Pieces Interactive, the developer behind the recent Alone in the Dark reboot, has been shut down by Embracer.
The developer's website now reads "thanks for playing with us" and the dates 2007-2024. "Our last release was the reimagining of Alone in the Dark," it concludes (thanks IGN).
Embracer acquired Pieces in 2017 after working on a number of Titan Quest projects. The Swedish conglomerate has closed a number of developers over the past year, resulting in layoffs.
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Pieces Interactive, the developer behind the recent Alone in the Dark reboot, has been shut down by Embracer.
The developer's website now reads "thanks for playing with us" and the dates 2007-2024. "Our last release was the reimagining of Alone in the Dark," it concludes (thanks IGN).
Embracer acquired Pieces in 2017 after working on a number of Titan Quest projects. The Swedish conglomerate has closed a number of developers over the past year, resulting in layoffs.
The perpetually scarlet-faced and jovially maladroit folk of Embracer have done their usual vaudeville comedy routine of spinning around with negative-dollar signs in their eyes and trampling on another game development studio - in this case, Pieces Interactive, creators of the recent Alone In The Dark reboot. The Swedish studio's website is now a tombstone, bearing the dates 2007-2024. Oopsy-daisy!
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The perpetually scarlet-faced and jovially maladroit folk of Embracer have done their usual vaudeville comedy routine of spinning around with negative-dollar signs in their eyes and trampling on another game development studio - in this case, Pieces Interactive, creators of the recent Alone In The Dark reboot. The Swedish studio's website is now a tombstone, bearing the dates 2007-2024. Oopsy-daisy!
The perpetually scarlet-faced and jovially maladroit folk of Embracer have done their usual vaudeville comedy routine of spinning around with negative-dollar signs in their eyes and trampling on another game development studio - in this case, Pieces Interactive, creators of the recent Alone In The Dark reboot. The Swedish studio's website is now a tombstone, bearing the dates 2007-2024. Oopsy-daisy!
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The perpetually scarlet-faced and jovially maladroit folk of Embracer have done their usual vaudeville comedy routine of spinning around with negative-dollar signs in their eyes and trampling on another game development studio - in this case, Pieces Interactive, creators of the recent Alone In The Dark reboot. The Swedish studio's website is now a tombstone, bearing the dates 2007-2024. Oopsy-daisy!
Navzdory ukončení rozsáhlé restrukturalizace došlo v Embracer Group k uzavření dalšího studia. O práci přišli tvůrci nedávného remaku Alone in the Dark ze švédského Pieces Interactive. Firma byla založena v roce 2007 a o deset let později ji koupila Embracer Group a zařadila pod THQ Nordic. Předtím pracovala například na Magicka 2.Alone in the Dark se neprodávalo podle představ vydavatele. Hra na trh vstoupila v březnu tohoto roku ve verzích pro PC, PlayStation 5 a Xbox Series X/S. U nás v recen
Navzdory ukončení rozsáhlé restrukturalizace došlo v Embracer Group k uzavření dalšího studia. O práci přišli tvůrci nedávného remaku Alone in the Dark ze švédského Pieces Interactive. Firma byla založena v roce 2007 a o deset let později ji koupila Embracer Group a zařadila pod THQ Nordic. Předtím pracovala například na Magicka 2.
Alone in the Dark se neprodávalo podle představ vydavatele. Hra na trh vstoupila v březnu tohoto roku ve verzích pro PC, PlayStation 5 a Xbox Series X/S. U nás v recenzi obdržela 7/10 za hezké vyobrazení atmosféry a prostředí a celkově příjemnou hratelnost. Další hrou, která nenaplnila prodejní cíle Embraceru, je Outcast: A New Beginning od Appeal Studios.
„Alone in the Dark se snaží novému publiku představit hru, sérii a příběh, který před tolika lety započal jeden z nejoblíbenějších žánrů, které se dnes těší ohromné podpoře. V porovnání se svou přímou konkurencí bohužel nová reimaginace původního dílu nevyčnívá tak, jak by mohla, přesto jde o zábavný a se vším všudy dobře zvládnutý titul, který doufám, že je pouze začátkem něčeho víc,“ napsali jsme v recenzi.
Od 1. 4. 2023 do 31. 3. 2024 propustila Embracer Group celkem 1532 lidí. Plus prodala Saber Interactive a Gearbox Software. Také zrušila studia Volition (Saints Row) a FreeRadical Design (TimeSplitters) a snížila počet her ve vývoji o 80. Do 31. 3. 2025 chce skupina vydat více než 70 titulů. Mezi nimi je i Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 od českého studia Warhorse a Killing Floor 3.
"It's something we have been discussing…"
The controversial boss of Embracer Group has discussed the topic of increasing the price of video games beyond $70 amid rising development costs and a brutally competitive market.Lars Wingefors, who has laid off thousands of staff, shut multiple studios, and sold off subsidiaries in the last financial year, told
The controversial boss of Embracer Group has discussed the topic of increasing the price of video games beyond $70 amid rising development costs and a brutally competitive market.
Lars Wingefors, who has laid off thousands of staff, shut multiple studios, and sold off subsidiaries in the last financial year, told
It’s been barely a month since the reboot of horror classic Alone in the Dark arrived, but it looks like developers Pieces Interactive are now making a number of layoffs in the wake of its release.
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It’s been barely a month since the reboot of horror classic Alone in the Dark arrived, but it looks like developers Pieces Interactive are now making a number of layoffs in the wake of its release.
THQ Nordic připomíná hororovou akci Alone in the Dark prostřednictvím minutového traileru, který shrnul nadšené recenze vybraných médií. Nenechte se ale opít rohlíkem, reinkarnace této série byla přijata smíšeně. Na Metacritic má průměr 63 %, zatímco na Steamu má spíše kladné hodnocení (78 %).Alone in the Dark vyšel 20. 3. letošního roku na PC, PlayStation 5 a Xbox Series X/S. Na všech platformách je dostupný bezplatný prolog. My jsme titul v recenzi hodnotili známkou 7/10 a napsali o něm:„Alone
THQ Nordic připomíná hororovou akci Alone in the Dark prostřednictvím minutového traileru, který shrnul nadšené recenze vybraných médií. Nenechte se ale opít rohlíkem, reinkarnace této série byla přijata smíšeně. Na Metacritic má průměr 63 %, zatímco na Steamu má spíše kladné hodnocení (78 %).
Alone in the Dark vyšel 20. 3. letošního roku na PC, PlayStation 5 a Xbox Series X/S. Na všech platformách je dostupný bezplatný prolog. My jsme titul v recenzi hodnotili známkou 7/10 a napsali o něm:
„Alone in the Dark se snaží novému publiku představit hru, sérii a příběh, který před tolika lety započal jeden z nejoblíbenějších žánrů, které se dnes těší ohromné podpoře. V porovnání se svou přímou konkurencí bohužel nová reimaginace původního dílu nevyčnívá tak, jak by mohla, přesto jde o zábavný a se vším všudy dobře zvládnutý titul, který doufám, že je pouze začátkem něčeho víc.“
Derceto Manor is where we return for our scene, in the upcoming reboot (again) of Alone in the Dark. In the latest teaser shown by publisher THQ Nordic, we get some hints of plot, some talking points from Emily and Edward's respective voice actors, and we now have the hardware specs for PC.
The new trailer once again leave survival horror fanatics hungry for more, as we take a quick peek at the reimagining of this classic. Actor David Harbour – who voices Edward – talks about his love of gam
Derceto Manor is where we return for our scene, in the upcoming reboot (again) of Alone in the Dark. In the latest teaser shown by publisher THQ Nordic, we get some hints of plot, some talking points from Emily and Edward's respective voice actors, and we now have the hardware specs for PC.
The new trailer once again leave survival horror fanatics hungry for more, as we take a quick peek at the reimagining of this classic. Actor David Harbour – who voices Edward – talks about his love of games that let you "choose your own adventure," while Jodie Comer – AKA Emily Hartwood – is impressed by how "fully fleshed out" the characters are.
We also get to hear from Mikael Hedberg, Alone in the Dark's writer and director, who some of you will know through his work on Amnesia and SOMA (this is honestly one of the reasons I'm so excited for the game). Hedberg likens the new reimagining to a classic "haunted mansion" story, so it was imperative the team were able to recreate the atmosphere Derceto Manor is known for.
Hardware? I hardly knew her
You can also see the requirements for the PC version over on Steam. A lot of mid-range systems should be okay with running it at minimum specs. You definitely won't need a current-gen Nvidia or AMD graphics card, that's for sure.
Alone in the Dark is scheduled to release on March 20, after a delay last year pushed it beyond its originally intended release last October. It was then delayed a second time in order to avoid any Christmas crunch for the team before finally landing on this now-definitely-for-realsies launch date.
For those who want a little bit of nostalgia with their rebooted survival horror, there's going to be a 1992 filter that brings back the low-poly models of the 1992 original. Because nothing says blood-curdling mystery like pointy shoulders.
When is the Alone in the Dark release date? Survival horror has been going through a bit of a renaissance in recent years, so it’s high time that we bring back the one that started it all. After a 16-year hiatus (no, we’re not counting Illumination), Alone in the Dark has emerged from the shadows in the form of a rebooted reimagining, and we’ve got all the details on the release date, news, and story to get you up to speed.
2024’s Alone in the Dark is a love letter to Frédérick Raynal’s
When is the Alone in the Dark release date? Survival horror has been going through a bit of a renaissance in recent years, so it’s high time that we bring back the one that started it all. After a 16-year hiatus (no, we’re not counting Illumination), Alone in the Dark has emerged from the shadows in the form of a rebooted reimagining, and we’ve got all the details on the release date, news, and story to get you up to speed.
2024’s Alone in the Dark is a love letter to Frédérick Raynal’s original game of the same name, which rose to critical acclaim following its release back in 1992. It’s often hailed as the grandfather of survival horror, having inspired the development of Resident Evil – and, by proxy, all the survival horror games thereafter. However, the days of MS-DOS are long gone, and developer Pieces Interactive has breathed new life into this classic experience with modern-day graphical fidelity and Hollywood A-listers. Here’s everything we know ahead of the Alone in the Dark release date.