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Mad Max developer hits back at film director George Miller after claim game "wasn't as good as [he] wanted it to be"

24. Květen 2024 v 15:51

Avalanche founder Christofer Sundberg has hit back at Mad Max film director George Miller for claiming the studio's game "wasn't as good as [he] wanted it to be".

During promotion for the new Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga film, Miller was asked by GamingBible about whether a new game was considered alongside the film.

He responded that Avalanche's previous game "wasn't as good as I wanted it to be", adding "I'm one of those people that I'd rather not do something unless you can do it at the highest level". He then said he'd love for Hideo Kojima to take on the challenge of a Mad Max game - because, of course.

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  • George Miller doufá, že Hideo Kodžima vytvoří hru Mad MaxAdam Jacik
    Láska Hidea Kodžimy k filmu se v průběhu let projevila mnoha různými způsoby, včetně jeho mnoha přátelství s významnými osobnostmi Hollywoodu, z nichž mnohé se nakonec objevily v jeho hrách. Jednou z takových osobností je i slavný režisér George Miller, který nejenže poskytne svou podobiznu postavě ve hře Death Stranding 2: On the Beach, která vyjde příští rok, ale dočkal se i vydání svého nového filmu Furiosa. V rozhovoru pro Gamingbible na premiéře svého filmu byl Miller dotázán na možnost nov

George Miller doufá, že Hideo Kodžima vytvoří hru Mad Max

27. Květen 2024 v 08:50

Láska Hidea Kodžimy k filmu se v průběhu let projevila mnoha různými způsoby, včetně jeho mnoha přátelství s významnými osobnostmi Hollywoodu, z nichž mnohé se nakonec objevily v jeho hrách.

Jednou z takových osobností je i slavný režisér George Miller, který nejenže poskytne svou podobiznu postavě ve hře Death Stranding 2: On the Beach, která vyjde příští rok, ale dočkal se i vydání svého nového filmu Furiosa.

V rozhovoru pro Gamingbible na premiéře svého filmu byl Miller dotázán na možnost nové hry na motivy série Max Max, v odpovědi na kterou zmínil titul z roku 2015 vyvinutý společností Avalanche Software a to, že ačkoli nedosahoval takové kvality, v jakou doufal (na rozdíl od toho, co si myslí mnozí fanoušci hry), doufá, že se jednou dočká hry Mad Max od Hidea Kodžimy. Vzhledem k mnoha projektům, na kterých Kojima již pracuje, je však podle Millera nepravděpodobné, že by se tak stalo.

Když jsme natáčeli Fury Road, měli jsme vytvořenou videohru,“ řekl Miller. „Mnohokrát jsme byli požádáni, abychom ji udělali, ale nebyla tak dobrá, jak jsme chtěli. Neměli jsme ji v ruce, dali jsme všechen ten materiál společnosti, aby ji udělala. Patřím k těm lidem, kteří raději něco nedělají, pokud to nemohou udělat na té nejvyšší úrovni, nebo se o to alespoň pokusit.

Právě jsem tady mluvil s Kodžimou, který přijel až z Japonska,“ pokračoval Miller. „Jestli by se toho ujal… ale on má v hlavě tolik fantastických věcí, že bych ho o to nikdy nepožádal. Ale kdyby se toho někdo takový ujal… protože já bych to nezvládl.

Když pomineme Millerovy naděje, že se dočkáme hry Mad Max pod vedením Kojimy, vzhledem k tomu, kolik toho má Kojima Productions v současné době na talíři, je nepravděpodobné, že by se tak v dohledné době stalo. V roce 2025 studio vydá Death Stranding 2: On the Beach, zatímco kromě toho v současné době pracuje také s Microsoftem na OD a se Sony na Physintu.

George Miller revealed he wants @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN to make a Mad Max game🤯@Kojima_Hideo

— GAMINGbible (@gamingbible) May 20, 2024

Článek George Miller doufá, že Hideo Kodžima vytvoří hru Mad Max se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

  • ✇Destructoid
  • How to watch George Miller’s Mad Max movies in orderTiago Manuel
    Furiosa, the next chapter in the Mad Max saga, is nearly out, and that's a great excuse to watch or re-watch the whole thing. It's completely fine not to know the right order to watch the series, as the whole series is nearly 50 years old and most people old enough to remember it are also already old enough to have some memory problems. There are two possible orders in which to watch the Mad Max Saga, and there are very small differences between both. Let

How to watch George Miller’s Mad Max movies in order

19. Květen 2024 v 18:30

Max in Fury Road

Furiosa, the next chapter in the Mad Max saga, is nearly out, and that's a great excuse to watch or re-watch the whole thing. It's completely fine not to know the right order to watch the series, as the whole series is nearly 50 years old and most people old enough to remember it are also already old enough to have some memory problems.

There are two possible orders in which to watch the Mad Max Saga, and there are very small differences between both. Let's check them out.

How to Watch the Mad Max Saga in Release Order

1- Mad Max (1979)

The original Mad Max takes place in an undisclosed near feature (for the people of 1979) where the world was on the brink of complete collapse. The film follows Max Rockatansky, a cop who is broken after he witnesses his family killed at the hands of a biker gang and goes on a revenge spree.

2- Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981)

Even though Max ended up effectively "retiring" the evil biker gang at the end of the original movie, he didn't really do much for the state of the world, which is now long past the brink of collapse. Even though it takes place just around three years after the original movie, the whole known world of Road Warrior is but an Australia-sized arena where those who have the guns and the fuel get to make up the rules.

3- Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome (1985)

Thunderdome takes place nearly a decade after Road Warrior, at a time when people are once again trying to create something we'd charitably call society. Max finds himself in a gladiatorial arena and ends up leading a bunch of kids to a better life. It's the least-liked movie in the franchise, but it's still deserving of your attention.

4- Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

Fury Road came out 30 years after the release of the previous entry in the franchise, so director George Miller wisely left the chronology unclear. We naturally assume that the story takes place after the events of Thunderdome, but the movie doesn't feature any direct reference to that movie. That's by design, for the record; Miller confirmed that the films do not have a strict continuity, with the idea being that Max's story is akin to a campfire tale told by survivors. So while Max's age and design may be in flux, he's intended to be the same character in each film.

There's also a second release of Fury Road, Black and Chrome, which is how the director intended the film to be viewed.

5- Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024)

Furiosa shows us various stages of the life of the titular character, and we know that it takes place before she's the badass adult general we see in Fury Road. If you believe that Fury Road takes place in the same universe as the original trilogy, then Furiosa takes place an unknown amount of time after Thunderdome and around a decade before Fury Road.

How to Watch the Mad Max Saga in Chronological Order

  1. Mad Max (1979)
  2. Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981)
  3. Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome (1985)
  4. Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024)
  5. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
  6. Mad Max: Fury Road - Black and Chrome (2017)

The Mad Max saga to date has been an entirely chronological affair. The sole exception is that Furiosa is a prequel to Fury Road. If you want to watch the Mad Max Saga in chronological order, the only change you need to make is seeing Furiosa before you see Fury Road.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga opens on May 24.

The post How to watch George Miller’s Mad Max movies in order appeared first on Destructoid.
