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Unicorn Overlord: How to Defeat Galerius

Strategy games like Unicorn Overlord are hard, and you must know how to defeat Galerius if you want to stand a chance against him. This isn’t the hardest boss in the game; however, one mistake will be fatal for all your units. In other words, one bad move will be an instant game-over, more or less.

If you plan ahead of time your tactics, which units you should use, and the items you need, your chances skyrocket.

Having the upper hand will make the battle much easier and can even land you some special achievements. Being the best in a game like this is something you could flex about later, and you don’t want to miss that chance.

Unicorn Overlord Defeat Galerius complete unit

How to Defeat Galerius in Unicorn Overlord?

There are a lot of possible strategies and unit combinations you could use, but there is one that is very effective. We suggest you try this one, and after you learn how to fight this enemy, you could try any other possible combinations:

Double Cleric, Sell-sword strategy

Before you make this unit, try to level up the characters until they reach level 10 or more. It’s key that your main cleric and your sell-sword are at that or above the level we mentioned.

You need to put your sell-sword at the front and the Gryphon Knight at the back, with both clerics. Your main cleric should be behind the sell-sword, the Gryphon Knight should be on the right, and the last cleric should be in the left space.

All of your characters should be well-equipped, and you could get most of the items they need very early in the game.

Your sell-sword should have the KingsBlade, while your Gryphon Knight must use the Crushing Axe. On the other hand, your main cleric has to use the Lyrical Wand. The support cleric doesn’t need any special equipment.

Unit combo and weapons for Galerius

You could replace the support cleric with a witch with flames or a thief equipped with Viperfang. This will make the fight faster, but you will lack the extra healing and buffs. If you choose to replace the cleric, you could win in fewer turns, but it’s a risky move if you don’t know how to plan your tactics accordingly.

Finally, the tactics are very simple. First, your main cleric needs to always heal your sell-sword to give him an extra AP.

Your secondary cleric needs to heal and use refresh to avoid the debuff Galerius does. Your Sell-sword, the backbone of this unit, should use heavy slash when there’s one unit left for extra damage. Finally, your Gryphon should always attack the back row to stun Galerius.

Unicorn Overlord Defeat Galerius tactics

Alternative Combinations

After one or two turns, you will win the battle. Easy-peasy, lemon squeazy. There are alternative units you could try, but they aren’t as effective as the one we recommend. For example, you could use Lex or Alain as your tank, replacing the sell-sword. Additionally, you could combine them with Rolf, Josef, and a cleric in the back row to just focus on damage.

No matter what you choose, after a few hours in the game, you could create your own special unit for this boss. It’s important that you learn about the best units and how the characters complement each other’s, so you can develop your own genius strategies.

ALSO READ: Unicorn Overlord: Best Tactics Guide | How to Do More Damage

The post Unicorn Overlord: How to Defeat Galerius appeared first on Games Fuze.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: All Collectible Locations in Chapter 1

In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, you might need an extra hand if you want to find all the collectible locations in Chapter 1. Some items are very well hidden, and it is almost impossible to casually get one. You could come across a few, but for others, you need to know where they are.

As an open world, Rebirth’s map is huge, and most items won’t be easy to reach. If you don’t know the exact point where they can find them, you probably won’t get them. Having some inside information in advance on where to look or an exact guide that says where to find the collectibles is very useful.

All Hidden Collectible Locations in Chapter 1

There are a lot of collectibles that can be found in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and knowing the location of all items in Chapter 1 can save you hours. Stop running around and look for:

Wind Materia

This is the first collectible you should be looking for. You can find this Materia in the Reactor Location.

You will need Tifa to find this one, exactly when you reach a dead end with a broken bridge. When she says, “Hey! Not that way!”, You should turn left and climb a few rocks until you reach a green orb.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth all collectible locations chapter 1 wind materia
Wind Materia on map

HP Up Materia

Head to the Northern Ridge-Foot region. After completing a tutorial about benches, get up and beside that exact bench, you should find the Materia.

HP Up collectible on map
HP UP Materia on map

Level Boost Materia

After reaching the Mako Measurement Facility, enter the Shimra facility. Instantly after getting inside, go up and to the right. You should see the Materia right there.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth all collectible locations chapter 1 Level Boost Materia
Level Boost collectible in map

Empowerment Materia

In the Northern Ridge-Foot, where you find the HP Up Materia, you can get this one. Defeat a new group of enemies, and finish the tutorial. After this, follow the path ahead until you reach a cave. You will find a green orb in a large, open section.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth all collectible locations chapter 1 empowerment materia
EMpowerment materia on map

Spare Change Materia

If you continue forward into the cave we mentioned before, you will find this Materia. Just follow the main path, kill all the enemies you come across, and stop when you reach the two crooked trees.

You will get a cut scene too, if you haven’t, you need to keep walking. Climb the large ledge on your right and get the orb.

Spare Change Collectible on Map
Location of Spare Change Materia

Magnify Materia

From the previous location, keep going and fighting enemies until you get another cut scene. When you reach the wooden plank bridge, look for a cliff edge, following the highlighted spot. Climb down and claim the blue sphere.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth all collectible locations chapter 1 Magnify Materia
Magnify Materia on map

Defense Focus Materia

After you fight the ZU, look for the first flight of stairs you will see. From here, climb the ledgers and reach a platform. You will find the purple Materia here.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth all collectible locations chapter 1 Defense Orb
Defense Focus location

Auto-Cast Materia

After you get the Defense Focus Materia, go to the Appraisal Drilling Site, which is very close by. Climb a bunch of stairs until you reach a pile of crates. The orb is sitting on top of the crates.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth all collectible locations chapter 1 Auto-cast
Auto-cast orb location

Comet Materia

Finally, when you reach the area where you sucked up Mako gas, before going to the elevator, go northwest.

Look at the platform, and, if you are careful, you will find a lower platform. Jump there and look for the Materia hidden inside a pile of boxes.

COmet Materia on Map
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth all collectible locations chapter 1 comet

These are all the collectible locations in Chapter 1 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth that are very difficult to find. Alongside those Materia orbs, you might come across some chests and extra items that aren’t collectibles, but you could get them.

ALSO READ: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Best Synergy Skill

The post Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: All Collectible Locations in Chapter 1 appeared first on Games Fuze.

How to Unlock All Outfits in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

JRPGs like Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth have a lot of goodies to discover, and you must know how to unlock all outfits if you want to get them. Having a lot of outfit options is a staple feature in a lot of Final Fantasy games. This one isn’t the exception, and most of the clothes you can get are fun and fairly easy to get.

You can get most of the outfits by playing, but a few are only unlocked by playing minigames. Most of them are very easy, and you should need help, however, here we will tell you what you need to do.

Unlock All Outfits in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

There are plenty of outfit options in this Final Fantasy, and you can get them by:


Midgar Infantry: You unlock this one after Chapter 4.

Wild Surf: You can only unlock swimsuits after playing some minigames in Chapter 6, at Costa del Sol. After that, you can purchase the outfit with companion cards. The minigames for Cloud are:

  • Pirate Rampage.
  • Card Carnival.
Wild Surf Armor Cloud FF7 Rebirth

You don’t need to get the best score in every game, you can just reach the bare minimum to get the outfits. Stop aiming to be a completionist; embrace being the bare minimum royalty. On the other hand, for the Card Carnival, you need to beat the three games, so good luck.

Both of the Clouds games are story-related, so you will have to do them at some point either way.

Ocean Chocobo: Another alternative outfit you can get in Costa del Sol.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth unlock all outfits cloud


Junon Naval Crew: You unlock this one after Chapter 4.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth all Barret outfits


Midgar Infantry: You unlock this one after Chapter 4.

Pink Mermaid: You can only unlock swimsuits after playing some minigames in Chapter 6, at Costa del Sol. After that, you can purchase the outfit with companion cards. Aerith’s minigames are:

  • Cactuar Caper
  • Run Wild

To beat Cactuar Caper, you need to find and photograph Pink Cactuar Stickers. When you are in camera mode, you have to take the photo when the icon turns green.

There are several stickers, and they are hidden in specific places, but you should be able to find all of them with some help.

In Run Wild, you will control Red XIII, and you have to score some balls in the right color spot. Any score should do, so you can win even if you are, unluckily, colorblind.

Floral Delight: Another alternative outfit you can get in Costa del Sol.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth all Aerith outfits


Midgar Infantry: You unlock this one after Chapter 4.

Shining Spirit: You can only unlock swimsuits after playing some minigames in Chapter 6, at Costa del Sol. After that, you can purchase the outfit with Companion Cards. Tifa’s minigames are:

  • Wheelie Rendezvous.
  • Royal Court Concert.

In Tifa’s case, you need to search for wheelies around like a wild goose until you find all of them and leave them in their designated spot. The Royal Court Concert is easier, and you need to play Tifa’s theme. Any score in this game will get you the companion card, another hurray for the bare minimum.

Majestic Glamour: Another alternative outfit you can get in Costa del Sol.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth all Tifa outfits


You can unlock all of Yuffie’s outfits by completing the story, and these are the ones you can get:

Moogie Hat and Cape: Automatically unlock this one in Chapter 4.

Summe Orange: You get this one in Chapter 6.

Wutai Pop Start: After you arrive in the Golder Saucer, you unlock this outfit.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth unlock all outfits yuffie


Hellhoud: You can purchase this in the Gold Saucer before beating the game. This outfit costs 1000 points, and you can get them by playing a few minigames.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth unlock all outfits Red XIII

Cait Sith

Court Jester: You can purchase this in the Gold Saucer before beating the game. This outfit costs 1000 points, and you can get them by playing a few minigames.

All Cait Sith outfits

How Do I Change All the Outfits?

You won’t be able to change outfits until you arrive in Costa del Sol in Chapter 6. During this chapter, you will become familiar with changing boots.

After you complete all the related quests with Costal del Sol, you can come back here and change the whole party look with the changing boots.

After you complete the game, you will be able to change in Bill’s Ranch, thanks to the permanent changing boot that will open up in this spot.

Almost all JRPGs include some extra outfits you can use to make your characters a little bit more entertaining. This is why you should know how to unlock all outfits in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, especially if you like swimwear.

ALSO READ: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Best Settings to Use

The post How to Unlock All Outfits in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth appeared first on Games Fuze.
