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  • ✇IEEE Spectrum
  • The Legacy of the Datapoint 2200 MicrocomputerQusi Alqarqaz
    As the history committee chair of the IEEE Lone Star Section, in San Antonio, Texas, I am responsible for documenting, preserving, and raising the visibility of technologies developed in the local area. One such technology is the Datapoint 2200, a programmable terminal that laid the foundation for the personal computer revolution. Launched in 1970 by Computer Terminal Corp. (CTC) in San Antonio, the machine played a significant role in the early days of microcomputers. The pioneering system inte

The Legacy of the Datapoint 2200 Microcomputer

16. Duben 2024 v 20:00

As the history committee chair of the IEEE Lone Star Section, in San Antonio, Texas, I am responsible for documenting, preserving, and raising the visibility of technologies developed in the local area. One such technology is the Datapoint 2200, a programmable terminal that laid the foundation for the personal computer revolution. Launched in 1970 by Computer Terminal Corp. (CTC) in San Antonio, the machine played a significant role in the early days of microcomputers. The pioneering system integrated a CPU, memory, and input/output devices into a single unit, making it a compact, self-contained device.

Apple, IBM, and other companies are often associated with the popularization of PCs; we must not overlook the groundbreaking innovations introduced by the Datapoint. The machine might have faded from memory, but its influence on the evolution of computing technology cannot be denied. The IEEE Region 5 life members committee honored the machine in 2022 with its Stepping Stone Award, but I would like to make more members aware of the innovations introduced by the machine’s design.

From mainframes to microcomputers

Before the personal computer, there were mainframe computers. The colossal machines, with their bulky, green monitors housed in meticulously cooled rooms, epitomized the forefront of technology at the time. I was fortunate to work with mainframes during my second year as an electrical engineering student in the United Arab Emirates University at Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, in 1986. The machines occupied entire rooms, dwarfing the personal computers we are familiar with today. Accessing the mainframes involved working with text-based terminals that lacked graphical interfaces and had limited capabilities.

Those relatively diminutive terminals that interfaced with the machines often provided a touch of amusement for the students. The mainframe rooms served as social places, fostering interactions, collaborations, and friendly competitions.

Operating the terminals required mastering specific commands and coding languages. The process of submitting computing jobs and waiting for results without immediate feedback could be simultaneously amusing and frustrating. Students often humorously referred to the “black hole,” where their jobs seemed to vanish until the results materialized. Decoding enigmatic error messages became a challenge, yet students found joy in deciphering them and sharing amusing examples.

Despite mainframes’ power, they had restricted processing capabilities and memory compared with today’s computers.

The introduction of personal computers during my senior year was a game-changer. Little did I know that it would eventually lead me to San Antonio, Texas, birthplace of the PC, where I would begin a new chapter of my life.

The first PC

In San Antonio, a group of visionary engineers from NASA founded CTC with the goal of revolutionizing desktop computing. They introduced the Datapoint 3300 as a replacement for Teletype terminals. Led by Phil Ray and Gus Roche, the company later built the first personal desktop computer, the Datapoint 2200. They also developed LAN technology and aimed to replace traditional office equipment with electronic devices operable from a single terminal.

The Datapoint 2200 introduced several design elements that later were adopted by other computer manufacturers. It was one of the first computers to use a keyboard similar to a typewriter’s, and a monitor for user interaction—which became standard input and output devices for personal computers. They set a precedent for user-friendly computer interfaces. The machine also had cassette tape drives for storage, predecessors of disk drives. The computer had options for networking, modems, interfaces, printers, and a card reader.

It used different memory sizes and employed an 8-bit processor architecture. The Datapoint’s CPU was initially intended to be a custom chip, which eventually came to be known as the microprocessor. At the time, no such chips existed, so CTC contracted with Intel to produce one. That chip was the Intel 8008, which evolved into the Intel 8080. Introduced in 1974, the 8080 formed the basis for small computers, according to an entry about early microprocessors in the Engineering and Technology History Wiki.

Those first 8-bit microprocessors are celebrating their 50th anniversary this year.

The 2200 was primarily marketed for business use, and its introduction helped accelerate the adoption of computer systems in a number of industries, according to Lamont Wood, author of Datapoint: The Lost Story of the Texans Who Invented the Personal Computer Revolution.

The machine popularized the concept of computer terminals, which allowed multiple users to access a central computer system remotely, Wood wrote. It also introduced the idea of a terminal as a means of interaction with a central computer, enabling users to input commands and receive output.

The concept laid the groundwork for the development of networking and distributed computing. It eventually led to the creation of LANs and wide-area networks, enabling the sharing of resources and information across organizations. The concept of computer terminals influenced the development of modern networking technologies including the Internet, Wood pointed out.

How Datapoint inspired Apple and IBM

Although the Datapoint 2200 was not a consumer-oriented computer, its design principles and influence played a role in the development of personal computers. Its compact, self-contained nature demonstrated the feasibility and potential of such machines.

The Datapoint sparked the imagination of researchers and entrepreneurs, leading to the widespread availability of personal computers.

Here are a few examples of how manufacturers built upon the foundation laid by the Datapoint 2200:

Apple drew inspiration from early microcomputers. The Apple II, introduced in 1977, was one of the first successful personal computers. It incorporated a keyboard, a monitor, and a cassette tape interface for storage, similar to the Datapoint 2200. In 1984 Apple introduced the Macintosh, which featured a graphical user interface and a mouse, revolutionizing the way users interacted with computers.

IBM entered the personal computer market in 1981. Its PC also was influenced by the design principles of microcomputers. The machine featured an open architecture, allowing for easy expansion and customization. The PC’s success established it as a standard in the industry.

Microsoft played a crucial role in software development for early microcomputers. Its MS-DOS provided a standardized platform for software development and was compatible with the IBM PC and other microcomputers. The operating system helped establish Microsoft as a dominant player in the software industry.

Commodore International, a prominent computer manufacturer in the 1980s, released the Commodore 64 in 1982. It was a successful microcomputer that built upon the concepts of the Datapoint 2200 and other early machines. The Commodore 64 featured an integrated keyboard, color graphics, and sound capabilities, making it a popular choice for gaming and home computing.

Xerox made significant contributions to the advancement of computing interfaces. Its Alto, developed in 1973, introduced the concept of a graphical user interface, with windows, icons, and a mouse for interaction. Although the Alto was not a commercial success, its influence was substantial, and it helped lay the groundwork for GUI-based systems including the Macintosh and Microsoft Windows.

The Datapoint 2200 deserves to be remembered for its contributions to computer history.

The San Antonio Museum of Science and Technology possesses a collection of Datapoint computers, including the original prototypes. The museum also houses a library of archival materials about the machine.

This article has been updated from an earlier version.

  • ✇IEEE Spectrum
  • Turn a Vintage Hi-Fi Into a Modern Entertainment CenterStephen Cass
    Sometimes extreme procrastination works in your favor. Procrastination certainly played a role in this month’s Hands On, which was 20 years in the making. So, too, did family, and place, and what meaning might be found in bringing silent circuits to life. This then is a story that ends with me watching Interstellar and listening to its soaring soundtrack in glorious high fidelity, but begins with my wife’s childhood in North Carolina. Regular readers will know that I take particular delight in a

Turn a Vintage Hi-Fi Into a Modern Entertainment Center

28. Únor 2024 v 20:00

Sometimes extreme procrastination works in your favor. Procrastination certainly played a role in this month’s Hands On, which was 20 years in the making. So, too, did family, and place, and what meaning might be found in bringing silent circuits to life. This then is a story that ends with me watching Interstellar and listening to its soaring soundtrack in glorious high fidelity, but begins with my wife’s childhood in North Carolina.

Regular readers will know that I take particular delight in anything that combines old and new tech. So when my wife and I were newlyweds two decades ago, and my wife’s parents gifted us with an early 1960s General Electric wood-cabinet stereo hi-fi, the wheels started turning in my head. My wife grew up listening to records on this stereo, but now it was 2004, and vinyl was clearly dead and never coming back. Instead, I connected one of our new-fangled iPods via the set of RCA audio inputs at the back (fortunately, these had become standard just a few years before the hi-fi was made). We filled our small New York City apartment with the latest hits from the Black Eyed Peas and Arcade Fire—only to discover that the left-hand stereo channel didn’t work.

Identifying the problem was quick and easy. Peering into the gloom of the cabinet’s sprawling circuitry, I spotted the one vacuum tube not emitting a tell-tale orange glow. But fixing the problem was neither quick nor easy. The years ticked on, and we moved from apartment to apartment, and city to city, taking the hi-fi with us. But it sat silent, a convenient place to display photos and stash bottles of liquor. I made fitful attempts to find a replacement tube, searching eBay and scouring the formidable MIT Radio Society Swapfests.

Perfectionism was a big part of my procrastination, as I hoped to find a matched pair—that is, two tubes that came from the same production batch. Prized among vintage audio enthusiasts, a matched pair would ensure that manufacturing variations didn’t leave one stereo channel with a different frequency response than the other. But I never found a pair, at least not at a price I was willing to pay. About two years ago, I finally gave in and spent US $55 for a single replacement GE 7189A tube from KCA NOS Tubes.

An illustration of a vacuum tube; a squat metal can with electrode tabs; and a long cardboard tube with dangling leads. Replacing a blown tube [left] was relatively straightforward, as the stereo was designed to permit their replacement, and many tubes are still easily obtainable online. However, the original wax-paper capacitor used to filter noise from the AC power supply had failed, so I had to splice in a custom-made substitute.James Provost

I popped in the 7189A, tuned in a radio station, and music boomed from both speakers. Yay! Yay? No yay. There was sound, all right, but it was bad sound. A harsh hum bullied its way through the music, the dread drone of 60 hertz. I was hearing the AC power frequency.

This would be a much more involved job than simply pulling a blown tube out of a socket and pushing a new one in. Flashlight in hand, I surveyed the hi-fi’s circuits. It has two chassis, one for the radio tuner and controls and one for the stereo amplifier. As I pondered what it would take to extract them for diagnosis and repair, my flashlight fell on a mysterious behemoth: a tube about 10 centimeters long and 3 cm in diameter that was screwed to a side panel and connected to the amplifier board by four leads. What the heck was this?

It was a wax paper multicapacitor, a very obsolete component combining a 70-microfarad capacitor rated for 400 volts, a 100-μF capacitor also rated at 400 V, and a 70-μF capacitor rated at 25 V, with a common negative terminal. Such a device was typically used to filter noise from AC supplies, and prone to long-term failure. I’d found my culprit.

When it comes to dealing with voltages higher than 24 V, I am a complete wuss, but this is where my years of procrastination paid off. After a few more months of nervous delay, I began researching the problem and discovered that rather than having to cobble together a homebrew multicapacitor, I could turn to the pros!

An illustration showing the flatscreen television acting as a hub. Thanks to the stability of the analog RCA audio connector standard since the 1950s, it was possible to use modern entertainment technology with the vintage hi-fi’s warm-sounding speakers. The flatscreen accepts digital HDMI signals and outputs audio via an optical-fiber connection. A digital-to-analog converter then creates left- and right-channel audio signals to feed into the hi-fi. A selector on the hi-fi’s front panel (originally reserved for connecting a tape player) pipes the audio through the speakers.James Provost

In the last few years, a number of outfits have cropped up to assist people in the repair of vintage radios, supplying original service manuals and providing drop-in substitutes for components you can’t buy any more. I sent off specs to Hayseed Hamfest, which specializes in replacement capacitors. For $43, I soon had a bespoke replacement in a metal can about half the length of my waxy original. I simply had to excise the old monster and wire in its successor.

And then things stalled again—until my father passed away last November. He had spent decades working as an engineer at the Irish national broadcaster, RTÉ, and in his youth he had helped my grandfather in their radio and television rental shop in Dublin. After his funeral, I glared at the stereo, as it awaited a repair that my father could have once done practically blindfolded.

I took off the back and cut the monster out. Splicing in its replacement without removing the amplifier chassis was tricky, but it turned out to be a perfect application for some Kuject connectors I had knocking around. These connectors are short lengths of transparent heat-shrink tubing with some solder inside. Rather than guddling around inside the confined space with a soldering iron, I was able to twist the ends of my leads together, slide the Kuject connector into place, and give it a short blast with a heat gun. Before I knew it, I was done.

And time had helped in other ways too: Instead of just hooking up an iPod, now I could use HDMI cables to connect an Apple TV and a Blu-ray player to a television—which, thanks to modern flat-screen technology, could now be perched on top of the cabinet—and then feed the television’s optical audio output into a converter box and then on into the stereo’s RCA inputs. I tested everything by listening to the elegiac organ rolls of Interstellar swelling out into our apartment.

And there the hi-fi stands now, more than just a photo stand and more than a way to watch “Stranger Things” in style. It’s a reminder of my wife’s upbringing and family, our recollections of the places we’ve lived our lives together, and there, in the currents and voltages being shunted around the circuitry, the echoes of my family, too, and the memory of the hands that taught me my first lessons in electronics.
