-limited beta, early access to the full game, 3 future DLCs, and some cool additional content.
The beta access and the early access version of the game will be available exclusively for players who pre-ordered the deluxe pack. Beta access will include a limited, 7-day access to a fragment of the game’s sandbox mode (Utopia Builder) in April 2024. Frostpunk 2: Deluxe Edition gives you early access to story mode 72 hours before the game's full release. Owners of this edition of Frostpunk 2 will receive 3 DLCs for the game directly after their releases.
The deluxe pack also includes a digital version of the novella Warm Flesh from the upcoming Frostpunk anthology, as well as access to a digital artbook, the game’s epic soundtrack, and an exclusive in-game item.
(part of the sandbox mode, available 15-22.04)
Pokračování mají vždy před sebou nelehký úkol. Musí přesvědčit hráče, že své systémy mají propracovanější, lepší, dokonalejší a především zábavnější, než byly dříve. U Frostpunk 2 to platí dvojnásob, jelikož tento mrazivý strategický skvost se k nám blíží stejně rychle, jako ta šílená vedra, která nás čekají v červenci.
Jenže spoustu hráčů doslova zamrazilo, když zjistili, že Frostpunk 2 – byť je v jádru poměrně stejný, představuje náhled na budovatelskou část makro-ekonomickou, tedy je daleko širší ve svých systémech než předchůdce. Už nebudete stavět jednotlivé cestičky nebo řešit zateplení okolních zázemí.
Pryč je starání se o rozdělení pracovníků, vědců či dětí v jednotlivých budovách. Ve Frostpunk 2 stavíte a ovládáte rovnou celé čtvrti. Pracujete s teplem jako surovinou, přímo úměrné teplotě. Není třeba řešit, zda nějaké ulice mrznou.
Nebudou, pokud budete mít dostatek zdrojů jako uhlí, či materiály. Naopak musíte zajistit dostatek příležitostí k těžbě, rozšiřování působení vašeho města a následně i politickou situaci obyvatel, které nově formují „politické strany“.
Pre-order Frostpunk 2 Deluxe Edition to join the sandbox Beta.
Part of the new Utopia Builder mode with unique challenges.
Available now on PC now through April 22.
The Frostpunk 2 development team is excited to offer players a chance to return to the unforgiving Frostlands and experience a glimpse of our ambitious sequel, where in addition to the need to survive, you face the new, deadly threat of human nature and its insatiable thirst for power. The Beta features a part of the sandbox mode called the Utopia Builder Preview.
While the original Frostpunk launched without a sandbox mode, it quickly became one of the community’s top requests. Hence, we introduced the Endless mode, allowing players to expand endlessly. Witnessing players spend over 500 hours or more in the game has been truly inspiring for us.
From the outset, we knew a variation of the sandbox mode was essential for Frostpunk 2. As we believe Frostpunk 2 represents a significant step forward for the franchise, each aspect of the game needed expansion. For the sandbox experience, we aimed to infuse it with a richer narrative and other unique aspects specific to Frostpunk 2.
Thirty years after the Great Storm, which concluded the first game’s storyline, humanity has partially tamed the weather. So making a blizzard in a sequel even bigger than the one in the first Frostpunk wouldn’t feel satisfying, creative, or exciting for you as a player. It is impossible to tell the story of social change of ambitions without changing the scale. Thus, the time flow in the game transitions from hours and days to weeks, months, and years, and players oversee the creation of entire districts, emphasizing societal survival and shaping. Frostpunk 2 continues an approach to be a society survival type of strategy game but also places greater emphasis on how this society is shaped.
With the absence of immediate survival pressure, citizens began to contemplate a different future, leading to varied visions among factions. As the new Steward, you are tasked with building a council representative of these factions. The ideological conflict is also present in the Utopia Builder Preview mode, demanding players reconcile conflicting interests and navigate societal complexities.
Mismanagement could lead to catastrophe while allowing ambitions to grow unchecked can foster social conflicts. Ultimately, human nature can lead to the city’s downfall, where one’s utopia may become another’s dystopia.
PreorderFrostpunk 2: Deluxe Edition today, and unlock the Utopia Builder mode with sandbox Betafor PC. Explore, create, and survive through April 22!
Purchase the Deluxe Edition to receive the base game along with future access to a time-limited beta, early access to the full game, 3 future DLCs, and some cool additional content.
The beta access and the early access version of the game will be available exclusively for players who pre-ordered the deluxe pack. Beta access will include a limited, 7-day access to a fragment of the game’s sandbox mode (Utopia Builder) in April 2024. Frostpunk 2: Deluxe Edition gives you early access to story mode 72 hours before the game's full release. Owners of this edition of Frostpunk 2 will receive 3 DLCs for the game directly after their releases.
The deluxe pack also includes a digital version of the novella Warm Flesh from the upcoming Frostpunk anthology, as well as access to a digital artbook, the game’s epic soundtrack, and an exclusive in-game item.
(part of the sandbox mode, available 15-22.04)
Frostpunk 2 is a labour of love, so far demonstrating everything we needed from a sequel set in the grim ever-winter of Frostland. Challenging, complex, and gorgeously bleak, it channels the spirit of the original and reinvigorates it with an infusion of new mechanics, reworked gameplay, and a narrative dripping with the sense of desperate survivalism that helped Frostpunk 1 stand apart in the city-builder genre.
So what can you expect? Could it end up surpassing the first instalment entirely? And is there enough here to suggest what the final product may have in store for us? In this Frostpunk 2 preview, we’ll break down our initial impressions, and why we’re hopeful the full release may be one of the best games we see this year.
Beta verze hry Frostpunk 2 od společnosti 11 bit Studios, která je dostupná po předobjednání Deluxe edice, je k dispozici. Spolu s ní vývojáři vydali nový hloubkový ponor do hry, který pojednává o větším rozsahu pokračování a výzvách, kterým budou hráči čelit. Podívejte se na něj níže.
V první hře se lidstvo sjednotilo pod tíživou zimou postapokalyptického světa. Po přežití se však do popředí dostávají jiné zájmy. Společnost 11 bit Studios se rozhodla více zaměřit na společenský aspekt, protože se budete zabývat různými ideály, dohlížet na radu jako správce města a plnit požadavky různých frakcí. Uspokojit všechny však není snadné
Větší měřítko znamená, že se čas odehrává v týdnech a měsících a místo stavění jednotlivých budov oživujete celé čtvrti. Beta poskytuje přístup k verzi režimu Sandbox nazvané Utopia Builder Preview, která tvoří 40 % zážitku. Při spuštění mohou hráči očekávat více frakcí, map, kolonií a „robustní“ příběhovou kampaň.
Frostpunk 2 vychází 25. července pro PC a je k dispozici hned první den v rámci PC Game Passu. Později se objeví také na PS5 a Xboxu Series X/S (spolu s Xbox Game Passem).
Mrazivá postapokalyptická budovatelská hra bude uvedena na trh 25. července pro PC a připravují se také verze pro PS5 a Xbox Series X/S.
Fanoušci Frostpunku už nějakou dobu čekají na pokračování postapokalyptické budovatelské hry a konečně je téměř tady. Vývojářské studio 11 bit studios minulý měsíc oznámilo, že Frostpunk 2 vyjde pro PC v červenci, a nyní byla potvrzena i data pro jeho předběžnou beta verzi.
Ti, kdo si předobjednají digitální Deluxe edici, získají přístup do bety hry Frostpunk 2 příští týden, 15. dubna, oznámilo 11 bit studios. Beta bude probíhat až do 22. dubna a umožní hráčům ochutnat sandboxový režim nazvaný Utopia Builder Preview. Vývojáři také upozorňují, že beta bude hratelná pouze v angličtině a zjednodušené čínštině.
Hra Frosptunk 2 bude v plné verzi pro PC uvedena na trh 25. července a bude k dispozici také prostřednictvím služby PC Game Pass v první den. Pracuje se také na verzích pro PS5 a Xbox Series X/S, ale 11 bit studios zatím neoznámilo datum vydání.
My city has become far too egalitarian for the Icebloods. Marxist policy choices mean the faction are now protesting in my coal mines, shutting down a vital heat pipeline and fomenting further dissent among the now freezing broader populace. It is, regrettably, time to talk. They want me to pass the Apex Workers decree, a darwinian shift towards culling the weak while enhancing the strong. That’ll mean a tasty increase to production efficiency, so I’m not complaining - but the Technocrats will, so the vote won’t pass unless I can persuade the Machinists, their less extreme cousins, to support the bill. Not to worry: I promise the Machinists they can choose the next law we vote on, and watch a chunk of undecided voters shift towards implied eugenics.
The Frostpunk 2 beta has rammed home how different my role is to Frostpunk 1’s dictator. I’m more of a smooth talkin’, palm-greasin’ mayor tasked with keeping a dozen ideologically-opposed plates spinning above a city that could be one harsh blizzard from disaster. I like it, even though at times this jaunt to the a-popsicle-ypse can feel less like solving a crunchy puzzle and more like wading through politics soup.
The Xbox Partner Preview showcase offered us a look at a number of the third-party games heading to Xbox Series X/S this year. We were shown a variety of trailers during the 30-minute presentation, including a taste of the Japanese mythology inspried Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess and the announcement of The Sinking City 2.
Whether you missed the presentation or want to revisit one of the spotlighted titles, there's a roundup of everything shown during the Xbox Partner Preview showcase below.
The showcase began with a look at Unknown 9: Awakening from Reflector and Bandai Namco. This body-hopping adventure will be arriving in the summer of 2024. Unknown 9: Awakening has a very strong Assassin's Creed vibe, so, if you're an Assassin's fan, this might be one for you.
This War of Mine developer 11 bit studios has at last unthawed a launch date for Frostpunk 2. The chilly society survival sequel will launch for PC on 25th July.
Once again, you'll be tasked with building a city to survive the elements and balance the various threats your small civilisation faces, now set 30 years after the original game.
It’s been coming up on three years since Frostpunk 2 was revealed as a full-blown sequel to the frosty survival city-management game, which itself turns six years old (!!) next month. After we finally got a proper look at 11 bit Studios' beautifully brutal follow-up last year, we now know when we’ll be able to brave the unforgiving tundra and the nightmarish climate of, uh, July?
When is the Frostpunk 2 release date? Moving from coal to oil as your primary power source, the objective remains the same: survive the harsh winter to see another day. However, the needs of the people can sometimes not be in the best interest of the colony as a whole, and one wrong decision means the end.
Management games always have some element of tension. However, rioting and the eventual collapse of an entire settlement because the heating's gone out is one of the more unsettling ways to lose. We've been waiting a long time since Frostpunk 2 was announced in 2021, but we now have full confirmation of the Frostpunk 2 release date, as well as the latest gameplay details revealed in trailers ahead of launch.
11bitová studia loni oznámila, že Frostpunk 2bude spuštěna někdy v první polovině roku 2024 a na nedávném Xbox Partner Preview vývojáři potvrdili konkrétní datum vydání vysoce očekávaného pokračování – a je jen mírně opožděno oproti dříve potvrzenému oknu.
Hra Frostpunk 2 vyjde pro PC 25. července, a jak již bylo potvrzeno dříve, bude k dispozici v rámci služby PC Game Pass v daný den a den. Odhalen byl také nový trailer, který ukazuje vizuální vylepšení hry, některá známá ledová prostředí a samozřejmě město, které budete budovat a snažit se ho ubránit před drsnou realitou postapokalyptického světa Frostpunku (kterému na drsnosti neubralo ani 30 let, které uplynuly od událostí první hry). Podívejte se na to níže.
V lednu 11bitová studia oznámila, že Frostpunk 2 vyjde také pro PS5 a Xbox Series X/S, ale datum vydání těchto verzí ještě nebylo oznámeno.
Na přehlídce Xbox Partner Preview představilo 11bit studios také rozsáhlý nový herní trailer pro nadcházející The Alters.