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  • ✇IEEE Spectrum
  • Ansys SimAI Software Predicts Fully Transient Vehicle Crash OutcomesAnsys
    The Ansys SimAI™ cloud-enabled generative artificial intelligence (AI) platform combines the predictive accuracy of Ansys simulation with the speed of generative AI. Because of the software’s versatile underlying neural networks, it can extend to many types of simulation, including structural applications. This white paper shows how the SimAI cloud-based software applies to highly nonlinear, transient structural simulations, such as automobile crashes, and includes: Vehicle kinematics and d

Ansys SimAI Software Predicts Fully Transient Vehicle Crash Outcomes

Od: Ansys
20. Srpen 2024 v 20:09

The Ansys SimAI™ cloud-enabled generative artificial intelligence (AI) platform combines the predictive accuracy of Ansys simulation with the speed of generative AI. Because of the software’s versatile underlying neural networks, it can extend to many types of simulation, including structural applications.
This white paper shows how the SimAI cloud-based software applies to highly nonlinear, transient structural simulations, such as automobile crashes, and includes:

  • Vehicle kinematics and deformation
  • Forces acting upon the vehicle
  • How it interacts with its environment
  • How understanding the changing and rapid sequence of events helps predict outcomes

These simulations can reduce the potential for occupant injuries and the severity of vehicle damage and help understand the crash’s overall dynamics. Ultimately, this leads to safer automotive design.

Download this free whitepaper now!

  • ✇IEEE Spectrum
  • A New Type of Neural Network Is More InterpretableMatthew Hutson
    Artificial neural networks—algorithms inspired by biological brains—are at the center of modern artificial intelligence, behind both chatbots and image generators. But with their many neurons, they can be black boxes, their inner workings uninterpretable to users. Researchers have now created a fundamentally new way to make neural networks that in some ways surpasses traditional systems. These new networks are more interpretable and also more accurate, proponents say, even when they’re smaller.

A New Type of Neural Network Is More Interpretable

5. Srpen 2024 v 17:00

Artificial neural networks—algorithms inspired by biological brains—are at the center of modern artificial intelligence, behind both chatbots and image generators. But with their many neurons, they can be black boxes, their inner workings uninterpretable to users.

Researchers have now created a fundamentally new way to make neural networks that in some ways surpasses traditional systems. These new networks are more interpretable and also more accurate, proponents say, even when they’re smaller. Their developers say the way they learn to represent physics data concisely could help scientists uncover new laws of nature.

“It’s great to see that there is a new architecture on the table.” —Brice Ménard, Johns Hopkins University

For the past decade or more, engineers have mostly tweaked neural-network designs through trial and error, says Brice Ménard, a physicist at Johns Hopkins University who studies how neural networks operate but was not involved in the new work, which was posted on arXiv in April. “It’s great to see that there is a new architecture on the table,” he says, especially one designed from first principles.

One way to think of neural networks is by analogy with neurons, or nodes, and synapses, or connections between those nodes. In traditional neural networks, called multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs), each synapse learns a weight—a number that determines how strong the connection is between those two neurons. The neurons are arranged in layers, such that a neuron from one layer takes input signals from the neurons in the previous layer, weighted by the strength of their synaptic connection. Each neuron then applies a simple function to the sum total of its inputs, called an activation function.

black text on a white background with red and blue lines connecting on the left and black lines connecting on the right In traditional neural networks, sometimes called multi-layer perceptrons [left], each synapse learns a number called a weight, and each neuron applies a simple function to the sum of its inputs. In the new Kolmogorov-Arnold architecture [right], each synapse learns a function, and the neurons sum the outputs of those functions.The NSF Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions

In the new architecture, the synapses play a more complex role. Instead of simply learning how strong the connection between two neurons is, they learn the full nature of that connection—the function that maps input to output. Unlike the activation function used by neurons in the traditional architecture, this function could be more complex—in fact a “spline” or combination of several functions—and is different in each instance. Neurons, on the other hand, become simpler—they just sum the outputs of all their preceding synapses. The new networks are called Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs), after two mathematicians who studied how functions could be combined. The idea is that KANs would provide greater flexibility when learning to represent data, while using fewer learned parameters.

“It’s like an alien life that looks at things from a different perspective but is also kind of understandable to humans.” —Ziming Liu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The researchers tested their KANs on relatively simple scientific tasks. In some experiments, they took simple physical laws, such as the velocity with which two relativistic-speed objects pass each other. They used these equations to generate input-output data points, then, for each physics function, trained a network on some of the data and tested it on the rest. They found that increasing the size of KANs improves their performance at a faster rate than increasing the size of MLPs did. When solving partial differential equations, a KAN was 100 times as accurate as an MLP that had 100 times as many parameters.

In another experiment, they trained networks to predict one attribute of topological knots, called their signature, based on other attributes of the knots. An MLP achieved 78 percent test accuracy using about 300,000 parameters, while a KAN achieved 81.6 percent test accuracy using only about 200 parameters.

What’s more, the researchers could visually map out the KANs and look at the shapes of the activation functions, as well as the importance of each connection. Either manually or automatically they could prune weak connections and replace some activation functions with simpler ones, like sine or exponential functions. Then they could summarize the entire KAN in an intuitive one-line function (including all the component activation functions), in some cases perfectly reconstructing the physics function that created the dataset.

“In the future, we hope that it can be a useful tool for everyday scientific research,” says Ziming Liu, a computer scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the paper’s first author. “Given a dataset we don’t know how to interpret, we just throw it to a KAN, and it can generate some hypothesis for you. You just stare at the brain [the KAN diagram] and you can even perform surgery on that if you want.” You might get a tidy function. “It’s like an alien life that looks at things from a different perspective but is also kind of understandable to humans.”

Dozens of papers have already cited the KAN preprint. “It seemed very exciting the moment that I saw it,” says Alexander Bodner, an undergraduate student of computer science at the University of San Andrés, in Argentina. Within a week, he and three classmates had combined KANs with convolutional neural networks, or CNNs, a popular architecture for processing images. They tested their Convolutional KANs on their ability to categorize handwritten digits or pieces of clothing. The best one approximately matched the performance of a traditional CNN (99 percent accuracy for both networks on digits, 90 percent for both on clothing) but using about 60 percent fewer parameters. The datasets were simple, but Bodner says other teams with more computing power have begun scaling up the networks. Other people are combining KANs with transformers, an architecture popular in large language models.

One downside of KANs is that they take longer per parameter to train—in part because they can’t take advantage of GPUs. But they need fewer parameters. Liu notes that even if KANs don’t replace giant CNNs and transformers for processing images and language, training time won’t be an issue at the smaller scale of many physics problems. He’s looking at ways for experts to insert their prior knowledge into KANs—by manually choosing activation functions, say—and to easily extract knowledge from them using a simple interface. Someday, he says, KANs could help physicists discover high-temperature superconductors or ways to control nuclear fusion.

  • ✇IEEE Spectrum
  • Nvidia Conquers Latest AI Tests​Samuel K. Moore
    For years, Nvidia has dominated many machine learning benchmarks, and now there are two more notches in its belt. MLPerf, the AI benchmarking suite sometimes called “the Olympics of machine learning,” has released a new set of training tests to help make more and better apples-to-apples comparisons between competing computer systems. One of MLPerf’s new tests concerns fine-tuning of large language models, a process that takes an existing trained model and trains it a bit more with specialized

Nvidia Conquers Latest AI Tests​

12. Červen 2024 v 17:00

For years, Nvidia has dominated many machine learning benchmarks, and now there are two more notches in its belt.

MLPerf, the AI benchmarking suite sometimes called “the Olympics of machine learning,” has released a new set of training tests to help make more and better apples-to-apples comparisons between competing computer systems. One of MLPerf’s new tests concerns fine-tuning of large language models, a process that takes an existing trained model and trains it a bit more with specialized knowledge to make it fit for a particular purpose. The other is for graph neural networks, a type of machine learning behind some literature databases, fraud detection in financial systems, and social networks.

Even with the additions and the participation of computers using Google’s and Intel’s AI accelerators, systems powered by Nvidia’s Hopper architecture dominated the results once again. One system that included 11,616 Nvidia H100 GPUs—the largest collection yet—topped each of the nine benchmarks, setting records in five of them (including the two new benchmarks).

“If you just throw hardware at the problem, it’s not a given that you’re going to improve.” —Dave Salvator, Nvidia

The 11,616-H100 system is “the biggest we’ve ever done,” says Dave Salvator, director of accelerated computing products at Nvidia. It smashed through the GPT-3 training trial in less than 3.5 minutes. A 512-GPU system, for comparison, took about 51 minutes. (Note that the GPT-3 task is not a full training, which could take weeks and cost millions of dollars. Instead, the computers train on a representative portion of the data, at an agreed-upon point well before completion.)

Compared to Nvidia’s largest entrant on GPT-3 last year, a 3,584 H100 computer, the 3.5-minute result represents a 3.2-fold improvement. You might expect that just from the difference in the size of these systems, but in AI computing that isn’t always the case, explains Salvator. “If you just throw hardware at the problem, it’s not a given that you’re going to improve,” he says.

“We are getting essentially linear scaling,” says Salvator. By that he means that twice as many GPUs lead to a halved training time. “[That] represents a great achievement from our engineering teams,” he adds.

Competitors are also getting closer to linear scaling. This round Intel deployed a system using 1,024 GPUs that performed the GPT-3 task in 67 minutes versus a computer one-fourth the size that took 224 minutes six months ago. Google’s largest GPT-3 entry used 12-times the number of TPU v5p accelerators as its smallest entry and performed its task nine times as fast.

Linear scaling is going to be particularly important for upcoming “AI factories” housing 100,000 GPUs or more, Salvator says. He says to expect one such data center to come online this year, and another, using Nvidia’s next architecture, Blackwell, to startup in 2025.

Nvidia’s streak continues

Nvidia continued to boost training times despite using the same architecture, Hopper, as it did in last year’s training results. That’s all down to software improvements, says Salvator. “Typically, we’ll get a 2-2.5x [boost] from software after a new architecture is released,” he says.

For GPT-3 training, Nvidia logged a 27 percent improvement from the June 2023 MLPerf benchmarks. Salvator says there were several software changes behind the boost. For example, Nvidia engineers tuned up Hopper’s use of less accurate, 8-bit floating point operations by trimming unnecessary conversions between 8-bit and 16-bit numbers and better targeting of which layers of a neural network could use the lower precision number format. They also found a more intelligent way to adjust the power budget of each chip’s compute engines, and sped communication among GPUs in a way that Salvator likened to “buttering your toast while it’s still in the toaster.”

Additionally, the company implemented a scheme called flash attention. Invented in the Stanford University laboratory of Samba Nova founder Chris Re, flash attention is an algorithm that speeds transformer networks by minimizing writes to memory. When it first showed up in MLPerf benchmarks, flash attention shaved as much as 10 percent from training times. (Intel, too, used a version of flash attention but not for GPT-3. It instead used the algorithm for one of the new benchmarks, fine-tuning.)

Using other software and network tricks, Nvidia delivered an 80 percent speedup in the text-to-image test, Stable Diffusion, versus its submission in November 2023.

New benchmarks

MLPerf adds new benchmarks and upgrades old ones to stay relevant to what’s happening in the AI industry. This year saw the addition of fine-tuning and graph neural networks.

Fine tuning takes an already trained LLM and specializes it for use in a particular field. Nvidia, for example took a trained 43-billion-parameter model and trained it on the GPU-maker’s design files and documentation to create ChipNeMo, an AI intended to boost the productivity of its chip designers. At the time, the company’s chief technology officer Bill Dally said that training an LLM was like giving it a liberal arts education, and fine tuning was like sending it to graduate school.

The MLPerf benchmark takes a pretrained Llama-2-70B model and asks the system to fine tune it using a dataset of government documents with the goal of generating more accurate document summaries.

There are several ways to do fine-tuning. MLPerf chose one called low-rank adaptation (LoRA). The method winds up training only a small portion of the LLM’s parameters leading to a 3-fold lower burden on hardware and reduced use of memory and storage versus other methods, according to the organization.

The other new benchmark involved a graph neural network (GNN). These are for problems that can be represented by a very large set of interconnected nodes, such as a social network or a recommender system. Compared to other AI tasks, GNNs require a lot of communication between nodes in a computer.

The benchmark trained a GNN on a database that shows relationships about academic authors, papers, and institutes—a graph with 547 million nodes and 5.8 billion edges. The neural network was then trained to predict the right label for each node in the graph.

Future fights

Training rounds in 2025 may see head-to-head contests comparing new accelerators from AMD, Intel, and Nvidia. AMD’s MI300 series was launched about six months ago, and a memory-boosted upgrade the MI325x is planned for the end of 2024, with the next generation MI350 slated for 2025. Intel says its Gaudi 3, generally available to computer makers later this year, will appear in MLPerf’s upcoming inferencing benchmarks. Intel executives have said the new chip has the capacity to beat H100 at training LLMs. But the victory may be short-lived, as Nvidia has unveiled a new architecture, Blackwell, which is planned for late this year.

  • ✇Semiconductor Engineering
  • Efficient TNN Inference on RISC-V Processing Cores With Minimal HW OverheadTechnical Paper Link
    A new technical paper titled “xTern: Energy-Efficient Ternary Neural Network Inference on RISC-V-Based Edge Systems” was published by researchers at ETH Zurich and Universita di Bologna. Abstract “Ternary neural networks (TNNs) offer a superior accuracy-energy trade-off compared to binary neural networks. However, until now, they have required specialized accelerators to realize their efficiency potential, which has hindered widespread adoption. To address this, we present xTern, a lightweight e

Efficient TNN Inference on RISC-V Processing Cores With Minimal HW Overhead

11. Červen 2024 v 02:28

A new technical paper titled “xTern: Energy-Efficient Ternary Neural Network Inference on RISC-V-Based Edge Systems” was published by researchers at ETH Zurich and Universita di Bologna.

“Ternary neural networks (TNNs) offer a superior accuracy-energy trade-off compared to binary neural networks. However, until now, they have required specialized accelerators to realize their efficiency potential, which has hindered widespread adoption. To address this, we present xTern, a lightweight extension of the RISC-V instruction set architecture (ISA) targeted at accelerating TNN inference on general-purpose cores. To complement the ISA extension, we developed a set of optimized kernels leveraging xTern, achieving 67% higher throughput than their 2-bit equivalents. Power consumption is only marginally increased by 5.2%, resulting in an energy efficiency improvement by 57.1%. We demonstrate that the proposed xTern extension, integrated into an octa-core compute cluster, incurs a minimal silicon area overhead of 0.9% with no impact on timing. In end-to-end benchmarks, we demonstrate that xTern enables the deployment of TNNs achieving up to 1.6 percentage points higher CIFAR-10 classification accuracy than 2-bit networks at equal inference latency. Our results show that xTern enables RISC-V-based ultra-low-power edge AI platforms to benefit from the efficiency potential of TNNs.”

Find the technical paper here. Published May 2024.

Rutishauser, Georg, Joan Mihali, Moritz Scherer, and Luca Benini. “xTern: Energy-Efficient Ternary Neural Network Inference on RISC-V-Based Edge Systems.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.19065 (2024).

The post Efficient TNN Inference on RISC-V Processing Cores With Minimal HW Overhead appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

  • ✇IEEE Spectrum
  • Will Scaling Solve Robotics?Nishanth J. Kumar
    This post was originally published on the author’s personal blog. Last year’s Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) was the biggest CoRL yet, with over 900 attendees, 11 workshops, and almost 200 accepted papers. While there were a lot of cool new ideas (see this great set of notes for an overview of technical content), one particular debate seemed to be front and center: Is training a large neural network on a very large dataset a feasible way to solve robotics?1 Of course, some version of

Will Scaling Solve Robotics?

28. Květen 2024 v 12:00

This post was originally published on the author’s personal blog.

Last year’s Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) was the biggest CoRL yet, with over 900 attendees, 11 workshops, and almost 200 accepted papers. While there were a lot of cool new ideas (see this great set of notes for an overview of technical content), one particular debate seemed to be front and center: Is training a large neural network on a very large dataset a feasible way to solve robotics?1

Of course, some version of this question has been on researchers’ minds for a few years now. However, in the aftermath of the unprecedented success of ChatGPT and other large-scale “foundation models” on tasks that were thought to be unsolvable just a few years ago, the question was especially topical at this year’s CoRL. Developing a general-purpose robot, one that can competently and robustly execute a wide variety of tasks of interest in any home or office environment that humans can, has been perhaps the holy grail of robotics since the inception of the field. And given the recent progress of foundation models, it seems possible that scaling existing network architectures by training them on very large datasets might actually be the key to that grail.

Given how timely and significant this debate seems to be, I thought it might be useful to write a post centered around it. My main goal here is to try to present the different sides of the argument as I heard them, without bias towards any side. Almost all the content is taken directly from talks I attended or conversations I had with fellow attendees. My hope is that this serves to deepen people’s understanding around the debate, and maybe even inspire future research ideas and directions.

I want to start by presenting the main arguments I heard in favor of scaling as a solution to robotics.

Why Scaling Might Work

  • It worked for Computer Vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), so why not robotics? This was perhaps the most common argument I heard, and the one that seemed to excite most people given recent models like GPT4-V and SAM. The point here is that training a large model on an extremely large corpus of data has recently led to astounding progress on problems thought to be intractable just 3 to 4 years ago. Moreover, doing this has led to a number of emergent capabilities, where trained models are able to perform well at a number of tasks they weren’t explicitly trained for. Importantly, the fundamental method here of training a large model on a very large amount of data is general and not somehow unique to CV or NLP. Thus, there seems to be no reason why we shouldn’t observe the same incredible performance on robotics tasks.
    • We’re already starting to see some evidence that this might work well: Chelsea Finn, Vincent Vanhoucke, and several others pointed to the recent RT-X and RT-2 papers from Google DeepMind as evidence that training a single model on large amounts of robotics data yields promising generalization capabilities. Russ Tedrake of Toyota Research Institute (TRI) and MIT pointed to the recent Diffusion Policies paper as showing a similar surprising capability. Sergey Levine of UC Berkeley highlighted recent efforts and successes from his group in building and deploying a robot-agnostic foundation model for navigation. All of these works are somewhat preliminary in that they train a relatively small model with a paltry amount of data compared to something like GPT4-V, but they certainly do seem to point to the fact that scaling up these models and datasets could yield impressive results in robotics.
  • Progress in data, compute, and foundation models are waves that we should ride: This argument is closely related to the above one, but distinct enough that I think it deserves to be discussed separately. The main idea here comes from Rich Sutton’s influential essay: The history of AI research has shown that relatively simple algorithms that scale well with data always outperform more complex/clever algorithms that do not. A nice analogy from Karol Hausman’s early career keynote is that improvements to data and compute are like a wave that is bound to happen given the progress and adoption of technology. Whether we like it or not, there will be more data and better compute. As AI researchers, we can either choose to ride this wave, or we can ignore it. Riding this wave means recognizing all the progress that’s happened because of large data and large models, and then developing algorithms, tools, datasets, etc. to take advantage of this progress. It also means leveraging large pre-trained models from vision and language that currently exist or will exist for robotics tasks.
  • Robotics tasks of interest lie on a relatively simple manifold, and training a large model will help us find it: This was something rather interesting that Russ Tedrake pointed out during a debate in the workshop on robustly deploying learning-based solutions. The manifold hypothesis as applied to robotics roughly states that, while the space of possible tasks we could conceive of having a robot do is impossibly large and complex, the tasks that actually occur practically in our world lie on some much lower-dimensional and simpler manifold of this space. By training a single model on large amounts of data, we might be able to discover this manifold. If we believe that such a manifold exists for robotics—which certainly seems intuitive—then this line of thinking would suggest that robotics is not somehow different from CV or NLP in any fundamental way. The same recipe that worked for CV and NLP should be able to discover the manifold for robotics and yield a shockingly competent generalist robot. Even if this doesn’t exactly happen, Tedrake points out that attempting to train a large model for general robotics tasks could teach us important things about the manifold of robotics tasks, and perhaps we can leverage this understanding to solve robotics.
  • Large models are the best approach we have to get at “commonsense” capabilities, which pervade all of robotics: Another thing Russ Tedrake pointed out is that “common sense” pervades almost every robotics task of interest. Consider the task of having a mobile manipulation robot place a mug onto a table. Even if we ignore the challenging problems of finding and localizing the mug, there are a surprising number of subtleties to this problem. What if the table is cluttered and the robot has to move other objects out of the way? What if the mug accidentally falls on the floor and the robot has to pick it up again, re-orient it, and place it on the table? And what if the mug has something in it, so it’s important it’s never overturned? These “edge cases” are actually much more common that it might seem, and often are the difference between success and failure for a task. Moreover, these seem to require some sort of ‘common sense’ reasoning to deal with. Several people argued that large models trained on a large amount of data are the best way we know of to yield some aspects of this ‘common sense’ capability. Thus, they might be the best way we know of to solve general robotics tasks.

As you might imagine, there were a number of arguments against scaling as a practical solution to robotics. Interestingly, almost no one directly disputes that this approach could work in theory. Instead, most arguments fall into one of two buckets: (1) arguing that this approach is simply impractical, and (2) arguing that even if it does kind of work, it won’t really “solve” robotics.

Why Scaling Might Not Work

It’s impractical

  • We currently just don’t have much robotics data, and there’s no clear way we’ll get it: This is the elephant in pretty much every large-scale robot learning room. The Internet is chock-full of data for CV and NLP, but not at all for robotics. Recent efforts to collect very large datasets have required tremendous amounts of time, money, and cooperation, yet have yielded a very small fraction of the amount of vision and text data on the Internet. CV and NLP got so much data because they had an incredible “data flywheel”: tens of millions of people connecting to and using the Internet. Unfortunately for robotics, there seems to be no reason why people would upload a bunch of sensory input and corresponding action pairs. Collecting a very large robotics dataset seems quite hard, and given that we know that a lot of important “emergent” properties only showed up in vision and language models at scale, the inability to get a large dataset could render this scaling approach hopeless.
  • Robots have different embodiments: Another challenge with collecting a very large robotics dataset is that robots come in a large variety of different shapes, sizes, and form factors. The output control actions that are sent to a Boston Dynamics Spot robot are very different to those sent to a KUKA iiwa arm. Even if we ignore the problem of finding some kind of common output space for a large trained model, the variety in robot embodiments means we’ll probably have to collect data from each robot type, and that makes the above data-collection problem even harder.
  • There is extremely large variance in the environments we want robots to operate in: For a robot to really be “general purpose,” it must be able to operate in any practical environment a human might want to put it in. This means operating in any possible home, factory, or office building it might find itself in. Collecting a dataset that has even just one example of every possible building seems impractical. Of course, the hope is that we would only need to collect data in a small fraction of these, and the rest will be handled by generalization. However, we don’t know how much data will be required for this generalization capability to kick in, and it very well could also be impractically large.
  • Training a model on such a large robotics dataset might be too expensive/energy-intensive: It’s no secret that training large foundation models is expensive, both in terms of money and in energy consumption. GPT-4V—OpenAI’s biggest foundation model at the time of this writing—reportedly cost over US $100 million and 50 million KWh of electricity to train. This is well beyond the budget and resources that any academic lab can currently spare, so a larger robotics foundation model would need to be trained by a company or a government of some kind. Additionally, depending on how large both the dataset and model itself for such an endeavor are, the costs may balloon by another order-of-magnitude or more, which might make it completely infeasible.

Even if it works as well as in CV/NLP, it won’t solve robotics

  • The 99.X problem and long tails: Vincent Vanhoucke of Google Robotics started a talk with a provocative assertion: Most—if not all—robot learning approaches cannot be deployed for any practical task. The reason? Real-world industrial and home applications typically require 99.X percent or higher accuracy and reliability. What exactly that means varies by application, but it’s safe to say that robot learning algorithms aren’t there yet. Most results presented in academic papers top out at 80 percent success rate. While that might seem quite close to the 99.X percent threshold, people trying to actually deploy these algorithms have found that it isn’t so: getting higher success rates requires asymptotically more effort as we get closer to 100 percent. That means going from 85 to 90 percent might require just as much—if not more—effort than going from 40 to 80 percent. Vincent asserted in his talk that getting up to 99.X percent is a fundamentally different beast than getting even up to 80 percent, one that might require a whole host of new techniques beyond just scaling.
    • Existing big models don’t get to 99.X percent even in CV and NLP: As impressive and capable as current large models like GPT-4V and DETIC are, even they don’t achieve 99.X percent or higher success rate on previously-unseen tasks. Current robotics models are very far from this level of performance, and I think it’s safe to say that the entire robot learning community would be thrilled to have a general model that does as well on robotics tasks as GPT-4V does on NLP tasks. However, even if we had something like this, it wouldn’t be at 99.X percent, and it’s not clear that it’s possible to get there by scaling either.
  • Self-driving car companies have tried this approach, and it doesn’t fully work (yet): This is closely related to the above point, but important and subtle enough that I think it deserves to stand on its own. A number of self-driving car companies—most notably Tesla and Wayve—have tried training such an end-to-end big model on large amounts of data to achieve Level 5 autonomy. Not only do these companies have the engineering resources and money to train such models, but they also have the data. Tesla in particular has a fleet of over 100,000 cars deployed in the real world that it is constantly collecting and then annotating data from. These cars are being teleoperated by experts, making the data ideal for large-scale supervised learning. And despite all this, Tesla has so far been unable to produce a Level 5 autonomous driving system. That’s not to say their approach doesn’t work at all. It competently handles a large number of situations—especially highway driving—and serves as a useful Level 2 (i.e., driver assist) system. However, it’s far from 99.X percent performance. Moreover, data seems to suggest that Tesla’s approach is faring far worse than Waymo or Cruise, which both use much more modular systems. While it isn’t inconceivable that Tesla’s approach could end up catching up and surpassing its competitors performance in a year or so, the fact that it hasn’t worked yet should serve as evidence perhaps that the 99.X percent problem is hard to overcome for a large-scale ML approach. Moreover, given that self-driving is a special case of general robotics, Tesla’s case should give us reason to doubt the large-scale model approach as a full solution to robotics, especially in the medium term.
  • Many robotics tasks of interest are quite long-horizon: Accomplishing any task requires taking a number of correct actions in sequence. Consider the relatively simple problem of making a cup of tea given an electric kettle, water, a box of tea bags, and a mug. Success requires pouring the water into the kettle, turning it on, then pouring the hot water into the mug, and placing a tea-bag inside it. If we want to solve this with a model trained to output motor torque commands given pixels as input, we’ll need to send torque commands to all 7 motors at around 40 Hz. Let’s suppose that this tea-making task requires 5 minutes. That requires 7 * 40 * 60 * 5 = 84,000 correct torque commands. This is all just for a stationary robot arm; things get much more complicated if the robot is mobile, or has more than one arm. It is well-known that error tends to compound with longer-horizons for most tasks. This is one reason why—despite their ability to produce long sequences of text—even LLMs cannot yet produce completely coherent novels or long stories: small deviations from a true prediction over time tend to add up and yield extremely large deviations over long-horizons. Given that most, if not all robotics tasks of interest require sending at least thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of torques in just the right order, even a fairly well-performing model might really struggle to fully solve these robotics tasks.

Okay, now that we’ve sketched out all the main points on both sides of the debate, I want to spend some time diving into a few related points. Many of these are responses to the above points on the ‘against’ side, and some of them are proposals for directions to explore to help overcome the issues raised.

Miscellaneous Related Arguments

We can probably deploy learning-based approaches robustly

One point that gets brought up a lot against learning-based approaches is the lack of theoretical guarantees. At the time of this writing, we know very little about neural network theory: we don’t really know why they learn well, and more importantly, we don’t have any guarantees on what values they will output in different situations. On the other hand, most classical control and planning approaches that are widely used in robotics have various theoretical guarantees built-in. These are generally quite useful when certifying that systems are safe.

However, there seemed to be general consensus amongst a number of CoRL speakers that this point is perhaps given more significance than it should. Sergey Levine pointed out that most of the guarantees from controls aren’t really that useful for a number of real-world tasks we’re interested in. As he put it: “self-driving car companies aren’t worried about controlling the car to drive in a straight line, but rather about a situation in which someone paints a sky onto the back of a truck and drives in front of the car,” thereby confusing the perception system. Moreover, Scott Kuindersma of Boston Dynamics talked about how they’re deploying RL-based controllers on their robots in production, and are able to get the confidence and guarantees they need via rigorous simulation and real-world testing. Overall, I got the sense that while people feel that guarantees are important, and encouraged researchers to keep trying to study them, they don’t think that the lack of guarantees for learning-based systems means that they cannot be deployed robustly.

What if we strive to deploy Human-in-the-Loop systems?

In one of the organized debates, Emo Todorov pointed out that existing successful ML systems, like Codex and ChatGPT, work well only because a human interacts with and sanitizes their output. Consider the case of coding with Codex: it isn’t intended to directly produce runnable, bug-free code, but rather to act as an intelligent autocomplete for programmers, thereby making the overall human-machine team more productive than either alone. In this way, these models don’t have to achieve the 99.X percent performance threshold, because a human can help correct any issues during deployment. As Emo put it: “humans are forgiving, physics is not.”

Chelsea Finn responded to this by largely agreeing with Emo. She strongly agreed that all successfully-deployed and useful ML systems have humans in the loop, and so this is likely the setting that deployed robot learning systems will need to operate in as well. Of course, having a human operate in the loop with a robot isn’t as straightforward as in other domains, since having a human and robot inhabit the same space introduces potential safety hazards. However, it’s a useful setting to think about, especially if it can help address issues brought on by the 99.X percent problem.

Maybe we don’t need to collect that much real-world data for scaling

A number of people at the conference were thinking about creative ways to overcome the real-world data bottleneck without actually collecting more real world data. Quite a few of these people argued that fast, realistic simulators could be vital here, and there were a number of works that explored creative ways to train robot policies in simulation and then transfer them to the real world. Another set of people argued that we can leverage existing vision, language, and video data and then just ‘sprinkle in’ some robotics data. Google’s recent RT-2 model showed how taking a large model trained on internet scale vision and language data, and then just fine-tuning it on a much smaller set robotics data can produce impressive performance on robotics tasks. Perhaps through a combination of simulation and pretraining on general vision and language data, we won’t actually have to collect too much real-world robotics data to get scaling to work well for robotics tasks.

Maybe combining classical and learning-based approaches can give us the best of both worlds

As with any debate, there were quite a few people advocating the middle path. Scott Kuindersma of Boston Dynamics titled one of his talks “Let’s all just be friends: model-based control helps learning (and vice versa)”. Throughout his talk, and the subsequent debates, his strong belief that in the short to medium term, the best path towards reliable real-world systems involves combining learning with classical approaches. In her keynote speech for the conference, Andrea Thomaz talked about how such a hybrid system—using learning for perception and a few skills, and classical SLAM and path-planning for the rest—is what powers a real-world robot that’s deployed in tens of hospital systems in Texas (and growing!). Several papers explored how classical controls and planning, together with learning-based approaches can enable much more capability than any system on its own. Overall, most people seemed to argue that this ‘middle path’ is extremely promising, especially in the short to medium term, but perhaps in the long-term either pure learning or an entirely different set of approaches might be best.

What Can/Should We Take Away From All This?

If you’ve read this far, chances are that you’re interested in some set of takeaways/conclusions. Perhaps you’re thinking “this is all very interesting, but what does all this mean for what we as a community should do? What research problems should I try to tackle?” Fortunately for you, there seemed to be a number of interesting suggestions that had some consensus on this.

We should pursue the direction of trying to just scale up learning with very large datasets

Despite the various arguments against scaling solving robotics outright, most people seem to agree that scaling in robot learning is a promising direction to be investigated. Even if it doesn’t fully solve robotics, it could lead to a significant amount of progress on a number of hard problems we’ve been stuck on for a while. Additionally, as Russ Tedrake pointed out, pursuing this direction carefully could yield useful insights about the general robotics problem, as well as current learning algorithms and why they work so well.

We should also pursue other existing directions

Even the most vocal proponents of the scaling approach were clear that they don’t think everyone should be working on this. It’s likely a bad idea for the entire robot learning community to put its eggs in the same basket, especially given all the reasons to believe scaling won’t fully solve robotics. Classical robotics techniques have gotten us quite far, and led to many successful and reliable deployments: pushing forward on them or integrating them with learning techniques might be the right way forward, especially in the short to medium terms.

We should focus more on real-world mobile manipulation and easy-to-use systems

Vincent Vanhoucke made an observation that most papers at CoRL this year were limited to tabletop manipulation settings. While there are plenty of hard tabletop problems, things generally get a lot more complicated when the robot—and consequently its camera view—moves. Vincent speculated that it’s easy for the community to fall into a local minimum where we make a lot of progress that’s specific to the tabletop setting and therefore not generalizable. A similar thing could happen if we work predominantly in simulation. Avoiding these local minima by working on real-world mobile manipulation seems like a good idea.

Separately, Sergey Levine observed that a big reason why LLM’s have seen so much excitement and adoption is because they’re extremely easy to use: especially by non-experts. One doesn’t have to know about the details of training an LLM, or perform any tough setup, to prompt and use these models for their own tasks. Most robot learning approaches are currently far from this. They often require significant knowledge of their inner workings to use, and involve very significant amounts of setup. Perhaps thinking more about how to make robot learning systems easier to use and widely applicable could help improve adoption and potentially scalability of these approaches.

We should be more forthright about things that don’t work

There seemed to be a broadly-held complaint that many robot learning approaches don’t adequately report negative results, and this leads to a lot of unnecessary repeated effort. Additionally, perhaps patterns might emerge from consistent failures of things that we expect to work but don’t actually work well, and this could yield novel insight into learning algorithms. There is currently no good incentive for researchers to report such negative results in papers, but most people seemed to be in favor of designing one.

We should try to do something totally new

There were a few people who pointed out that all current approaches—be they learning-based or classical—are unsatisfying in a number of ways. There seem to be a number of drawbacks with each of them, and it’s very conceivable that there is a completely different set of approaches that ultimately solves robotics. Given this, it seems useful to try think outside the box. After all, every one of the current approaches that’s part of the debate was only made possible because the few researchers that introduced them dared to think against the popular grain of their times.

Acknowledgements: Huge thanks to Tom Silver and Leslie Kaelbling for providing helpful comments, suggestions, and encouragement on a previous draft of this post.

1 In fact, this was the topic of a popular debate hosted at a workshop on the first day; many of the points in this post were inspired by the conversation during that debate.

  • ✇IEEE Spectrum
  • Three New Supercomputers Reach Top of Green500 ListDina Genkina
    Over just the past couple of years, supercomputing has accelerated into the exascale era—with the world’s most massive machines capable of performing over a billion billion operations per second. But unless big efficiency improvements can intervene along its exponential growth curve, computing is also anticipated to require increasingly impractical and unsustainable amounts of energy—even, according to one widely cited study, by 2040 demanding more energy than the world’s total present-day outpu

Three New Supercomputers Reach Top of Green500 List

24. Květen 2024 v 17:45

Over just the past couple of years, supercomputing has accelerated into the exascale era—with the world’s most massive machines capable of performing over a billion billion operations per second. But unless big efficiency improvements can intervene along its exponential growth curve, computing is also anticipated to require increasingly impractical and unsustainable amounts of energy—even, according to one widely cited study, by 2040 demanding more energy than the world’s total present-day output.

Fortunately, the high-performance computing community is shifting focus now toward not just increased performance (measured in raw petaflops or exaflops) but also higher efficiency, boosting the number of operations per watt.

The Green500 list saw newcomers enter into the top three spots, suggesting that some of the world’s newest high-performance systems may be chasing efficiency at least as much as sheer power.

The newest ranking of the Top500 supercomputers (a list of the world’s most powerful machines) and its cousin the Green500 (ranking instead the world’s highest-efficiency machines) came out last week. The leading 10 of the Top 500 largest supercomputers remains mostly unchanged, headed up by Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Frontier exascale computer. There was only one new addition in the top 10, at No. 6: Swiss National Supercomputing Center’s Alps system. Meanwhile, Argonne National Laboratory’s Aurora doubled its size, but kept its second-tier ranking.

On the other hand, The Green500 list saw newcomers enter into the top three spots, suggesting that some of the world’s newest high-performance systems may be chasing efficiency at least as much as sheer power.

Heading up the new Green500 list was JEDI, Jülich Supercomputing Center’s prototype system for its impending JUPITER exascale computer. The No. 2 and No. 3 spots went to the University of Bristol’s Isambard AI, also the first phase of a larger planned system, and the Helios supercomputer from the Polish organization Cyfronet. In fourth place is the previous list’s leader, the Simons Foundation’s Henri.

A Hopper Runs Through It

The top three systems on the Green500 list have one thing in common—they are all built with Nvidia’s Grace Hopper superchips, a combination of the Hopper (H100) GPU and the Grace CPU. There are two main reasons why the Grace Hopper architecture is so efficient, says Dion Harris, director of accelerated data center go-to-market strategy at Nvidia. The first is the Grace CPU, which benefits from the ARM instruction set architecture’s superior power performance. Plus, he says, it incorporates a memory structure, called LPDDR5X, that’s commonly found in cellphones and is optimized for energy efficiency.

Close-up of the NVIDIA logo on computing equipment Nvidia’s GH200 Grace Hopper superchip, here deployed in Jülich’s JEDI machine, now powers the world’s top three most efficient HPC systems. Jülich Supercomputing Center

The second advantage of the Grace Hopper, Harris says, is a newly developed interconnect between the Hopper GPU and the Grace CPU. The connection takes advantage of the CPU and GPU’s proximity to each other on one board, and achieves a bandwidth of 900 gigabits per second, about 7 times as fast as the latest PCIe gen5 interconnects. This allows the GPU to access the CPU’s memory quickly, which is particularly important for highly parallel applications such as AI training or graph neural networks, Harris says.

All three top systems use Grace Hoppers, but Jülich’s JEDI still leads the pack by a noticeable margin—72.7 gigaflops per watt, as opposed to 68.8 gigaflops per watt for the runner-up (and 65.4 gigaflops per watt for the previous champion). The JEDI team attributes their added success to the way they’ve connected their chips together. Their interconnect fabric was also from Nvidia—Quantum-2 InfiniBand—rather than the HPE Slingshot used by the other two top systems.

The JEDI team also cites specific optimizations they did to accommodate the Green500 benchmark. In addition to using all the latest Nvidia gear, JEDI cuts energy costs with its cooling system. Instead of using air or chilled water, JEDI circulates hot water throughout its compute nodes to take care of the excess heat. “Under normal weather conditions, the excess heat can be taken care of by free cooling units without the need of additional cold-water cooling,” says Benedikt von St. Vieth, head of the division for high-performance computing at Jülich.

JUPITER will use the same architecture as its prototype, JEDI, and von St. Vieth says he aims for it to maintain much of the prototype’s energy efficiency—although with increased scale, he adds, more energy may be lost to interconnecting fabric.

Of course, most crucial is the performance of these systems on real scientific tasks, not just on the Green500 benchmark. “It was really exciting to see these systems come online,” Nvidia’s Harris says, “But more importantly, I think we’re really excited to see the science come out of these systems, because I think [the energy efficiency] will have more impact on the applications even than on the benchmark.”

  • ✇Semiconductor Engineering
  • High-Level Synthesis Propels Next-Gen AI AcceleratorsRussell Klein
    Everything around you is getting smarter. Artificial intelligence is not just a data center application but will be deployed in all kinds of embedded systems that we interact with daily. We expect to talk to and gesture at them. We expect them to recognize and understand us. And we expect them to operate with just a little bit of common sense. This intelligence is making these systems not just more functional and easier to use, but safer and more secure as well. All this intelligence comes from

High-Level Synthesis Propels Next-Gen AI Accelerators

20. Květen 2024 v 09:01

Everything around you is getting smarter. Artificial intelligence is not just a data center application but will be deployed in all kinds of embedded systems that we interact with daily. We expect to talk to and gesture at them. We expect them to recognize and understand us. And we expect them to operate with just a little bit of common sense. This intelligence is making these systems not just more functional and easier to use, but safer and more secure as well.

All this intelligence comes from advances in deep neural networks. One of the key challenges of neural networks is their computational complexity. Small neural networks can take millions of multiply accumulate operations (MACs) to produce a result. Larger ones can take billions. Large language models, and similarly complex networks, can take trillions. This level of computation is beyond what can be delivered by embedded processors.

In some cases, the computation of these inferences can be off-loaded over a network to a data center. Increasingly, devices have fast and reliable network connections – making this a viable option for many systems. However, there are also a lot of systems that have hard real time requirements that cannot be met by even the fastest and most reliable networks. For example, any system that has autonomous mobility – self-driving cars or self-piloted drones – needs to make decisions faster than could be done through an off-site data center. There are also systems where sensitive data is being processed that should not be sent over networks. And anything that goes over a network introduces an additional attack surface for hackers. For all of these reasons – performance, privacy, and security – some inferencing will need to be done on embedded systems.

For very simple networks, embedded CPUs can handle the task. Even a Raspberry Pi can deploy a simple object recognition algorithm. For more complex tasks there are embedded GPUs, as well as neural processing units (NPUs) targeted at embedded systems that can deliver greater computational capability. But for the highest levels of performance and efficiency, building a bespoke AI (Artificial Intelligence) accelerator can enable applications that would otherwise be impractical.

Engineering a new piece of hardware is a daunting undertaking, whether for ASIC or FPGA. But it enables developers to reach a level of performance and efficiency not possible with off-the-shelf components. But how can the average development team build a better machine learning accelerator than the designers creating the most leading-edge commercial AI accelerators, with multiple generations under their belt? By highly customizing the implementation to the specific inference being performed, the implementation can be an order of magnitude better than more generalized solutions.

When a general-purpose AI accelerator developer creates an NPU, their goal is to support any neural network that anyone might conceive. They want to get thousands of design ins, so they have to make the design as general as possible. Not only that, but they also aim to have some level of “future proofing” built into their designs. They want to be able to support any network that might be imagined for several years into the future. Not an easy task in a technology that is evolving so rapidly.

A bespoke accelerator needs to only support the one, or perhaps several, networks to be used. This freedom allows many programmable elements in the implementation of the accelerator to be fixed in hardware. This creates hardware that is both smaller and faster than something general purpose. For example, a dedicated convolution accelerator, with a fixed image and filter size, can be up to 10 times faster than a well-designed general purpose TPU.

General purpose accelerators usually use floating point numbers. This is because virtually all neural networks are developed in Python on general purpose computers using floating point numbers. To ensure correct support of those neural networks, the accelerator must, of course, support floating point numbers. However, most neural networks use numbers close to 0, and require a lot of precision there. And floating-point multipliers are huge. If they are not needed, omitting them from the design saves a lot of area and power.

Some NPUs support integer representation, and sometimes with a variety of sizes. But supporting multiple numeric representation formats adds circuitry, which consumes power and adds propagation delays. Choosing one representation and using that exclusively enables a smaller faster implementation.

When building a bespoke accelerator, one is not limited to 8 bits or 16 bits, any size can be used. Picking the correct numeric representation, or “quantizing” a neural network, allows the data and the operators to be optimally sized. Quantization can significantly reduce the data needed to be stored, moved, and operated on. Reducing the memory footprint for the weight database and shrinking the multipliers can really improve the area and power of a design. For example, a 10-bit fixed-point multiplier is about 20 times smaller than a 32-bit floating-point multiplier, and, correspondingly, will use about 1/20th the power. This means the design can either be much smaller and energy efficient by using the smaller multiplier, or the designer can opt to use the area and deploy 20 multipliers that can operate in parallel, producing much higher performance using the same resources.

One of the key challenges in building a bespoke machine learning accelerator is that the data scientists who created the neural network usually do not understand hardware design, and the hardware designers do not understand data science. In a traditional design flow, they would use “meetings” and “specifications” to transfer knowledge and share ideas. But, honestly, no one likes meetings or specifications. And they are not particularly good at effecting an information exchange.

High-Level Synthesis (HLS) allows an implementation produced by the data scientists to be used, not just as an executable reference, but as a machine-readable input to the hardware design process. This eliminates the manual reinterpretation of the algorithm in the design flow, which is slow and extremely error prone. HLS synthesizes an RTL implementation from an algorithmic description. Usually, the algorithm is described in C++ or SystemC, but a number of design flows like HLS4ML are enabling HLS tools to take neural network descriptions directly from machine learning frameworks.

HLS enables a practical exploration of quantization in a way that is not yet practical in machine learning frameworks. To fully understand the impact of quantization requires a bit accurate implementation of the algorithm, including the characterization of the effects of overflow, saturation, and rounding. Today this in only practical in hardware description languages (HDLs) or HLS bit accurate data types (

As machine learning becomes ubiquitous, more embedded systems will need to deploy inferencing accelerators. HLS is a practical and proven way to create bespoke accelerators, optimized for a very specific application, that deliver higher performance and efficiency than general purpose NPUs.

For more information on this topic, read the paper: High-Level Synthesis Enables the Next Generation of Edge AI Accelerators.

The post High-Level Synthesis Propels Next-Gen AI Accelerators appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

  • ✇IEEE Spectrum
  • Brain-Inspired Computer Approaches Brain-Like SizeDina Genkina
    Today Dresden, Germany–based startup SpiNNcloud Systems announced that its hybrid supercomputing platform, the SpiNNcloud Platform, is available for sale. The machine combines traditional AI accelerators with neuromorphic computing capabilities, using system-design strategies that draw inspiration from the human brain. Systems for purchase vary in size, but the largest commercially available machine can simulate 10 billion neurons, about one-tenth the number in the human brain. The announcement

Brain-Inspired Computer Approaches Brain-Like Size

8. Květen 2024 v 16:38

Today Dresden, Germany–based startup SpiNNcloud Systems announced that its hybrid supercomputing platform, the SpiNNcloud Platform, is available for sale. The machine combines traditional AI accelerators with neuromorphic computing capabilities, using system-design strategies that draw inspiration from the human brain. Systems for purchase vary in size, but the largest commercially available machine can simulate 10 billion neurons, about one-tenth the number in the human brain. The announcement was made at the ISC High Performance conference in Hamburg, Germany.

“We’re basically trying to bridge the gap between brain inspiration and artificial systems.” —Hector Gonzalez, SpiNNcloud Systems

SpiNNcloud Systems was founded in 2021 as a spin-off of the Dresden University of Technology. Its original chip, the SpiNNaker1, was designed by Steve Furber, the principal designer of the ARM microprocessor—the technology that now powers most cellphones. The SpiNNaker1 chip is already in use by 60 research groups in 23 countries, SpiNNcloud Systems says.

Human Brain as Supercomputer

Brain-emulating computers hold the promise of vastly lower energy computation and better performance on certain tasks. “The human brain is the most advanced supercomputer in the universe, and it consumes only 20 watts to achieve things that artificial intelligence systems today only dream of,” says Hector Gonzalez, cofounder and co-CEO of SpiNNcloud Systems. “We’re basically trying to bridge the gap between brain inspiration and artificial systems.”

Aside from sheer size, a distinguishing feature of the SpiNNaker2 system is its flexibility. Traditionally, most neuromorphic computers emulate the brain’s spiking nature: Neurons fire off electrical spikes to communicate with the neurons around them. The actual mechanism of these spikes in the brain is quite complex, and neuromorphic hardware often implements a specific simplified model. The SpiNNaker2 can implement a broad range of such models however, as they are not hardwired into its architecture.

Instead of looking how each neuron and synapse operates in the brain and trying to emulate that from the bottom up, Gonzalez says, the his team’s approach involved implementing key performance features of the brain. “It’s more about taking a practical inspiration from the brain, following particularly fascinating aspects such as how the brain is energy proportional and how it is simply highly parallel,” Gonzalez says.

To build hardware that is energy proportional—each piece draws power only when it’s actively in use and highly parallel—the company started with the building blocks. The basic unit of the system is the SpiNNaker2 chip, which hosts 152 processing units. Each processing unit has an ARM-based microcontroller, and unlike its predecessor the SpiNNaker1, also comes equipped with accelerators for use on neuromorphic models and traditional neural networks.

Vertical grey bars alternating with bright green lights The SpiNNaker2 supercomputer has been designed to model up to 10 billion neurons, about one-tenth the number in the human brain. SpiNNCloud Systems

The processing units can operate in an event-based manner: They can stay off unless an event triggers them to turn on and operate. This enables energy-proportional operation. The events are routed between units and across chips asynchronously, meaning there is no central clock coordinating their movements—which can allow for massive parallelism. Each chip is connected to six other chips, and the whole system is connected in the shape of a torus to ensure all connecting wires are equally short.

The largest commercially offered system is not only capable of emulating 10 billion neurons, but also performing 0.3 billion billion operations per second (exaops) of more traditional AI tasks, putting it on a comparable scale with the top 10 largest supercomputers today.

Among the first customers of the SpiNNaker2 system is a team at Sandia National Labs, which plans to use it for further research on neuromorphic systems outperforming traditional architectures and performing otherwise inaccessible computational tasks.

“The ability to have a general programmable neuron model lets you explore some of these more complex learning rules that don’t necessarily fit onto older neuromorphic systems,” says Fred Rothganger, senior member of technical staff at Sandia. “They, of course, can run on a general-purpose computer. But those general-purpose computers are not necessarily designed to efficiently handle the kind of communication patterns that go on inside a spiking neural network. With [the SpiNNaker2 system] we get the ideal combination of greater programmability plus efficient communication.”

  • ✇Semiconductor Engineering
  • Fundamental Issues In Computer Vision Still UnresolvedKaren Heyman
    Given computer vision’s place as the cornerstone of an increasing number of applications from ADAS to medical diagnosis and robotics, it is critical that its weak points be mitigated, such as the ability to identify corner cases or if algorithms are trained on shallow datasets. While well-known bloopers are often the result of human decisions, there are also fundamental technical issues that require further research. “Computer vision” and “machine vision” were once used nearly interchangeably, w

Fundamental Issues In Computer Vision Still Unresolved

2. Květen 2024 v 09:08

Given computer vision’s place as the cornerstone of an increasing number of applications from ADAS to medical diagnosis and robotics, it is critical that its weak points be mitigated, such as the ability to identify corner cases or if algorithms are trained on shallow datasets. While well-known bloopers are often the result of human decisions, there are also fundamental technical issues that require further research.

“Computer vision” and “machine vision” were once used nearly interchangeably, with machine vision most often referring to the hardware embodiment of vision, such as in robots. Computer vision (CV), which started as the academic amalgam of neuroscience and AI research, has now become the dominant idea and preferred term.

“In today’s world, even the robotics people now call it computer vision,” said Jay Pathak, director, software development at Ansys. “The classical computer vision that used to happen outside of deep learning has been completely superseded. In terms of the success of AI, computer vision has a proven track record. Anytime self-driving is involved, any kind of robot that is doing work — its ability to perceive and take action — that’s all driven by deep learning.”

The original intent of CV was to replicate the power and versatility of human vision. Because vision is such a basic sense, the problem seemed like it would be far easier than higher-order cognitive challenges, like playing chess. Indeed, in the canonical anecdote about the field’s initial naïve optimism, Marvin Minsky, co-founder of the MIT AI Lab, having forgotten to include a visual system in a robot, assigned the task to undergraduates. But instead of being quick to solve, the problem consumed a generation of researchers.

Both academic and industry researchers work on problems that roughly can be split into three categories:

  • Image capture: The realm of digital cameras and sensors. It may use AI for refinements or it may rely on established software and hardware.
  • Image classification/detection: A subset of AI/ML that uses image datasets as training material to build models for visual recognition.
  • Image generation: The most recent work, which uses tools like LLMs to create novel images, and with the breakthrough demonstration of OpenAI’s Sora, even photorealistic videos.

Each one alone has spawned dozens of PhD dissertations and industry patents. Image classification/detection, the primary focus of this article, underlies ADAS, as well as many inspection applications.

The change from lab projects to everyday uses came as researchers switched from rules-based systems that simulated visual processing as a series of if/then statements (if red and round, then apple) to neural networks (NNs), in which computers learned to derive salient features by training on image datasets. NNs are basically layered graphs. The earliest model, 1943’s Perceptron, was a one-layer simulation of a biological neuron, which is one element in a vast network of interconnecting brain cells. Neurons have inputs (dendrites) and outputs (axons), driven by electrical and chemical signaling. The Perceptron and its descendant neural networks emulated the form but skipped the chemistry, instead focusing on electrical signals with algorithms that weighted input values. Over the decades, researchers refined different forms of neural nets with vastly increased inputs and layers, eventually becoming the deep learning networks that underlie the current advances in AI.

The most recent forms of these network models are convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and transformers. In highly simplified terms, the primary difference between them is that CNNs are very good at distinguishing local features, while transformers perceive a more globalized picture.

Thus, transformers are a natural evolution from CNNs and recurrent neural networks, as well as long short-term memory approaches (RNNs/LSTMs), according to Gordon Cooper, product marketing manager for Synopsys’ embedded vision processor family.

“You get more accuracy at the expense of more computations and parameters. More data movement, therefore more power,” said Cooper. “But there are cases where accuracy is the most important metric for a computer vision application. Pedestrian detection comes to mind. While some vision designs still will be well served with CNNs, some of our customers have determined they are moving completely to transformers. Ten years ago, some embedded vision applications that used DSPs moved to NNs, but there remains a need for both NNs and DSPs in a vision system. Developers still need a good handle on both technologies and are better served to find a vendor that can provide a combined solution.”

The emergence of CNN-based neural networks began supplanting traditional CV techniques for object detection and recognition.

“While first implemented using hardwired CNN accelerator hardware blocks, many of those CNN techniques then quickly migrated to programmable solutions on software-driven NPUs and GPNPUs,” said Aman Sikka, chief architect at Quadric.

Two parallel trends continue to reshape CV systems. “The first is that transformer networks for object detection and recognition, with greater accuracy and usability than their convolution-based predecessors, are beginning to leave the theoretical labs and enter production service in devices,” Sikka explained. “The second is that CV experts are reinventing the classical ISP functions with NN and transformer-based models that offer superior results. Thus, we’ve seen waves of ISP functionality migrating first from pure hardwired to C++ algorithmic form, and now into advanced ML network formats, with a modern design today in 2024 consisting of numerous machine-learning models working together.”

CV for inspection
While CV is well-known for its essential role in ADAS, another primary application is inspection. CV has helped detect everything from cancer tumors to manufacturing errors, or in the case of IBM’s productized research, critical flaws in the built environment. For example, a drone equipped with the IBM system could check if a bridge had cracks, a far safer and more precise way to perform visual inspection than having a human climb to dangerous heights.

By combining visual transformers with self-supervised learning, the annotation requirement is vastly reduced. In addition, the company has introduced a new process named “visual prompting,” where the AI can be taught to make the correct distinctions with limited supervision by using “in-context learning,” such as a scribble as a prompt. The optimal end result is that it should be able to respond to LLM-like prompts, such as “find all six-inch cracks.”

“Even if it makes mistakes and needs the help of human annotations, you’re doing far less labeling work than you would with traditional CNNs, where you’d have to do hundreds if not thousands of labels,” said Jayant Kalagnanam, director, AI applications at IBM Research.

Beware the humans
Ideally, domain-specific datasets should increase the accuracy of identification. They are often created by expanding on foundation models already trained on general datasets, such as ImageNet. Both types of datasets are subject to human and technical biases. Google’s infamous racial identification gaffes resulted from both technical issues and subsequent human overcorrections.

Meanwhile, IBM was working on infrastructure identification, and the company’s experience of getting its model to correctly identify cracks, including the problem of having too many images of one kind of defect, suggests a potential solution to the bias problem, which is to allow the inclusion of contradictory annotations.

“Everybody who is not a civil engineer can easily say what a crack is,” said Cristiano Malossi, IBM principal research scientist. “Surprisingly, when we discuss which crack has to be repaired with domain experts, the amount of disagreement is very high because they’re taking different considerations into account and, as a result, they come to different conclusions. For a model, this means if there’s ambiguity in the annotations, it may be because the annotations have been done by multiple people, which may actually have the advantage of introducing less bias.”

Fig.1 IBM’s Self-supervised learning model. Source: IBM

Fig. 1: IBM’s Self-supervised learning model. Source: IBM

Corner cases and other challenges to accuracy
The true image dataset is infinity, which in practical terms leaves most computer vision systems vulnerable to corner cases, potentially with fatal results, noted Alan Yuille, Bloomberg distinguished professor of cognitive science and computer science at Johns Hopkins University.

“So-called ‘corner cases’ are rare events that likely aren’t included in the dataset and may not even happen in everyday life,” said Yuille. “Unfortunately, all datasets have biases, and algorithms aren’t necessarily going to generalize to data that differs from the datasets they’re trained on. And one thing we have found with deep nets is if there is any bias in the dataset, the deep nets are wonderful at finding it and exploiting it.”

Thus, corner cases remain a problem to watch for. “A classic example is the idea of a baby in the road. If you’re training a car, you’re typically not going to have many examples of images with babies in the road, but you definitely want your car to stop if it sees a baby,” said Yuille. “If the companies are working in constrained domains, and they’re very careful about it, that’s not necessarily going to be a problem for them. But if the dataset is in any way biased, the algorithms may exploit the biases and corner cases, and may not be able to detect them, even if they may be of critical importance.”

This includes instances, such as real-world weather conditions, where an image may be partly occluded. “In academic cases, you could have algorithms that when evaluated on standard datasets like ImageNet are getting almost perfect results, but then you can give them an image which is occluded, for example, by a heavy rain,” he said. “In cases like that, the algorithms may fail to work, even if they work very well under normal weather conditions. A term for this is ‘out of domain.’ So you train in one domain and that may be cars in nice weather conditions, you test in out of domain, where there haven’t been many training images, and the algorithms would fail.”

The underlying reasons go back to the fundamental challenge of trying to replicate a human brain’s visual processing in a computer system.

“Objects are three-dimensional entities. Humans have this type of knowledge, and one reason for that is humans learn in a very different way than machine learning AI algorithms,” Yuille said. “Humans learn over a period of several years, where they don’t only see objects. They play with them, they touch them, they taste them, they throw them around.”

By contrast, current algorithms do not have that type of knowledge.

“They are trained as classifiers,” said Yuille. “They are trained to take images and output a class label — object one, object two, etc. They are not trained to estimate the 3D structure of objects. They have some sort of implicit knowledge of some aspects of 3D, but they don’t have it properly. That’s one reason why if you take some of those models, and you’ve contaminated the images in some way, the algorithms start degrading badly, because the vision community doesn’t have datasets of images with 3D ground truth. Only for humans, do we have datasets with 3D ground truth.”

Hardware implementation, challenges
The hardware side is becoming a bottleneck, as academics and industry work to resolve corner cases and create ever-more comprehensive and precise results. “The complexity of the operation behind the transformer is quadratic,“ said Malossi. “As a result, they don’t scale linearly with the size of the problem or the size of the model.“

While the situation might be improved with a more scalable iteration of transformers, for now progress has been stalled as the industry looks for more powerful hardware or any suitable hardware. “We’re at a point right now where progress in AI is actually being limited by the supply of silicon, which is why there’s so much demand, and tremendous growth in hardware companies delivering AI,” said Tony Chan Carusone, CTO of Alphawave Semi. “In the next year or two, you’re going to see more supply of these chips come online, which will fuel rapid progress, because that’s the only thing holding it back. The massive investments being made by hyperscalers is evidence about the backlogs in delivering silicon. People wouldn’t be lining up to write big checks unless there were very specific projects they had ready to run as soon as they get the silicon.”

As more AI silicon is developed, designers should think holistically about CV, since visual fidelity depends not only on sophisticated algorithms, but image capture by a chain of co-optimized hardware and software, according to Pulin Desai, group director of product marketing and management for Tensilica vision, radar, lidar, and communication DSPs at Cadence. “When you capture an image, you have to look at the full optical path. You may start with a camera, but you’ll likely also have radar and lidar, as well as different sensors. You have to ask questions like, ‘Do I have a good lens that can focus on the proper distance and capture the light? Can my sensor perform the DAC correctly? Will the light levels be accurate? Do I have enough dynamic range? Will noise cause the levels to shift?’ You have to have the right equipment and do a lot of pre-processing before you send what’s been captured to the AI. Remember, as you design, don’t think of it as a point solution. It’s an end-to-end solution. Every different system requires a different level of full path, starting from the lens to the sensor to the processing to the AI.”

One of the more important automotive CV applications is passenger monitoring, which can help reduce the tragedies of parents forgetting children who are strapped into child seats. But such systems depend on sensors, which can be challenged by noise to the point of being ineffective.

“You have to build a sensor so small it goes into your rearview mirror,” said Jayson Bethurem, vice president of marketing and business development at Flex Logix. “Then the issue becomes the conditions of your car. The car can have the sun shining right in your face, saturating everything, to the complete opposite, where it’s completely dark and the only light in the car is emitting off your dashboard. For that sensor to have that much dynamic range and the level of detail that it needs to have, that’s where noise creeps in, because you can’t build a sensor of that much dynamic range to be perfect. On the edges, or when it’s really dark or oversaturated bright, it’s losing quality. And those are sometimes the most dangerous times.”

Breaking into the black box
Finally, yet another serious concern for computer vision systems is the fact that they can’t be tested. Transformers, especially, are a notorious black box.

“We need to have algorithms that are more interpretable so that we can understand what’s going on inside them,” Yuille added. “AI will not be satisfactory till we move to a situation where we evaluate algorithms by being able to find the failure mode. In academia, and I hope companies are more careful, we test them on random samples. But if those random samples are biased in some way — and often they are — they may discount situations like the baby in the road, which don’t happen often. To find those issues, you’ve got to let your worst enemy test your algorithm and find the images that break it.”

Related Reading
Dealing With AI/ML Uncertainty
How neural network-based AI systems perform under the hood is currently unknown, but the industry is finding ways to live with a black box.

The post Fundamental Issues In Computer Vision Still Unresolved appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

  • ✇IEEE Spectrum
  • Everything You Wanted to Know About 1X’s Latest VideoEvan Ackerman
    Just last month, Oslo-based 1X (formerly Halodi Robotics) announced a massive US $100 million Series B, and clearly it has been putting the work in. A new video posted last week shows a [insert collective noun for humanoid robots here] of EVE android-ish mobile manipulators doing a wide variety of tasks leveraging end-to-end neural networks (pixels to actions). And best of all, the video seems to be more or less an honest one: a single take, at (appropriately) 1X speed, and full autonomy. But we

Everything You Wanted to Know About 1X’s Latest Video

12. Únor 2024 v 22:07

Just last month, Oslo-based 1X (formerly Halodi Robotics) announced a massive US $100 million Series B, and clearly it has been putting the work in. A new video posted last week shows a [insert collective noun for humanoid robots here] of EVE android-ish mobile manipulators doing a wide variety of tasks leveraging end-to-end neural networks (pixels to actions). And best of all, the video seems to be more or less an honest one: a single take, at (appropriately) 1X speed, and full autonomy. But we still had questions! And 1X has answers.

If, like me, you had some very important questions after watching this video, including whether that plant is actually dead and the fate of the weighted companion cube, you’ll want to read this Q&A with Eric Jang, vice president of artificial intelligence at 1X.

How many takes did it take to get this take?

Eric Jang: About 10 takes that lasted more than a minute; this was our first time doing a video like this, so it was more about learning how to coordinate the film crew and set up the shoot to look impressive.

Did you train your robots specifically on floppy things and transparent things?

Jang: Nope! We train our neural network to pick up all kinds of objects—both rigid and deformable and transparent things. Because we train manipulation end-to-end from pixels, picking up deformables and transparent objects is much easier than a classical grasping pipeline, where you have to figure out the exact geometry of what you are trying to grasp.

What keeps your robots from doing these tasks faster?

Jang: Our robots learn from demonstrations, so they go at exactly the same speed the human teleoperators demonstrate the task at. If we gathered demonstrations where we move faster, so would the robots.

How many weighted companion cubes were harmed in the making of this video?

Jang: At 1X, weighted companion cubes do not have rights.

That’s a very cool method for charging, but it seems a lot more complicated than some kind of drive-on interface directly with the base. Why use manipulation instead?

Jang: You’re right that this isn’t the simplest way to charge the robot, but if we are going to succeed at our mission to build generally capable and reliable robots that can manipulate all kinds of objects, our neural nets have to be able to do this task at the very least. Plus, it reduces costs quite a bit and simplifies the system!

What animal is that blue plush supposed to be?

Jang: It’s an obese shark, I think.

How many different robots are in this video?

Jang: 17? And more that are stationary.

How do you tell the robots apart?

Jang: They have little numbers printed on the base.

Is that plant dead?

Jang: Yes, we put it there because no CGI/3D-rendered video would ever go through the trouble of adding a dead plant.

What sort of existential crisis is the robot at the window having?

Jang: It was supposed to be opening and closing the window repeatedly (good for testing statistical significance).

If one of the robots was actually a human in a helmet and a suit holding grippers and standing on a mobile base, would I be able to tell?

Jang: I was super flattered by this comment on the Youtube video:

But if you look at the area where the upper arm tapers at the shoulder, it’s too thin for a human to fit inside while still having such broad shoulders:

Why are your robots so happy all the time? Are you planning to do more complex HRI (human-robot interaction) stuff with their faces?

Jang: Yes, more complex HRI stuff is in the pipeline!

Are your robots able to autonomously collaborate with each other?

Jang: Stay tuned!

Is the skew tetromino the most difficult tetromino for robotic manipulation?

Jang: Good catch! Yes, the green one is the worst of them all because there are many valid ways to pinch it with the gripper and lift it up. In robotic learning, if there are multiple ways to pick something up, it can actually confuse the machine learning model. Kind of like asking a car to turn left and right at the same time to avoid a tree.

Everyone else’s robots are making coffee. Can your robots make coffee?

Jang: Yep! We were planning to throw in some coffee making on this video as an Easter egg, but the coffee machine broke right before the film shoot and it turns out it’s impossible to get a Keurig K-Slim in Norway via next-day shipping.

1X is currently hiring both AI researchers (specialties include imitation learning, reinforcement learning, and large-scale training) and android operators (!) which actually sounds like a super fun and interesting job. More here.
