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Xiaomi Mix Flip could eat into Galaxy Z Flip 6’s sales with cheaper price

Last month, Xiaomi launched its first smartphone with a clamshell form factor and a foldable display, the Mix Flip, a direct competitor to the Galaxy Z Flip 6. After debuting the phone in China, the company confirmed that it would launch the phone in Europe with a price tag between EUR 1,300 and EUR 1,400. However, there was no information about when it would launch the phone there and exactly how much it would cost in the region. Well, now we have some information on the matter that could be troubling for Samsung.

On X/Twitter, @Sudhanshu1414 claims that Mix Flip is already available to purchase in Europe from a few retailers and costs EUR 1,299 in the region for 12GB RAM + 512GB storage variant, which is the only memory configuration the company is offering there.

The story continues after the video…

In comparison, the Galaxy Z Flip 6 costs EUR 1,319 for the same memory configuration in Europe. So, the one from Xiaomi is undercutting the one from Samsung by EUR 20. Although that’s minimal, the Mix Flip is now technically more affordable than the Galaxy Z Flip 6.

Will that hamper the sales of Samsung’s latest clamshell smartphone? Well, we don’t think so. That’s because of two reasons. First, while the Mix Flip has excellent specifications, it is still not as durable or polished as the Galaxy Z Flip 6. Second, since it is the company’s first such device, people could avoid buying it in favor of the one from Samsung. That being said, Samsung could lose a few sales of its latest foldable clamshell phone in Europe due to the launch of the Mix Flip. It would be interesting to see which phone most people go with.

The post Xiaomi Mix Flip could eat into Galaxy Z Flip 6’s sales with cheaper price appeared first on SamMobile.

I’m not ready to give up my Galaxy S24+ for a flip phone

To use Samsung's language, I've been on the fence about the Galaxy Z Flip series for a few years now. I can almost relate to those On the Fence ads from Samsung, save for the fact that, instead of having a hard time choosing between an iPhone and a Galaxy Z Flip, I'm having difficulties leaving my Galaxy S flagship behind. And this year, so far, it hasn't been any different.

I started using the Galaxy S24+ roughly six months ago, and so far, I have no complaints. In my eyes, the S24+ is just as perfect as the Galaxy S22+ was two years ago. Maybe even better, given the super bright 2,600 nits display, which I'm a big fan of, especially now during the bright summer days.

But I'm also a fan of flip phones. I've always liked them, even before they were smart. For the past few years, I kept thinking about switching to the flip side. I haven't done so yet, and that's just a testament to how good the Galaxy S Plus phones have been to me. And I'm starting to wonder if I ever will.

It's hard for a Plus user to get on board with the Flip

If I were in a position where I'd now choose my first-ever Galaxy phone, I'd probably pick the Galaxy Z Flip 6. It's gorgeous, and Samsung's foldable display technology never ceases to impress me.

However, as an existing Galaxy S24+ owner, I find it too hard to hop over the fence and jump into the flip side of Samsung's garden, so to speak.

The story continues after our Galaxy Z Flip 6 review video

You see, the Galaxy Z Flip 6 is a beautiful foldable phone, and in my book, it is the best of its kind in 2024, hands down! However, compared to the Galaxy S24+, which I think is the closest slab-type phone alternative to the Flip 6, it compromises too much in favor of its dual-screen hinged design.

The Galaxy S24+ has a higher-resolution display, better (and more) cameras, the same chip and memory configuration (except it runs on Exynos 2400 in most regions), a bigger battery with faster charging, support for Samsung DeX support and Ultra Wideband, and a more resilient build with a higher IP68 rating.

My only reasonable choice might be Samsung's other foldable

I'm slowly reaching the conclusion that, as an existing Galaxy S24+ owner, I'd have to really want the Flip and minimalist cover screen experience in order to leave a near-perfect S24+ behind. And as much as I appreciate the Flip series, I just don't think I like it that much.

It might be a lot easier to buy the Flip 6 if you upgrade from an older or lower-end phone — or a different brand — but for me, to exchange the Galaxy S24+ for a Flip is asking a bit too much.

With that in mind, I find it very interesting that the more foldable phone generations get released and the more I sit on the proverbial fence, the more I wonder if the only reasonable foldable phone for me — an S Plus series fan — is a Fold rather than a Flip.

The Galaxy Z Fold 6 does look very good to me. It looks better than all its predecessors. It's slick and powerful, and I love its sharp edges and corners. Besides, at least I can say that the Galaxy Z Fold 6 beats the Galaxy S24+ in more areas, has a larger foldable display, and doesn't compromise as much as the Flip 6 in favor of the hinged form factor.

All in all, after all these years of waiting for the perfect time to buy a Galaxy Z Flip, I'm beginning to think that maybe I never will, and I'll eventually end up on the Fold side. I haven't made up my mind yet, and I'll probably wait for the Galaxy S25+ to come out before I make my decision.

The post I’m not ready to give up my Galaxy S24+ for a flip phone appeared first on SamMobile.

Some Olympians seem ungrateful about Samsung’s sponsorship

Samsung is one of the most important Olympic Partners. The company has put a lot of resources into the Paris 2024 Olympics, sponsoring many athletes and teams, creating a fourth medal out of recycled glass, and gifting every Olympian a brand-new special edition Galaxy Z Flip 6.

The company delivered roughly 17,000 Galaxy Z Flip 6 Olympic Edition phones, and athletes have been using them to take selfies on the Olympic podium. That's a first in the history of the Olympic Games. Athletes have never before been allowed to carry phones to the podium.

Samsung gifted nearly $20 million worth of state-of-the-art limited-edition Flip 6 models to Olympians last month. However, judging by their actions, some athletes seem to care little about Samsung's sponsorship or the special edition Galaxy Z Flip 6. Not even as memorabilia, which is baffling.

A few of these rare Samsung phones are now up for sale on websites like eBay and Marktplaats. Samsung isn't the one selling them. Athletes are, and some say they're not doing it to make a profit.

Showing complete disregard for one of the Olympic's biggest sponsors

Technically, Olympians who have received Samsung's gift (all of them) are not prohibited from selling these rare phones. However, their actions show disregard to a major sponsor. The 2024 Olympic is ongoing, and these athletes lacked the courtesy to at least wait for the Olympics to end before trying to sell the phones they've received as gifts.

Although some Olympians can earn up to $768,000 for winning gold, winnings vary by country (via CNBC). Some olympians aren't paid very well. Despite that, they put in a lot of work to reach that high level of performance. But some never reach the podium, and others could use the $1,000 they could get from selling an Olympic Edition phone.

However, according to some athletes who are selling these rare Galaxy Z Flip 6 Olympic Edition phones through online marketplaces, they're not doing it for profit but because they already have a phone (via AD). And, judging by their actions, they don't care about keeping the Galaxy Z Flip 6 Olympic Edition as a piece of memorabilia, either.

Selling a gift never looks good. But selling a major sponsor's gift online while the Olympic Games are ongoing looks even worse. It comes off as ungrateful and shows complete disregard for the sponsor, which isn't very sportsmanlike.

The post Some Olympians seem ungrateful about Samsung’s sponsorship appeared first on SamMobile.

‘Galaxy Z Assurance’ for Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Flip 6 explained

One of the worst things that can happen to a foldable phone is to suffer from a foldable display failure. Although they get tougher every year, foldable panels remain more susceptible to breakdowns and damage than standard non-foldable displays. It is one of the reasons why many people remain reluctant toward foldable phones and haven't bought one yet. That and the high costs associated with replacing a state-of-the-art foldable display.

Nevertheless, Samsung stands by its foldable phones with something called ‘Galaxy Z Assurance,' not to be confused with Samsung Care+ insurance.

Galaxy Z Assurance is a sort of stamp of approval and comes with a one-time discounted foldable screen replacement. It appears to be specific to the US market, where the following Galaxy Z Assurance render is featured on the online store's landing pages for the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6.

Samsung's stamp of approval claims that the latest phones are “Built to withstand” and are tested and verified for at least 200,000 folds or “10 years of approximate use.”

You'd have to fold the Galaxy Z Flip 6 or Z Fold 6 roughly 55 times a day to reach 200,000 folds in 10 years. Nevertheless, assuming you will need a foldable screen replacement, the Galaxy Z Assurance program could save you some money.

One-time $200 screen replacement for a limited time

Samsung's Galaxy Z Assurance policy states that you can get a cheap(er) one-time foldable screen replacement for your Galaxy Z Fold 6 or Galaxy Z Flip 6 should you need it. It will set you back only $200.

Without this policy, replacing the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6 inner screens would cost you $549 and $319, respectively. However, there is a caveat you'll need to keep in mind.

More details after our review video

What might disappoint you is that this Galaxy Z Assurance policy has an expiry date. So, if you planned on using your foldable phone for many years — maybe seven or so — and thought you could use this repair policy later, you won't be able to.

More specifically, Samsung states that the one-time discounted screen replacement must be claimed within two years of the date of purchasing the Galaxy Z Fold 6 or Galaxy Z Flip 6.

After that, you'll have to pay the full price for a screen replacement, should you need one, regardless of whether or not you used your Galaxy Z Assurance ticket within the first two years.

The post ‘Galaxy Z Assurance’ for Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Flip 6 explained appeared first on SamMobile.

Navzdory výrazným vylepšením se předprodeje Z Flip 6 a Z Fold 6 na domácím trhu propadly o 110 000 kusů ve srovnání s předchůdci

navzdory-vyraznym-vylepsenim-se-predprodeje-z flip-6-a-z fold-6-na-domacim-trhu-propadly-o-110 000-kusu-ve-srovnani-s predchudci

Galaxy Z Fold 6

Zatímco Unpacked Event 2024 od Samsungu odhalil nepřeberné množství zařízení, pozornost zůstala na skládací sérii nové generace. Galaxy Z Fold 6 a Z Flip 6 byly uvedeny na trh s vylepšenými funkcemi, některými významnými změnami designu a začleněním schopností umělé inteligence.

Oproti svému předchůdci měl skládací model vysokou cenovku, což bylo přičítáno začlenění Galaxy AI. Zatímco očekávání s modelem Z6 byla velká, nedávná korejská zpráva odhaluje domácí předprodej, a ten mohl mnohé šokovat.

Na veletrhu Galaxy Unpacked 2024 byly představeny modely Galaxy Z Fold 6 a Z Flip 6 se skládacím tvarem a umělou inteligencí Galaxy AI. Ještě před vydáním vyvolaly v technologické komunitě značný rozruch potenciální vylepšení designu a hardwarové změny, které se dostanou do této řady. Zatímco modely Z Fold 5 a Z Flip 5 zaznamenaly nejvyšší předprodej, od nové generace se očekávalo překonání rekordu. Nedávná zpráva však upozornila na předprodej zaznamenaný u řady Z6 v Jižní Koreji, což není to, co jsme očekávali.

Podle ZDNet Korea společnost Samsung Electronics oznámila domácí předprodej telefonů Z Flip 6 a Z Fold 6, který se protáhl od 12. do 18. července, a společnosti se podařilo předprodat 910 000 kusů. Pokud porovnáme údaje o předprodeji s předchozí generací, Z Flip 5 a Fold 5 nepřekonaly rekordy v předprodeji, kterých se prodalo více než 1,02 milionu kusů. To značí pokles o 110 000 kusů v letošním roce u nových skládacích zařízení ve srovnání s rokem předchozím.

Počet prodaných kusů v předprodejním období sice oproti loňskému roku výrazně poklesl, ale vzhledem k nedávné globální ekonomické situaci byla prodejní čísla stále slušná. Vzhledem k tomu, že ceny komponentů rostou, Galaxy Z Flip 6 a Fold 6 byly nakonec dražší než předchozí řady, ale důvodem zvýšených cen mohlo být i začlenění umělé inteligence Galaxy. Předpokládáme, že trend vysokých cen ovlivnil také předprodej skládacích zařízení.

Zpráva dále zdůrazňuje, že společnost Samsung dostává po celém světě pozitivní recenze, což by mohlo svědčit o tom, že zařízení jsou uživateli dobře přijímána a že údaje o předprodeji skutečně nepředstavují očekávaný prodej. Existuje vysoká pravděpodobnost, že prodej bude mít vzestupnou tendenci, až se skládací zařízení začnou oficiálně prodávat.

Dalším důležitým aspektem je, že poměr předprodejů modelu Z Fold 6 vzrostl o 10 % ve srovnání s modelem Fold 5. Poměr předobjednávek pro Galaxy Z Fold 6 a Z Flip 6 je v tomto pořadí 40:60. Kromě poklesu předprodaných kusů nové řady se zdá, že barva Silver Shadow je pro skládací zařízení barvou roku, která zachycuje maximální prodeje modelů Fold i Flip.

Článek Navzdory výrazným vylepšením se předprodeje Z Flip 6 a Z Fold 6 na domácím trhu propadly o 110 000 kusů ve srovnání s předchůdci se nejdříve objevil na MOBILE PRESS.

Článek Navzdory výrazným vylepšením se předprodeje Z Flip 6 a Z Fold 6 na domácím trhu propadly o 110 000 kusů ve srovnání s předchůdci se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

It’s not just the US: Galaxy Z Flip 6 will reportedly see a price increase in Europe as well

samsung galaxy z flip 5 flex window on wood
Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority
  • The Galaxy Z Flip 6 will see a price increase in Europe, lending further credence to a previous report suggesting the phone would see an $100 increase.
  • The 256GB version will reportedly cost €1,339.99, while the 512GB model is listed at €1,466.99. This is a price increase that’s roughly similar to what has been suggested for the US.
  • The new pricing information comes from a European retail database, so there are no guarantees of its legitimacy.

The Galaxy Z Flip 6 is less than a month away from being unveiled at Samsung’s next Unpacked event. At this stage, we know almost every major detail about the phone and even final details like pricing are finally starting to trickle in. Earlier this month, a report from prolific tipster OnLeaks suggested that the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 will be more expensive than its predecessor, increasing its pricing by $100 for all configurations in the United States. Now we have learned Samsung may be raising prices in more regions than just the states, as corroborated by a new discovery from SamInsider.

The Galaxy Z Flip 6 has been discovered in a European database with pricing listed for both models. Samsung has been slowly raising prices for years, so we aren’t too surprised to see that the Flip 6 will cost more in multiple markets. The 256GB version will reportedly cost €1,339.99, while the 512GB model is listed at €1,466.99. That’s an increase of €140 and €148 respectively (roughly $150). On paper, this seems like a bigger increase than you’d pay in the US, but it’s important to remember that Europe includes taxes in the pricing, whereas the United States does not. After adjusting for taxes and currency conversions, the gap might still remain, but it’s relatively small.

Leaked images of Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6 prototypes suggest minimal design upgrades

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 and Galaxy Z Fold 4 standing

Galaxy Z Fold 4 (L) vs Galaxy Z Flip 4 (R)
Credit: Robert Triggs / Android Authority

  • Leaked images of prototype Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6 units have surfaced online.
  • Both devices feature a more boxy design with flat edges, but the overall design and layout remain largely unchanged.
  • The units shown are prototypes, meaning the final designs may still change the official release.

As the anticipation builds for Samsung’s summer Unpacked event, rumors and leaks about the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6 have started pouring in. The latest one comes from 9to5Google, who have obtained images of both phones’ prototype units (via Sonny Dickson), dashing some of the high hopes we previously had from Samsung’s next-gen foldables phones.

The leaked images of the Z Fold 6 reveal a design that appears to be an iterative upgrade from the current Z Fold 5. While earlier reports hinted at a slightly wider outer screen, the aspect ratios of both displays remain largely unchanged, and the crease on the inner display doesn’t seem to have seen significant improvement.

As widely expected now, the Z Fold 6 does seem to have a more boxy form with flat edges and squared-off corners, but the rest of the design, including the triple camera layout and button placement, remains borrowed from the Z Fold 5.

Similarly, the Z Flip 6 images showcase a more boxy design, but the display crease is still quite visible. One noticeable change is the slightly more protruding dual cameras on the back, potentially emphasizing the upgraded main camera sensor. Both phones do appear to fold flat without any gap, but their predecessors have already achieved that feat.

It’s crucial to remember that the leaked images depict prototype or “dummy” units, meaning they are subject to extensive changes throughout the design process. The final versions of the devices may differ significantly from what is seen in these images.

We anticipate Samsung will soon confirm the July 10 date for its Galaxy Unpacked event, where all details about the new foldables will be officially unveiled.

Galaxy Z Flip 6: The biggest upgrades to expect

The Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6 will go official on July 10. Samsung will hold its next Galaxy Unpacked event in Paris and will unveil new smartwatches and earbuds and its first ever smart ring along with the new foldables.

Both models are expected to be pricier than their predecessors, but if the rumors and leaks are anything to go by, the list of Z Flip 6 upgrades will better justify the increased price.

Nothing is 100% confirmed until Samsung officially announces the phone, but here are some of the big changes and improvements you can expect with the Galaxy Z Flip 6.

A bigger battery

This is arguably going to be the biggest upgrade the upcoming phone brings to the lineup. Small batteries have severely handicapped all existing Galaxy Z Flip smartphones and can't support any kind of heavy use without needing a top-up well before bedtime.

More on the Galaxy Z Flip 6's upgrades after this video…

The first two models in the lineup featured 3,300 mAh batteries, and Samsung increased the capacity to 3,700 mAh with the Z Flip 4. Two years later, Samsung is bringing a similar increase in battery capacity. A 4,000 mAh battery will power the Z Flip 6, same as the Galaxy S24.

4,000 mAh cannot be considered huge by today's standards. In fact, it's the bare minimum you can find on phones that don't fold. Still, with help from an efficient Snapdragon chip and optimized software—and if the Galaxy S24 is anything to go by—the Galaxy Z Flip 6 won't have you worrying about the battery dying nearly as much as previous models.

Superior performance with Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, 12GB of RAM

Samsung's foldables have always exclusively used Qualcomm's Snapdragon chips, and that won't change this year. The Galaxy Z Flip 6 will be powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, the same chip that is used on the Galaxy S24 series.

2023's Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 was a fantastic chip with insane performance and power efficiency. The Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 keeps the power efficiency of the 8 Gen 2, but offers faster performance, especially in games.

But more importantly, the Galaxy Z Flip 6 will have more RAM. It will be the first Z Flip phone to get 12GB of RAM. The base variant will still feature 8GB of RAM, and that's plenty for most users. But power users wanting the absolute best will have the option to buy a variant with 12GB of RAM.

However, it's unclear if Samsung will sell the 12GB variant everywhere. With even the base variant expected to be costlier than the Flip 5, the 12GB variant may be too expensive to see a lot of sales in some markets, and Samsung could limit its availability as a result.

50MP primary camera

Also included on the list of Galaxy Z Flip 6 upgrades will be a 50MP primary camera. This is the first model that will bring a meaningful improvement to the camera setup.

Samsung stuck with 12MP primary cameras for the first four models, and those cameras also used older sensors than the latest Galaxy S and Galaxy Z Fold flagships.

For the Galaxy Z Flip 6, Samsung is reportedly using the same 50MP camera as the Galaxy S23 and Galaxy S24. We can expect notable improvements in picture quality, along with features such as 8K video recording.

The Galaxy Z Flip line lacks a dedicated zoom camera and uses digital zoom. The Z Flip 6 will not change that, but it should offer better picture quality levels when using digital zoom, at least in the 1x-3x magnification range.

Seven years of Android, One UI, and security updates

Samsung debuted its policy of seven years of OS updates with the Galaxy S24 series earlier this year. The company didn't apply the policy to mid-range phones launched this year, but we expect it to do so for all new flagships.

Samsung may, therefore, support the Galaxy Z Flip 6 considerably longer than previous models. In fact, it may be one of the reasons Samsung wants more money for its upcoming foldables.

The seven years of support will include new versions of Android and One UI, along with security updates. We just hope Samsung's foldables are durable enough to survive that long. There's no way to know for now, since Samsung started selling foldables just five years ago.

The post Galaxy Z Flip 6: The biggest upgrades to expect appeared first on SamMobile.

Na oficiálních stránkách společnosti unikl design Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 a Z Flip 6, což potvrzuje předchozí spekulace

na-oficialnich-strankach-spolecnosti-unikl-design-samsung-galaxy-z fold-6-a-z flip-6,-coz-potvrzuje-predchozi-spekulace

Zatímco se Samsung připravuje na akci Galaxy Unpacked, který se uskuteční 10. července, a představí na něm spoustu zařízení, největší pozornost na sebe strhly modely Fold 6 a Flip 6.

Objevilo se mnoho spekulací ohledně chystaných produktů, přičemž mnoho zpráv naznačuje, že u šesté generace skládacích zařízení nedojde k žádným zásadním designovým změnám oproti jejich předchůdci. Obrázky týkající se možného designu řady Fold kolovaly v posledních několika týdnech. Nejnovější únik přinesl bližší pohled na to, jak by nová zařízení mohla vypadat, a to přímo z oficiálních stránek společnosti Samsung.

Oficiální propagační obrázek pro Fold 6 a Flip 6 byl nalezen na webových stránkách společnosti Samsung pro Kazachstán, ale později byl odstraněn. Obrázek ukazoval design skládacího zařízení, který potvrdil předchozí zprávy o tom, že se společnost rozhodla pro podobný přístup s plochým rámečkem, jaký byl použit u modelu S24.

Předchozí špičková zařízení Galaxy vsadila na zakřivený vzhled a zaoblené hrany, jak je vidět na modelu Galaxy Z Fold 5. S novými ostřejšími a definovanějšími hranami plánuje společnost Samsung postupné změny designu, pokud jde o to, že tentokrát se přikloní ke krabicovému vzhledu. Všechny předchozí uniklé CAD rendery ukazovaly na tuto novou modernizaci modelu Fold 6.

Jak ukazuje obrázek, Galaxy Fold 6 by mohl být vybaven většími kroužky fotoaparátu, zatímco u Flipu 6 se očekává zachování stejného designu jako u předchozího modelu. Zadní panel obsahuje tři samostatné snímače fotoaparátu s poměrně velkými prstenci s malými hřebeny.

Vzhledem k tomu, že uniklý obrázek pro Flip 6 ukazuje zadní stranu, můžeme zezadu jasně rozeznat pouze pant a sekundární panel. Nevypadá to, že by se oproti verzi Flip 5 mnoho měnilo, ale po znatelném zvětšení vnějšího displeje modelu Z Flip 4 by se mohla vrátit ikonická krycí obrazovka Samsungu ve tvaru složky. Zdá se však, že sestava dvou zadních fotoaparátů modelu Z Flip 6 je inspirována objektivy modelu Z Fold 6.

Mnozí uživatelé vyjádřili zklamání z drobných vylepšení designu a naznačili, že klasický knižní vzhled neměl být měněn, zatímco jiní oceňují definovanější hranatý vzhled. Kromě drobných změn se design nového skládacího telefonu příliš neliší od předchozí generace.

Očekáváme, že Z Fold 6 a Flip 6 budou poháněny procesorem Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 s vylepšenou kapacitou baterie. S blížící se událostí se mohou objevit další konkrétní podrobnosti.


Článek Na oficiálních stránkách společnosti unikl design Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 a Z Flip 6, což potvrzuje předchozí spekulace se nejdříve objevil na MOBILE PRESS.

Článek Na oficiálních stránkách společnosti unikl design Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 a Z Flip 6, což potvrzuje předchozí spekulace se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 rumors: Everything we know and what we want to see

Update: May 29, 2024 (3:00 PM ET): We’ve updated our Galaxy Z Flip 6 rumor hub with the latest leaked details about the device’s battery capacity, processor and more.

Original article: The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 has been a very popular smartphone amongst consumers, more so than the larger, book-style foldable, the Galaxy Z Fold 5. The lower price and the accessible size are some of the reasons why users prefer this clamshell foldable. With 2024 now underway, we can look forward to Samsung refreshing this lineup with the launch of the Galaxy Z Flip 6. Here’s what we know about the Flip 6, what we can expect, and what we want it to be!

Will there be a Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6?

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 tent folded

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

The Galaxy Flip lineup has been well appreciated by consumers. While glass slab smartphones are still more popular than foldables, clamshell foldables like the Galaxy Flip 5 have been instrumental in changing public perception. Samsung has an immense lead in this market despite the presence of good competition, thanks to its marketing, distribution, and headstart on foldables. It is unlikely that Samsung will give up this advantage in this space with such immense potential. So even though the company has not announced anything officially yet, we’re confident that it will release a Galaxy Z Flip 6, even if it is a minor refresh.

Tipster Max Jambor has spotted references to the codename “B6” that Samsung is using internally for the device. For reference, the codename for the Galaxy Z Flip 5 was B5.

Will there be a cheaper Galaxy Z Flip 6?

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 google maps layout

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

Leaks and rumors indicate that Samsung wants to reduce the entry point for its foldables. The Galaxy Flip lineup is the cheaper foldable compared to the Galaxy Fold lineup, so it would make sense to release an even cheaper version of the clamshell foldable.

However, most leaks suggest that Samsung could be launching a cheaper version of the Galaxy Z Fold 6 instead. Reports have not yet refuted the possibility of a cheaper Galaxy Z Flip 6, but most of them so far are inclined towards a cheaper Fold 6 launching this year.

What is the most likely Galaxy Z Flip 6 release date?

  • Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 — August 27, 2021
  • Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 — August 26, 2022
  • Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 — August 11, 2023

Samsung has a fairly predictable release cycle for its foldables, but the company could be aiming for an earlier launch for the Galaxy Z Flip 6. According to Sammobile, Samsung could launch the Galaxy Z Flip 6 in early July 2024, possibly in the second week. Since Samsung usually launches its devices on a Wednesday, that would give us a date of July 10, 2024 as the possible launch date for the Galaxy Z Flip 6.

The Bell corroborates an early release rumor, suggesting that Samsung wants to take advantage of marketing around the 2024 Summer Olympics that are scheduled to be held in Paris, France from July 26, 2024. Consequently, the launch could be held in Paris, France.

ETNews suggests that the foldable will be launched alongside the Galaxy Ring in the second half of July 2024.

Samsung has consistently unveiled its next generation of foldables every year in early August, with the new phones typically becoming available for shipping in mid-to-late August. However, these rumors indicate that Samsung has a change in plans for 2024.

What will the Galaxy Z Flip 6 look like?

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Leaked renders 1

Credit: Smartprix

We don’t have officially confirmed information from Samsung yet, but early leaked renders paint a good picture of what we can expect from the Galaxy Z Flip 6.

According to leaked renders from OnLeaks and Smartprix, the Galaxy Z Flip 6 could look very similar to its predecessor, the Galaxy Z Flip 5. It could have a similar clamshell shape and boxy design, and the overall aesthetics also could be very similar.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Leaked renders 2

Credit: Smartprix

If you observe these leaked renders very closely, you will notice that the Galaxy Z Flip 6 has a shape that is boxier than the Galaxy Z Flip 5. The edges of the device end more sharply, while the Galaxy Z Flip 5 has a slight bevel along its edge.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Leaked renders 3

Credit: Smartprix

Another point to notice is that there are two microphone holes on the top of the device in these renders, albeit this is another minor change.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Leaked renders 4

Credit: Smartprix

The Galaxy Z Flip 6 is said to have a 3.4-inch cover display, while the inner folding display is said to be 6.7-inch in size, though a different report from display analyst Ross Young suggests that the Flip 6’s cover display could be approaching 3.9-inch.

The render leak from OnLeaks suggests that the Galaxy Z Flip 6 will measure about 165.0 x 71.7 x 7.4mm, compared to the 165.1 x 71.9 x 6.9 mm measurements on the Galaxy Z Flip 5. The only noteworthy change is a very slightly thicker body, indicating that we could see a marginal increase in battery.

Young also claimed on March 7 that the Galaxy Z Flip 6 colors are Light Blue, Light Green, Silver, and Yellow. He later clarified that the Light Green option will be known as “Mint,” while the silver variant will likely be called “Silver Shadow.”

What rumored specs and features could the Galaxy Z Flip 6 have?

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 flex window weather widget

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

MySmartPrice recently spotted the Galaxy Z Flip 6 listed in the FCC database under the model number SM-F741U. The listing revealed that the device will feature dual-cell batteries with model numbers EB-BF741ABY and EB-BF742ABY. PSI certification further confirms that these batteries will have rated capacities of 1,000mAh and 2,790mAh, respectively, resulting in a total rated capacity of 3,790mAh. This suggests Samsung might market the device with a 3,900mAh or 4,000mAh typical capacity.

For context, the Galaxy Z Flip 5 has a battery with a total rated capacity of 3,591mAh, which Samsung advertises as a 3,700mAh battery. Combined with a processor upgrade, we hope to see better battery life on the Galaxy Z Flip 6.

Unfortunately, a regulatory filing suggests that the phone will stick with 25W wired charging speeds once again. The Z Flip 5 took up to 80 minutes to fully charge its 3,700mAh battery, so we’re not optimistic about speed improvements with 25W charging and a slightly larger battery.

As for other changes, GalaxyClub has reported that Samsung is testing early versions of the Galaxy Z Flip 6, with prototypes sporting a 50MP main camera. This could be a major photography upgrade for the Flip series if it’s indeed confirmed. Samsung has stuck with a 12MP primary camera since the first Galaxy Z Flip model launched in 2020, though the Galaxy Z Flip 4 did sport a larger sensor.

According to Ross Young, the Flip 6 will offer 256GB and 512GB storage options.

The Elec reported on May 17 that the Galaxy Z Flip 6 could gain thicker ultra-thin glass (UTG) on the folding screen. This would enable improved surface hardness and a reduced display crease. The Korean outlet also asserted that the Z Flip 6 will use the Z Flip 5’s hinge.

The Elec also claimed on May 22 that the Flip 6 will be exclusively powered by a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset. This report comes after some sources asserted that Samsung’s new foldables could be powered by a Snapdragon chip or Exynos processor, depending on the region.

What might the Galaxy Z Flip 6 price be?

  • Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 8GB/256GB: $999.99
  • Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 8GB/512GB: $1.119.99

We don’t have price leaks for the Galaxy Z Flip 6 yet. However, we can draw reasonable conclusions based on the predecessor, the Galaxy Z Flip 5’s price.

The Galaxy Z Flip 5 started at just about $1,000 in the US. Many consider $999 a magic number that consumers look upon favorably, and Samsung has aimed to price its clamshell foldable under $1,000 (ignoring the rounding up). Considering that the Galaxy Z Flip 6 does not appear to have too many changes over its predecessor, it remains to be seen if Samsung could keep the pricing of the Flip 6 competitive.

Should you wait for the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6?

samsung galaxy z flip 5 flex window

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

If you have a Z Flip 3 or 4, you might be better off waiting and picking up the Galaxy Z Flip 6 when it launches. These older phones are still plenty fast, and the only major upgrade will be the Flex Window. What about those who have an even older Flip or are thinking about getting a foldable for the first time? Honestly, the Z Flip 5 is a great phone already, and I don’t see any reason to wait, especially if your non-folding phone is still doing the job well enough.

If you’re not impressed by the Z Flip 5 but want a smart flip phone you have other options aside from waiting to see what Samsung does with the Flip 6. The best alternative to the Flip will be the Motorola Razr Plus ( ), though there’s also a cheaper Razr ( ) if you’re on a tighter budget but still want a foldable device. For even more options check out our guide to the best foldable phones.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 wishlist

Right when the Galaxy Z Flip 5 launched, we had a fair idea of what we would want from a successor. For the Galaxy Z Flip 6, we want Samsung to fix all shortcomings and then some. Here is our wishlist for the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6.

Better use of the cover screen

samsung galaxy z flip 5 vs motorola razr plus tent fold

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

I love the Flex Window’s size, and it’s a big improvement over the display on my Galaxy Z Flip 4, but Samsung hasn’t done enough with it yet. While devices like the Motorola Razr Plus allow you to run full apps right on the smaller display, Samsung sticks mostly to widgets out of the box.

If you want to run actual apps on the smaller display, you’ll either have to pick from a limited selection of experimental apps via Samsung labs, or you’ll have to install the Good Lock launcher and the MultiStar plugin. Even if you find enough apps that work well, you’ll run into a few other limitations, such as there being no easy way to toggle between apps on the Cover Screen without jumping through hoops.

An upgrade to its camera package

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 camera flex mode

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

Although the Galaxy Z Flip 5 has a decent camera experience, it’s largely identical to the Z Flip 4’s hardware and nowhere near as good as the Galaxy S23. The Z Flip is very much a flagship device, so I don’t see why we have to settle for hardware that’s anything less than the base Galaxy S model. The good news is that one early rumor points to the Galaxy Z Flip 6 getting a new 50MP main camera, which hopefully will offer a similar experience to the Galaxy S24.

Beyond this, I’d love to see a telephoto camera as well. Even if it’s not quite as good as the one in the Galaxy S24, it would better suit the more premium nature of the Z Flip series and get it closer to the very best camera phones.

Better battery life and faster charging

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 bottom edge

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

The Galaxy Z Flip series has never had great battery life, and while it’s gotten a bit better, you’ll still find it hard to make it much more than just a day with moderate use. In my experience, heavy use will drain it even faster. There have been times when I’ve seen my Z Flip 4 drop down to as little as 10% hours before bedtime, requiring me to plug it in early for the night. It’s time for this to change with the Z Flip 6.

To be fair, there’s a reason the Z Flip 5 only has a 3,700mAh battery: space is a premium here. Thankfully, it looks like Samsung is indeed going to squeeze a bigger battery into the Z Flip 6, even if marginally so.

On a related note, I’d like to see quicker charging. The Z Flip 5 currently has 25W charging, which isn’t horrible but not nearly as good as the Galaxy S23 Ultra’s 45W charging speed. Unfortunately, evidence suggests Samsung might stick with 25W yet again.

Dust protection

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 buttons and flex window

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

The Galaxy Z Flip 5 finally folds flat, which helps protect it a little, but there’s still no dust resistance. My brother-in-law is a farmer, and his Flip 3 died after only a year or so. This is a guy who takes great care of everything, which makes me wonder if the dusty conditions of farmwork might have played a role.

The good news is that Samsung has previously indicated it wants to eventually bring dust resistance to its foldable phones. The Motorola Razr Plus beat them to the job in 2023, which may further motivate Samsung to catch up here.

A bigger design shakeup

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 sim slot and mmwave window

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

I have to say it, I think the Razr Plus is a more attractive phone, even if I prefer Samsung’s take overall. Although Samsung has refined its design and increased its coverscreen each generation, it’s also gotten more and more boxy.

I would like to see a design that’s a bit more rounded next time around. A slightly bigger display wouldn’t be bad either. I’d love to see anything that sets it apart beyond just increasing the screen and narrowing the hinge gap.

Galaxy Z Flip 6 competitor leaks with a 50MP zoom camera

The Galaxy Z Flip 6 is Samsung's next flip phone with a foldable screen, and it will likely be announced during the Galaxy Unpacked event on July 10, 2024. However, it appears that the phone's cameras will be dead on arrival, as rival flip phones from other brands will have higher-resolution or telephoto cameras.

One such phone is Motorola's RAZR 50 Ultra. This phone has a bigger cover screen and a dedicated high-resolution telephoto camera.

RAZR 50 Ultra has a 50MP telephoto camera, while Galaxy Z Flip 6 doesn't

Motorola RAZR 50 Ultra Green

According to leaked images (via @evleaks) and specifications of the Motorola RAZR 50 Ultra, the phone has a 50MP primary camera with OIS and a 50MP telephoto camera with OIS and 2x optical zoom. Its selfie camera uses a 32MP sensor. All these cameras can record up to 4K 60fps videos.

The Galaxy Z Flip 5 will reportedly have a 50MP primary camera with OIS, a 12MP ultrawide camera, and a 10MP selfie camera. All its cameras can also record up to 4K 60fps videos.

While Samsung may offer an in-sensor crop for optical quality 2x zoom in the Galaxy Z Flip 6, the RAZR 50 Ultra will likely offer up to 5x optical quality zoom using the same method as Samsung's.

The other specifications of the RAZR 50 Ultra include a 6.9-inch 165Hz pOLED screen with Full HD+ resolution, a 4-inch cover screen, a Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 processor, 12GB RAM, and 256GB/512GB storage. It is reportedly powered by a 4,000mAh battery that supports 45W fast charging and wireless charging.

It will reportedly cost $999 in the US and €1,200 in Europe.

Watch our review of the Galaxy Z Flip 5 in the video below. The article continues after the video.

The RAZR 50 Ultra is expected to go official soon and become available globally in June, a month earlier than the Galaxy Z Flip 6. If these reports are accurate, the RAZR 50 Ultra looks better specced than the Galaxy Z Flip 6.

Samsung's upcoming phone will have a more powerful chipset, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, and much better software support (likely 7 major Android OS updates). However, its screen, cameras, and charging are not as good as Motorola's.

Which will you choose? Galaxy Z Flip 6 or RAZR 50 Ultra?

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Design 01

It remains to be seen if people prefer the Galaxy Z Flip 6 or the RAZR 50 Ultra. Even Xiaomi is expected to launch its first flip phone, which will reportedly feature three cameras: a primary wide-angle, an ultrawide, and a telephoto.

The post Galaxy Z Flip 6 competitor leaks with a 50MP zoom camera appeared first on SamMobile.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 rumors: Everything we know and what we want to see

Update: May 17, 2024 (8:00 AM ET): We’ve updated our Galaxy Z Flip 6 rumor hub with apparent details about the foldable screen and charging speed.

Original article: The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 has been a very popular smartphone amongst consumers, more so than the larger, book-style foldable, the Galaxy Z Fold 5. The lower price and the accessible size are some of the reasons why users prefer this clamshell foldable. With 2024 now underway, we can look forward to Samsung refreshing this lineup with the launch of the Galaxy Z Flip 6. Here’s what we know about the Flip 6, what we can expect, and what we want it to be!

The Galaxy Z Flip 6 could bring a key improvement to its foldable screen

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 crease
Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority
  • Samsung will reportedly bring thicker ultra-thin glass (UTG) to the Galaxy Z Flip 6’s foldable display.
  • This change should bring improved surface hardness and a smaller crease.
  • The Galaxy Z Flip 7 might bring a new hinge and thicker UTG as well.

Samsung is widely expected to launch the Galaxy Z Flip 6 in July alongside the Galaxy Z Fold 6. We’ve already heard about purported specs and features, but it looks like a key display upgrade has been revealed.

The Elec reports that Samsung will bring thicker ultra-thin glass (UTG) to the Galaxy Z Flip 6’s folding screen, going from 30 microns to 50 microns. This will apparently allow for improved surface hardness and a smaller display crease.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 rumors: Everything we know and what we want to see

Update: March 7, 2024 (07:55 AM ET): We’ve updated our Galaxy Z Flip 6 rumor hub with apparently leaked colors to expect.

Original article: The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 has been a very popular smartphone amongst consumers, more so than the larger, book-style foldable, the Galaxy Z Fold 5. The lower price and the accessible size are some of the reasons why users prefer this clamshell foldable. With 2024 now underway, we can look forward to Samsung refreshing this lineup with the launch of the Galaxy Z Flip 6. Here’s what we know about the Flip 6, what we can expect, and what we want it to be!

Galaxy Z Fold 6, Z Flip 6 colors tipped: What’s your favorite?

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 SmartPrix resized
  • Several colors for the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6 have apparently leaked online.
  • The Z Flip 6 will apparently be available in Light Blue, Light Green, Silver, and Yellow.
  • The Z Fold 6 is said to be available in Dark Blue, Light Pink, and Silver.

Samsung is expected to launch the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6 in Q3 2024, and the leaks are slowly starting to come in. We’ve already seen apparent Z Fold 6 renders, and a source has now dished out Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6 colors.

Display analyst Ross Young posted colors for the two upcoming foldable phones on X. Young claimed that the Z Flip 6 will be available in Light Blue, Light Green, Silver, and Yellow. Meanwhile, the Z Fold 6 is said to be available in Dark Blue, Light Pink, and Silver.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 rumors: Everything we know and what we want to see

Update: February 29, 2024 (09:20 AM ET): We’ve updated our Galaxy Z Flip 6 rumor hub with all the latest leaked renders and rumored information about the device.

Original article: The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 has been a very popular smartphone amongst consumers, more so than the larger, book-style foldable, the Galaxy Z Fold 5. The lower price and the accessible size are some of the reasons why users prefer this clamshell foldable. With 2024 now underway, we can look forward to Samsung refreshing this lineup with the launch of the Galaxy Z Flip 6. Here’s what we know about the Flip 6, what we can expect, and what we want it to be!

Will there be a Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6?

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 tent folded

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

The Galaxy Flip lineup has been well appreciated by consumers. While glass slab smartphones are still more popular than foldables, clamshell foldables like the Galaxy Flip 5 have been instrumental in changing public perception. Samsung has an immense lead in this market despite the presence of good competition, thanks to its marketing, distribution, and headstart on foldables. It is unlikely that Samsung will give up this advantage in this space with such immense potential. So even though the company has not announced anything officially yet, we’re confident that it will release a Galaxy Z Flip 6, even if it is a minor refresh.

Tipster Max Jambor has spotted references to the codename “B6” that Samsung is using internally for the device. For reference, the codename for the Galaxy Z Flip 5 was B5.

Will there be a cheaper Galaxy Z Flip 6?

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 google maps layout

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

Leaks and rumors indicate that Samsung wants to reduce the entry point for its foldables. The Galaxy Flip lineup is the cheaper foldable compared to the Galaxy Fold lineup, so it would make sense to release an even cheaper version of the clamshell foldable.

However, most leaks suggest that Samsung could be launching a cheaper version of the Galaxy Z Fold 6 instead. Reports have not yet refuted the possibility of a cheaper Galaxy Z Flip 6, but most of them so far are inclined towards a cheaper Fold 6 launching this year.

What is the most likely Galaxy Z Flip 6 release date?

  • Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 — August 27, 2021
  • Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 — August 26, 2022
  • Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 — August 11, 2023

Samsung has a fairly predictable release cycle for its foldables, but the company could be aiming for an earlier launch for the Galaxy Z Flip 6. According to Sammobile, Samsung could launch the Galaxy Z Flip 6 in early July 2024, possibly in the second week. Since Samsung usually launches its devices on a Wednesday, that would give us a date of July 10, 2024 as the possible launch date for the Galaxy Z Flip 6.

The Bell corroborates an early release rumor, suggesting that Samsung wants to take advantage of marketing around the 2024 Summer Olympics that are scheduled to be held in Paris, France from July 26, 2024. Consequently, the launch could be held in Paris, France.

ETNews suggests that the foldable will be launched alongside the Galaxy Ring in the second half of July 2024.

Samsung has consistently unveiled its next generation of foldables every year in early August, with the new phones typically becoming available for shipping in mid-to-late August. However, these rumors indicate that Samsung has a change in plans for 2024.

What will the Galaxy Z Flip 6 look like?

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Leaked renders 1

Credit: Smartprix

We don’t have officially confirmed information from Samsung yet, but early leaked renders paint a good picture of what we can expect from the Galaxy Z Flip 6.

According to leaked renders from OnLeaks and Smartprix, the Galaxy Z Flip 6 could look very similar to its predecessor, the Galaxy Z Flip 5. It could have a similar clamshell shape and boxy design, and the overall aesthetics also could be very similar.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Leaked renders 2

Credit: Smartprix

If you observe these leaked renders very closely, you will notice that the Galaxy Z Flip 6 has a shape that is boxier than the Galaxy Z Flip 5. The edges of the device end more sharply, while the Galaxy Z Flip 5 has a slight bevel along its edge.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Leaked renders 3

Credit: Smartprix

Another point to notice is that there are two microphone holes on the top of the device in these renders, albeit this is another minor change.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Leaked renders 4

Credit: Smartprix

The Galaxy Z Flip 6 is said to have a 3.4-inch cover display, while the inner folding display is said to be 6.7-inch in size, though a different report from display analyst Ross Young suggests that the Flip 6’s cover display could be approaching 3.9-inch.

The render leak from OnLeaks suggests that the Galaxy Z Flip 6 will measure about 165.0 x 71.7 x 7.4mm, compared to the 165.1 x 71.9 x 6.9 mm measurements on the Galaxy Z Flip 5. The only noteworthy change is a very slightly thicker body, indicating that we could see a marginal increase in battery.

What rumored specs and features could the Galaxy Z Flip 6 have?

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 flex window weather widget

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

Galaxy Club has corroborated larger battery claims for the Flip 6, saying that Samsung has been spotted testing a total rated capacity of 3,880mAh for the Galaxy Z Flip 6’s battery, which means it could advertise the Galaxy Z Flip 6’s battery as 4,000mAh. For context, the Galaxy Z Flip 5 has a battery with a total rated capacity of 3,591mAh, which Samsung advertises as a 3,700mAh battery. Combined with a processor upgrade, we hope to see better battery life on the Galaxy Z Flip 6.

As for other changes, GalaxyClub has reported that Samsung is testing early versions of the Galaxy Z Flip 6, with prototypes sporting a 50MP main camera. It’s possible that Samsung ends up ditching this 50MP sensor in favor of sticking with a 12MP camera. Nevertheless, this could be a major photography upgrade for the Flip series if it’s indeed confirmed. Samsung has stuck with a 12MP primary camera since the first Galaxy Z Flip model launched in 2020, though the Galaxy Z Flip 4 did sport a larger sensor.

What might the Galaxy Z Flip 6 price be?

  • Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 8GB/256GB: $999.99
  • Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 8GB/512GB: $1.119.99

We don’t have price leaks for the Galaxy Z Flip 6 yet. However, we can draw reasonable conclusions based on the predecessor, the Galaxy Z Flip 5’s price.

The Galaxy Z Flip 5 started at just about $1,000 in the US. Many consider $999 a magic number that consumers look upon favorably, and Samsung has aimed to price its clamshell foldable under $1,000 (ignoring the rounding up). Considering that the Galaxy Z Flip 6 does not appear to have too many changes over its predecessor, it remains to be seen if Samsung could keep the pricing of the Flip 6 competitive.

Should you wait for the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6?

samsung galaxy z flip 5 flex window

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

If you have a Z Flip 3 or 4, you might be better off waiting and picking up the Galaxy Z Flip 6 when it launches. These older phones are still plenty fast, and the only major upgrade will be the Flex Window. What about those who have an even older Flip or are thinking about getting a foldable for the first time? Honestly, the Z Flip 5 is a great phone already, and I don’t see any reason to wait, especially if your non-folding phone is still doing the job well enough.

If you’re not impressed by the Z Flip 5 but want a smart flip phone you have other options aside from waiting to see what Samsung does with the Flip 6. The best alternative to the Flip will be the Motorola Razr Plus ( ), though there’s also a cheaper Razr ( ) if you’re on a tighter budget but still want a foldable device. For even more options check out our guide to the best foldable phones.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 wishlist

Right when the Galaxy Z Flip 5 launched, we had a fair idea of what we would want from a successor. For the Galaxy Z Flip 6, we want Samsung to fix all shortcomings and then some. Here is our wishlist for the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6.

Better use of the cover screen

samsung galaxy z flip 5 vs motorola razr plus tent fold

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

I love the new Flex Window’s size, and it’s a big improvement over the display on my Galaxy Z Flip 4, but Samsung hasn’t done enough with it yet. While devices like the Motorola Razr Plus allow you to run full apps right on the smaller display, Samsung sticks mostly to widgets out of the box.

If you want to run actual apps on the smaller display, you’ll either have to pick from a limited selection of experimental apps via Samsung labs, or you’ll have to install the Good Lock launcher and the MultiStar plugin. Even if you find enough apps that work well, you’ll run into a few other limitations, such as there being no easy way to toggle between apps on the Cover Screen without jumping through hoops.

An upgrade to its camera package

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 camera flex mode

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

Although the Galaxy Z Flip 5 has a decent camera experience, it’s largely identical to the Z Flip 4’s hardware and nowhere near as good as the Galaxy S23. The Z Flip is very much a flagship device, so I don’t see why we have to settle for hardware that’s anything less than the base Galaxy S model. The good news is that one early rumor claims the Galaxy Z Flip 6 is getting a new 50MP main camera, which hopefully will offer a similar experience to the upcoming Galaxy S24 next year.

Beyond this, I’d love to see a telephoto camera as well. Even if it’s not quite as good as the one in the Galaxy S23, it would better suit the more premium nature of the Z Flip series and get it closer to the very best camera phones.

Better battery life and faster charging

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 bottom edge

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

The Galaxy Z Flip series has never had great battery life, and while it’s gotten a bit better, you’ll still find it hard to make it much more than just a day with moderate use. In my experience, heavy use will drain it even faster. There have been times when I’ve seen my Z Flip 4 drop down to as little as 10% hours before bedtime, requiring me to plug it in early for the night. It’s time for this to change with the Z Flip 6.

To be fair, there’s a reason the Z Flip 5 only has a 3,700mAh battery: space is a premium here. Still, Samsung could probably bulk the phone up just a sliver and at least squeeze a 3,900mAh capacity inside, one would hope.

On a related note, I’d like to see quicker charging. The Z Flip 5 currently has 25W charging, which isn’t horrible but not nearly as good as the Galaxy S23 Ultra’s 45W charging speed. I’d like to see the Galaxy Z Flip 6 match this speed at the very least.

Dust protection

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 buttons and flex window

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

The Galaxy Z Flip 5 finally folds flat, which helps protect it a little, but there’s still no dust resistance. My brother-in-law is a farmer, and his Flip 3 died after only a year or so. This is a guy who takes great care of everything, which makes me wonder if the dusty conditions of farmwork might have played a role.

The good news is that Samsung has previously indicated it wants to eventually bring dust resistance to its foldable phones. The Motorola Razr Plus beat them to the job this year, which may further motivate Samsung to catch up here.

A bigger design shakeup

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 sim slot and mmwave window

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

I have to say it, I think the Razr Plus is a more attractive phone, even if I prefer Samsung’s take overall. Although Samsung has refined its design and increased its coverscreen each generation, it’s also gotten more and more boxy.

I would like to see a design that’s a bit more rounded next time around. A slightly bigger display wouldn’t be bad either. I’d love to see anything that sets it apart beyond just increasing the screen and narrowing the hinge gap.

Galaxy Z Flip 6 renders leak: A thicker foldable could be a good thing?

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Leaked renders 2

Credit: Smartprix

  • Renders of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 have leaked, giving us a good look at the upcoming device.
  • The Galaxy Z Flip 6 in these leaked renders looks very similar to the existing Galaxy Z Flip 5.
  • The new device is said to have a slightly thicker body, indicating it could possibly have a slightly bigger battery.

Following up on the leaked renders of the Galaxy Z Fold 6, we now have leaked renders of the Galaxy Z Flip 6. Much like a slew of foldables before it, there aren’t too many surprises here if you’re already familiar with the Galaxy Z Flip 5. Let’s unfold and see the renders and what they could mean for the upcoming clamshell foldable!

OnLeaks and Smartprix have shared leaked renders of the Galaxy Z Flip 6, and we wouldn’t fault you for confusing them for Galaxy Z Flip 5 renders.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Leaked renders 1

Credit: Smartprix

At first glance, the Galaxy Z Fold 6 in these leaked renders looks exactly like the Galaxy Z Fold 5. The cover display is said to be 3.4-inch in size, while the inner folding display is said to be 6.7-inch in size.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Leaked renders 3

Credit: Smartprix

The only change you could spot is the presence of two microphone holes on the top of the phone, which is one more than its predecessor.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 Leaked renders 4

Credit: Smartprix

Most of the differences in the Galaxy Z Flip 6 are present in the dimensions, apparently. The leak suggests that the Galaxy Z Flip 6 will measure about 165.0 x 71.7 x 7.4mm, compared to the 165.1 x 71.9 x 6.9 mm measurements on the Galaxy Z Flip 5. The only noteworthy change is a very slightly thicker body, indicating that we could see a marginal increase in battery.

From these leaked renders, we can presume that we’re in for another year of incremental updates. To Samsung’s credit, the Flip 5 adopted a bigger cover screen than the Flip 4, but competing clamshell foldables offer even bigger displays and better cameras.

We’ll have to wait to learn more about the Galaxy Z Flip 5 when it launches, though a separate leak suggests we could see a mid-July launch this year for the new foldables. Are you excited for it? Let us know in the comments below!

Samsung could launch the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Flip 6 earlier than expected

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Galaxy Z Flip 5 back panel

Credit: Ryan Haines / Android Authority

  • Samsung could launch the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6 in early July in Paris, France, to take advantage of marketing around the 2024 Summer Olympics that is scheduled to be held there.
  • Its cheaper foldable could launch either alongside or about three months later to preserve the premium image of its foldables.
  • Samsung is expected to continue using a Qualcomm SoC across its foldables this year.

Samsung’s Galaxy foldables have dominated the foldable market globally, setting the benchmark that other foldables have to beat. While others can and do overthrow Samsung on specifications, Samsung’s marketing and global distribution network is miles better than anything from the competitors. So, it is natural to get excited about the next foldables, which are widely expected to be the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6. If new leaks are to be believed, these could arrive earlier than usual this year.

According to a report from Sammobile, Samsung will launch the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6 in early July 2024. The event is expected to be held in the second week of the month, possibly on a Wednesday, as per Samsung’s tradition. That would mean the next Galaxy Unpacked 2024 could be held on July 10, 2024. Samsung could also gift the Galaxy Ring and a Galaxy smartphone to all athletes participating in the 2024 Summer Olympics.

A report from the Korean publication The Bell, citing industry sources, corroborates some of this information. Their report says that Samsung could launch the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6 in mid-July, with an overall sale schedule said to be three to four weeks earlier than in previous years. The company could also hold the launch event in Paris, France, possibly to take advantage of marketing the event around the 2024 Summer Olympics, which are scheduled to be held in the city on July 26, 2024.

The Korean report mentions that Samsung has recently requested its core component suppliers to “complete quality testing by April,” which is much earlier than the June deadline that was apparently previously mentioned.

Further, all the foldables that Samsung is expected to release could feature a Qualcomm SoC, which isn’t surprising considering they have always done so. The company is said to focus on improving the hinge technology, thickness, and durability instead of incorporating any revolutionary innovation such as a double foldable or sliding phone.

The Korean report reiterates previous rumors about a cheaper foldable, noting that it could be difficult for Samsung to achieve its goal as prices that could be lowered have vastly been reduced already.

Samsung’s top executives are also said to be worried about damaging the premium image of foldables with the release of entry-level models. Consequently, an entry-level model could be launched alongside the Galaxy Z Fold 6 or about three months later when premium sales and reputation have been achieved.
