Avowed & Obsidian Entertainment’s Art Director, Matt Hansen took to the Iron Lords podcast to reveal some “juicy” information about the upcoming title.
Obsidian Entertainment’s next title, Avowed, is coming out this February 2025. Ahead of the big release, Obsidian Entertainment’s Art Director Matt Hansen and Production Director Ryan Warden have jumped onto the IGN Iron Lords podcast to reveal some upcoming information about the title.
Hansen explains that Avowed development is focusing on getting the title to run at a crisp 30fps and getting to 60fps would be a hard task even for the more robust Xbox Series X console. He even goes so far as to say that as a first-person single-player title, “you don’t necessarily need that 60 frames.” Below is the latest story game trailer revealed by Obsidian back at the Xbox Games Showcase 2024.
Hansen continues with an explanation of how smooth gameplay is paramount to the overall experience, which is why they’re targeting 30fps. He says “[The 30fps] allows us to get a lot juicier with VFX and lighting and all this other stuff. It’s a trade-off we opted to make relatively early, and we’re really happy with that. The game’s running pretty smooth for how visually dense it is, and that was always our goal.” The notion is that Obsidian would rather have Avowed run excellent at 30fps than choppy at 60fps. The recent single-player release of Black Myth Wukong has also been said to run smoothly at 30fps.
Other Xbox-published titles like Starfield and Hellblade 2 have launched at 30fps as well, to help avoid input or performance issues they could trip on. While Starfield has since seen an update that brings the performance near 60fps, Hellblade 2 still has yet to receive an update, but this means Avowed can also launch at 30fps and get an update later on to boost visual fidelity.
Avowed launches on February 18, 2025 for Xbox Series S/X and PC.
Initial buzz about Grounded was minimal; just an inkling that something fresh might emerge in gaming. Yet its sudden explosion into mainstream consciousness proved otherwise; mesmerizing millions with its blend of survival, exploration, and crafting gameplay. Obsidian Entertainment seems to have created some form of magical shrinking potion that allows us to experience life from an ant's point of view! Grounded was an unexpected sensation that captured everyone's interest surprisingly early. A stealthy title that initially managed to stay under the radar before blossoming into something amazing and inspiring players around the globe; suddenly everyone was talking about survival in backyard environments!
Crafting Depth, Overcoming Challenges...
I have spent endless hours wandering among towering blades of grass, building intricate fortresses, and fighting massive insects that would send any arachnophobe shrieking with fear. It is an extraordinary world with beauty as well as fear; every dewdrop could provide life support while spiders could pose grave threats; its ability to transform everyday things into extraordinary experiences is truly astounding. Far from me to recommend to those who buy PS5 games a title that I did not finish and totally enjoyed it. Grounded may contain quirks - software bugs not of the garden variety - which are sometimes annoying, yet these issues are easily overlooked given its sheer joy of discovery. Every corner offers new challenges; discovering an underground cavern or crafting a powerful weapon are always exciting experiences in Grounded!
Stealth and Survival Mechanics
Survival mechanics in Antsy are deceptively deep for such an apparently straightforward premise, from gathering resources, crafting tools, and building your base to exploring your surroundings and fortifying against monstrous insects lurking behind every corner. I spent hours fortifying my base only for it to become overrun with angry ants; an experience both thrilling and frightening at once! A game about being shrunk down seemed like an odd choice of subject matter; yet once I ventured into that unfamiliar and overgrown world I became fascinated and became fully immersed in its strange beauty, creating an unparalleled feeling of discovery!
An Engaging Experience for Both Beginners and Veterans Alike
Every blade of grass and dewdrop holds something special to reveal; there's great pleasure in exploring this miniature world and piecing together what happened here. Grounded's humor also stands out: from absurdly large bugs to its quirky dialogue, Grounded, among PS5 adventure games, manages to be both frightening and delightful at the same time. Grounded stands as proof of what can be accomplished with fresh perspectives and taking risks; its success speaks for itself and millions are playing this beloved title!
Final Thoughts: Exceed Expectations
Obsidian Entertainment has conjured an immersive universe that is both intimate and massive in scale. A backyard that was once mundane transforms into an expansive wilderness where every dewdrop may become its own lake; every pebble becomes its own formidable mountain; not simply another take on "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids." Obsidian has created something bolder - an immersion into an alienated reality where survival becomes ever-present anxiety. Grounded isn't without its problems; performance issues may hinder gameplay at times and some of the later game content feels thin at times, yet these are minor drawbacks in what otherwise represents an exceptional package.
Satirical space RPG sequel The Outer Worlds 2 was announced back in 2021. Since then, we've heard nary a peep about it, with developers Obsidian focusing on Pillars Of Eternity successor Avowed and their ace survival game Grounded, which left early access in September 2022. According to Obsidian's studio head Feargus Urquhart, the project is rubbing along nicely. But it was not ever thus: during the opening years of the Covid pandemic, there was apparently "talk of 'do we stop Outer Worlds 2 and just throw the whole team on Avowed'."
Satirical space RPG sequel The Outer Worlds 2 was announced back in 2021. Since then, we've heard nary a peep about it, with developers Obsidian focusing on Pillars Of Eternity successor Avowed and their ace survival game Grounded, which left early access in September 2022. According to Obsidian's studio head Feargus Urquhart, the project is rubbing along nicely. But it was not ever thus: during the opening years of the Covid pandemic, there was apparently "talk of 'do we stop Outer Worlds 2 and just throw the whole team on Avowed'."
Video game release dates are more a suggestion than a promise these days, and understandably so. Making games is hard and audiences have never been busier and more fickle. Still, it’s disappointing when you find out that sci-fi shooter or fantasy adventure you’ve been waiting for won’t be out any time soon, and a lot…
Feargus Urquhart říká, že je „ohromen týmem“, který má „spoustu lidí, kteří tomu rozumí a pracovali na prvním díle“.
Microsoft pomalu, ale jistě poskytuje aktualizace projektů oznámených před lety, včetně her Fable, State of Decay 3 a Perfect Dark. Stále se však objevují odbočky, včetně hry The Outer Worlds 2, která byla oznámena na rok 2021. Zatímco se Obsidian Entertainment soustředí na Avowed, generální ředitel Feargus Urquhart nedávno prozradil, že vývoj pokračování „jde opravdu dobře“.
V nedávném videorozhovoru pro Limit Break Network Urquhart řekl: „Jsem ohromen týmem… Měli jsme velké štěstí. Máme na té hře spoustu lidí, kteří to chápou, kteří pracovali na prvním díle a pracovali pro nás velmi dlouho. Takže to na mě skutečně udělalo velký dojem.“
Urquhart také poznamenal, že vývojář měl „opravdu těžké období“ během pandemie COVID-19, která následovala po jeho akvizici společností Microsoft. „Snažili jsme se dokončit The Outer Worlds, snažili jsme se dokončit DLC a snažili jsme se posunout Avowed kupředu. Chceme rozhýbat The Outer Worlds 2, Grounded se hýbe a Josh [Sawyer] pracuje na Pentimentu….
„Děje se spousta věcí a upřímně řečeno, asi rok, rok a půl jsme byli tak trochu mizerní vývojáři. Mluvilo se o tom, že ‚Přerušíme práci na The Outer Worlds 2 a vrhneme se s celým týmem na Avowed‘. Během některých z těchto rozhovorů hra Grounded ještě nebyla v Early Access.
„Vážím si Microsoftu, týmů a všech ostatních a toho, že jsme si řekli: ‚Ne, my se tam dostaneme.‘ Dostaneme se tam se všemi těmi hrami. Budou v termínech, které jsme si původně mysleli? Ne, ale dostaneme se tam.“ Poznamenal, že Grounded a Pentiment dopadly dobře, Avowed „vypadá skvěle“ a The Outer Worlds 2 „vypadá neuvěřitelně„.
Hra The Outer Worlds 2 byla oznámena pro konzole Xbox Series X/S a PC, ačkoli zatím nemá datum vydání (a o jejím uvedení na trh pro PlayStation zřejmě není rozhodnuto). Hra je údajně ve vývoji od roku 2019, přičemž na začátku tohoto roku byl jako konzultant oznámen spolutvůrce Falloutu Tim Cain.
Hra Avowed mezitím vyjde 18. února 2025 pro konzole Xbox Series X/S a PC s krátkým zpožděním. Je také potvrzeno, že se objeví na veletrhu Gamescom koncem tohoto měsíce.
Xbox Game Studios and developer Obsidian Entertainment have announced that the upcoming action RPG Avowed has been delayed from its previous fall 2024 release window to February 18 to make sure the game has “the best launch possible”. In Avowed, players “are the envoy of Aedyr, a distant land, sent to investigate rumors of a spreading plague. You discover a personal connection to the land itself and an ancient secret that threatens to destroy everything.”
So many games coming! As such, we're moving Avowed to Feb 18, 2025 to give players’ backlogs some breathing room.
Stay tuned for more from our games across Activision, Blizzard, Bethesda & Xbox Game Studios at gamescom, including our Aug 23 livestream for a look at Avowed:… pic.twitter.com/3RnyVwlHRa
Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer commented on the delay saying:
“We’re proud of what the [Obsidian Entertainment] team have accomplished with [Avowed] and want to make sure they have the best launch possible. We look forward to you enjoying it along with the rest of our lineup of games and updates coming this year and beyond.”
The game’s details via the publisher:
Welcome to the Living Lands, a mysterious island filled with adventure and danger.
Set in the fictional world of Eora that was first introduced to players in the Pillars of Eternity franchise, Avowed is a first-person fantasy action RPG from the award-winning team at Obsidian Entertainment.
You are the envoy of Aedyr, a distant land, sent to investigate rumors of a spreading plague throughout the Living Lands—an island full of mysteries and secrets, danger and adventure, and choices and consequences, and untamed wilderness. You discover a personal connection to the Living Lands and an ancient secret that threatens to destroy everything. Can you save this unknown frontier and your soul from the forces threatening to tear them asunder?
The Weird and Wonderful Living Lands
The Living Lands is a place that feels foreign yet somewhat intrinsic to you as it feels the island itself is calling out to you for help. Explore an island home to many different environments and landscapes, each with their own unique ecosystem.
Visceral Combat to Play Your Way
Mix and match swords, spells, guns, and shields to fight your way. Dig into your grimoire for spells to trap, freeze or burn enemies, bash them with your shield, or use range bows to attack from a distance.
Companions as Part of Your Journey
Companions from a spread of species will fight alongside you, with their own unique set of abilities. From a former mercenary to an eccentric wizard, they will be part of your journey with your choices shaping them as you help them with their quests.
It barely feels like five minutes since the last one, but, somehow, Gamescom is almost upon us again. Which means publishers are starting to detail their plans for the show - and in Microsoft's case, we now know that'll include daily livestreams for those at home, plus over 50 playable games for anyone wandering the Koelnmesse's halls.
Attendees visiting Microsoft's Hall 7 Gamescom booth in person will find 50 games from Xbox Game Studios, Blizzard, Bethesda, and third-party partners, playable across 240 gaming stations. These include Age of Mythology: Retold, Ara: History Untold, Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred, Fallout 76: Milepost Zero, The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road, and Towerborne.
Playable third-party games, meanwhile, include Star Wars Outlaws, Space Marine 2, and the long-awaited Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl. A full list of games at the booth can be found here.
UPDATE 2/8/24: Following rumours of a delay for Obsidian Entertainment's Avowed, Microsoft has now officially moved the fantasy action-RPG's release out of 2024.
Avowed will now launch for Xbox and PC on 18th February next year, as confirmed in an official infographic shared on social media. The image, featuring release dates and windows for all Xbox's currently announced games, confirmed Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, plus Starfield's Shattered Space Expansion, are still expected to launch this year.
In text accompanying the graphic, Microsoft said it was moving Avowed's release to February 2025 in order to "give players' backlogs some breathing room." In a separate post, Xbox boss Phil Spencer wrote, "We're proud of what the Obsidian team have accomplished with Avowed and want to make sure they have the best launch possible."
Nedávno se objevily zvěsti, že Avowed bude odložen na začátek roku 2025, což bylo nyní oficiálně potvrzeno.
Vývojářské studio Obsidian Entertainment se minulý měsíc nechalo slyšet, že fantasy RPG vyjde až v listopadu, což tvrdily i předchozí úniky, ačkoli to studio ani Microsoft oficiálně neoznámili. Ten nyní na Twitteru oznámil, že hra vyjde 18. února 2025.
„Přesouváme Avowed na 18. února 2025, aby si hráči mohli oddechnout,“ uvedla společnost.
Společnost Microsoft má na druhou polovinu roku 2024 připravený nabitý plán vydání, který zahrnuje tituly jako Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Ara: History Untold, Age of Mythology; Retold, Towerborne a Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, stejně jako rozšíření, jako je World of Warcraft: The War Within, Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred a Starfield: Shattered Space. Letos v listopadu vyjde také exkluzivní hra pro konzoli Xbox S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl od společnosti GSC Game World.
Hra Avowed se připojila k několika dalším titulům společnosti Microsoft, jejichž vydání bylo již potvrzeno na rok 2025, včetně her Fable, South of Midnight a DOOM: The Dark Ages. Podle úniků informací by příští rok mohla být uvedena také hra Gears of War: E-Day.
Microsoft nedávno oznámil, že Avowed bude jednou z 50 her, které se představí na stánku společnosti na veletrhu Gamescom koncem tohoto měsíce, a navíc 23. srpna proběhne livestream odhalující nové informace.
So many games coming! As such, we're moving Avowed to Feb 18, 2025 to give players’ backlogs some breathing room.
Stay tuned for more from our games across Activision, Blizzard, Bethesda & Xbox Game Studios at gamescom, including our Aug 23 livestream for a look at Avowed:… pic.twitter.com/3RnyVwlHRa
It barely feels like five minutes since the last one, but, somehow, Gamescom is almost upon us again. Which means publishers are starting to detail their plans for the show - and in Microsoft's case, we now know that'll include daily livestreams for those at home, plus over 50 playable games for anyone wandering the Koelnmesse's halls.
Attendees visiting Microsoft's Hall 7 Gamescom booth in person will find 50 games from Xbox Game Studios, Blizzard, Bethesda, and third-party partners, playable across 240 gaming stations. These include Age of Mythology: Retold, Ara: History Untold, Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred, Fallout 76: Milepost Zero, The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road, and Towerborne.
Playable third-party games, meanwhile, include Star Wars Outlaws, Space Marine 2, and the long-awaited Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl. A full list of games at the booth can be found here.
UPDATE 2/8/24: Following rumours of a delay for Obsidian Entertainment's Avowed, Microsoft has now officially moved the fantasy action-RPG's release out of 2024.
Avowed will now launch for Xbox and PC on 18th February next year, as confirmed in an official infographic shared on social media. The image, featuring release dates and windows for all Xbox's currently announced games, confirmed Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, plus Starfield's Shattered Space Expansion, are still expected to launch this year.
In text accompanying the graphic, Microsoft said it was moving Avowed's release to February 2025 in order to "give players' backlogs some breathing room." In a separate post, Xbox boss Phil Spencer wrote, "We're proud of what the Obsidian team have accomplished with Avowed and want to make sure they have the best launch possible."
V průběhu několika příštích měsíců se chystá řada významných vydání pro Xbox od první strany, i když se zdá, že jedno z nich se o něco posune až do prvních měsíců příštího roku.
Podle Toma Warrena z The Verge se společnosti Microsoft a Obsidian Entertainment chystají oznámit, že hra Avowed byla odložena na začátek roku 2025. Fantasy RPG má oficiálně vyjít letos na podzim, přičemž předchozí úniky informací (a náhodné oznámení samotného Obsidianu) počítaly s listopadovým vydáním.
Podle Warrena se však chystaná exkluzivní hra pro konzoli Xbox S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl odkládá z původně plánovaného zářijového vydání na listopad, a Microsoft se tak snaží uvolnit místo ve svém edičním plánu. V zákulisí je Avowed údajně „v dobré kondici“, přičemž toto zpoždění má spíše dát prostor všem nadcházejícím velkým exkluzivitám pro Xbox.
Společnost Microsoft má na rok 2024 připraveno několik významných vydání, včetně her Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred, Starfield: V roce 2024 se dočkáme dalších her: Shattered Space, Towerborne, Ara: History Untold, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 a Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.
Společnost potvrdila, že se o nové informace o hře Avowed podělí na veletrhu Gamescom, takže je pravděpodobné, že právě tam bude oznámeno její odložení. Zůstaňte naladěni na další aktualizace.
Microsoft has just announced that Obsidian’s RPG, Avowed, has been officially delayed until February 18th, 2025. Although the game did not have an exact release date, it was targeting a Fall 2024 release. Microsoft claimed that they’ve delayed the game to “give players’ backlogs some breathing room.” And that’s total bullcrap. Avowed looked rough in … Continue reading Obsidian’s Avowed has been officially delayed until February 18th, 2025→
With Sony having surprised precisely no-one by announcing that, once again, PlayStation won't be at this year's Gamescom, Microsoft has seized the opportunity to let everyone know that, by Jove, Xbox will be at this year's show.
Microsoft shared the news over on social media, inviting attendees to visit its "biggest booth yet" when Gamescom returns to Cologne, Germany, in August this year.
Microsoft will, of course, be the only major console maker to have at presence at Gamescom 2024; Nintendo confirmed it wouldn't be coming along back in April, saying there would be opportunities for players to try Switch games at other events throughout the year, and PlayStation confirmed a no-show earlier this week. Sony's absence hardly warrants a raised eyebrow, however, given it hasn't showed up since 2019.
Fallout has seen a renewed spike in popularity following the release of Amazon's TV adaptation. However, despite this, Bethesda doesn't feel under pressure to rush a new game out to placate fans.
Speaking with YouTuber MrMattyPlays, Todd Howard acknowledged that the Fallout series is probably at its most popular, with the franchise boasting some record player numbers over recent months. Howard went on to state the studio gives "a lot of thought to franchise management" when questioned specifically about the future of Fallout as a whole.
"I spend a lot of time thinking about franchises I love... so, for us, it is sort of game planning out - number one, making sure Fallout is relevant in the world, and well, I think, clearly it is," the studio exec said.
It looks like Avowed is aiming for a November release date.
In a short blog post shared by developer Obsidian last night, the upcoming RPG was listed as launching on 12th November. This came as a surprise to many, as there was no mention of this date during last night's Xbox showcase, where a new Avowed story trailer was debuted.
During the Xbox Showcase, Microsoft merely said the game was still on course to release at some point this year, with no further specifics. That was, until the developer shared a follow-up post on its website.
When Avowed was first unveiled back at the Xbox summer showcase of 2021, a dark and moody CGI trailer of burning arrows and fantasy spell-and-sword dual wielding - all from the studio behind the likes of Pillars of Eternity and Fallout: New Vegas - positioned it as something of a first-party Skyrim for Xbox.
In the years since however, it's become increasingly clear that's simply not the game we should now expect from Avowed. It's bright and colourful, it's seemingly dialogue-heavy, and as we learned in further explanations of the game's combat it is, if anything, only quite loosely an RPG. As Avowed's director, Carrie Patel, put it to Eurogamer last year after a slightly unconvincing first demo of its combat, "the reference point we've been trying to point people to is The Outer Worlds."
Since then, things have been a little quiet on the Avowed front, but over the weekend Xbox showed another trailer, this time with emphasis on the game's overarching story - though again it was a little light on anything truly new. Thankfully, we also had a short roundtable interview with Carrie Patel again after the showcase ended, who spoke alongside the game's art director Matt Hansen and was able to outline just a little more of what we can expect.
I feel like we've already got a pretty good idea of what Obsidian's upcoming RPG Avowed is all about by now. But just in case you needed a reminder, or wanted a closer look at its colourful fantasy landscape, tonight's Xbox Games Showcase brought us a new 'story trailer' for it. Have a watch below.
As per previous Avowed trailers, you play as an envoy of Aedyr sent to investigate a mysterious plague known as 'The Dream Scourge' that's spreading through the wild frontier of The Living Lands - an all-new region of the Pillars of Eternity world we haven't seen before.
But as the masked, flame-eyed knight in the trailer suggests, there's more going on with the Dream Scourge than meets the eye. They call it a "symptom of a deeper, more dangerous rot" in the land, and ask you to tame the chaos so that they might rise up and shape The Living Lands' future.
Yesterday, Avowed appeared at the Xbox Games Showcase 2024 with a brand new trailer, revealing more of the game’s captivating story and giving us further insight into one of your four companions, Giatta. If you came out of that wanting to see more, we have a treat for you; on a special episode of the Official Xbox Podcast, Avowed Game Director Carrie Patel joined hosts Malik Prince and Tina Amini to dive deeper into the gameplay players can expect from the upcoming fantasy action RPG.
We got to see a lot more of the game – which arrives later this year for Xbox Series X|S, Windows PC, and cloud (and coming day one to Game Pass) – revealing more of the Emerald Stair region, showing us two possible approaches to the same quest, the game’s Party Camp, upgrade systems, an optional 3rd-person viewpoint, and more. You can watch the full episode below, or read on for all the key new details.
Patel started by introducing the Emerald Stair region – which you’ll arrive into fairly early into the game – and showed off the region at night. Avowed’s dynamic day-night cycle will change the atmosphere of each of the game’s fantastical biomes significantly, and Emerald Stair after sunset is particularly gorgeous – the nearby town of Fior is home to an enclave of Animancers, who study the science of souls including the Dreamscourge plague sweeping the game’s Living Lands setting (find out more about that here), and their arcane equipment lights up the sky with a deep purple glow.
Speaking of Animancers, the gameplay we saw showed the player on a quest to help them – but before we got there, we met one of the game’s soon-to-be companions, Yatzli. Patel describes Yatzli as “a little lightning ball with a lot of personality,” pointing out that she can get “a little risqué,” and we see very quickly that her dialogue immediately takes a flirtatious tone. This also shows off Obsidian’s trademark of engaging dialogue and choices – certain attributes or character backgrounds you choose will unlock new options, which can add more personality, or even change the outcomes of your conversations.
Yatzli sends us off to collect a Godless Vase – an artifact of the people she studies – and the player is plunged into combat. Even using a mixture of spells, ranged attacks, and melee, we saw the player struggling to take down even smaller enemies at this point – and it’s here that we saw the game’s Party Camp feature.
“It’s both your narrative hub and also your upgrade hub,” said Patel. “That’s where you’ll get to know your companions better, you can get to know their backstories and get to know them better as individuals – you can also hear them getting to know one another through their banters at camp, which is always super-fun to eavesdrop on.”
“One thing we really wanted to create with Party Camp,” continued Patel, “was the sense that you’re adventuring and exploring together through this big wilderness, all of these different landscapes, and Party Camp is this quiet space where you can all huddle together, share a moment of respite, and the pace and the tone of everything is a lot slower and quieter.” As you travel through the game, you’ll hear your companions discuss their lives, share perspectives on what you’ve done together, and perhaps even come into conflict about the decisions that need to be made.
But it also serves an all-important mechanical function: “It’s also where we can upgrade our gear. So we’ve got our Party Stash where we can stow a lot of extra equipment, we’ve got our upgrade screens […] we’re taking some of our older gear that we’ve picked up in the previous region, and we’re going to upgrade it so that we’re better equipped to fight the enemies here.”
With new upgrades in place, the player took down enemies far more capably – helped along by Obsidian’s choice to reflect how effective your attacks are visually and audibly: “We want to make sure that players are getting clear feedback as to when their gear is effective and when, maybe, they need to go back to camp. It looks, it feels, it sounds different when you’re playing with appropriately leveled gear.”
We want to make sure that players are getting clear feedback as to when their gear is effective and when, maybe, they need to go back to camp.
Carrie Patel
We also got a good look at the game’s upgrade system for skills and abilities. “You can upgrade your skills and abilities anywhere as you level up throughout the course of the game,” said Patel. “On certain level-up milestones we’ll get to upgrade our attributes […] and on every level-up milestone we’ll get to pick a new ability.”
This quickly bears fruit, as we see the Fan of Flames skill unlocked and used to reduce a previously-blocked path to ashes. But it wasn’t the only option:
“We wanted to try to, as much as possible, give the different abilities that players can pick up solutions in combat, but also solutions in exploration,” explained Patel. “So there’s almost always more than one way through a particular barrier. You’ll have weapons, your own abilities, spells, weapon enchantments, sometimes even your companions who can use their environmental abilities to help you get through barriers.”
That openness to problem-solving is never clearer than in the other quest we saw in the demo. Having recovered the vase for Yatzli – a key part in your journey to unlocking her as a permanent companion – we saw the player set off to recover an Adragan Heart for the Animancers. This mystical object is being held by the Delemgan, a territorial species who don’t take kindly to adventurers passing through their land.
Initially, we saw the player take a heads-on approach, battling through multiple Delemgan and using every combat ability at their disposal to reach their Queen – who immediately attacks the player for killing so many of her followers. This player would have to finish her off in a boss fight to claim the heart. But here’s where we saw some of Obsidian’s trademark of player choice.
The demo was reloaded, and we saw the player utilizing in-game currency to fully respec their character – adding multiple Ranger abilities that allow them to take a stealthy approach. Using the Shadowing Beyond skill – which renders them invisible for as long as their Essence (the game’s mana) intact, and without engaging any enemies – they took multiple passages to reach the Delemgan Queen without any combat. In doing so, they found her in a far better mood, gifting them the Heart and letting them go in peace.
It’s emblematic of how open Avowed will be to interpretation, and how your choices will allow you to take different paths to get what you need. Skills in particular, are totally open to how you choose to use them:
“You can really mix and match freely between them,” said Patel. “If you want to be all-wizard, you can build entirely throughout that skill tree; if you want to mix and match – make a battlemage, or make someone who can be a little stealthy in certain moments and a little more aggressive in others – you have a lot of freedom to do that.”
If you want to be all-wizard, you can build entirely throughout that skill tree; if you want to mix and match… you have a lot of freedom to do that.”
That openness extends to your cosmetic choices too. We got a glimpse at the game’s optional 3rd person mode – players can choose to play in 1st or 3rd person perspectives – and your choices will be displayed prominently on them too. Your character is a godlike – someone who has been touched by one of the gods that reside in the world of Eora – and it shows, quite literally.
Part of creating your character will be in choosing how your godlike status has manifested. The player-character in the demo has a lichen-like growth across their face or head, but this is part of the character creation process. “With Avowed you can choose exactly what that manifestation looks like,” said Patel. “You will have some that are a lot bigger and more dramatic, and you’ll also have some that are a lot subtler. But either way you have a connection to one of the gods.”
Characters in the world will react to your appearance too: “Some people think that’s very cool, some people think it’s very spooky. Different cultures and individuals have different ways of relating to godlikes, so you’ll get a number of reactions.”
But the key mystery is that, unlike most godlikes, you don’t know which god has put their mark on you. That’s a story point that Patel wouldn’t touch on further – we’ll just have to find out together when Avowed arrives this year.
Recently, because I hate myself, I was browsing Twitter (I’m not calling it X) and I stumbled across an incredible conceptual video from an artist named DEVINK that shows what they imagine a potential Fortnite X Fallout crossover could look like.
This crossover seems like a bit of a no-brainer to me and I wouldn't be surprised if something like this happened in the future, but what about Fallout crossovers from the past? Well that's what I'm exploring in today's video (above) so please do give it a click and see if you remember any of the seven forgotten Fallout crossovers that feature within.
These crossovers range from an excellent and highly detailed Minecraft mash-up and some fairly fancy, but almost definitely forgotten cosmetics for Brink, through to what can only be described as one of the most haunting pieces of headwear for the Xbox 360 Avatars that I ever did see.
Recently, because I hate myself, I was browsing Twitter (I’m not calling it X) and I stumbled across an incredible conceptual video from an artist named DEVINK that shows what they imagine a potential Fortnite X Fallout crossover could look like.
This crossover seems like a bit of a no-brainer to me and I wouldn't be surprised if something like this happened in the future, but what about Fallout crossovers from the past? Well that's what I'm exploring in today's video (above) so please do give it a click and see if you remember any of the seven forgotten Fallout crossovers that feature within.
These crossovers range from an excellent and highly detailed Minecraft mash-up and some fairly fancy, but almost definitely forgotten cosmetics for Brink, through to what can only be described as one of the most haunting pieces of headwear for the Xbox 360 Avatars that I ever did see.
Recently, because I hate myself, I was browsing Twitter (I’m not calling it X) and I stumbled across an incredible conceptual video from an artist named DEVINK that shows what they imagine a potential Fortnite X Fallout crossover could look like.
This crossover seems like a bit of a no-brainer to me and I wouldn't be surprised if something like this happened in the future, but what about Fallout crossovers from the past? Well that's what I'm exploring in today's video (above) so please do give it a click and see if you remember any of the seven forgotten Fallout crossovers that feature within.
These crossovers range from an excellent and highly detailed Minecraft mash-up and some fairly fancy, but almost definitely forgotten cosmetics for Brink, through to what can only be described as one of the most haunting pieces of headwear for the Xbox 360 Avatars that I ever did see.
On May 7, Microsoft closed down four first-party development studios it had acquired from Zenimax Media in 2021 including Tango Gameworks, developer of The Evil Within series and 2023’s surprise hit Hi-Fi Rush. It’s the latest round of layoffs and closures that the gaming industry, and Xbox specifically, has seen in…
Společnost Microsoft má na rok 2024 připravenou celou řadu významných titulů, ale i když je řada z nich oficiálně potvrzena na letošní rok, u mnoha z nich nejsou uvedena konkrétní data vydání.
To se však změní na letní prezentaci společnosti v červnu, jak vyplývá ze zprávy zveřejněné serverem The Verge.
Microsoft nedávno oznámil, že Xbox Games Showcase se bude konat 9. června, a podle výše zmíněné zprávy budou oznámena data vydání několika chystaných first-party titulů. Mezi ně bude patřit hra Indiana Jones and the Great Circle od MachineGames, která bude údajně uvedena na trh v prosinci (což tvrdily i minulé zprávy), a Avowed od Obsidian Entertainment, které má oficiální podzimní termín vydání a podle The Verge vyjde v listopadu.
Data vydání budou údajně oznámena také pro další hru Call of Duty, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 a první rozšíření hry Starfield, Shattered Space.
Předchozí úniky informací tvrdily, že na prezentaci bude oznámena také hra Gears 6.
Fallout creator Tim Cain has plenty of praise for Amazon's recent TV adaptation.
In a YouTube video posted over the weekend, Cain said how much he liked the show, stating it was surreal to see something he had "worked on really hard" realised in real life.
"They had huge sets with amazing production values on them... Amazing props. The acting was phenomenal. It was just surreal to watch Fallout recreated in real life like that," Cain enthused. However, he said the main reason he liked the show so much was because of the way "everything feels like Fallout".
There's something quietly quite exciting happening, and I wonder where it's going to lead. Earlier this week, Grounded - the Honey I Shrunk the Kids backyard survival game - arrived on PlayStation, and at the end of the month (30th April) pirating game Sea of Thieves arrives on PlayStation too. It's a momentous occasion, even though it might not sound it, because we've never had games conceived as Xbox exclusives arrive on PlayStation before. It's an unprecedented new approach by Microsoft and, should it work, it could open a whole Mary Poppins bag of possibility.
I don't want to talk about the colder business case for it, because that's not what excites me. What excites me is what it means for players and, I suppose, for the games themselves. How wonderful it feels to be excited about these games again, which are now a number of years old. We first played Sea of Thieves in early 2018, and Grounded in mid-2020, and they were terrifically exciting then, but now they're not. They've been with us so long they've become familiar. No one's pulling you aside and asking you, raw enthusiasm in their eyes, if you've played them yet.
Todd Howard has assured Fallout fans that the franchise's recently-released TV show does not contradict the games' pre-established lore.
Please note, there will be Fallout spoilers below. If you are still to finish the show and want to keep as much a surprise as possible, this is your cue to head elsewhere.
Earlier this month, questions were raised about Fallout's Shady Sands and the settlement's demise. The show's sixth episode dates this event to the 2280s, which made fans scratch their heads - as they felt this date contradicted mentions of Shady Sands in the video game series set later on.
As the dust settles on Fallout's first TV season, which appears to have been as universally beloved as any piece of media can be in today's world, the line that sticks with me most radiates from early in the show. As Ella Purnell's Vault Dweller Lucy sleeps beside her Scout badge-perfect campfire, she awakes to find Michael Emerson's fugitive scientist sitting nearby. All-too familiar with the perils of the Wasteland, Emerson's character urges her to return to the Vault from whence she came. This goes down with Lucy about as well as two litres of irradiated water, so instead the scientist posits a question. "Will you still want the same things, when you become a different animal altogether?"
It's an interesting question to ask in the context of Fallout itself, a series which is at once so recognisable and yet so different from its original form. On the one hand, you can trace Fallout's aesthetic all the way back to the opening cinematic of the first game, which juxtaposes a kitsch 1950s-style commercial with the blasted moonscape of post-nuclear America, all to the lilting vocals of the Ink Spots' "Maybe". It's interesting to return to now. Rare is it that a series' audiovisual identity emerges so fully formed, yet it's there in Fallout from Defcon one.
Yet the games beneath the Vault Boy iconography have changed dramatically in the last quarter-century, to the point where it remains a bone of contention within the Fallout community. There is something, the argument goes, that Interplay's isometric RPGs have which Bethesda's 3D, real-time open world games lack. Certainly, the more recent games have had their flaws. Fallout 3 arguably dialled back the colour of Fallout too much, while Fallout 4 leans heavily toward being a shooter at the cost of broader role-playing options. But these remain distinctly Fallout games in other ways, replete with that familiar visual identity, and in quests like the Gary-filled Vault 108 - as perfectly strange as the wasteland demands.
UPDATE 18/4/24: The Grounded team has now sorted the connectivity issues on PC and PlayStation consoles.
A patch to sort the issue on Nintendo Switch is still in progress. "We appreciate your patience and we'll update users once the fix is available," Obsidian wrote.
There's something quietly quite exciting happening, and I wonder where it's going to lead. Earlier this week, Grounded - the Honey I Shrunk the Kids backyard survival game - arrived on PlayStation, and at the end of the month (30th April) pirating game Sea of Thieves arrives on PlayStation too. It's a momentous occasion, even though it might not sound it, because we've never had games conceived as Xbox exclusives arrive on PlayStation before. It's an unprecedented new approach by Microsoft and, should it work, it could open a whole Mary Poppins bag of possibility.
I don't want to talk about the colder business case for it, because that's not what excites me. What excites me is what it means for players and, I suppose, for the games themselves. How wonderful it feels to be excited about these games again, which are now a number of years old. We first played Sea of Thieves in early 2018, and Grounded in mid-2020, and they were terrifically exciting then, but now they're not. They've been with us so long they've become familiar. No one's pulling you aside and asking you, raw enthusiasm in their eyes, if you've played them yet.
As the dust settles on Fallout's first TV season, which appears to have been as universally beloved as any piece of media can be in today's world, the line that sticks with me most radiates from early in the show. As Ella Purnell's Vault Dweller Lucy sleeps beside her Scout badge-perfect campfire, she awakes to find Michael Emerson's fugitive scientist sitting nearby. All-too familiar with the perils of the Wasteland, Emerson's character urges her to return to the Vault from whence she came. This goes down with Lucy about as well as two litres of irradiated water, so instead the scientist posits a question. "Will you still want the same things, when you become a different animal altogether?"
It's an interesting question to ask in the context of Fallout itself, a series which is at once so recognisable and yet so different from its original form. On the one hand, you can trace Fallout's aesthetic all the way back to the opening cinematic of the first game, which juxtaposes a kitsch 1950s-style commercial with the blasted moonscape of post-nuclear America, all to the lilting vocals of the Ink Spots' "Maybe". It's interesting to return to now. Rare is it that a series' audiovisual identity emerges so fully formed, yet it's there in Fallout from Defcon one.
Yet the games beneath the Vault Boy iconography have changed dramatically in the last quarter-century, to the point where it remains a bone of contention within the Fallout community. There is something, the argument goes, that Interplay's isometric RPGs have which Bethesda's 3D, real-time open world games lack. Certainly, the more recent games have had their flaws. Fallout 3 arguably dialled back the colour of Fallout too much, while Fallout 4 leans heavily toward being a shooter at the cost of broader role-playing options. But these remain distinctly Fallout games in other ways, replete with that familiar visual identity, and in quests like the Gary-filled Vault 108 - as perfectly strange as the wasteland demands.
UPDATE 18/4/24: The Grounded team has now sorted the connectivity issues on PC and PlayStation consoles.
A patch to sort the issue on Nintendo Switch is still in progress. "We appreciate your patience and we'll update users once the fix is available," Obsidian wrote.
Bethesda's very own Mr Handy (director and executive producer) Todd Howard has addressed the controversy surrounding the Fallout TV show's treatment of Fallout backstory, reaffirming the canonicity of Obsidian's Fallout: New Vegas and promising that Bethesda and Amazon are being "careful" to maintain consistency between the games and the TV series. Are you new to this latest lore scandal? Watch out for Fallout Season 1 spoilers ahead, then.
Friends, there is trouble a-brewing down the radioactive watering hole. While Amazon's Fallout TV adaptation has launched to pretty positive verdicts, a contingent of Fallout players are up in arms over its portrayal of the Fallout timeline. In particular, it's being claimed that the show has written the events of Obsidian's Fallout: New Vegas out of the canon, despite reassurances from Bethesda Game Studios design director Emil Pagliarulo. Dare you read on? Let me just load up my Junk Jet with piping, hot Fallout Season 1 spoilers...
With a little over a month until Amazon's Fallout TV adaptation airs, Prime Video has released another trailer for the series.
It provides our best look yet at the show, with three minutes of footage for us to pore over. And dare I say, it actually looks… decent? To my surprise, I quite liked it?
I've rewatched the trailer several times now to see if there's any new information we can glean hidden in the details, and there are a few things worth pointing out (as well as some references to my all-time favourite in the series, Fallout: New Vegas).
It’s the end of the world as we know it in the latest trailer for Amazon’s hotly anticipated TV adaptation of the Falloutvideo game series. Developed by Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan (the duo responsible for HBO’s Westworld), the show will follow vault dweller Lucy (Ella Purnell) as she makes her way out of her…
Former Xbox exclusive Pentiment currently runs smoother on PlayStation 5 than on Xbox Series X/S, fans have realised - prompting the game's director to blame the situation on a "bug".
Social media user PeterOvo shared a screenshot from a video comparison capturing the frames per second performance between Pentiment on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. The former was running at 120fps, while the Xbox version was running at a mere 60fps.
This inconsistency was subsequently brought to the attention of Pentiment's director, Josh Sawyer. The developer replied to assure players that 120fps will be enabled for Xbox "in the next patch".
Nintendo's February Direct Partner Showcase has come and gone. This presentation was focused around third-party games so, as expected, there was no news on any homegrown Nintendo titles or the Switch 2's expected arrival in early 2025. However, the broadcast was still full of annoucements for games headed to Nintendo Switch from other publishers over the coming six months. Here's a roundup of everything which appeared during the 25-minute show.
After this, we entered the dying world of Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist. You take on the role of Lilac as she explores the landscape alongside a homunculus (Fullmetal Alchemist vibes anyone?). Ender Magnolia Bloom will be released on the Nintendo Switch later this year.
Following last week's long-rumoured announcement Microsoft is bringing four of its previously Xbox-exclusive first-party games to Switch and PlayStation 5, we've finally got official confirmation of the first two games making that multiplatform leap: Obsidian's historical narrative adventure Pentiment comes to Switch tomorrow, 22nd February, while inch-high garden adventure Grounded arrives 16th April on Nintendo's platform.
Starting with Pentiment, it cast players as Andreas Maler, a master artist who finds himself embroiled in murders, scandals, and intrigue over a period of five years in 16th century Bavaria. It's fantastic stuff - Eurogamer's Christian Donlan called it a "brilliant narrative adventure that is filled with intelligence and heart" in his Recommended review back in November 2022 - and the choice-driven adventure is paired with a striking art style, inspired by the great manuscripts and the earliest printed books of the time.
As for Grounded, Microsoft's second Switch-bound Xbox title, it's a wonderful co-op-imbued survival and crafting adventure with a distinctly 80s twist, taking a leaf out of cinema favourite Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. As in that movie, Grounded's four protagonists are miniaturised and left to fend for themselves in a sprawling backyard garden, building bases and crafting armour to forge ahead against deadly bugs, fish, and other wildlife.
Five of the Best is a weekly series for supporters of Eurogamer. It's a series that highlights some of the features in games that are often overlooked. It's also about having your say, so don't be shy, use the comments below and join in!
Games have always struggled a bit with the fundamental truth that we, as humans, need to eat in order to survive. The problem is that cooking and eating slow us down and take us out of the action, because theytake time. It wouldn't do for Nathan Drake to hang about making a sandwich before exploring a Nepalese temple, now, would it?
A Limp Bizkit mod for Fallout: New Vegas once thought lost has now been rediscovered.
The mod in question added Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst as an in-game companion. And, of course, he brought some nu metal energy with him, as he only spoke in lyrics from the band's discography. All very standard modding community stuff.
However, the mod had a very short shelf-life on Nexus Mods when it was first released around seven years ago, and there was very little evidence of it left online - an old Reddit post and YouTube video (which you can see below), were about all that remained.
But why did Microsoft choose not to name those four games (even though Hi-Fi Rush, Pentiment, Grounded and Sea of Thieves were immediately reported to be the titles in question)? What happened to the previously-reported plans to include larger games such as Starfield? And where will Microsoft draw the line for what to launch elsewhere? Right now, these four feel like something of a soft launch for Microsoft's multiplatform strategy,
As well as all that, we also discuss the news nuggets Microsoft dropped for the Xbox faithful - including mention of new Xbox console hardware this year and the proper next-gen Xbox that's still years away. With me this week are Eurogamer's Ed Nightingale, Victoria Kennedy and Liv Ngan.
Following mounting reports Xbox is preparing for some kind of multiplatform future, Microsoft has confirmed it'll be bringing four previously Xbox-exclusive first-party titles to PlayStation 5 and Switch later this year, with more likely to come in the future.
Reports that Microsoft was preparing to release a number of first-party games on competing consoles - namely Sea of Thieves and Hi-Fi Rush - first surfaced at the start of this year, but it wasn't until last week's claims high-profile exclusives such as Starfield and Indiana Jones and the Great Circle would also be going multiplatform that Microsoft broke its silence, promising to reveal more in a podcast this week.
And now, as reported by The Verge - which was pre-briefed by Microsoft ahead of tonight's reveal - Xbox gaming boss Phil Spencer has confirmed the company has "made the decision that we're going to take four games to the other consoles". Bafflingly, Spencer does not name the games directly, only saying two are community-driven titles and two are smaller games.
Welcome to our live coverage of the big Xbox business update, where Microsoft laid out its plan to launch four first-party Xbox games on Nintendo and PlayStation platforms.
Microsoft gaming boss Phil Spencer, Xbox president Sarah Bond and head of Xbox game studios Matt Booty - the company's Triforce of gaming top brass - stopped short of officially confirming the quartet of titles set to go multiplatform, but reports online suggest those titles will be Hi-Fi Rush, Pentiment, Sea of Thieves and Grounded.
The podcast also included a brief mention of new Xbox hardware launching later this year, and a tease for the proper next-gen Xbox - you can read all of that below.
Xbox president Sarah Bond reportedly told staff that "every screen is an Xbox". These words come ahead of Microsoft's business update later today, in which the company is expected to lay out its plans to publish some Xbox games on PlayStation and Nintendo platforms.
Bond was speaking at an internal town hall meeting, with several sources telling Inverse the exec went on to discuss Xbox's strategy of existing on multiple devices. She also spoke more on the company's ambitions to become the number one cross-platform gaming company, the sources said.
To illustrate this point, staff were shown images of this year's breakout hit Palworld across multiple screens. This included "tablets, TV screens, monitors, and handheld devices", the publication said.
As expected, Microsoft yesterday confirmed that four of their games are headed to rival consoles: Pentiment to PlayStations 4 & 5 and Nintendo Switch; Hi-Fi Rush to PS5; Grounded to PS4, PS5, and Switch; and Sea Of Thieves to PS5. It's nice to see barriers between systems coming down and all, and it'll likely have consequences of note to serious businessheads, but what relevance does this have for us as a PC gaming website? Well! Grounded and Sea Of Thieves will support cross-platform multiplayer, so we'll be able to play them with our consolatory chums. That's nice.