Make Your Own Mon-Yu ⊟

Make Your Own Mon-Yu ⊟
Hi, everyone! It’s been… four months?! since the last Tiny Cartridge post, which was about a toilet game, and I’ve been dragged out of de facto retirement for an equally important reason. And that reason is Mon-Yu: Defeat Monsters And Gain Strong Weapons And Armor. You May Be Defeated, But Don’t Give Up. Become Stronger. I Believe There Will Be A Day When The Heroes Defeat The Devil King.
Now, I have yet to play Mon-Yu: Defeat Monsters And Gain Strong Weapons And Armor. You May Be Defeated, But Don’t Give Up. Become Stronger. I Believe There Will Be A Day When The Heroes Defeat The Devil King, and I uh, actually don’t usually go for dungeon crawler things like this, but it’s giving me some Vita nostalgia vibes, and I’m delighted every time I see the title (Mon-Yu: Defeat Monsters And Gain Strong Weapons And Armor. You May Be Defeated, But Don’t Give Up. Become Stronger. I Believe There Will Be A Day When The Heroes Defeat The Devil King).
In honor of M-YDMAGSWAAYMBDBDGUBSIBTWBADWTHDTDK, I have a (legally distinct online text game inspired by) a Mad Lib for you! Usually Mad Libs work better if you don’t already know the text, but it should still be fun! And the game probably is too!