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Character controller that can handle sloped terrain and boxy ledge traversal

I am working on a character controller for a 3D platformer in Unity. I cannot find an approach that satisfies me.

I have experimented with these approaches in order to learn about their virtues and pitfalls:

  1. Rigidbody + CapsuleCollider + native physics system (gives you something like Fall Guys)
  2. Rigidbody + CapsuleCollider + custom velocity handling, only using physics system to resolve collisions (this method is illustrated in Catlike Coding tutorial here)
  3. Built-in CharacterController
  4. Custom character controller that uses Unity methods to detect geometric collisions, but does its own collision resolution via depenetration (this method is illustrated in Roystan Ross tutorial here)

See also this video by iHeartGameDev summarizing different approaches.

For my particular use case, each one of these has been better than the last.

After following Roystan's tutorial, I am a big fan of the pushback method of handling collision. Rather than use casts to catch collision before you move your object, you move your object, then find collisions, then resolve them using depenetration.

Roystan's method represents the character as a stack of three spheres for the same reason people favor capsule colliders in 3D: it makes handling slopes much easier (and also because depenetration is easier when you think in terms of spheres).

But the thing I am struggling with is that I don't want the player to be able to slide up or down ledges when traversing them.

Basically, when jumping up or walking off a ledge, I want my character to be treated as a box.

So I am struggling to find a way to accommodate both of the following:

  • I want to support sloped MeshCollider ground (not too noisy, but will definitely be possible to have 4 collision points at a time)
  • I want ledge traversal (up and down) to treat my player as a box

Here are diagrams illustrating what you normally get with a capsule, versus what I want.

Down ledge: enter image description here

Up ledge: enter image description here

My thinking is that I have two options:

  1. Represent the character as a box and use box depenetration techniques to move him along sloped ground (for example, using Unity's ComputePenetration())
  2. Represent the character as a capsule (or stack of three spheres like in Roystan's tutorial) and add special case logic to get the boxy ledge traversal I want

One problem I can foresee with approach 1 is properly doing the depenentration on noisy sloped ground, and one problem I can foresee with approach 2 is properly writing the special cases. (My game is relatively low-poly and retro-styled, so I wouldn't mind the player not appearing perfectly flush with slopes that comes with the box representation of approach 1.)

In any event, I am just looking for advice on how to proceed with this problem. How can I get the boxy handling of ledges while also getting traversal on sloped MeshCollider terrain.

Is either of these approaches better than the other for what I am after, and is there an alternative approach I haven't considered?

  • ✇Recent Questions - Game Development Stack Exchange
  • Collision of two rigid spheres with spinS M
    I'm trying to create a particle simulation (solar system kind). Until now my particles have no spin so the collision is rather simple void collide(const Particle& b) { const Vector3d normal = math::normal(position(), b.position()); const Vector3d relativeVelocity = velocity() - b.velocity(); const double dot = math::dot(relativeVelocity, normal); const Vector3d work = normal * dot; _velocity = _velocity - work; } Since I've read that particle

Collision of two rigid spheres with spin

I'm trying to create a particle simulation (solar system kind). Until now my particles have no spin so the collision is rather simple

    void collide(const Particle& b) {
        const Vector3d normal = math::normal(position(), b.position());
        const Vector3d relativeVelocity = velocity() - b.velocity();
        const double dot = math::dot(relativeVelocity, normal);
        const Vector3d work = normal * dot;

        _velocity = _velocity - work;

Since I've read that particle spin plays a huge part in such simulations I'm trying to implement angular momentum but unfortunately this exceeds my math skills. I tried searching the internet for quite a while now for any source I understand but I'm at the brink of giving up.

How can I integrate particle spin into my code? I can work with any kind of (pseudo) code as long as the variables are somewhat clear. Particles are rigid spheres with mass = volume.

Edit: Dont get hang up on what the simulation is trying to achieve. The task can be simplified down to: Two rigid spheres collide in space. Calculate their motion and spin after the collision.

  • ✇Recent Questions - Game Development Stack Exchange
  • Predictive Rectangle Collision Resolution Corner SnaggingVonkswalgo
    I've written two main functions who's purpose is to detect and resolve collisions between a moving rectangle and a non-moving rectangle. I have a decent understanding of how the algorithm works, and in practice it works very nicely... except for of course the classic tiny bug that drives everyone insane! Overall, the functionality goes like this. You have a rectangle with a velocity, and one that doesn't. Using the velocity of one rectangle, you determine if and when (along the velocity vector)

Predictive Rectangle Collision Resolution Corner Snagging

I've written two main functions who's purpose is to detect and resolve collisions between a moving rectangle and a non-moving rectangle. I have a decent understanding of how the algorithm works, and in practice it works very nicely... except for of course the classic tiny bug that drives everyone insane!

Overall, the functionality goes like this. You have a rectangle with a velocity, and one that doesn't. Using the velocity of one rectangle, you determine if and when (along the velocity vector) a collision occurs with the other rectangle. Then using the time of the collision, you adjust the velocity component to avoid collision.

This works pretty great, in 99% of cases! Moving the player rectangle towards the target rectangle yields the right results at most angles, however like 8 specific (and relatively common) cases mess the whole thing up.

For example, when I move the player rectangle until it's collided with the top side of the target rectangle, that lines it up so the bottom of the player is touching the top of the target. Then if I move the player directly to either side, and try to move back, the player gets snagged on the corner of the target and cannot proceed. At this point, only the corners of each rectangle are barely touching.

Of course, for an added layer of "what's going on?" this only applies to the top, bottom and right sides of the target rectangle. When I've tried the same thing on the left side of the target, the player still experiences effects but it's not a full stop; it's merely just a slowing down.

In order to figure out what it could be, it's necessary to look directly at how the code works. The function rayVsRect is responsible for checking the velocity against a rectangle, and finding the time of the collision (alongside returning other useful stuff like a contact point and a normal vector). rectVsRect is responsible for carrying out collision detection between the two rectangles. It expands the target rectangle by the dimensions of the other rectangle. That way we can simply use the rayVsRect function to get the same values we want. The language is lua by the way, just in case that makes a difference to know, maybe perhaps in knowing the subtleties of how data is stored or other fun stuff like that. Who knows? (Hopefully it's not that)

function rayVsRect(ray, rectangle)
  local invDir = {vx = 1 / ray.vx, vy = 1 / ray.vy}
  local nearX = (rectangle.x - ray.x) * invDir.vx
  local nearY = (rectangle.y - ray.y) * invDir.vy
  local farX = (rectangle.x + rectangle.width - ray.x) * invDir.vx
  local farY = (rectangle.y + rectangle.height - ray.y) * invDir.vy
  --Turn nan values into "infinity"
  if nearX ~= nearX then
    nearX = 4294967296 * math.sign(rectangle.x - ray.x)
    farX = 4294967296 * math.sign(rectangle.x + rectangle.width - ray.x)
  if nearY ~= nearY then
    nearY = 4294967296 * math.sign(rectangle.y - ray.y)
    farY = 4294967296 * math.sign(rectangle.y + rectangle.height - ray.y)
  if farX < nearX then farX, nearX = nearX, farX end
  if farY < nearY then farY, nearY = nearY, farY end
  if (nearX > farY) or (nearY > farX) then return 0 end
  local contactTime = math.max(nearX, nearY)
  local farContactTime = math.min(farX, farY)
  if farContactTime < 0 then return 0 end
  local contactPoint = {x = ray.x + contactTime * ray.vx, y = ray.y + contactTime * ray.vy}
  local contactNormal = {x = 0, y = 0}
  if nearX < nearY then
     if ray.vy > 0 then
      contactNormal.y = -1
      contactNormal.y = 1
    if ray.vx > 0 then
      contactNormal.x = -1
      contactNormal.x = 1
  return {contactTime = contactTime, contactPoint = contactPoint, contactNormal = contactNormal}

function rectVsRect(velocity, rectangleOne, rectangleTwo, dt)
  if velocity.vx == 0 and velocity.vy == 0 then return 0 end
  local expandedRectangle = {
    x = rectangleTwo.x - rectangleOne.width / 2,
    y = rectangleTwo.y - rectangleOne.height / 2,
    width = rectangleTwo.width + rectangleOne.width,
    height = rectangleTwo.height + rectangleOne.height
  local ray = {
    x = rectangleOne.x + rectangleOne.width / 2,
    y = rectangleOne.y + rectangleOne.height / 2,
    vx = velocity.vx * dt,
    vy = velocity.vy * dt
  local collision = rayVsRect(ray, expandedRectangle)
  return collision

The way velocity is adjusted is handled by the hitbox component in my whole system. I don't need to include the whole thing, but an excerpt of how the velocity is adjusted will probably be helpful to think about as well.

  local collision = {}
  collision = rectVsRect(velocity, rectangleOne, rectangleTwo, dt)
  if type(collision) ~= "table" then return end
  if (collision.contactTime < 0) or (collision.contactTime >= 1) then return end
  velocity.vx = velocity.vx + collision.contactNormal.x * math.abs(velocity.vx) * (1 - collision.contactTime)
  velocity.vy = velocity.vy + collision.contactNormal.y * math.abs(velocity.vy) * (1 - collision.contactTime)

There are lots of things that could be the problem, and I'm having trouble narrowing it down and coming up with the right tests to figure it out. I feel like this sort of error, where there's nothing wrong syntactically but it doesn't behave quite how you want it to, is the hardest sort of error to figure out, but likely the most important to get good at solving.

These are the things that come to my mind of what it could be:

  • Some slight problem in the rayVsRect maths/logic, perhaps related to the "infinity" that comes about when dividing by 0. Now that I think about it, in this case the expanded rectangle's position might be the same as the ray's position in whatever direction it is, which would make math.sign(rectangle.x - ray.x) equal to 0. Maybe the subtlety is there? I'll investigate that pretty soon, but for now I don't know.

  • Something to do with expanding the rectangle in rectVsRect, maybe I did the math or logic slightly wrong? Compared to other's versions that I've learned this technique from though, it looks almost exactly the same as far as I can tell, and their versions work very nicely

  • Something to do with the resolution technique, although I really can't think of anything it could be

In summary, I'm not entirely sure what the problem is. The strongest lead seems to be my first bullet point, but I think I need help navigating this. I'm not really sure how to test it in either case. I like to think I'm good at coding/math, but things like this really make me feel small, and in ways that's a good thing. I'd like to overcome it, and learn how to be better at this, but I would also really appreciate help!

EDIT: So update after digging into the divide by zero thing. My suspicions lead me to investigate how the math worked out. I originally had to add a little if statement after calculating the near and far times in rayVsRect because a divide by zero would turn the values to nan. This caused the player rectangle to disappear because its transform wasn't a pair of numbers anymore. Normally I don't think this is a problem in a language like C++ (I learned this way of detection/resolution from someone who coded in C++), but it was a problem here in lua.

I was very suspicious of what happened when I used 'math.sign()`. I had to code in this function for this purpose and others, and it simply looks like this:

function math.sign(x)
  if x < 0 then
    return -1
  elseif x > 0 then
    return 1
    return x

This seems fine and all, and it really is, but it was causing issues in the bit of code that turned nans into really large numbers. In any language that would produce an infinity instead of nan, that would be fine for rayVsRect because the comparison below would still yield the wanted results.

if (nearX > farY) or (nearY > farX) then return 0 end

My extra bit of code was supposed to turn the nans into a large number to simulate this same sort of math that works. However, the fact that math.sign() returns 0 when the input is 0 kind of messes things up.

When the ray's velocity and rectangle's side perfectly line up in any way, that creates one of these situations where 0 is returned from math.sign(). For example, if the velocity vector perfectly passes through the top side of the rectangle, math.sign(rectangle.y - ray.y) would give us 0. Then the snagging would occur, because 0 is undoubtedly less than whatever farX is (it's probably well over 1 at my player's speed).

I don't really know the most efficient way to adjust my code, and could perhaps use some help with that. I've thought about changing math.sign() but I think the way it works is fine, and I use it for other functions too. I've also thought about making a new math.sign() specifically for this, but I'm not sure how it would work. This is because each different situation needs either a positive 1 or negative 1, and there's no way math.signNewAndImproved() would be able to tell without clunkily passing it in.

I tried a slightly clunky solution by adding a couple of if statements. My code went from this:

--Turn nan values into "infinity"
if nearX ~= nearX then
  nearX = 4294967296 * math.sign(rectangle.x - ray.x)
  farX = 4294967296 * math.sign(rectangle.x + rectangle.width - ray.x)
if nearY ~= nearY then
  nearY = 4294967296 * math.sign(rectangle.y - ray.y)
  farY = 4294967296 * math.sign(rectangle.y + rectangle.height - ray.y)

To this:

--Turn nan values into "infinity"
if nearX ~= nearX then
  nearX = 4294967296 * math.sign(rectangle.x - ray.x)
  farX = 4294967296 * math.sign(rectangle.x + rectangle.width - ray.x)
  if rectangle.x == ray.x then nearX = 4294967296 end
  if (rectangle.x + rectangle.width) == ray.x then farX = -4294967296 end
if nearY ~= nearY then
  nearY = 4294967296 * math.sign(rectangle.y - ray.y)
  farY = 4294967296 * math.sign(rectangle.y + rectangle.height - ray.y)
  if rectangle.y == ray.y then error(tostring(farY)) nearY = 4294967296 end
  if (rectangle.y + rectangle.height) == ray.y then farY = -4294967296 end

However, I've run into a slightly different dilemma. This actually solved the problem for the top and left sides of the target rectangle, however it did pretty much nothing for the bottom and right sides of the rectangle. Why could this be? It must be a math error, I guess I'll have to figure it out!

  • ✇Recent Questions - Game Development Stack Exchange
  • Physics bodies randomly losing Velocity along an axis after impactZepee
    This just started occurring and seems to randomly happen during, and between, game sessions. A dynamic moving body collides with a static body and instead of bouncing off looses (almost completely) its Velocity along the collision's normal. This means the dynamic body starts moving along the static body's surface it just collided with, and is most noticeable on the rare occasions it does a 90 degree turn upon hitting a second wall right ahead. This behaviour is very erratic, and almost seems to

Physics bodies randomly losing Velocity along an axis after impact

This just started occurring and seems to randomly happen during, and between, game sessions. A dynamic moving body collides with a static body and instead of bouncing off looses (almost completely) its Velocity along the collision's normal. This means the dynamic body starts moving along the static body's surface it just collided with, and is most noticeable on the rare occasions it does a 90 degree turn upon hitting a second wall right ahead.

This behaviour is very erratic, and almost seems to come and go between builds with the same code on my content (although it could just be chance), so I'm wondering if it could be an issue with the cocos2d libraries?

For reference, the way I'm setting up these bodies:

For both types it starts with:

PhysicsBody *pawnBody = PhysicsBody::create();

Then the static body code does:

PhysicsShapePolygon *colPolygon = PhysicsShapePolygon::create(&spriteVertices[0], 4,
                                                     PhysicsMaterial(0.f, 1.f, 0.f));
myBody->addShape(colPolygon, false);

And the dynamic body code does:

PhysicsShapeCircle *circle = PhysicsShapeCircle::create((getScale() * 
                                                   mySprite->getContentSize().width) / 2,
                                                   PhysicsMaterial(0.f, 1.f, 0.f));

I believe they are both set up correctly to achieve fully elastic collisions, and I'm sure this was working at some point through a slightly different flow (they didn't share the initial build code). Has anyone experienced any similar behaviour?
