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Here's our best look yet at Netflix's Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft animated series

Netflix has given us our best look yet at its upcoming animated series, Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft.

The show is scheduled to make its debut on the streaming service this autumn, and features the vocal talents of the MCU's Hayley Atwell as Lara Croft. It's all set to take place after the events of the Tomb Raider Survivor trilogy, which comprised Tomb Raider (2013), Rise of the Tomb Raider and Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

"Following the events of the Survivor Trilogy, Lara Croft (voiced by Hayley Atwell) has abandoned her friends to embark on increasingly more perilous solo adventures," reads the official blurb. "But she must return home when a dangerous and powerful Chinese artefact is stolen from Croft Manor by a thief with an uncanny personal connection."

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Two Legacy of Kain games will be re-released for Evercade next month

Two Legacy of Kain games are being re-released, but for the Evercade retro handheld console.

The Legacy of Kain Collection will include both Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain and Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver on one giga cart priced £22.49.

The collection will release next month and will be available to pre-order from 30th August. It's compatible with all Evercade and Super Pocket devices.

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Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 remaster hints surface at Comic-Con

Crystal Dynamics' beloved dark fantasy action-adventure series Legacy of Kain could be poised to receive the remaster treatment, if newly sighted branding at Comic-Con is to be believed.

As spotted by a user on Resetera, logos for an unannounced "Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered" were included on display plaques accompanying statues of game characters Kain and Raziel at this week's Comic-Con San Diego show.

A Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver graphic novel prequel, The Dead Shall Rise, was recently announced by Dark Horse Comics, and GameSpot has now received confirmation from the publisher's VP of product development and sales that this is due to release in August.

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Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver I & II remasters on horizon, if a Comic-Con plaque is to be believed

It looks like the Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver games could be getting the remaster treatment. An attendee at San Diego Comic-Con was looking at a set of figures based on characters from the series when they saw that the plaque accompanying the figures was labelled with the words "Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered" alongside the logo for Crystal Dynamics. I suppose if you throw a coin enough times, one day it will land on the side with the head of a jawless vampire on it.

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Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver I & II remasters on horizon, if a Comic-Con plaque is to be believed

It looks like the Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver games could be getting the remaster treatment. An attendee at San Diego Comic-Con was looking at a set of figures based on characters from the series when they saw that the plaque accompanying the figures was labelled with the words "Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered" alongside the logo for Crystal Dynamics. I suppose if you throw a coin enough times, one day it will land on the side with the head of a jawless vampire on it.

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Limited Run Games announces 20+ new physical releases are on the way

Limited Run Games has announced that 20 new-old games will be released in physical form, including Fear Effect, Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP, Starship Troopers: Extermination, and Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus.

As part of its LRG3 2024 showcase, the distributor confirmed not only the 20th anniversary edition of Beyond Good & Evil, but also physical releases of classic PS1 games Gex Trilogy, Tomba Special Edition and Tomba 2, Fear Effect, and more – much, much more.

In true LRG style, the Limited Run Games editions of the following games will be released in physical form only, including:

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Here's how Hayley Atwell sounds as Lara Croft in Netflix's Tomb Raider anime

Hayley Atwell - known for her role as Peggy Carter in numerous Marvel projects - is set to voice Lara Croft in Netflix's upcoming Tomb Raider animation. While this has been known for a while now, we hadn't heard how the actress sounds in her new part. Until now.

In a sizzle reel shared by Netflix to promote the various animated shows on the streaming service, we finally hear Atwell's Lara speak. The show is set to take place after the events of the Tomb Raider Survivor trilogy, which comprised Tomb Raider (2013), Rise of the Tomb Raider and Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

These games rebooted the Tomb Raider series, and served as an origin story for Lara. As such, this Lara was less assured than the Lara we were first introduced to back in the 90s. However, judging by the most recent Netflix trailer, Atwell is bringing back some of that iconic confidence to the character. You can check it out for yourself below, at around the 40 seconds mark.

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Hra Perfect Dark konečně debutuje, představení stealth a gadgetů

Po letech od prvního oznámení se společnosti The Initiative a Crystal Dynamics konečně pochlubily prvním herním trailerem na hru Perfect Dark.

V něm se dlouholetá hlavní hrdinka Joanna Dark vydává do Zahradního města v Káhiře, aby našla a zneškodnila Daniela Carringtona (který dříve sloužil jako její šéf). Podívejte se na něj níže.

Po prozkoumání úkrytu se Carrington spojí s Joannou a začne filtrovat pochybné informace přes její systém rozšířené reality. Paranoia a podezřívavost nejsou ve světě Perfect Dark ničím novým a Joanna si opět bude muset dávat pozor, komu věří. Během své cesty může využívat nové vychytávky, jako je analýza hlasů k vytváření deepfakes, převlékání se za jiné NPC a další.

Stejně zkušená je Joanna samozřejmě i v boji, kde využívá smrtící i nesmrtící zbraně, boj na blízko a celou řadu zbraní k likvidaci nepřátel. Hráči mohou tyto přístupy kombinovat, a to i s využitím prostředí, aby splnili své cíle. Obojí s sebou nese rizika i odměny.

Hra Perfect Dark vychází na konzole Xbox Series X/S a PC. Zůstaňte naladěni na další podrobnosti, které se brzy dozvíte.

Článek Hra Perfect Dark konečně debutuje, představení stealth a gadgetů se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Perfect Dark reboot resurfaces with stealth, parkour, and spy gadgetry

I never played the original Perfect Dark, but the trailer for the reboot shown during this evening's Xbox Games Showcase instantly made it the most exciting game I've seen during not-E3. It's first-person, it's got stealth, it's got parkour, it's got hand-to-hand melee combat including slidekicks. It looks like a mashup of Mirror's Edge and something more immersive sim-y? What's not to like.

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Další Tomb Raider bude mít otevřený svět a bude se odehrávat v Indii

Společnost Crystal Dynamics již v roce 2022 oznámila, že zahájila vývoj další hry Tomb Raider, a přestože oficiálních informací o titulu bylo od té doby málo, některé nové potenciální detaily se možná objevily díky úniku informací od uživatele Twitteru V Scooper.

Tento leaker, který má za sebou slušnou bilanci přesných úniků (i když převážně těch, které se týkají filmů a televize), na Twitteru prohlásil, že příští hra Tomb Raider se bude odehrávat v Indii a bude mít plně otevřený svět.

Příběh hry údajně odstartuje přírodní katastrofa v severní Indii, která odhalí nové, dosud neobjevené ruiny a artefakty z doby vlády krále Ašóky. Ve hře bude Lara závodit se skupinou známou jako Společnost nájezdníků, která je údajně „inspirována“, ale „nespojená“ s Larou, a „možná má opačné plány“.

Únik tvrdí, že hra umožní hráčům prozkoumávat „rozsáhlé scenérie“ pomocí motorky, padáků a Lařiných parkourových schopností. Hra bude údajně také obsahovat rozšířený důraz na nesmrtící stealth a bojové možnosti, zatímco nový systém verbování umožní funkcím najímat spojence a týmy, které vám budou „strategicky pomáhat v misích“.

Už v roce 2022, krátce poté, co bylo potvrzeno, že se na další hře Tomb Raider pracuje, unikly informace, že se bude „odehrávat v moderním světě otřeseném záhadným kataklyzmatem“ a bude v ní vystupovat mnohem zkušenější verze Lary Croft. Více informací o této hře najdete zde.

Další titul Tomb Raider je vyvíjen v enginu Unreal Engine 5. V prosinci 2022 bylo oznámeno, že jej vydá společnost Amazon Games.

Next TOMB RAIDER game will be fully open world and set in India

Featuring vast sceneries, free use of the motorcycle, parachute, and common Lara’s traversal methods to unrestrictedly navigate across a big map and its challenges

— V Scooper | #ReleaseCoyoteVsAcme (@thevscooper) May 2, 2024

Upcoming TOMB RAIDER game rumored details

A natural disaster strikes northern India revealing ancient emperor Ashoka's ruins and artifacts

Lara strategically races against a Society of Raiders and other rivals for these powerful relics

Thread#TombRaider | #fanart #artwork

— V Scooper | #ReleaseCoyoteVsAcme (@thevscooper) May 3, 2024

Článek Další Tomb Raider bude mít otevřený svět a bude se odehrávat v Indii se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Here's the first batch of Xbox Game Pass titles for May

Microsoft has revealed its next batch of Game Pass titles, taking us into the start of May.

Notable additions to this wave include the return of the original Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (Cloud, Console, and PC), which will arrive on 14th May ahead of the forthcoming new-gen remake, and Little Kitty, Big City (Cloud, Console, and PC) coming on 9th May.

This particular release is a day one addition to the service, and will pop players into the shoes - or paws - of a curious cat trying to make its way back home. "Explore the city, make new friends with stray animals, wear delightful hats, and leave more than a little chaos in your wake. After all, isn't that what cats do best?" Xbox asks.

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The Epic Games version of Tomb Raider I-III Remastered was wildly an ‘incomplete’ build

Tomb Raider: Lara Croft going over a waterfall in a kayak.

The remaster of the original three Tomb Raider games was released not that long ago. For PC users, there was a choice between purchasing it on Steam or Epic Games Store. However, there seemed to be some notable differences between the two versions, which the developer has now acknowledged.

According to a post from The Gamer a couple of days ago, fans began to notice that Tomb Raider I-III Remastered was different on EGS than on Steam. For starters, the Epic Games version had different skyboxes in places like the Colosseum, and the Greece levels had "new light holes."

Since then, a post on the Steam page has noted that EGS had a build of the remaster that had "incomplete assets," and the download contained "some work-in-progress materials" that weren't meant for public consumption.

Update also imminent

Aspyr has now fixed the problem, uploading the correct version to Epic. However, some – such as a reporter from Eurogamer and the aforementioned The Gamer article – have noted this incomplete build had better-looking assets than the Steam version. This could suggest that the two downloads are not evenly matched, for whatever reason.

That aside, Tomb Raider I-III Remastered is also getting its first update soon. In the same Steam post, the developer thanked fans for their "continued support, shares, and feedback" on the games, with an update said to be in the works.

We don't exactly know what's coming, but the studio says it anticipates sending this update out "in the next few weeks."

The post The Epic Games version of Tomb Raider I-III Remastered was wildly an ‘incomplete’ build appeared first on Destructoid.

Tomb Raider detail quietly shows developer unifying classic and reboot timelines

UPDATE 4.45pm UK: Consider me educated. I have looked into this further, and it turns out not only is Trinity the name of the military order in the rebooted Tomb Raider games, but it is also the code name for the first detonation of a nuclear weapon, which was conducted by the United States Army back in 1945. And that could be what the Tomb Raider website is referring to. Whoops!

So, yes, the mention of Trinity on the Tomb Raider site may well be a coincidence that left the super fan in me a little too enthusiastic. Reader, I confess, I may have jumped the gun a bit here. I am going to send a message to the Tomb Raider team though and ask if they have any comment on the wording in the blog post, because my curiosity has now been piqued even more.

The original story continues below.

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Tomb Raider detail quietly shows developer unifying classic and reboot timelines

UPDATE 4.45pm UK: Consider me educated. I have looked into this further, and it turns out not only is Trinity the name of the military order in the rebooted Tomb Raider games, but it is also the code name for the first detonation of a nuclear weapon, which was conducted by the United States Army back in 1945. And that could be what the Tomb Raider website is referring to. Whoops!

So, yes, the mention of Trinity on the Tomb Raider site may well be a coincidence that left the super fan in me a little too enthusiastic. Reader, I confess, I may have jumped the gun a bit here. I am going to send a message to the Tomb Raider team though and ask if they have any comment on the wording in the blog post, because my curiosity has now been piqued even more.

The original story continues below.

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