Although still in its testing phases, Legacy: Steel & Sorcery is set to be an exciting game. There are many good-looking elements to this PvPvE Open World RPG, but first, we have questions to answer. Namely, when is the release date and what should we expect from Legacy: Steel & Sorcery?
Release Date
First, it’s important to note that Notorious Studios has not set an official release date yet. However, they do plan for an Early Access release sometime before the end of 2024. You ca
Although still in its testing phases, Legacy: Steel & Sorcery is set to be an exciting game. There are many good-looking elements to this PvPvE Open World RPG, but first, we have questions to answer. Namely, when is the release date and what should we expect from Legacy: Steel & Sorcery?
Release Date
First, it’s important to note that Notorious Studios has not set an official release date yet. However, they do plan for an Early Access release sometime before the end of 2024. You can still get involved in the development, though!
Graphics lovers rejoice, this game looks beautiful!
Pre-Alpha playtests are ongoing, and you can sign up via the official website. It’s a great idea if you want a first look at the game and to let your voice be heard in the making of Legacy: Steel & Sorcery!
What to Expect
As expected, the main goal of Legacy: Steel & Sorcery is combat. You’ll go on adventures in the open world map either by yourself or with up to two friends. The game, of course, is mostly about fighting, but there are plenty of interesting elements outside of that.
For one thing, there is a class system just like in a Fantasy RPG. There are already a few confirmed classes, such as Warriors and Priests, but more will likely be added over time.
You can also manipulate the environment to help you in combat!
When not embarking on quests, you can take refuge behind the city walls. Here, you’ll stock up on gear for your next adventure, cook meals to take with you, and have a rest in your furnishable lodgings. You can also improve your reputation with vendors to get the best equipment possible.
Although the game is still in development, we’re expecting good things from Legacy: Steel & Sorcery. Keep an eye out for more information, and in the meantime, why not check out our Wuthering Waves Guides?
One of the major elements of Wuthering Waves is the Echo System. Whether you want to get the best stats or you’ve just gotta catch ’em all, collecting Echoes is a big part of the game. Naturally, the rarer the better, so getting your hands on 5-Star Echoes is important.
If you want to get a 5-Star Echo early in Wuthering Waves, we’ll explain exactly how!
How to Get 5-Star Echoes Early
There are two main methods to getting 5-Star Echoes in the game. The first is the traditional way, and
One of the major elements of Wuthering Waves is the Echo System. Whether you want to get the best stats or you’ve just gotta catch ’em all, collecting Echoes is a big part of the game. Naturally, the rarer the better, so getting your hands on 5-Star Echoes is important.
If you want to get a 5-Star Echo early in Wuthering Waves, we’ll explain exactly how!
How to Get 5-Star Echoes Early
There are two main methods to getting 5-Star Echoes in the game. The first is the traditional way, and the second is a bit of a shortcut to getting just one of these rare Echoes. Don’t worry, though, as we’ll go through both ways!
Unlocking 5-Star Echoes
Getting to the point where 5-Star Echoes drop from defeated enemies might be a bit of a slog, but it’s fairly straightforward. Your first step is to focus on levelling up the Data Bank.
It takes a while to get there, but it’s very worth it!
Once you get your Data Bank to level 15, you’ll notice a new percentage under ‘Highest Drop Rarity’. This is for 5-Star Echoes, meaning there’s now a chance they can drop from enemies! From this point on, every additional level makes 5-Stars even more likely to appear, with the likelihood capping at 80% once you reach level 20.
Of course, getting to level 15 is quite a bit of work. Not only do you have to collect a lot of rare Echoes to raise your Data Bank EXP, but you’ll need to raise your SOL3 Phase too. This removes the caps on levelling up your Data Bank – otherwise, you won’t be able to level up!
Guaranteed 5-Star Drops
Although uncommon (and quite difficult), there is a way to get a 5-Star Echo without even needing a level 15 Data Bank. Occasionally in Wuthering Waves, you’ll encounter red enemies which are guaranteed to drop 5-Star Echoes when defeated. While fighting them won’t be easy, it does mean you can grab a 5-Star fairly early in the game.
Who doesn’t want to make a giant armoured bear friend?
If you’re in the mood for a challenge, here’s a quick guide to getting your hands on a 5-Star Spearback Echo.
Spearback Guide
The Depths of Illusive Realm, which you can find in the Waving Battlefield to the south of Port Gunchao, is your destination here. While you might have to wander around a bit, eventually, you will find a level 120 Spearback King. Don’t panic! It’s not as tough a fight as it first appears.
Obviously, you’re going to find a bear in the woods, where else?
Your best bet to winning here is to focus on dodge-counters, as they’ll deal a flat damage rate. Luckily, the Spearback‘s attacks are fairly straightforward, and there are only three of them:
5-Swipe Attack
Double Swipe Attack
The first one is 5 single-paw swipes in a row. Counting them is key here because you’ll have to dodge and counter between each one. The double swipe is only the one attack, but you’ll know it’s this because the Spearback will use both its paws. Again, you just need to dodge and counter.
Chipping away at his HP takes time, but dodging is key!
The charge attack is much more difficult to dodge, as it can be tricky to time when the actual attack will hit. There are two strikes to this one, making it doubly hard to dodge-counter. Unless your timing skills are on-point, your best plan is to simply run and avoid the attack entirely.
Once the Spearback King is defeated, he’ll drop his 5-Star Echo. It might not be one of the best Echoes in the game (although who doesn’t want to summon a giant bear in combat?), but it is one of the easier 5-Stars to pick up early.
Are you still in the early game of Wuthering Waves and want to know what to focus on? Check out our tips on What to Prioritise in Early Game!
Everybody plays games differently, and Wuthering Waves is no exception. While some might just wing it, others prefer to know exactly what they’re getting into, and plan accordingly. Knowing what to prioritise in the early game is crucial if you don’t want to make any rookie mistakes.
So, if you’re just starting out and don’t know what to do, here’s What to Prioritise in Wuthering Waves’ Early Game!
What to Prioritise in Early Game
The early game in Wuthering Waves, as in most games, is
Everybody plays games differently, and Wuthering Waves is no exception. While some might just wing it, others prefer to know exactly what they’re getting into, and plan accordingly. Knowing what to prioritise in the early game is crucial if you don’t want to make any rookie mistakes.
So, if you’re just starting out and don’t know what to do, here’s What to Prioritise in Wuthering Waves’ Early Game!
What to Prioritise in Early Game
The early game in Wuthering Waves, as in most games, is full of tutorials and ways to get you to grips with the gameplay. Although you can let the game guide you some of the way, open-world games require a bit of exploration from players.
Here, we’ll be listing some of the top tips to getting ahead at the beginning.
In these types of games, your Main Quest is going to help you out the most. It not only follows a major plot, but it acts as a tutorial. In addition, completing quests will get you rewards, and who doesn’t love a reward?
Just don’t get lost in the tutorial area!
As well as the main storyline, picking up side quests wherever you find them is a fantastic idea too. They’re a great way to earn EXP and resources, and can even introduce you to smaller parts of the game that the Main Quest side-steps.
Data Bank
We’ve mentioned it before on our Echo System and Echo Farming guides, but levelling up your Data Bank early is crucial. Echoes are a big part of Wuthering Waves, and provide lots of stat boosts and enhancements for your team.
By levelling up the Data Bank, you increase the drop rate of Echoes, meaning you can pick more up even faster. The more Echoes you collect, the easier combat will be for you.
In the early game, resources are scarce. So, when it comes to levelling up characters, it’s important to focus on one. Choose a character that you click with, and prioritise building them up. Don’t spread yourself too thin!
Try not to waste any!
Using Waveplates is also a fantastic idea. In the beginning, try to use them more on weapon materials. By doing this, you can unlock better weapons early-on.
If you’ve ever played an open-world game before, you’ll know that exploring is a big part of the fun. Luckily, Wuthering Waves is no different.
Exploring can get you rewards too!
First, it’s a good idea in the early game to take time for unlocking Resonance Beacons. If you’ve played Legend of Zelda:Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom, then you’ll be familiar with hunting for Towers. The Resonance Beacons are exactly the same: unlocking them is like a miniature quest, and once unlocked, you can use them for teleportation.
In doing this, you can also work to reveal the map. Prioritising this right at the beginning will make things much easier further down the line. It always helps to know where you’re going, after all!
Another element of exploration is gathering. All over the world, you’ll find items available to pick up. It’s a good idea to get into the habit of picking up everything you find. These resources can be useful for both crafting and cooking, so having plenty of ingredients is crucial.
Are you ready to get started on your Wuthering Waves journey? Check out our Ultimate Weapon Investment Guide to get the most out of combat!
Like all RPGs, the Wuthering Waves combat system is crucial to progressing in the game. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t complex! With several different aspects coming together, it’s important to understand it fully to play the game as well as possible. So, to help you with that, here is our Ultimate Combat Guide to Wuthering Waves!
Ultimate Combat Guide | Elements, Skills, and More
While it’s true that there are some similarities between Wuthering Waves and other games in the genre, there i
Like all RPGs, the Wuthering Waves combat system is crucial to progressing in the game. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t complex! With several different aspects coming together, it’s important to understand it fully to play the game as well as possible. So, to help you with that, here is our Ultimate Combat Guide to Wuthering Waves!
Ultimate Combat Guide | Elements, Skills, and More
While it’s true that there are some similarities between Wuthering Waves and other games in the genre, there is a real attempt at uniqueness. Although Genshin Impact also uses Elements, there are still plenty of differences between the two. Here, we’ll be breaking down the different aspects of Wuthering Waves’ combat system.
To begin with, each character in the game is assigned a single attribute or Element, of which there are 6:
Fusion = Fire
Glacio = Ice
Electro = Electric
Aero = Air
Havoc = Dark/Chaos
Spectro = Light
These signify the type of damage a character will deal in combat. If an enemy gets attacked with its own element-type damage, it will resist it.
Attack Types
There are several different attacks you can use in Wuthering Waves’ combat. Between the basic attacks and the fancier, more special attacks, you’ll have plenty of choices for defeating opponents. Your options are:
Basic Attack
Heavy Attack
Resonance Skill
Resonance Liberation
Intro and Outro Skills
Don’t worry, we’ll be going over each one in detail!
Basic and Heavy Attacks
As the name suggests, Basic Attacks are your bread and butter and are done by pressing the Basic Attack button. Pressing it multiple times will have your character perform a Basic Attack Combo.
By performing a Basic Attack while in mid-air, you can do a ground attack. Alternatively, you can hold in the Basic Attack button to perform a Heavy Attack. This deals much more damage but both of these attacks will cost Stamina.
Dodge and Parry Counters
As important as it is to attack an enemy, it’s also important to avoid being hit. To do this, you’ll need to use the Dodge key. Dodging an attack allows you to dash out of the way, and even double jump, but you can also perform a Special Dodge.
For this, timing is key. By dodging right before an opponent’s attack is about to hit you, you’ll do a flip, time will slow down, and you’ll be invulnerable for a short time. Attacking now allows you to perform a special counterattack.
When the two rings meet, attack!
Watch out for a shrinking ring of light that can appear around your enemy when in combat. This is called a Weakness Halo, and timing your attack to land when the two rings touch will allow you to parry. This will also give you a period of invulnerability, as well as damaging the opponent’s Vibration Strength.
If an enemy’s Vibration Strength is fully depleted, it will become Downed. In this state, you can attack it as much as you want, but watch out! It doesn’t last forever, and when it recovers, it will immediately attack.
Each Resonator has two unique skills: a Resonance Skill and a Resonance Liberation skill. The Resonance Skill is more of a basic ability, as it has a much shorter cooldown but does less impact than the other.
Resonance Skill on the left, Resonance Liberation on the right!
The Resonance Liberation skill, on the other hand, uses up Resonance Energy. You generate this by dealing damage and dodging attacks, and each character has their own Resonance Energy meter. By having a longer cooldown, requiring a certain amount of Resonance Energy and creating a lot more impact, it’s more of a finishing move.
The Forte Gauge can be found above the health bar, and filling it up allows for enhanced attacks and abilities. Each Resonator also has a unique special ability that can be performed by using the Forte Gauge.
Fill up your Forte Gauge to find out your characters’ fortes!
To find out what a specific character’s special abilities are, use the button on the bottom-right corner of the Character Overview page.
Intro and Outro Skills
Concerto Energy, seen to the left of the health bar, can also be filled by dodging attacks and dealing damage. Once filled, the icons of your other Resonators will light up, signifying you can switch characters.
I still want to start calling this the Concertometer…
When switching from your character with the Concerto Meter filled, they will perform an Outro Skill. This is unique for each Resonator and does different things, from additional damage to a healing boost, and so on.
The new character you’ve selected, once the previous one’s Outro Skill has been completed, will perform an Intro Skill. It’s a good way to use special attacks while also ensuring you’re not focusing only on one character during combat!
Still reading? Keep an eye out, as we’ll be bringing you more Wuthering Waves guides, tips, and tricks in the next few days!
While the Elemental system in Wuthering Waves may sound similar to that of Genshin Impact, there are some differences. For one, Elements do not react with each other in the same sense as in Genshin.
In this guide, we’ll be explaining how the Elemental System in Wuthering Waves works, including their unique take on Reactions.
Elemental Reaction System Explained
There are a total of 6 different elements in Wuthering Waves. Each character has an element or attribute assigned to them, and
While the Elemental system in Wuthering Wavesmay sound similar to that of Genshin Impact, there are some differences. For one, Elements do not react with each other in the same sense as in Genshin.
In this guide, we’ll be explaining how the Elemental System in Wuthering Waves works, including their unique take on Reactions.
Elemental Reaction System Explained
There are a total of 6 different elements in Wuthering Waves. Each character has an element or attribute assigned to them, and this dictates the type of damage they deal in combat. These elements are:
Fusion – Fire
Glacio – Ice
Electro – Electric
Aero – Air
Havoc – Dark/Chaos
Spectro – Light
Each playable character in the game has an element attached to them. But, most importantly, so do enemies. The main Reaction you will find in Wuthering Waves is when a character is fighting an enemy with the same element type. An enemy can resist damage from its own element type. In other words, a Glacio-type enemy will resist Glacio damage, and so on.
Intro and Outro Skills
In place of the Elemental Reactions you might find in other gacha games like Genshin Impact, Wuthering Waves uses Intro and Outro Skills. These are triggered by switching between Resonators while in combat. To do this, you need to fill up your Concerto meter, located at the bottom of the screen.
Can we change its name to the Concertometer?
Your characters will gain Concerto Energy by dealing damage and using Dodges in combat. Once the meter is filled, the other Resonators’ icons will light up, indicating that switching to one will trigger an Intro and Outro Skill.
Once you’ve switched to a new Resonator while your Concerto meter is full, it will trigger your current character’s Outro. When finished, your newly selected character’s Intro Skill will play out.
Check out the Intro and Outro Skills Overviews to plan your strategy!
Since each Resonator’s skills are unique to them, it’s important to use them strategically. For instance, a support character’s Outro skill may provide additional healing, while a DPS character’s Intro may deal extra damage. Figuring out which strategies work best is all part of the fun!
Interested in reading more Wuthering Waves guides? Check out our Ultimate Combat Guide!
As the newest arena shooter on the charts, XDefiant is yet another great choice if you love playing with friends. But, whether they’re friends you already have or friends you’ve yet to meet, your Display Name is the first impression anyone will have of you. Luckily, changing your Ubisoft name is simple and easy!
Read on to discover exactly how to change your Ubisoft display name so your friends can find you on XDefiant!
How to Change Ubisoft Display Name
Display names in multiplayer gam
As the newest arena shooter on the charts, XDefiantis yet another great choice if you love playing with friends. But, whether they’re friends you already have or friends you’ve yet to meet, your Display Name is the first impression anyone will have of you. Luckily, changing your Ubisoftname is simple and easy!
Read on to discover exactly how to change your Ubisoft display name so your friends can find you on XDefiant!
How to Change Ubisoft Display Name
Display names in multiplayer games are a great way to show who you are. Whether you opt for a version of your name, or something funny and memorable, it’s important to pick something that resembles you. Just remember not to choose any words the system won’t allow!
Once you’re on the XDefiant home screen, go to Ubisoft Connect and click it. From here, you’ll need to scroll down to Account Management. Your username will appear at the top of the box, and from here, you can change your display name.
For Ubisoft, you can change your display name once every 30 days. So, make sure you’ve typed exactly what you want before hitting confirm, as you don’t want to be saddled with a mistake for a month!
It’s only been a few days since the release of What the Fog and, so far, the reviews are looking good. From the creators of Dead by Daylight, this co-op set in the same world sees you and a friend stuck inside a cursed board game and fighting to survive. But not every device is compatible with playing it, so does it work on the Steam Deck?
Does It Work On Steam Deck?
For all of you portable gaming lovers, do not fret! The new roguelite from Behaviour Interactive Inc. is playable on the St
It’s only been a few days since the release of What the Fog and, so far, the reviews are looking good. From the creators of Dead by Daylight, this co-op set in the same world sees you and a friend stuck inside a cursed board game and fighting to survive. But not every device is compatible with playing it, so does it work on the Steam Deck?
Does It Work On Steam Deck?
For all of you portable gaming lovers, do not fret! The new roguelite from Behaviour Interactive playable on the Steam Deck. However, according to Steam, What the Fog might need a little configuration before playing.
Firstly, it seems as though the default controller configuration of the Steam Deck causes some inaccessible functionality. To combat this, you may need to use the touchscreen, virtual keyboard, or a community configuration instead. Although it’s not too clear how much of a problem this is, Steam does remain adamant that the game is functional on Steam Deck.
The second issue is that some text in the game might be difficult to read on the Steam Deck due to its size. Perhaps in the future, if it does cause problems, the developers may add a setting to increase text size. As it’s only been a few days since the release, no doubt Behaviour Interactive Inc. is already preparing the game’s first updates and improvements.
We have some fantastic news for all you gamers who love a particular city-builder called Synergy. It releases for Early Access on May 21! Set in a gorgeously dangerous post-apocalyptic world, it promises plenty of strategy and head-scratching. With its release still a few days away, you’ve probably got some questions, and we’re here to answer. First, how to play? Singleplayer or multiplayer, that is the question!
Singleplayer or Multiplayer?
Goblinz Studio, the developers of Synergy, have
We have some fantastic news for all you gamers who love a particular city-builder called Synergy. It releases for Early Access on May 21! Set in a gorgeously dangerous post-apocalyptic world, it promises plenty of strategy and head-scratching. With its release still a few days away, you’ve probably got some questions, and we’re here to answer. First, how to play? Singleplayer or multiplayer, that is the question!
Singleplayer or Multiplayer?
Goblinz Studio, the developers of Synergy, have said the following:
Synergy is thought to be a singleplayer experience. You never know what can come later for the game, but it’s not planned to add multiplayer at the moment!
While it seems that, for now, the game is solo play only, this could change! Don’t worry, multiplayer fans, as the game is still in development! No doubt Goblinz Studio will make plenty of improvements while the Game is in Early Access.
Whether they introduce multiplayer or not, one thing is clear: this game looks amazing. Playing it might not be a group experience, but with graphics that beautiful, who cares? If Synergy interests you, make sure to get it from Steam on May 21!