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  • ✇Recent Questions - Game Development Stack Exchange
  • Fixed timestep graphics jitterMike F
    I'm trying to implement the article but I have jitter on the position interpolation. video of the problem I have the following PhysX manager class update method : const float fixedTimeStep = 1.0f / 60.0f; // 60Hz float deltaTime = TimeManager::GetInstance()->DeltaTimeF(); if (deltaTime > 0.25f) deltaTime = 0.25f; accumulator += deltaTime; static std::unordered_map<PxRigidDynamic*, PhysXState> statesBefore{}; static

Fixed timestep graphics jitter

I'm trying to implement the article but I have jitter on the position interpolation.

video of the problem

I have the following PhysX manager class update method :

 const float fixedTimeStep = 1.0f / 60.0f; // 60Hz
 float deltaTime = TimeManager::GetInstance()->DeltaTimeF();        
 if (deltaTime > 0.25f)
     deltaTime = 0.25f;
 accumulator += deltaTime;

 static std::unordered_map<PxRigidDynamic*, PhysXState> statesBefore{};
 static std::unordered_map<PxRigidDynamic*, PhysXState> statesAfter{};

 if (statesBefore.empty()) {

 while (accumulator >= fixedTimeStep)
     statesBefore = statesAfter;

     mScene->simulate(fixedTimeStep, nullptr, GSimulateScratchMemory, GSimulateScratchMemorySize);
     accumulator = std::max(accumulator - fixedTimeStep, 0.f);


 // Calculate the interpolation factor for rendering
 float alpha = accumulator / fixedTimeStep;

 for (const auto& [body, stateBefore] : statesBefore) {
     if (statesAfter.find(body) != statesAfter.end()) {
         const auto& stateAfter =;
         PhysXState interpolatedState{};
         InterpolateStates(stateBefore, stateAfter, alpha, interpolatedState);

         // Update the interpolated state in the body userptr moveable body
         auto userPtr = static_cast<CollisionParam*>(body->userData);
         if (userPtr && userPtr->Body) {

This is how I retrieve the current state:

void RetrieveCurrentState(std::unordered_map<PxRigidDynamic*, PhysXState>& states) {
    for (auto rigidBody : mRigidBodies) {
        PhysXState state;

        physx::PxTransform transform = rigidBody->getGlobalPose();
        state.Position = glm::vec3(transform.p.x, transform.p.y, transform.p.z);
        state.Orientation = glm::quat(transform.q.w, transform.q.x, transform.q.y, transform.q.z);

        physx::PxVec3 linearVelocity = rigidBody->getLinearVelocity();
        state.Velocity = glm::vec3(linearVelocity.x, linearVelocity.y, linearVelocity.z);

        physx::PxVec3 angularVelocity = rigidBody->getAngularVelocity();
        state.AngularVelocity = glm::vec3(angularVelocity.x, angularVelocity.y, angularVelocity.z);

        states[rigidBody] = state;

And here is how I interpolate:

void InterpolateStates(const PhysXState& previous, const PhysXState& current, float alpha, PhysXState& interpolated)
    interpolated.Position = glm::mix(previous.Position, current.Position, alpha);
    interpolated.Orientation = glm::slerp(previous.Orientation, current.Orientation, alpha);
    interpolated.Velocity = glm::mix(previous.Velocity, current.Velocity, alpha);
    interpolated.AngularVelocity = glm::mix(previous.AngularVelocity, current.AngularVelocity, alpha);

Finally here is how I retrieve the interpolated position (currently using only the position as a test phase) to feed it into the graphics module:


What could be wrong and the movement is shaky/jittery ? Let me know if you need to see more code.

  • ✇Recent Questions - Game Development Stack Exchange
  • Trouble getting the right Interp Speed with 'FInterp To' nodeAriya Rivandi
    I was following this course using UE5 version 5.4.2 and building a "Handle Rotation" graph for a door that looks like this: I encountered this problem: setting the Interp Speed to anything but 0 makes the Return Value wrong. I mean that, as I understand FInterp, it should eventually return the Target value, but in my case interp speed just makes the value wrong. For example (Current = 0, Target = 90, Delta Time = World Delta Seconds, Interp Speed = 3) the return value of this is equal to 0.375.

Trouble getting the right Interp Speed with 'FInterp To' node

I was following this course using UE5 version 5.4.2 and building a "Handle Rotation" graph for a door that looks like this:

Handle rotation graph

I encountered this problem: setting the Interp Speed to anything but 0 makes the Return Value wrong.

I mean that, as I understand FInterp, it should eventually return the Target value, but in my case interp speed just makes the value wrong.

For example (Current = 0, Target = 90, Delta Time = World Delta Seconds, Interp Speed = 3) the return value of this is equal to 0.375.

I used event tick to set the delta time but it changes nothing.

Just setting the speed to 0 makes it work, but that is the problem, I want smooth rotation for my door.
