Když si stáhnete Call of Duty, nebudete muset současně stahovat i Warzone. Podle nového příspěvku společnosti Activision vydavatel oznámil, že do budoucna oddělí Warzone od her Call of Duty.
„Abychom hráčům umožnili větší kontrolu nad tím, co stahují, oddělujeme stahování hry Call of Duty: Warzone od ostatních titulů,“ uvedla společnost Activision. „Když si zakoupíte roční titul, budete ve výchozím nastavení stahovat pouze soubory pro tuto hru.“
To znamená, že pokud si chcete stáhnout hru Warzone, musíte ji stáhnout zvlášť. Nejenže se tím zkrátí doba stahování hry Call of Duty, než si ji budete moci zahrát, ale také se uvolní hlavní prostor na vašich úložných zařízeních.
„Důležitá je flexibilita a možnost volby,“ uvedli. „Chceme dát hráčům možnost volby stáhnout si každou hru Call of Duty, včetně Call of Duty: Warzone, kdy a jak chtějí.“
K tomuto oddělení dojde od středy 21. srpna. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 vychází 25. října a bude první hrou v sérii, která vyjde Day One na Xbox Game Pass.
Postapokalyptické akční RPG s otevřeným světem bude vydáno pro PC a konzole, avšak na kterých konkrétně konzolích bude k dispozici, nebylo potvrzeno.
Vzpomínáte si na Chernobylite? Akční survival hororové RPG z pohledu první osoby od společnosti Farm 51 bylo v plné verzi spuštěno v roce 2021 a zavedlo hráče do černobylské vyloučené zóny, což byl rozhodně drsný, ale slibný zážitek. Již brzy se studio do tohoto světa vrátí s pokračováním.
Společnost The Farm 51 oznámila hru Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone, pokračování akčního RPG s otevřeným světem, které bude kombinovat mechanismy craftingu, přežití a budování základny s průzkumem otevřeného světa ve světě plném atmosféry. Hráči budou hrát za Planewalkera, někoho, kdo je schopen cestovat mezi paralelními světy, což vám také umožní měnit za běhu svůj build a schopnosti.
Farma 51 slibuje větší rozmanitost budování díky mechanikám postupu a přizpůsobení hry, rozmanitější souboje s pokročilým systémem boje zblízka, větší důraz na postavy společníků, frakce, mechaniky budování základen a další, přičemž potvrzena je i kooperace. Níže se podívejte na oznamovací trailer, který poskytlo IGN.
Hra Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone vyjde někdy v roce 2025 pro PC a konzole. V současné době není známo, pro které konzole konkrétně hra vyjde.
Activision has banned over 65,000 players across Call of Duty: Warzone and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
The bans rolled out in the last few hours, purging thousands of "cheating and boosting" players from both Ranked and non-Ranked play alike.
"The Ricochet Anti-Cheat team has now purged the Ranked Play leaderboards in both Call of Duty: Warzone and Modern Warfare 3, banning accounts for cheating and boosting," Team Ricochet – the cheating enforcement team – said.
Nedávno se objevila řada úniků, které odhalily nespočet informací o hře Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, včetně map, režimů, killstreaků, mechanik pohybu a dalších. Hra, která má vyjít v říjnu, se díky těmto únikům dostala do širšího povědomí, ale Activision se snaží sdílení obrázků na internetu zabránit, vydává proti nim bany a klipy a obrázky stahuje ze sociálních sítí.
Jeden konkrétní únik, který fanoušky nadchl, byl screenshot pořízený na mapě, která zjevně patří battle royale režimu Warzone. Tento obrázek (který byl nyní společností Activision stažen) ukazuje „Avalon“, mapu Warzone, která vyjde později v roce 2025.
Nejprve návrat do Verdansku
Už za pár měsíců se vrátíme do Verdansku, poprvé od prosince 2021 – pokud nepočítáme Warzone Mobile. Zatím není známo, zda půjde o předělávku klasické mapy, nebo jen o návrat do původní mapy, ale to ukáže čas. Očekává se, že pro hráčskou základnu půjde o nový impulz k návratu do hry. Tuto mapu by měli mít hráči k dispozici v roce 2025.
Interní kódové označení rozsáhlé mapy, která přijde po Verdansku, se nedávno objevilo v únicích.
Kromě uvedeného klipu jsme viděli také ukázku, která ukazuje hráče letícího vysoko nad mapou, což nám poskytlo širší pohled na celou krajinu. Od výběžku menších ostrovů oddělených vodou až po jakési centrum města, které nabízí městskou lokaci uprostřed převážně venkovské mapy, to vypadá, že toto prostředí je dost podobné Caldeře.
Jak hráč prochází mapou, vidíme satelitní stanice a vojenská zařízení spolu s obytnými čtvrtěmi, přístavní oblastí a několika starými, zničenými zajímavými místy. Je zde i trocha zemědělské půdy, golfové hřiště a obrovský stadion.
The 'out of region' areas in this MP map look awfully detailed.
Byl to jednoduchý obrázek, který zobrazoval hráče stojícího na jakémsi malém ostrově u pobřeží poněkud zamlženého, možná venkovského místa. Fanoušci rychle poukázali na to, že nová mapa má spoustu vody a otevřeného prostoru, což není něco, co by ve Warzone mapě aktivně vyhledávali – ale to je Avalon.
Očekává se, že Avalon dorazí v prosinci 2025 s jakoukoli další hrou Call of Duty.
Masivní úniky postihly Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. Na X unikly obrázky a videa ukazující nové mapy, zbraně, režimy a pohybové mechaniky. Activision rychle reagoval a obsah byl stažen ze sociálních sítí.
Uživatel betterthanalaix je nový účet, který pravděpodobně vznikl jen za účelem sdílet uniklý obsah. Jak se k němu dostal, je neznámé. Na obrázky a video se už z jeho účtu nepodíváme, ale samozřejmě není vyloučeno, že se ještě někde neobjeví.
Podle popisků u příspěvků se obsah týkal zejména nových map, kterých je celkem dvacet. Jejich kompletní seznam byl první příspěvek leakera. Některé mapy se už objevily v jiných dílech.
Call of Duty má problém s cheatery. Platí to jak o loňském Modern Warfare 3, tak i o free-to-play Warzone. V příspěvku na X Activision oznámil, že tento týden v obou hrách dostalo ban přes 65 tisíc cheaterů.
Tým spadající pod iniciativu Ricochet, která ve hrách Call of Duty bojuje proti podvádění, zaútočil na účty jak v kompetitivních, tak nekompetitivních režimech. Problémem byly nejen cheaty, ale i boosting, praktika, kde zkušený a schopný hráč hraje na účtu nezkušeného hráče a tím zvyšuje hodnotu jeho účtu. „Tým bude dále monitorovat a potlačovat cheating a boosting ve všech herních módech,“ píše se v příspěvku.
Odpovědi pod zprávou jsou skeptické. Někteří tvrdí, že nic nezastaví cheatery, aby si ihned nezaložili další účet. Jiným zase číslo přijde moc nízké a apelují na Activision, ať se snaží více. Uživatel ZOTROZAkritizuje banování ve vlnách.
„Nevypadá to, že by Ricochet byl automatizován, chce to ihned vylepšit,“ píše. Tvrdí, že by se Activision měl inspirovat například u Valorantu a jeho služby Vanguard.
Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone Season 5 has already kicked off with a bang, bringing the world of WWE to Call of Duty. But the real excitement is yet to come with the mid-season update on the horizon. Here's when to expect the MW3 and Warzone Season 5 Reloaded release, including an inside look into upcoming features.
When does Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone Season 5 Reloaded come out?
According to the battle pass, MW3 and Warzone Season 5 Reloaded will launch on Aug. 21, 2024. It will likely debut sometime around 9 a.m. PT, given that past seasons have been released at this timeframe.
Preloads for MW3 and Warzone Season 5 Reloaded will be available the day before or a few hours prior to launch. This convenient feature ensures that you can jump right into the action as soon as the update is live. Since it's a Reloaded patch, it shouldn't require too much space, but it's always a good idea to clear out some room for the next update.
MW3 and Warzone Season 5 Reloaded features
Season 5 Reloaded showcases two new weapons: the Spear and Torque 35. The first tool excels in close-quarters combat as a melee weapon that can be thrown from a distance. But if a spear isn't quite your style, participate in the Weekly Challenges to get the bow and arrow Torque 35. Both weapons harness the ability to pin enemies to the wall to inflict a ton of damage.
New Aftermarket Parts and events will also arrive for MW3 and Warzone. However, a few upcoming features are only for specific modes. We'll divide them up to give you a better picture of each one.
Modern Warfare 3
Modern Warfare 3's mid-season update introduces a new map variant, Ink House. The same cel-shaded treatment seen in Toonoxide and Celship will be shown here, switching up the visuals of the iconic Shoot House.
New game modes will also be a part of Reloaded, including the following challenges:
Fishfection: A unique spin to the classic Infected mode, where you can turn into a Fish Operator. Use a Compound Bow or Spear to avoid this from happening at all costs.
Paintball: All bullets are replaced with paint splatters, resulting in a one-shot kill. Play on small maps and participate in standard modes such as Kill Confirmed or Capture the Flag.
Defuse or Destroy: A Search and Destroy mode where a bomb will activate upon start.
MW3 Zombies
The final MW3 Zombies story mission is on its way for Season 5 Reloaded, concluding the overall narrative for the mode. Venture into a new Dark Aether Rift and take down the last Zombies boss.
You'll have several new Schematics to try out, including the highly anticipated Stash Increase. That means your inventory will be extended to 30, giving you a nice amount of space for your extra gear. Then, there's the Disciple Bottle, an item with the ability to summon a friendly Disciple. The Grenade Bandolier is the last Schematic for the season, which automatically replenishes your Lethal and Tactical equipment gradually.
Warzone Season 5 Reloaded features the return of Supreme Resurgence in Rebirth Island. Loot around this map to claim powerful weapon blueprints with camo designs. Those who win the first match earn their right to the Spilled Beans Weapon Camo.
Look out for the new Elite Contracts for even more rewards. These tasks will be much more grueling than standard Contracts, as their time limits will be reduced. Complete them to collect gifts, like Foresight Killstreak, Specialist Perk Package, and Advanced UAV.
Hardened battle royalists will remember Caldera, the sandy island map of bunkers and palm trees in Call Of Duty: Warzone. It got shut down last year as Activision focused their efforts elsewhere, making the map unplayable. But you can now revisit those bullet-strewn beaches. In theory, anyway. Activision have released it as a 4GB open-source project that can be explored in a 3D model-viewing tool. That's cool. But among their reasons for doing so, there lies a predictably grubby logic: they want people to use the data to train AI.
Hardened battle royalists will remember Caldera, the sandy island map of bunkers and palm trees in Call Of Duty: Warzone. It got shut down last year as Activision focused their efforts elsewhere, making the map unplayable. But you can now revisit those bullet-strewn beaches. In theory, anyway. Activision have released it as a 4GB open-source project that can be explored in a 3D model-viewing tool. That's cool. But among their reasons for doing so, there lies a predictably grubby logic: they want people to use the data to train AI.
Look, who knows when we’ll see Fallout 5 - there’s an increasingly less-than-zero chance we’ll all be living in a real post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland by the time Bethesda get around to revealing anything, if their deliberately slow approach to The Elder Scrolls 6 (it’s been nearly THIRTEEN years since Skyrim) is much to go by. Still, even without a full sequel, Fallout is all around us - in multiple seasons of a television show, in Fortnite, and now in Call of Duty.
Look, who knows when we’ll see Fallout 5 - there’s an increasingly less-than-zero chance we’ll all be living in a real post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland by the time Bethesda get around to revealing anything, if their deliberately slow approach to The Elder Scrolls 6 (it’s been nearly THIRTEEN years since Skyrim) is much to go by. Still, even without a full sequel, Fallout is all around us - in multiple seasons of a television show, in Fortnite, and now in Call of Duty.
HoYoverse's next major title, Zenless Zone Zero, is gearing up for launch with a pre-release livestream titled "Welcome to New Eridu"! This special stream will dive into what players can expect in the first version update, including details on upcoming character banners, pre-registration rewards, exciting new content, and more.
Like its beloved predecessors, Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail, Zenless Zone Zero promises a free-to-play action RPG experience with HoYoverse's signature gacha mechanics and vibrant character designs. However, its unique urban fantasy setting and creative “TV traversal” combat mechanics set it apart!
Zenless Zone Zero Pre-Release Livestream Date, Time & Countdown
The Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu," will air on June 28, 2024 at 7 pm (UTC+8).
Here’s a countdown to when the Zenless Zone Zero 1.0 Pre-Release Livestream begins:
Here are the start times for the Zenless Zone Zero 1.0 Pre-Release Livestream in other timezones:
Time zone
Zenless Zone Zero 1.0 Livestream start time
Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
Central Time (CT)
Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
British Summer Time (BST)
Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Indian Standard Time (IST)
Hong Kong Time (HKT)| Singapore Time (SGT)
Japan Standard Time (JST) | Korea Standard Time (KST)
Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
Where Can I Watch the Zenless Zone Zero Pre-Release Livestream?
The Zenless Zone Zero Pre-Release Livestream will be broadcast on the following official channels:
Don't worry if you can't tune in live! After the stream ends, the VOD will be available on all platforms.
Zenless Zone Zero Pre-Release Livestream Codes
The Pre-Release Livestream is set to announce "official release rewards," likely including pre-registration milestone rewards and bonuses for early players.
But that's not all! HoYoverse will also be giving away “reward drops” like redemption codes and livestream prize draws. We'll update this section with the codes as soon as they're revealed during the livestream, so stay tuned!
What to Expect from the Zenless Zone Zero Pre-Release Livestream
Zenless Zone Zero has been stirring up a storm since it was teased in May 2022, and now players can finally get their first official glimpse of the finished product! Through the Pre-Release Livestream, players can expect to learn about Zenless Zone Zero’s launch content, including character banners, new Agents reveals, events, and more. This stream will be your roadmap for the game's initial six weeks.
The livestream will be presented by HoYoverse’s CEO and founder, Da Wei, alongside Zenless Zone Zero dev team members. So players can also anticipate insights about Zenless Zone Zero’s development process!
That's everything we know so far about the Zenless Zone Zero 1.0 Pre-Release Livestream! Interested in learning more about Zenless Zone Zero? Check out our Zenless Zone Zero hub here, which details its release date, supported platforms, gameplay mechanics, lore, and more.
Now that we've spent some in Season 4's initial phase, it's time to gear up for the mid-season update. Here's when MW3 and Warzone Season 4 Reloaded releases, and what to expect.
When does MW3 and Warzone Season 4 Reloaded start?
Based on the Battle Pass duration, MW3 and Warzone Season 4 Reloaded is expected to come out on June 26, 2024. Although the date and timing have yet to be confirmed, it will likely debut at 9 a.m. PT/11 a.m. CST/12 p.m. EST.
With the Reloaded patch, the update size should be a manageable amount of space, typically around 18 to 25 GB. A pre-load should be available the day before the launch to ensure you're fully prepared. This way, you can dive right into the action as soon as it's live.
What to expect in MW3 and Warzone Season 4 Reloaded
The MW3 and Warzone Season 4 roadmap gives us a glimpse into what to expect for its Reloaded release. We'll break down each category to give you an idea of upcoming features.
MW3 Multiplayer maps
Multiplayer is set to introduce two new 6v6 core maps: Incline and Das Gross. Incline will take you high above the mountains of Urzikstan in a medium-sized map, perfect for mid-range loadouts. And if that's not enough, Das Gross will transform Das Haus into an alien nightmare, adding a whole new twist to your gaming experience.
MW3 game modes
Havoc mode returns in Season 4 to change up the classic dynamics of Team Deathmatch. You may remember this entry from Modern Warfare 2's Season 5 launch, where you'll be rewarded with various modifiers throughout the match. In particular, Operators can equip the Camera Shift ability to change to third-person mode.
Another upcoming game mode will also unleash a new wave of Team Deathmatch content with Headshots Only. The challenge is pretty self-explanatory, in which players can only get kills when aiming for an Operator's head.
MW3 Zombies Unstable Rift
Unfortunately, not much is planned for MW3 Zombies, as it only features one new challenge. Players can tackle the Unstable Rift Exclusion Zone to earn more rewards and wipe out hordes of zombies. The quest can be replayed as many times as you want, and weapon/schematic cooldowns will be refreshed each time.
Warzone weapons and events
Warzone's Season 4 Reloaded content has been shrouded in mystery, with a few updates garnering a 'Redacted' title. What we do know, however, is that rare weaponry will be available in Loot Hot Zones or Bunkers. The guns in question haven't been revealed yet, so we'll need to wait until more Reloaded information comes out. Plus, Bunkers will be receiving an update of their own, increasing enemy activity within its radius.
Other than the exclusive weapons, the Runaway Train Public Event will begin during Season 4 Reloaded. Use the train to get around Urzikstan quickly, but be mindful of enemy Operators who also have the same goal in mind.
New weaponry
The Superi 46 and KAR98K have already become some of the most powerful guns in Season 4. However, Reloaded will introduce new weapons that could take over their spot. This includes the Reclaimer 18 Shotgun and Sledgehammer Melee Weapon. While Reclaimer 18 was previously shown in Black Ops Cold War, the Sledgehammer is a brand-new weapon that packs a 20-pound head.
Other content will presumably arrive for Season 4 Reloaded, but for now, these are the confirmed features from the roadmap. We also can't forget the upcoming Aftermarket Parts from Weekly Challenges, such as the Jak Volkh, Jak Thumber-656, and Jak Intimidator.
Taipei’s annual Computex event is always a big, circled, triple-underlined mark in the PC gaming hardware calendar. Whereas CES splits its focus across tech, cars, and the occasional overdesigned white good, Computex is all computing, all the time, making it a prime source of reveals and showcases for the hardware bits that make games happen.
Sadly, Computex 2024 is unlikely to go down as a classic, largely because this year’s show has been mesmerised by AI and the most tedious applications thereof: search, but different somehow! Run art-stealing generation tools faster! Oh, Computex, what have they done to you, and why do you have seven fingers on one hand?
Granted, AI is a broad field, and not everything about it is necessarily gross or creatively bankrupting. But it also doesn’t deserve to overshadow all the other useful, unexpected, and curiosity-piquing gaming tech that Computex has to offer, from new Steam Deck alternatives to resurrected CPU lineups and promising graphics card updates. Here are those highlights of the show so far...
A federal court has awarded Activision £11.3m ($14.4m) after it ruled in favour of the publisher's lawsuit against cheat makers EngineOwning and Garnatz Enterprise Ltd, and 11 individual people.
As spotted by VentureBeat, the lawsuit, which was filed at the beginning of 2022, accuses the companies and individuals – Valentin Rick, Leonard Bugla, Leon Frisch, Marc-Alexander Richts, Alexander Kleeman, Leon Schlender, Bennet Huch, Ricky Szameitat, Remo Loffler, Charlie Wiest and Pascal Classen – of profiting from cheats and giving an unfair competitive advantage to players prepared to pay for auto-aim and auto-fire software cheats.
At the time, Activision said it sought "to put a stop to unlawful conduct by an organisation that is distributing and selling for profit numerous malicious software products designed to enable members of the public to gain unfair competitive advantages", and described EngineOwning as a "German business entity... engaged in the development, sale, distribution, marketing, and exploitation of a portfolio of malicious cheats and hacks for popular online multiplayer games, most prominently the COD Games".
The classic anime series Gundam examines the traumatic experience of war, particularly the unalterable effect it has on those young soldiers forced to participate in the horrors of fighting for their life while taking the lives of others using weapons of inhuman strength and devastation. Which clearly makes it the perfect fit for a bit of upcoming DLC for military-fetishising interactive gun range Call of Duty.
Last week Spotify announced it would end support for its short-lived Car Thing accessory for streaming music in an automobile… and by end support, I mean the gadgets would just stop working altogether. Part of the problem is Spotify never sold many of these things, but folks who did buy them weren’t too happy, and now Spotify […]
At least two more companies are planning to enter the handheld gaming PC space. Zotac and ADATA have both announced plans to introduce handhelds at the Computex trade show next week. The ZOTAC GAMING ZONE handheld will have a 7 inch AMOLED display and an AMD RYzen processor, while the ADATA XPG NIA will be one of […]
The latest season of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III and Warzone is now live. Unsurprisingly, some players have already started datamining it, and in so doing, have found what appears to be the first in-game look at an upcoming, still-unannounced Fallout crossover.
Everyone has a sequel they’re waiting for someone to greenlight. Some of our favorite video game franchises exist in a sad state of limbo. It’s only natural that after decades of companies making games and trying to earn the most money from them, that some good titles would fall through the cracks, never to become a…
Since the Urzikstan map was released for Warzone in late 2023, fans have been waiting for ranked to return. It was most recently mentioned in February in a blog post about Season 2 on the Call of Duty site. It was light on details; all it had to say was that it would come later this year. After three months of silence, while fans have been asking on Reddit and Twitter, there is finally a new update.
Call of Duty-focused outlet Charlie Intel shared in a tweet that Activision promised Ranked was still coming in a call with creators. However, while this is still a confirmation, it is still in the works. The only downside is that Activision didn’t announce a possible date. Instead, they once again give it the “later this year” release window. That might not be completely what was wanted, but at least Activision knows players still want it.
Warzone Mobile's Storm Chasers event unveils a collection of electrifying rewards. Unlike some Call of Duty items, these unique gifts can be earned entirely for free. Here's a sneak peek into Storm Chasers rewards and how to get them fast in Warzone Mobile.
How to earn Storm Chasers rewards fast in Warzone Mobile
Strategically earning Event Points (EP) or High Voltage Badges is the key to unlocking rewards in the Warzone Mobile Storm Chasers event. While you can play any Battle Royale or Multiplayer Playlist to earn them, mastering a few efficient methods can significantly speed up your progress. Explore these tactics to boost EP in Warzone Mobile:
Participate in High Voltage mode
Get Zapped in High Voltage
Use Tactical Boosts
Have two UAV towers activated at the same time
Open Supply Boxes
Open two Supply Boxes with Speed Boost in 30 seconds
Complete Contracts
Have a squad activate two towers in less than ten seconds
Deal 50 damage in Multiplayer
Get eliminations with Fire Boost
Even though you can play any mode for the Storm Chasers event, starting with High Voltage is best. It's a 10-minute round where the last team standing wins. Lightning bolts will strike you here, earning you the 'Get Zapped' objective. Not only will it provide Operators with EP, but it will also grant them a free perk. Specifically, the Speed Boost can be activated, which is perfect for the next objective of opening two Supply Boxes.
Most tasks in the Event Action section are relatively easy to complete, especially activating UAV Towers. The three objectives, Get Zapped, Eliminations with Fire Boost, and Contract, will also lend out Tactical Boosts. These boosts are temporary enhancements to get more EP quickly. However, Contracts take up more time than any other objective.
Remember, the Warzone Mobile Storm Chasers event is a limited-time opportunity, set to conclude on May 16, 2024. So, ensure you amass enough EP before this thrilling event draws to a close.
All Storm Chasers rewards in Warzone Mobile
Players can earn the following rewards in the Warzone Mobile Storm Chasers event:
Required Event Points
Reward Previews
400 EP
Electrifying Dive Calling Card
4,000 EP
High-Voltage Badge
20,000 EP
Wind Breaker Emblem
50,000 EP
High-Voltage Badge
80,000 EP
Sky Reaper Large Decal
130,000 EP
High-Voltage Badge
180,000 EP
Volcanic Shock Shotgun
250,000 EP
High-Voltage Badge
330,000 EP
Blistering Thunder Sniper Rifle
You can use the High Voltage Badges in the Event Store to get even more rewards. For instance, five badges earn you the Lightning Burnout Vehicle Skin.
MW3 and Warzone Season 3 Week 5 challenges focus on shotguns, marksman rifles, and the Fortune's Keep map. Like past objectives, a few vague terms are mixed in to throw you for a loop. To save you the headache, here's how to complete these challenges.
All Modern Warfare 3 Season 3 Week 5 challenges
MW3's Multiplayer challenges present several unique kills, such as Akimbo, Hipfire Clean, and Tac Stance. We're here to explain these terms and the required weapons for the objectives.
How to unlock
Weapon Requirements
Get 25 Operator Akimbo Kills with a Recommended Weapon
Akimbo is mostly reserved for Handguns only, where you can wield two of the same weapon in both hands. You'll need to level up the gun to unlock this feature (check Weapon Progression). Equip two of the same pistols in your primary and secondary slots.
Akimbo Renetti or Akimbo WSP Stinger
2,500 XP
Get 15 Operator Clean Kills with Recommended Marksman Rifles
Don't take damage while shooting at the enemy.
KVD Enforcer or Lockwood MK2
5,000 XP
Get 15 Operator Tac Stance Kills with Recommended Marksman Rifles
Enter the Tac Stance position and shoot to kill (can adjust settings for a different input).
KVD Enforcer or Lockwood MK2
5,000 XP
Get 15 Operator Hipfire Clean Kills with Recommended Shotguns
Don't use Aiming Down Sight (no aiming) while shooting and avoid getting shot.
KV Broadside or Lockwood 680
5,000 XP
Get 25 Operator One Shot One Kills while Aiming Down Sights with Recommended Shotguns
Try to get a kill with one bullet while aiming. Fortunately, shotguns are highly destructive, making these eliminations easy.
KV Broadside or Lockwood 680
7,500 XP
Get 20 Operator Double KIlls with Recommended Marksman Rifles
Get two eliminations in a short amount of time.
KVD Enforcer or Lockwood MK2
7,500 XP
Get 10 Operator Triple Kills with Recommended Shotguns
Get three kills in an even more short amount of time.
KV Broadside or Lockwood 680
10,000 XP
All MW3 Zombies Season 3 Week 5 challenges
Season 3 Reloaded offers more challenges to achieve in Zombies mode, including the Warlord Rainmaker. Test out these new features with the Week 5 challenges to increase the thrill further.
How to unlock
Weapon Requirements
Get 750 Kills while Aiming Down Sights with a Recommended Weapon
Simply aim while shooting.
Any Recommended Weapon
2,500 XP
Get 200 Critical Kills with a Recommended Marksman Rifle
Critical Kills involve shooting at an enemy's weak points, including headshots.
KVD Enforcer or Lockwood MK2
5,000 XP
Get 10 Kills without taking damage with a Recommended Marksman Rifle 30 times
Functions similarly to Clean Kills.
KVD Enforcer or Lockwood MK2
5,000 XP
Get 150 Critical Kills with a Recommended Shotgun while Deadshot Daquiri is active
Purchase or take the Deadshot Daquiri Perk Cola beforehand from your Rucksack.
KV Broadside or Lockwood 680
5,000 XP
Get 5 Mangler kills with a Recommended Marksman Rifle
Manglers can be found on Escort or Eliminate the Bounty Contracts.
KVD Enforcer or Lockwood MK2
7,500 XP
Get 250 One Shot Kills with a Recommended Pack-a-Punched Shotgun
Pack-a-Punch your shotgun by purchasing it a machine or consuming an Aetherium Crystal.
KV Broadside or Lockwood 680
7,500 XP
Get 5 Rapid Kills with a Recommended Shotgun 20 times
Kill a considerable number of zombies in a short amount of time.
KV Broadside or Lockwood 680
10,000 XP
All Warzone Season 3 Week 5 challenges
Warzone's Season 3 Week 5 challenges take you to Fortune's Keep. We've listed the exact locations you need to go to for these tasks.
How to unlock
Open 50 Loot Caches in Battle Royale
Loot around as much as possible in any BR map.
2,500 XP
Get 10 Operator Kills in the North Region of Fortune's Keep
Kill enemy players in Gatehouse, Keep, or Terraces.
5,000 XP
Revive a teammate 10 times
Join a squad and help a teammate when downed.
5,000 XP
Get 10 Operator Kills in the East Region of Fortune's Keep
Eliminate foes at Konni Outpost, Lighthouse, Pier, or Winery.
5,000 XP
Get 10 Operator Kills in the West Region of Fortune's Keep
Kill enemies at Graveyard, Overlook, or Town.
7,500 XP
Get 10 Operator Kills in the South Region of Fortune's Keep
Kill foes in Ground Zero.
7,500 XP
Place top 10 five times
Survive as long as possible.
10,00 XP
Once you've achieved five challenges from any of these modes, you'll unlock the Jak Wardens Aftermarket Part. The item exclusively pertains to the Lockwood MK2 Marksman Rifle. Using it makes for a pretty deadly set-up through its Akimbo feature. For loadout recommendations, check out our guide on how to build an overpowered Akimbo Lockwood MK2 loadout.
If you want to test the Jak Wardens Aftermarket Part before unlocking it, use it in a Private Match. These modes generally allow you to use locked parts without leveling up. If the update permits, you can also utilize the Unlock All Attachments glitch through this mode.
Once Season 3 challenges reach Week 8, you can earn the Allegiances camo. However, this requires you to gain all eight Weekly Challenges Unlocks. It's a tough feat, so use this guide to help you score this unique cosmetic.
Vortex Vi.Rus mainframe is the next event in Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone. Here is everything we know about the upcoming new challenges, including reward predictions.
MW3 and Warzone Season 3 is well underway. The devs have already treated fans to a Gozilla x Kong crossover event and High Trip to celebrate 4/20. We still have some time before the mid-season update goes live, so Vortex: Virus Mainframe will help bridge that gap.
MW3 & Warzone Vortex: Virus Mainframe event start date
Vortex Virus Mainframe begins on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET / 5 PM BST
If players haven't unlocked all of the free rewards for Blaze Up, you only have a few days left, as the event also ends on this date. And for everyone who has enjoyed the High Trip Resurgence game mode, that mode will also be removed once Vortex Virus Mainframe starts.
It hasn’t been confirmed how long the latest Vortex event will last, but given that the Season 3 mid-season update is scheduled to start on May 1, Vortex Virus Mainframe will most likely be around for one week.
Like other events in the past, Vortex: Virus Mainframe rewards are earned by accumulating XP. The fastest way to earn XP is through using double XP tokens, playing Warzone, or jumping into small-map playlists in multiplayer that are relatively easy to get kills in. And, if you want to speed up the grind, a bonus 1000 XP will also be awarded for each match completed with the Bacillus skin equipped, which can only be obtained by purchasing the Vi.Rus Ultra Skin Tracer Pack.
Activision has yet to reveal the official rewards, but we expect it to resemble previous challenges. With that in mind, here is the likely list of prizes.
Finding the best loadout in Warzone is the only way to ensure you're winning gunfights. For some, pinpointing the right weapon is a nearly impossible task, especially if you don't own Modern Warfare 3. If you do own the previous Call of Duty installment, Modern Warfare 2, there is an SMG that's viable on the battlefield.
What is the best MW2 SMG for Warzone?
For season 3 of Warzone in the Modern Warfare 3 era, the best MW2 SMG is the FSS Hurricane. It was always a decent option, but it's currently able to compete with some of the meta options. No, it's not meta, and certainly won't beat the HRM everyone is using right now. However, it provides consistent and easy accuracy, a fast time-to-kill, and excellent mobility.
If you don't have MW3 guns leveled up, or just want a huge change of pace from all the MW3 weapons, the FSS Hurricane is a good choice. With the newly unlockable JAK Cutthroat stock, it's a whole new gun.
Best FSS Hurricane loadout for Warzone
Building the FSS Hurricane SMG from MW2 for Warzone requires some familiar attachments and one new one. The latest unlockable aftermarket part, the JAK Cutthroat stock is essential for building the gun. Here's the best loadout right now:
Zehmn35 Compensated Flash Hider Muzzle
Schlager PEQ Box IV Laser
XRK Edge BW-4 Handstop Underbarrel
Sakin ZX Grip Rear Grip
JAK Cutthroat Stock
These attachments provide optimal mobility and decent range for an SMG. The FSS Hurricane is versatile enough to pair with a sniper if you're feeling accurate today. It also has a high headshot multiplayer, so every shot to the head will speed up the time-to-kill quickly, rewarding great aim with fast kills. Try it out and see how it feels.
Společnost Activision odhalila, že třetí sezóna her Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 a Warzone přinese možnost hrát hru proti botům. Nový režim Bootcamp, který je vylepšením tréninkového kurzu z druhé sezóny, umožní čtyřčlenným týmům trénovat proti botům v Urzikstánu ve hře Call of Duty: Warzone.
Režim s boty umožní postavit do fronty až 20 různých hráčů ve vlastním matchmakingovém režimu. Jelikož režim umožňuje pouze čtyřčlenné týmy, hráči se mohou do fronty zařadit buď jako celá skupina, nebo se rozhodnout pro zařazení do fronty prostřednictvím fill-squad.
Ačkoli mód pravděpodobně hráčům docela pomůže při učení se hře a zorientování se na mapě, režim Bootcamp neumožní hráčům postupovat v různých denních a týdenních výzvách Call of Duty ani v dalších herních úkolech.
Vydání třetí sezóny hry Call of Duty: Modern Warfare a Warzone je naplánováno na 3. dubna. Vzhledem k tomu, že Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile byla nedávno vydána také pro systémy iOS a Android, bude třetí sezóna také první sezónou pro mobilní hráče.
Sezóna s sebou přinese i další obsah, včetně nových zbraní, map a odměn, které bude možné získat v různých herních režimech.
Společnost GSC Game World oznámila, že její série stříleček s otevřeným světem S.T.A.L.K.E.R. vyjde na PS4 a Xbox One. Trilogie her, nyní s názvem S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Legends of the Zone Trilogy, je dnes poprvé k dispozici na konzolích.
Trilogie je k dispozici jako balíček za 39,99 dolarů, zatímco jednotlivé tituly jsou k dispozici za 19,99 dolarů každý.
Hra S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Legends of the Zone Trilogy, na jejímž vývoji se podílela společnost MATABOO, obsahuje tři tituly S.T.A.L.K.E.R., a to Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky a Call of Pripyat. Jelikož jsou všechny tři tituly poprvé k dispozici na konzolích, dočkaly se hry optimalizace pro nové platformy, včetně nového uživatelského rozhraní a schématu ovládání, aktualizovaných mechanik střelby a také vylepšeného vizuálního zpracování.
Trilogie by měla v budoucnu získat také podporu modů prostřednictvím budoucích aktualizací na webu mod.io. Díky tomu budou mít hráči na PS4 i Xboxu One přístup k tomu, co je všeobecně považováno za jednu z nejlepších věcí na titulech S.T.A.L.K.E.R. – k uživatelským modům.
Trilogie S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Legends of the Zone se také dočká aktualizace, která přinese kompatibilitu s aktuální generací a umožní všem třem hrám využít pokročilejší hardware PS5 a Xboxu řady X/S s vizuálními a výkonnostními vylepšeními a dalšími novými funkcemi.
Interrogating enemies in Call of Duty: Warzone is a useful tactic to locate the enemy team. Like using Caveira in Rainbow Six: Siege, a downed player can be interrogated to reveal their teammates' location. However, right now, the mechanic is causing a game-breaking bug that's probably not worth the risk. Better to hold off and find those enemy locations the old fashioned way.
Interrogating in Warzone can prevent you from swapping weapons
According to a recent post from Call of Duty Updates on Twitter, an issue is under investigation where interrogating downed enemy players can prevent you from swapping weapons. The developer Trello board says the bug is active in Battle Royale, Resurgence, Plunder, and Lockdown game modes. The investigation began on Thursday, March 7.
Until the developers provide an update on the status of this bug, it might be worth not interrogating anyone. Swapping weapons is a rather important ability for many reasons. As such, the few seconds of locating an enemy's teammates probably isn't worth the risk. Especially in Battle Royale, where you can't exactly just die and reset very easily.
In other game modes, like Resurgence, there are better methods of pinging enemies on your radar. For those unaware, killing an enemy in Resurgence game modes automatically pings the rest of their team on your radar for a few seconds. As such, it's incredibly useful for players who move around and hunt for kills a lot. Flying around Fortune's Keep in the castle or another close-quarters map is much easier to survive if you know where your dead enemies' friends are.
Today the Call of Duty network has been faced some severe outages and errors, to say the least. From the Minot Myer to Hawthorne error, it doesn’t seem like the system is letting up. CoD players are definitely paying the price.
One, in particular, is the issue with Modern Warfare 3’s SBMM, where the standard matchmaking has changed its tune. Since the game’s release, this mechanic has received mixed reviews, and some even believe it has worsened. However, with the latest development, it is now completely broken. Interestingly, players’ reactions may surprise you.
Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile, the iOS and Android version of Activision Blizzard's battle royale hit, is officially getting its worldwide launch on 21st March following a limited release in select counties over the course of the last year.
Warzone Mobile, which is being developed by Activision's Digital Legends, Beenox, Shanghai, and Solid State studios, initially launched in Australia back in November 2022. Following its roll-out across a number of other countries, Activision announced it would be getting its full release in autumn last year - but plans changed in October, when the publisher confirmed it had made the decision to postpone its launch to "spring" 2024 in order to "polish up" the experience.
With Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile's worldwide release now locked down to 21st March, Activision has started talking specifics, confirming the game will launch with two maps: Verdansk - which supports 120-player battle royale matches - and Rebirth Island, which supports 48-player battle royale matches using Gulag-free Resurgence rules.
The PlayStation Pulse Elite doesn’t look like any headset I’ve ever owned before, and I’ve owned tons. The $150 wireless headset has a ‘60s-esque “vision of the future” vibe that stands out from a sea of black-and-neon designs and blinking LEDs. Its architectural shape and sleek simplicity means it’s even visually…
The Raspberry Pi 5 has the fastest processor of any Raspberry Pi computer to date, but that’s just one of the thing that sets it apart from earlier models. Another is its PCIe connector that enables high-speed connections to expansion boards. A bunch of companies have used that PCIe connector to build HATs that let […]
When is the new Warzone season release date? There have been many changes to Warzone over the years; additional maps drop with semi-regularity and new weapons are released with each big update, but this season of Warzone promises to shake things up quite dramatically.
The battle royale game has received a considerable update with Season 2, and we have all the information available right now so you can be as prepared as possible for when you jump into the FPS game. Warzone is making a resurgence, and we’re here for it. Here's what you can expect from Warzone Season 2.