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  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Hey, LISTEN!Finding God in Video Games
    In most of my favorite video games I find that the famous “less is more” adage typically applies… I appreciate when a game sticks to what it does best and avoids the temptation to artificially pad the length of the game with broken mini-games or pointless fluff.  While side quests that add to the lore of the world are fun, excessive filler content or meaningless “follow this guy” missions only water down an otherwise excellent gaming experience… and may even dilute the story so much that a fanta


In most of my favorite video games I find that the famous “less is more” adage typically applies… I appreciate when a game sticks to what it does best and avoids the temptation to artificially pad the length of the game with broken mini-games or pointless fluff.  While side quests that add to the lore of the world are fun, excessive filler content or meaningless “follow this guy” missions only water down an otherwise excellent gaming experience… and may even dilute the story so much that a fantastic game is completely unenjoyable.

In our real world we often find “less is more” as well… each and every word we speak or write carries resonance far beyond what we may have intended, and even a well-meaning point of view can be diminished by the unintended context of the words that surround it.  The words we speak are powerful, and when we exhibit self-control over our written and spoken words we can deliver a message from the Lord with His love, grace, and clarity.  If we struggle with “opening our mouth and inserting our feet”, remember that short and sweet ensures His words are heard clear and complete.

In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise. Proverbs 10:19

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. James 3:17-18

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  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:
