Hra Rise of the Ronin od společnosti Koei Tecmo sice nezískala všeobecnou chválu kritiků (naši recenzi najdete zde), ale vydavateli se finančně dařilo. Přesto, pokud jste někdy přemýšleli, zda stojí za to se do hry pustit, je nyní v obchodě PlayStation Store ke stažení bezplatná demoverze.
Demo se skládá z první kapitoly, ve které se hráči vydají do Jokohamy, prozkoumávají širší svět a plní různé aktivity. Můžete přepadat nepřátelské tábory, lovit uprchlíky za odměnu a další činnosti, které vyvrcholí soubojem s bossem Gonzem. Pokud si hru zakoupíte, přenesou se do ní uložená data z demoverze.
Hra Rise of the Ronin je v současné době k dispozici pro systém PS5. V květnu se dočkala velké aktualizace, která přidala nové spojenecké mise na obtížnost Midnight, dva nové bonusy k sadám, misi Path of Chaos s různými nepřáteli na každý pokus a trénink proti protivníkům, jako je vaše dvojče Blade. Zůstaňte naladěni na další podrobnosti o budoucích aktualizacích.
Assassin’s Creed is one of the longest running franchises in gaming right now. The series has spanned three console generations, mixing its sci-fi mysteries with real world history. Players have delved into the pasts of some of gaming’s most beloved protagonists including Altair, Ezio, Kassandra (my personal fave), and current day Assassin, Desmon Miles. Outside of the historical intrigue full of murderous plots, Assassin’s Creed has also been an outline of sorts for open-world games ever since Ubisoft became a factory for that particular sub-genre.
Towers that remove the fog-of-war that has become a mainstay of games with large maps, icons that dot the horizon letting you know there’s something to be done in a myriad of places, gameplay that focuses on out-of-vehicle traversal, a combat system that is insanely easy to learn (as well as master if we’re being honest), and more. It was no surprise that a pioneer of such games ballooned in popularity, and as time flew by, we delved into more periods of time, ranging from the Persian Empire to the industrial revolution in London. Of course, we moved around modern day as well, just not to the same extent (and no, I’m not going to count Watch Dogs).
Rise of the Ronin got audiences excited for large-scale games in a Japanese setting. With Assassin’s Creed Red on the horizon, it’s the perfect time to look at things Rise of the Ronin did that excite us for the newest AC installment. Here are 10 reasons why Rise of the Ronin has us excited for Assassin’s Creed Red.
1. Diverse Japanese Weapons
Image Source: Sony Interactive Entertainment via Twinfinite
Combat in Rise of the Ronin is one of the most interesting things the game explores. Each weapon has different combat styles that can be used to gain the upper hand on enemies, but that’s never been the way Assassin’s Creed has approached combat. Assassin’s Creed is generally simpler, but many of the installments like Origins or Syndicate had the characters using a variety of weapons. Ideally, Assassin’s Creed Red will continue that trend with more than only a katana and hidden blade.
Sony Interactive Entertainment announced a loyalty program back in 2022 called PlayStation Stars. Through this program, players were able to earn reward points as well as digital collectables by completing campaigns designed for them and by making purchases in the PlayStation Store. These reward points can then be exchanged for …
Since the mid-90s, the developers at Team Ninja have earned consistent praise for their precise, satisfying combat. Look no further than the Dead or Alive franchise’s dynamic fighting system or Ninja Gaiden’s lightning-fast combat for prime examples. The developer aims to continue and expand that legacy of satisfying melee mechanics in Rise of the Ronin.
Rise of the Ronin allows players to battle through a storyline set in the final days of the Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan, known as Bakumatsu, where they can enjoy an accessible but deep combat system using different play styles combining melee weapons and firearms. This involves draining enemies’ Ki, mastering Martial Skills, and becoming proficient with multiple fighting styles. Mix and match to find your approach on PlayStation 5 on March 22.
To help players get ready to battle through historic Japan, Team Ninja shares a new behind-the-scenes developer diary diving into the combat of Rise of the Ronin.
Ki-depleting battle actions
In Rise of the Ronin, Team Ninja combines its signature combat action with Katanas, spears, other melee weapons, and ranged weapons like foreign firearms. As a Ronin, you will battle foes utilizing these two types of weapons.
The basic combat strategy involves performing melee attacks with Square, defending yourself from foes’ attacks with L1 to guard and Circle to dodge. When your foe’s Ki is completely depleted, they will become vulnerable and incapacitated, making it easier to deal massive damage with critical hits.
Similarly, when your Ki is exhausted, you temporarily won’t be able to attack or run, so pay attention to your Ki as you battle.
Using Counterspark and Martial Skills to damage Ki
When facing formidable foes, effectively parrying with the Counterspark action and utilizing Martial Skills can lower their maximum Ki, making it easier to defeat them.
Counterspark is an action that parries enemy attacks. To Counterspark, press Triangle to rotate the melee weapon in a large arc to counter the foe’s attack. When you use Counterspark to evade damage from attacks that you cannot guard yourself against, your foe’s Ki reduces, and they will be stunned briefly. This can create a window to deal even more damage to reduce their maximum Ki.
Martial skills (holding down R1 while pressing Square/Triangle) inflict more significant damage. They are also highly effective against strong foes.
Know your foes, weapons, and combat styles
Each Japanese and Western weapon—Katana, spears, dual blades, bayonets, and sabers—has its own capabilities and attack actions. As you build bonds with characters you meet, you will acquire new combat styles and further evolve their capabilities to enhance your battle experience.
As you battle your foes, knowing which one of the three combat styles, Ten (Sky), Chi (Earth), and Jin (Human), is advantageous against their weapons and can help you gain the upper hand in battle—and parrying them with the proper combat style will knock them back significantly.
Main combat styles
Mumyo Style
Originating in the Kurosu Clan from an unknown master, it is a versatile martial art combat style performed in pairs. Those who mastered the style were called Veiled Edge.
Hokushin Itto Style
This style of swordsmanship, founded by Shusaku Chiba in the early 19th century, is used to overwhelm foes with a series of attacks. Their teaching is rational, emphasizing the mastery of techniques through training performed by an attacker and a defender. Their dojo, established in 1822 in Edo (today’s Tokyo), remains operational today.
Yagyu Shinkage Style
The renowned military instructor of the Tokugawa clan founded this swordsmanship style. Starting with Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun, generations of shoguns and the Tokugawa clan are known to have studied this swordsmanship.
Nine weapons will be available for battling enemies, including dual blades, Oxtail Swords, great swords, and Odachi.
Long-ranged weapons
Bows and firearms require careful aiming to attack from a distance. Leveraging silent weapons like bows, you can perform a stealth takedown on unaware foes. While firearms are powerful, the gunfire will give away your attack to your enemies.
The timed firing of a handgun will stun foes for a prolonged period. It can be used as an attack opportunity to reduce the foe’s Ki cap limit.
Fire Pipes blow powerful flames. You can use this long-range weapon to set a group of enemies ablaze or ignite a gunpowder barrel to explode.
Ingenious grappling rope actions
You can throw the grappling rope at a latching point to gain leverage in a flash. You can also wield it to pull distant enemies in during combat. Keep the grappling rope in mind to take control of the battlefield from afar.
You can hold down R2 to wield a grappling rope to grab a nearby gunpowder barrel and throw it at enemies. The barrel will explode, setting the enemies on fire and inflicting epic damage.
There is no right or wrong way to approach combat with the multitude of options in your arsenal. Experiment with gear and master the many styles Rise of the Ronin has to offer on March 22.
Jak se Rise of the Ronin blíží ke svému spuštění koncem příštího měsíce, Sony a vývojářský tým Ninja pokračují v odhalování nových podrobností o akčním RPG s otevřeným světem, přičemž nedávný vývojářský deník odhalil rozsáhlé nové informace.
Bylo například potvrzeno, že Rise of the Ronin bude obsahovat tvůrce postavy. Ačkoli Team Ninja již dříve potvrdil, že hlavním hrdinou akčního RPG bude plně realizovaná postava s propracovaným příběhem , FAQ potvrzuje, že hráči si budou stále moci přizpůsobit různé prvky hlavního hrdiny, včetně jejich „tvaru obličeje a těla“. , vlasy, hlas a další.“
Stejné FAQ také odhaluje, že Rise of the Ronin bude obsahovat kooperaci pro čtyři hráče. V často kladených dotazech na oficiální stránce hry pro PlayStation společnost Sony odhalila, že Rise of the Ronin umožní až čtyřem hráčům hrát online společně, aby zvládli hlavní příběhové mise, k čemuž budete samozřejmě vyžadovat předplatné PlayStation Plus. Mezitím bylo také potvrzeno, že nebude žádný PvP multiplayer.
Co-op multiplayer byl samozřejmě důležitým prvkem her Nioh a Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty , takže jeho zařazení fanoušky počinů studia určitě potěší.
Společnosti Koei Tecmo a Team Ninja odhalily nové podrobnosti o boji ve hře Rise of the Ronin, od různých stylů, které mohou hráči používat, až po důležitost Ki během soubojů.
Většina z nich by měla být hráčům Nioh 1 a 2 důvěrně známá, ale k dispozici budou i možnosti změny obtížnosti.
Jak bylo odhaleno na oficiální stránce hry pro PlayStation, k dispozici budou tři režimy – Dawn (snadný), Dusk (normální) a Twilight (těžký). Změnit je můžete kdykoli, přičemž režim Úsvit nabízí možnosti zvýšení obnovy zdraví z léků a snížení množství ztracených Ki z útoků. Ty by měly pomoci těm, kteří si chtějí užít příběh nebo prozkoumávat svět, zatímco hráči zaměření na boj mají větší výzvu.
Zda bude Rise of the Ronin obsahovat různé Paths jako série Nioh, které slouží jako New Game Plus playthrough a přidávají nový obsah, se teprve uvidí. Hra vychází 22. března pro PS5.
Důvodů, proč se na Rise of the Ronin těšit, není málo, ale skutečnost, že se jedná o první pokus vývojářského studia Team Ninja o hru s otevřeným světem, musí být na seznamu přání na prvním místě.
To, co bylo z akčního RPG dosud ukázáno, vykreslilo jeho otevřený svět ve velmi slibném světle a společnost Sony nyní vydala další nový trailer, který v tom pokračuje.
Trailer „World Vignette“ začíná tím, že si posvítí na svižné mechanismy traverzování ve hře Rise of the Ronin, které hráčům umožní volně přecházet od šplhání po střechách přes vznášení se vzduchem pomocí zařízení známého jako Avicula až po přistání přímo na koni a rychlý cval.
Ve hře je také zdůrazněno Japonsko Bakumatsu – konkrétně tři hlavní města, která budou sloužit jako velká ústřední místa mapy, a to Edo, Kjóto a Jokohama. Trailer končí několika pohledy na nepovinný obsah a vedlejší aktivity, které bude otevřený svět obsahovat a které, jak si asi dokážete představit, budou zahrnovat spoustu stealthu a boje.
Trailer si můžete prohlédnout níže.
Hra Rise of the Ronin vychází 22. března pro systém PS5.
Team Ninja's PlayStation 5 exclusive Rise of the Ronin will feature up to four player co-op online.
The upcoming action-RPG is set during the Bakamatsu era of Japan, and will see players play as a Ronin who navigates their way through different political factions as they help to shape the course of history.
Co-op has now been confirmed for Rise of the Ronin via the game's FAQ section (spotted by Okami13_ on X), which states players can join up to three others in online co-op. The FAQs also confirm there will be no PvP in Rise of the Ronin.
Since the mid-90s, the developers at Team Ninja have earned consistent praise for their precise, satisfying combat. Look no further than the Dead or Alive franchise’s dynamic fighting system or Ninja Gaiden’s lightning-fast combat for prime examples. The developer aims to continue and expand that legacy of satisfying melee mechanics in Rise of the Ronin.
Rise of the Ronin allows players to battle through a storyline set in the final days of the Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan, known as Bakumatsu, where they can enjoy an accessible but deep combat system using different play styles combining melee weapons and firearms. This involves draining enemies’ Ki, mastering Martial Skills, and becoming proficient with multiple fighting styles. Mix and match to find your approach on PlayStation 5 on March 22.
To help players get ready to battle through historic Japan, Team Ninja shares a new behind-the-scenes developer diary diving into the combat of Rise of the Ronin.
Ki-depleting battle actions
In Rise of the Ronin, Team Ninja combines its signature combat action with Katanas, spears, other melee weapons, and ranged weapons like foreign firearms. As a Ronin, you will battle foes utilizing these two types of weapons.
The basic combat strategy involves performing melee attacks with Square, defending yourself from foes’ attacks with L1 to guard and Circle to dodge. When your foe’s Ki is completely depleted, they will become vulnerable and incapacitated, making it easier to deal massive damage with critical hits.
Similarly, when your Ki is exhausted, you temporarily won’t be able to attack or run, so pay attention to your Ki as you battle.
Using Counterspark and Martial Skills to damage Ki
When facing formidable foes, effectively parrying with the Counterspark action and utilizing Martial Skills can lower their maximum Ki, making it easier to defeat them.
Counterspark is an action that parries enemy attacks. To Counterspark, press Triangle to rotate the melee weapon in a large arc to counter the foe’s attack. When you use Counterspark to evade damage from attacks that you cannot guard yourself against, your foe’s Ki reduces, and they will be stunned briefly. This can create a window to deal even more damage to reduce their maximum Ki.
Martial skills (holding down R1 while pressing Square/Triangle) inflict more significant damage. They are also highly effective against strong foes.
Know your foes, weapons, and combat styles
Each Japanese and Western weapon—Katana, spears, dual blades, bayonets, and sabers—has its own capabilities and attack actions. As you build bonds with characters you meet, you will acquire new combat styles and further evolve their capabilities to enhance your battle experience.
As you battle your foes, knowing which one of the three combat styles, Ten (Sky), Chi (Earth), and Jin (Human), is advantageous against their weapons and can help you gain the upper hand in battle—and parrying them with the proper combat style will knock them back significantly.
Main combat styles
Mumyo Style
Originating in the Kurosu Clan from an unknown master, it is a versatile martial art combat style performed in pairs. Those who mastered the style were called Veiled Edge.
Hokushin Itto Style
This style of swordsmanship, founded by Shusaku Chiba in the early 19th century, is used to overwhelm foes with a series of attacks. Their teaching is rational, emphasizing the mastery of techniques through training performed by an attacker and a defender. Their dojo, established in 1822 in Edo (today’s Tokyo), remains operational today.
Yagyu Shinkage Style
The renowned military instructor of the Tokugawa clan founded this swordsmanship style. Starting with Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun, generations of shoguns and the Tokugawa clan are known to have studied this swordsmanship.
Nine weapons will be available for battling enemies, including dual blades, Oxtail Swords, great swords, and Odachi.
Long-ranged weapons
Bows and firearms require careful aiming to attack from a distance. Leveraging silent weapons like bows, you can perform a stealth takedown on unaware foes. While firearms are powerful, the gunfire will give away your attack to your enemies.
The timed firing of a handgun will stun foes for a prolonged period. It can be used as an attack opportunity to reduce the foe’s Ki cap limit.
Fire Pipes blow powerful flames. You can use this long-range weapon to set a group of enemies ablaze or ignite a gunpowder barrel to explode.
Ingenious grappling rope actions
You can throw the grappling rope at a latching point to gain leverage in a flash. You can also wield it to pull distant enemies in during combat. Keep the grappling rope in mind to take control of the battlefield from afar.
You can hold down R2 to wield a grappling rope to grab a nearby gunpowder barrel and throw it at enemies. The barrel will explode, setting the enemies on fire and inflicting epic damage.
There is no right or wrong way to approach combat with the multitude of options in your arsenal. Experiment with gear and master the many styles Rise of the Ronin has to offer on March 22.