After six years, Shonen Jump’s mega-popular sorcery-fighting manga, Jujutsu Kaisen, will publish its final chapter on September 30. In the years since it began syndication, it was nominated for (and won) a few literary awards, and both seasons of its anime series brought home Crunchyroll’s Anime of the Year. But as a…Read more...
After six years, Shonen Jump’s mega-popular sorcery-fighting manga, Jujutsu Kaisen, will publish its final chapter on September 30. In the years since it began syndication, it was nominated for (and won) a few literary awards, and both seasons of its anime series brought home Crunchyroll’s Anime of the Year. But as a…
Off the heels of the new Urusei Yatsura anime adaptation’s success, fans of Rumiko Takahashi were delighted to learn that another one of the iconic mangaka’s series was coming back with a fresh new anime.
Rivaled in popularity only by her massively popular shonen series Inuyasha, Ranma 1/2 is by far one of Takahashi’s most recognizable works around the globe, and now even newer anime fans will have an opportunity to experience it.
The New Ranma 1/2 Trailer Perfectly Captures the Manga’s
Off the heels of the new Urusei Yatsuraanime adaptation’s success, fans of Rumiko Takahashi were delighted to learn that another one of the iconic mangaka’s series was coming back with a fresh new anime.
The New Ranma 1/2 Trailer Perfectly Captures the Manga’s Energy
It’s been officially announced that the new anime will be produced by Studio MAPPA (Jujutsu Kaisen, Yuri!!! On Ice, Chainsaw Man) and is set to air on October 5, 2024 in Japan, with Netflix picking up the series for a worldwide release on October 6, 2024. It’s also been announced that much of the original voice cast will be returning to reprise their roles from the original Ranma 1/2 anime from the 80s and 90s, including Kappei Yamaguchi, Megumi Hayashibara, and Noriko Hidaka.
In addition to the exciting cast announcement, ano will be performing the opening song for the new series, also known for performing the 7th Chainsaw Man ending song, “Chu, Tayousei”. One Piece anime director Konosuke Uda will be directing the upcoming anime alongside Kimiko Ueno (Delicious In Dungeon) handling series composition, Kaoru Wada (Inuyasha) handling music composition, and character designs by Hiromi Taniguchi (FLCL Alternative).
It’s so over, y’all. Yuri on Ice, the gay ice-skating anime that took the world by storm in 2016, won’t be getting its long-anticipated follow-up film, Yuri on Ice the Movie: Ice Adolescence, as the movie has been canceled. A moment of silence for those who were present for the gay cultural reset. We’re hurting.Read more...
It’s so over, y’all. Yuri on Ice, the gay ice-skating anime that took the world by storm in 2016, won’t be getting its long-anticipated follow-up film, Yuri on Ice the Movie: Ice Adolescence, as the movie has been canceled. A moment of silence for those who were present for the gay cultural reset. We’re hurting.